🔴Blood Work Course www.drstenekberg.com/blood-work-course 🔥Watch more life saving videos... 🔷 Top 10 SUPER FOODS That Can Heal A FATTY LIVER ua-cam.com/video/XpFc0JtPvP8/v-deo.html 🔷 #1 Absolute Best Way To Detox Your Liver ua-cam.com/video/u4i48FBwfs4/v-deo.html
I just ordered the bloodwork course. I want to learn how to read the tests for myself, and become better educated on what tests to request as well. Thank you for putting this course together. I’m looking forward to its arrival, and learning more. God bless you.
I also want to learn this stuff but I have kids I need to find better food to feed them and at the moment all we can afford is store beef and chicken and they always need clothes for school and musical instruments and what ever else too, it's crazy. So I'll just wait till he puts it on for free or I'll just learn it little by little in time I don't know. But $297 is way too much for me to spend at the moment.
@@akbananachucker2441 Yep- It’s always a matter of keeping our priorities straight. For most things, a little at a time, research and study to find information to sink in. If I had children, I’d do the same as you. Personally, I pray for God to lead me to the information I need to know, and when I need it - is usually when I find it. God bless you and yours, in Jesus name. May God lead you to everything you need to know, when you need it. Amen.
Hello Dr. Ekberg. Can I have an online consultation by you? I am 44 years old, I have a HbA1c 5,4%, I had in January 110 kg (183 cm) and fasting glucose 147 mg/dl. I did, like you said, intermittent fasting, also fasting 2 times 3 days, one time 6 days, now I am 88 kg. I took TUDCA 1200 mg/day but not everyday. I have lost my fatty liver but not the pancreas fat. My blood sugar was better, not perfect, but butter. Now I lost a lot of muscle and I can not afford OMAD anymore, I have to eat twice a day. But now the blood glucose is always above 110 mg/dl. HOMA IR ist 1,1. The DM Typ 1 Antibodies are negativ. I think I have Typ 2 diabetes but insulin deficient, I did not had the phase of insulin resistance. I have a dilema: to take the medications (Metformin, SGLT2-i, GLP1 RA, even insulin) or to try to lose weight further, and so, try to reverse the Pancreas lipomatosis and, hopefully, to reverse the production of insulin. Can you help me? Thank you very much!
I found this channel back in January. I am 41 years old 5’10” male and was 236 pounds. I finally had a realization to take control and do something about my big belly that felt so uncomfortable and bloated and got to the point it was making it difficult to put my shoes on and tie them Thank you so much for changing my life with some dedication and some willpower for four months straight. I’ve been doing 18:6 intermittent fasting daily and for the first time yesterday I skipped a whole day and went 35 hours. I also changed my eating habits. I’ve cut mostly all process foods. been trying to eat the least amount of sugar possible I break my fast with an avocado every day eggs beef, or chicken or fish with green vegetables, almonds, etc. I’m now 201 pounds And all I did was a little bit of walking no gym at all just some yardwork. I lost 35 pounds in four months and look lean. My skin looks better and my muscles all seem more defined. Somehow someway. All the weight that I lost came out or from the belly massive difference.
I learned when I almost died from covid that any doctor who laughs or ridicules a question you have about your own condition or treatment is a doctor that you should never ever trust again.
some doctors think they know it all and although most know a lot more than civilians, they do not know it all. Medicine's knowledge-base is growing every day because we don't know all nuances of the human body. I hope with technology one day we will.
In our country patients don' t usually ask questions about their illness and plan of treatment. Doctors seem to have all the say and they should expect 100 compliance to the Rx or the blame falls always on the patient.
In Western Medicine most doctors are controlled by Big Pharma and they subsidize their continuing education. We have a sick care system *NOT* a healthcare system.
I reversed my fatty liver and type 2 with a OMAD/high fat Keto diet with a complete ban on alcohol and a minimum of 2 hours walking a day . . . .I have never felt so good.
@@Barbara_Banks_1alcohol in itself does not cause blood sugar spike. You can do keto and drink a beer or two a day. Spirits have almost no effect on blood sugar. Drinking sweet wines and dozens of beers does indeed spike blood sugar and tax the liver, but to completely ban alcohol is not needed unless you have seriously damaged your liver already.
Had non alcohol fatty liver. Was like that for at least 3 years. My doctor mentioned it but never said anything about it being something to be concerned about or doing something to fix it. After the 3 year he said i should cut back on fat. I finally decided too look it up myself and realized it could be very serious. Changing to low carb and getting rid of ultra processed foods changed not only this but improved all my health problems.
Just calculated my number using an online calculator using the numbers you suggest. 3.73, also have really good ALT and AST numbers. Stopped drinking, consuming processed food, only eat twice a day and eat fruit and vegetables only in season. The main train of thought in this video is remove sugar, processed food/oils out of your eating regime. If it comes off a farm you can eat it, if it comes out of a factory don't touch it. Have a good weekend everyone. 🥰🥰🥰
My ultrasound wasn’t too exact. The Fibroscan (2 parts) was more specific. I reversed my NAFLD: No sugar, fructose, seed oils, red meat (for 8 mos), fruits, processed foods. I ran 1 mi/day, OMAD, fresh organic foods. My triglycerides dropped from 260 down to 64. My ferritin was over 700, now rock bottom. No pain. Lost 50 lbs. Don’t cheat - you can do it. 👍
I love these doctors who are truly dedicated to educating the public. Some are dedicated solely to writing prescriptions, and give little to no instruction on diet. And instruction on diet is essential for resolution to any health conditions... :(
Insulin resistance really just means, an overfed state. Cells are full, so sugar goes to triglycerides and ultimately FAT. The reason is clear; constant eating, high fructose corn syrup and processed foods/frankenfoods are causing this, in addition to being very damaging to our liver.
My doctor refused to investigate my signs and symptoms or refer me to a specialist, even though I have a genetic liver condition. I was stage 3 and miserable. 3 years of mostly carnivore has reversed nearly all signs and symptoms.
If you are in the US, you can do your own testing from a lab like Ulta. No, they don't take your insurance, but the prices are lower than what you'll pay if you go through your doctor and you can use FSA. After a few years of dealing with our own reluctant MD, we started paying to do our own tests as desired and it's so refreshing to not have try to convince someone.
