Emily it's people and mums like yourself that help first time mums get a better night sleep,and I appriciate everyone I watch that takes the time out of there life to give us all advice
There are several components to helping babies to sleep . One place I found that succeeds in merging these is the Calmer Fixer Blueprint (check it out on google) without a doubt the most incredible blueprint i've seen. Check out all the extraordinary info .
I swear you're the best, most organised, Mummy in the world! So many birthdays so close together. Really admire your Mummy skills (+ editing skills!). XX
I was a breast fed baby and was sleeping through the night at 3 months. My cousin was in the hospital as a baby so my mom would feed me, put me down for bed, go spend the night with my aunt and cousin, then come back in the morning to feed me. I definitely think I avoided the sleep association as a baby. I'm not planning on having kids for another couple of years but I love watching your videos! You are such an inspirational mother!
I just started sleep training my daughter and your videos relating to sleep and parenting in general have been incredibly helpful. Your boys are all so precious, what a blessing! I love that you let Caleb decorate the cake. You inspire me to not worry about a mess and cherish the memories. Thank you!
Emily! If you're worried about caleb's iron levels maybe take a trip to your family doctor. As a nurse, I have seen people supplement with iron before testing and it can lead to some other problems like constipation, and sometimes iron defiency isn't the only thing causing anemia. Just want to make sure calebs alright :) take care xx
I watched your video over lunch/pumping today and so happy I did! Our 4 month old used to sleep 8-10 hours straight and recently, in the last week has been waking up every 2-3 hours in the night to feed or simply to be held. It's been exhausting! He's also going through teething and a bit of a growth spurt, but it's been a bit ridiculous. So we attempted to try your tips. I put him to bed at 7:45 while he was sleepy, but wide awake. I simply put him in his crib and walked away. I then watched him for 15 minutes toss, turn and suck on his blanket but then 8:00 on the dot he was still, quite and.... asleep!! We didn't have to rock him for 20 minutes or anything like we have had to do for the past 4 months. We will see how tomorrow night goes, but for this first night I'm shocked at how well it went. Thank you Emily for sharing your video!
You have given the BEST advice about sleep training! I had to sleep train my boy after 6 months of getting up every two hours. It was the best thing I did. He sleeps 12 hours straight now since then.
You are such an awesome Mum Emily! You are an inspiration I don't know how you do it with 3 kids and all with smiles - I just had my baby and she's 7 weeks..watching your videos has helped a lot! I always look forward to them. And your boys are such great big brothers to Baby Jackson 💕
I have a one year old and he started sleeping trough the hole night when he was 2 months old. It wasn't every night, he would wake up some nights just to breastfeed (he was only breastfeed) but only once a night and not every night, and gradually he completely stopped waking up to eat at night when he was around 5 months old. He is my first baby and know when I listen to you talk about sleep association I see I have done everything right, even I didn't know that at time. I have never rocked him to sleep or anything like that. I have many friends who have sleeping problem with their babies and I will send them your video.
So in love with your family,how you take care of your family appreciating everyone to feel loved .When i get a family i wanna multitask and make everyone feel loved such an adorable family !Your boys are so sharp God bless
I'm really glad you talked about putting baby to sleep! As a first time mom I keep telling myself and everyone that my LO ( 1month and 1 week ) is too young sleep train. Baby already has to be rocked to sleep :( but on the bright side I am getting a good arm workout!
I love your videos! Never miss a one, I always put the 3 kids to bed, tidy up then sit down with my feet up and a cupper and watch your videos, your an amazing mum and your boys are gorgeous! Love love love baby Jaxons (sorry if that's spelt wrong) big blue eyes!! ☺️💕
Hi Emily, our daughter is almost 11 weeks and has slept from 11pm to 7:30/8:30 every night since she was 8 weeks (long may it continue!) but I was wondering if you fed Jackson before you go to bed he may not need a 3/4am feed?? Xx
With regards to veg - my 3 year old twins have got loads better with trying and liking different veg just recently - and putting them in a bowl or plate in the middle of the table for us to share has really helped. I also think it's helped a lot that we do eat as a family as much as we can - I know this isn't always easy with work arrangements but I do think it's helps a lot if they see you eating and enjoying certain veg. A year ago the only veg they really ate was peas, sweet corn and carrots (but hit and miss with those). Now they both also like broccoli, cucumber, red pepper and baby corn and will sometimes eat green beans x
I love your channel so much! Seeing your boys and how you interact with them in such a loving way is so inspiring. I'm pregnant with baby #4 and will definitely be using your tips about the sleeping pattern ☺️
I agree with all the previous comments, you seem like such a wonderful mom :) Red meat is a great source for iron, it has both types and is more available to the body than what you get in vegetables. One other neat little trick to increase iron is to cook in a cast iron pan, food will absorb some iron from the pan. Also taking Vitamin C with iron makes it more available to the body and try to avoid having any iron rich foods with calcium since it binds to iron making it unavailable to the body. Good luck!
I agree about the association! My first I rocked or fed to sleep so with my second she goes down in her snuz awake at nap and nighttime and has been sleeping through from about 6 weeks! Xx
When my little one wouldn't touch veg (she literally wouldn't even let it be on her plate!) she would still drink smoothies so I got into the habit of making her a spinach or kale smoothie usually with some other veg in there too every morning. It helped to ease my mummy guilt til she got a little less fussy as even if she ate 'beige' the rest of the day at least she'd had a good hit of leafy greens at the start. Would love to see a vid from u on fussy eating! Always looking for more tips x
O gosh... I'm one of those moms with no sleep in permanent zombie mode! My baby is nearly 9 months and breastfeeds to sleep. I've read and researched everything I can get my hands on about sleep training but chicken out in the end. I just don't think I will be brave enough to let her cry. I've been watching your videos a while and really relate to you and your parenting style. Thank you so much for sharing and giving me hope! Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!
