The Tragedy Of Deforestation | Climate Change: The Facts | BBC Earth

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @gim6976
    @gim6976 2 роки тому +127

    Government are ignoring this issue like i ignore ads and sponsors in the video

    • @PankajSharma-mc4ox
      @PankajSharma-mc4ox 2 роки тому +7

      Yes sir you are right about government 👏

    • @Cleeon
      @Cleeon 2 роки тому +3

      Weewwww, sadly but facts

    • @mansageekz7938
      @mansageekz7938 2 роки тому +1

      @@abhignavijjapurapu209 rolls Royce just made a small electric plane hopefully it can be they can do it large scale with passenger and cargo planes

    • @lawman3966
      @lawman3966 2 роки тому +2

      @@mansageekz7938 This raises the same issue that Internet Safety did. We need a decarbonized way to generate the electricity. Electricity and hydrogen aren't sources of energy. They're mechanisms for storing energy and transmitting it from one place to another.

    • @mansageekz7938
      @mansageekz7938 2 роки тому +2

      @@lawman3966 ye like renewable sources, hopefully the new developments in nuclear fusion can mean we can use fusion as power soon

  • @LesleytheBirdNerd
    @LesleytheBirdNerd 2 роки тому +228

    Well, that was the most depressing thing I've watched in a while. Something really does have to be done, we humans as a whole can't seem to see past the end of our nose.

    • @DarthObscurity
      @DarthObscurity 2 роки тому +7

      It's anyone with a retirement account or money in the stock market. If they don't demand that investors shift from dirty, max-profit tactics, nothing we do will matter.

    • @hahabanero
      @hahabanero 2 роки тому +12

      This is actually something, that we consumers can stop as a individual. We don't need politicians or corporations to change theirs mind - eat less or no meat and dairy, don't use paper bags, don't use products with palm oil, don't buy shirt every freaking weak if it's still a good shirt, etc. Just use your brain people and everything will be ok - USE YOUR BRAIN.

    • @Nitka022
      @Nitka022 2 роки тому

      @@hahabanero Could NOT agree MORE!! We have free electricity as our house is small and runs now on solar. Tesla battery for night use. And we use bamboo toilet paper now and I refuse to do rag drawers are full as it is!! There is too many of us and we consume too much of everything....need to really take stock and reduce, reduce and reduce....

    • @Nitka022
      @Nitka022 2 роки тому

      @@stanbasicidol9444 nope...never knew that! Too late now...we got it...when there comes time to change them over will do better research...but there was nothing else!

    • @dinky3817
      @dinky3817 2 роки тому +2

      so many people have so many fears, just by way of curiosity how many of you think it realistic to believe that humans will successfully tackle the issues such as global warming and gaining peace and security?

  • @oliverschmidt1988
    @oliverschmidt1988 2 роки тому +220

    the picture with the Orangutan says everything ....

    • @mrblackonwhitealvet3018
      @mrblackonwhitealvet3018 2 роки тому +25

      it even looks like a avatar scene

    • @mikewillems3849
      @mikewillems3849 2 роки тому +25

      Exactly, that was truly digusting

    • @yourfriend5157
      @yourfriend5157 2 роки тому

      @@mrblackonwhitealvet3018 😐

    • @Irohbro
      @Irohbro 2 роки тому +4

      When talking about Soy and Palm oil they always leave out the most of it is feed to livestock so we can eat them.
      Replacing wild animals whit factory farmed animals.

    • @robertmarmaduke9721
      @robertmarmaduke9721 2 роки тому +3

      @@Irohbro Would you rather eat wild animals? Or would you prefer soy, and wipe out all the wild animals? You decide. Because it takes VASTLY more deforestation, herbicides and pesticides to grow soy, than it does to ranch cattle.

  • @findingian001
    @findingian001 2 роки тому +89

    I recently planted 700 trees but I felt I have achieved nothing😭💔❤️But now I am planning to plant 1Million trees by April 2022

    • @thomasfholland
      @thomasfholland 2 роки тому +13

      Yeah sure I believe you 😂

    • @nuanceblacksywin4868
      @nuanceblacksywin4868 2 роки тому +6

      Good, but it sadly doesn't get the untouched rainforest back. It doesn't get the extinct species back. De deforestation have to STOP!

    • @sarthaksanatani05
      @sarthaksanatani05 2 роки тому +8

      Stop eating meat it will save lots of forest land being cleared

    • @mdtanzil670
      @mdtanzil670 2 роки тому


    • @mdtanzil670
      @mdtanzil670 2 роки тому +1

      @@nuanceblacksywin4868 It is high time to stop deforestation.

  • @NikocadoAvocado
    @NikocadoAvocado 2 роки тому +10

    Palm oil is 2nd. Let's talk about the 1st reason.... *Top reason for deforestation: Animal agriculture.* Growing food to feed animals. Especially in places like Brazil, who's payed off by Canada, UK, and USA, to create massive grain, corn, soy felids to feed Cattle. We don't need to all be vegans, but we also don't need to consume this much meat in a system that taxes rainforest acreage. That's one of the reasons lab grown meat and plant based meat (you see Beyond Meat more and more now) is on the rise.

    • @chewybits3662
      @chewybits3662 2 роки тому +2

      Lol why are you here

    • @tuareg8311
      @tuareg8311 2 роки тому +1

      @@chewybits3662 Ahahaaha 😅

    • @edsmith4148
      @edsmith4148 2 роки тому

      Dont cut down all the trees for animal feed cut em all down for fake meat!

    • @chewybits3662
      @chewybits3662 2 роки тому

      @@edsmith4148 how about we do neither and let the human population die out

    • @Eldritchcallings3082
      @Eldritchcallings3082 2 роки тому

      Ew, you disgust me

  • @wolfrex7567
    @wolfrex7567 2 роки тому +156

    The cause of all problems: 💵

    • @shannonsisk
      @shannonsisk 2 роки тому +4

      Money is the cause of all problems.

    • @chingamfong
      @chingamfong 2 роки тому +14

      Fundamentally it's greed.

    • @rafazdunek2640
      @rafazdunek2640 2 роки тому +5

      @@chingamfong Money and greed leads to human. WE ARE THE PROBLEM.

    • @GoogleIsNotYourFriend
      @GoogleIsNotYourFriend 2 роки тому +9

      Lazy answer. We are doing this, all of us. Unless your apart of one of those "untouched" tribes still living primitively, which we aren't, we are apart of it.

    • @sam4850
      @sam4850 2 роки тому +7

      It's people... there is to many people. Imagine the quality of life if there were only one billion people on earth

  • @eeziwestfeels8487
    @eeziwestfeels8487 2 роки тому +77

    The narrator saying forests are like 'the lungs of the planet' is essentially a brilliant wrap of the whole documentary

  • @alexfischer7835
    @alexfischer7835 2 роки тому +15

    3:02 the monkey attacking the machine was sad to see..