This doctor needs to be cloned and put into every medical school to re-educate doctors with correct information about health. He is brilliant, and a gem of a person to anyone with common sense about how to improve their health in a sustained way. I just love learning from his simple to understand videos. I respect this man immensely 🙏🙏🙏
After a year on keto with IF (following Dr Ekberg's guidelines) my fatty liver index is 8. All indicators rock bottom (Trigs 43, GGT 13, BMI 23, Waste 34). Take that big food, big pharma and corrupt guideline orgs and govs! I will heal myself thank you very much!
Ich finde man sollte das in der Schule schon miteinbinden. Man lernt so viel Unbrauchbares. Aber um die Gesundheit gibt es kein Lernfach. Vielen Dank für dieses interessante Video.
By far, sugar is the addictive substance we know. It's more addictive than other "legal" drugs like tobacco and alcohol. The worse problem with sugar addiction is that it is socially acceptable, unlike with other substance addictions.
Sugar is positively promoted. Bake a cake for Charity morning. Heart, cancer Alzheimer's. I get scundered with a slice of cake or a wee bun or a bar of chocolate will do you no harm. Then the cocktail party gang it's not too bad they will tell you. Sure is. Avoid like the plaque.
If you use intermittent fasting and your liver fat is reducing would I be right in thinking the broken liver enzymes may be due to your liver trying to clear the toxins?
I highly respect Dr Ekberg. I have lost 25 lb working my way down to my ideal weight. His common sense approach is eye opening to say the least. I firmly believe that added sugar to our diets thru processed foods contribute to 85% of our health problems.
Don’t thank the government for *anything* - the constant meddling and regulation is at the root of all our problems. Every thing they do, every policy they push, the ostensible purpose is to aid societ, but rather tends to create more strife and stress across several markers for everyone effected. I would suggest, also, that oftentimes those effects are intentional, in order to manufacture an issue on which to base one’s re-election, at every level of government all the way down to the local.
I am impressed with the way you articulate this condition. I am male from Africa and I have been exposed to too much carbohydrates and sugar and now I am 50 and starting to lose weight drastically. I am eating a lot but continue to shrink. I really need help to deal with my situation because iam not getting any better. Replacing the carbs is also a challenge because it is also a question of affordability of organic and unprocessed food.
I started seeing a new doctor and I was very impressed that she did order fasting insulin and C-petides without me even asking her. It’s the first time a doctor does this, I think she’s a keeper.
The stats are insane and it's really sad that we aren't waking up to this yet. Thank you Dr Ekberg for all the work you do. I've been following you for years, and yes, I have personally regained my health thanks to your advice. Keep up the good work.
What would we do without him. He is the only man that knows the truth and he doesn’t keep it to himself. Every person listening to his wisdom is protected and saved , because their eyes are opened to the lies of the medical and commercial world. There is so much confusion and misinformation in this world. But Dr Sten is truthful and honest. You know you can take his word for everything he says…
Did the same about half a year ago mainly for mental reasons but I'm even today still amazed by the overall effects it has on everything. I lost more than 10 kg, most of it during the first few weeks / months. I'm 41 but for the first time in my (post-child) life wouldn't feel awkward being shirtless at the beach or a swimming pool 🥲 Although this is of secondary importance to me. I'm more concerned about my mental and physical health and really want to have some blood work done some time to get better insights in this.
Thank you for another great video, Dr. Ekberg. I am not obese, I weigh 140 lbs, I don't have T2D, my triglycerides are 66, waist size 30, I do not have my GGT levels available, fasting insulin level 4.3 and my ALT and AST liver enzymes are within the normal range. However, after watching your video, I will make an appointment with my doctor to get screened for fatty liver disease and my overall liver health. Thank you again. I truly believe your videos on insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, sugar, and processed carbohydrates and food are saving lives.
My doctor told me I had NAFLD after a CT scan, looking at my diverticulitis. I lost 25 pounds with NOOM and now my BMI is 24. I feel much better and digestion is improved.
@@kristoffseisler2163 yeah used to drink tea 3 times a day. Everyone do it here in India. Cut it to one with 1/2 spoon sugar. Will go no sugar from next month. It takes time.
I had to ask my doctor 3 times (over 3 years) for my insulin levels. Finally switched doctors and got my insulin results. It was like pulling teeth! My insulin levels was low/normal range, which I thought it would be but still thought it was very important to know.
It’s your money, they just administer the tests. You must insist the first time always. When I go in for blood panels and they say “you don’t need that” you must kindly insist until they fold.
This angers me greatly. Why should doctors limit you from gaining knowledge on your body's health? It's your health, you will suffer the consequences of neglecting it. And what is the Golden rule when it comes to your body and health? PREVENTION is worth far more than cure. Always stay ahead of the problem, don't just react to it when it's too late.
@@darkl3ad3rDoctors mostly deal with people that don't want to put the efort to change lifestyle and they can figure out very fast what meds are available for their condition without knowing all the details. They are there to provide a medication solution and for that they won't satisfy your need of self discovery and knowledge in the 'health' domain.
This is a serious concern all over the world. I think that World Health Organization should stop spending money on medication and instead put more money into Health Education; for, as the old saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure."
I've been on insulin 60 years ,since age 3, and I don't have fatty liver after being checked by ultrasound and biopsy. I feel great, dispute taking enormous doses of insulin all my life.
I am 27 years old. This information is relevant to any health conscious individual, and it would be an understatement to admit that Dr. Ekberg's teachings have revolutionized my conception of health.
I'm so glad that you took the time to explain to everyone why our blood work shows normal blood sugar despite us overeating sugar daily. Doctors need to talk to patients about lowering sugar intake as a preventative and corrective measure. Most people I know believe the pills allow them to continue to eat sugar without negative repercussions, and it is so hard to get them to see that isn't true.
Dr. Ekberg, that vid came automaticly in german in my phone with the AI translate and a similar voice like yours. But I switched to you original voice in englisch. Thanks for teaching us so passionet. Greatings from Germany Eszter
Ja nie dawno bo kilka tygodni temu spotkałem tego bardzo z dużą wiedzą doktora który ma umiejętność dzielenia się swoją cenna wiedzą jakie zachodzą procesy niewidzialne zmiany wewnętrznych naszych organach. Dziękuje pięknie za przywrócenie mi wiary w ludzi tego polotu jaki reprezentuje Mr Dr.Sten EkbergPoland
Dr. Ekberg, don't forget to review your video illustrations! At 1:14 you're talking about late liver issues while showing a man experiencing upper left quadrant abdominal pain. It could be of course that the video is mirrored, but in any case, it is a distraction from otherwise excellent content.