Maheshi Gunasekara Try co-sleeping! I breastfed and co slept with my first two boys (currently doing the same with my 8 week old 3rd) and aside from being magical it meant we all got lots of sleep.
Hi Emily! Found your vids about a month ago when I looked up hypnobirthing. :) Now I'm hooked! Thank you for sharing your life and wisdom! I'm pregnant in my 3rd trimester and very interested in sleep routines. But curious...when babies are so young and you are breast feeding all the time--how do you put your infant to sleep in their own? Don't they often naturally fall asleep after a feed? Do you also just looks for signs of sleepiness between feeds and put them down on their own? Thanks!
Diet definitely has a huge effect on their moods; I thought Jasper was just going through a phase but then I realised he wasn't drinking enough water or eating enough veg and the days I get more in him he's so much better!
So true! with my first we had no choice to buy put her on a sleep routine. With my son, we couldn't afford daycare, so I was at home and I had the luxury to nurse him to sleep regularly, and boy did he have a sleep association! We also had to do the Ferber method at around 10 months... it was so horrible, but necessary. Would have been better to prevent it in the first place! So with baby #3 I hope to not have any sleep associations in the first place.
Hi Emily! I have a three month old and we are transitioning him out of the bassinet with a dockatot in our room, to his crib in his own room. He wakes up quite a bit at night but not terrible. I'm wondering if you used the Angelcare monitor in the crib, did you use the dockatot with it? I'm not sure if you can do it but since you had both products I wondered what your experience was with it. Maybe you can share the transition experience in a video? Would love it!! 😊 you are awesome btw
I have never married , never had a partner or children . (I'm now 50 year old male ). Emily your blogs make me weep , to share vicariously the love and joy of real family life, especially during lockdowns
My 3year old is the same so fussy will only eat limited vegetables but will not touch fruit unless I put them in 'special milkshake' which is a fruit and veg smoothly only way I can get iron down him you can get follow in formula for the older children and also toddler milk with added vitamins and iron it may be worth looking into them if you or his dr are concerned. I went to my dr worried and they said just keep trying to sneak them in a little is better than none
Hello from Kazakhstan Emily! Thanks for your videos. All of them are so helpful. Love the way Caleb expresses his love. I wanted to ask if your children had a difficult time, being jealous of their mom when a new baby joined a family? I have seen this scene almost in all the families I know. If you didn’t have such a problem do you have any advice to share with us? Could you please also share your tips on bringing up your children as kind hearted caring personalities? As you might know we have different mentality and culture, and I could notice in many big families children fight a lot, don’t express love to each other. As for me I am a first time mom to 11 months old boy and I want to bring up my son in a very beautiful way. Having watched lots of your videos I can say you are the best mom I’ve seen and your children are very well-bred👍😘💐
I really love your videos I've just had my first baby and watching your videos had really helped me get him into a routine he's 2 months and sleeps from 8 at night until 5am your brilliant thank you 😗 x
At how many months did Jackson start falling asleep on his own? And how did he manage to do it the very first time? I’m having my first baby soon and just feeling nervous about routines etc. Absolutely love your channel and videos btw 💕
I got very lucky with my baby. She has always slept through the night. We coalept until she was 6 or 7 months she would go down at 8 wake up at 2 to eat then go back to sleep until 6 or 7. At 6 or 7 months she moved to her baby bed. We had no issue changing from cosleeping to sleeping alone she goes down 7 or 8 and sleeps all night but she does need a bottle to fall asleep.
Great video :) my son has low iron, it's very common for fussy eaters! Don't be hard on yourself, you do a great job, you can't force broccoli in their mouth, if they don't want to eat it, they don't want to eat it. Just some things to know/tips with giving iron. Calcium blocks the absorption of iron by up to 40%, so try not to give iron supplement with milk/cheese/dairy (or anything high in calcium). Vitamin c increases the absorption of iron, so it's great if he can have the iron with some orange juice/tomato/capsicum. I just give my son those sachets of puréed fruit which are often high in vit c (it says on some of the packs) when he has his iron. It can also make them constipated sometimes :( It tastes disgusting, he will hate it. But good luck!
My son has reflux and I used to have to rock him backward and forwards non stop just to stop the crying then once he was medicated I had to carry on rocking to get him to sleep but he still cried himself to sleep with me holding him because that's what he was used to. By 7 months I was done! He was crying, I was crying it was a mess. I did controlled crying and it was the best thing we ever did. we still have to revisit it now and again. We sill have a sleep association which is his cot. He will not sleep anywhere but his own bed ever.
On the topic of eating vegetables, it's a hard one in our house too because Daddy doesn't like the range of veges that I want my 2 year old to eat, so the only way I get her to eat some broccoli, carrot, pumpkin and other basics like that, is to put each vegetable on her plate one by one, and I have the same on my plate if I'm sitting down to eat as well. (Not so practical because I have to get up several times to get more but I figure it's a small sacrifice, and it's not every meal anyway.) So we start with "broccoli trees", for example, and I pick my own up and eat it as though it's the most delicious thing ever, and she usually follows my example. I only get away with serving a meal like this during the day when Daddy isn't around because if there's any other food in sight, she will wait for the other stuff instead. The other thing - I'm not afraid of letting her get hungry and then serving up some vegetables. I figure if she is too fussy, she's not hungry enough. Because when she is hungry, she eats those veges and doesn't complain! So if I put veges down and she doesn't touch them, I encourage her a few times, but then politely take them away and tell her the meal is over for now, and then bring them back out later (next meal / snack time). As long as there's not too much negative emotion going on, I think not eating what's served and getting nothing till the next meal is a fairly normal consequence. If you always cater for their whims, they will always expect to get whatever they want. For my daughter, that would be grapes, and more grapes, or sultanas, and biscuits, and milk. And I reckon she would live off that if I didn't insist on a few "broccoli trees" here and there. ;)
Hi Emily..I know it’s an old video but I have just seen this video. It was really helpful, I have a toddler with whom I have faced the issue where she would wake up in every two hours. But when she was an infant, she would always sleep when I used to breastfeed her, not sure how did you keep Jackson up and didn’t let him sleep while you breastfeed. As I am pregnant with my 2nd and do not want to go through the same, looking for some help and suggestion from you. Thank you, really appreciate if you could reply and sorry for a long message 😬
When can you start that method? My first baby never slept so I know I “messed” her up, but my second is two weeks old. Is it too soon to start laying her down sleepy, but not asleep?
