Yeah, always just a few "trees" scattered around. Wish they ran some experimental server/mode where they increased the limits on procedurally generated fauna & flora density as well as a few other changes. Could run into hardware issues though...
Yesterday I was playing the expedition and came across a tropical planet that had huge patches of trees and other vegetation and I could see these patches all over the place right up to the horizon. Yes, it's still not a real jungle, but no machine would be able to handle that I think
@@severdislike4222 I found a world that had a pretty dense but very small force and I both the little encampment there that makes it look like giant outback ranch I could not resist and the trees look super weird and cool it's great.
no mans sky really needs a overhaul of multiplayer and coop, playing with people should feel like it adds to the experience instead of us playing together but seperately
there is pvp, if you go to populated areas in the galaxy you can ask in chat or just attack people lmao, something to be careful of you can be on a plant surface and someone will do a strafing run in there ship and your dead no questions asked, doesn’t happen often but it does happen
Truth! I hope hello games reads this. I want nothing more than play this game with FRIENDS. Every update I get 2 or 3 others to redownload and play, and we just all quickly realize the multiplayer is just so limited. Their next game looks like 4 man is the main focus. So my friend group is pumped for that. Just wish NMS had some multiplayer updates. One big thing would be riding on friends ships or exocrafts. Most the ships are just one man pods so I get its for a single traveler. We want a new type of ship. 4 player ship. Weapon bays where friends can use the weapons. Maybe even a copilot seat that operated the front guns. Another thing multiple manned exocraft. Maybe add some new blueprints for exocrafts that let friends man a mining laser/ defense turret. On planet pirates that use exocrafts, or if you are on foot a drop ship of pirates that try to incapacitate you and take your valuables. Depending on the planet/system the pirates should take different methods. If you are in a pirate system maybe they are more hostile and try to kill you instead of just knock you out for your most expensive thing.
@@zlotywest860 I don't think it does, but Light No Fire have.multiple biomes in one “Earth”, which is why it will be cool if this tech can be placed in NMS and giving the planets more than one biome.
I've been sad about the underwater game since it was first released because all water biomes I found were so shallow, they felt more like ponds than oceans. I'm very excited to do deep(er) sea exploration!
There is some deeper ones but not like subnautica I had found a good one a while back doing the water quests but that was a while ago, would love to see worlds so deep you need the new water landing equipment just to explore, with only water creatures, it would make a underwater base more feasible too.but I agree they could be way deeper, and more predator like animals too.
@@moon5472 how deep do you want? I've got a base on a tropical planet with a blue ocean that's 82u deep. Not super deep but deep enough for a nice base.
Would love gas giants, deeper seas with actual predators in the water, mega faunas , a procedural pattern layout for animals and plants especially hazard plants they need some tlc, and different shaped crystals so they dont all look the same I'm really liking this update, but i feel the snapping of building assets is harder, but it's been a few updates for me.
@@mekadizzo the Lore reason for this is that building a city requires lots of resources and building which is something sentinels don’t approve of. All of the races were almost wiped by sentinels and you can learn more about it by watching NMS lore videos. Cheers!
I mean, with the addition of the aquajets, we don't need tiny islands all over the oceans anymore, for that matter, at all. I think that the ocean algorithm has been limited since we needed a place to land our ship within a reasonable distance from any underwater POIs, that's simply not the case anymore.
@@robertonome2448yeah this is what I'm missing, water worlds, deeper waters and building own space station for the empty systems so you can bring back economy and stuff to it.
@@zlotywest860 player stations would be neat for sure, and thats sorta likely w the bypass, rework, and all Tho they should just keep focusing on exploration mostly, imo, thats where the game shines after all. That and maybe a few combat tweaks & enemy type here and there, especially for space
@zlotywest860 I hope they will maybe implement some kind of diversity concerning space Stations, like themed space Stations depending on which Species live in that System, like super hightech Stations for Korvax, Maybe Bones, Trophies and stuff in Stations for Vykeem and maybe Water areas or Meeting rooms or Lounges or something for Gek
My number one wishlist item for NMS is player owned stations. I'd love to have various mines on different planets with freighters and cargo ships making deliveries from the mining operations to the station to make widgets, and other freighters coming to bring the widgets to other stations and places that need them.
Giving players the potential to merge bases into settlements and allow people entering the system to get coords in the station. I'd also throw in: allow permanent changes to world generation inside inhabited territory.
I paid full price for this game when it originally launched. For the first week or two it actually wouldnt play on my dino pc, but i wasnt mad because i knew they'd correct the problems and they did. Now there were changes i didnt really like, and when they added a few things I didnt like, it didnt change my mind about the game. I love that I can just explore and not have to do any of the Quests if i dont want to. But those do give you stuff you cant find otherwise without cheats/hacks. Once i got a better new pc, i realized ... I'd been missing out on all of the eye candy. I like it so much Im tempted to purchase the game for my PS4 too. My only problem with the game is I cant just pop in a play for 20-30 mins, it always ends up being 3-10 hrs. =) Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Khraze!
@malkav0488 S N A P R O T A T I O N I can not fathom why HG didn't implement that feature when they revamped construction when it was in the game before that
@@InterSeptZ not only that but grid placement, angle increment... the basic tools to make desired shapes. And a leniency or combinations for overlapping
THIS! I've raged at the snap to grid building system so many times. When I look away from where I wan't to place my thing is there, but when I look where I WANT to place it then it's all over the map and trying to connect to every single other part of my base
i really want them to make ships that you can walk around in, like basically add interiors to starships, like imagine having ur own mini razor rest that u can sleep in and stuff
I'm an original fan and just want the super formula added for variation in flora and fauna and for it to actually get "weirder and stranger" as you get towards the center of the galaxies. We don't need all this other crap people complain about its supposed to be a game about exploration
Yeah, I can't stand the expedition shit. What is that? It's got no bearing on the actual game, I don't want to play some separate offshoot of the game, I want that stuff included on my long-term character. I've never understood the way they think. The direction they've gone with the game. I for a long time would groan about the fact that they are the only space sim where there is an empty cockpit on each vehicle, why? Why can't you see your player at the controls of your ships and vehicles? They are such an odd game company. Very strange...