OMAD/high-fat Keto: This refers to the One Meal a Day (OMAD) approach combined with a high-fat Ketogenic diet, both of which have been shown to be effective in managing fatty liver and type 2 diabetes. Zero alcohol: Eliminating alcohol consumption is crucial for improving liver health, as alcohol is a major contributor to fatty liver disease. Daily 2-hour walks: Regular physical activity, particularly moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking, plays a significant role in weight management and overall health, which are essential for addressing fatty liver and type 2 diabetes.
I had a scan and was told I had signs of fatty liver. My INR is low 1.08 and my ferritin is high 407. AST, ALT and bilirubin were in range. Doc told me to lose weight and come back in 3 months!
High iron will ruin your liver! My cousin waiting for a transplant , heritary ..get iron seen about.They have to draw a lot of blood every do many days to get it down.
Malaysia is absolutely mad with sugar. When you order a drink at the many food stalls and local restaurants, it comes invariably in the sweet form, that is if it's a coffee or tea, it will be lad with sweetened milk, if it's a fruit juice, they include a large dose of liquid corn syrup. You will have to ask specifically for a reduced or no sugar at all. To top it off, they regularly eat rice 3 to 4 times a day. A real time bomb
Yes. It was quite a battle to get a non sugary coffee there. The poor waiters would look at me as if I'm mad and most couldn't even understand my request, what do you mean no sugary coffee, is there even such a thing?? Others would simply be unable to do that. It all comes in a pack, like 3 in1 or 5 in one instant coffee and sweet creamer. I eventually stopped asking for it and would stick to water lol
Oiittt not only in Malaysia. It is like that everywhere in the world. To avoid it, when you order your drinks just tell them you don't want sugar at all. You will get what you order
Oiittt not only in Malaysia. It is like that everywhere in the world. To avoid it, when you order your drinks just tell them you don't want sugar at all. You will get what you order
Bonjour dr , je vous suis de France, et vous trouve tres professionnel et claire dans vos propos, un véritable sniper de la santé thanks you... Plus de vidéo en français merci
My total cholesterol divided by my HDL is 4.9. Is that good? My triglycerides divided by my HDL is 3.77. Is that good? I weigh around 126 & I'm 5 foot. My AIC was 6.5 so I'm still working on that. Thanks Dr. Ekberg for all your great knowledge that you share on your channel.
Here the do a FibroScan (which is like an ultrasound) first. If that is inconclusive they do a special MRI with a vibrating plate over the liver which is fairly accurate to determine both liver stiffness and % fat.
My 35yrs Down Syndrome daughter always gets the AST and ALT high. The specialist did an ultrasound and it was normal. The diagnosis was dehydration. She doesn't drink much water. Hum! @drekberg
doc, love your video, been a subscriber since 10 years ago. A bit of an advice...putting music at the beginning is distracting. If you re going to do a "show open" (as we call it in the biz) then do one. Otherwise the music competes with your voice. Anyway, keep on truckin' !
I had real coconut water the other day . Had been sick .I got a large one . This was not pasteurized . Drank half it . Got home and checked my blood . I had been fasting do to not feeling well . Well it made my blood Suger go sky high for me 153 . I cann do any Suger like this . My tryglicerideds are high still .
I just got my blood checked and my liver levels were high. AST was 89 and ALT was 51. I am 180cm high, 75kg, 15% bodyfat or less, never drink alcohol and exercise alot. I learned that the high levels come from exercising and stressed muscles, which is normal for bodybuilders. If you are exercising alot, check again after 1 or 2 weeks after resting, the results will be different and normal. I eat mostly keto, no sugar consumption, no seed oils. Only a little handful of berries each day. But this wouldnt cause nafld.
That’s something I haven’t heard before….I’d love to hear Dr Sten’s opinion on this. Being a Dr and past Olympic champion he does know so much about exercise and muscle building.
Recently I got my blood test where my FBS was 106 for the first time but my A1C was 5.8 am I in risk of type 2 Im 62 years old tnks for yr helpful vidoes
Thank you for sharing. We need to let you know that the audio is not very clear. Hence, we have to strain in order to hear all of your good advice. What can be done at your end so that we can hear you better? At our end, the volume is already turned up to its maximum. Thanks very much.
Dr. Ekberg, can you sometime talk about the relationship of blood glucose readings to hemachromatosis? One out of 200 Caucasian people have this genetic mutation which causes high hematocrit numbers. Since glucose is carried by red blood cells, wouldn't that artificially raise the glucose reading somewhat? It would be so helpful to us with this condition to have you explain! Thank you so much for all your wonderful information.
Thank you @treahmoon7370. The glucose is actually not carried by the RBC's, even though they use some of the glucose. The glucose we measure is in the serum. Hemochromatosis is a stress on the organs though, so it can act to increase insulin resistance and blood glucose levels 😄
I have this, and I'm working on getting rid of it through functional Medicine because my PCP is an idiot and gave no advice what so ever so I turned to you, Dr. Hyman, and others on utube
These tests are not on every lab request. I work in a lab. To get the cholesterol/triglyceride levels, get a lipid panel. To get the glucose, GGT, etc., order a comprehensive metabolic panel. Insulin and c-peptide needs to be ordered separately. Disclaimer - I work for Quest Diagnostics. You can probably order these directly from Quest via Quest Direct.
Hello, Dr. Ekberg. I'm 25 and am from Iran. I've been watching your videos since 4 years ago. I'm completely destroyed these days and have constant suicidal thoughts and intentions. If you care, can you please make a video on brain health and mental health with all your knowledge and experience? Thanks.
Take a gratitude pill all day every day. Live a moral life. Find people that need help and go serve them. After having depression for 4 decades, I beat depression by doing those things. Haven’t been depressed for 26 years now despite going through cancer twice and losing everything I own including several of my family members. GRATITUDE is the ticket to happiness!!
Keto and especially carnivore will help you. Help someone and give words of encouragement to others and especially to yourself. Good job for reaching out.
I've been thinking about trying Dose wellness shots for the milk thistle and dandelion power. I have type 2 diabetes and NAFLD, which I am working to control with a healthier lifestyle. What are you thoughts on Dose in addition to the changes I've made?
Totally agree on insulin, and it's an embarrassment that doctors rarely test fasting insulin when there are _any_ markers of insulin resistance. The ignorance is astounding. Glad you also referenced HOMA-IR.