All food is habitual, if you're able to get Caleb to eat some veg eventually his body will be accustomed and crave it. Cucumber and carrot sticks with houmous and breadsticks are easy, putting spinach into fruit smoothies is always a winner, I usually put 3 handfuls in and you can hardly taste it! Good luck X
Would love to know the fix for a fussy eater!! My little girl is awful with veg, nothing green stands a chance! She's rarely ill so I try not to worry too much but I wish she was better, feel your pain. She is 3 in January and has been like this for 2 years!!!! Xx
Hi Emily, I know you may not remember the answer to my question since Jackson is already 2 yrs old But where did you get his bibs? I bought bandana bibs and it’s either they’re too flimsy or that I feel like they choke my baby.
Love your videos. I'm hoping Jacksons routine videos will help my babies routine as she won't nap in the day and goes to bed so late (10pm!) and I'm not getting a break! Heard that Ferber sleep training is supposed to really work. Wish me luck 🤞
I'm such a worrier like you!! My 3 year old is also a nightmare with foods and also enjoys the beige diet. I can only get her to eat broccoli when it comes to veg. Im hoping my 7month old doesn't turn out the same xx
would sooo love if you did a vlog on eating as my 2 and a half year old is so picky and I can't get any veg down him! and really stresses me some times.
You are just such a precious person and mom Emily! I am a first time mom and have gained many tips from you! I just transferred my three month old to his crib and am trying to get him off of his sleep associations. It's so hard but I keep telling myself it will be harder the longer I let him do it! Blessings to you
I've had such a tough time with sleep association. Because my baby falls asleep at the breast while feeding. So because of that I co-sleep which means four months after giving birth me and my other half still don't have our time alone in our bed. With my other two boys we were co-sleeping until about two and boy was it hard migrating them to their own bed. I'm going to try the controlled crying method since you mentioned it only took five days for you. Thanks Emily, your videos have such useful information always x
Hi Emily, how's with Caleb's eating now? Would love your tips and trick for picky eater. My daughter is 3yo and is so bad with eating. She just wanna have carbs and sweet stuff :((. Its just so hard
Hi Emily! I have doing this training to my 5 month baby, and she has made tremendous progress, being able to sleep all by herself. The only thing to notice is that she still wakes up once every night, around 1am, and cries a lot for at least 20-40 mins. I suspect it is hunger, bit I dont know if it is counterproductive to feed her in the middle of the night. I appreciate your comments! Thanks
Emily you are soooooo beautiful!!!Not sure if you already have a skin care routine video, but i would love to know how you take care of your skin, you are glowing!!!
Hi Emily the best was to get your kids to eat is give them small amount and less options then they know they have to eat it or even if that doesn't work use tooth pick it a different type of way to eat and kids love it . at least my nieces do and know they eat anything xxx love your video hope these help
Emily, when did Caleb drop his nap? My big daughter is sleeping less and less (she only has one nap and is 2 years and 4 months old), but she still needs it, I can see it. Fraser loves the camera lol Don't worry too much about the iron - more eggs and meat - that is what the doctors tell me now about my 8 month old baby whose blood is showing she is low on iron.
Another fantastic video, I also have 3 boys the newest addition being 3 months the middle 6 and eldest 10💙💙💙 so I love the videos you post! Was just wondering what camera you use as my husband is looking to get me one for xmas! If you could reply I would greatly appreciate! Thank you
I'm a first time mum to a almost 5 month little girl, and I haven't had a decent night's sleep since she turned 4 months. Is there a different method to the ferber method I could try? We live with my parents so can't try the ferber method.
Hi Emily! I taught my baby how to fall asleep on his own and he did great with it for naps and bedtime. But now, ever since he turned 12 weeks he is clingy and won't put himself to sleep for naps anymore (bedtime is ok, though). He always wants to be rocked and held now. Any idea why this is happening or any tips for this? Thanks!!
I am a long time viewer and am in the trenches of sleep training right now. Thank you for posting this. Until I saw it I wasnt sure if I would be able to continue without giving up 😂
Hey Emily, I find my newborn sleeps all the time, even during feedings, I know it's normal at this stage to sleep a lot. At how many months did you start putting Jackson down for bed/naps awake?
Will Caleb eat cashews? My three year old is so picky and rarely eats veg. He loves nuts particularly cashews and they are high in iron. Good luck. It's so frustrating when they are picky!