A couple things I wish they would incorporate would be for ships being able to hover while on a planet - perhaps as an engine upgrade. Also allowing players to take over abandoned space stations, refurbish and operate them, similar to settlements perhaps. A third thing would be to allow players to populate their bases with NPC's. Settlements already sort of does this, but perhaps create a "living area" that can be built and each one allows a random (Or PC defined) NPC to occupy it. Then they just wander around or occupy "work/idle spots", so your base looks like it's lived in.
Certain ship types have hover. I would prefer it to be an update but I can understand them wanting to have unique attributes for the different ship types.
I'd be grateful a guild system of sort. If i give access to my friends to edit my base,to use it together and such, it's so dumb that i have to be there for them to be able to edit it. It makes zero sense,we could split chores like i go farm mats,and they keep building. But if we have to move together we might as well do our own bases.
Nms is SO CLOSE of being a game that has something for anyone, if you like combat or just looking at plant notes and seeing "inspecting you" or "waiting for REDACTED", or flying around taking tabs of 4c1d and crying how beautiful everything is. The only things that are missing are unit limit removal, endgame money sinks like upgrading freighters or even scrap them for parts to build your own. And...incinerator, of course.
Freighters with wide interiors that can be controlled by players as a crew would be so cool. Pilots, copilots, engineers, squadrons, that drops out of the ships in real time.
Would be cool if you are on board your freighter and an alert came through " Warning, enemy freighter approaching" as your freighter is now being attacked by an enemy pirate dreadnought
@@Coinz8 Sounds good on paper but it would get very annoying over time. the Attack would have to be triggered by an avoidable actions/decisions, and the freighters themselves would require brand new shield and weapons mechanics with all the upgrade modules to boot.
Im pretty sure the hyperdrive might be revealed to be related to the "void" systems we've been hinted at for a while. Maybe also have "dungeons" on planets that behave similar to the abandoned freighter but can be found rarely on planets and posses a new set of suit upgrades that offer more upgrades.
Multiple biomes,gas planets,water planets,water physics(reacting with player,shore,spaceships),rivers,more giant fauna and big ground craters and planet cracks,dense jungles,more distances between planets,sky player bases that orbit the planet like space stations and a dozen of handcrafted planets with cities that work as gathering points like the anomaly ,in specific solar systems would make this game feel complete
They should do a massive creature update so that we can find new aliens and not combos of ones we have seen since day 1. Also make space fun again by adding new encounters that aren't just "shoot this object for some rare glass"
I was hoping that we can something like Spore's editor to edit creatures / pets while they're still in the egg. Different parts can cost different materials, i.e. 50 gold for an extra pair of legs, 100 silver for a pair of wings or whatnot. That'd be super cool, and on the same note, maybe give more customization options for our ships, i.e. allow us to redo paintjobs at space stations, switch out parts (that we have in our bag) onto our current spaceship, without having to rebuild an entire new one out of 4 parts (this should cost a bit of unit and nanos for change of parts as it's quite some work lol)
What would I want from this game in the future? 1. In a conversation in the game with an npc or Atlas (i don't remember exactly who) I read that in the universe there were many intelligent species, then they began to disappear, seven remained, then six, then five, and now four (Gek, Vykeen, Korvax and Autophage). I would like to see information in the game about those extinct species, their name, history and culture, why they disappeared, etc... It would be wonderful to find in the game their ruins that are written texts in their language, which we can decipher in any way. It would add a lot of mystery and interesting stories in the game, I would even be tempted to roam the universe to collect information about those extinct species and find out the truth about them. 2. Remember the Skyrim books you could read? Why are such books not inserted in the NMS? Or, considering that it is a digital universe, a corresponding thing, such as a disk, or a hard drive, that we can decipher and read all sorts of stories... 3. Why use missing animal relics only for trade? Wouldn't it be interesting to have the opportunity to create a kind of museum in which to collect the most spectacular and oldest fossils, to see them?
Everyone here want ridicilous things from HG, and me as a simple men want : actually paintable wooden and metal floors(what's the point of them being in the game if you can't do crap with them?!), stop terrain from growing back, better building menu(I swear building in Fallout 4 is 100% way better than in nms), stop loosing your progress inside refiners and automated mining machines if the game decide to turn back online settings for you, customizable multitools and ships(let us hunt for this rare looking attachments for certain weapons and ship decals), but most important : ground pve against factions(I swear whenever pirates are raiding colossal archive that's full of pilots inspecting their ships they absolutely don't give a living crap about it, they can't die, their ships aren't damaged..nms npc's are the biggest lifeless AI I've ever seen in my entire gaming time)
Main thing I want is better character animations, that’s the main thing I notice with the game, shouldn’t be too hard but I’m not a game dev so I wouldn’t know
I would love to see them do more with the caves on planets, there needs to be more stuff to find and explore in these caves, it seems like such a waste to not have much in them.
Im calling it now: NMS is going to be connected to LNF set in the same universe and somehow connected. The atlas supercomputer is going to be on the LNF planet somewhere and LNF takes place many many years after the atlas was abandoned and the events in LNF will somehow effect NMS and vise versa. Second theory: or within another supercomputer's simulation but still in the same universe. Like/comment on this to come back to it later if I was right.