Someone said fructose as big reason for liver disease but add corn syrup it like coca8ne in food. My Dad had 100 pieces of candy every night beside soda chips and pretzels and never had diabetes and never gained weight
All sugar, processed junk food, dirty water, sedentary life,even eating only fruits ( apples) caused fatty liver(20 organic apples) the fat in the liver disappeared by cutting all fruits ( taboo),, fasting, hard manual work. This patient was consultant medical surgeon in Germany phoned me asked history gave advice he applied.
My son (18) was tested for diabetes when his ALT results came back high. After a number of tests and strict diet they told him to lose weight as he had fatty liver, (not diabetes) and prescribed him three months high dose vitamin D and folic acid to absorb the vitamin. His results have gone down slightly, but still higher than normal. Should he carry on with Vitamin D?
I did some private research on that. Me, my mother and brother take vitamin D, but not in high doses. I only take it in autumn and winter when there is less sun. I am an outdoor sportsman. So in the sun your skin takes up enough vitamin D with most people. My brother is home bound because of a nerve disease, so he takes it the whole year. Summary, the doses depend of the persons lifestyle. But high doses are an exception and for what I know that can do more harm than good. Talk to your GP about this, don't experiment with vitamin D.
Never been doctors all my life went for general check find out I’ve got fatty liver with 76alt whatever that is,told me I have high bad cholesterol and high good cholesterol and type2 diabetes 😢changed all my diet I do 16to 18hr intermittent fasting everyday hopefully my results come out good I’m so shocked
is half a lemon squeezed into warm water going to break a 3 day fast??? I drank it every morning because that s what I ve been doing for the last 2 years and it became a habit and just now I realized that I might have did my fast wrong…
I reversed my fatty liver by taking lecithin, also apple cider vinegar, but mainly due to lecithin. My relative reversed her fatty liver by taking pineapples.
I'd suggest a fasting INSULIN test. No, I don't mean a glucose test or A1C. Your goal is a range between (2-6), over 25 is diabetes. Notice the giant gap between healthy and sick enough your doctor will do something about it. = hyperinsulinemia. This level along with your triglycerides will tell you your metabolic health.
If you are in the US you can order your own blood labs through a company like ULTA, where you don't need to convince your doctor of what tests you want.
🔴Blood Work Course www.drstenekberg.com/blood-work-course
🔥Watch more life saving videos...
🔷 Top 10 SUPER FOODS That Can Heal A FATTY LIVER ua-cam.com/video/XpFc0JtPvP8/v-deo.html
🔷 #1 Absolute Best Way To Detox Your Liver ua-cam.com/video/u4i48FBwfs4/v-deo.html
I 👍🏾 Doc
I just ordered the bloodwork course. I want to learn how to read the tests for myself, and become better educated on what tests to request as well. Thank you for putting this course together. I’m looking forward to its arrival, and learning more. God bless you.
I also want to learn this stuff but I have kids I need to find better food to feed them and at the moment all we can afford is store beef and chicken and they always need clothes for school and musical instruments and what ever else too, it's crazy. So I'll just wait till he puts it on for free or I'll just learn it little by little in time I don't know. But $297 is way too much for me to spend at the moment.
@@akbananachucker2441 Yep- It’s always a matter of keeping our priorities straight. For most things, a little at a time, research and study to find information to sink in. If I had children, I’d do the same as you. Personally, I pray for God to lead me to the information I need to know, and when I need it - is usually when I find it. God bless you and yours, in Jesus name. May God lead you to everything you need to know, when you need it. Amen.
Hello Dr. Ekberg. Can I have an online consultation by you?
I am 44 years old, I have a HbA1c 5,4%, I had in January 110 kg (183 cm) and fasting glucose 147 mg/dl. I did, like you said, intermittent fasting, also fasting 2 times 3 days, one time 6 days, now I am 88 kg. I took TUDCA 1200 mg/day but not everyday. I have lost my fatty liver but not the pancreas fat. My blood sugar was better, not perfect, but butter. Now I lost a lot of muscle and I can not afford OMAD anymore, I have to eat twice a day. But now the blood glucose is always above 110 mg/dl. HOMA IR ist 1,1. The DM Typ 1 Antibodies are negativ. I think I have Typ 2 diabetes but insulin deficient, I did not had the phase of insulin resistance. I have a dilema: to take the medications (Metformin, SGLT2-i, GLP1 RA, even insulin) or to try to lose weight further, and so, try to reverse the Pancreas lipomatosis and, hopefully, to reverse the production of insulin.
Can you help me?
Thank you very much!
I found this channel back in January. I am 41 years old 5’10” male and was 236 pounds. I finally had a realization to take control and do something about my big belly that felt so uncomfortable and bloated and got to the point it was making it difficult to put my shoes on and tie them Thank you so much for changing my life with some dedication and some willpower for four months straight. I’ve been doing 18:6 intermittent fasting daily and for the first time yesterday I skipped a whole day and went 35 hours. I also changed my eating habits. I’ve cut mostly all process foods. been trying to eat the least amount of sugar possible I break my fast with an avocado every day eggs beef, or chicken or fish with green vegetables, almonds, etc. I’m now 201 pounds And all I did was a little bit of walking no gym at all just some yardwork. I lost 35 pounds in four months and look lean. My skin looks better and my muscles all seem more defined. Somehow someway. All the weight that I lost came out or from the belly massive difference.
I learned when I almost died from covid that any doctor who laughs or ridicules a question you have about your own condition or treatment is a doctor that you should never ever trust again.
some doctors think they know it all and although most know a lot more than civilians, they do not know it all. Medicine's knowledge-base is growing every day because we don't know all nuances of the human body. I hope with technology one day we will.
In our country patients don' t usually ask questions about their illness and plan of treatment. Doctors seem to have all the say and they should expect 100 compliance to the Rx or the blame falls always on the patient.
In Western Medicine most doctors are controlled by Big Pharma and they subsidize their continuing education. We have a sick care system *NOT* a healthcare system.
Doctors are now the #1 cause of death in the US, I don't understand why people still go pay them to destroy your health?!?
I don't trust any of them.
I reversed my fatty liver and type 2 with a OMAD/high fat Keto diet with a complete ban on alcohol and a minimum of 2 hours walking a day . . . .I have never felt so good.
Я тоже сейчас выпью литр хорошего вина и начну диету для лечения печени!
