Excellent review. Thanks. The first review I watched noted it arrived in a box (no surprise), well packed, and was easy to install and use. What I really liked is how you generally addressed accuracy, which is what's driving my purchase (well, that and money). Thanks again and keep up the good work.
I have been using the WS-2902 for almost 5 months and have not experienced any problems at all up to this point. It is the only personal weather station that I have ever owned, so I cannot compare it to other units. Installation and setup was simple and easy. Data seems accurate as well. Very inexpensive, too. I am very happy with the WS-2902.
After having bought and returned 2 different LaCrosse units from Amazon, I am sorry I didn't listen to your review of the Ambient before buying the others. Great review and will buy this from Amazon
We got one of these weather stations for my Mom and Dad, we cannot change the time can somebody tell me how to change the time it didn't come with a manual, I would greatly appreciate the help thank you so much
Hi! Searching this weather station in France, it seems it doesn’t exist. But in Amazon there are several brands which seem EXACTLY the same product, with the same Pad/console (only the name changes). They are all false weather station or it’s the same weather station assembled in China but sold in different countries under brands?
The real question is how these (made in china) weather stations compare to the professional counterparts used by national weather services (a single temperature / wind sesor costs several times more than these cheap weather stations - why?)!?
Ambient Weather does make all-in-one systems that support one or several additional remote temp/humidity sensors, so you can mount this one up high for wind and rain (and it will also gather temps) but then mount an additional sensor at ground level for more readings. Rain gauges that take official readings are typically placed right at ground level (or very near ground level) though, so now you're left with that problem as well. In most cases that isn't going to make much difference. I live on a small property in a highly treed area with no option for a rain gauge being unobstructed by trees short of placing it above my house so that's my particular compromise.
I was thinking about getting this but I am half and half about this...I live in Texas where we get hail and one bad storm and BAM!!..all that money gone
You talk about the viewing angle of the WS-2902C. I see that it is hard to view from above or below looking straight at it but what is the view if you look at it at the same level as the unit but from a 45 degree angle to the left or right. We have 2 chairs in our living room and will be about 7 feet away and each looking at it from about 45 degrees.
Very thorough and informative review. This was for a previous model, and I'm now comparing the WS-2902C (which appears to allow additional sensors) and the WS-2000. Looks like the only difference is the console so I'm debating on whether it's worth the additional $ to me as I could always have a spare computer screen or tablet displaying the Ambient Weather or WU site. Anyway, nice job on this review!
Good video. Informative. We have had ours for a few years. The indicator for outdoor weather temp and humidity % is showing 0. We have unplugged it, our wifi & router and it still does not fix the problem. Any suggestions
I have a 2902c. Its a few years old and now the outdoor temperature only works intermittently. Wind speed and rain work fine. No idea why it works sometime and other times not. Signal strength is always max. Did all the resets and fresh batteries. No help. Best advice I could get from Ambient was to replace the temperature sensor. If you take the outdoor sensor apart you will quickly find this not feasible. Hate to buy a whole new unit when the console and other functions work fine and I could end up with the same problem if it some weird radio interference issue.
I'm considering this mainly for wind and rain. Are winds accurate? We get east winds that hit 60-90 mph but that's according to news. After the last one took out 3 trees an my fence. I'm hell bent for one of these.
I have ben doing my research on weather stations & i am fixing to buy Either the Ambient Weather WS-7078 or the WS 2902c Or some other model of Ambient Weather But I Would like to know if yours is still working ? like most every one else i have had cheaper ones that die within a year or so & to me its stupid to keep buying Junk that just wont last..i am in ky at the bottom ish of the Appalachian Mountains an we have some Krazy weather an stuff must be built right or it just wont last long around here! & from every thing i have read online an saw about them they are really good for the money as i dont want to spend 400-1000$ on a Davis or something i do like the AW WS-5000-IP but 350-400$ is a little much imho !Thanks !
I have had Davis for decades, as my wireless station, and am so tired of their "80's" style console. Seriously looking at the Ambient to upgrade. I suppose that the slower update time would only matter in gusty situations.
