One thing I would like to point is that in these chess puzzles you already have an idea that the most obvious move is not the best one. Therefore it is possible for a lower rated player to find it as they will deliberately look for some non obvious moves. In a real match you don’t have that information.
I'm well under 1600 and immediately saw that Rb1 was impossible in problem 3 because of the pin. I then spent most of my time calculating out all the possible variations for Ra3 before concluding that was a winning move. For a brief moment, I even felt smug seeing the number of 1600+ players who missed the pin.
For 3:25, I'm a 900. I did think of sacrificing The Rook, but it wasn't on h7 I was thinking of doing that on h8. It reminded me of a tactical pattern where you make the King on the g file then move the queen over with check and then you move the queen down to checkmate with the other Rook behind it protecting. But I dismissed that idea because of the bishop and it didn't see any good way to check the King after that. The move I probably would have played would have been Ne5, I didn't quite calculate that all the way through because it ends up losing your queen.
Nice, 3/3 for me. That endgame in position 3 did get me thinking for awhile though. Now I admit I did think about Rb1+ until I immediately noticed it was illegal lol. At least I didn't enter Rb1+ but hey don't worry if you did because a lot of us may have thought of that at first glance, even if we didn't put it down as the answer.
The second board bishop move, it is one of the few solutions I've ever come up with in these youtube format chess puzzles, and it was shockingly easy to spot. I was 1000-rated chess player 15 years ago after playing for a few months, haven't played since but every few months I've been getting these chess puzzle videos which I sometimes check out. And out of all those, the second puzzle was by a large margin the easiest I've seen in 15 or so years.
I only play chess occasionally as a hobby. For the first one, I couldn't see any particularly good moves but I wondered whether bishop to C4 might be good? It creates a semi-pin - black can push the d or f pawn but not both - and it prepares to put more pressure on f7 which looks an important square. Of course, the pawn can take it immediately, but this exposes the queen to the rook so I think you get a queen for a rook and a bishop which seems a good trade. I don't think you mention C4 except as a later move in one of the scenerios. Is it a decent move (though not as good as the line which starts with the rook) or is it inherently flawed?
I was wondering when this video would come out. I assume it just got delayed by the candidates but I really like these quizzes, some of the best chess content on youtube. I'm under 1000 but I don't really play many real games and I swear I've seen the exact same tactical pattern in the first position somewhere. Regardless it's always going to be a lot easier when you can sit there for 20 minutes thinking on a single move especially when the positions are so tactical. Usually if I'm wrong I can find the refutation somewhere in the position by just looking at more lines. It's a lot harder in equal positions where there's no clear way to proceed.
One of the better quizzes. Loved the positions. I was one of the players who attempted Rb1+ at the third position. Didn't realize it was pinned until you pointed it out. :') I think the bishop move on the second puzzle was quite findable, also on lower levels. The rook sacrifice at the first one, I don't believe any sub-1000 would find in an actual game, but then again, if someone looks at this puzzle for quite some time, a high sub-1000 might find it.
I saw that moving the Queen to the h-file has no good followup and also searched for ways to get rid of the pesky Bishop. But I didn't find any good way, so was thinking about the Knight move to the h-file.
The first position is the same tactical pattern as Firouzja Vs Dominguez Perez Superbet Chess Classic 2022. Both Agadmator and GothamChess covered that game so many would have seen it. That's probably why so many people found Rh7. Link to the game:
Nice theory, but the correct explanation is much simpler: quite a few people simply cheat. That's why it's almost always the same percentage of people guessing the correct move in the u1000 range, and of course it remains in other positions, which your Firouzja explanation doesn't cover.
@@maxkho00 People under 1000 most likely cheat imo. I've seen many people who claimed to solve insanely hard puzzle but has like 800 rapid rating. Like wtf, why not even try to learn the game instead of cheating.
On the chess board I’ll vote for the Queen exchange. I’m really enjoying your channel the most, learning lots of good stuff, I’m probably under 1000 over the board, mostly play puzzles and bots. First one I more guessed that Rh7 would be better than sliding the Queen over since blacks king had an escape route and drawing the king on to the h file or taking out blacks bishop and getting the other rook involved could be good but I can’t calculate all the lines.
I am 840 elo and I found bishop to d4, I actually find it easier than the other puzzles. Puzzle 1: I thought of Rde1 (I completely did not see Rh7, and this is the most difficult puzzle among the rest) Puzzle 2: found Bd4 Puzzle 3: I thought of Kb4 (I thought of it to unpin the rook and do checks until queen fall. Moving the pawn was far from my calculations but indeed a great lesson learned!) thank you for the video
I'm 800 blitz and 1000 rapid, and I got the second one, I think the fact that Qb1+ looks like a mate at first glance gives us mere mortals a good chance to find the tactic, once we find out why the mate doesn't work.