@@arxswg1009Alcohol in any form, is bad for the liver. Alcohol also causes blood sugar to go way up.
@@Barbara_Banks_1alcohol in itself does not cause blood sugar spike. You can do keto and drink a beer or two a day. Spirits have almost no effect on blood sugar. Drinking sweet wines and dozens of beers does indeed spike blood sugar and tax the liver, but to completely ban alcohol is not needed unless you have seriously damaged your liver already.
Well done !!!
Proud of you 👏
Love this bloke's calm delivery.
Have a wonderful day, Australian friend.
Me too. He's the real deal imo.
@@marcosmartinez5316 British say bloke as well
Had non alcohol fatty liver. Was like that for at least 3 years. My doctor mentioned it but never said anything about it being something to be concerned about or doing something to fix it. After the 3 year he said i should cut back on fat. I finally decided too look it up myself and realized it could be very serious. Changing to low carb and getting rid of ultra processed foods changed not only this but improved all my health problems.
Just calculated my number using an online calculator using the numbers you suggest. 3.73, also have really good ALT and AST numbers. Stopped drinking, consuming processed food, only eat twice a day and eat fruit and vegetables only in season. The main train of thought in this video is remove sugar, processed food/oils out of your eating regime. If it comes off a farm you can eat it, if it comes out of a factory don't touch it. Have a good weekend everyone. 🥰🥰🥰
Ditto on that. I stay away from anything that comes in a plastic bag or bottle or can or box etc. Easy for a guy like me that is no genius!!
My ultrasound wasn’t too exact. The Fibroscan (2 parts) was more specific. I reversed my NAFLD: No sugar, fructose, seed oils, red meat (for 8 mos), fruits, processed foods. I ran 1 mi/day, OMAD, fresh organic foods. My triglycerides dropped from 260 down to 64. My ferritin was over 700, now rock bottom. No pain. Lost 50 lbs. Don’t cheat - you can do it. 👍
Forgot - no alcohol for 18 mos. 💪
so you quit red meat after 8 months? what replaced it?
what do you think helped with your ferrintin level? I had trouble to bring it up
I'm confused, are you saying no red meat? What did you eat?
If you want to LIVE and not survive, take care of your LIVEr ......Thank you, Dr Ekberg for taking care of our most precious capital: HEALTH
I love these doctors who are truly dedicated to educating the public. Some are dedicated solely to writing prescriptions, and give little to no instruction on diet. And instruction on diet is essential for resolution to any health conditions... :(
You are welcome @lyndalynda9182. Thank you for watching. 😄
What extra can be done for optimal liver health? Any recommendations?
That’s helpful 🤣
Insulin resistance really just means, an overfed state. Cells are full, so sugar goes to triglycerides and ultimately FAT. The reason is clear; constant eating, high fructose corn syrup and processed foods/frankenfoods are causing this, in addition to being very damaging to our liver.
Not quite lol
@@YeshuaKingMessiah Wow, such a well thought out and articulate rebuttal.
@@genuineimpulse9134 🤣🤣🤣In near tears now
Add seed oils to the list of liver damaging things.
@@YeshuaKingMessiahPlease explain?
My doctor refused to investigate my signs and symptoms or refer me to a specialist, even though I have a genetic liver condition. I was stage 3 and miserable. 3 years of mostly carnivore has reversed nearly all signs and symptoms.
If you are in the US, you can do your own testing from a lab like Ulta. No, they don't take your insurance, but the prices are lower than what you'll pay if you go through your doctor and you can use FSA. After a few years of dealing with our own reluctant MD, we started paying to do our own tests as desired and it's so refreshing to not have try to convince someone.
@@genuineimpulse9134I do order my labs also! It It is much better than paying my deductible.
You can become a doctor of yourself.
Your dr wants you sick , that’s how they make money. You’re no good to him if you’re healthy.
Get a homeopath
This doctor needs to be cloned and put into every medical school to re-educate doctors with correct information about health. He is brilliant, and a gem of a person to anyone with common sense about how to improve their health in a sustained way. I just love learning from his simple to understand videos. I respect this man immensely 🙏🙏🙏
Leider würden die Rockefellers ihn und seine Klone töten.
Zu viel Reichweite bringt nur Probleme
After a year on keto with IF (following Dr Ekberg's guidelines) my fatty liver index is 8. All indicators rock bottom (Trigs 43, GGT 13, BMI 23, Waste 34). Take that big food, big pharma and corrupt guideline orgs and govs! I will heal myself thank you very much!
You are so close to having 4 million followers ♥️♥️. It’s so wonderful Dr Sten.
Thank you @lee-anne2353. It's been picking up nicely. Should get there in about 4 weeks 😄
Good eyes👍 - 👍
@@drekberg Congrats👍
@@drekberg So proud of you Dr Sten. You are doing something amazing in this world ♥️♥️
Ich finde man sollte das in der Schule schon miteinbinden. Man lernt so viel Unbrauchbares. Aber um die Gesundheit gibt es kein Lernfach.
Vielen Dank für dieses interessante Video.
By far, sugar is the addictive substance we know. It's more addictive than other "legal" drugs like tobacco and alcohol. The worse problem with sugar addiction is that it is socially acceptable, unlike with other substance addictions.
Not only acceptable but it’s used as a reward!!
Sugar is positively promoted. Bake a cake for Charity morning. Heart, cancer Alzheimer's.
I get scundered with a slice of cake or a wee bun or a bar of chocolate will do you no harm.
Then the cocktail party gang it's not too bad they will tell you.
Sure is.
Avoid like the plaque.
If you use intermittent fasting and your liver fat is reducing would I be right in thinking the broken liver enzymes may be due to your liver trying to clear the toxins?
It multiplied when high fructose corn syrup entered the picture.
@@williamh4172 HFC made a bad problem even worse in the USA
I highly respect Dr Ekberg. I have lost 25 lb working my way down to my ideal weight. His common sense approach is eye opening to say the least. I firmly believe that added sugar to our diets thru processed foods contribute to 85% of our health problems.
You can thank the FDA for approving using HFCS as a replacement for sucrose.
And all the other chemicals we ingest
Don’t thank the government for *anything* - the constant meddling and regulation is at the root of all our problems. Every thing they do, every policy they push, the ostensible purpose is to aid societ, but rather tends to create more strife and stress across several markers for everyone effected. I would suggest, also, that oftentimes those effects are intentional, in order to manufacture an issue on which to base one’s re-election, at every level of government all the way down to the local.
what does hfcs stand for?