I purchased this one 18 months ago. It has failed 3 times. They replaced it twice in the first year but now they will not do anything. I even asked for a discount on a new purchase. They refused. I would not buy one of these. I am looking for another brand.
Can you get the information that the weather station transmits to custom, let`s say self-made website or maybe transfer the data to specific location in the web?
So if your console is plugged into AC you get a constant lit display right? I want something that’s lit all the time. I know it’s not the best display but it’s 100 times better then what I have now.
Can someone help me? I’d like to contribute weather data as I think info like this would be increasingly important to all of us in the world - about climate change. How would you o about it? Would the data sent to weather underground be useful? Or is there an alternative? All helpful info would be appreciated.
Since I would think a wind gauge works best the higher it is I can see the attached rain gauge filling up with leaves and things and failing. Why not separate the two gauges. This way the rain gauge can be kept in a lower place and cleaned easily when necessary?
Have owned this unit for several days now. Assembled and tested at ground level to ensure proper function and accuracy and everything was great. Very happy with readings and functions through 3 day ground level test. I then installed on a pole attached to house and all functions seem to be on track except outdoor temp and humidity. The seem to be registering some sort of factory maximum as temp is -40 and humidity is 99%. Any idea what i might have done and how I could undo it? Thanks
Aknorm, your temp/humidity sensor has gone bad and needs to be replaced. Its reporting what is its maximum for both those sensors, meaning the sensor is bad. When you tested at ground level, was the unit actually on the ground for several days? If so, that may be why your sensor went bad. It may be wet and shorted out on the control panel.
I just wanted to say that I think the console does that number thing because you still had the plastic screen protector on. Either way, I like the video, and I am buying one. I'm really excited to try it out and just monitor the weather.
Thanks for the review. I am looking at setting it up in a remote location with mobile internet for the connection. Any idea how much data it would use to access the device? Obviously depends how much you check it. Assuming it is only sending like a basic text file with the numbers that is hopefully fairly small ?
I'm considering to replace my Netatmo weather station with this. However one thing i would like to know. Does this require a internet connection to see the weather station data on a PC ? Thats one of my main cons with my netatmo weather station. I live in a spotty area, and it seems dumb that i cant even see my own weather stations data because i have no internet. Sure this has the display, but can you access the webinterface via a local address ? Thanks in advance!
But the BIG question, does it have an optional power source for outside fixture? Li-ion batteries freeze in temps. below 32 degrees. when this occurs their is NO POWER to external unit and no readings! If it had an optional power supply hookup it would be much better!
This is the most informative review of this product, I have found. I have one question about the Alexa interface. Can you ask for and receive just the outdoor temperature without getting the entire readout of weather statistics?
Someone needs to make an affordable all in one weather station with a remote mounted thermometer. I have a lot of experience with trying to get these all in one weather stations to give an accurate temperature when they are mounted out in the sun. It ain't happening folks. I tried all kinds of sun light shields. Some are homemade, others that I've bought. I've yet to find one that actually works. This is based on the premise that you're installing the weather station correctly. It should be 6 feet off of the ground. It should be over a grassy area. It should not be close enough to anything that might affect the rainfall or the speed and direction of the wind. It's not as easy as it might seem to find a spot like this in most yards. I have a 12 foot wide breezeway at my house that is perfect for taking the temperature. Unfortunately it sucks for any of the other weather measurements.
I'm sure you read somewhere that "It should be over a grassy area." I've read the same thing. However, that makes no sense if one lives in an area where there is no grass such as in the middle of the desert or a rocky mountainous area.
Can someone please tell me, how accurate the temperature is messured? I have/had a few weather stations but most of them are not accurate at all. I use a calibrated thermometer for comparison and only a single, 18 year old weatherstation works correct! The other are up to 4°C off.
Better late tan never. I checked the temp from my weather station, with a digital air thermometer and an analog (mercury) thermometer and found all three reading within 0.5 degrees. Had to approximate on the analog, of course.
