Hating Sound Part I

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Certain sounds make me want to be violent, a rare condition called misophonia. Message forum: www.websitetool...


  • @MarlyMarly69
    @MarlyMarly69 10 років тому +7

    I'm showing this to my parents so they stop telling me that I just have to get over it. I completely broke down in a computer lab today. I'm going to start therapy and try to take back my life. I'm not letting this rule over my happiness anymore.

    • @ttignis
      @ttignis 8 років тому

      Good on you on taking charge.

  • @roryrabbit
    @roryrabbit 13 років тому

    The fact that you made this video is very courageous. There are many people like us, and I feel that talking about it can be really cathartic and helpful, after keeping it secret for most of our lives. I too had no idea that other people felt this way until this week when I happened on a newspaper story about misophonia. Thanks for making your video, it is a public service.

  • @metropunk6277
    @metropunk6277 10 років тому +2

    I'm 57 and just figured it out that I have Misophonia. Had it all my life. It really sucks I know. I hope I can get help myself. Thanks for the video.

  • @polymath99
    @polymath99 16 років тому

    What a relief - there have been so many times I've been absolutely enraged by chewing noises, sniffles, etc. I've never been able to understand why no one else in the room was as irritated as I was, and it wasn't until today that I even thought to check the net for a medical problem. I wish I had a dollar for every meal I've spent on the verge of tears & every class/library I've sat in enraged because of wet mouth/sinus noises. I'm relieved, and I can talk myself down from the ledge next time.

  • @taylorjosephine24
    @taylorjosephine24 13 років тому

    This disease was on The Today Show and when I watched it, I cried my eyes out. Me and my mom were sobbing. Tears of joy. I have battled with this for 5 years and I'm only 13. I have this very badly. it caused depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, insomnia, paranoia, and Isolation. I cry for days. I cried because I thought I was crazy and I thought I was alone. Boy, was I wrong. And I was so glad to hear that I'm not the only one with this. Tears of joy today.

  • @soitgoes915
    @soitgoes915 13 років тому

    a sincere, heartfelt thank you for your story. I completely relate to the subway fantasies that you described and especially the TV reactions, the kit-kat commercials and chip commercials make me scream and throw the remote at the screen.

  • @andrewgr16
    @andrewgr16 13 років тому

    30 years. I have been dealing with this, thinking I was crazy, for over 30 years.
    I now know this is misophonia I suffer from. I also know that I am not alone.
    Thank you Scott, for having the courage to talk about this. It is freaking embarrassing...because nobody around you is doing anything wrong...yet everything inside you tells you that they are.

  • @Unicyclist90210
    @Unicyclist90210 13 років тому

    Thanks so much for putting this up. Ever since I was 12 (Not long ago, I'm 14), I've been irritated to the point of extreme aggression. I find that it's worst with those who I'm closed to. Namely, parents, siblings, dogs and the like. It fills me with such rage... The worst noises for me are those of saliva sloshing, lip smacking, eating, breathing and the like. I don't even eat crunchy food anymore, and am extremely self-conscious while eating/breathing.

  • @xkate66x
    @xkate66x 14 років тому

    Oh my GOD...i CANNOT believe i found this.. thank you..thank you.. my personal hated sound is breathing..(among others) its almost indescribable..my blood literally BOILS..quick as a flash, hot and cold simultaneously.. a (literally) unexplainable rage.. i am 18 years old and have been a sufferer 8 years..8 years i have *never* been without my earplugs. can't believe there are others out there like this. i've seen hypnotherapists, psychologists and numerous doctors. thank you so much for this x

  • @jmah74
    @jmah74 14 років тому

    Scott - thank you for posting this video. I thought I was alone and mad. My affliction is swallowing and coughing. Whenever I hear it I want to scream (which I usually do when alone - the guy who lives above me must think I'm a freak!) or rip my head off. I also often wish I was deaf. Everything you say I associate with. Absolutely everything. Thank you for your bravery. The relief I have at knowing I'm not alone is overwhelming. I wish you all the happiness in the world!

  • @cheerioflute
    @cheerioflute 13 років тому

    I just figured out I have this today. I'm 17 and I hate chewing, gum popping, breathing and snoring and many other sounds! Finally, in a rage, I googled irritability to noises and found 'misphonia' after about 30 minutes and I nearly cried. My hands were shaking with joy when I found that I wasn't alone. That I'm not making this up, that I can't just ignore these noises. I used to leave the room when my family ate. Or I would turn my music up. It's a relief to know that I'm not alone.

  • @amidnightdreary5124
    @amidnightdreary5124 9 років тому +1

    Great video. The day I realized that this was an actual disorder I cried. It was such a relief to finally know I wasn't crazy. After fifteen years of it! I hope there comes about more treatment methods in the future.