@@brendareed5050 High Fructose Corn Syrup
@@brendareed5050high fructose corn syrup??
I am impressed with the way you articulate this condition. I am male from Africa and I have been exposed to too much carbohydrates and sugar and now I am 50 and starting to lose weight drastically. I am eating a lot but continue to shrink. I really need help to deal with my situation because iam not getting any better. Replacing the carbs is also a challenge because it is also a question of affordability of organic and unprocessed food.
I started seeing a new doctor and I was very impressed that she did order fasting insulin and C-petides without me even asking her. It’s the first time a doctor does this, I think she’s a keeper.
The stats are insane and it's really sad that we aren't waking up to this yet. Thank you Dr Ekberg for all the work you do. I've been following you for years, and yes, I have personally regained my health thanks to your advice. Keep up the good work.
What would we do without him. He is the only man that knows the truth and he doesn’t keep it to himself. Every person listening to his wisdom is protected and saved , because their eyes are opened to the lies of the medical and commercial world. There is so much confusion and misinformation in this world. But Dr Sten is truthful and honest. You know you can take his word for everything he says…
Whoever reads this, I pray to cure all your diseases and to remove all your pains from your daily life 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you and you as well! 🙏
Thank you and many blessings to you and family
I stopped drinking alcohol 14 years ago and I really do feel a lot better!
Did the same about half a year ago mainly for mental reasons but I'm even today still amazed by the overall effects it has on everything. I lost more than 10 kg, most of it during the first few weeks / months. I'm 41 but for the first time in my (post-child) life wouldn't feel awkward being shirtless at the beach or a swimming pool 🥲 Although this is of secondary importance to me. I'm more concerned about my mental and physical health and really want to have some blood work done some time to get better insights in this.
That's great. Alcohol is nothing but poison.
You wallet feels a lot better too
I am trying to stop, have tried many times
How can one stop
You are doing all of humanity and others like you more good than can be imagined.
Thank you
He is.
Hello from Australia 🇦🇺 Dr. Ekberg, thank you very much for this information.
You are welcome @edensmith552. Thank you for watching. 😄
Thank you for another great video, Dr. Ekberg. I am not obese, I weigh 140 lbs, I don't have T2D, my triglycerides are 66, waist size 30, I do not have my GGT levels available, fasting insulin level 4.3 and my ALT and AST liver enzymes are within the normal range. However, after watching your video, I will make an appointment with my doctor to get screened for fatty liver disease and my overall liver health. Thank you again. I truly believe your videos on insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, sugar, and processed carbohydrates and food are saving lives.
My doctor told me I had NAFLD after a CT scan, looking at my diverticulitis. I lost 25 pounds with NOOM and now my BMI is 24. I feel much better and digestion is improved.
So simply explained - no one should have any trouble understanding this!
From 5 spoon sugar to just 1/2. No more fatty liver here. Cutting on sugar helps alot.
in your tea?
@@kristoffseisler2163 yeah used to drink tea 3 times a day. Everyone do it here in India. Cut it to one with 1/2 spoon sugar. Will go no sugar from next month. It takes time.
@@rajdeepsingh4982 good luck man
I had to ask my doctor 3 times (over 3 years) for my insulin levels. Finally switched doctors and got my insulin results. It was like pulling teeth! My insulin levels was low/normal range, which I
thought it would be but still thought it was very important to know.
Good for you!!!!! 😊
It’s your money, they just administer the tests. You must insist the first time always. When I go in for blood panels and they say “you don’t need that” you must kindly insist until they fold.
My last blood test had to ask twice for triglyceride levels. Great, but were too high 15 years ago. So I like to know.
This angers me greatly. Why should doctors limit you from gaining knowledge on your body's health? It's your health, you will suffer the consequences of neglecting it. And what is the Golden rule when it comes to your body and health?
PREVENTION is worth far more than cure. Always stay ahead of the problem, don't just react to it when it's too late.
@@darkl3ad3rDoctors mostly deal with people that don't want to put the efort to change lifestyle and they can figure out very fast what meds are available for their condition without knowing all the details. They are there to provide a medication solution and for that they won't satisfy your need of self discovery and knowledge in the 'health' domain.
The bigggest toxin causing fatty liver is fructose, but we think it is food and give it to our kids in unlimited quantities.
Lobbyists rule politicians
Yes, very scary stats regarding young children having fatty livers as well.
This is a serious concern all over the world. I think that World Health Organization should stop spending money on medication and instead put more money into Health Education; for, as the old saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure."
Thank you Dr. Ekberg. Our living body is the thing that we truly own in this world. It is important to keep it healthy.
Thank you @introidegumilang8603. Great Point 😄
your channel is simply the best. precise, correct, no gossip (from the mountains), and practicable
I've been on insulin 60 years ,since age 3, and I don't have fatty liver after being checked by ultrasound and biopsy. I feel great, dispute taking enormous doses of insulin all my life.
Good morning Dr. Ekberg! Thanks for a great video! Hope you have a happy Friday!
Thank you @angelfriend3710. I wish you the same 😄
What a fantastic session. Thank you for sharing 🙏
You are welcome @balasandarkalieannan300. Thank you for watching. 😄
I am 27 years old. This information is relevant to any health conscious individual, and it would be an understatement to admit that Dr. Ekberg's teachings have revolutionized my conception of health.
I'm so glad that you took the time to explain to everyone why our blood work shows normal blood sugar despite us overeating sugar daily. Doctors need to talk to patients about lowering sugar intake as a preventative and corrective measure. Most people I know believe the pills allow them to continue to eat sugar without negative repercussions, and it is so hard to get them to see that isn't true.
Thank you Dr. Ekberg! Your presentation should be shown in all schools!!!!
It would be rejected. No one really wants to know they can't eat things they've grown up eating.
I reversed my prediabetes from 6.7 to 5.3 just fixing my diet.
Good morning health champions! Thank you Dr. Ekberg for another fantastic video.
Thank you @newoldstock_ for letting me know. I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks for watching.😄
Dr. Ekberg, that vid came automaticly in german in my phone with the AI translate and a similar voice like yours. But I switched to you original voice in englisch. Thanks for teaching us so passionet. Greatings from Germany Eszter
So grateful for your channel! I recommend your channel to my friends!
Thank you Dr. Ekberg for another life saving video!