I refuse to buy one of these stations until they have a screen that works from more than a single viewing angle. For YEARS these screens have only worked from a single downward viewing angle. They don't even work looking straight on. Why don't they fix??
Great video. Will be getting a British version called a ventus w830. Looking forward to setting it up. Can you stream it to more than one site i.e wunderground and weather cloud at the same time.
He's asking because if you want an accurate temperature of what you will feel then you want the thermometer about chest height. Wind you want as high as possible (33 ft) to prevent obstructions and get closer to what the NWS would get. But the temperature at that height might be different at ground level. For example freezing rain it could be 34 degrees at 33 ft but 32 degrees next to the ground.
The update time on the Ambient is poor compared to the Davis. If you choose the Ambient for economy, realize that you are getting what you pay for. Also, the Ambient is made in China, whereas the Davis is made in America.
Thanks for the info Mike. We agree the Davis stations are the gold standard in personal weather stations. The update times and accuracy are what sets them apart. If you're serious about monitoring the weather accurately, then a Davis station is the way to go. However, many users, especially first-time home weather station owners won't have the budget or don't want to spend $400+ (cost for a Vantage Vue and WeatherLink for internet connectivity) on a home weather station. For most home users, the update times on the Ambient Weather WS-2902 shouldn't be an issue, and the WS-2902 is going to be the best option for its user-friendly internet connectivity and because its a lot more affordable while still offering a very competitive level of accuracy. We also found that its construction is quite sturdy, and Ambient Weather also offers a one year warranty.
mike pennington I had the Davis Vantage Pro II and I finally threw it out. Pretty much everything electrical broke and I got tired of replacing parts. For the price Davis charges, I'd expect much, much better reliability. It's accurate when it works but I would never buy a Davis product again.
You're comparing its "inaccuracy" to the Davis. There's a very good chance the Davis is the inaccurate one to be honest! Reading reviews of other owners of the Davis models, some comparing their accuracy with hand held anemometers, the Davis wasn't that good!
My father's Davis machine is very accurate. Even survived a tornado that was 100-150 yards from their house. 124mph. I even had a Davis machine as a kid which was also accurate. I'm tempted to try this brand because know Accurite is terrible from experience. I have it 35 ft in the air with no trees obstructing and it could never get above 24mph during numerous severe storms. After a year with the Accurite the temperature started going crazy and would display 125 degrees and -40 degrees till it died.
Nice review, Thanks! does this unit measure wind gusts? how accurately does the wind speed that you see on the display reflect what's really happening outside from moment to moment? and how accurately does it appear on the graphs? We live in the Columbia Gorge and get hammered by winds, my old 5 in 1 was never very accurate about wind speed / changes, I wonder if this would be any better...
Can't bring myself to buy a home weather station when the name is misspelled on the box. So many of these home weather stations are really unreliable right out of the box or shortly afterwards. I have one that is 17 years old, not the newer technology, and it's been highly reliable - not so much that I'm going to recommend it since the wind gauge hasn't worked for a very long time (and it's now discontinued, anyway). However, most of the systems only sample the wind speed periodically so don't know that it's all that helpful unless you are in a hurricane and have a steady wind for several minutes. Still, it appears it's far more reliable than the latest ones. I do check every year or so to see if any of the main name brand companies have come up with a reliable one, and NONE have. Even the company that makes my station has a lot of trouble with their systems. Surprising, huh? I will tell you that I like that mine has a rain gauge you can mount separately from the other sensors so it can be cleaned out when needed. Yep, the birds land on them and poop, and it clogs them up or makes them read inaccurately. Some systems have a rain gauge attached to the wind meter. Well, if you want an accurate wind reading, you're going to have to mount it where the wind is, like on the roof. I'm not going to climb on the roof and clean the poop out of the rain gauge every time it acts up. Definitely something to keep in mind. So, kudos to my company for getting that right. I guess, if you want to get a reliable unit, going to have to spend at least $800, and that's a bit too much for my wallet. I can check my computer or cellphone if I want the latest. The only real feature about my home unit is I can get the rainfall amount at my location, not at the airport. Who lives at the airport, anyway...
