Transsubstantiation steht in der Bibel

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @felesamabilis
    @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +3

    Falls sich jemand wundert, warum ich diesen Spammer hier gewähren lasse, der mittlerweile mangels Argumente dazu übergegangen ist, meine Familie zu beleidigen... ich dulde es nur damit die Wahrheit so mehr Verbreitung durch die Algorithmen bekommt

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo finally admitted “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video .... BUT I cannot list a single Scripture". 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      List your points to be refuted here feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

  • @peterlehrieder3895
    @peterlehrieder3895 Місяць тому +2

    Ein- und erleuchtend erklärt. Herzlichen Dank. Gute Besserung.

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @@peterlehrieder3895 danke. Ja, es geht langsam in die richtige Richtung

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    feles dodo

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I don't do your "30-seconds-exegesis" like the 😈 in the desert. You follow his example

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      feles dodo

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому

    You dare not summarise here. You are afraid of being exposed for all your Ls. 😂 😂 😂

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I refuted your points in the video. I don't do your 😈 "30-second-exegesis"

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому

      You dare not summarise here. You are afraid of being exposed for all your Ls. 😂 😂 😂

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      And you think you are so smart like the Dl? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      O du hältst dich für schlauer als der Evangelist selbst 🤣🤣🤣 Kein Wunder dass deine "Exegesis" nur BS liefert

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    feles dodo

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I don't do your "30-seconds-exegesis" like the devil in the desert did. You follow his example

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      Jesus refuted the D in seconds. Not 30 minutes. You are so scared to be exposed here. 😢 😢 😢

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You're not that smart as the devil. It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watch it 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I don't do your "30-seconds-exegesis" like the devil in the desert did. You follow his example

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      Jesus refuted the D in seconds. Not 30 minutes. You are so scared to be exposed here. 😢 😢 😢

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      And you think you are so smart like the Dl? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому

    Summarise your points to be refuted here. You dare not 😂 😂 😂

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      They are in the video

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому

      You dare not summarise here. You are afraid of being exposed for all your Ls. 😂 😂 😂

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    Jesus refuted the D in seconds. Not 30 minutes. You are so scared of being exposed here. 😢 😢 😢

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      And you think you are so smart like the Dl? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      No, you didn't. Every single of your comments proves it 🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    You are so scared you dodged from channels to channels threads to threads 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I don't do your "30-seconds-exegesis" like the devil in the desert did. You follow his example

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      Jesus refuted the D in seconds. Not 30 minutes. You are so scared to be exposed here. 😢 😢 😢

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      And you think you are so smart like the Dl? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    If you had answered you would list it here. You can't and you dare not .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      The answer is in the video. You dare not to watch it 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    If you cannot answer just admit so. If you cannot answer at least ask your Roman p popes and Roman p priests. Maybe they are free to answer you if they are not entertaining altarboys. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You haven't answered ANY SINGLE POINT IF MY VIDEO

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      If you had answered you would list it here. You can't and you dare not .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @CaminoKatze
      @CaminoKatze Місяць тому

      Du bist auf keinen einzigen Punkt und Vers aus dem Video eingegangen also wovon redest du überhaupt?

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I did. They are listed in my video

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo finally admitted “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video .... BUT I cannot list a single Scripture". 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @browncony3897 YOU cannot 🤣 You don't even understand your own comment. Try again 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I do not watch videos. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    What are you afraid of feles dodo? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I answered your points. You don't even dare to watch it 🤣🤣🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I'm not afraid. I made my points public in the video. Everybody can see your points being crushed 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      How do you crush anything when you dare not list your points here? 🤪 🤪 🤪

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You expect me to type for you only 20 minutes of explanation 🤣 because you are afraid of videos 🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone”. But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I listed it in my video. You just KFC to watch it.