    • @IbizaTunez
      @IbizaTunez 6 років тому

      I have literally had the same realisation. The knowledge that other people are experiencing the same as me is so relieving! Would really like to know whether you have found any solutions for the condition? I am based in London, and unfortunately the condition is not recognised on the national health service so finding affective treatment have been difficult and expensive! Thanks, Karl

  • @convoku
    @convoku 12 років тому

    thanks for posting this man, for years i have wondered what the hell was wrong with me for getting so mad at odd things like random sounds, i only recently learned about misophonia. my hatred of sound is focused on soft noises like people talking in calm or quieted voices, it drives me to enragement. i know this is 5 years later but i hope your condition has improved.

  • @MysticalRainbowKaci
    @MysticalRainbowKaci 12 років тому

    'like that' face was priceless, when u described the cow on the subway. wtf, why do people do these things? I totally hear you. Love the fact that the internet has allowed all of us to find others and let go of that guilt we carry for these feelings and reactions, and knowing it isn't our fault. PEACE and love to all of you!

  • @wowitzkate
    @wowitzkate 12 років тому

    Thank you for explaining this so well. People don't understand that it isn't just being annoyed. It's more than that.
    How would you explain to a normal person what anxiety you would feel going to a dinner and a movie? Oh the lip smacking dinner would be terrible and then popcorn chewing, squeaking chairs, and crackling bags would drive me insane!
    My psychiatrist told me about a breathing technique called the pranayama that breathes in for 5, holds for 7, and out for 9 seconds. Once I'm able

  • @stevis12
    @stevis12 11 років тому

    I just started doing research yesterday and found out I'm not the only one, thank goodness!!!! It's so comforting to know there are other people out there. Luckily, mine isn't as severe as some other cases, but I still feel their pain of what they have to go through on a daily basis.

  • @renosboo
    @renosboo 14 років тому

    I am so happy to see all these people who share the same problem as me... god, I thought I was just being dumb and overly sensitive this whole time. Gum chewing bothers me so much.. I wish it could go away but obviously it can't LOL.
    I hope you're doing well right now. Thank you for posting this!

  • @MoggetSalm
    @MoggetSalm 13 років тому

    I can't believe there's so many people that have this too. For the longest time I thought I was just a freak. It started for me around 7th grade I think. I would get annoyed by people sniffling during tests. From there it expanded to lip smacking, gum chewing, eating, heavy breathing swallowing, and other noises. The worst trigger for me would be both my mom and my dad. I'm so glad to know that there are other people with this problem too.

  • @QBShewit
    @QBShewit 13 років тому

    thank you so much for doing this.. we need more people to get awareness out there, this is so much more serious than it seems to people who do not have to endure this everyday .

  • @slashgolfclap
    @slashgolfclap 13 років тому

    I just discovered the term "misophonia" today. My teen years have been plagued by this condition, and I had no idea what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with OCD because of this horrible hatred of sound. For years, I'd have to tell people I have OCD whenever I snap at them for making gross noises and they don't understand why. I am so relieved to find out I am not alone, and knowing what causes this problem has changed my life.

  • @BoxFalcon
    @BoxFalcon 13 років тому

    Thanks so much for this video! I have often been told to "just get over it" or "you are so strange." I have been extremely annoyed by loud eating noises for a long time. It was actually somewhat of a relief to discover that it's an involuntary reaction caused by abnormal nervous system wiring. At least now I know what I'm dealing with - maybe I can find some coping skills.

  • @DonnaCampbellauthor
    @DonnaCampbellauthor 12 років тому

    i was so relieved to find out that I was not alone in this. I felt like I was such a mean person for getting so enraged at these sounds. My list has gotten longer over the years but the majority are mouth sounds. when I found out this was a real disorder and so many people's experience is just like mine, I wanted to cheer. I keep the mute button handy when I watch TV, pick the back row of the theater when I see a movie and bring my i pod everywhere as protection. Thanks for sharing this.

  • @levikiddd
    @levikiddd Рік тому

    hi 15 years later, this was the first video about misophonia i ever watched back in middle school? i was so happy to find someone talk about it, theres alot more exposure for misophonia now

  • @CachiaClementine
    @CachiaClementine 13 років тому

    I know how you feel. I suffer from something called 4S and whilst my main trigger sound is sniffing I have the same response as you (imagining hurting the person etc). I admire your courage to put up this video, I'd be so scared that someone would know about my condition and use it against me (as some of my "friends" have done). Thank you so much for doing this, hopefully more people will learn about this awful condition and understand us better.

  • @neesie1313
    @neesie1313 13 років тому

    Thanks to a fleeting news broadcast, I found out about this condition. I, along with everyone else in this world, thought I was crazy and alone. You have had this up for over four years, but I am just now discovering it...gum popping, feet shuffling, money jingling, whistling, humming, pen clicking, tapping...too many things to mention. Thank you to all who are bringing this debilitating condition out into the open!