Hello, I am really interested in puting this station on the APRS as a WX station. I think you do this through the WeatherUnderground site? (not Sure) But can you tell me any info to do this with this unit. I'm sure this unit will be able to do it? Thank you and really enjoyed your video.
Ambient may be getting a package back from me VERY SOON... mine arrived with no literature at all and i'm getting tired of looking for a download for the manual. my first impression? Not good. NOT GOOD AT ALL!
Here is a link to the manual p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@site.ambientweatherstore.com/ssl/Manuals/WS-2902.pdf You can also contact customer support and let them know. Ambient Weather take great care of their customers. www.ambientweather.com/amcoin.html
Weather Station Advisor thanks for your help. All i have to do now is figure out why i can't register the wu/apple & google app downloads... Sensors connected to console immediately, but -
I have been looking at getting the WS-2902 for a while now, and was wanting to share local weather with everyone in my neighborhood using Weather Underground. But I have seen where WU is no longer giving free API keys out any more, because of this will I not be able to share my weather station's information with my neighbors via Weather Underground? "To improve our services and enhance our relationship with our users, we will no longer provide free weather API keys as part of our program. If you have been directed to download our Weather Underground free API key by a third party provider, please contact your vendor for resolution." Link to Weather Underground API info. www.wunderground.com/weather/api Any information would be very helpful, this will be my first weather station. Thanks
Hey David, The API is for use with external third party applications that are separate from Weather Underground. This means that WU will charge for the use/key that connects any application which pulls data from Weather Underground (e.g. personal websites). If you connect the WS-2902 to Weather Underground and just view your station's data on your Weather Underground page (and share the page with neighbors) it will be free and operate as normal. Ambient Weather have their own cloud network that is completely separate from Weather Underground so you shouldn't have any issue with internet connectivity if you decide to make the purchase. There's also the ability to connect to Weather Cloud. For your first home weather station the WS-2902 is definitely going to be your best option, you can't go wrong here. The setup is straightforward and the customer support are very helpful.
This is a brilliant, complete, clear and conclusive review!
Excellent review. Thanks. The first review I watched noted it arrived in a box (no surprise), well packed, and was easy to install and use. What I really liked is how you generally addressed accuracy, which is what's driving my purchase (well, that and money). Thanks again and keep up the good work.
I have been using the WS-2902 for almost 5 months and have not experienced any problems at all up to this point. It is the only personal weather station that I have ever owned, so I cannot compare it to other units. Installation and setup was simple and easy. Data seems accurate as well. Very inexpensive, too. I am very happy with the WS-2902.
I have this weather station and it...is...AWESOME! If you're on the fence, buy one. Easy set up and very accurate!
Good it hear. I want to get one this year. 👍👍
still happy with it?
@@obguy99 yep. It's still going strong.
Realizing my roof is steel. Any suggestions for transmitting data? I really hate not to use the roof
@@steves743 still have the ws-2902c?
After having bought and returned 2 different LaCrosse units from Amazon, I am sorry I didn't listen to your review of the Ambient before buying the others. Great review and will buy this from Amazon
La Crosse and Accurite both are Junk!
This is the best UA-cam channel ever.
We got one of these weather stations for my Mom and Dad, we cannot change the time can somebody tell me how to change the time it didn't come with a manual, I would greatly appreciate the help thank you so much
This was a great review. Thanks!!!!
Hi! Searching this weather station in France, it seems it doesn’t exist. But in Amazon there are several brands which seem EXACTLY the same product, with the same Pad/console (only the name changes). They are all false weather station or it’s the same weather station assembled in China but sold in different countries under brands?
The real question is how these (made in china) weather stations compare to the professional counterparts used by national weather services (a single temperature / wind sesor costs several times more than these cheap weather stations - why?)!?