Emily- Adore your vlog. Always appreciate your input and suggestions. This video got me thinking about your sleep schedule. Do you ever get to squeeze in a nap? Would love to know how do it !! :) Best wishes from Florida - Jane
hi emily.i am a mum of a 3year old boy from greece.i just want to say don't worry that much for Calebs food.my boy stopped eating ehatever a gave him from 1,5 year old and he is just eating spaghetti and potates with some meet (but not always).He is not eaing any vegetables and the only fruit that he don't dny to eat is mandarines.we recently had his blood test done and his iron levels was perfect.and also his growth is beyond his age.so i just wanted to calm you a little bit,but you are the mum and you make the decisions.i love your beatiful family and hope you are having a very merry christmas.kisses from greece.sofia
Hi Emily. I joined your vlog recently, since I am now pregnant with my fist child. (Had a lot of "morning" sickness, so was spending a lot of time watching your videos, catching up on parenting skills). First, thanks a lot. You've been a very positive influence. Answered a lot of question for me. I was wondering one thing (couldn't find a full video about it). In my country (I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina), co-sleeping is a big thing. Allmost everybody does it. Also, I was thinking about pros and cons about the baby sleeping in his nursery from day one, versus having a small crib for him by our bed for the first few months. Basicly, would like to raise an independent kid, without him feeling less loved :D not easely done, I suppose :) I wanted to ask you, since you've mentioned a few times that there's always at least one of the boys in your bed:) and that you got a co-sleeping crib with your third, how did those practical (or unpractical:) things and habits influence your kids, and the sleeping habits of your husband and you? How does the baby monitor influence all this? Did you wake up to check the baby's breathing etc? Thank you once again!
Hi Emily, I have a 3 month old boy and He sleeps on his own, BUT since my husband and I sleep in the same room with him, We hear him making noises asking for comfort or feeding. I also use white noise but he still wakes up every 2-3 hours, sometimes it gets worst , meaning every hour. He was a good sleeper, 4-5 hours first and then 3 hours again. But that’s all gone. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Emily! I'm 10 weeks pregnant and SO enjoying your videos! Thank you sooo much! May I ask what are your thoughts about drinking coffee while breast feeding? (It seems we are both enjoyers of coffee
We had the same sleep issue with our first. He didn't sleep through till I stopped breastfeeding him. So I really don't want to do this with my 2nd. In the beginning he also wouldn't sleep anywhere but with us, so we ended up co-sleeping. So this time we have the Chicco Next2Me so hoping to get baby to self-sooth to sleep from early on, and as he'll be able to see me it will be better than with our first. Obviously this is if he doesn't have colic or anything.
My baby sleeps on his own in the day time... After his awake time when hez sleepy all I have to so is swaddle him (2months old) and put him in his crib. But after 6 he just doesn't want to sleep... He may be sleeps for 30 mins at a time. Then doesn't sleep until 1 in the morning until I put him to sleep next to me. Putting him to sleep is so difficult in the night that I give up by 2 am n just let him sleep with me.
My girls get no substitute when they don't like a veg. Except if we try the veg in 3 different dishes and they don't like it even when they eat it (gagging) they only have to eat 3 bites. But I am so lucky that they are easy eaters. Both of them had a hard time eating things between age 2 and 3,5 years old but passing that age they are eating everything. Almost. My oldest loves salad and hates mushrooms and the youngest hates salad and loves mushrooms ... so they try 3 good spoons and than they just give the remaining veg to their sister
Pressed send to early 😩. I always put Harry down awake and he slept through from 3 months from 7-730,so I've been spoilt. We're having him waking up a couple of times now,but he's always suffered with wind,but I don't mind getting up if he's in discomfort. Harry's not struck on veg or fruit on its own,and I worry that he seems tired a lot. Don't know if he's lacking in iron. Hopefully you will get Caleb sorted. The boys in bed,and the little space you had 😂😂 xx
Emily it's people and mums like yourself that help first time mums get a better night sleep,and I appriciate everyone I watch that takes the time out of there life to give us all advice
Sharon Johnson agreed!!
Caleb saying he loves Jackson at the start was the sweetest thing ever ❤xx
Lucy Manley so cute! Brotherly love cx
There are several components to helping babies to sleep . One place I found that succeeds in merging these is the Calmer Fixer Blueprint (check it out on google) without a doubt the most incredible blueprint i've seen. Check out all the extraordinary info .
I swear you're the best, most organised, Mummy in the world! So many birthdays so close together. Really admire your Mummy skills (+ editing skills!). XX
Harriet Beattie wow thank you that's nice to hear as I feel all over the place some days xx
I was a breast fed baby and was sleeping through the night at 3 months. My cousin was in the hospital as a baby so my mom would feed me, put me down for bed, go spend the night with my aunt and cousin, then come back in the morning to feed me. I definitely think I avoided the sleep association as a baby. I'm not planning on having kids for another couple of years but I love watching your videos! You are such an inspirational mother!
Your face when you say how impressive the cake is 😂😂 cracked me up. Bless him!
I just started sleep training my daughter and your videos relating to sleep and parenting in general have been incredibly helpful. Your boys are all so precious, what a blessing! I love that you let Caleb decorate the cake. You inspire me to not worry about a mess and cherish the memories. Thank you!
So funny hearing Fraser talk about Caleb not eating his veggies or getting enough iron!!
I know ha ha such a grown up xx
Emily! If you're worried about caleb's iron levels maybe take a trip to your family doctor. As a nurse, I have seen people supplement with iron before testing and it can lead to some other problems like constipation, and sometimes iron defiency isn't the only thing causing anemia. Just want to make sure calebs alright :) take care xx
Carly Lawrence oh thank you Carly! That's such a good idea. Does he have to have a blood test? I'm going to call tomorrow xx
I watched your video over lunch/pumping today and so happy I did! Our 4 month old used to sleep 8-10 hours straight and recently, in the last week has been waking up every 2-3 hours in the night to feed or simply to be held. It's been exhausting! He's also going through teething and a bit of a growth spurt, but it's been a bit ridiculous. So we attempted to try your tips. I put him to bed at 7:45 while he was sleepy, but wide awake. I simply put him in his crib and walked away. I then watched him for 15 minutes toss, turn and suck on his blanket but then 8:00 on the dot he was still, quite and.... asleep!! We didn't have to rock him for 20 minutes or anything like we have had to do for the past 4 months. We will see how tomorrow night goes, but for this first night I'm shocked at how well it went. Thank you Emily for sharing your video!