  • @conred6635
    @conred6635 2 роки тому +13

    "When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realise that you cannot eat money."

  • @raptorx8888
    @raptorx8888 2 роки тому +161

    I live in Sweden and deforestation is a thing I see daily and something I have gotten used to. I can only remember one single bit of forest that have not been cut down since I was 10 years old. Just some kilometers away, maybe 4, alot of trees are being cut down to build houses, or just nothing and to just gain money. This leads to all the deers for example, comes down here to the fields, destroys the field and our garden because they have nowhere else to go. It really hurts me and I worry about climate change each day.
    I really don't want to just watch it all happen, but what am I, a 14 year old, gonna do in a world where people just listen to "adults", those who did not listen when told that climate change was real, those who are making me grow up on a burning planet, dying species, rising sea levels and soon incredibly many immigrants who've lost their homes.
    We're taught about it in school, but it feels like no one else actually understands the seriousness. If this don't go well, which is very much possible, each summer will come with immense heat, and therefore huge wildfires and dangerous smoke.
    It feels like everything is hopeless about it sometimes, because even when I tell people about how worried I am and telling them what could happen, most just shrugs it off and says "They're probably gonna find some machine that will fix everything.", but to be honest, we already got those machines, but they cost too much and we can pretty "easily" life a more simple life that won't affect nature that much. The world kind of just care about money, until it finally sees that it needs to do something, though it's already too late when it does.
    So I beg whoever is reading this, spread the awareness, try to make people see that it's already happening and that it will get much worse if we don't do something. We would get a planet with seas full of poison, air full of smoke, populations with extreme hunger, weather that is constant hell and people running away from their home. It might seem hopeless, but it ain't yet. Just try to make people hear and educate them, so they know that they need to live a bit more different lives and how.
    If you don't want to do this, think of the coming generations, maybe younger siblings or cousins, you maybe even got kids, do it for them.
    (Now excuse me if the text's grammar isn't great, just wrote this in a hurry and didn't have time to look if I've spelled something wrong. Have a good day, and thank you)

    • @dinky3817
      @dinky3817 2 роки тому +6

      You have insight and care very much dont you, what if I told you that i am 100% sure that life WILL get better?

    • @dinky3817
      @dinky3817 2 роки тому +3

      It is the very ones ruining the earth who themselves will be brought to ruin, unlike human society where the innocent ones pay for the greed and selfishness of others, Jehovah will only rid the earth of the wicked influences and he will only allow the meek [which biblically means those who are willing to be taught the right way] to live so that the planet and all living things will only benefit from his ways of only taking what we as a family need, = no waste no money issues as no mony just kindness and love. do you think man can achieve this? not at all Jehovah almighty God has allowed us these last 1000s of years to prove to ourselves we need him and he has promised to turn back ALL of the damage and even bring back to the earth those who have died once it is the world after war between mankind and JEHOVAH which in the bible is called Armageddon, so even this is not to be feared if we try to live the way he intended us to live in the first place. There are 100s of prophecies that are coming true in our time before our very eyes.go to for more information. May you find answers that will give you hope and peace and joy.

    • @robertmarmaduke9721
      @robertmarmaduke9721 2 роки тому +4

      Since you're 14, let me give you some context. Here in America, 100 years ago, at the advent of oil and gas, people held forest clearings, a horse, maybe a cow and grew corn and beans. The wife had a smock, the naked children had no shoes, the father had a shirt, pair of pants and boots with no socks. That was 85% of America, and the forests were logged off from coast to coast. You can see the new towns photos built in the stump-farm barren hills behind. Ask your grandfather.
      Then oil and gas blew gold dust over the entire world, and for 100 years we turned Earth back into the Garden of Eden. Today the Northern Civilizations enjoy incredible wealth and abundance amid lush greenery, clean air and clean water. When the New Climate Caliphate in Brussels starts TAXING that wealth, you'll see old people starving and children made orphans sleeping frozen in doorways. And all the forests will be cut down for fire wood by those who still have a home.
      Eftersom du är 14, låt mig ge dig lite sammanhang. Här i Amerika, för 100 år sedan, vid tillkomsten av olja och gas, höll människor skogsgläntor, en häst, kanske en ko och odlade majs och bönor. Hustrun hade en kittel, de nakna barnen hade inga skor, pappan hade en skjorta, ett par byxor och stövlar utan strumpor. Det var 85 % av Amerika, och skogarna var avverkade från kust till kust. Du kan se de nya städernas foton byggda i stubbgårdens karga kullar bakom. Fråga din farfar.
      Sedan blåste olja och gas gulddamm över hela världen, och i 100 år förvandlade vi jorden tillbaka till Edens lustgård. Idag åtnjuter de nordliga civilisationerna otrolig rikedom och överflöd bland frodig grönska, ren luft och rent vatten. När det nya klimatkalifatet i Bryssel börjar BEskatta den rikedomen, kommer du att se gamla människor svälta och barn göra föräldralösa barn som sover frusna i dörröppningar. Och alla skogar ska huggas ner för ved av dem som fortfarande har ett hem.

    • @zion3335
      @zion3335 2 роки тому +16

      @@robertmarmaduke9721 wrong!!!...the forests in the northern hemisphere are artificial plantations. Or the direct cause of human interference centuries ago..they are mostly unproductive and lifeless....thats nothing compared to the tropical rainforests that are shown in the video....the rainforests of the tropics are more abundant than all other forests combined....they have wide diversity in ecosystems....what the industrial world did was transfer its factories or extractive processes to the tropics aka developing world...and they garden of eden that you say the west created is just that a well manicured garden...nothing else...the real paradise is the untouched rainforests where colorful birds sing and a million different species thrive....that's nature....

    • @em945
      @em945 2 роки тому +2

      Take care, and stay healthy. I hope you can at least stay in love with the beauty you do have around you. I imagine it is most likely that the answers will come from your generation, and the one's a little older. It is a big burden, but you won't be so likely to believe so much in consumerism and endless growth.

  • @TigerTigz.
    @TigerTigz. 2 роки тому +2

    There hasn't been any rain in the Masai Mara game Park in Kenya for almost a year. Climate change.

  • @AgusSJati
    @AgusSJati 2 роки тому +10

    It is nice to see Dr. Hansen himself (whose publications I referred to many times) talking about this global forest loss.