I'm around 1000 and found Bd4+ in the second position in a few seconds actually: I saw the Q+, saw Q+R could defend it and understood if I were to check with the bishop, he couldn't take with the queen and I'd have an easy checkmate for the black knight covered the second rank 🤷🏾♂️
2/3. Initially considered Rh7 in the first position, but ended up discarding it as a trap that I didn't have much follow-up on should black not take the bait. Got the other two though.
Hi dear Nelson! On the 3rd problem this is my point of view: Black plays Ra3+...Kingb2 (or else queen exchange makes no sense)... Ra2+... KxNc3... RxQc2+... KxRc2... Black answers f4 and the race begins... Both opponents manage to make a Queen again but black has a quick "check" that starts trapping the white King... Plus Black has now three pawns while white has none! Anyway this is what I came up with... In many of your questions i noticed that my ideas were a bit "original"... Good or bad I don't know!..? Question... What is a way to properly calculate my rating? I mean they who classify themselves in a category how have they come up with it? Thanks in advance.
In the last puzzle , GM level moves. King b4 , unpin it. Then Ra3 its checkmate. No matter what white do its over can keep the game dragging by ply qa6 but after night take and white king take night then white can promote a pawn 1st since there are only 3 square to promotion while white has 4.
7:44 it's funny, I saw Bd4+, but only after Qb1+, my logic was 'well, if they block with the queen, I can win the queen with Bd4+ and whatever they take it with, the queen loses her defender and I win the queen...' Didn't realise that they can take with the rook and then I'm dead lost...but I kinda got the idea, but in the wrong order.
12:40 Actually not that hard to draw. Just put the rook on a square like c5 and make sure the king protects the pawn. It's a fortress. White can never get their king farther than the 4th rank (because of the rook), and with no king, no king+queen checkmate is possible
on the second position you could play knight to e3 because it will made folk on the queen and checkmate and when the knight move it made a discover attack for our queen to go to g2 checkmate
Great video! I am currnetly 800 rated, and looking at that second puzzle, The first instinct was moving up the queen, but nticed that it didn't work. But thne I decided to try and ifnd some way to make it work anyway becaus it felt so strong, and that's how I found that if I put my bishop there, I have eliminated the problem with moving the queen. I was inspired by a video I just watched on plans, and tried to apply the idea of "If you find even one bad thing in a plan, try to fix that thing or abandon the idea", and luckily I coudl fix the problem here :)
I'm under 1000 blitz and I sometimes find the best move. I think low rated players are low because they don't know when to spend time looking for tactics. Your puzzles indicate that there is something clever to do, so I look for it. In a blitz game I can't spend much time thinking if there is a cool move or not. Maybe throw in a "boring" position to see what people do where there are many ways to maintain equality.
OK I first time I have EVER! seen these skill level checks!?!?!?!?! I am below 1000 :) but still love the game you never said how was to play in Position 3 before you started giving the answer, I thought about white move next and black move. but I have just sub to your channel :) can't do any quiz's till mid August. BUT hope to try some after that MIGHT?????? get better. Tried reading chess books, but dyslexia makes it HARD. I am in LOVE with spell checker and Google
Hey, an under 1000 here, legit found Bd4 on the second puzzle - I first went like "well I wanna go Qb1 cause that's how Eric Rozen does it all the time" then I checked what white's moves were, saw it didn't work, got sad, looked around the board a bit and realized that if I play Bd4 then they have to either checkmate themselves or sac the queen and was happy I solved a puzzle for once.
In position 2, I was looking at Qb1+ Qd1 and then Bd4+ to discoordinate white's queen and rook. But they can just play Rxd4. I can't take the rook since I lose the queen, and if I take their queen, they take back with the rook and I don't have anything. So my plan was Qb1+ and then take the pawn on b2, but I still thought that was losing. I did not see Bd4+ as the first move.
I really deadass stared 5mins at the last position calculating everything, looking at it again and again, concluding that rb1 is absolutely the best move. You have no idea how incredibly stupid I felt afterwards.
I found the second and third one legit and I’m 700 elo in 10min rapid. It’s a lot easier to find these things when you don’t have old ideas from earlier in the game and no time pressure.
I'm around 900 ELO and I saw Rh7 as a possible move, but I didn't see the Qf7 followup. Which is why I instead embarrassed myself and chose Bc4, exploiting the pin of the d pawn and the queen. Little did I know that black just moves the queen and then I put my bishop under fire for no reason.
Sorry I'm writing this as I watch the video. I did find Bd4+ legitimately and thought it was the best move. I think it's also important to note that though my playing rating is ~700, my puzzles rating is around 1500. I struggle in real games, but I do fairly well in the puzzles, mostly because I do puzzles every day to get my brain working in the morning, but I rarely play actual people, and I bomb in those situations.