Christa Jacelone how has it been, has he settled now?
You have given the BEST advice about sleep training! I had to sleep train my boy after 6 months of getting up every two hours. It was the best thing I did. He sleeps 12 hours straight now since then.
It is life changing isn't it! xx
You are such an awesome Mum Emily! You are an inspiration I don't know how you do it with 3 kids and all with smiles - I just had my baby and she's 7 weeks..watching your videos has helped a lot! I always look forward to them. And your boys are such great big brothers to Baby Jackson 💕
Your children are so sweet! I am 38 weeks pregnant and enjoying all of your mum/baby videos!!
LaurenNCMA ooh congratulations!! Not long now xx
I have a one year old and he started sleeping trough the hole night when he was 2 months old. It wasn't every night, he would wake up some nights just to breastfeed (he was only breastfeed) but only once a night and not every night, and gradually he completely stopped waking up to eat at night when he was around 5 months old. He is my first baby and know when I listen to you talk about sleep association I see I have done everything right, even I didn't know that at time. I have never rocked him to sleep or anything like that. I have many friends who have sleeping problem with their babies and I will send them your video.
you have a lot of chance. Some babies won't put themselves to sleep no matter what until they are nursed or rocked
So in love with your family,how you take care of your family appreciating everyone to feel loved .When i get a family i wanna multitask and make everyone feel loved such an adorable family !Your boys are so sharp God bless
That face at 8:38 KILLED ME. LOLOLOL
Jackson is always smiling he is just gorgeous!
I'm really glad you talked about putting baby to sleep! As a first time mom I keep telling myself and everyone that my LO ( 1month and 1 week ) is too young sleep train. Baby already has to be rocked to sleep :( but on the bright side I am getting a good arm workout!
I love your videos! Never miss a one, I always put the 3 kids to bed, tidy up then sit down with my feet up and a cupper and watch your videos, your an amazing mum and your boys are gorgeous! Love love love baby Jaxons (sorry if that's spelt wrong) big blue eyes!! ☺️💕
Jess Yarker thank you so much for watching them :-) xx
Hi Emily, our daughter is almost 11 weeks and has slept from 11pm to 7:30/8:30 every night since she was 8 weeks (long may it continue!) but I was wondering if you fed Jackson before you go to bed he may not need a 3/4am feed?? Xx
That is amazing! I may try that thank you xx
Awe omg 😭😭😭 the beginning kills me, it's so sweet!!!!
With regards to veg - my 3 year old twins have got loads better with trying and liking different veg just recently - and putting them in a bowl or plate in the middle of the table for us to share has really helped. I also think it's helped a lot that we do eat as a family as much as we can - I know this isn't always easy with work arrangements but I do think it's helps a lot if they see you eating and enjoying certain veg. A year ago the only veg they really ate was peas, sweet corn and carrots (but hit and miss with those). Now they both also like broccoli, cucumber, red pepper and baby corn and will sometimes eat green beans x
Thank you with the tip about the sleep association.
Fraser is so clever about the vegetable :)
Have fun for Matt's bday party ;) xx
Sarshaparilla he's so funny trying to join in xx
Emily Norris yeah you must be so proud. I know I'd be :) x
Just want to say thanks for the advice. As a first time mum, this is especially useful to me.
I love your channel so much! Seeing your boys and how you interact with them in such a loving way is so inspiring. I'm pregnant with baby #4 and will definitely be using your tips about the sleeping pattern ☺️
Tara Monique' ooh congratulations! Do you know what your having? Xx
Emily Norris Hello there! Thanks for the response! We are having our second son, so I will have 2 boys and 2 girls :)
I agree with all the previous comments, you seem like such a wonderful mom :) Red meat is a great source for iron, it has both types and is more available to the body than what you get in vegetables. One other neat little trick to increase iron is to cook in a cast iron pan, food will absorb some iron from the pan. Also taking Vitamin C with iron makes it more available to the body and try to avoid having any iron rich foods with calcium since it binds to iron making it unavailable to the body. Good luck!
Super cute absolutely LOVE your videos been watching for quite a while xx
Bex J Thanks so much for watching Bex!! Xx
I agree about the association! My first I rocked or fed to sleep so with my second she goes down in her snuz awake at nap and nighttime and has been sleeping through from about 6 weeks! Xx
When my little one wouldn't touch veg (she literally wouldn't even let it be on her plate!) she would still drink smoothies so I got into the habit of making her a spinach or kale smoothie usually with some other veg in there too every morning. It helped to ease my mummy guilt til she got a little less fussy as even if she ate 'beige' the rest of the day at least she'd had a good hit of leafy greens at the start. Would love to see a vid from u on fussy eating! Always looking for more tips x
O gosh... I'm one of those moms with no sleep in permanent zombie mode! My baby is nearly 9 months and breastfeeds to sleep. I've read and researched everything I can get my hands on about sleep training but chicken out in the end. I just don't think I will be brave enough to let her cry. I've been watching your videos a while and really relate to you and your parenting style. Thank you so much for sharing and giving me hope! Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!
Maheshi Gunasekara Try co-sleeping! I breastfed and co slept with my first two boys (currently doing the same with my 8 week old 3rd) and aside from being magical it meant we all got lots of sleep.
Your amazing! Thank you soo much for all the tips and advice you share🙏
I am really enjoying watching Vlogmas x
Ceri Westhead Thank you so much for watching it xx
Hi Emily! Found your vids about a month ago when I looked up hypnobirthing. :) Now I'm hooked! Thank you for sharing your life and wisdom! I'm pregnant in my 3rd trimester and very interested in sleep routines. But curious...when babies are so young and you are breast feeding all the time--how do you put your infant to sleep in their own? Don't they often naturally fall asleep after a feed? Do you also just looks for signs of sleepiness between feeds and put them down on their own? Thanks!
