I just wanna finally clean my depression room but it’s like the motivation is never there like i could clean for a few minutes then my body gives up on me. I also miss baking sweets especially when I’m bored. I’m tired of feeling lazy and a free loader
thank u so much! i wanna do chores properly cuz my family is very germaphobic. those affs are super nice and your channel is so underrated! thank u omg ^^
This subliminal has actually worked amazingly for me!! I've been using on and off and mainly sleeping to it and i found that everytime I listen when I wanna clean (but I'm lazy) it makes me feel instant motivation to clean both my room, then the house and more- its wonderful And another instance is my cooking exam where we had 44 mins to prepare a dish and I was certain something would fail (I was making a sort of fish recipe) and I was worried but the entire cooking process was a smooth sail and when I had finished cleaning and the food was cooked I let people in my class try it and it had a lot of positive feedback! I wasn't expecting this subliminal to work as fast as it did but I'm happy with the results TYSM
I live on my own and recently got sick, now I'm okay but the reason I got sick was because I was too lazy to cook for myself. I hope this motivates me cook for myself and do chores.
Thank you so, so much for this! It'll definitely help out around the house~ EDIT: this actually works so damn fast! I got a £140 cleaner for £80 brand new, a pack of 3 scrub daddies for £8 when they're usually £5 per sponge, and I'm super excited to deep clean the house!!
I was so surprised at how much I did today. I got a lot of cleaning done and the food I made was better than usual. About an hour ago, I helped with Christmas lights and I detangled them so quickly. I also went on a walk during the afternoon.
i really need this magical one fingers crossed marry christmas and happy new year everyone good luck to everyone believing IS REALLY MAGICAL SEEING ITS MIRACULOUS NOW BUG OUT
I haven't commented yet but I have been listening to this and I've though of 2 new recipes which I will make soon and lately I've been obsessed with mochi trying to make it I'm almost there at making it just right my first attempt was horrible but now it's already improved loads Ty I also starting cleaning up my desk Today I made pancakes my mom showed me the batter recipe which is from my grandma when I was cooking the pancakes she said I was working pretty quickly they all turned out really nice and I was able to flip them with ease. little update: Been more motivated to try new things to cook and bake I have a whole bunch of foods I want to try (I cooked pancakes the next day after the last edit and my dad knew and he said I was really quick the finish the whole making process in 30 mins max) I also am going to teach one of my friends to bake soon :)
Me last time "ah.. i think no one subliminal that fits just like what i want :(" Me after i saw the benefits : GODDAMNNNNNNNN THIS IS JUST LIKE WHAT I WANT 😢😢😢😢
thank you so much for this! my executive dysfunction makes it really hard for me to work up the energy to do housework sometimes and that's something i've always wanted to fix ;w;
Your visuals are so clean and cute, I really love your chanel and even trough I can't promise I'll update I want you to know that you understood the simplicity and the elegance that subliminals should have.
Hello Sachii, I know this channel isn't active anymore, but maybe you'll see this. I really like your subliminals and I love the benefits you come up with. They're so detailed and smart! I just started using some of your subs, and well, wherever you are, have a good life!
Everyone said my waffles and pancakes were good after listening to this and I woke up early deep cleaned my room and bathroom and rearranged my room so now it looks more neat 😄😁 oh and I did the dishes a lot and I hate doing that but this time it didn't bother me at all
things i wanna clean:: my room my moms room my sisters room when i visit her my nieces room when i visit my sister my nephews room when i visit my sister everyones room, including the school room, etc :3 (everyone lets me) ideals actually: im a cleaning freak i always do the laundry when i see dirty clothes i always clean and polish the windows i always get rid of the bugs by killing them or using bug sprays i always cook for my family when they’re hungry i always get motivated to clean and cook and do the laundry i can fold clothes well i can fold towels very well i can fold fabrics perfectly i know how to iron clothes i know how to wash clothes i know how to remove stains i know how to clean clothes doesnt matter the textures or materials i always clean the tables i always clean the chairs i always clean the oven i always finish chores in 15 minutes i always clean the dishes i can clean like a maid everyday
2 роки тому
i want to be a housewife so this is so useful, thank you ❤️
it's a sub to get better at household skills and have a hardworking and hospitable personality. you can get any job you want with this sub since i added dream job affs.
people get results at different times. it a depends on their subconscious and how it reacts to the affirmations. you can listen to this as many times as you'd like. :))
Can I use this to manifest A Neko Maid Job opening? I'm using a Subliminal to become a Neko, so, I kinda Want to be a Maid/Bodyguard for my Myaster. I can't wait to serve my Myaster, Nya!
؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ . . !! خادمة مخلصة، ريم - تصبح ممتازة في الطبخ - مهارات طبخ وطهي ممتازة - تصبح واسعة الحيلة ومكتفية ذاتيًا؛ تكون قادرًا على طهي أطباق لذيذة بأية مكونات - ابتكر وصفات لذيذة؛ تعرف على كيفية تحسين الوصفات - تتمتع بحاسة تذوق ورائحة ممتازة - جميع أطباقك ووجباتك ذات مذاق سماوي ولذيذ - تصبح جميع أطباقك جيدة المظهر ولذيذة - تصبح ممتازًا في الخبز - اخبز معجنات ومخبوزات جميلة ولذيذة - يحب الجميع الوجبات والمخبوزات التي تصنعها - عندما يتذوق الناس طعامك، فإنهم يمتلئون بالسعادة والحب - تكون قادرًا على تقطيع الأطعمة وتقطيعها وتقشيرها بشكل مثالي بسهولة - تعرف كيفية استخدام السكاكين وشحذها - تكون قادرًا على القياس الدقيق فقط من خلال مراقبة المكونات - تصبح ممتازًا في التنظيف والتنظيم - تصبح ممتازًا في الخياطة والبستنة - تكون قادرًا على ربط الإبرة بسهولة - تكون قادرًا على طي أي ملابس بسرعة وبسهولة؛ طي جميع الملابس باستخدام تقنيات طي كونماري - القدرة على خياطة أي شيء؛ إتقان كل تقنيات الخياطة - أن تكون قادرًا على تقليم النباتات وتشكيلها بشكل مثالي وجميل - أن تكون قادرًا على الاعتناء بالنباتات - أن تصبح صديقًا للبيئة وتهتم بالبيئة - أن تصبح حسن الطباع وطيب القلب - أن تصبح مهتمًا ومهذبًا - أن تصبح حسن الأخلاق ومفيدًا - كن جيدًا مع الأطفال والحيوانات - واعرف متى تضع قدمك؛ احترم نفسك وحدودك !! الخادمة الشيطانية، الكبش (يحتوي على عدد أكبر من العناصر بسبب تفوق الكبش-) - تكون قادرًا على جعل الغرفة نظيفة وممتدة بسهولة - تكون قادرًا على غسل الأطباق والقيام بالغسيل بسرعة وكفاءة - تعرف كيفية إزالة البقع بشكل صحيح - نظف بعدك و اخرين ؛ تكون قادرًا على الاعتناء بنفسك وبالآخرين - تصبح منظمًا وحسن المظهر ومرتبًا - تنهي الأعمال المنزلية والمهام بسرعة وسهولة - تتمتع بأخلاقيات عمل جيدة؛ كن مجتهدًا وملتزمًا وحازمًا - كن عاملًا سريعًا وفعالًا - أنجز الأمور على الفور دائمًا - امتلك ذاكرة ممتازة - تعرف وتتذكر دائمًا ما يجب عليك فعله - كن منتبهًا ومركزًا - تحلى بالصبر تجاه الآخرين ونفسك - تصبح مستقلاً وناضجًا ومسؤول - يتمتع بإدارة ممتازة للوقت؛ قم بتخصيص وقت لأي شيء بشكل مثالي - كن دائمًا متحفزًا ومتحمسًا للطهي والتنظيف والخبز - امتلك دائمًا ما يكفي من الطاقة والوقت للقيام بالواجبات والقيام بالأشياء التي تريدها - كن في سلام عند الطهي والتنظيف والخبز وما إلى ذلك؛ الطبخ، والتنظيف، والخبز، وما إلى ذلك يهدئك - حركات الجسم دائمًا ما تكون رشيقة ومغرية - تصبح ذكيًا ورشيقًا؛ لديك ردود أفعال سريعة - تتمتع بقوة ذراع مذهلة - تتحكم بشكل كامل في حركات جسمك - تصبح سريعًا وسريعًا في الطهي والخبز والتنظيف؛ يمكنك الطبخ والخبز والتنظيف بسهولة - التمتع بالأخلاق والآداب الجيدة - التمتع بالنظافة وأسلوب الحياة والعادات الجيدة والصحية - التمتع بوضعية مثالية؛ يتم محاذاة الجسم بشكل صحيح والحصول على عمود فقري صحي - المشي بأناقة ورشاقة - يُنظر إليه على أنه تجسيد للأناقة والرقي والنعمة - التعامل مع أي موقف أو مشكلة بشكل احترافي - كن دائمًا نشيطًا ومنتعشًا - ممتاز في صب الشاي وإعداده؛ تعرف على كيفية إعداد الطاولة بشكل صحيح - إظهار مآزر لطيفة و/أو فاخرة، وملابس الخادمة، وملابس الخادم الشخصي، وأطقم الشاي، وأدوات التنظيف، وأدوات الخبز والطهي - ابحث عن الوظائف التي تتطلب مهاراتك - واجذب فرص العمل؛ احصل على وظيفتك المثالية - احصل دائمًا على أموال كبيرة مقابل عملك بشكل آمن - الجميع معجب بمهاراتك ويحترمونها - كن معلمًا ممتازًا - قدم دائمًا نصائح وإرشادات مفيدة
As a "useless" eldest daughter, i definitely needed that
Same here but youger spoiled brat here 😅
Same ..@@Janumerijaannnnn
Same here I wanna show em Ik how to work at home lol
I’m the eldest daughter too
I just wanna finally clean my depression room but it’s like the motivation is never there like i could clean for a few minutes then my body gives up on me. I also miss baking sweets especially when I’m bored. I’m tired of feeling lazy and a free loader
thank u so much! i wanna do chores properly cuz my family is very germaphobic. those affs are super nice and your channel is so underrated! thank u omg ^^