  • @ajunaleigh
    @ajunaleigh 12 років тому

    Thank u SO much for this! I can finally put a name on the hell that ruined my life. I'm crying rite now, Im so happy. Maybe I can finally end this hellish nightmare. I have very extreme misophonia where I have led myself 2 believe that my moms noises will affect me (& only me) & cause bad things 2 happen, such as the computer freezing up, tripping on the stairs, ect. I always feel like my motions/movements have 2 be perfectly my way. I sound nuts, but I'm not afraid 2 open up anymore thx 2 u!

  • @samman8714
    @samman8714 10 років тому +1

    I want to raise what i think is a very interesting theory on the possible origins of how misophonia develops in a persons life, and how common, seemingly harmless sounds like open mouth chewing, slurping, gum chewing, crunching etc etc, causes agonizing pain and suffering to the point that it distroys most misophoniacs lives and pushs them into a life of isolation and often loneliness.
    I believe it may have started in the womb as a fetus. Heres why.
    I theorise that if a pregnant mother routeinly eats while under stress (which is common) and is driven routinely to eat while stressed or angry in some way. The fetus may feel the negative emotions of the mother and hear all the chewing, slurping, swollowing and breathing sounds that eco inside the body.
    And again if the mother is in some kind of stressful state, the fetus can, and does pick up on those sets of emotions and sounds and perhaps those sounds and negative emotions become linked in the unborn babies mind.
    So if the sounds ecoing through the body and the negative emotions held in the body are received simultaneously and routinely over 9 months. Perhaps perhaps perhaps there is some kind of neuro connection that emerges at the age of 8-12 as the brain grows & builds and those memories while a fetus, begin to surface. And pehaps thats when misophonia starts to show.
    So to do a simple experiment. For those who are able. When your friend or partner is eating and breathing and swallowing and making the common hated sounds etc, place your ear on his or her tummy where a fetus would be and you will hear everything exactly what an unborn baby would hear.
    So again, if a mother is stressed in some way and habitually goes for the fridge or pantry and this happens routinely over 9 month's, bingo!
    That just might be at least part of the cause. It seems like an ellusive obvious to me and i would love us to all do some research to find a common thread.
    Lets all do a simple survey. All miso sufferers, ask your mothers if they routinely ate when distressed while pregnant. And really get them to think hard and long about it, and let us all see if there is a common thread.
    An important factor to include is a childs temperament. I feel a set of factors have to be in place for misophonia to develop.
    Plz consider reading the link , www.keirsey.com/sorter/register.aspx
    Your feed back would be helpful to this investigation :)

    • @justme_66
      @justme_66 9 років тому

      I love new ideas. however, many people who suffer have not had this since birth. most common is around puberty when symptoms start. i also read in early 20 it can also start but less common. Just a thought

  • @23locustgirl
    @23locustgirl 12 років тому

    Thank you for sharing this. I just discovered there was a name for this today. I am 38 also. I grew up yelling/screaming at my mother for the sound she made while eating when I was young. I would go to the dinner table with a walkman because the sound of smacking make me want to do violent things. As a young woman I would screen the men I dated, before I got to know them I would make them consume food in front of me, because if they smacked, I could not have them in my life.

  • @zadra
    @zadra 14 років тому

    I have been suffering from this condition for my entire life. It is so frustrating that people cannot understand, even my own family members. My father plays his bass a few rooms away, and the sound it makes through the wall makes me want to bang my head into a wall. I've yelled at him and broken doors over it. I had him read an article on misophonia, and he still doesn't understand.
    Like you, i live in NYC. Traveling on the train without an ipod is like driving a nail into my head, slowly.

  • @NotAnybodyElse
    @NotAnybodyElse 13 років тому

    People who make noise eating, or smack their lips or make mouth noise while talking, make me twitch like a maniac! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  • @sillyrob
    @sillyrob 13 років тому

    While trying to watch your video, the wind picked up and blew on the mic and that is one of my trigger sounds. What a cruel world we live in when I can't even watch a video about someone else talking about the problem I have as well without hearing the sounds that bother me. Oh well, at least I find it funny. I understand completely though. I've been dealing with it for 14 years or so I believe. I'm glad someone posted a video on UA-cam, I'm planning on doing this myself soon.

  • @23locustgirl
    @23locustgirl 12 років тому

    because at least you can grab a hose and wash it off and that whole ordeal would be over in 60 seconds. But to sit and be forced to listen to someone chew like cow, or smack their gum, food, lips, that is the worst, most enraging painful torture I can imagine. Thank you for sharing. I don't feel so alone in all of this now.

  • @americanboathead5390
    @americanboathead5390 11 років тому +1

    Hey thank you for posting this!! I was laughing my ass off the whole time!! I know exactly what you feel! I found flesh colored earplugs and wear them most of the time and it helps a lot... I thought if I told people what was going on it would help but it was a horrible idea! My dad "tries to chew quieter when im around and it makes me feel ashamed and guilty but it sounds worse!!! I would love to be deaf in a way.. being underwater is very soothing and quiet for me... our cross to bear...