I am 850 and solved puzzle 1 & 3 correctly. I was not able to see all variations in puzzle 1, however I think there is quite a lot more than is mentioned in the video, e.g. after bishop to c4 you would need to calculate rook to f8 and bishop to d5; or later, in the line shown, after g6 you should also calculate qf6?
I don't play chess (I know how the pieces move, but that's it) but even I could see in position 3 that you couldn't move the rook. Having said that, I didn't look at the puzzle too hard, as you didn't say which side was to move when you introduced it.
2nd puzzle was by far the easiest imo. 1st puzzle I looked at Rh7 but couldn't figure out if black could just ignore you since the immediate exchange sac didn't appear to work. 3rd puzzle I was pretty sure f4 was winning but was worried I missed something somehow.
The reason everyone finds the rook sacrifice is because it's a puzzle, and we all know to look for a sacrifice whenever it's a puzzle. Also, we all have Levy's shorts playing in our heads.
Starting at 5:07, if Black plays 1...Qf6 (instead of 1...Bxd1), then I think 2. gxf7+ Qxf7 3. Bxf7+ Kxf7 4. Qf4+ wins the Bishop and White will have Q+R against R+R.
For position 1, I was thinking rook to H3, honestly I got transfixed by black moving the pawn, revealing the attack on the knight and of course indirectly attacking the rook at H1.
i just opened the quizz 20 to check the answers that i gave. i was very surprise that i answered Kb4 to the third question because today i saw immediately f4 win on the spot. I am 1700, how can i miss a so simple move.
in puzzle one my thoughts was:. Pc4, Pawn takes Pawn, Bishop takes Pawn, and then if any move is played, its either mate, or a huge lead for white. Someone wanna explain if im wrong?
For position 1, I don't get how The1 or Tde1 options isn't higher among the rated players. If you don't see the Th7 idea along with it's follow-up which really isn't that easy to see, those two tower moves are the best moves that doesn't lose you the game and they both seem super natural and are fairly simple to calculate follow-ups to. Nh4 and Qh4 as you said lead to nowhere and it isn't hard to calculate they don't go anywhere aswell, so are the higher rated players just playing fancy looking moves cause they look fancy?
Man these puzzles make me feel like garbage not being able to solve titled-player-level puzzles that requires you to see 15 moves ahead and attacks from distant enemy snipers.
I haven't really played chess since I was a kid so I probably fall into the under 1000 category, but I was able to find both Rh7 and Bd4 by pausing the video and following through the positions. I feel that in the first case, the open rank was just too obvious and there was really no other good way to make progress so even without seeing the full followup Rh7 was really the only move that stood out. In the second case it was obvious I needed to go on the offensive so the very first thing I saw was Qb1, and I was able to follow through why it didn't work. I then looked for other checks, and it quickly became apparent that Bd4 sets up Qb1 when I followed that through. I probably wouldn't have found Bd4 if it wasn't a check.
In the second position, it doesn't surprise me that people of every rating found it. It's kind of obvious that there's some form of checkmate threat. And even though the move itself is slightly tricky, the fact that it's forcing is a reason to look at it. Ultimately there's no good second choice, so anyone who sat on the puzzle long enough was going to submit the correct solution.
I'm 236, and I found Bd4 at 9:21. I didn't get the entire solution, though, as I thought to go for Bd4 check, and then Re1 for checkmate. Totally didn't see how the pawn can take the bishop / the knight can block the rook 😅
if you can, you should put a timer to give an awnser. Personally I looked next weeks quiz for ~15seconds and gave an awnser. So if you had option like 1min, 5min and 10min. Would give more intresting results.
470 in rapid, but I'm basically fresh and don't play live often, though I do a lot of puzzles (~1450). Located Bd4 while watching. Qb1 was the obvious starting point, but counting the ways your check can be blocked is pretty simple. Noticing the queen/rook combo would end it for me, made me try to find ways to block them ahead of time. Bd4 was the first method I could notice - one of the only pieces that could actually block them, and I only noticed it was check after considering it.
I'm about 1100 on Rapid and 850 in Blitz. I got puzzles 1 and 2 without stockfish. I actually got puzzle two in a couple of seconds. That wasn't very difficult. Like many others, I did the illegal knight move on the third puzzle. Electronic chess makes us lazy and complacent. It won't let us do illegal moves, so it's easy to not pay attention to them.