😭 the opposite of my family since I'm the only one who's germaphobic and making my fam annoyed with me lol
@@ela1ne579 haha xD! but at least you aren’t messy! and that’s really nice
This subliminal has actually worked amazingly for me!! I've been using on and off and mainly sleeping to it and i found that everytime I listen when I wanna clean (but I'm lazy) it makes me feel instant motivation to clean both my room, then the house and more- its wonderful
And another instance is my cooking exam where we had 44 mins to prepare a dish and I was certain something would fail (I was making a sort of fish recipe) and I was worried but the entire cooking process was a smooth sail and when I had finished cleaning and the food was cooked I let people in my class try it and it had a lot of positive feedback! I wasn't expecting this subliminal to work as fast as it did but I'm happy with the results TYSM
I live on my own and recently got sick, now I'm okay but the reason I got sick was because I was too lazy to cook for myself. I hope this motivates me cook for myself and do chores.
Same here 😅
Thank you so, so much for this! It'll definitely help out around the house~
EDIT: this actually works so damn fast! I got a £140 cleaner for £80 brand new, a pack of 3 scrub daddies for £8 when they're usually £5 per sponge, and I'm super excited to deep clean the house!!
Update: I think in generally a cleaner person now, manifesting a male maid job with no time limits and high pay
I was so surprised at how much I did today. I got a lot of cleaning done and the food I made was better than usual. About an hour ago, I helped with Christmas lights and I detangled them so quickly. I also went on a walk during the afternoon.
i really need this magical one fingers crossed marry christmas and happy new year everyone good luck to everyone believing IS REALLY MAGICAL SEEING ITS MIRACULOUS NOW BUG OUT
I haven't commented yet but I have been listening to this and I've though of 2 new recipes which I will make soon and lately I've been obsessed with mochi trying to make it I'm almost there at making it just right my first attempt was horrible but now it's already improved loads Ty
I also starting cleaning up my desk
Today I made pancakes my mom showed me the batter recipe which is from my grandma when I was cooking the pancakes she said I was working pretty quickly they all turned out really nice and I was able to flip them with ease.
little update: Been more motivated to try new things to cook and bake I have a whole bunch of foods I want to try (I cooked pancakes the next day after the last edit and my dad knew and he said I was really quick the finish the whole making process in 30 mins max) I also am going to teach one of my friends to bake soon :)
i cannt be lazy all my life-- i deff need this!
Listened to this once and I was able to follow through some basic stuff which I otherwise couldn't do ( because of ADD).
So grateful 🙏
no because I was so scared when this was deleted, I love this sub sm
Me last time "ah.. i think no one subliminal that fits just like what i want :("
Me after i saw the benefits :
thank you so much for this! my executive dysfunction makes it really hard for me to work up the energy to do housework sometimes and that's something i've always wanted to fix ;w;
This is perfect. This can help with my ADHD, I can do basic things in a timely manner!
This is a great addition to my playlist 😋
heyy chocodere :D
@@deviantsubliminals yaho
Your visuals are so clean and cute, I really love your chanel and even trough I can't promise I'll update I want you to know that you understood the simplicity and the elegance that subliminals should have.