How do you reconcile the need to take temp at 5 to 6 feet and wind much higher can you expand on this
Ambient Weather does make all-in-one systems that support one or several additional remote temp/humidity sensors, so you can mount this one up high for wind and rain (and it will also gather temps) but then mount an additional sensor at ground level for more readings. Rain gauges that take official readings are typically placed right at ground level (or very near ground level) though, so now you're left with that problem as well. In most cases that isn't going to make much difference. I live on a small property in a highly treed area with no option for a rain gauge being unobstructed by trees short of placing it above my house so that's my particular compromise.
I was thinking about getting this but I am half and half about this...I live in Texas where we get hail and one bad storm and BAM!!..all that money gone
You talk about the viewing angle of the WS-2902C. I see that it is hard to view from above or below looking straight at it but what is the view if you look at it at the same level as the unit but from a 45 degree angle to the left or right. We have 2 chairs in our living room and will be about 7 feet away and each looking at it from about 45 degrees.
Very nice and informative, comparative review....👍
Very thorough and informative review. This was for a previous model, and I'm now comparing the WS-2902C (which appears to allow additional sensors) and the WS-2000. Looks like the only difference is the console so I'm debating on whether it's worth the additional $ to me as I could always have a spare computer screen or tablet displaying the Ambient Weather or WU site. Anyway, nice job on this review!
Good video. Informative. We have had ours for a few years. The indicator for outdoor weather temp and humidity % is showing 0. We have unplugged it, our wifi & router and it still does not fix the problem. Any suggestions
I have a 2902c. Its a few years old and now the outdoor temperature only works intermittently. Wind speed and rain work fine. No idea why it works sometime and other times not. Signal strength is always max. Did all the resets and fresh batteries. No help. Best advice I could get from Ambient was to replace the temperature sensor. If you take the outdoor sensor apart you will quickly find this not feasible. Hate to buy a whole new unit when the console and other functions work fine and I could end up with the same problem if it some weird radio interference issue.
2" conduit works great and it's only 20 bucks at my home center.
I'm considering this mainly for wind and rain. Are winds accurate? We get east winds that hit 60-90 mph but that's according to news. After the last one took out 3 trees an my fence. I'm hell bent for one of these.
Would you recommend this over the AccuRite 5-in-1 Pro+?
I have ben doing my research on weather stations & i am fixing to buy Either the Ambient Weather WS-7078 or the WS 2902c Or some other model of Ambient Weather But I Would like to know if yours is still working ? like most every one else i have had cheaper ones that die within a year or so & to me its stupid to keep buying Junk that just wont last..i am in ky at the bottom ish of the Appalachian Mountains an we have some Krazy weather an stuff must be built right or it just wont last long around here! & from every thing i have read online an saw about them they are really good for the money as i dont want to spend 400-1000$ on a Davis or something i do like the AW WS-5000-IP but 350-400$ is a little much imho !Thanks !
I have had Davis for decades, as my wireless station, and am so tired of their "80's" style console. Seriously looking at the Ambient to upgrade. I suppose that the slower update time would only matter in gusty situations.
How do I change the temperature inside on this unit please I lost the book
Can you please tell me how to set up email alerts in Weather Underground?
I purchased this one 18 months ago. It has failed 3 times. They replaced it twice in the first year but now they will not do anything. I even asked for a discount on a new purchase. They refused. I would not buy one of these. I am looking for another brand.
Nice review! Very informative and helpful. Thanks!!
How accurate are temp and humidity readings from accurite and lacrosse technology?
Wait you go to the Davis web site and the catalog is 2 years old .
Great tutorial on this Ambient weather station. In wanting to upgrade my current PWS, this cinched it for me.
William E. Lewis Jr.
Vero Beach, Florida
Are you still happy with it?
Can you get the information that the weather station transmits to custom, let`s say self-made website or maybe transfer the data to specific location in the web?
yes please
Great review. I was thinking about getting this unit and your info helped.
Great to hear!
So if your console is plugged into AC you get a constant lit display right? I want something that’s lit all the time. I know it’s not the best display but it’s 100 times better then what I have now.
