Ich bin sehr glücklich, in Frankfurt dabei live gewesen zu sein, zusammen mit meinem Vater, der ein großer Verehrer von Bruckner und unserem Landsmann Skrowaczewski war. Diese Symphonie ist fantastisch!. Mein Vater ist leider dement, liebt weiterhin Musik und ich werde ihm dieses Video zeigen, auch wenn er sich an unseren gemeinsamen Abend damals nicht mehr erinnern kann.
I saw him perform many times with the Minneapolis Symphony/Minnesota Orchestra, when I was a student usher at the U of M, and enjoyed many hours of music under his direction, RIP Maestro Skrowaczewski.
Even though I had been a classical music aficionado for years, I didn't hear Bruckner's 9th until the early 60s. It was a beautiful summer night in Duluth, I had just closed the UMD observatory, and was heading for a party where I expected to meet my girl friend of those days. I was driving my first car, a 1958 Jaguar XK-150 convertible. Top down I was buzzing along the Skyline Drive, radio playing what turned out to be the last half of Bruckner's 9th. All of my emotions were in tune, and receptive to what I heard next. It was the final bars of the 3rd movement - that long brass clarion call. I pulled over and wept. It reminded me then, and still does, of Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar" Crossing the Bar By Alfred, Lord Tennyson Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, "One clear call for me". The last bars of the 9th couldn't possibly find a better match. I was in my early 20s then. There has been a lot of life since then, and suddenly, I find myself to be 81 y.o. The 'bar' looms ever closer. If I'm lucky, I'll meet my end on the bicycle trail, or in the arms of my beloved wife. But whether I am listening to an actual performance, or just playing it in my head, those final bars will see me to my fate.
Wow...Heavy, dude! I'll be at 81 in 6 years but (after a dignified senility) it'll be the final 5 minutes of either Bruckner's 4th or "Cherevichki" that'll be my siren call to cross the Hades upon zephyrs and into well-deserved Oblivion. Greetings from Tepoztlán!
@@JG-sz5nj -- Oh no, dear...We're here only to serve! Remember, Grace is God’s free gift. We can’t earn it. We can’t deserve it. God gives it to whom he wills……….We can open ourselves to Grace by constant prayer, but we can’t merit it. It’s given gratuitously. Greetings from San Agustinillo!
I first heard this piece, and that wonderful clarion call at the end, in the early '60s. I was in college, very nerdy, driving my first car, a Jag XK 150, along the Sky Line Drive (Duluth, MN), top down, late at night, feeling like a king. I had just locked up the college observatory and was heading to a party - with Actual Girls. That ending just took my breath away. Girls, stars and Jag were forgotten in a moment. I wasn't to meet Stan until many years had passed. Now I am near 80. Stan is no longer with us. That final call reminds me of Lord Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar" - "Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea" That Last Clear Call could have been written for Stan. I wish it were for me.
Fabulous! So wonderful. If you have just one friend who understands and adores Bruckner as you do, count yourself blessed. I'll be 80 in a couple of weeks. I wish I knew anyone who loves this music as much as I do. It's gratifying to see comments here from people who obviously understand this God inspired music.
Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, October 3, 1923 - February 21, 2017 It was my great privilege -- and treat -- to have been in the audience at Symphony Hall in San Diego in the mid-eighties to hear Skrowaczewski conduct a concert that included a stunning performance of Anton Bruckner's 7th (with the cymbal crash). Afterward in the Green Room, I thanked him for a glorious performance, and also for one of my cherished recordings, the one he made with Artur Rubinstein of the Chopin 1st Concerto. He lit up with a smile from ear to ear and said, "Ah, Artur; we had so much fun making that record," then clasped my hand. Rest In Peace, Maestro. And again, thank you.
I have never heard an orchestra care more about what they are doing than in this performance. A perfect response to perfect leadership. I love the respect the audience gave by delaying their applause for such a long time.
Ja, das ist erstaunlich. Es scheint, dass die Musiker alle ganz genau verstanden, was Bruckner sagen, klagen, bitten wollte. Inspiriert von einem verehrungswürdigen, weisen und lebenserfahrenen Leiter. - Wenn ich da an die missgelaunten Gesichter der Orchestermitglieder bei Celibidches Proben denke. Dabei zeigte er nur mit Geduld und Verantwortungsgefühl, was Bruckner sagen wollte.
I have heard many BBC proms concerts. for many concerts, audiences are so enthusiastic and sometimes start applauding almost before the piece is finished. Does the long wait before applause mean apathy or enthusiasm?