Diet definitely has a huge effect on their moods; I thought Jasper was just going through a phase but then I realised he wasn't drinking enough water or eating enough veg and the days I get more in him he's so much better!
I'm due in May, thank you so much for this sleeping tip!
Stacey Bee no problem congratulations xx
Thank you so much for this video, my LO is almost 5 months and doesn’t want to sleep.
Now I know what to do to tickle this sleepless issue.
You are such a precious person and a great mom Emily! I always learn so much from you as a first time mom. Blessings to you!
Aw thank you so much for watching xx
Honestly what am I going to do once vlogmas is over because I really enjoy your vlogs 😊
So true! with my first we had no choice to buy put her on a sleep routine. With my son, we couldn't afford daycare, so I was at home and I had the luxury to nurse him to sleep regularly, and boy did he have a sleep association! We also had to do the Ferber method at around 10 months... it was so horrible, but necessary. Would have been better to prevent it in the first place! So with baby #3 I hope to not have any sleep associations in the first place.
Hi Emily! I have a three month old and we are transitioning him out of the bassinet with a dockatot in our room, to his crib in his own room. He wakes up quite a bit at night but not terrible. I'm wondering if you used the Angelcare monitor in the crib, did you use the dockatot with it? I'm not sure if you can do it but since you had both products I wondered what your experience was with it. Maybe you can share the transition experience in a video? Would love it!! 😊 you are awesome btw
I have never married , never had a partner or children . (I'm now 50 year old male ). Emily your blogs make me weep , to share vicariously the love and joy of real family life, especially during lockdowns
My 3year old is the same so fussy will only eat limited vegetables but will not touch fruit unless I put them in 'special milkshake' which is a fruit and veg smoothly only way I can get iron down him you can get follow in formula for the older children and also toddler milk with added vitamins and iron it may be worth looking into them if you or his dr are concerned. I went to my dr worried and they said just keep trying to sneak them in a little is better than none
Hello from Kazakhstan Emily! Thanks for your videos. All of them are so helpful. Love the way Caleb expresses his love. I wanted to ask if your children had a difficult time, being jealous of their mom when a new baby joined a family? I have seen this scene almost in all the families I know. If you didn’t have such a problem do you have any advice to share with us? Could you please also share your tips on bringing up your children as kind hearted caring personalities? As you might know we have different mentality and culture, and I could notice in many big families children fight a lot, don’t express love to each other. As for me I am a first time mom to 11 months old boy and I want to bring up my son in a very beautiful way. Having watched lots of your videos I can say you are the best mom I’ve seen and your children are very well-bred👍😘💐
I love your little family too you have three beautiful children and great vids love u guys❤️❤️❤️
Sarah Buckley thanks so much Sarah xx
I really love your videos I've just had my first baby and watching your videos had really helped me get him into a routine he's 2 months and sleeps from 8 at night until 5am your brilliant thank you 😗 x
That is SO amazing well done!! That's really really good xx
Emily Norris thank you hope you and all your boys have a lovely Christmas xx
At how many months did Jackson start falling asleep on his own? And how did he manage to do it the very first time? I’m having my first baby soon and just feeling nervous about routines etc. Absolutely love your channel and videos btw 💕
I got very lucky with my baby. She has always slept through the night. We coalept until she was 6 or 7 months she would go down at 8 wake up at 2 to eat then go back to sleep until 6 or 7. At 6 or 7 months she moved to her baby bed. We had no issue changing from cosleeping to sleeping alone she goes down 7 or 8 and sleeps all night but she does need a bottle to fall asleep.
Great video :)
my son has low iron, it's very common for fussy eaters! Don't be hard on yourself, you do a great job, you can't force broccoli in their mouth, if they don't want to eat it, they don't want to eat it.
Just some things to know/tips with giving iron. Calcium blocks the absorption of iron by up to 40%, so try not to give iron supplement with milk/cheese/dairy (or anything high in calcium). Vitamin c increases the absorption of iron, so it's great if he can have the iron with some orange juice/tomato/capsicum. I just give my son those sachets of puréed fruit which are often high in vit c (it says on some of the packs) when he has his iron. It can also make them constipated sometimes :(
It tastes disgusting, he will hate it. But good luck!
Hello there great video! what song is playing at the 3:00 minute mark? :)
Love love your videos. You are a great mum xxxxx
My son has reflux and I used to have to rock him backward and forwards non stop just to stop the crying then once he was medicated I had to carry on rocking to get him to sleep but he still cried himself to sleep with me holding him because that's what he was used to. By 7 months I was done! He was crying, I was crying it was a mess. I did controlled crying and it was the best thing we ever did. we still have to revisit it now and again. We sill have a sleep association which is his cot. He will not sleep anywhere but his own bed ever.
Never been so early for a video. I love your family they are so cute
Sarah canty Thanks for watching Sarah! Xx
On the topic of eating vegetables, it's a hard one in our house too because Daddy doesn't like the range of veges that I want my 2 year old to eat, so the only way I get her to eat some broccoli, carrot, pumpkin and other basics like that, is to put each vegetable on her plate one by one, and I have the same on my plate if I'm sitting down to eat as well. (Not so practical because I have to get up several times to get more but I figure it's a small sacrifice, and it's not every meal anyway.) So we start with "broccoli trees", for example, and I pick my own up and eat it as though it's the most delicious thing ever, and she usually follows my example. I only get away with serving a meal like this during the day when Daddy isn't around because if there's any other food in sight, she will wait for the other stuff instead.
