You always put together very nice videos. I wish you would include locations though, for those of us who may want to find the remote locations ourselves.
Most spots in my videos are pretty well known by railfans. All the spots in this video are at train stations or on the side of the roads, but I do see what you mean.
I recognize most of the locations but that is because I live in Modesto and am familiar with the region. Still, not all the stations are readily apparent. If I hadn't recognized the station in Modesto I probably wouldn't have guessed that's where it was. But again, just a suggestion. I've watched many of your longer videos and really enjoyed the action. Thanks!
Excellent video.
iusetano bhfebiufreowuihofewrufyhowerijuoqfew
Nice Video
You always put together very nice videos. I wish you would include locations though, for those of us who may want to find the remote locations ourselves.
Most spots in my videos are pretty well known by railfans. All the spots in this video are at train stations or on the side of the roads, but I do see what you mean.
I recognize most of the locations but that is because I live in Modesto and am familiar with the region. Still, not all the stations are readily apparent. If I hadn't recognized the station in Modesto I probably wouldn't have guessed that's where it was. But again, just a suggestion. I've watched many of your longer videos and really enjoyed the action. Thanks!
uCalifornia Rail Productions™ ”
Ha I caught gp60 172 in Cajon in January
my toddler is a train lover.
Awesome, starting them out young. I was 7 when my uncle got me into trains.
Where did those Santa Fe freight engines come from?
The stockton yard just a half mile east of where I shot the train.
Those are classic. I thought they all had been repainted. Great catch!
oh no, there are many Santa Fe geeps in the yellow bonnet scheme still. a lot are used in the Southern California area
Make a 🇨🇦 Canada train video