I rely on you for my health knowledge. Certainly can't rely on my dr. So thank you very much. Especially this video. X
Ja nie dawno bo kilka tygodni temu spotkałem tego bardzo z dużą wiedzą doktora który ma umiejętność dzielenia się swoją cenna wiedzą jakie zachodzą procesy niewidzialne zmiany wewnętrznych naszych organach.
Dziękuje pięknie za przywrócenie mi wiary w ludzi tego polotu jaki reprezentuje Mr Dr.Sten EkbergPoland
Dr. Ekberg, don't forget to review your video illustrations! At 1:14 you're talking about late liver issues while showing a man experiencing upper left quadrant abdominal pain. It could be of course that the video is mirrored, but in any case, it is a distraction from otherwise excellent content.
This is fantastic, Dr. Ekberg is legend, no one can deny.
Follow the money.
.....and the motive behind making the populos ill
Thank you @thewidowT Sad but true
Greetings from Romania 🙏
OMAD/high-fat Keto: This refers to the One Meal a Day (OMAD) approach combined with a high-fat Ketogenic diet, both of which have been shown to be effective in managing fatty liver and type 2 diabetes.
Zero alcohol: Eliminating alcohol consumption is crucial for improving liver health, as alcohol is a major contributor to fatty liver disease.
Daily 2-hour walks: Regular physical activity, particularly moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking, plays a significant role in weight management and overall health, which are essential for addressing fatty liver and type 2 diabetes.
I had a scan and was told I had signs of fatty liver. My INR is low 1.08 and my ferritin is high 407. AST, ALT and bilirubin were in range. Doc told me to lose weight and come back in 3 months!
Good advice, take it!
High iron will ruin your liver! My cousin waiting for a transplant , heritary ..get iron seen about.They have to draw a lot of blood every do many days to get it down.
@@valerielock2374 That came back on a non fasting blood test. That may had some effect on it. My iron I think was 80 which is in range.
Planet Ayurveda's YAKRIT PLIHANTAK CAPSULE will help
Malaysia is absolutely mad with sugar. When you order a drink at the many food stalls and local restaurants, it comes invariably in the sweet form, that is if it's a coffee or tea, it will be lad with sweetened milk, if it's a fruit juice, they include a large dose of liquid corn syrup. You will have to ask specifically for a reduced or no sugar at all. To top it off, they regularly eat rice 3 to 4 times a day. A real time bomb
Yes. It was quite a battle to get a non sugary coffee there. The poor waiters would look at me as if I'm mad and most couldn't even understand my request, what do you mean no sugary coffee, is there even such a thing?? Others would simply be unable to do that. It all comes in a pack, like 3 in1 or 5 in one instant coffee and sweet creamer. I eventually stopped asking for it and would stick to water lol
Oiittt not only in Malaysia. It is like that everywhere in the world. To avoid it, when you order your drinks just tell them you don't want sugar at all. You will get what you order
Oiittt not only in Malaysia. It is like that everywhere in the world. To avoid it, when you order your drinks just tell them you don't want sugar at all. You will get what you order
Thank you Dr. Ekberg for sharing this very important health issue about the Liver I appreciated!
Wishing you all peace and good health and good luck. Wishing your family lots of luck
Bonjour dr , je vous suis de France, et vous trouve tres professionnel et claire dans vos propos, un véritable sniper de la santé thanks you... Plus de vidéo en français merci
Thank you Dr Sten Ekberg for the information and explanation
health is wealth!
My total cholesterol divided by my HDL is 4.9. Is that good? My triglycerides divided by my HDL is 3.77. Is that good? I weigh around 126 & I'm 5 foot. My AIC was 6.5 so I'm still working on that. Thanks Dr. Ekberg for all your great knowledge that you share on your channel.
Here the do a FibroScan (which is like an ultrasound) first. If that is inconclusive they do a special MRI with a vibrating plate over the liver which is fairly accurate to determine both liver stiffness and % fat.
My 35yrs Down Syndrome daughter always gets the AST and ALT high. The specialist did an ultrasound and it was normal. The diagnosis was dehydration. She doesn't drink much water. Hum! @drekberg
BMI plays a huge part in the calculation. Low numbers for all but BMI still gives “indeterminate, please verify”.
doc, love your video, been a subscriber since 10 years ago. A bit of an advice...putting music at the beginning is distracting. If you re going to do a "show open" (as we call it in the biz) then do one. Otherwise the music competes with your voice. Anyway, keep on truckin' !
Thank you Dr Sten Ekberg ✌🏻🇬🇧
I Always share your Health Champion truthful health advice 🤗
You are The Best 💪🏻 🏆
Thank you so much for all this information ! I really appreciate it !
I had real coconut water the other day .
Had been sick .I got a large one . This was not pasteurized . Drank half it .
Got home and checked my blood .
I had been fasting do to not feeling well .
Well it made my blood Suger go sky high for me 153 . I cann do any Suger like this .
My tryglicerideds are high still .
Great video. Easy to follow. Thanks!
Thank you, Dr. Eckberg💖💖
There is no 'c' in his last name. Ekberg. ☺️
You are saving the world
I just got my blood checked and my liver levels were high. AST was 89 and ALT was 51. I am 180cm high, 75kg, 15% bodyfat or less, never drink alcohol and exercise alot. I learned that the high levels come from exercising and stressed muscles, which is normal for bodybuilders. If you are exercising alot, check again after 1 or 2 weeks after resting, the results will be different and normal. I eat mostly keto, no sugar consumption, no seed oils. Only a little handful of berries each day. But this wouldnt cause nafld.
What about your sugar, carbohydrate, seed oil intake? Breads & grains?
@@aliciastanley5582 i dont eat bread. Mostly keto My fasting glucose was 63mg/dl. No sugar consumption. I avoid all seed oils
Those numbers seem very high. My numbers are about half of that. You can get a MRI on the liver.
That’s something I haven’t heard before….I’d love to hear Dr Sten’s opinion on this. Being a Dr and past Olympic champion he does know so much about exercise and muscle building.
High number. Adopt low carb diet along with IF.
Thank you so much, Dr. Ekberg!
Recently I got my blood test where my FBS was 106 for the first time but my A1C was 5.8 am I in risk of type 2 Im 62 years old tnks for yr helpful vidoes
Good video , thanks.
Question; does a hemangioma/ in the liver have a negative effect?
Please forgive my ignorance, but what is that of which you speak?
Its a type of benigne tumor made out of blood vessels
A few years ago my CT scan showed that my liver had that...my oncologist told me it was nothing to worry about.