@@JupiterxBlues Isn't there that simulation you take that one entity to on the nexus in a quest? Could be inside there if the simulation inside the simulation turned out to be a thing. lol
@@Cholin3947 I actually don't know anyone who didnt like the revelation that NMS is in a simulation. Many I know actually liked that it wasn't just another space game and liked that twist. Technically, LNF would be unique if it was also in a simulation. However, while I would love that personally, I dont think LNF is going to be a simulation. I just think that the atlas supercomputer will be in the LNF planet.
One big change I'd love to see is the interactions with aliens on spacestations, freighters, etc. It really takes me out of the immersion after fighting a pirate dreadnought to walk up to the captain who is just sitting there waving to me happily, then read "The pirate captain begs for mercy". I know it's unlikely to get a full overhaul to interactions, but a variety of emotions/personalities would be much appreciated
1:00 honestly i just hope they fix that grass generation distance, it looks really really ugly and immersion breaking that the grass has such a bad rendering and literally despawns the moment you turn away and when you look back it has to render again
At this point I think it’s engine limitation. Old Skyrim/fo4 had a similar issue. Non open world games can hide it easily with assets. Can’t do much on plain open fields :(
With light no fire being just one huge planet, I hope their resources can be put to creating insane landscapes & biomes. Lush jungles & towering mountain biomes, kinda like the Vale in Game of Thrones.
I would.really like a personal ship hangar made like the space stations. Either we could build it with resources or it could be an abandoned space station that we find and make a base.
I wouldn't get too excited about these features arriving any time soon. There are datamined files of 2 headed creatures and turrets for base defence that have been in the game for over 6 years, and still have not been implememented. Even the new space stations datamined took close to a year before they were implemented.
My favorite thing so far about worlds apart is so smoothing of the animation when entering the anomaly or a space station. It's a minor thing, but the improvement is so good. It feels so much more organic than it was before.
it would be pretty cool if HG made the purple star systems actually be black hole systems, making space darker in that system with more extreme weather or even speeding up processes that arent in the system
I haven't gotten to far into the game yet, So if some of what was shown in this is already in the game that excites me. But I do very much like the game, but something it needs in variation and some wow moments like that statue, I'd like to see more variance in worlds and structures, maybe even small cities players can meet up at.
Given that the next game has more of a multiplayer focus, I suspect we'll see some improvements to the netcode for NMS. Also, given that their next game is set on one planet, it means they must have the ability to generate said planet with proper biomes, so it wouldn't surprise me if at some point all the planets in NMS receive a basic geographical makeover with polar regions and equatorial deserts etc.
I found one Invisible translution pet last night that's looks like a ball of lightning. Pretty much invisible but it's a weird ball of jedi force energy.
I really wish they focus on multiplayer. My friends and I still experience a lot of glitches when we join together. I should add we are playing on the PS5. My freighter will disappear for friends when they join my game. I’ll be fighting pirates and friends don’t see them. I’ve experienced a massive frame rate drop when I’ve joined friends games as well. I love this game I hope this gets fixed soon.
Absolutely correct. They would probably do well to do an entire update which fixes these kinds of bugs, and fleshes out multiplayer much more, giving us more reason to interact with other players. Happily would pay for the game again after such an update.
I want a type of glass dome or biome you can construct OVER your base. So it keeps weather stable inside and you can even plant grass and have a little mini oasis matter the planet you choose to build on. You can have special open hatches on top of landing pads to land your ship through also. Id also like co-op to be able to go onto on ship together amd have your team mate shoot guns on your ship in fights so it could open the door to very funn pirate and sentinels missions playing togeyher in one ship
i mean at least they have a blanker canvas to work with 🤷🏼♂️ can always add things to fill in the spaces from time to time. step into the right direction and it’s fuller potential. world building and better combat - id be hapy
I wish they would extend the expedition to a little longer for those of us who work a lot or have a family.It's tough to finish them. Awesome info though sir thank you very much.😊
Space combat needs a serious update. Currently, every space battle feels monotonous because both enemy and friendly ships use the same loadout: photon cannons and phase beams. These weapons not only lack variety but also don’t deal significant damage. It would be fantastic if Hello Games could introduce more diversity in pirate weaponry and ship upgrades. Randomized weapon and ship upgrades would make battles more dynamic and engaging. As it stands, having a squadron feels pointless since I’m doing all the work.
@@Coinz8 yeah most of the time they get in the way like this Me: Ok time to blast this pirate with my rockets) Random squadron member: OOOH ROCKETS Me: Damn the stupid NPC just wasted my rocket.
They need to add more variety to the common planets. I've tried to find the kind of planet they have in the trailers. Everything is as flat as ever. They scammed y'all with a map that will never be in the game 😂
I really want to be able to build on the entire planet with an unlimited space to use and an unlimited number of base parts to use... Surely there is a way when you reach the games building limit. You could save that to the planets environment... Whereby those building parts technically become part of the planet. Like the trees and rocks? . Thus freeing up space to continue expanding the build.. Saving to the planet, and so on...
They don't have much of an imagination... I would have coded in something to happen when you uncover ruins like catching a long-dormant virus, activating a long inert defensive matrix, sending out a signal that alerts a fleet to come and rendevous with the ruins maybe to meet whoever is there or to combat whoever is there. There are plenty of ideas they just seem to lack imagination,
I imagine those new systems being a kind reminiscences of the world of glass. I don't think thy would necessarily replace some systems, but demanding some kind of search for it. I only recently have found out about phantom star systems, so it could be pretty clear way to implement those into main game. Also... Why it's been more than half a year and I haven't seen any mention of the stone titan that rises it's head with blue glowing rune instead of a face looking quite like a corvax? Imagine the whole game being one of Nada's simulations xD. That would also present a loophole for Hello Games to make some ARGs about it too.