Can someone help me? I’d like to contribute weather data as I think info like this would be increasingly important to all of us in the world - about climate change. How would you o about it? Would the data sent to weather underground be useful? Or is there an alternative? All helpful info would be appreciated.
Great video and review! Just received this for my bday :)
Since I would think a wind gauge works best the higher it is I can see the attached rain gauge filling up with leaves and things and failing. Why not separate the two gauges. This way the rain gauge can be kept in a lower place and cleaned easily when necessary?
Hello, may I ask. Can you run it without wi fi?
I'm really having trouble finding reliable information about rain sensors in areas like I live in with freezing winter conditions. Help?
when it freezes its not raining !
Any suggestions for someone with a metal roof?
Have owned this unit for several days now. Assembled and tested at ground level to ensure proper function and accuracy and everything was great. Very happy with readings and functions through 3 day ground level test. I then installed on a pole attached to house and all functions seem to be on track except outdoor temp and humidity. The seem to be registering some sort of factory maximum as temp is -40 and humidity is 99%. Any idea what i might have done and how I could undo it?
Aknorm, your temp/humidity sensor has gone bad and needs to be replaced. Its reporting what is its maximum for both those sensors, meaning the sensor is bad. When you tested at ground level, was the unit actually on the ground for several days? If so, that may be why your sensor went bad. It may be wet and shorted out on the control panel.
I just wanted to say that I think the console does that number thing because you still had the plastic screen protector on. Either way, I like the video, and I am buying one. I'm really excited to try it out and just monitor the weather.
I just purchased one, so excited. I have the pole set and waiting for the unit to arrive!
@@markpratt9039 still happy with it?
Thanks for the review. I am looking at setting it up in a remote location with mobile internet for the connection. Any idea how much data it would use to access the device? Obviously depends how much you check it. Assuming it is only sending like a basic text file with the numbers that is hopefully fairly small ?
I'm considering to replace my Netatmo weather station with this. However one thing i would like to know. Does this require a internet connection to see the weather station data on a PC ? Thats one of my main cons with my netatmo weather station. I live in a spotty area, and it seems dumb that i cant even see my own weather stations data because i have no internet. Sure this has the display, but can you access the webinterface via a local address ? Thanks in advance!
Which is the best one from this range = WS-2902a, b or c?
Hola ¿como la reconecto a internet? Cambie el módem de mi proveedor de internet y NO LA PUEDO CONECTAR. HELP
Just purchased two days ago, can’t get the thing to connect to save my life., iOS running google WiFi, turned off nodes, just says unable to connect
But the BIG question, does it have an optional power source for outside fixture? Li-ion batteries freeze in temps. below 32 degrees. when this occurs their is NO POWER to external unit and no readings! If it had an optional power supply hookup it would be much better!
How to download the data from the weather underground?
This is the most informative review of this product, I have found. I have one question about the Alexa interface. Can you ask for and receive just the outdoor temperature without getting the entire readout of weather statistics?
Someone needs to make an affordable all in one weather station with a remote mounted thermometer. I have a lot of experience with trying to get these all in one weather stations to give an accurate temperature when they are mounted out in the sun. It ain't happening folks. I tried all kinds of sun light shields. Some are homemade, others that I've bought. I've yet to find one that actually works. This is based on the premise that you're installing the weather station correctly. It should be 6 feet off of the ground. It should be over a grassy area. It should not be close enough to anything that might affect the rainfall or the speed and direction of the wind. It's not as easy as it might seem to find a spot like this in most yards. I have a 12 foot wide breezeway at my house that is perfect for taking the temperature. Unfortunately it sucks for any of the other weather measurements.
I'm sure you read somewhere that "It should be over a grassy area." I've read the same thing. However, that makes no sense if one lives in an area where there is no grass such as in the middle of the desert or a rocky mountainous area.
Can you separate the wind sensor from the temp/humidity sensors?
Can someone please tell me, how accurate the temperature is messured? I have/had a few weather stations but most of them are not accurate at all.
I use a calibrated thermometer for comparison and only a single, 18 year old weatherstation works correct! The other are up to 4°C off.