I'm under 1000 and I legitimately found Bd4+ on the 2nd puzzle. One of my main issues in being low rated is I play in too much of a hurry and don't take my time. :)
I'm 850-900 elo rapid and 1700-1800 puzzle rating, I hit 2nd and 3rd quizes pretty easily, I understood that probably Qh4 isn't a very good idea, and the main line should start somehow differently, and I saw Rh7 but didn't know where that will get me. I stopped doing dosens of puzzles because training isn't fight and just simly playing long 10+ minutes games would carry me far ahead faster than just a puzzles:)
I am under 1000 and saw the queen move in puzzle 2, which led to me seeing the block from the bishop because I knew if I stopped the queen I could checkmate
i was considering moving that rook in the first position but i was looking for more of a check and then queen move to the h file after that, i didn’t see the queen takes pawn
I did a bunch of puzzles yesterday on Hercules Chess that got me to the 1,200 range so far. I doubt I'm actually there, probably in the below 1,000 category in reality. Anyway, I completely missed the first puzzle (I thought the rook move was premature, and completely missed black's potential bishop attack), also insisted on an illegal rook move in the 3rd one, but actually found the bishop to d4 on the 2nd one quite easily.
if at 4;59 the king were to move left do you try to corner the king with the tower?Or try to take the queen with the tower leading to a checkmate if she were to take the tower?
I (≈600) wouldn't say that it is too difficult to think of Bd4+. I found it. While thinking about Qb1+ I noticed Qd1 and thought about how I can prevent that. Maybe on accident, but still.
3:28 yeah but i think under 1000 rated player just play random move or they might thinking that this game has to be sacrifice to win so they play Rh7 or Rh8 but btw Rh8 is teribble move because opponent bishop can take it edit: even under 1000 rated guy, but he didn't know how Rh7 work .-.
Position 1 was the hardest for me, I couldn't calculate the whole line even when I knew the idea of Rh7 from Alireza's game a month ago Edit : 35% of 1600+ choose Kb4 is surprising for me
Just to balance it out I guess, at 800 elo I didn't find Bd4+. I only saw Ne3 and Qb1, but I did calculate that neither worked lmao. This was after about 8-14 minutes. I might've found the bishop move after another 5+ minutes of analyzing though.
I think this is the first video I went 0 for 3. Annoying part is that I saw all 3 of the correct moves, but I missed a key follow-up in each. Guess the brain's just not on today.
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hey chess vives how much time can I spend on solving a move in this series? for fair play?
One thing I would like to point is that in these chess puzzles you already have an idea that the most obvious move is not the best one. Therefore it is possible for a lower rated player to find it as they will deliberately look for some non obvious moves. In a real match you don’t have that information.
And they also know there is a winning (or at least a great) move. Knowing the move exists makes it 100 times easier to find that move.
U guys are gay
I'm under 1000 and went "there's no way Bd4+ is right" at first but once you explained it, it made so much sense
That's the problem with chess for a lot of us.
Always looks obvious or easy after the event
im losing faith in above 1600s if they really said Rb1+ on that last puzzle..
Thank god I'm only 1550
Thank you for your wisdom SNAFU fan
i calculated Rb1 and Ra3 for ages, and then i finally realised the pin. Then I just said "screw it, push the pawn"
@@frikandelmetui5790 8man ready to spit some bars
would have been interesting if even stockfish had given Rb1+ some eval
I'm well under 1600 and immediately saw that Rb1 was impossible in problem 3 because of the pin. I then spent most of my time calculating out all the possible variations for Ra3 before concluding that was a winning move. For a brief moment, I even felt smug seeing the number of 1600+ players who missed the pin.
Ra3 is impossible because of the pin though??
@@racsoboom8570 that's the point
Unfortunately, Ra3 as the same problem as Rb1.
9:12 I'm 600 Elo and found it. People think lower-rated games are full of blunders, but some of my opponents play better than wally(1800 Elo bot).
For 3:25, I'm a 900. I did think of sacrificing The Rook, but it wasn't on h7 I was thinking of doing that on h8. It reminded me of a tactical pattern where you make the King on the g file then move the queen over with check and then you move the queen down to checkmate with the other Rook behind it protecting. But I dismissed that idea because of the bishop and it didn't see any good way to check the King after that. The move I probably would have played would have been Ne5, I didn't quite calculate that all the way through because it ends up losing your queen.
Nice, 3/3 for me. That endgame in position 3 did get me thinking for awhile though. Now I admit I did think about Rb1+ until I immediately noticed it was illegal lol. At least I didn't enter Rb1+ but hey don't worry if you did because a lot of us may have thought of that at first glance, even if we didn't put it down as the answer.
The second board bishop move, it is one of the few solutions I've ever come up with in these youtube format chess puzzles, and it was shockingly easy to spot. I was 1000-rated chess player 15 years ago after playing for a few months, haven't played since but every few months I've been getting these chess puzzle videos which I sometimes check out. And out of all those, the second puzzle was by a large margin the easiest I've seen in 15 or so years.
These are very cool! Thank you for the upload
I only play chess occasionally as a hobby. For the first one, I couldn't see any particularly good moves but I wondered whether bishop to C4 might be good? It creates a semi-pin - black can push the d or f pawn but not both - and it prepares to put more pressure on f7 which looks an important square. Of course, the pawn can take it immediately, but this exposes the queen to the rook so I think you get a queen for a rook and a bishop which seems a good trade. I don't think you mention C4 except as a later move in one of the scenerios. Is it a decent move (though not as good as the line which starts with the rook) or is it inherently flawed?