The other thing - I'm not afraid of letting her get hungry and then serving up some vegetables. I figure if she is too fussy, she's not hungry enough. Because when she is hungry, she eats those veges and doesn't complain! So if I put veges down and she doesn't touch them, I encourage her a few times, but then politely take them away and tell her the meal is over for now, and then bring them back out later (next meal / snack time). As long as there's not too much negative emotion going on, I think not eating what's served and getting nothing till the next meal is a fairly normal consequence. If you always cater for their whims, they will always expect to get whatever they want. For my daughter, that would be grapes, and more grapes, or sultanas, and biscuits, and milk. And I reckon she would live off that if I didn't insist on a few "broccoli trees" here and there. ;)
Hi Emily..I know it’s an old video but I have just seen this video. It was really helpful, I have a toddler with whom I have faced the issue where she would wake up in every two hours. But when she was an infant, she would always sleep when I used to breastfeed her, not sure how did you keep Jackson up and didn’t let him sleep while you breastfeed. As I am pregnant with my 2nd and do not want to go through the same, looking for some help and suggestion from you. Thank you, really appreciate if you could reply and sorry for a long message 😬
When can you start that method? My first baby never slept so I know I “messed” her up, but my second is two weeks old. Is it too soon to start laying her down sleepy, but not asleep?
Awe your family is the best your children are so polite and cute ❤️
love your family xxx merry Christmas!!!! 💘🎄 happy birthday daddy Norris!!!
Merry Christmas Tori xx
Emily Norris Thankyou!!! x
All food is habitual, if you're able to get Caleb to eat some veg eventually his body will be accustomed and crave it. Cucumber and carrot sticks with houmous and breadsticks are easy, putting spinach into fruit smoothies is always a winner, I usually put 3 handfuls in and you can hardly taste it! Good luck X
Would love to know the fix for a fussy eater!! My little girl is awful with veg, nothing green stands a chance! She's rarely ill so I try not to worry too much but I wish she was better, feel your pain. She is 3 in January and has been like this for 2 years!!!! Xx
Hi Emily, I know you may not remember the answer to my question since Jackson is already 2 yrs old
But where did you get his bibs? I bought bandana bibs and it’s either they’re too flimsy or that I feel like they choke my baby.
Love your videos. I'm hoping Jacksons routine videos will help my babies routine as she won't nap in the day and goes to bed so late (10pm!) and I'm not getting a break! Heard that Ferber sleep training is supposed to really work. Wish me luck 🤞
Also, lots of cereal has iron added - I try to feed mine porridge as that usually has it in x
I'm such a worrier like you!! My 3 year old is also a nightmare with foods and also enjoys the beige diet. I can only get her to eat broccoli when it comes to veg. Im hoping my 7month old doesn't turn out the same xx
would sooo love if you did a vlog on eating as my 2 and a half year old is so picky and I can't get any veg down him! and really stresses me some times.
Rebekah Fox I think I will - I'm going to help him eat better xx
Emily Norris can't wait!! I'm just look back on your videos as rememeber you making healthy ice lollies!
Happy Birthday Matt, you seem like a great daddy and spouse.
Christina C Thanks! He's had a lovely day xx
You are just such a precious person and mom Emily! I am a first time mom and have gained many tips from you! I just transferred my three month old to his crib and am trying to get him off of his sleep associations. It's so hard but I keep telling myself it will be harder the longer I let him do it! Blessings to you
Live and Proclaim totally know what you mean! It is so easy to help them but then you may have to through the night. Good luck xx
I've had such a tough time with sleep association. Because my baby falls asleep at the breast while feeding. So because of that I co-sleep which means four months after giving birth me and my other half still don't have our time alone in our bed. With my other two boys we were co-sleeping until about two
and boy was it hard migrating them to their own bed. I'm going to try the controlled crying method since you mentioned it only took five days for you. Thanks Emily, your videos have such useful information always x
oh god, I'm not too sure about doing it now, lol
Hi Emily, how's with Caleb's eating now? Would love your tips and trick for picky eater. My daughter is 3yo and is so bad with eating. She just wanna have carbs and sweet stuff :((. Its just so hard
what about baked beans and baked potato? good for vitamins and iron for fussy eaters
Kate Parker ooh thank you - he seems to hate sauce xx
Hi Emily! I have doing this training to my 5 month baby, and she has made tremendous progress, being able to sleep all by herself. The only thing to notice is that she still wakes up once every night, around 1am, and cries a lot for at least 20-40 mins. I suspect it is hunger, bit I dont know if it is counterproductive to feed her in the middle of the night. I appreciate your comments! Thanks
Emily you are soooooo beautiful!!!Not sure if you already have a skin care routine video, but i would love to know how you take care of your skin, you are glowing!!!
Hi Emily the best was to get your kids to eat is give them small amount and less options then they know they have to eat it or even if that doesn't work use tooth pick it a different type of way to eat and kids love it . at least my nieces do and know they eat anything xxx love your video hope these help
Emily, when did Caleb drop his nap? My big daughter is sleeping less and less (she only has one nap and is 2 years and 4 months old), but she still needs it, I can see it. Fraser loves the camera lol Don't worry too much about the iron - more eggs and meat - that is what the doctors tell me now about my 8 month old baby whose blood is showing she is low on iron.
Another fantastic video, I also have 3 boys the newest addition being 3 months the middle 6 and eldest 10💙💙💙 so I love the videos you post! Was just wondering what camera you use as my husband is looking to get me one for xmas! If you could reply I would greatly appreciate! Thank you
Love watching your videos U are one of my favourite YouTuba . Merry Christmas
Hawa Diallo thank you so much for watching xx
thank u I will try it as I don't want the same time happen this time. thanks for advice x
I'm a first time mum to a almost 5 month little girl, and I haven't had a decent night's sleep since she turned 4 months.
Is there a different method to the ferber method I could try? We live with my parents so can't try the ferber method.
Do you put baby on their back or stomach to sleep?
When did they start being able to fall asleep on their drowsy but awake?