  • @RobbytheLion
    @RobbytheLion 14 років тому

    It's just torture me. Mainly noises like picking or biting nails, dragging shoes while walking, noisy breathing, excessive sniffing, and some mouth noises. If someone next to me is picking at stitches or nails or their skin it can make be feel feint and nautious. Loud noise like TV, radio, and traffic really stress me out too. I cant stand being in a large echoey place like a cafeteria for very long.
    Glad to see I'm not alone. I know it neurotic but I can't help it!

  • @whoknows464
    @whoknows464 12 років тому

    I have it to and I'm always plugging my ears at school so much my ears constantly hurt. But I love saying I have to go to the bathroom, it is such a relief .

  • @Kingsdaughter23
    @Kingsdaughter23 16 років тому

    Count me in, as I don't recall a time in my life that I haven't suffered from this! I went to a child psychiatrist who would taunt me with, "Does this hurt your ears when I talk like this?" No, lady, I'm just trying to gouge my eardrums out because I LOVE the sound! Yep, my sensitivity is not only to eating noises, but certain voices, as well! So, she put me on heavy duty tranquilizers! Now, I am trying pink noise when people are eating around me.

  • @hcoguitar
    @hcoguitar 11 років тому

    Believe me, you're not the only one. You described my feelings perfectly. If someone breathes loudly or god forbid has that whistle noise coming from their nose, I literally fantasize about assaulting them.

  • @randompurple35
    @randompurple35 14 років тому

    I just stumbled across this...I hate chewing noises, and when people clear their throats. My brother used to clear his throat a lot and I would become so uncomfortable and I just wanted it to stop so I'd yell at him to stop and my parents would roll their eyes thinking i was overdramatic. I Couldn't explain it but I just wanted it to stop. It's not as bad now but i would get ticked off at people slurping coffee or the sound of people chewing their gum. I'm glad I can finally name what I have.

  • @ChrisGray3d
    @ChrisGray3d 11 років тому

    Thank you thank you thank you. I've suffered with this for nearly 30 years. I cried when watching this video. I only found out 2 days ago that my freakish emotional/physical reaction to certain noises is actually a thing that others have problems with. It almost got me fired in my 20's. Now I'm researching like mad to try to find out ways I can deal with/treat this. Yes, also the wind on this video was hard to handle but not like open mouth chewing, constant sniffing or pen clicking. Not Alone!!

  • @nannyr2012
    @nannyr2012 12 років тому

    I've been suffering since kid, now 50. Spent majority of life single,a loner outside of kids and grandkids. Earplugs save my sanity.
    I, however, don't consider people's uncouth habits as "normal". I don't go around chewing with my mouth open, popping gum, allowing my dog to bark,etc I have more respect for people than that.
    Our "reaction" to these behaviors may be extreme, but I'd rather be like me than to have disgusting habits that most people find offensive, not just those with Misophonia.

  • @Syntax4500
    @Syntax4500 13 років тому

    Dude, I understand entirely. I hate it when people smack their lips, or chew gum loudly, or have a pronounced lisp. My mom does all these things and I can hardly deal with her on a daily basis. It's gotten worse since I was little and it's getting to the point that I don't know what to do.
    It's crazy though because I really like other sounds like birds chirping. The birds chirping in the background of your video sounded so nice.

  • @Youjustwatchmechange
    @Youjustwatchmechange 13 років тому

    i can't believe how much i shuddered just hearing you describe the train situation. we aren't insane, sometimes i can't believe it. yay.

  • @andrewmanford
    @andrewmanford 13 років тому

    i have the same thing. i'm 24 and i've had it since i can remeber. the sound of someone eating or breathing heavily is by far one of the worst things i can think of. i've had relationships end because of it. thank you for doing this video.

  • @Ilookravishing
    @Ilookravishing 12 років тому

    This actually scared me. I don't want to think that my future is going to be the same as life is now. I am currently doing my exams and instead of worrying about passing or failing I worry about where i will be sat and if the people breath loudly or tap their pens. I can't carry on living getting angry at everyone for doing something normal. I want to be normal, I don't want this and I don't want it to affect my future. I have too many aspirations and dreams that this will ruin.

  • @exeuroweenie
    @exeuroweenie 12 років тому

    I've had this since childhood.You're right,sometimes you envy the deaf.My worst trigger is my poor old harmless father;chawing with jaw cracking,snoring,weak/reedy voice at his advanced age.It can stick with you for the entire day.You can't stop mulling over it while feeling guilty for being annoyed.Others are;wind in your ears,wind blowing in palm trees(I'm stuck in Florida),groups of potheads munching out and droning on nonsensically.The best antidote is ironically earbleed punk.