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    List your points to be refuted here feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @@browncony3897 they are IN THE VIDEO. That's how UA-cam works. You comment THE VIDEO here dodo

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I can always refute all your self claims. But i want everyone to see your errors. So list it here. You dare not. Lol .... 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @browncony3897 no you can't. If you could you would. But you don't even dare to watch them 🤣🤣🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      If you cannot answer just admit so. If you cannot answer at least ask your Roman p popes and Roman p priests. Maybe they are free to answer you if they are not entertaining altarboys. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      If you had answered you would list it here. You can't. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    I do not watch videos. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      "I don't watch videos" NOBODY CARES 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. WHy are you so scared? Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +2

    I can always refute all your self claims. But i want everyone to see your errors. So list it here. You dare not. Lol .... 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @@browncony3897 YOU can't because you didn't. Everyone sees my video. And everyone sees that you have nothing to say. Your comments are the best refutal for your own ns

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I can but you did not list any here. You dare not. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      If you cannot answer just admit so. If you cannot answer at least ask your Roman p popes and Roman p priests. Maybe they are free to answer you if they are not entertaining altarboys. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    I can but you did not list any here. You dare not. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You don't even understand how YT works and try to teach me Bible 🤣🤣🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      If you had answered you would list it here. You can't and you dare not .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You still don't get it bro? People come to UA-cam to WATCH VIDEOS. Nobody reads your comments 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      Oh shup already LW. 🤪 🤪 🤪

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Pi pi pi you are you KFC to watch a video.

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @browncony3897 I am supposed to type here 20 minutes if speaking BECAUSE YOU ARE SCARED OF VIDEO 😱😱😱 funny dodo 🤣🤣🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      Your endless blatherings is still not a proof for doctrines felesdodo. 🤪 🤪 🤪

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    Again you are demonstrating you are KFC. Your whole family are KFCs. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Yeah, keep insulting. Two of your nicks are already blocked for that 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    This feles dodo finally admitted “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video .... BUT I cannot list a single Scripture". 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      @@browncony3897 I did, YOU CAN'T 🤣 Start with learning pronomes

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @@felesamabilis I do not watch videos. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I can always refute all your self claims. But i want everyone to see your errors. So list it here. You dare not. Lol .... 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @browncony3897 "I do not watch videos" THAT'S NOT MY PROBLEM 🤣🤣🤣 Ask your grandkids what UA-cam is for

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I can but you did not list any here. You dare not. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    I want everyone to see what Scriptures you used to prove your Roman p doctrines. List it here so everyone can see. You KFC. You dare not. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Everyone can see it in my video. Nobody reads your comments dodo 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. WHy are you so scared? Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Why di you KFC to watch the video? Because you know you can't refute it 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      shup 30-second-exegesis :D

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of intelxerofelesdodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @browncony3897 you write so much about being afraid... You project your own fears 😃 I put all my arguments in the video. Everyone can see your points crushed. That's why you are so scared of watching it 🤣

  • @CaminoKatze
    @CaminoKatze Місяць тому

    Interessant und gut erklärt

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Danke für das Lob!

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому

      @@felesamabilis You only did it in your video. Not here. You are afraid to be exposed here. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You want the list. Watch the video. It's there. Everyone can see in this video how Bible proves your points ns

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      No. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @@felesamabilis No. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    No. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Any ideas what UA-cam is? Search for ISBN 978-0470149256

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @@felesamabilis My points were questions to be proven by you. You cannot prove your Roman p doctrines. 😂

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @ There is no such document at Google. Stop directing people everywhere. List your points here to be refuted you dodo.

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      There is no such document at Google. Stop directing people everywhere. List your points here to be refuted you dodo.

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    My points were questions to be proven by you. You cannot prove your Roman p doctrines. 😂

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I did. I my videos. Everyone can see

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    Bible does not teach ROman p doctrine of Transubstantiation (elements transforms into Jesus to be eaten by RCs). Neither Roman p Mass (sacrificing Jesus on a Roman altar back to God). So where did RCs get all yourns?

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      I proved in this video, where THE BIBLE TEACHES Catholic teaching on Eucharist.