I have been thinking about the water, the oceans should be deeper, its’s about time they address this. While deep oceans might be very cool, it could also be annoying and kind of useless. If they add more stuff to the ocean environments will we really want to spend that much time in the water?
I've been saying we need basic storage containers for years. It's fine if they don't connect to the ship or anything, I mean the connectivity should be the main defining feature of the vaults afterall.
Wouldn't mind seeing them actually had some sort of element of risk or danger into the game. I like playing it, for very short periods, but it gets boring super fast when about the only chance you have of dying is some sort of bug in the game.
I'm still waiting for actual gameplay elements though :c some more meaning for base building, maybe more on foot command, maybe more conflicts between species, or anything really. I get that making the world prettier is cool and all, but still... planets are just a one biome giant rock, without hills, mountains or rivers or waterfall formations, or if there are mountains then there's a bunch of mountains, if there's a river than it's just a really big chunk of the ocean that got generated into the land, a lot wider than it should be. Overall I'm just spending a max of 10 minutes on each planet and move on... and it's pretty frustrating cause I really really like the game, but it's lacking in gameplay elements.
I hope it’s deep underwater alien ports or settlements or something, all these worlds, it’s should even be an intelligent advanced aquatic alien species. Especially since all these UAP sightings diving in the Oceans and going seamlessly from flight to underwater travel.
Imagine you go to the bottom of a deep ocean, You start digging really deeply and then you pop out into the air and start falling. Hidden worlds underground and under the oceans.
What if purple star planets don’t have the generic materials like red and blue crystals but have cleaner and smoother procedural generation with better geological structuring
I keep hoping for a dense forest biome. A proper jungle would be wonderful >:
@@severdislike4222 yeah the game feels too open
Yeah, always just a few "trees" scattered around. Wish they ran some experimental server/mode where they increased the limits on procedurally generated fauna & flora density as well as a few other changes. Could run into hardware issues though...
I think they already made everything more dense in the part i update
Yesterday I was playing the expedition and came across a tropical planet that had huge patches of trees and other vegetation and I could see these patches all over the place right up to the horizon. Yes, it's still not a real jungle, but no machine would be able to handle that I think
@@severdislike4222 I found a world that had a pretty dense but very small force and I both the little encampment there that makes it look like giant outback ranch I could not resist and the trees look super weird and cool it's great.
no mans sky really needs a overhaul of multiplayer and coop, playing with people should feel like it adds to the experience instead of us playing together but seperately
facts and it’d be cool if you had the option of pvp
or even factions bases like rust
@@mistavoid pvp is already an option you can turn on in settings. Multiplayer/coop is just bad. no real point to it apart from the nexus missions
there is pvp, if you go to populated areas in the galaxy you can ask in chat or just attack people lmao, something to be careful of you can be on a plant surface and someone will do a strafing run in there ship and your dead no questions asked, doesn’t happen often but it does happen
Truth! I hope hello games reads this. I want nothing more than play this game with FRIENDS. Every update I get 2 or 3 others to redownload and play, and we just all quickly realize the multiplayer is just so limited. Their next game looks like 4 man is the main focus. So my friend group is pumped for that. Just wish NMS had some multiplayer updates. One big thing would be riding on friends ships or exocrafts. Most the ships are just one man pods so I get its for a single traveler. We want a new type of ship. 4 player ship. Weapon bays where friends can use the weapons. Maybe even a copilot seat that operated the front guns. Another thing multiple manned exocraft. Maybe add some new blueprints for exocrafts that let friends man a mining laser/ defense turret. On planet pirates that use exocrafts, or if you are on foot a drop ship of pirates that try to incapacitate you and take your valuables. Depending on the planet/system the pirates should take different methods. If you are in a pirate system maybe they are more hostile and try to kill you instead of just knock you out for your most expensive thing.
I hope they can scale down whatever tech they're using to make light no fire's planet, so NMS planets can have more than 1 biome
@@dingdongspaghetti good idea. Seems feasible too
@@CheekyNPC They might do that as the final part of the update, and then announce/release the game is my guess.
NMS has multiple biomes on one planet??
@@zlotywest860 I don't think it does, but Light No Fire have.multiple biomes in one “Earth”, which is why it will be cool if this tech can be placed in NMS and giving the planets more than one biome.
I hope with Light No Fire, they can focus on some gameplay elements...
The Gimmicks we've already tried.
I've been sad about the underwater game since it was first released because all water biomes I found were so shallow, they felt more like ponds than oceans. I'm very excited to do deep(er) sea exploration!
There are some deep oceans in NMS even right now
@@tmatousek14 find one and give me the glyphs and galaxy, I have never found one
There is some deeper ones but not like subnautica I had found a good one a while back doing the water quests but that was a while ago, would love to see worlds so deep you need the new water landing equipment just to explore, with only water creatures, it would make a underwater base more feasible too.but I agree they could be way deeper, and more predator like animals too.
Pretty sure there's a max natural depth of 120u, so no... oceans are still not deep, kinda like the game still.
@@moon5472 how deep do you want? I've got a base on a tropical planet with a blue ocean that's 82u deep. Not super deep but deep enough for a nice base.
Would love gas giants, deeper seas with actual predators in the water, mega faunas , a procedural pattern layout for animals and plants especially hazard plants they need some tlc, and different shaped crystals so they dont all look the same I'm really liking this update, but i feel the snapping of building assets is harder, but it's been a few updates for me.