At 5:12, black does not need to move the bishop. It can move the rook at E8 so that Black's king has an escape route.
I was wondering when this video would come out. I assume it just got delayed by the candidates but I really like these quizzes, some of the best chess content on youtube. I'm under 1000 but I don't really play many real games and I swear I've seen the exact same tactical pattern in the first position somewhere. Regardless it's always going to be a lot easier when you can sit there for 20 minutes thinking on a single move especially when the positions are so tactical. Usually if I'm wrong I can find the refutation somewhere in the position by just looking at more lines. It's a lot harder in equal positions where there's no clear way to proceed.
Now I'm somewhat curious if anybody went R-h7 in the first position, B-d4+ in the second position, and R-b1+ in the third position.
I found the absolute galaxy-brained Ra3+ in the 3rd position and had a whole essay explaining why it was better than Rb1+ lol
Me at 1200
Entertaining and instructive content; thank you for sharing.
For position 1 I did pawn c4 to force pawn take and recapture with bishop
One of the better quizzes. Loved the positions. I was one of the players who attempted Rb1+ at the third position. Didn't realize it was pinned until you pointed it out. :')
I think the bishop move on the second puzzle was quite findable, also on lower levels. The rook sacrifice at the first one, I don't believe any sub-1000 would find in an actual game, but then again, if someone looks at this puzzle for quite some time, a high sub-1000 might find it.
I saw that moving the Queen to the h-file has no good followup and also searched for ways to get rid of the pesky Bishop. But I didn't find any good way, so was thinking about the Knight move to the h-file.
The first position is the same tactical pattern as Firouzja Vs Dominguez Perez Superbet Chess Classic 2022. Both Agadmator and GothamChess covered that game so many would have seen it. That's probably why so many people found Rh7. Link to the game:
Nice theory, but the correct explanation is much simpler: quite a few people simply cheat. That's why it's almost always the same percentage of people guessing the correct move in the u1000 range, and of course it remains in other positions, which your Firouzja explanation doesn't cover.
@@maxkho00 People under 1000 most likely cheat imo. I've seen many people who claimed to solve insanely hard puzzle but has like 800 rapid rating. Like wtf, why not even try to learn the game instead of cheating.
On the chess board I’ll vote for the Queen exchange.
I’m really enjoying your channel the most, learning lots of good stuff, I’m probably under 1000 over the board, mostly play puzzles and bots. First one I more guessed that Rh7 would be better than sliding the Queen over since blacks king had an escape route and drawing the king on to the h file or taking out blacks bishop and getting the other rook involved could be good but I can’t calculate all the lines.
I am 840 elo and I found bishop to d4, I actually find it easier than the other puzzles.
Puzzle 1: I thought of Rde1 (I completely did not see Rh7, and this is the most difficult puzzle among the rest)
Puzzle 2: found Bd4
Puzzle 3: I thought of Kb4 (I thought of it to unpin the rook and do checks until queen fall. Moving the pawn was far from my calculations but indeed a great lesson learned!)
thank you for the video
I'm 800 blitz and 1000 rapid, and I got the second one, I think the fact that Qb1+ looks like a mate at first glance gives us mere mortals a good chance to find the tactic, once we find out why the mate doesn't work.
I'm around 1000 and found Bd4+ in the second position in a few seconds actually: I saw the Q+, saw Q+R could defend it and understood if I were to check with the bishop, he couldn't take with the queen and I'd have an easy checkmate for the black knight covered the second rank 🤷🏾♂️
I'm just under 1000 and had a similar thought process to finding it
I actually had this as well, always look for checks!
Yea I was thinking like "how can I block the queen's view?" and found the move
all of this explanation and beating me in this puzzle, just to be 700 points lower than me
2/3. Initially considered Rh7 in the first position, but ended up discarding it as a trap that I didn't have much follow-up on should black not take the bait. Got the other two though.
Hi dear Nelson! On the 3rd problem this is my point of view: Black plays Ra3+...Kingb2 (or else queen exchange makes no sense)... Ra2+... KxNc3... RxQc2+... KxRc2... Black answers f4 and the race begins... Both opponents manage to make a Queen again but black has a quick "check" that starts trapping the white King... Plus Black has now three pawns while white has none! Anyway this is what I came up with... In many of your questions i noticed that my ideas were a bit "original"... Good or bad I don't know!..? Question... What is a way to properly calculate my rating? I mean they who classify themselves in a category how have they come up with it? Thanks in advance.
In the last puzzle , GM level moves.