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      *Well then list your Scriptural support for such claims.*

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      It's in this and previous video

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      *Well then list your Scriptural support for such claims.*

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @@felesamabilis *If you can’t, it simply meant you were using your own mm narratives as Scriptures and doctrines.*

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому

    I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому

    feles dodo

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      It took Jesus the whole way from Jerusalem to Emaus to explain salvation to Lucas and Cleophas. No wonder you don't get it after 20 minutes of video, especially because you haven't even watched it 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому

      I understood the salvation plan in seconds. Unlike RC Ds 30000 years and still do not understand… 😝 😝 😝

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      No you didn't 🤣 The ns you type here proves your not understanding 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому

      Of course I did. The NS your typed here shows 30000 years and you still do not understand the salvation plan. 😂 😂 😂

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    This feles dodo finally admitted “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video .... BUT I cannot list a single Scripture". 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You finally admitted you haven't even watched the video YOU ARE COMMENTING 🤣🤣🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    I can always refute all your self claims. But i want everyone to see your errors. So list it here. You dare not. Lol .... 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You can't. You would if you could. But you KFC even to watch them 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      If you had answered you would list it here. You can't and you dare not .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You are scared to watch a video. 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      You are too scared to list your points here ... 🤪 🤪 🤪

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    List your points to be refuted here feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @browncony3897 oh Mann. Der Kerl kapiert einfach nicht wie UA-cam funktioniert. Er spamt ständig seine Sprüche statt DAS VIDEO ZU KOMMENTIEREN

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      @@browncony3897 YOU ARE HERE TO COMMENT THE VIDEO

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I can always refute all your self claims. But i want everyone to see your errors. So list it here. You dare not. Lol .... 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone”. But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Thr prove is in my videos. You can't refute them? Thanks

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Keep spamming 🤣 You help to spread the Catholic Truth in my videos 🤣

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      What are you afraid of feles dodo? Why are you so scared to list it here? 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Get a therapy for video-phobia

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I am not scared of videos. You are

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I am not scared of videos. Nobody wants to listen to a cl. 🤪 🤪 🤪

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Of course I can. And I did. It's all in the video

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      Of course YOU can't. You finally said the truth

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo finally admitted “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video .... BUT I cannot list a single Scripture". 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      I can always refute all your self claims. But i want everyone to see your errors. So list it here. You dare not. Lol .... 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    I want everyone to see what Scriptures you used to prove your Roman p doctrines. List it here so everyone can see. You KFC. You dare not. 😅 😅 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      Everyone sees it in my videos

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    No. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You don't get how YT works. Sorry for you

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      No. You watch video to see your point being refuted. As everyone foes

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      List your points to be refuted here feles dodo. If you cannot list it here, you are just L. Still waiting .. 😅 😅 😅

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      The list is in my video. Everyone can watch it. That's how UA-cam works grandpa

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @@felesamabilis My points were questions to be proven by you. You cannot prove your Roman p doctrines. 😂

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    My points were questions to be proven by you. You cannot prove your Roman p doctrines. 😂

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      It's answered in the videos

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      This feles dodo said “Oh I proved Roman p doctrines by Scripture Alone and it's in my video". But I cannot list a single Scripture. 😅 😅 😅

    • @Aspie-Cat
      @Aspie-Cat Місяць тому

      Why are you scared of watching videos? 😂​@@browncony3897

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому

    feles dodo

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      I refuted your points in my video. No wonder you are too scared to watch it 🤣🤣🤣

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому

      You are even too scared to watch my video 🤣🤣🤣

  • @browncony3897
    @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

    No. List your points here to be refuted feles dodo. You kept dodging 😅

    • @felesamabilis
      @felesamabilis  Місяць тому +1

      ISBN-13 ‎978-0470149256

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      @@felesamabilis I want everyone to see what Scriptures you used to prove your Roman p doctrines. List it here so everyone can see. You KFC. You dare not. 😅 😅 😅

    • @browncony3897
      @browncony3897 Місяць тому +1

      There is no such document at Google. Stop directing people everywhere. List your points here to be refuted you dodo. You are aKFC. Your whole family areKFCs. 😅 😅 😅