@@ichthusthreeIt's a benign buildup of blood vessels
I have hemangioma in my leg. Is it possible to have it in my liver?
Good Morning Dr Sten💋💋♥️♥️
Good Morning @lee-anne2353 😄
@@drekberg 🌹♥️
Thank you for this video. Is there a way I can contact you?
Thank you for translation
Thank you for sharing. We need to let you know that the audio is not very clear. Hence, we have to strain in order to hear all of your good advice. What can be done at your end so that we can hear you better? At our end, the volume is already turned up to its maximum. Thanks very much.
Dr. Ekberg, can you sometime talk about the relationship of blood glucose readings to hemachromatosis? One out of 200 Caucasian people have this genetic mutation which causes high hematocrit numbers. Since glucose is carried by red blood cells, wouldn't that artificially raise the glucose reading somewhat? It would be so helpful to us with this condition to have you explain! Thank you so much for all your wonderful information.
Thank you @treahmoon7370. The glucose is actually not carried by the RBC's, even though they use some of the glucose. The glucose we measure is in the serum. Hemochromatosis is a stress on the organs though, so it can act to increase insulin resistance and blood glucose levels 😄
I have this, and I'm working on getting rid of it through functional Medicine because my PCP is an idiot and gave no advice what so ever so I turned to you, Dr. Hyman, and others on utube
Dr. Sten, once again thank you for this good info.
what is better phosphatidylcholine, 600 mg or NAC is only need it to help liver?
I take NAC and Milk Thistle and reversed my severe liver disease
@@vickiemiller4227 thank you for sharing, it helps to know there is a hope
@@Robert-xo5zb You're welcome! There is always hope. The liver has the ability to regenerate and heal.
Excellent video, thanks so much.
These tests are not on every lab request. I work in a lab. To get the cholesterol/triglyceride levels, get a lipid panel. To get the glucose, GGT, etc., order a comprehensive metabolic panel. Insulin and c-peptide needs to be ordered separately.
Disclaimer - I work for Quest Diagnostics. You can probably order these directly from Quest via Quest Direct.
Hello, Dr. Ekberg.
I'm 25 and am from Iran. I've been watching your videos since 4 years ago.
I'm completely destroyed these days and have constant suicidal thoughts and intentions.
If you care, can you please make a video on brain health and mental health with all your knowledge and experience?
My heart goes out to you. Please keep the faith
Take a gratitude pill all day every day. Live a moral life. Find people that need help and go serve them.
After having depression for 4 decades, I beat depression by doing those things.
Haven’t been depressed for 26 years now despite going through cancer twice and losing everything I own including several of my family members.
GRATITUDE is the ticket to happiness!!
Jesus be with you!please find in internet the Iranian that found Jesus and found the truth. We love you❤
Keto and especially carnivore will help you. Help someone and give words of encouragement to others and especially to yourself. Good job for reaching out.
@@joycepappan4796 agree with this. Do please try it, starting with 90 days. I'm sure you'll notice the difference. Very best of luck ❤❤❤x
I've been thinking about trying Dose wellness shots for the milk thistle and dandelion power. I have type 2 diabetes and NAFLD, which I am working to control with a healthier lifestyle. What are you thoughts on Dose in addition to the changes I've made?
I would be very interested to know about uric acid, are you planning to make a video?
I enjoyed this. I’m of Polynesian decency
Totally agree on insulin, and it's an embarrassment that doctors rarely test fasting insulin when there are _any_ markers of insulin resistance. The ignorance is astounding. Glad you also referenced HOMA-IR.
@Dr_StenEkberg1. faux cough
Someone said fructose as big reason for liver disease but add corn syrup it like coca8ne in food. My Dad had 100 pieces of candy every night beside soda chips and pretzels and never had diabetes and never gained weight
Not all people are same.
Go ahead take 100 pcs candy every night, soda, chips & pretzel
All sugar, processed junk food, dirty water, sedentary life,even eating only fruits ( apples) caused fatty liver(20 organic apples) the fat in the liver disappeared by cutting all fruits ( taboo),, fasting, hard manual work. This patient was consultant medical surgeon in Germany phoned me asked history gave advice he applied.
My son (18) was tested for diabetes when his ALT results came back high. After a number of tests and strict diet they told him to lose weight as he had fatty liver, (not diabetes) and prescribed him three months high dose vitamin D and folic acid to absorb the vitamin. His results have gone down slightly, but still higher than normal. Should he carry on with Vitamin D?
I did some private research on that. Me, my mother and brother take vitamin D, but not in high doses. I only take it in autumn and winter when there is less sun. I am an outdoor sportsman. So in the sun your skin takes up enough vitamin D with most people. My brother is home bound because of a nerve disease, so he takes it the whole year. Summary, the doses depend of the persons lifestyle. But high doses are an exception and for what I know that can do more harm than good. Talk to your GP about this, don't experiment with vitamin D.
Never been doctors all my life went for general check find out I’ve got fatty liver with 76alt whatever that is,told me I have high bad cholesterol and high good cholesterol and type2 diabetes 😢changed all my diet I do 16to 18hr intermittent fasting everyday hopefully my results come out good I’m so shocked
is half a lemon squeezed into warm water going to break a 3 day fast??? I drank it every morning because that s what I ve been doing for the last 2 years and it became a habit and just now I realized that I might have did my fast wrong…
I reversed my fatty liver by taking lecithin, also apple cider vinegar, but mainly due to lecithin. My relative reversed her fatty liver by taking pineapples.
Thank you doctor
Good opportunity to talk about Terry's nail.
I have a fatty liver and I'm not even fat, nor do I drink. It all started when I had my gallbladder out.
Thanks Dr ❤
My ultrasound came back fat intrusive in liver..Got some work to do..
whats the 1st sign? 😅
Insulin resistance
I'd suggest a fasting INSULIN test. No, I don't mean a glucose test or A1C. Your goal is a range between (2-6), over 25 is diabetes. Notice the giant gap between healthy and sick enough your doctor will do something about it. = hyperinsulinemia. This level along with your triglycerides will tell you your metabolic health.
If you are in the US you can order your own blood labs through a company like ULTA, where you don't need to convince your doctor of what tests you want.
thank you so much❤
أعجبتي الترجمة و كأنني أسمع صوتك الحقيقي. هكذا يستفيد عدد كبير من الناس من علمك. شكرا لك يا دكتور.