  • @sndnisyavines4844
    @sndnisyavines4844 2 роки тому +17

    Love BBC earth lot of nature learning

  • @sakshidwivedi9393
    @sakshidwivedi9393 2 роки тому +39

    The thing is that everyone on this planet knows what should be done but no one is doing it...and I m sorry to say that the day is not far enough when we have to say goodbyes 😭

    • @seand2075
      @seand2075 2 роки тому +13

      Most people are living from paycheck to paycheck. They are too busy just trying to survive. Nothing will change until we get out of wage slavery.

    • @m.elmejdoub4201
      @m.elmejdoub4201 2 роки тому +5

      Really, I am tired of this situation, the years pass and I see everything that I am in nature is starting to happen, little by little. I did nothing. I just watched nature programs and they warn about what is happening and I do nothing. My conscience hurts me every time I notice people. They do not care about this. Continuing to live the same way of life, I am really sick of this situation, a drought threatens my country, but no one speaks, 😞

    • @liquidfire21
      @liquidfire21 Рік тому +2

      @@m.elmejdoub4201 Money controls people ig (that's just what I see, no offence)

  • @manankagarwal2510
    @manankagarwal2510 2 роки тому +32

    I become tensed about future after seeing this 🙁

    • @6.7powerstroke13
      @6.7powerstroke13 2 роки тому

      Boy they hooked line and sunk you without any problem.

    • @thehyperactiveswissguy8416
      @thehyperactiveswissguy8416 2 роки тому +3

      That good

    • @DJ-bj2wu
      @DJ-bj2wu 2 роки тому

      All these things point to the fact that it's time for the Creator to take back rulership over this earth which is His handwork. Let's look to Him. Psalm 37:9-11,29

    • @sihilius
      @sihilius 5 місяців тому

      Don't worry it's just propaganda by the democ's.

  • @SomeUserInternet
    @SomeUserInternet 2 роки тому +3

    This video makes me angry. Entire Europe or at least most of it should be shown as orange, but because they already destroyed their forests long long time ago they are "ok". Take England for example - most of its forests are destroyed by humans. But on this map it doesn't show

    • @Shaileshartsms
      @Shaileshartsms 2 роки тому +1

      They destroyed their forests to make a satellite, which can be used to monitor other remaining forests...

  • @Reactionmemes541
    @Reactionmemes541 2 роки тому +3

    American, European have wooden house's and talking deforestation is bad ..

  • @Smashy4Pants
    @Smashy4Pants 4 місяці тому

    A really good video that brings to life the issue. I feel like I've just witnessed the real life version of a scene involving an orangutan from Nicky Head's book 'Sophie's Cause' - a children's book that highlights the importance of amending our eating habits to reduce deforestation etc caused by issues like palm oil plantations. Worth a read for the younger and older generations. Seeing an orangutan in this situation in real life truly brings it home.

  • @wildae.
    @wildae. 2 роки тому +35

    this is the most saddening picture. I have always been driven towards nature and saving it but i am afraid most of the humans are not aware or don't care about forests. These people from BBC and other scientist are trying their best to warn us but i feel many people are still unaware and something different needs to be done to spread this message.
    I live in Pakistan and just today i saw trucks with logs of woods being transported and it really made me so mad and sad

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +4

      I agree. I've heard several people bragging to me that they cut trees. As casually as they would say that they pull weeds. It makes me sick. People just don't know. Or they don't care.

    • @GoogleIsNotYourFriend
      @GoogleIsNotYourFriend 2 роки тому +3

      At this point the message is irrelevant. This isn't just the problem of some "other" who doesn't know or doesn't care. It is our lives, all of us. From the rich countries to the poor. Everyone is playing a role. Even those who think they care are contributing to it.

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +3

      @@GoogleIsNotYourFriend Unfortunately there are just too many of us here.

    • @mansageekz7938
      @mansageekz7938 2 роки тому +1

      @@GoogleIsNotYourFriend it is mostly the world leaders, they do not care about this all they care about is money, I've tried to do my part but not eating meat and reducing electricity usage and using public transport but there's only so we can do, it's the world leaders that need to change

    • @GoogleIsNotYourFriend
      @GoogleIsNotYourFriend 2 роки тому

      ​@@mansageekz7938 Haha. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

  • @Nitka022
    @Nitka022 2 роки тому +8

    I am so so angry I could scream. But I am weeping instead...I NEVER EVER wanted any palm oil in my products! BUT we buy and have NO IDEA it is there!! The names they are using are like codes! So check labels people! Vegetable oil is major one, AND ingredients with prefixes: STEAR, GLYC, PALM, LAUR. The shopping will be a nightmare but we are responsible for these fires by buying their products...shocking underhanded behaviour!!! We have to boycott!

    • @philarscott
      @philarscott 2 роки тому +1

      Boycotts just won't do enough. Government ban on importing products containing it is the only effective measure.
      Message your politicians. It can be done at the city level if higher ups don't get with the program.

    • @TheSilverGate
      @TheSilverGate 2 роки тому +3

      Start by boicoting beef in all forms. Yes, beef burgers, steak, etc...

    • @Nitka022
      @Nitka022 2 роки тому

      @@TheSilverGate Look...I hear and get it what you are saying...but did you know our soils are so depleted and toxic, UN scientists are predicting we have only 60 harvests left globally? becoming vegan or even vegetarian will NOT help one bit...there won't be enough vegies to go around....we HAVE to eat less...I have started eating OMAD style - One Meal a would not believe how much less I am eating at the moment! less of everything...

    • @Shaileshartsms
      @Shaileshartsms 2 роки тому +1

      @@Nitka022 have you heard about permaculture, Or natural farming? I have seen great results in India. One such method is SPNF. There is a lot of hope there..

    • @Nitka022
      @Nitka022 2 роки тому

      @@Shaileshartsms Yes! Seen lots of videos on the subject! In India, Africa and other places...amazing...

  • @newts-abyss2436
    @newts-abyss2436 2 роки тому +5

    Time to send the 1% to Mars and let the rest of us dismantle the system we currently have in favour of a clean up the earth mission. 🌍

  • @johnkammer277
    @johnkammer277 2 роки тому +4

    When the deforested countries have droughts, will they be able understand why. Habitat destruction leads to species extinction then the end of humanity is imminent.

  • @brandonaldaymachuse6669
    @brandonaldaymachuse6669 2 роки тому +10

    We are burning the candle at both ends. This won't end well for just won't. We are at the point of no return because capitalism, greed and the human desire for more and more will never wane.

    • @TheSilverGate
      @TheSilverGate 2 роки тому +1

      Stop eating burgers and beef then, that's something you can do now.

  • @aestheticvibezz142
    @aestheticvibezz142 2 роки тому +28

    We Should Learn From Bhutan It's The Only Carbon Negative Country. They Treat The Environment Like God And That's Why They Care And Protect The Nature And One Of The Happiest Country In The World 🌏🌝

  • @davehendricks4824
    @davehendricks4824 2 роки тому +5

    Everybody talks about CO2 levels going up. No one is talking about dropping oxygen levels when all these trees disappear!