Better late tan never. I checked the temp from my weather station, with a digital air thermometer and an analog (mercury) thermometer and found all three reading within 0.5 degrees. Had to approximate on the analog, of course.
@@Gallagherfreak100 Thanks Rory! I brought it about 2 years ago and checked the temps aswell. Whole system still works fine.
I got this years ago but never set it up…
I refuse to buy one of these stations until they have a screen that works from more than a single viewing angle. For YEARS these screens have only worked from a single downward viewing angle. They don't even work looking straight on. Why don't they fix??
I'm thinking about getting one.
Great video. Will be getting a British version called a ventus w830. Looking forward to setting it up. Can you stream it to more than one site i.e wunderground and weather cloud at the same time.
Can this record 130mph wind speeds?
I don't get it, why put the wind and air temperature sensor at the same level?
What your reasoning for not understanding it? I feel like I am missing something for this to be important.
He's asking because if you want an accurate temperature of what you will feel then you want the thermometer about chest height. Wind you want as high as possible (33 ft) to prevent obstructions and get closer to what the NWS would get. But the temperature at that height might be different at ground level. For example freezing rain it could be 34 degrees at 33 ft but 32 degrees next to the ground.
The update time on the Ambient is poor compared to the Davis. If you choose the Ambient for economy, realize that you are getting what you pay for. Also, the Ambient is made in China, whereas the Davis is made in America.
Thanks for the info Mike. We agree the Davis stations are the gold standard in personal weather stations. The update times and accuracy are what sets them apart. If you're serious about monitoring the weather accurately, then a Davis station is the way to go. However, many users, especially first-time home weather station owners won't have the budget or don't want to spend $400+ (cost for a Vantage Vue and WeatherLink for internet connectivity) on a home weather station.
For most home users, the update times on the Ambient Weather WS-2902 shouldn't be an issue, and the WS-2902 is going to be the best option for its user-friendly internet connectivity and because its a lot more affordable while still offering a very competitive level of accuracy. We also found that its construction is quite sturdy, and Ambient Weather also offers a one year warranty.
mike pennington I had the Davis Vantage Pro II and I finally threw it out. Pretty much everything electrical broke and I got tired of replacing parts. For the price Davis charges, I'd expect much, much better reliability. It's accurate when it works but I would never buy a Davis product again.
This thing looks badass
You're comparing its "inaccuracy" to the Davis. There's a very good chance the Davis is the inaccurate one to be honest! Reading reviews of other owners of the Davis models, some comparing their accuracy with hand held anemometers, the Davis wasn't that good!
Unless the handheld and the Davis anemometer are 33 feet off the ground, neither are entirely accurate.
My father's Davis machine is very accurate. Even survived a tornado that was 100-150 yards from their house. 124mph. I even had a Davis machine as a kid which was also accurate. I'm tempted to try this brand because know Accurite is terrible from experience. I have it 35 ft in the air with no trees obstructing and it could never get above 24mph during numerous severe storms. After a year with the Accurite the temperature started going crazy and would display 125 degrees and -40 degrees till it died.
Good review
In the opening scene the left painting is upside down ;)
Nice review, Thanks! does this unit measure wind gusts? how accurately does the wind speed that you see on the display reflect what's really happening outside from moment to moment? and how accurately does it appear on the graphs? We live in the Columbia Gorge and get hammered by winds, my old 5 in 1 was never very accurate about wind speed / changes, I wonder if this would be any better...
It should be an improvement for you and the graphs are good too on wunderground etc. Overall it's great for the price.
Osprey is spelled wrong on the package! 😄
So can't expect to be able to see it from anywhere (any angle) in a room? Deal breaker.
Not for me
Can't bring myself to buy a home weather station when the name is misspelled on the box.
So many of these home weather stations are really unreliable right out of the box or shortly afterwards. I have one that is 17 years old, not the newer technology, and it's been highly reliable - not so much that I'm going to recommend it since the wind gauge hasn't worked for a very long time (and it's now discontinued, anyway). However, most of the systems only sample the wind speed periodically so don't know that it's all that helpful unless you are in a hurricane and have a steady wind for several minutes. Still, it appears it's far more reliable than the latest ones.
