Taha Abderrahmane: The Prophetic Biography and the Foundationalization of Ethics

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Notes:
    1) The book that Taha is referring to throughout this lecture, which this lecture is based on, is his latest work, ‘Su’āl al-Sīra al-Falsafiyya’.
    2) Taha’s distinction between contemplation [tafakkur] and (mere) thinking [tafkīr] is further elaborated upon in his other lecture, “The Distinction Between Contemplation and Thinking”.
    3) A Sign [āya] for Taha is something that combines ontology and ethics together, as opposed to a phenomenon which is mere ontology. This is a response to Hume’s Is-Ought Problem which states that one cannot derive prescriptive statements (what ought to be, i.e. ethics) from descriptive statements (what is the case, i.e. ontology). See Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature (Book III, part I, section I) for more details. For Taha’s more direct critique of this, see his work ‘Su’āl al-Akhlāq’.
    4) For a more metaphysical explanation of the Covenant of Testimony [mīthāq al-ishhād], viewers might find it helpful to peruse Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attās’ work ‘Islam: The Covenants Fulfilled’.
    5) To understand Taha’s paradigm of ‘trusteeship’ [i’timānī], see his work ‘al-Ta’sīs al-I’timānī li-ʿIlm al-Maqāṣid’, or a secondary work on the topic in English, ‘Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm’.
    6) ibn al-Nafīs’ work on the Prophetic Biography referred to is the ‘al-Risāla al-Kāmiliyya fī ‘l-Sīrah al-Nabawiyya’ which was translated into Latin as the ‘Theologus Autodidactus’, which is a philosophical novel.
    7) The ethicization of intellect that Taha is referring to is related to the transformation from denuded reason [ʿaql mujarrad] to enhanced reason [ʿaql mu’ayyad]. See his work ‘al-ʿAmal al-Dīnī’ for more information on the different levels of reason.
    8) The word for “ḍāll” in the verse 93:7 has been rendered as “searching”. One of the literal meanings of “ḍāll” is ‘astray’ as ibn Manẓūr says in ‘Lisān al-ʿArab’: “the opposite of guidance [hudā] and right path [rashād]”. However, as Abū Ḥayyān al-Andalusī says in his commentary of this verse in his linguistic exegsis ‘al-Baḥr al-Muḥīṭ’: “This cannot be interpreted as the misguidance that is the opposite of guidance [hudā], for the prophets are infallible from that. Sayyidunā ibn ʿAbbās’ (may God be pleased with him!) opinion is that it refers to the Prophet being lost as a child in the valleys of Mecca, then God returned him to his grandfather ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib. It has also been said: His ﷺ being lost from Ḥalīma, his wet nurse, and another opinion is that he got lost on the way to Shām when Abū Ṭālib took him out. Some commentators have expressed opinions that include things that should not be attributed to the prophets, blessings and peace be upon them.”
    And God and His Emissary ﷺ knows best.
    Lecture delivered by Prof. Dr. Taha Abderrahmane in Istanbul, July 31 2024.
    Full video originally uploaded by Islâm Düşünce Enstitüsü [IDE].


  • @samimaaroufi4841
    @samimaaroufi4841 8 днів тому +8

    Very good job! To translate his works is an important Fard Kifayah that will benefit the whole Ummah inshaAllah. May Allah bless you!

  • @abdullahsohail8601
    @abdullahsohail8601 День тому +1

    JazakAllah brother.

  • @kifahmohammed4294
    @kifahmohammed4294 5 днів тому

    اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الطاهرين

  • @a_wanderer
    @a_wanderer 5 днів тому

    May Allah bless you and Mufti Saleh Baseer for introducing me to such an intellectual giant. Your brother from Bangladesh🪷

  • @adeebfeeroz3434
    @adeebfeeroz3434 3 дні тому

    good work bro

  • @zaydmuhamed
    @zaydmuhamed 7 днів тому

    Shukran ya Aqil

  • @armiyawobilal1758
    @armiyawobilal1758 7 днів тому +1

    May Allah reward you for your efforts in eliminating barriers on the frontiers of knowledge

  • @golden21eye
    @golden21eye 6 днів тому

    Well done brother 🤲

  • @muhammadtayyabamer2123
    @muhammadtayyabamer2123 7 днів тому +2

    An excellent and insightful lecture. Subhanallah! Yet, I can't help but come up with the following question: if the ethicizing of Intellects of Companions in Makkah and ethicizing of their wills in Madina are taken as established, how can we understand the many conflicts that emerge between them in our sacred history? Yes, us Sunnis would call them ijtihadi issues but the issues remained nonetheless, especially in the Political Realm, and led to many serious disputes and fights. So, on face value, this extremely profound and remarkable theory doesn't seem to gel well with the actual practical realities that we see arise amongst the Companions. How would Shaykh Taha respond to that, I wonder?

  • @rantsofazombie
    @rantsofazombie 8 днів тому +1

    May Allah reward you immensely for bringing this to us! ❤

  • @sisdiwi1
    @sisdiwi1 8 днів тому +2

    MashaAllah Bro Aqil, jazakallah khayr for sharing and providing the translation. Truly appreciated. May Allah reward you generously for it.

  • @therealabo
    @therealabo 8 днів тому +2

    JazakumUllahu Khayran for this service! May Allah bless and preserve you, Aameen

  • @Millathunmain
    @Millathunmain 8 днів тому +3

    So you seem to be translating 1 lecture per 2 weeks, nice 👍