King b4 , unpin it. Then Ra3 its checkmate. No matter what white do its over can keep the game dragging by ply qa6 but after night take and white king take night then white can promote a pawn 1st since there are only 3 square to promotion while white has 4.
7:44 it's funny, I saw Bd4+, but only after Qb1+, my logic was 'well, if they block with the queen, I can win the queen with Bd4+ and whatever they take it with, the queen loses her defender and I win the queen...'
Didn't realise that they can take with the rook and then I'm dead lost...but I kinda got the idea, but in the wrong order.
wow. for 1st position i have seen that Rh7 is checkmate if king takes the rook but did not find any follow up if black ignores it. so Nh4 was my move.
12:40 Actually not that hard to draw. Just put the rook on a square like c5 and make sure the king protects the pawn. It's a fortress. White can never get their king farther than the 4th rank (because of the rook), and with no king, no king+queen checkmate is possible
One of the harder parts is getting your rook there. Queens provide some treacherous forks.
Incredible how people sometimes underestimate lower rated players. I'm rated 800 and I found the ideas for two of the three positions!
on the second position you could play knight to e3 because it will made folk on the queen and checkmate and when the knight move it made a discover attack for our queen to go to g2 checkmate
This was a great quiz. I do feel like it would be nice to have a more traditional position somewhere, though.
I'm under 1000 and got Bd4+. Got it because I was trying to get Qb1+ to work. I didn't get Rh7 in the first position though
5:29 Maybe some of the
hey i acually im under 900 and found the bishop tactic i mean i dont think i would have saw it in game but i knew this was a puzzle so yeah
Great video! I am currnetly 800 rated, and looking at that second puzzle, The first instinct was moving up the queen, but nticed that it didn't work. But thne I decided to try and ifnd some way to make it work anyway becaus it felt so strong, and that's how I found that if I put my bishop there, I have eliminated the problem with moving the queen. I was inspired by a video I just watched on plans, and tried to apply the idea of "If you find even one bad thing in a plan, try to fix that thing or abandon the idea", and luckily I coudl fix the problem here :)
I'm under 1000 blitz and I sometimes find the best move.
I think low rated players are low because they don't know when to spend time looking for tactics. Your puzzles indicate that there is something clever to do, so I look for it.
In a blitz game I can't spend much time thinking if there is a cool move or not.
Maybe throw in a "boring" position to see what people do where there are many ways to maintain equality.
OK I first time I have EVER! seen these skill level checks!?!?!?!?!
I am below 1000 :) but still love the game you never said how was to play in Position 3 before you started giving the answer, I thought about white move next and black move.
but I have just sub to your channel :) can't do any quiz's till mid August.
BUT hope to try some after that MIGHT?????? get better. Tried reading chess books, but dyslexia makes it HARD. I am in LOVE with spell checker and Google
Hey, an under 1000 here, legit found Bd4 on the second puzzle - I first went like "well I wanna go Qb1 cause that's how Eric Rozen does it all the time" then I checked what white's moves were, saw it didn't work, got sad, looked around the board a bit and realized that if I play Bd4 then they have to either checkmate themselves or sac the queen and was happy I solved a puzzle for once.
In position 2, I was looking at Qb1+ Qd1 and then Bd4+ to discoordinate white's queen and rook. But they can just play Rxd4. I can't take the rook since I lose the queen, and if I take their queen, they take back with the rook and I don't have anything. So my plan was Qb1+ and then take the pawn on b2, but I still thought that was losing. I did not see Bd4+ as the first move.
I am 900 and figured out all of the positions easily.
I really deadass stared 5mins at the last position calculating everything, looking at it again and again, concluding that rb1 is absolutely the best move. You have no idea how incredibly stupid I felt afterwards.
I found the second and third one legit and I’m 700 elo in 10min rapid. It’s a lot easier to find these things when you don’t have old ideas from earlier in the game and no time pressure.
Please bring back the Last Move indicator. For Pos 3, it was Unclear if I was playing Black or White.
I'm around 900 ELO and I saw Rh7 as a possible move, but I didn't see the Qf7 followup. Which is why I instead embarrassed myself and chose Bc4, exploiting the pin of the d pawn and the queen. Little did I know that black just moves the queen and then I put my bishop under fire for no reason.
Sorry I'm writing this as I watch the video. I did find Bd4+ legitimately and thought it was the best move. I think it's also important to note that though my playing rating is ~700, my puzzles rating is around 1500. I struggle in real games, but I do fairly well in the puzzles, mostly because I do puzzles every day to get my brain working in the morning, but I rarely play actual people, and I bomb in those situations.
almost all people have a much higher puzzle score tho
The problem is in real games you don't have someone telling you to find the winning move so you don't know to look for the tactic
I am 850 and solved puzzle 1 & 3 correctly. I was not able to see all variations in puzzle 1, however I think there is quite a lot more than is mentioned in the video, e.g. after bishop to c4 you would need to calculate rook to f8 and bishop to d5; or later, in the line shown, after g6 you should also calculate qf6?