One of my biggest issues with NMS is there are no Gek, VyKeen or Korvax cities and no water crafts other than that rinky dinky mini sub
@@mekadizzo the Lore reason for this is that building a city requires lots of resources and building which is something sentinels don’t approve of. All of the races were almost wiped by sentinels and you can learn more about it by watching NMS lore videos. Cheers!
@@EstebanArias93 sounds like a cop out
@@Syxth Your face is.
@@Syxthtrue but we are gaining on sentinels so who knows what could happen.
@@EstebanArias93 as it is a simulation/matrix. Anything can change whenever.
I mean, with the addition of the aquajets, we don't need tiny islands all over the oceans anymore, for that matter, at all. I think that the ocean algorithm has been limited since we needed a place to land our ship within a reasonable distance from any underwater POIs, that's simply not the case anymore.
Yea full blown ocean planets with maybe a few islands tons of km apart at most would be much better to have
@@robertonome2448yeah this is what I'm missing, water worlds, deeper waters and building own space station for the empty systems so you can bring back economy and stuff to it.
@@zlotywest860 player stations would be neat for sure, and thats sorta likely w the bypass, rework, and all
Tho they should just keep focusing on exploration mostly, imo, thats where the game shines after all. That and maybe a few combat tweaks & enemy type here and there, especially for space
@Lordoftheapes79 I will definitely build a Base or Mansion on a small part of dry land, would be epic to have such a hideout
@zlotywest860 I hope they will maybe implement some kind of diversity concerning space Stations, like themed space Stations depending on which Species live in that System, like super hightech Stations for Korvax, Maybe Bones, Trophies and stuff in Stations for Vykeem and maybe Water areas or Meeting rooms or Lounges or something for Gek
My number one wishlist item for NMS is player owned stations. I'd love to have various mines on different planets with freighters and cargo ships making deliveries from the mining operations to the station to make widgets, and other freighters coming to bring the widgets to other stations and places that need them.
Giving players the potential to merge bases into settlements and allow people entering the system to get coords in the station.
I'd also throw in: allow permanent changes to world generation inside inhabited territory.
I've been saying this! They just need to incorporate all the features from the X series into NMS and it will be the PERFECT space game!
@@adamdavid7624 They can't do it. They are an odd bunch of developers.
Play X4 in the meantime. :P
I paid full price for this game when it originally launched. For the first week or two it actually wouldnt play on my dino pc, but i wasnt mad because i knew they'd correct the problems and they did. Now there were changes i didnt really like, and when they added a few things I didnt like, it didnt change my mind about the game. I love that I can just explore and not have to do any of the Quests if i dont want to. But those do give you stuff you cant find otherwise without cheats/hacks.
Once i got a better new pc, i realized ... I'd been missing out on all of the eye candy. I like it so much Im tempted to purchase the game for my PS4 too. My only problem with the game is I cant just pop in a play for 20-30 mins, it always ends up being 3-10 hrs. =) Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Khraze!
@xeroinfinity if I had a Playstation, I would buy this game again just for PSVR.
My prediction is that Worlds 2 will have rivers.
My stadishon is it will hag winters
@verdantbabble5498 I know we cannot call them "rivers," but there were already water structures like rivers
I've seen rivers and dried up river beds already.
@@verdantbabble5498 You're a madman on the level of Oppenheimer
I predict dense forests.
An overhaul to snapping and placement system would be long overdue...
@malkav0488 S N A P R O T A T I O N
I can not fathom why HG didn't implement that feature when they revamped construction when it was in the game before that
@@InterSeptZ not only that but grid placement, angle increment... the basic tools to make desired shapes. And a leniency or combinations for overlapping
Yeah I wish building was more dense. If they added more buildings and better snap placement i would love that
THIS! I've raged at the snap to grid building system so many times. When I look away from where I wan't to place my thing is there, but when I look where I WANT to place it then it's all over the map and trying to connect to every single other part of my base
I hope that caves will get greatly improved.
caves got overhauled recently they're really good???
@@TimSenna Not good enough compared to other similar games.
@@robovader7625Which games is that?
@@RodneyG669 All of them. NMS literally has the the most bland and boring caves I have seen in my 40 years of gaming.
i really want them to make ships that you can walk around in, like basically add interiors to starships, like imagine having ur own mini razor rest that u can sleep in and stuff
I'm an original fan and just want the super formula added for variation in flora and fauna and for it to actually get "weirder and stranger" as you get towards the center of the galaxies. We don't need all this other crap people complain about its supposed to be a game about exploration
Yeah, I can't stand the expedition shit. What is that? It's got no bearing on the actual game, I don't want to play some separate offshoot of the game, I want that stuff included on my long-term character. I've never understood the way they think. The direction they've gone with the game.
I for a long time would groan about the fact that they are the only space sim where there is an empty cockpit on each vehicle, why? Why can't you see your player at the controls of your ships and vehicles? They are such an odd game company. Very strange...
@@jrag1000 you can have it included on your long term character, if you use the expedition terminal on the space anomaly
@@jrag1000 have you used the expedition terminal or played nms at *ALL* in recent times lol
@@jrag1000 you can do the expeditions on a seperate file then return to your normal one and claim the rewards at the quicksilver vendor
A couple things I wish they would incorporate would be for ships being able to hover while on a planet - perhaps as an engine upgrade. Also allowing players to take over abandoned space stations, refurbish and operate them, similar to settlements perhaps. A third thing would be to allow players to populate their bases with NPC's. Settlements already sort of does this, but perhaps create a "living area" that can be built and each one allows a random (Or PC defined) NPC to occupy it. Then they just wander around or occupy "work/idle spots", so your base looks like it's lived in.
Certain ship types have hover. I would prefer it to be an update but I can understand them wanting to have unique attributes for the different ship types.