Hi Emily! I taught my baby how to fall asleep on his own and he did great with it for naps and bedtime. But now, ever since he turned 12 weeks he is clingy and won't put himself to sleep for naps anymore (bedtime is ok, though). He always wants to be rocked and held now. Any idea why this is happening or any tips for this? Thanks!!
I am a long time viewer and am in the trenches of sleep training right now. Thank you for posting this. Until I saw it I wasnt sure if I would be able to continue without giving up 😂
Hey Emily
I totally love that song when you go shopping and start the cake. Could you tell me the name ?:(
Xoxo from Sweden
Hey Emily, I find my newborn sleeps all the time, even during feedings, I know it's normal at this stage to sleep a lot. At how many months did you start putting Jackson down for bed/naps awake?
This is me right now? How did it go as your baby got older?
Will Caleb eat cashews? My three year old is so picky and rarely eats veg. He loves nuts particularly cashews and they are high in iron. Good luck. It's so frustrating when they are picky!
Ooh I haven't tried but will definitely now thank you xx
Hmmm so would you not recommend me using a white noise machine to get my newborn to sleep??????
Adore your vlog. Always appreciate your input and suggestions. This video got me thinking about your sleep schedule. Do you ever get to squeeze in a nap? Would love to know how do it !! :)
Best wishes from Florida -
hi emily.i am a mum of a 3year old boy from greece.i just want to say don't worry that much for Calebs food.my boy stopped eating ehatever a gave him from 1,5 year old and he is just eating spaghetti and potates with some meet (but not always).He is not eaing any vegetables and the only fruit that he don't dny to eat is mandarines.we recently had his blood test done and his iron levels was perfect.and also his growth is beyond his age.so i just wanted to calm you a little bit,but you are the mum and you make the decisions.i love your beatiful family and hope you are having a very merry christmas.kisses from greece.sofia
Hi Emily. I joined your vlog recently, since I am now pregnant with my fist child. (Had a lot of "morning" sickness, so was spending a lot of time watching your videos, catching up on parenting skills). First, thanks a lot. You've been a very positive influence. Answered a lot of question for me. I was wondering one thing (couldn't find a full video about it). In my country (I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina), co-sleeping is a big thing. Allmost everybody does it. Also, I was thinking about pros and cons about the baby sleeping in his nursery from day one, versus having a small crib for him by our bed for the first few months. Basicly, would like to raise an independent kid, without him feeling less loved :D not easely done, I suppose :) I wanted to ask you, since you've mentioned a few times that there's always at least one of the boys in your bed:) and that you got a co-sleeping crib with your third, how did those practical (or unpractical:) things and habits influence your kids, and the sleeping habits of your husband and you? How does the baby monitor influence all this? Did you wake up to check the baby's breathing etc? Thank you once again!
Hi Emily, I have a 3 month old boy and He sleeps on his own, BUT since my husband and I sleep in the same room with him, We hear him making noises asking for comfort or feeding. I also use white noise but he still wakes up every 2-3 hours, sometimes it gets worst , meaning every hour. He was a good sleeper, 4-5 hours first and then 3 hours again. But that’s all gone. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Emily! I'm 10 weeks pregnant and SO enjoying your videos! Thank you sooo much! May I ask what are your thoughts about drinking coffee while breast feeding? (It seems we are both enjoyers of coffee
I love your family so much Emily xx
Thanks Lucy xx
We had the same sleep issue with our first. He didn't sleep through till I stopped breastfeeding him. So I really don't want to do this with my 2nd. In the beginning he also wouldn't sleep anywhere but with us, so we ended up co-sleeping. So this time we have the Chicco Next2Me so hoping to get baby to self-sooth to sleep from early on, and as he'll be able to see me it will be better than with our first. Obviously this is if he doesn't have colic or anything.
My first is so fussey eater too and I got him liquid iron supplements from boots and put them in his drink made a big difference for him
Aaaaahhh i love you and he patience you have with your boys
Joseline Galicia thank you so much xx
My baby sleeps on his own in the day time... After his awake time when hez sleepy all I have to so is swaddle him (2months old) and put him in his crib. But after 6 he just doesn't want to sleep... He may be sleeps for 30 mins at a time. Then doesn't sleep until 1 in the morning until I put him to sleep next to me. Putting him to sleep is so difficult in the night that I give up by 2 am n just let him sleep with me.
We are the same!! Birthdays galore in sept to dec. including my father in law on Boxing Day and me the day after x love your videos!!
Iḿ expecting my first and you´re videos are so very helpful!! you are by far one of my favorite youtubers to watch. you´re little ones are adorable!
Wow thank you so much Delaney xx
mmmm how did you make your choc frosting? xx
I love u guys so much u are my fav UA-cam.love your family so much and are u going to film on Christmas Day
Jess Alice I'm not sure I did last year xx
Emily Norris oh okay just wanted to know sorry for being nosy 😘 xx
My girls get no substitute when they don't like a veg. Except if we try the veg in 3 different dishes and they don't like it even when they eat it (gagging) they only have to eat 3 bites. But I am so lucky that they are easy eaters. Both of them had a hard time eating things between age 2 and 3,5 years old but passing that age they are eating everything. Almost.
My oldest loves salad and hates mushrooms and the youngest hates salad and loves mushrooms ... so they try 3 good spoons and than they just give the remaining veg to their sister
Emily I have a question. Is three months old to try to try this method?
Pressed send to early 😩. I always put Harry down awake and he slept through from 3 months from 7-730,so I've been spoilt. We're having him waking up a couple of times now,but he's always suffered with wind,but I don't mind getting up if he's in discomfort. Harry's not struck on veg or fruit on its own,and I worry that he seems tired a lot. Don't know if he's lacking in iron. Hopefully you will get Caleb sorted. The boys in bed,and the little space you had 😂😂 xx