In the first one you could go with the bishop on c4 than you are pinning a pawn to black's queen and also creating mating threats
I don't play chess (I know how the pieces move, but that's it) but even I could see in position 3 that you couldn't move the rook. Having said that, I didn't look at the puzzle too hard, as you didn't say which side was to move when you introduced it.
For 9:17, I'm 800ish and I found Bd4+ (and felt very proud of it haha)
In Position 1, Crafty (after thinking for 38 minutes) says 1.Rh7 is only +0.91 for White, and gives 1. ... d4 2. Bc4 Bxf3 3. Rxg7+ (NB: after 3. Qxf7+ Black can now play Kxh7 because the Bishop guards h1) Kxg7 4. Qxf7+ Kh8 5. Qxf3 Qxg5+ 6. Kb1 Qh5 7. Qf6+ Kh7 8. Rg1 dxc3 9. Bf7 Rg8 10. Bxg8+ Rxg8 11. Qxc3 Rg7 12. Qf6 Rd7 13. Kc1 Qh6+ 14. f4 Qh5 15. Qf8
I like these videos. You can pause how long you want to figure it out for fun
This series is very interesting and helpful
I did I saw rook to H7. I didn't understand the follow through but for some reason it just stuck out to me and I went with it before unpausing.
That angle does give ur king justice
2nd puzzle was by far the easiest imo. 1st puzzle I looked at Rh7 but couldn't figure out if black could just ignore you since the immediate exchange sac didn't appear to work. 3rd puzzle I was pretty sure f4 was winning but was worried I missed something somehow.
The reason everyone finds the rook sacrifice is because it's a puzzle, and we all know to look for a sacrifice whenever it's a puzzle.
Also, we all have Levy's shorts playing in our heads.
5:13 can’t black play queen to f6 in this position. I’m a 500 so I might be blind and don’t spot an obvious move
Starting at 5:07, if Black plays 1...Qf6 (instead of 1...Bxd1), then I think 2. gxf7+ Qxf7 3. Bxf7+ Kxf7 4. Qf4+ wins the Bishop and White will have Q+R against R+R.
For position 1, I was thinking rook to H3, honestly I got transfixed by black moving the pawn, revealing the attack on the knight and of course indirectly attacking the rook at H1.
i just opened the quizz 20 to check the answers that i gave. i was very surprise that i answered Kb4 to the third question because today i saw immediately f4 win on the spot. I am 1700, how can i miss a so simple move.
in puzzle one my thoughts was:. Pc4, Pawn takes Pawn, Bishop takes Pawn, and then if any move is played, its either mate, or a huge lead for white. Someone wanna explain if im wrong?
For position 1, I don't get how The1 or Tde1 options isn't higher among the rated players. If you don't see the Th7 idea along with it's follow-up which really isn't that easy to see, those two tower moves are the best moves that doesn't lose you the game and they both seem super natural and are fairly simple to calculate follow-ups to. Nh4 and Qh4 as you said lead to nowhere and it isn't hard to calculate they don't go anywhere aswell, so are the higher rated players just playing fancy looking moves cause they look fancy?
Man these puzzles make me feel like garbage not being able to solve titled-player-level puzzles that requires you to see 15 moves ahead and attacks from distant enemy snipers.
I haven't really played chess since I was a kid so I probably fall into the under 1000 category, but I was able to find both Rh7 and Bd4 by pausing the video and following through the positions. I feel that in the first case, the open rank was just too obvious and there was really no other good way to make progress so even without seeing the full followup Rh7 was really the only move that stood out. In the second case it was obvious I needed to go on the offensive so the very first thing I saw was Qb1, and I was able to follow through why it didn't work. I then looked for other checks, and it quickly became apparent that Bd4 sets up Qb1 when I followed that through. I probably wouldn't have found Bd4 if it wasn't a check.
In the second position, it doesn't surprise me that people of every rating found it. It's kind of obvious that there's some form of checkmate threat. And even though the move itself is slightly tricky, the fact that it's forcing is a reason to look at it. Ultimately there's no good second choice, so anyone who sat on the puzzle long enough was going to submit the correct solution.
I'm 236, and I found Bd4 at 9:21. I didn't get the entire solution, though, as I thought to go for Bd4 check, and then Re1 for checkmate. Totally didn't see how the pawn can take the bishop / the knight can block the rook 😅
if you can, you should put a timer to give an awnser. Personally I looked next weeks quiz for ~15seconds and gave an awnser.
So if you had option like 1min, 5min and 10min. Would give more intresting results.