  • @SGKeiana
    @SGKeiana 12 років тому

    I wish it were easier to get people to understand that it's not a personal issue with them, and that I don't hate them when I avoid them, or decline their offers to go places, and that I'm really not a mean person. I've literally started to research ways to induce deafness on myself, because I have so many times throughout the days where I wish I didn't have to hear another sound again if it'll relieve my suffering.
    Hopefully the earmuffs I ordered will be a better solution. :)

  • @tazmain17
    @tazmain17 12 років тому

    Hey man, shoot, thanks a lot for the video. Tonight was a little weird for me. I am 20 now and ever since I was around 10 I started getting very irritated with loud breathing, loud chewing, blowing noses and stuff like that. It was hard because my parents thought I hated them, but I knew I didn't but I didn't really explain to them what I was feeling because I thought that I was crazy. My mom did research without telling me, and told me today after 10+ years what I have. It's a huge relief

  • @mcjessica
    @mcjessica 13 років тому

    I always thought I was the only one, too. I can't respond with more coherency right now because my mind is still reeling from the discovery of the word "misaphonia"...finally a name for what has nearly ruled my life.

  • @mrsduddlycross
    @mrsduddlycross 15 років тому

    gum snapping, lip smacking, chips crunching, ice crunching, crinkling plastic, teeth hitting each other while chewing, dog licking or chewing, throat clearing, knuckle cracking, fans, breathing noises all drive me nuts! My husband can't stand silverware scraping on teeth or dishes and the sound of crunching strawberry seeds. We eat apart much of the time but at least we understand each other.

  • @inkedcalf
    @inkedcalf 15 років тому

    I appreciate your bravery in posting this. I completely understand and have the same issues. Glad there are more of us.

  • @cmsalvagio
    @cmsalvagio 12 років тому

    even putting on headphones makes me imagine the sound and rages me more.

  • @georgea.567
    @georgea.567 9 років тому +3

    I thought I was the only one thanks for making this video

  • @Alienxmilk
    @Alienxmilk 9 років тому

    I literally cried when I found out I wasn't the only one. I've been living with this horrible condition for 13 years now. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. No one understands. I had a calculus exam today so last night I was trying to listen to UA-cam videos as a refresher. This woman in particular would smack her lips every time she swallowed or took a breathe. After the first 2 smacks I almost broke my computer in frustration. I was infuriated wondering wtF is wrong with her...is there something wrong with her throat? I go ballistic! My family thinks I'm crazy, my friends also... So I avoid people. My mother and sister had in endure my insanity for years. I felt so bad for them. My sister was recently killed in a car accident. She is my twin, all my heart and my life. I feel shame, guilt.......every negative emotion one could ever endure, I feel it. I put her through my fits, and now she's gone. She also had the condition. We dealt with it together. I had to move away from my mom even after my sis passed because she smacks all the time, even without food. I didn't want to bring anymore hurt to her. I feel an overwhelming burden on my shoulders. When I was younger, my family used to deliberately buy bubble gum and would sit behind me in church and smack as loud as they could. I would hysterically cry, they would call me a sissy, pussy, you name it. I just wanted to die. Even considered bursting my own eardrums...I hope someone comes up with a cure for this because I am so lost. I need help. Psychiatrists don't help, meds don't help. Help me!

  • @hildajohannes3858
    @hildajohannes3858 11 років тому

    He didn't realize the noise was there. Just like others that don't realize they are actually annoying us to the point that we want to harm them. Our mind is so amazing. We not only hear the sound we feel it really deep inside our bones. Which creates this extreme anxiety that we don't know what to do but walk away from it if you can. Being in the train like he was, I would had to squeeze my way out of there. I just felt his trigger. I would get me an ipod or smart phone and dark shades.

  • @akankshasharma3937
    @akankshasharma3937 10 років тому

    i have hatred to sounds such as gulping noises,pen clicking,wrapper crunching and cutlery on plate. it drives me crazy and i have to tell them to stop but there are some who do it anyway.

  • @iamkatiekay
    @iamkatiekay 15 років тому

    I have this
    One thing that makes me extremely angry is people tapping a spoon against a bowl, and putting cutlery away in the cutlery drawer.
    People eating is off limits, i've clenched my hands so hard trying to keep the anger internal. sometimes i feel like crying in rage.
    If i'm walking down a street and someone near me is scuffing their shoes, i have to stop and let them get far enough away that i can't hear them before i start walking again.
    amazing to know it has a name!

  • @Xineohp37
    @Xineohp37 13 років тому

    I absolutely can not STAND it when ppl make lip smacking sounds when eating. That's the only time it really bothers me. I literally become enraged. Just recently I walked into a Chinese restaurant to order take out. It was just me reading a menu and a little Chinese girl sitting by the entrance eating lunch smacking away...I lost my appetite and just walked out.

  • @littlegoldensnook
    @littlegoldensnook 13 років тому

    OH MY GOD lip smacking drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!! And when people take a sip of a drink, or do that gulping noise, or swallow in general, or have that 'shlomping' sound when they eat something soft. Gross. omg. So many more to list but wanting to vomit just thinking about it. Thanks for sharing.