I do check every year or so to see if any of the main name brand companies have come up with a reliable one, and NONE have. Even the company that makes my station has a lot of trouble with their systems. Surprising, huh?
I will tell you that I like that mine has a rain gauge you can mount separately from the other sensors so it can be cleaned out when needed. Yep, the birds land on them and poop, and it clogs them up or makes them read inaccurately. Some systems have a rain gauge attached to the wind meter. Well, if you want an accurate wind reading, you're going to have to mount it where the wind is, like on the roof. I'm not going to climb on the roof and clean the poop out of the rain gauge every time it acts up. Definitely something to keep in mind. So, kudos to my company for getting that right.
I guess, if you want to get a reliable unit, going to have to spend at least $800, and that's a bit too much for my wallet. I can check my computer or cellphone if I want the latest. The only real feature about my home unit is I can get the rainfall amount at my location, not at the airport. Who lives at the airport, anyway...
Hello, I am really interested in puting this station on the APRS as a WX station. I think you do this through the WeatherUnderground site? (not Sure) But can you tell me any info to do this with this unit. I'm sure this unit will be able to do it? Thank you and really enjoyed your video.
Ambient Weather says, "Yes." - www.ambientweather.com/vwsaprs.html
Your data on "ambient weather.net" is available to anyone with an internet connection.
how do you replace the batteries?
Thanks for a great video but Damm I can recognize that accent after I left home. Is that how we all really talk lol
The only way you get accurate readings is to have the sensors at the correct heights,this doesn’t
un consiglio posso acquistarla e istallarla da me in italia?
Ambient may be getting a package back from me VERY SOON...
mine arrived with no literature at all and i'm getting tired of looking for a download for the manual.
my first impression? Not good. NOT GOOD AT ALL!
Here is a link to the manual p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@site.ambientweatherstore.com/ssl/Manuals/WS-2902.pdf
You can also contact customer support and let them know. Ambient Weather take great care of their customers. www.ambientweather.com/amcoin.html
Weather Station Advisor
thanks for your help.
All i have to do now is figure out why i can't register the wu/apple & google app downloads...
Sensors connected to console immediately, but -
If you want to use wifi use power adapter instead of batteries
I wish my videos looked as great as yours. I have videos on my UA-cam page and they are not as good as yours...👍🇺🇸
I have been looking at getting the WS-2902 for a while now, and was wanting to share local weather with everyone in my neighborhood using Weather Underground. But I have seen where WU is no longer giving free API keys out any more, because of this will I not be able to share my weather station's information with my neighbors via Weather Underground?
"To improve our services and enhance our relationship with our users, we will no longer provide free weather API keys as part of our program. If you have been directed to download our Weather Underground free API key by a third party provider, please contact your vendor for resolution."
Link to Weather Underground API info.
Any information would be very helpful, this will be my first weather station.
Hey David,
The API is for use with external third party applications that are separate from Weather Underground. This means that WU will charge for the use/key that connects any application which pulls data from Weather Underground (e.g. personal websites). If you connect the WS-2902 to Weather Underground and just view your station's data on your Weather Underground page (and share the page with neighbors) it will be free and operate as normal.
Ambient Weather have their own cloud network that is completely separate from Weather Underground so you shouldn't have any issue with internet connectivity if you decide to make the purchase. There's also the ability to connect to Weather Cloud.
For your first home weather station the WS-2902 is definitely going to be your best option, you can't go wrong here. The setup is straightforward and the customer support are very helpful.
Thank you, for that info!
@@weatherstationadvisor8535 still happy with this thing?
Even with my hearing aid turned all the way up I can't understand this guy. Posters here, fix your sound levels before posting
WE'ATHERZ'--Hawaiian king's path. Damn hacks-- suck! Ambient-- is digital not, atmosphere-- another Hawaiian name.
This is a total waste of money with horrible instructions!