  • @tonypalliser3761
    @tonypalliser3761 2 роки тому +4

    It is certainly going to be tough going for the next few generations

    • @LK-pc4sq
      @LK-pc4sq 2 роки тому +1

      You mean Humans Extinction? Fighting for the last gallon of water or box of food due to global Famine?

  • @nigelmiles1597
    @nigelmiles1597 2 роки тому +16

    I’ve travelled to 43 countries since 1972 and seen nearly everything minimized or totally destroyed. So depressing but with no way out. The world is dying.

    • @evaldaszmitra7322
      @evaldaszmitra7322 2 роки тому +4

      I really hope something comes along to kill like 90% of all humans... We're the problem.

    • @LK-pc4sq
      @LK-pc4sq 2 роки тому

      unless UN does something and goes to war with these countries and kills the loggers. Do you know inoculation is the sucesses of the human race and why the population is out of control?

    • @DaveBuildsThings
      @DaveBuildsThings 2 роки тому +1

      The world will not die. We will. Then afterwards, the earth will heal and rebuild.

    • @LK-pc4sq
      @LK-pc4sq 2 роки тому

      @@evaldaszmitra7322 Inoculation and modern medical advances made humans successful. look at the global population curve.

    • @liquidfire21
      @liquidfire21 Рік тому

      I've seen a photo of glaciers back then, they were so huge to the point where I thought they were bigger and TALLER than skyscrapers.
      Looking at them right now suprised me, a lot has been destroyed (and I mean a LOT)
      I guess we're not just destroying some habitats and ecosystems, we're also destroying a shield that protects this beautiful planet. I am deeply sad and hopeless because the majority of people don't take these problems seriously.

  • @lakshmikrishnan4637
    @lakshmikrishnan4637 2 роки тому +22

    It's very sad 😢 to see how we humans causing damage to the mother Earth 🌍.

    • @Cleeon
      @Cleeon 2 роки тому +1

      Relax, just like Mahabharata story, that peoples will be replaced with better younger people's who love nature, soon....

    • @DJ-bj2wu
      @DJ-bj2wu 2 роки тому


    • @GowthamV07
      @GowthamV07 2 роки тому +5

      @@Cleeon Nope. Not when those young people won't have a forest to protect. At the rate we are destroying forests , there is going to be zero forests in the future.

    • @murim_guy
      @murim_guy 2 роки тому +1

      @@Cleeon bro come out of those religious stories. They are like moral value stories.

    • @Cleeon
      @Cleeon 2 роки тому

      @@GowthamV07 yeaahh, maybe that younger around you, but I'm optimistic with myself and all best friends around me and all best friends on other countries/I mean we're good friends but because of distance, hmm... We're rarely meet face to face, but that's one of benefits living on this age, the age of science, internet, and globally 🙂, I make Mahabharata story as example, because want you to remember, what make that story so long to get best resolution, the problem is because the younger do not want to obey what Shri Khrisna said, to attack all, even if they're your elder

  • @Noukz37
    @Noukz37 2 роки тому +4

    @02:56 That is just so... depressing to see. Just like watching people that work at the slaughterhouses - how can these people keep doing their shitty job?!

  • @tomcooper573
    @tomcooper573 2 роки тому +11

    They should just make a law that if you cut down a tree you get hung on one.

    • @jakowako7157
      @jakowako7157 2 роки тому

      what? maybe illegally,yes but even legal may be aided by corrupt leaders

    • @tomcooper573
      @tomcooper573 2 роки тому

      @@jakowako7157 it’s a joke mate this was my other comment - What really frustrates me is the fact that the decisions being made like deforestation are made by a select few people and effect everyone on earth when if huge decisions like that were put to vote by everyone on earth it would most certainly be voted against yet the world is run by idiots and we the every day person have no say in the matter.

  • @topetotversion2
    @topetotversion2 2 роки тому +2

    Each country chasing industrialization for economy.. also making weapon for status of strong country... But in the end we go to extinction....

  • @JoseTapia-qp5lc
    @JoseTapia-qp5lc 2 роки тому +22

    I hope deforestation stops sad that forest animals lose their homes

    • @TheSilverGate
      @TheSilverGate 2 роки тому +2

      Stop eating beef then, deforestation will not go away by "hoping"

    • @ThatsaToilet
      @ThatsaToilet 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheSilverGate I have my own cows bro

    • @freakyur6
      @freakyur6 2 роки тому +6

      As if eating meat is the prime factor in the increase of deforestation... you people just follow trends with your fickle selves. I bet you use tonnes of paper.

    • @nightblader1
      @nightblader1 2 роки тому

      @@freakyur6 missing the point. It’s about taking action instead of hoping.

    • @CrimsonCr0wn
      @CrimsonCr0wn 2 роки тому +3

      @@TheSilverGate have you even watched the Video? They said its the palm oil aswell. Not only meat

  • @Damian-on6ds
    @Damian-on6ds Рік тому +1

    Deforestation that's crazy.

  • @kuitaranheatmorus9932
    @kuitaranheatmorus9932 2 роки тому +63

    It's always good to learn about why deforestation is so bad,and how we can solve to minimize it.

    • @nirangarathnayaka5296
      @nirangarathnayaka5296 2 роки тому wild elephant attack caught on camera minneriya national park srilanka

    • @koyaanisqatsi78
      @koyaanisqatsi78 2 роки тому +3

      I've been hearing it all my life but the machine keeps on plowing through the Earth..

    • @murim_guy
      @murim_guy 2 роки тому +1

      Learning it won't do anything. It's already too late. The feedback from climate is already increasing the intensity of wildfires.

    • @koyaanisqatsi78
      @koyaanisqatsi78 2 роки тому +3

      @@murim_guy Still all action should be taken, the difference in do you continue to add to the problem each day or do you do things which will have balancing or countering effect.. but yeah that's never going to happen as nobody is going to sacrifice the now for a century into the future.

    • @suehowie152
      @suehowie152 2 роки тому

      Deal with greedy corporations..

  • @15284750
    @15284750 2 роки тому +4

    Typical humans.
    1:35 I didn't expect Norway to deforest their land that much.

  • @johnpierce9567
    @johnpierce9567 2 роки тому +19

    Some key information is left out about deforestation: that those soy farms largely go to feed the cattle, pigs and other animals that become meat for rich-world countries (who set the lifestyle aspirations for much of the rest of the world). That most processed foods are less nutritious and tie into diet-related health epidemics in America.
    Solutions : eat food made closer to home, eat lower down the food chain, and demand products grown without conflict palm oil.