470 in rapid, but I'm basically fresh and don't play live often, though I do a lot of puzzles (~1450). Located Bd4 while watching. Qb1 was the obvious starting point, but counting the ways your check can be blocked is pretty simple. Noticing the queen/rook combo would end it for me, made me try to find ways to block them ahead of time. Bd4 was the first method I could notice - one of the only pieces that could actually block them, and I only noticed it was check after considering it.
I mean, you know the people playing Rb1+ didn’t use stockfish
When I pause UA-cam an information bar covers the bottom half of the picture. Hard to work on the puzzle only viewing the top half!?
In 12:09 what if we play Rb1?
I'm about 1100 on Rapid and 850 in Blitz. I got puzzles 1 and 2 without stockfish. I actually got puzzle two in a couple of seconds. That wasn't very difficult. Like many others, I did the illegal knight move on the third puzzle. Electronic chess makes us lazy and complacent. It won't let us do illegal moves, so it's easy to not pay attention to them.
True, I did see Rh7 but I couldn’t find the follow up if the king doesn’t take 👍
I'm under 1000 and I legitimately found Bd4+ on the 2nd puzzle. One of my main issues in being low rated is I play in too much of a hurry and don't take my time. :)
9:30 broo found it and I am just rated 763😅, but maybe that's because my puzzle rating is around 1750.
I'm 850-900 elo rapid and 1700-1800 puzzle rating, I hit 2nd and 3rd quizes pretty easily, I understood that probably Qh4 isn't a very good idea, and the main line should start somehow differently, and I saw Rh7 but didn't know where that will get me. I stopped doing dosens of puzzles because training isn't fight and just simly playing long 10+ minutes games would carry me far ahead faster than just a puzzles:)
I didn't follow through with every possible move as I didn't know the tactics were so advanced. I tend to play like that also.
I am under 1000 and saw the queen move in puzzle 2, which led to me seeing the block from the bishop because I knew if I stopped the queen I could checkmate
i was considering moving that rook in the first position but i was looking for more of a check and then queen move to the h file after that, i didn’t see the queen takes pawn
Couldn't wait to see your video
The bishop check i found that move quite good , but i just dont know how to follow it up
I did a bunch of puzzles yesterday on Hercules Chess that got me to the 1,200 range so far. I doubt I'm actually there, probably in the below 1,000 category in reality. Anyway, I completely missed the first puzzle (I thought the rook move was premature, and completely missed black's potential bishop attack), also insisted on an illegal rook move in the 3rd one, but actually found the bishop to d4 on the 2nd one quite easily.
6:40 re1 was also check
Wondering since I thought of Re2 then Ne3 in that sequence for position 2 how would have it worked out? since you never covered Re2.
if at 4;59 the king were to move left do you try to corner the king with the tower?Or try to take the queen with the tower leading to a checkmate if she were to take the tower?
hi, on position 1 if black defend with bishop on D5 to block the white bishop does black survives or still lost position ?
I (≈600) wouldn't say that it is too difficult to think of Bd4+. I found it. While thinking about Qb1+ I noticed Qd1 and thought about how I can prevent that. Maybe on accident, but still.
in the second puzzle what would happen if the king goes to h1?
Position 3 I played Ka3
I was playing Bobby Fischer and I drew.
the rook sac in position 1 is brutal, and it doesn't take a grandmaster to see that the rook is poisoned.
3:28 yeah but i think under 1000 rated player just play random move or they might thinking that this game has to be sacrifice to win so they play Rh7 or Rh8 but btw Rh8 is teribble move because opponent bishop can take it
edit: even under 1000 rated guy, but he didn't know how Rh7 work .-.
what about rook to e1? and initiate rook sacrifice or start to set up a battery?
Hey I found it legitimately. 9:11 0-1000 Chess score would be unrated or 0 , took a while and a J or 2, but I got it.
Position 1 was the hardest for me, I couldn't calculate the whole line even when I knew the idea of Rh7 from Alireza's game a month ago
Edit : 35% of 1600+ choose Kb4 is surprising for me
If white advances the a pawn, you can actually get the queen with checks and have enough tempo to capture the pawn with the horse
In puzzle 2 what’s wrong with knight to e3??
now I know, I am 0-1000, but at least I didn't try to make the illegal move to put my king in check.
I am rated 1000 and I saw the move Bd4+ and actually even if the king moves there is either a fork in coming and possible mating chances
LOL. I missed the first 2 but immediately got the 3rd, and had a good laugh that Rb1 got so many votes.
Just to balance it out I guess, at 800 elo I didn't find Bd4+. I only saw Ne3 and Qb1, but I did calculate that neither worked lmao. This was after about 8-14 minutes. I might've found the bishop move after another 5+ minutes of analyzing though.
I'm sub 800 and saw Rh7 as a move. What I did not see was the follow up. So I was looking for other moves.
I think this is the first video I went 0 for 3. Annoying part is that I saw all 3 of the correct moves, but I missed a key follow-up in each. Guess the brain's just not on today.