So the camera problem I had towards the end was my OBS recording software getting bogged down by my having several applications and programs open and running on my PC. I guess 16GB of RAM couldn't handle it. Definite learning point. Sorry about that. I'll do better. 🤣
@@bgnswtyeyexo8862 absolutely true. I had to try to strike a balance between acceptable performance for the majority and preserving the look I needed and wanted. I think hole 7, 13 and 17 are particularly taxing. I will continue to look at ways to squeeze out performance. Thanks Rusty and all the viewers.
@@pakmanstudios Performance was more than acceptable. I didn't dip below 50fps in 4k on my 3080TI, but usually it's pegged at 60. The grass around the tee boxes looks as real as any course out right now. Played it again this evening!
Rusty love the videos gives a nice insight into things. This Probably sounds gimmicky but I’ve always wondered or wanted to see a course that was “prehistoric”. While overwhelming majority of courses are made to be real and realistic would be cool to have a few a little out there. Foggy, perhaps a few raptor fields or t-Rex mini bunker footprints! I know from bear run this seems theoretically possible with current tools but maybe it’s a huge pain. From my golden tee days I always liked playing on moon, Antarctica or with lava. Perhaps something like this already exists
So the camera problem I had towards the end was my OBS recording software getting bogged down by my having several applications and programs open and running on my PC. I guess 16GB of RAM couldn't handle it. Definite learning point. Sorry about that. I'll do better. 🤣
I played through this today, one of the more demanding GPU courses so far. LOTS of grass
@@bgnswtyeyexo8862 My 3080 handled it great but I had a bunch of other programs going that didn't help.
@@bgnswtyeyexo8862 absolutely true. I had to try to strike a balance between acceptable performance for the majority and preserving the look I needed and wanted. I think hole 7, 13 and 17 are particularly taxing. I will continue to look at ways to squeeze out performance. Thanks Rusty and all the viewers.
@@pakmanstudios Performance was more than acceptable. I didn't dip below 50fps in 4k on my 3080TI, but usually it's pegged at 60. The grass around the tee boxes looks as real as any course out right now. Played it again this evening!
Great course. I play it every year. GSPRO version looks fantastic.
Rusty love the videos gives a nice insight into things. This Probably sounds gimmicky but I’ve always wondered or wanted to see a course that was “prehistoric”. While overwhelming majority of courses are made to be real and realistic would be cool to have a few a little out there. Foggy, perhaps a few raptor fields or t-Rex mini bunker footprints! I know from bear run this seems theoretically possible with current tools but maybe it’s a huge pain. From my golden tee days I always liked playing on moon, Antarctica or with lava. Perhaps something like this already exists
I know Judd Shea enjoys stuff like this! I'd get in touch with him.
How do you get it to go from hole to hole like that? 🤔 Mine just just pops up on the next tee box.
I've had my mevo plus for about 2weeks now with gs pro software still getting used to all of it any suggestions on the best courses
Everything in my playlist. I still have a bunch to do but start here for sure.