  • @mintheman7
    @mintheman7 2 роки тому +5

    We are doomed, period, the end.

  • @raddadray7535
    @raddadray7535 2 роки тому +2

    Humans….A real Effd up creature

  • @meejinhuang
    @meejinhuang 2 роки тому +11

    The tragedy of deforestation in Brazil is that it will actually lead to Brazil turning into a large desert and wipe out their agriculture industry that deforested the Amazon in the first place.

  • @anyascelticcreations
    @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +4

    There are so many people who own land and waste it by planting lawns. If everyone who had a lawn used that land to grow food instead then maybe people would not cut down as much forest to grow food. Heck, why not grow palm trees for the palm oil in people's yards instead of cutting down rain forests to do it? Soybeans could probably be grown instead of lawns, too. Especially by people who don't use their lawn for anything else. I just think we're wasting so much land that has already been cleared while other people continue to cut more forest down. It doesn't need to be this way. 😔

    • @zion3335
      @zion3335 2 роки тому

      oil palm only grows in tropics

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +1

      @@zion3335 Bummer. Okay, soy then. And maybe sunflowers for the oil instead of palm. Brainstorming here. There has to be a better way than cutting down rain forests.

  • @galvanicmass
    @galvanicmass 2 роки тому +1

    Greed will kill us all........its sad really

  • @andry2180
    @andry2180 2 роки тому +6

    The day after tomorrow coming soon 🙈

  • @containedhurricane
    @containedhurricane 2 роки тому +13

    Please make The Tragedies of Overpopulation and Fossil Fuel Production next

    • @anacletwilliams8315
      @anacletwilliams8315 2 роки тому +1

      Ok, we will.

    • @TheTeaParty320
      @TheTeaParty320 2 роки тому

      Overpopulation. Now that’s something you can contribute to reducing. Why don’t you lead the way.

    • @mokarokas-2138
      @mokarokas-2138 2 роки тому +1

      @@anacletwilliams8315 - lol, are you pretending to be BBC?

    • @mokarokas-2138
      @mokarokas-2138 2 роки тому +2

      @@TheTeaParty320 - Show us how it's done then. =)

    • @anacletwilliams8315
      @anacletwilliams8315 2 роки тому

      @@mokarokas-2138 No! I am BBC.

  • @SleepyMatt-zzz
    @SleepyMatt-zzz 2 роки тому +45

    I'm always reminded of deforestation. Lumber and fish are our only export where I live, so everytime I go out I think "oh, I don't remember that missing chunk of the mountain". The government won't do anything about it because we must "protect union jobs".
    It's really depressing.

    • @chingamfong
      @chingamfong 2 роки тому +1

      I'm very sorry to hear that. Where do you live if you don't mind me asking?

    • @JoeBurner1720
      @JoeBurner1720 2 роки тому +2

      Every summer I go down to visit family in Priest Lake, Idaho, and every year I say the same thing

    • @crypton_8l87
      @crypton_8l87 2 роки тому +3

      Yes.. but you'd vote for "economic growth" all the same. And you can't wait!

    • @ianhuerta6046
      @ianhuerta6046 2 роки тому

      Yes where is this?

    • @LK-pc4sq
      @LK-pc4sq 2 роки тому

      m, global population control. the families need to be taught they cant have endless amount of children!!! 1-2 children are what would have prevented Global Climate Change and the eventual Extinction of humans.

  • @carothehonestpeanut
    @carothehonestpeanut 2 роки тому +7

    Change happens so fast, from day to day, from generation to generation. Humans created these problems and we can change them - we can change our habbits, avoid things like animal produckts and palm oil, and thereby demand change to the people who only listen to our money.

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому

      I agree completely. If enough people are willing, we can make positive changes.
      Side note, how do you feel about soy? I'm torn. It is one of the causes of deforestation. But what if it's grown in an area that's already used for farming? I don't want to use animal products either. Especially meat. And soy definitely seems to be the closest replacement for animal products. But I don't want to participate in deforestation either. So, how do you feel about using ethically grown soy?

    • @carothehonestpeanut
      @carothehonestpeanut 2 роки тому +1

      @@anyascelticcreations Well, it seems like the biggest reasons for deforestation is the animal industry in order to make space for animals and to grow the food they have to eat - and alot of that is soy. There are billions of animals, more than people think, who eat and drink alot more than humans do. So I don't think that the damage of soy used for things like tofu or other vegan products are the core problem, it is the insane quantaties used for animals. So ethically soy grow for human consumption sounds alright in my ears. I like what you wrote, so thank you for that and for asking questions. And, I would say that if it still worries you a bit, one thing is that it is alot better than animal products but also that there are alot of products based on wheat, peas or other things you could try out.

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому

      @@carothehonestpeanut Okay, thank you for the information. That does make me feel better. Unfortunately, I'm gluten intolerant, so no wheat for me. I'm also trying to avoid lectins, so right now I'm not eating legumes. Since I already don't eat meat, my protein sources are very limited. Soy is a go to for me. Unfortunately, what my body seems to do the best on is whey protein, which of course comes from cows. I tried going completely vegan, but it didn't go well for me. There is just too much that my body doesn't process well. I'm trying, though. I've cut down to only whey protein at least. And I think the tofu that I eat is from soy grown in the US. So, no rain forests involved. I really really hope the whey protein that I eat isn't contributing too much to the overuse of the world. 😔 If you know of a good vegan protein that doesn't involve gluten or legumes, I'd love to know.

    • @carothehonestpeanut
      @carothehonestpeanut 2 роки тому +1

      @@anyascelticcreations Well legumes is the way to go for me, and then nuts and seeds. There is protein in everything, so if you eat enough that is not very low in protein, you should get what you need (unless you maybe work out and therefore you worry about it) I don't really think too much about it myself - just b12, sunshine and alot of different plant based whole foods, and junk food. I don't know why you are avoiding lectins, but I would say you should try to eat little amounts so you get better used to it. Just a little. But yea, I would say dairy milk is also a very big problem, so I would look to find different ways - does sound like you have some issues and that you try to figure it out, so don't be too hard on yourself - but dairy is scary.. I would actually really recomend Challenge 22 - it is something you sign up for for free, and then people will help you for 22 days to eat plant based and help you in any way they can - where you can shop near you, if you are on a budget or if you have things you try to avoid and need help finding alternatives - and then after the 22 days you say your goodbyes and you can use the knowledge you gained on your own. I never tried it, but I wish I had known about when going vegan.