  • @epsilonkleiner0
    @epsilonkleiner0 11 років тому

    I find it scary sometimes how realistic fantasies of violence in such situations can get. I don't consider myself to be very aggressive, but stabbing pens into the eyeballs is definitly on my list, too. Since sniffing is my worst trigger, I think about cutting their noses of on a regular basis as well...

  • @Abcdef15424
    @Abcdef15424 12 років тому

    So I read this thing a guy wrote. He said that if you force yourself to hear these sounds for awhile, you won't feel the anger. He plucked up the courage and tried spending the day at work without his iPod or his earplugs. At first he got a bit annoyed but at the end of the day he realized that he spent the whole time hearing the sounds and not noticing them. They didn't bother him! I haven't tried it yet but I will. I'll try at least. You should too!

  • @carterfelderva
    @carterfelderva 13 років тому

    I'm right there with you man. My parents have a picture of me wearing headphones at the dinner table as a child because I couldn't handle my sister's eating.

  • @methedemon
    @methedemon 13 років тому

    I have suffered from this condition for a almost ten years..since I was child. I am 22 now. I remember making so many fight with my father because he always used to chew gum loudly and it absolutely enraged me .

  • @sinsenest
    @sinsenest 12 років тому

    Well honestly in my presumption, I think people who suffer from Misophonia are actually raising more "awareness" in this society that people need to be more 'civilized', or at least when they eat or whatever. Personally, I feel like this generation of individuals are not only getting more sensitive to little things, but are almost rising to perfection.

  • @Syarali00
    @Syarali00 11 років тому

    omg, i try to explain to my friends and family what and how chewing sounds make me feel, and they always tell me that i should just ignore, or control myself....i cannot express how happy i am that i am not alone and this is an actual condition and that there is a freaking damn name for it! Hell i also wish i was deaf sometimes, just living in quiet just not to hear all those triggers!

  • @tatermarmot
    @tatermarmot 13 років тому

    Thank you for this. I have just found out today that this is an actual condition. My own experience is fortunately not as extreme (I become very angry when I listen to my family eating at the dinner table), but it is great to know that I am not alone nevertheless. I really hope you manage to find a way to cope, good luck.

  • @barbarablazer6461
    @barbarablazer6461 10 років тому

    Thank you so much for your video, I haven't listened to Part 2 yet but will. I had to laugh at the sound of the wind (as Marc mentioned). I too almost had to turn it off but persevered!

  • @Holfti
    @Holfti 13 років тому

    I've had misophonia since puberty, and it has ruined my life ever since, to the point of my father threatening to disown me because he believes I can control it. As an adult, it's put a severe strain on my relationships with people, and I usually hide in my room all day when I'm not attending university classes (where almost all students chew gum).
    If anyone wants to talk about misophonia, you can message me. It's important for fellow sufferers to stick together, amongst others who understand.

  • @kleetus88
    @kleetus88 12 років тому

    I think I just found out that I suffer from misophonia and I have since I can remember. I am also 38 years old and lately I have been thinking that I am just crazy. I am at my wits end with this. For me, it is EVERYTHING, chewing, sniffing, snorting (like when you have a cold and you suck in snot from the nose), my house floors popping, my car door clicking, cars driving past my window, gum popping. I can't stand it. I wish I was deaf. Sweet f'ing relief. This is no way to live. I need help.

  • @Garfeef
    @Garfeef 11 років тому

    Living with my dad is the worst nightmare of anyone who suffers from misophonia. I'm 17 and am home-schooled so I can't avoid him. He breathes very heavily and noisily. He sighs every ten seconds. He sniffles excessively and sings while playing a guitar. We have completely different tastes in music, he sings folksy songs and is bad at it too. I hear this several times a day. My iPod is broken so I can't use it. I'm lost.

  • @SGKeiana
    @SGKeiana 12 років тому

    I have it so bad that I've given away beloved pets becasue of it. I used to have the cutest little dog, and I'd take her back any day if I could stand her little noises. I tried to get a quieter dog, and while it worked out better with her, I still found myself screaming at the top of my lungs if she started to just lick her paw. I have an amazing amount of control over my anger, so I never really let people see that side of me because they'll certainly think I'm psychotic.

  • @doubleg137
    @doubleg137 11 років тому +1

    for me its almost any repetitive sound. I have to put up with people all around me, clearing their throat upwards of 1000 times per day. some days I have to leave work I get so angry.

