This is really cool. Just curious but how has it held up? I need to replace a muffler but if I could make it better, cooler and less in the way that would be even better.
Alright thanks for the videos though, it's a big help for go kart exhausts I've been wanting to make cus I do love the sound and there not hard to make
25% stronger and quieter and looks 1000% better! Great job!
Just an Average Joe Tnx broooo😄😘
Love the way how you use spray paint to transfer the dimensions of your parts, will be trying that too!
Best exhaust mod I've seen, and yes it would run better as it has a fare better air flow.
Good one.
Kako si počeo,sledeće godine da očekujemo klipove gde praviš auspuh za šleper.Sve naj buraz,samo tako nastavi.Pozz😊
Hahahaha a kad vi traze to :D
This is really cool. Just curious but how has it held up? I need to replace a muffler but if I could make it better, cooler and less in the way that would be even better.
So removing muffler makes engine slower and adding a bigger muffler makes it stronger?
Although not always practical, dual mufflers will reduce more sound if they are used in line, end to end. Been there, done that, more than once.
Odličan video imas Like on mene 👍👌♥️😁 #ŽP
Hvala caree
Brzo rastes brate svaka cast
Hvalaa care
I'm impressed.
Extra video snimi kako pravis auspuh za quad
Budem vidio :D
Doctor D.S. javit cu ti se na insta
Good job !!😎
Svaka cast👏
Hvalaa hvalaaa :D
Richtig fresh Diggah!
Hey just letting you know, the engine is a GP160, Not a Gx160. Small detail I could not help but notice.
Aham sry :D
Doctor D.S. Yea thanks for listening, btw cool content you got going!
That reminds me i need to mow my yard
Ladno danas mislim koliko bi bilo dobro kad bi ti stavio onaj auspuh na frezu i evo ga sad, o boze haha
Hahahahah xd
Daj si napravi takav auspuh samo mali veci i stavi ga na auto.
Moguce ali tesko jer nemam auto :D (svoj auto) xd
25% stronger. How did you measure that?
I felt, it draws much better ;)
Ha ha Alright. My body feels 17% stronger from yesterday after I took a walk.
Music sucks. Original tools sounds better.
#zp brate kad ce neji klip kad nesto popravljas na traktoru
Budem vidio :D
Tmax just kicked in yo
Kad ce karting
A sto si se napalio na auspuhe
A kad ih svi traze hahaha
Waste Of Time
I would buy one from you if your willing to make them
Not for sale, just idea ;)
Alright thanks for the videos though, it's a big help for go kart exhausts I've been wanting to make cus I do love the sound and there not hard to make
Теперь и пластик сгорит и дышать есть будет чем. Нельзя было сделать по другому?
Stavi link da doniramo za kartinga
Ma ne treba ;) Hvala od srca ;)
Doctor D.S. Sta back netreba
Doctor D.S. Sta ba netreba
Napravi karić a ne go kart
Come bruciare cinghia e carter :(
#ZP moze poz Nadimak mi je kićo
Mozee :D ako se sijetim jer ima puno zelja za pozdrav :I :D
A de je vise video za karting jebote
Pukla je dizna na karburatoru a ne mogu je posebno kupit to je problem a novi karburetor je 100eura :I
Doctor D.S.
A jebiga snimi klip sve lepo samo nemo ga palis.... Da vidimo bar kako je ispalo daj vise istrulismo ovde cekajuci