I'd be grateful a guild system of sort. If i give access to my friends to edit my base,to use it together and such, it's so dumb that i have to be there for them to be able to edit it. It makes zero sense,we could split chores like i go farm mats,and they keep building. But if we have to move together we might as well do our own bases.
I mean you can go that via groups but sure if they're not online and grouped with ya... You can adjust those settings under Network.
Nms is SO CLOSE of being a game that has something for anyone, if you like combat or just looking at plant notes and seeing "inspecting you" or "waiting for REDACTED", or flying around taking tabs of 4c1d and crying how beautiful everything is.
The only things that are missing are unit limit removal, endgame money sinks like upgrading freighters or even scrap them for parts to build your own. And...incinerator, of course.
Ive never been more excited for this game and for all the new ppl starting!! Welcome to all new players ❤❤❤
I'm gonna buy it next time it goes on sale . It looks so good ,cant wait to try it for the first time 😊
@@SurferKroky it's so fun! Enjoy the ride, Traveller!
Freighters with wide interiors that can be controlled by players as a crew would be so cool. Pilots, copilots, engineers, squadrons, that drops out of the ships in real time.
Would be cool if you are on board your freighter and an alert came through " Warning, enemy freighter approaching" as your freighter is now being attacked by an enemy pirate dreadnought
@@Coinz8 Sounds good on paper but it would get very annoying over time. the Attack would have to be triggered by an avoidable actions/decisions, and the freighters themselves would require brand new shield and weapons mechanics with all the upgrade modules to boot.
@@DudeStrange So
@@DudeStrangeYou went too deep with it …
Im pretty sure the hyperdrive might be revealed to be related to the "void" systems we've been hinted at for a while.
Maybe also have "dungeons" on planets that behave similar to the abandoned freighter but can be found rarely on planets and posses a new set of suit upgrades that offer more upgrades.
Multiple biomes,gas planets,water planets,water physics(reacting with player,shore,spaceships),rivers,more giant fauna and big ground craters and planet cracks,dense jungles,more distances between planets,sky player bases that orbit the planet like space stations and a dozen of handcrafted planets with cities that work as gathering points like the anomaly ,in specific solar systems would make this game feel complete
They should do a massive creature update so that we can find new aliens and not combos of ones we have seen since day 1.
Also make space fun again by adding new encounters that aren't just "shoot this object for some rare glass"
Would be cool if you are on board your freighter and an alert came through " Warning, enemy freighter approaching"
I was hoping that we can something like Spore's editor to edit creatures / pets while they're still in the egg. Different parts can cost different materials, i.e. 50 gold for an extra pair of legs, 100 silver for a pair of wings or whatnot.
That'd be super cool, and on the same note, maybe give more customization options for our ships, i.e. allow us to redo paintjobs at space stations, switch out parts (that we have in our bag) onto our current spaceship, without having to rebuild an entire new one out of 4 parts (this should cost a bit of unit and nanos for change of parts as it's quite some work lol)
Khraze videos are a staple of gaming. Glad to support the channel
What would I want from this game in the future?
1. In a conversation in the game with an npc or Atlas (i don't remember exactly who) I read that in the universe there were many intelligent species, then they began to disappear, seven remained, then six, then five, and now four (Gek, Vykeen, Korvax and Autophage). I would like to see information in the game about those extinct species, their name, history and culture, why they disappeared, etc... It would be wonderful to find in the game their ruins that are written texts in their language, which we can decipher in any way. It would add a lot of mystery and interesting stories in the game, I would even be tempted to roam the universe to collect information about those extinct species and find out the truth about them.
2. Remember the Skyrim books you could read? Why are such books not inserted in the NMS? Or, considering that it is a digital universe, a corresponding thing, such as a disk, or a hard drive, that we can decipher and read all sorts of stories...
3. Why use missing animal relics only for trade? Wouldn't it be interesting to have the opportunity to create a kind of museum in which to collect the most spectacular and oldest fossils, to see them?
" you're not ready "
Erm, yes iam lol 🤣
I hope they will add in future monster's, bosses to fight. Give us more fight pls 🙏
Everyone here want ridicilous things from HG, and me as a simple men want : actually paintable wooden and metal floors(what's the point of them being in the game if you can't do crap with them?!), stop terrain from growing back, better building menu(I swear building in Fallout 4 is 100% way better than in nms), stop loosing your progress inside refiners and automated mining machines if the game decide to turn back online settings for you, customizable multitools and ships(let us hunt for this rare looking attachments for certain weapons and ship decals), but most important : ground pve against factions(I swear whenever pirates are raiding colossal archive that's full of pilots inspecting their ships they absolutely don't give a living crap about it, they can't die, their ships aren't damaged..nms npc's are the biggest lifeless AI I've ever seen in my entire gaming time)
I hope living ships get some love.
Hopefully they update some of the flawed systems like weapon switching on the multi tool.
Yessssssssssssss please
Main thing I want is better character animations, that’s the main thing I notice with the game, shouldn’t be too hard but I’m not a game dev so I wouldn’t know
I really hope they redo the godawful rocket boost jump animation sooner than later.
I would love to see them do more with the caves on planets, there needs to be more stuff to find and explore in these caves, it seems like such a waste to not have much in them.
im not even ready for this video but here we go anyway, im watching it
Im calling it now: NMS is going to be connected to LNF set in the same universe and somehow connected. The atlas supercomputer is going to be on the LNF planet somewhere and LNF takes place many many years after the atlas was abandoned and the events in LNF will somehow effect NMS and vise versa.
Second theory: or within another supercomputer's simulation but still in the same universe.
Like/comment on this to come back to it later if I was right.