The "be good with animals" part was all i was searching for
this works so well I’ve been more In the mood to cook and have been cooking and cleaning more the motivation has been so well
This is exactly what I needed. I finally want to be good at such important things too...💗
I'm super intrigued, as I'm in desperate need to do some housework and sewing. I'll give an update in a week about my apartment ❤
How’s your results so far?
I love this sub and the cafe sub!!! I wanna work at a cafe and I love cleaning and cooking!
Hello Sachii, I know this channel isn't active anymore, but maybe you'll see this. I really like your subliminals and I love the benefits you come up with. They're so detailed and smart! I just started using some of your subs, and well, wherever you are, have a good life!
I need this so bad 😭 tysm💗💗💗
Everyone said my waffles and pancakes were good after listening to this and I woke up early deep cleaned my room and bathroom and rearranged my room so now it looks more neat 😄😁 oh and I did the dishes a lot and I hate doing that but this time it didn't bother me at all
A fine addition to my collection
I love this sub. I used to use your old rem household skills sub
this is amazing holy-
thank you for this !!
i was thinking about something like this and it appeared in my suggested, will be using
this is so creative and ur thumbnails are always so gorgeous and pleasing
omgomgomgomgomg TYY 😍
Omg thank you so much it works I applied for a job the other night now I have a interview
your channel is so creative!! love this sub, totally using this ✨
The way my cleaning routine started to change after I started listening to this subliminal guys I'm a neat freak ❤ thanks
This is a great masterpiece
I’m listening because i don’t like to do these works
love this
actually great
I will be a hospice nurse by the end of 2024
omg yes Ram supremacy! finally somebody sees my vision
Aw this is cute I’m glad I stumbled across your channel 💗
Using this again since ive gotten good results from it, I'll be updating...
update? :))
@@nath-dp4yn I like cleaning now, missed it while I was away for 2 weeks
things i wanna clean::
my room
my moms room
my sisters room when i visit her
my nieces room when i visit my sister
my nephews room when i visit my sister
everyones room, including the school room, etc :3 (everyone lets me)
ideals actually:
im a cleaning freak
i always do the laundry when i see dirty clothes
i always clean and polish the windows
i always get rid of the bugs by killing them or using bug sprays
i always cook for my family when they’re hungry
i always get motivated to clean and cook and do the laundry
i can fold clothes well
i can fold towels very well
i can fold fabrics perfectly
i know how to iron clothes
i know how to wash clothes
i know how to remove stains
i know how to clean clothes doesnt matter the textures or materials
i always clean the tables
i always clean the chairs
i always clean the oven
i always finish chores in 15 minutes
i always clean the dishes
i can clean like a maid everyday
i want to be a housewife so this is so useful, thank you ❤️
Is this to be a maid or a butler ??? I want to have these skills but to have another job tho
it's a sub to get better at household skills and have a hardworking and hospitable personality. you can get any job you want with this sub since i added dream job affs.
@@lovesachii8267 yayyy thank u
Next year I will graduate from school and move out to college. And I'm still struggle to do basic things in cooking or smth.
How many days getting results and how much time listen in a day,
How many time I can listen in a day and how long time this work
people get results at different times. it a depends on their subconscious and how it reacts to the affirmations. you can listen to this as many times as you'd like. :))
May I download as a wav file for personal use?
Can I use this to manifest A Neko Maid Job opening? I'm using a Subliminal to become a Neko, so, I kinda Want to be a Maid/Bodyguard for my Myaster. I can't wait to serve my Myaster, Nya!
No butler?
this is for butlers too since it's unisex. I only put maid in the title.
How many times should I play this
As much as you want. One listen is enough, byt you can listen more!
Somebody copied your subliminal word for word
Which affirmation you use in this subliminal
Please reply
is this unisex?
؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ . . !! خادمة مخلصة، ريم - تصبح ممتازة في الطبخ - مهارات طبخ وطهي ممتازة - تصبح واسعة الحيلة ومكتفية ذاتيًا؛ تكون قادرًا على طهي أطباق لذيذة بأية مكونات - ابتكر وصفات لذيذة؛ تعرف على كيفية تحسين الوصفات - تتمتع بحاسة تذوق ورائحة ممتازة - جميع أطباقك ووجباتك ذات مذاق سماوي ولذيذ - تصبح جميع أطباقك جيدة المظهر ولذيذة - تصبح ممتازًا في الخبز - اخبز معجنات ومخبوزات جميلة ولذيذة - يحب الجميع الوجبات والمخبوزات التي تصنعها - عندما يتذوق الناس طعامك، فإنهم يمتلئون بالسعادة والحب - تكون قادرًا على تقطيع الأطعمة وتقطيعها وتقشيرها بشكل مثالي بسهولة - تعرف كيفية استخدام السكاكين وشحذها - تكون قادرًا على القياس الدقيق فقط من خلال مراقبة المكونات - تصبح ممتازًا في التنظيف والتنظيم - تصبح ممتازًا في الخياطة والبستنة - تكون قادرًا على ربط الإبرة بسهولة - تكون قادرًا على طي أي ملابس بسرعة وبسهولة؛ طي جميع الملابس باستخدام تقنيات طي كونماري - القدرة على خياطة أي شيء؛ إتقان كل تقنيات الخياطة - أن تكون قادرًا على تقليم النباتات وتشكيلها بشكل مثالي وجميل - أن تكون قادرًا على الاعتناء بالنباتات - أن تصبح صديقًا للبيئة وتهتم بالبيئة - أن تصبح حسن الطباع وطيب القلب - أن تصبح مهتمًا ومهذبًا - أن تصبح حسن الأخلاق ومفيدًا - كن جيدًا مع الأطفال والحيوانات - واعرف متى تضع قدمك؛ احترم نفسك وحدودك !! الخادمة الشيطانية، الكبش (يحتوي على عدد أكبر من العناصر بسبب تفوق الكبش-) - تكون قادرًا على جعل الغرفة نظيفة وممتدة بسهولة - تكون قادرًا على غسل الأطباق والقيام بالغسيل بسرعة وكفاءة - تعرف كيفية إزالة البقع بشكل صحيح - نظف بعدك و اخرين ؛ تكون قادرًا على الاعتناء بنفسك وبالآخرين - تصبح منظمًا وحسن المظهر ومرتبًا - تنهي الأعمال المنزلية والمهام بسرعة وسهولة - تتمتع بأخلاقيات عمل جيدة؛ كن مجتهدًا وملتزمًا وحازمًا - كن عاملًا سريعًا وفعالًا - أنجز الأمور على الفور دائمًا - امتلك ذاكرة ممتازة - تعرف وتتذكر دائمًا ما يجب عليك فعله - كن منتبهًا ومركزًا - تحلى بالصبر تجاه الآخرين ونفسك - تصبح مستقلاً وناضجًا ومسؤول - يتمتع بإدارة ممتازة للوقت؛ قم بتخصيص وقت لأي شيء بشكل مثالي - كن دائمًا متحفزًا ومتحمسًا للطهي والتنظيف والخبز - امتلك دائمًا ما يكفي من الطاقة والوقت للقيام بالواجبات والقيام بالأشياء التي تريدها - كن في سلام عند الطهي والتنظيف والخبز وما إلى ذلك؛ الطبخ، والتنظيف، والخبز، وما إلى ذلك يهدئك - حركات الجسم دائمًا ما تكون رشيقة ومغرية - تصبح ذكيًا ورشيقًا؛ لديك ردود أفعال سريعة - تتمتع بقوة ذراع مذهلة - تتحكم بشكل كامل في حركات جسمك - تصبح سريعًا وسريعًا في الطهي والخبز والتنظيف؛ يمكنك الطبخ والخبز والتنظيف بسهولة - التمتع بالأخلاق والآداب الجيدة - التمتع بالنظافة وأسلوب الحياة والعادات الجيدة والصحية - التمتع بوضعية مثالية؛ يتم محاذاة الجسم بشكل صحيح والحصول على عمود فقري صحي - المشي بأناقة ورشاقة - يُنظر إليه على أنه تجسيد للأناقة والرقي والنعمة - التعامل مع أي موقف أو مشكلة بشكل احترافي - كن دائمًا نشيطًا ومنتعشًا - ممتاز في صب الشاي وإعداده؛ تعرف على كيفية إعداد الطاولة بشكل صحيح - إظهار مآزر لطيفة و/أو فاخرة، وملابس الخادمة، وملابس الخادم الشخصي، وأطقم الشاي، وأدوات التنظيف، وأدوات الخبز والطهي - ابحث عن الوظائف التي تتطلب مهاراتك - واجذب فرص العمل؛ احصل على وظيفتك المثالية - احصل دائمًا على أموال كبيرة مقابل عملك بشكل آمن - الجميع معجب بمهاراتك ويحترمونها - كن معلمًا ممتازًا - قدم دائمًا نصائح وإرشادات مفيدة