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому

      @@carothehonestpeanut That challenge 22 sounds like an interesting idea. I might look into that. I'm avoiding lectins because of the inflamation and damage to the gut that they cause. For whatever reason, whey protein doesn't seem to do that to me. My overall inflamation and pain is less on whey protein than on legumes, unfortunately. There are fewer and fewer foods that my body seems to tolerate the older I get. Even a lot of fruits and vegetables now. I'm trying, though. I want to be healthy. But I also want the animal suffering and destruction of our world to end. Maybe that new fungus protein by Nature's Fynd will be available soon.

  • @patishaclaudious9634
    @patishaclaudious9634 2 роки тому +2

    Government is simply pushing the can down the road on such a massive challenge🌍….need to understand the severity of the major issue🌳…we all need to be proactively look forward for the solutions...many of the species are on the verge of extinction..🦇🦧🐆🐅🦒🪐animals are the beauty of jungle and they also balance the world's them🙏🏻

  • @johniq4ve
    @johniq4ve 2 роки тому +25

    I can't wait the moment when the world would rage out of patience against abusive human race(us). WE ARE MORE THAN DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED! Let's wear that beautiful smile when this happen.WE ASKED FOR IT, NATURE IS ALWAYS READY TO PROVIDE.

    • @SuhVamp
      @SuhVamp 2 роки тому +1

      I did not ask for it .
      and I dont desrve to get Punished for it .

  • @aftabhussain8224
    @aftabhussain8224 2 роки тому +1

    It's really scary.

  • @ananyasahoo5161
    @ananyasahoo5161 2 роки тому +16

    2:56 This breaks my heart

    • @user-mt3hn7kk8y
      @user-mt3hn7kk8y 2 роки тому

      @GOLDEN Aidan Gaffney It’s an orangutan btw

    • @user-mt3hn7kk8y
      @user-mt3hn7kk8y 2 роки тому

      Sorry if it came off a little rude btw didn’t mean to

    • @sihilius
      @sihilius 5 місяців тому

      So you cry about some tree huger propaganda?

  • @Thehafizbanks9904
    @Thehafizbanks9904 Рік тому

    Johan Rockstrom should be a household name. 🚨🚨🚨

  • @tsunamis82
    @tsunamis82 2 роки тому +3

    Running out of fossil fuels would be a good thing so the chain saws won’t work.

  • @Moontalibek
    @Moontalibek 2 роки тому +2

    We are expecting South America to stop cutting the trees ...but what we in for example in Europe are doing to save our trees?
    I live on south Poland by Czech and Slovakia border (mountains )
    Each day gigant lorries transport our coniferous trees abroad to west Europe.... big companies order.... and then they find cheap place to buy..... and they buy it... because poor east Europe will sale to have money to eat.....
    the same in South America.... rich are buying from poor..... poor kill their land to survive....
    Who is guilty? Only those who cut?
    Or maybe those who pay are guilty too?
    Everyone 50% we are all responsible.
    We are all killing our planet like cancer ;(

  • @dinoroxas4363
    @dinoroxas4363 2 роки тому +8

    All the country in all of south american continent must have a very strictly law that can protect the amazon rain forest!

  • @IndiaInDetailchannel
    @IndiaInDetailchannel 2 роки тому +2

    Industrial Revolution it was started in UK - FYI 🤣

  • @womanofsubstance8735
    @womanofsubstance8735 2 роки тому +1

    Will we learn in time?

  • @carsandcountries4898
    @carsandcountries4898 2 роки тому +2

    Well US Canada uk china all of us buy our wood products from their believe or not we do have hanf in this and also we dump our plastic waste in oyher countries now thats sad news which m. Sure most of us dont know

  • @someguy2135
    @someguy2135 2 роки тому +2

    Animal agriculture is a major cause of deforestation. Why else should we switch to a plant based diet?
    Why should each of us go vegan? Here is a partial list.
    1-Your own health (vegans are less likely to get several deadly chronic diseases)
    2-Helping to end animal agriculture would reduce the chance of another pandemic & other zoonotic diseases
    3-Helping to end animal ag would reduce the chance of the development of an antibiotic resistant pathogen.
    4-Animal ag wastes a huge amount of fresh water. Each vegan saves 219,000 gallons of water every year!
    5-Animal ag is a major cause of water pollution
    6-A plant based food system would feed a lot more people. Our population is growing!
    7-Animal ag increases PTSD and spousal abuse in the people who work in slaughterhouses. Workers in meat packing facilities often endure terrible, dangerous working conditions.
    8-Animal ag is a major cause of the loss of habitat and biodiversity
    9-Animal welfare, obviously
    10- It is the single most effective way for each of us to fight climate change and environmental degradation.
    11- Longer lifespan.
    12- Healthier weight (vegans were the only dietary group in the Adventist Studies that had an average BMI in the recommended range.)
    13- A vegan world would save 8 million human lives a year, and $1.5 trillion in health care costs (Oxford Study)
    Links for some of these are at my channel under "About."
    If you doubt any of them, I would be glad to cite evidence from credible sources to back them up. UA-cam only allows a certain number of links at my channel.

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 2 роки тому

      Knowledge is Key but spreading it
      to reach as many as possible ironically can make you seem like a bot,
      which turns people of from your helpful info-source name-drop's:
      UpisNotJump, Hbomberguy, OCC; Climate-Town, Some More News, and Second Thought.
      Its kinda a Conundrum. I feel the need to spread amazing Coverage, but?

    • @nathanpollard1223
      @nathanpollard1223 Рік тому

      I'm not so sure about 1, 11 & 12. Are vegans healthier due to correlation or's veganism healthier than a diet that features very small amounts of red meat, small amounts of non-fish lean meat, small amounts of fish & moderate amounts of dairy products, all of a high quality (e.g. the 'opposite' of chlorinated chicken)?
      I myself am doubtful that switching vegan'd be beneficial to my health, even if I was to do so in an informed manner.
      Of course, the other reasons listed are pretty solid, though there may be exceptions. For example, (if I'm not mistaken) sustainable farming can be more productive and, ultimately, better environmentally, with the inclusion of some animals, which can improve the quality of the soil, by trampling it & by fertilising it with manure. If you didn't know, soil quality on farms plays a huge part in the environmental sustainability of them.
      Of course, for the consumer, none of this matters if the consumer doesn't know where the consumer's meat comes from/how it's produced.

  • @lielinagebremedhin1047
    @lielinagebremedhin1047 Рік тому +1

    I am from Ethiopia and we are doing everything we could to reverse the impact.