  • @1023ryanw
    @1023ryanw 9 років тому +1

    I have the same thing I just found out. My dad smacks his mouth and I have always wanted to take a bat to his face and my dog does it all the time. And I get so mad I start screaming at my dog. And now I just acted on my dog I shoved my dog and she growled at me and I got so mad I wanted her to bite my hand off. I would never hit her. Nothing is wrong with my dog but over the time there has been a built up with my dog because I've been telling/ screaming her to get out of the room and she did eventually bite me. And I figured out how to stop this "phobia" you need to accept the sound. It is a sound that will haunt you the rest of your life. But one day maybe when your 50 or 60 it won't bother the you. So you need to accept the sound get use to it man. I just my dog some peanut butter and she smacked for about 10 minutes. I can't survive 5 seconds of that constant sound.. So as my dog was smacking. I breathed in and out with the timing of her smacking and eventually I just got used to it. It's literally the stupidest phobia ever but hey. It doesn't bother me anymore. And I'd thought I'd share. So face it. Breathe it in and accept it. Don't let it ever get to you again. P.s my dog is smacking her lips about 4 feet from right and I'm perfectly fine. But seriously this is actually pretty serious. And the only cure is to free your mind from that sound by facing it directly and get use to it.

  • @rowbigred26
    @rowbigred26 15 років тому

    Absolutely. The anger is ridiculous!

  • @margje222
    @margje222 14 років тому

    Oh I recognize this immediatly! It's horrible!! It started when I was really young. When my older sister was playbacking a song and I heard the smacking sounds coming out of her mouth! AAARGH!! She thought and still thinks that I was exaggerating, but I wasn't. So, when we're eating, the radio is always turned on. But sometimes you can't do anything about the noises. Like certain clicking or repeatedly ticking feet, or people chewing gum or sniffle, I have to distract myself, but it's so hard!!

  • @Starry_Night_Sky7455
    @Starry_Night_Sky7455 8 років тому +2

    I sympathize with him because some people are just disgusting. They emit an aural stench. So, I can get why he might be imagining their doom when those sounds happen. It is worse if those sounds are unrelenting. He has my sympathy. Maybe he's surrounded by social imbeciles that don't know, or don't care that they disturb others. Grrrrr! I can't stand vile sounds either. Noisy idiots that won't use an 'inside voice' make me want to push a button to annihilate such disruptions of peace.

  • @taylor29ish
    @taylor29ish 13 років тому

    Thank god I found this. I've SUFFERED from misophonia since I was 11 and I'm 30 now. I didn't even know it had a name. I always thought I just had low tolerance or I need to "grow up" as people have told me before, but now I know it's real and I'm not the only one. I've never met anyone with this condition and it has made y life pretty unbearable at times and I've always felt alone with it becuase know has ever taken it seriously. I'd love to meet others like me so feel free to message me.

  • @iladelph420
    @iladelph420 14 років тому

    @sybim I've thought about this a lot before. I think it stems from my childhood when my mother would freak out on me for making sniffling noises at night when I was supposed to be sleeping. One night she even told me that she hoped I would die in my sleep that night. The weird thing is that I never really thought it made a big impact on me. In fact, since I got past the teen-aged years I've had a really good relationship with my mother.

  • @sinsenest
    @sinsenest 12 років тому

    Eating like a perfectionist, behaving like a perfectionist; and it's also not that people purposely behave that way, many just can't help who they are. And I'm also not saying that people are generally "rude" when they eat; because here's the most funniest and ironic thing - I myself have always been a loud eater since birth (am 20 now) and as a result of it, -I've- been isolating myself from the world because of it.

  • @23locustgirl
    @23locustgirl 12 років тому

    What you said about having a fantasy of using your pen to stab that woman's eyes...BRAVE of you to admit...I have envisioned doing that and so much more to people (strangers and those close) who smack, or if someone clicks a pen, a woman flicking (making a clicking sound) with her finger nails. The rage it instills within is mindblowing. I have often said to friend I would rather someone do something disgusting...like go to the bathroom on me (no i'm not a freak that way)...

  • @megaflaminheart
    @megaflaminheart 11 років тому

    lip smacking, mastication, gum chewing and smacking, sniffling...make me feel "angry"--it was horrible with a young child...suffice it to say I don't do family meals

  • @eRicAboberica23
    @eRicAboberica23 11 років тому

    I'm so happy we are all finding out we're not the only ones.

  • @1sarena
    @1sarena 14 років тому

    iv suffered from this since i was a child, peeps eating especially chewing gum makes me furious n want to run.......thank god this nightmare has a name

  • @ashelaxxx
    @ashelaxxx 13 років тому

    Thank you thank you thank you SO much!! I've dealt with this (the whole imagining stabbing people in the eyeballs and all) since I was 7 years old. I'm 20 now. Sniffling/chewing/gum chewing/gum snapping, you name it! I've always been told to "just get over it" and it really messed up school and my social life. I always thought I was the only one who had this. But it has a name?!?! It's an embarassing problem, but thank you got putting it out there. Just know, you're not the only one. =)

  • @a4andrei
    @a4andrei 12 років тому

    the lip smacking sound makes me cringe and my blood pressure goes up...
    people do this all the time now, in public places, movies etc.
    anyway, thanks for the video