@@JupiterxBlues Isn't there that simulation you take that one entity to on the nexus in a quest? Could be inside there if the simulation inside the simulation turned out to be a thing. lol
That’s actually a really good theory
I hope not. LNF needs to be its own thing. Plus a lot of players are turned off by the "it's a simulation" which is admittedly a huge hand wave.
@@Cholin3947 Why does it "need" to be its own thing? So long as it's good, in itself, then things are peachy.
@@Cholin3947 I actually don't know anyone who didnt like the revelation that NMS is in a simulation. Many I know actually liked that it wasn't just another space game and liked that twist. Technically, LNF would be unique if it was also in a simulation.
However, while I would love that personally, I dont think LNF is going to be a simulation. I just think that the atlas supercomputer will be in the LNF planet.
One big change I'd love to see is the interactions with aliens on spacestations, freighters, etc. It really takes me out of the immersion after fighting a pirate dreadnought to walk up to the captain who is just sitting there waving to me happily, then read "The pirate captain begs for mercy". I know it's unlikely to get a full overhaul to interactions, but a variety of emotions/personalities would be much appreciated
1:00 honestly i just hope they fix that grass generation distance, it looks really really ugly and immersion breaking that the grass has such a bad rendering and literally despawns the moment you turn away and when you look back it has to render again
At this point I think it’s engine limitation. Old Skyrim/fo4 had a similar issue. Non open world games can hide it easily with assets. Can’t do much on plain open fields :(
@@sanko_ Ah so it's not just me then. I thought it was a Nintendo Switch thing.
I would love to see procgen structures on planets. Similar to the derelict freighter. With loot and enemies and lore.
Thanks fo da info my man!
With light no fire being just one huge planet, I hope their resources can be put to creating insane landscapes & biomes. Lush jungles & towering mountain biomes, kinda like the Vale in Game of Thrones.
I would.really like a personal ship hangar made like the space stations. Either we could build it with resources or it could be an abandoned space station that we find and make a base.
I wouldn't get too excited about these features arriving any time soon. There are datamined files of 2 headed creatures and turrets for base defence that have been in the game for over 6 years, and still have not been implememented. Even the new space stations datamined took close to a year before they were implemented.
More wind water rain and higher and lower cloud density depends on the planets discovered.
My favorite thing so far about worlds apart is so smoothing of the animation when entering the anomaly or a space station. It's a minor thing, but the improvement is so good. It feels so much more organic than it was before.
@@iwillnotcomply1707 💯💯💯
I love your pfp
it would be pretty cool if HG made the purple star systems actually be black hole systems, making space darker in that system with more extreme weather or even speeding up processes that arent in the system
It would make sense that the deep water zones will be where we mine the atlanrium.
I haven't gotten to far into the game yet, So if some of what was shown in this is already in the game that excites me. But I do very much like the game, but something it needs in variation and some wow moments like that statue, I'd like to see more variance in worlds and structures, maybe even small cities players can meet up at.
during the expedition i actually found one of those creatures. it was a see through stingray with purple veins
Planetary orbits with visitable suns, texture fixes, and proper lava/poison oceans are what's on my 'And Then This Game will be Perfect' list.
Given that the next game has more of a multiplayer focus, I suspect we'll see some improvements to the netcode for NMS.
Also, given that their next game is set on one planet, it means they must have the ability to generate said planet with proper biomes, so it wouldn't surprise me if at some point all the planets in NMS receive a basic geographical makeover with polar regions and equatorial deserts etc.
LOL at a 20 minute long Star Wars Outlaws forced ad in the middle of this video
better game!
@@jrag1000 It's really not
They can take all the time that they need, and maybe add new merch
I found one Invisible translution pet last night that's looks like a ball of lightning. Pretty much invisible but it's a weird ball of jedi force energy.
High camera overview would be nice for settlements if we got more freedom in expanding it. Frostpunk style.
I bet they have so much planned that when part 2 releases they are going to say this is only 2/3s of the update
I really wish they focus on multiplayer. My friends and I still experience a lot of glitches when we join together. I should add we are playing on the PS5. My freighter will disappear for friends when they join my game. I’ll be fighting pirates and friends don’t see them. I’ve experienced a massive frame rate drop when I’ve joined friends games as well. I love this game I hope this gets fixed soon.
Absolutely correct. They would probably do well to do an entire update which fixes these kinds of bugs, and fleshes out multiplayer much more, giving us more reason to interact with other players. Happily would pay for the game again after such an update.
I want a type of glass dome or biome you can construct OVER your base. So it keeps weather stable inside and you can even plant grass and have a little mini oasis matter the planet you choose to build on. You can have special open hatches on top of landing pads to land your ship through also.
Id also like co-op to be able to go onto on ship together amd have your team mate shoot guns on your ship in fights so it could open the door to very funn pirate and sentinels missions playing togeyher in one ship
This just makes me really excited for light no fire now 😅 the way NMS is getting upgraded speaks to what we could expect for their next venture
I really hope they make procedural sentinels
Maybe the purple systems are connected to the world of glass
i mean at least they have a blanker canvas to work with 🤷🏼♂️ can always add things to fill in the spaces from time to time. step into the right direction and it’s fuller potential. world building and better combat - id be hapy
I wish they would extend the expedition to a little longer for those of us who work a lot or have a family.It's tough to finish them. Awesome info though sir thank you very much.😊
For an old game the potential of no man's sky is ridiculous still one of the best games available
Purple system has gotta be a sentinel controlled system. Like a sentinel hive system. Calling it. I have been asking for this for years
That new build ui/camera looks great
I just want multiple biomes on planets
All I want is a flying saucer style ship...