  • @aldilavokrid37
    @aldilavokrid37 2 роки тому +2

    Shame Indonesia, shame

  • @alaahusseini6267
    @alaahusseini6267 2 роки тому +1

    This is sooooooooooo sad

  • @Cattaaliyah
    @Cattaaliyah 2 роки тому

    This in the morning it’s a vibe

  • @clipped6963
    @clipped6963 2 роки тому +7

    Animal's deserve so much better 🙏

  • @Kiyoone
    @Kiyoone 2 роки тому +2

    I am a millenial and watched the rapid decline in green spaces... Forests and the sounds of the insects... The invasion of artificial light and sound polution... Air, water and soil quality declines... and they wonder why i am depressed and sees no future at all.
    Fortunately, i have no kids and pretend ot to have... How can a normal person have? Look the world we are putting them in... They will hate us

  • @sabesque6461
    @sabesque6461 2 роки тому +2

    The earth will fight back and destroy us before we destroy it.

  • @mariano22w
    @mariano22w 2 роки тому +5

    We are the result of 4 billion years of evolution; our ancestors survived in that time at least 5 almost total extinctions: we are part of an extremely COMPLEX AND SENSITIVE ecosystem.
    NO SUPERTECHNOLOGY OR SUPERCITY or anything can replace these 4 billion years.
    The strongest do not survive, nor do the most intelligent or technologically advanced, the species that ADAPT to their environment, to their ecosystems, survive.
    I believe that climate change is SERIOUS, but I am more pessimistic, it will not be climate change (only) that will lead us to a VERY close EXTINCTION, it will be and it was, our total DISADAPTATION to the ecosystems of our Planet Earth.
    Those futuristic cities are NON-scientific magical thinking or STUPIDIZATION of thinkers: NOTHING WILL REPLACE THE ECOSYSTEMS THAT EVOLVED WITH US and on which we depend, serious and unthinkable problems will always occur in our biology if we separate from them, even those that harm us or pathogens (bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses , etc.).
    It is late, there are things that can no longer be reversed. And while equally in millions or billions of millions of years we will disappear, yes or yes, it is not an excuse to justify the irreversible damage that we, human beings , have done to the Planet in CAPITAL LETTERS OF TIME during this wonderful HOLOCENE.
    There is no solution, only to make the end as less catastrophic or painful as possible.

  • @Gringohuevon
    @Gringohuevon 2 роки тому +3

    We're coming to the end, and justly so

  • @harrylen1688
    @harrylen1688 2 роки тому +4

    Governments from allover the World had ignored the years of tragic Deforestation & still ignored to day 2021 the continue thousands of thousands ectaras every day taking place and the answer is Nature is going to heal by itself????

    • @brandonaldaymachuse6669
      @brandonaldaymachuse6669 2 роки тому +1

      Yes, without us, nature will thrive. We are just a cancer on this world

    • @bigsmall246
      @bigsmall246 2 роки тому +1

      Nature will not heal until we stop deforestation

  • @MaekarManastorm
    @MaekarManastorm 2 роки тому +1

    plant bamboo, the fastest way to save it all

  • @michaelfoster5168
    @michaelfoster5168 2 роки тому +3


    • @DJ-bj2wu
      @DJ-bj2wu 2 роки тому

      Fear not. That privilege belongs to the Creator.

  • @perfectsamn15
    @perfectsamn15 2 роки тому +4

    To the person reading this:Even though I don't know you but I wish you the best of what life has to say offer to you may God guide you and protect you and your family.

  • @jucineizanella4314
    @jucineizanella4314 2 роки тому +5

    Sou agricultor no Sul do Brasil, não entendo nada em inglês gostaria que fosse dublado. Entendi o vídeo mostrando a realidade da Amazônia e aqui no sul do país tem chovido pouco devido os efeitos do desmatamento. Muitas frentes frias que deveriam trazer chuvas só trazem fumaça da região Amazônia e Pantanal.

  • @surya__sir
    @surya__sir Місяць тому

    The government ignore this issue like we ignore ads and sponsors in these videos..

  • @squiddyjamzzz
    @squiddyjamzzz 2 роки тому +1

    the monkey trying to defend the fallen trees is very very upsetting. i hope these tree killers feel the wrath of karma swiftly

  • @anyascelticcreations
    @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +4

    Okay. My current goal is to buy as much forested land as I can. To live on. And to save at least that. (That's been my goal for a while.)
    Apparently I also need to make a new goal of using little or no palm oil. Starve out the industry that is causing this.

    • @zuhrifaatiqmahfud9413
      @zuhrifaatiqmahfud9413 2 роки тому +1

      Same here 😂
      I wanna that too, buy as much as i can, an then build forest to others beautiful creature. But not that easy.
      Too build this amazing world take Million years

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +2

      @@zuhrifaatiqmahfud9413 True, it does take time to build a forest. But I've heard of people doing it in as little as 40 years. I live in a place where there is already a lot of dense forest. It's selling quickly and being partially cleared to build houses with big yards. My goal is to buy as much of that as I can, (a place with a small house already on it), and use the yard space to grow my own food, including planting fruit and nut trees. And let the rest of my future land remain wild. I may not be able to save the whole world. But I want to save at least a few acres if I can. Hopefully you can, too. And hopefully many more will, too.

    • @anyascelticcreations
      @anyascelticcreations 2 роки тому +2

      There are so many people who own land and waste it by planting lawns. If everyone who had a lawn used that land to grow food instead then maybe people would not cut down as much forest to grow food. Heck, why not grow palm trees for the palm oil in people's yards instead of cutting down rain forests to do it? Soybeans could probably be grown instead of lawns, too.

    • @zuhrifaatiqmahfud9413
      @zuhrifaatiqmahfud9413 2 роки тому +2

      @@anyascelticcreations Ameen

    • @blucat4
      @blucat4 2 роки тому

      @Jorn Paul Winkler Your comment is posted three times, please check and delete two.

  • @mikeeustaquio3316
    @mikeeustaquio3316 2 роки тому +3

    I can’t stand Deforestation I want animals to live free and in the wild

  • @batiqueIndo
    @batiqueIndo 2 роки тому +2

    We need deforestation data in america from 1700 till now and europe start from 1200 till now....

  • @Depth_of_Cut
    @Depth_of_Cut 4 місяці тому +1

    " So you really can't start a fire in the Amazon!" Has anyone told the slash and burn people this? Wait maybe he is talking about starting a fire in the Amazon river? I'm cornfused?

  • @keithwhite5657
    @keithwhite5657 2 роки тому +2

    Cutting down Trees 🌲🌲🌲🌲around are world from forests 🌳 to woodlands 🌳are releasing Toxins that the trees 🌲 have collect for years back into the Atmosphere and logging is cutting far quicker than planting around the world and adult trees 🌲 that take 45 years to grow store more toxins and carbon than just new planted trees does .
    If the logging continues to carry on then the weathers around are world will become a lot hotter and very aggressive storms will become life threatening for humans just because humans can’t stop eating massive amounts meat 🥩 just because jobs and money are more important than life itself .
    PLEASE SAY NO TO LOGGING and help protect the trees and the wildlife habitats that are so important to the world we live in .