  • @RozieeeKay
    @RozieeeKay 14 років тому

    I have Misophonia, i'm 16 and i found out about it a few weeks ago when i researched i because i didn't think my reactions to certain sounds were reasonable and never got why others weren't annoyed by the sounds. The worst for me is coughing sounds especially when my mum coughs and people chewing! I get so angry, even thinking about it makes me mad. I always get in trouble because the noises make me so mad and people think im just being rude to them and disrespectful but it's hard to deal with

  • @Youjustwatchmechange
    @Youjustwatchmechange 13 років тому

    what drives me insane (one of them) is when people who KNOW i have this problem will make the sounds ON PURPOSE to tease me. i got reprimanded at work once because the person next to me's "phone voice" made me want to cry and i couldn't stop myself from telling her..it is a crazy thing to try to explain. especially when i don't have great hearing for words but these trigger sounds are so loud to me i cant block them out...

  • @KaylaMusiclOvE
    @KaylaMusiclOvE 12 років тому

    you are not alone! im 16. 2-4 years so far. and i guess a long way to go. but hopefully we will all find a cure.

  • @9987ifY
    @9987ifY 13 років тому

    I'm glad this vid has been put up but I couldn't go through the first minute without wanting to scream at the screen, the background rumbling was driving me insane.

  • @gitfar
    @gitfar 10 років тому +1

    I thought it was just me.
    Thank God you brought this up.
    I hate the sound of people eating.
    A couple of years ago I was checking into a motel where they offered
    complimentary cookies.
    I had a man about 12 inches behind me chewing.
    It sounded like someone stirring a bowl of macaroni and cheese.
    I wanted to round-house his ass
    be strong-

    • @gitfar
      @gitfar 9 років тому

      It's not just you.
      I hate unnecessary noise.

  • @legends31
    @legends31 14 років тому

    I have this as well, 10 years so far. I completely understand. Anyone that doesn't have misophonia or Soft Sound Sensitivity Syndrome can't even begin to understand the pain you feel.
    I often feel like stabbing someone in the face or killing someone. At the age of 23, I feel I am becoming a recluse.
    I'm trying not to let it ruin my life.

  • @ghoulidee
    @ghoulidee 11 років тому

    Smacking to the point of seriously upsetting another person is not normal. It is cruel. Dispassionately tell yr office mate that you can't work around her, or have your boss do it.

  • @EvanSchechtman
    @EvanSchechtman 13 років тому

    I suffer from this too in a really intense way. There is a NYT article about I that describes it so well. This causes issues in my marriage and people don't understand that the reaction is voluntary. Hang in there.

  • @wendyburgess1880
    @wendyburgess1880 3 роки тому

    I have had misophonia my entire life of 62 years. It made my childhood very hard as my sisters would make noises to get me angry and my father would sit and make sucking noises through his teeth. This would happen every night for a couple of hours. He was a horrible person and openly hated me so I suppose it gave him a sense of power. I don't have a TV as I can't stand 99% of the rubbish that is on so I watch things I am interested in on UA-cam. BUT if there is a lot of lip smacking going on when the person is talking I become too angry and can't watch. I'm also affected by seeing people chewing. It sets of the anger even if I can't hear the sound.

  • @alfirst87
    @alfirst87 12 років тому

    I'd like to offer this... If, whenever you are beginning to feel susceptible to this condition, you attempt to focus your mind on these words, I promise they will relieve your suffering.
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama
    Rama Rama Hare Hare

  • @Iono123
    @Iono123 12 років тому

    This is probably the wrong place to say I love that sound... I dunno why.

  • @vnoe67
    @vnoe67 16 років тому

    Thanks for this. I have the same thing...except I hate being around people eating, chewing gum and mostly crunching. I have suffered this since I was young child. I want to pierce my eardrums...I want to stop the pain and anger. I wish there was help.

  • @SGKeiana
    @SGKeiana 12 років тому

    While the reaction IS psychotic, I seriously can't help the way I feel and I would rid myself of it in a heartbeat if I could. I can't even stand to talk because my triggers usually have to do with sounds that are too loud for me, not just sounds I'm annoyed with. My own voice is too loud for me, so I'm very soft spoken..the worst is when people ask me to speak up or yell across the room. I'd rather walk a few hundred feet to talk to you than use a loud speaker as inconvenient as it may be.

  • @misspinkpunkykat
    @misspinkpunkykat 13 років тому

    I remember wishing I was deaf as a kid. I'm autistic. I remember seriously considering puncturing my ear drums because everything was so unbearable.

  • @jazzyjam5102
    @jazzyjam5102 12 років тому

    I hate the sound of eating too. It really pisses me off and it makes me really hate that person. HELP!!

  • @MyNextShotWontMiss
    @MyNextShotWontMiss 11 років тому

    Good video. I dealt with this my whole life too. The other day I just decided to do some research online and was completely shocked to find that there is a name for it and that many others deal with it as well. I always felt really bad and ashamed cuz sometimes it's people that I love very much that set me off.