I'm hoping we get custom building exocrafts and freighters in the future
Space combat needs a serious update. Currently, every space battle feels monotonous because both enemy and friendly ships use the same loadout: photon cannons and phase beams. These weapons not only lack variety but also don’t deal significant damage. It would be fantastic if Hello Games could introduce more diversity in pirate weaponry and ship upgrades. Randomized weapon and ship upgrades would make battles more dynamic and engaging. As it stands, having a squadron feels pointless since I’m doing all the work.
Meh, they shoot SOMETIMES but again your doing about 99% of the work
@@Coinz8 yeah most of the time they get in the way like this
Me: Ok time to blast this pirate with my rockets)
Random squadron member: OOOH ROCKETS
Me: Damn the stupid NPC just wasted my rocket.
They need to add more variety to the common planets. I've tried to find the kind of planet they have in the trailers. Everything is as flat as ever. They scammed y'all with a map that will never be in the game 😂
I really want to be able to build on the entire planet with an unlimited space to use and an unlimited number of base parts to use... Surely there is a way when you reach the games building limit. You could save that to the planets environment... Whereby those building parts technically become part of the planet. Like the trees and rocks? . Thus freeing up space to continue expanding the build.. Saving to the planet, and so on...
Ruins like that were also shown in the old NMS trailers.
They don't have much of an imagination...
I would have coded in something to happen when you uncover ruins like catching a long-dormant virus, activating a long inert defensive matrix, sending out a signal that alerts a fleet to come and rendevous with the ruins maybe to meet whoever is there or to combat whoever is there.
There are plenty of ideas they just seem to lack imagination,
I just hope that after restarting, I'm not inclined to do so again in a few months or whenever this releases.
I imagine those new systems being a kind reminiscences of the world of glass. I don't think thy would necessarily replace some systems, but demanding some kind of search for it. I only recently have found out about phantom star systems, so it could be pretty clear way to implement those into main game.
Also... Why it's been more than half a year and I haven't seen any mention of the stone titan that rises it's head with blue glowing rune instead of a face looking quite like a corvax? Imagine the whole game being one of Nada's simulations xD. That would also present a loophole for Hello Games to make some ARGs about it too.
Would be nice to have artic areas, North and South poles too!
I wish we had a wireframe "Radar Mode" when in fog near the ground.
I wish the graphics were a bit more updated for the flora, and there was more nature surrounding you and terrain
I have been thinking about the water, the oceans should be deeper, its’s about time they address this. While deep oceans might be very cool, it could also be annoying and kind of useless. If they add more stuff to the ocean environments will we really want to spend that much time in the water?
No because it’s too damn scary going into a deep ocean, I’m not the one Lol
I’m really hoping we get more storage space or the ability to add more I’m constantly juggling my inventory between my exosuit and everything else
I've been saying we need basic storage containers for years. It's fine if they don't connect to the ship or anything, I mean the connectivity should be the main defining feature of the vaults afterall.
Wouldn't mind seeing them actually had some sort of element of risk or danger into the game. I like playing it, for very short periods, but it gets boring super fast when about the only chance you have of dying is some sort of bug in the game.
maybe planets with more diverse terrain as you walk around
If we don't get fishing and fish to catch to go with aquatic landings, I'll be mad
I'll buy is the moment there is proper multilayer / coop that is fun :)
Multiple biomes, whenever it comes out, will make this game legendary.
Is no one mad they probably came back to their favorite base recently to realize their world was completely different??
I'm still waiting for actual gameplay elements though :c some more meaning for base building, maybe more on foot command, maybe more conflicts between species, or anything really. I get that making the world prettier is cool and all, but still... planets are just a one biome giant rock, without hills, mountains or rivers or waterfall formations, or if there are mountains then there's a bunch of mountains, if there's a river than it's just a really big chunk of the ocean that got generated into the land, a lot wider than it should be. Overall I'm just spending a max of 10 minutes on each planet and move on... and it's pretty frustrating cause I really really like the game, but it's lacking in gameplay elements.
I rly wish i can go into my ship and optimist and run a round in the ship that will make a big change
Well we got freighters
@@yaboimoney1 I mean the small ship it just fills good like in starfield
Only the Freighters are big enough to run around in, not the Starships … But it’s your imagination so have fun with it I guess .
I haven't touched this game since the 2016 and I'm seeing shit that actually made me fall out my seat
Shit straight up became Starship Troopers .
Imagine we see a blandest that is blow up and we can land on the fractured pieces
I hope the guant satues are more than just static props.
I am hopeful for a 100% water world. That would be cool.
I hope it’s deep underwater alien ports or settlements or something, all these worlds, it’s should even be an intelligent advanced aquatic alien species. Especially since all these UAP sightings diving in the Oceans and going seamlessly from flight to underwater travel.
Imagine you go to the bottom of a deep ocean, You start digging really deeply and then you pop out into the air and start falling. Hidden worlds underground and under the oceans.
We need trading posts on space stations where you can set value for what your selling and only real players can buy from it similar to fallout 76
What if purple star planets don’t have the generic materials like red and blue crystals but have cleaner and smoother procedural generation with better geological structuring
Hopefully they'll fix the submarine. Its controls sucks.
I found a flying manta ray thats pretty transparent, in game right now
Oh I found a planet with that purpleness on it earlier today
Man I really wish I was around for singularity. I hope they rerun some old expeditions at some point in the future.
What was special about singularity
I hate expeditions and the entire concept of them.
What is this one-and-done garbage?
Yea, I have the elements already so the purple systems are within reach once the update is up.
This game has the potential to go on forever if they wanted it to. I am addicted to it even though I am now bored 😂
Ambitious Dave The Diver x NMS crossover when!?