    • @keithwhite5657
      @keithwhite5657 2 роки тому

      @Jorn Paul Winkler don't forget Dane Wigington documentary The Dimming on UA-cam Jorn .

  • @sauravsaini1014
    @sauravsaini1014 Рік тому +1

    The nature is being impacted by hell selfishness of mankind.
    Think about what is being seeded in schools: "Money is everything" - "your 'own growth' is important" - 'Overriding nature is normal'
    People studying at such places end up inventing destructive machines against nature & its constituents. Think about commercial farming, industrial expansion, poultry farms, slaughter houses, dairy farming, commercial fishing etc. etc.
    People have misunderstood "Destroying Nature" with "Development"
    When going deep into its proximity, we may conclude that we all are culprits somewhere.

  • @Rendi_Kantoko
    @Rendi_Kantoko 2 роки тому +1

    Kadang2 gw berfikir manusia layak untuk tak sebanyak skrg sebelum manusia menemukan cara trbaik berteman dgn alam
    Dgn jumlahnya skrg, manusia tak lebih seperti virus buat bumi itu sendiri
    Panjang kalo diceritain

  • @kellieg4767
    @kellieg4767 2 роки тому +4

    Unreal. Poor and rich, we all share the same air.

  • @swampy7422
    @swampy7422 2 роки тому +10

    I remember giving a school talk about deforestation in 1988! I never would have dreamed it would have got worse but there you go!

  • @KRanjeetSharmaVlogKviewsminute
    @KRanjeetSharmaVlogKviewsminute 2 роки тому +1

    जो✔️जो✔️अपने खुबसुरत प्यारी आखो से मेरा कमेंट पढ़ रहा है भगवान करे उसके माता पिता का उम्र लंवी हो जायhf

  • @GlendaloughJewellery
    @GlendaloughJewellery 10 місяців тому +1

    It's amusing to hear anyone british stepping up to talk about deforestation. Ireland went from 92% forest cover in the 12th century to 3% by the time Britain stopped rebuilding London after the Great Fire, building Westminster Cathedral, the British navy..

  • @vintagecricket5885
    @vintagecricket5885 2 роки тому +15

    Well actually this video is good quite good for me because nowadays having lessons on deforestation’s and GHGs and environmental impacts and also on green gas house emissions also actually mentioned before the ghgs in my school nowadays actually this was quite familiar to that so thanks a lot for the knowledge and information. 🙂.well actually more likely in the E.M. Lessons.

  • @KRanjeetSharmaVlogKviewsminute
    @KRanjeetSharmaVlogKviewsminute 2 роки тому +1

    जो✔️जो✔️अपने खुबसुरत प्यारी आखो से मेरा कमेंट पढ़ रहा है भगवान करे उसके माता पिता का उम्र लंवी हो जायhfu

  • @andrealiu5106
    @andrealiu5106 Рік тому +1

    the footage of the orangutan clutching on to its home is heartbreaking I wanna cry. STOP SUPPORTING THE MEAT INDUSTRY!!!!

  • @F4CT0R
    @F4CT0R 2 роки тому +6

    heartbreaking to watch..

  • @Cre8ionz.
    @Cre8ionz. 2 роки тому +9

    3:56 min - ...Nearly a third of CO² emissions are caused by deforestation 🤯

    • @KneeJerkReactions13
      @KneeJerkReactions13 2 роки тому +1

      Carbon divide is not a big a problem as methane emissions. But bbc is clueless as always.

    • @NiceDude24
      @NiceDude24 2 роки тому

      @@KneeJerkReactions13 What do you mean, as "always"

    • @garyhamilton2104
      @garyhamilton2104 2 роки тому +2

      @@NiceDude24 bbc very often misrepresents or oversimplifies the science to the point where they might as well be blatantly lying..

    • @TheSilverGate
      @TheSilverGate 2 роки тому

      And if you eat burgers and beef you are to blame.

    • @edsmith4148
      @edsmith4148 2 роки тому +1

      Lets remove all that evil CO2 so the plants can thrive! /s

  • @evaldaszmitra7322
    @evaldaszmitra7322 2 роки тому

    This is #1 issue. We're destroying natural habitats. Not cars or planes. This.

  • @polka23dot70
    @polka23dot70 2 роки тому +1

    What is it? tragedy of deforestation? or climate change? or facts? or BBC? or Earth?
    Can you make short, clear titles? Have you lost ability to think in neo-Marxist university?

  • @stevenstrube5334
    @stevenstrube5334 2 роки тому +1


  • @Thefutureofspace
    @Thefutureofspace 2 роки тому +1

    Uy ,The higher the temperature, the more the oceans will evaporate, then there will be more humidity and more precipitation, the desert will decrease plants regarding moisture and carbon dioxide will grow faster, the history of the earth is such that if global warming was antiquity, then it was a paradise for the biosphere,. .and when global cooling was then the evaporation of the oceans would decrease and precipitation would decrease, the desert would increase, this would collapse for the biosphere, the largest desert Antarctica, the hottest place the rainforests.

  • @jeffrenman4146
    @jeffrenman4146 Рік тому +1

    he knows already is too late and we are all as a species to be gone and as little as 20 years. He can't bring himself to say it because nobody wants to hear it …it's easier to turn your back to close your eyes. That's what we all have done for the last 200 years. so the greed for profit the selfishness here we are at the end. He knows so do you. I can't believe within my lifetime I witnessed this.

  • @ssayhuynhofficial2104
    @ssayhuynhofficial2104 4 місяці тому

    could i have permission to use some scene of this video for my enviroment music video ?

  • @thomastb7011
    @thomastb7011 Рік тому

    'an aspiration on a piece of paper' which was made by cutting down trees ;) good point though

  • @squidgamer8455
    @squidgamer8455 Рік тому +1

    there are exactly 806 people that have commented and all of us can pick up 1 piece of trash outside and that will be 806 trash picked up and make sure the plastic is recycled

  • @alcaholic640
    @alcaholic640 2 роки тому +2

    Plant a tree on your property or donate a tree in a park, lets fight this deforestation! Its fun to plant trees.togeather we can make a diffrence!

  • @d7mi.149
    @d7mi.149 Рік тому +1

    Like what happened with the planet Mars, everything will be destroyed by heat, and the world is busy with other issues. When the disaster strikes, it will be absorbed

  • @augustosilva33
    @augustosilva33 2 роки тому +2

    Reflorestem o país de vocês.
    Querem ficar queimando suas árvores nas lareiras para aquecer o piso da casa e fingir preocupação com árvore 🌲?

    • @juniorsouza978
      @juniorsouza978 2 роки тому +1

      👏👏👏👏👏 esses americanos são hipócritas