@@richardwhitehouse2810 I think the silence means enthusiasm restrained by respect. Last time I heard this at the Proms was mid 80’s, Haitink I believe, but cannot remember if we were respectful of the fact that Bruckner dedicated his last Symphony to God and maintained the long silence. Probably not.
I saw him conduct Bruckner's 7th Symphony in E Major last Friday night in Wroclaw, and it was amazing. Not only my first listen to the composer but to see this 92-year old maestro stand and conduct for 80+ minutes was incredible!
The performance aside, seeing Skrowaczewski in this performance made me feel quite old, as I first met him when he was only 41. I can tell you from attending some of his rehearsals over the years that the musicians always enjoyed working with him.
As others have commented here, I wondered why there weren't more people in the audience to hear this great symphony in a performance by this great Bruckner conductor. Many attempts have been made to complete the finale to this work, but none but the composer's vision could be satisfactory. For me, these three movements need no further statement; as it stands, it has an overwhelming power, beauty, and emotion, capable of plumbing the depths of the spirit The 'adagio's recurring three-note horn motif penetrating the orchestral fabric says more than do many complete symphonies. Bruckner called the symphony his "farewell to life", and did want to complete the finale; I believe he did complete it in the next life, and we may get to hear it in eternity. Maestro Skrowaczewski may be enjoying it now, in the company of the composer!
One reason for many empty seats in the 65€ section of the Alte Oper may have been the opening part of the concert, the conductor's own Passacaglia Imaginaria. To be watched here on UA-cam as recorded from that same concert night. A conservative audience in Frankfurt likes to be teased by a soloist playing Mozart or Beethoven prior to their prosecco intermission.
@@hansjuergenkohlhaas871 Once I was at a concert in Moscow where Brucker's 6th was played after some pieces from Liszt and Brahms as a warmup. Many left right before the symphony. People sitting next to me complained about Brucker's complexity and inexplainability. Pitied them. It was a christmas concert so prices were cosmic.
@@alexanderananchenko868 Wow, I attended a NY Philharmonic concert with Blomstedt doing Bruckner 6, and after the slow movement the guy next to me was literally snoring while his wife sitting next to him was filled with rapt attention, and uttered under her breath, That was so beautiful. It summed up for me the twofold reaction to his music, some don't get it and some do. Shocking as he is the greatest musical mind since JS Bach, and most adore him but many disparage Bruckner. It's bizarre.
Bruckner is for me one of the all time greats but many people find him bombastic (even Wagner who admired Bruckner called him "Herr Trumpet"). That, together with the length of his symphonies, turns some people away. I agree with you that the finale doesn't need to be competed. The third movement has enough drama that I'm not left feeling that more needs to be said.
Skrowaczewski - One of the greatest Bruckner interpreters of all, but his genius (and not only with Bruckner by any means) never seemed to receive the full recognition it deserved. I know this video has been here for several years now, but thank you for providing this example of his work - and with this great orchestra.
@@Jivanmuktishu -- Aw c'mon...You'll figger it out! You're not just another stupid monolingual parochial cretin, are you? In any event, pal....I have TWO WORDS for you: Ebenmäißgkeitsentzückung..Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz …(Ich meinte Schuldaufdeckungsangst!) Herzlich, Mexikaner Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän !
Mit diesem Werk gelangt der Meister direkt vor Gottes Thron ✝️✝️✝️❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏 Herzlichen Dank, dass wir diese großartige Aufzeichnung hier sehen dürfen ✨✨✨ Gottes Segen !
The horns are controlled beautifully..with beautiful balance and rhythm...the orchestra is playing in a disciplined fashion...great pace as well...with absolutely no mush. God's music...and God's conductor...WOW...very touching...
I own several different versions of individual or complete sets of Bruckner symphonies on CD, Blu Ray, and DVD, but I found myself keep going back to the Skrowaczewski's CD set, and I hear new things every time. The man is a real genius and he is simply amazing to be able to still conduct at this level at his age.
+Remarkablerocks Isn't Skrowaczewski marvellous! As you say to give such a moving performance especially at his age is incredible. The music is so focused and alive. The secret of eternal youth!
The biggest admire and respect to old genius,Maestro Skrowczewski...great,amazing performans!
3 роки тому+10
I think playing Bruckner requires a lot of musical and intellectual maturity. I see in this performance a deep seriousness rising to light. Beautiful dialogue between gravity and melodic harmony.
Am enthralled by the beauty and power of this great performance. Would have loved to been there in person. Such a great conductor = now no longer with us.
Here Bruckner 9 sounds light and unforced and not catholic. Maestro Stanislaw Skrowaczewski has his unflashy and gentle way with this music and it works very well. The man was a pleasure to work with and liked by all. Thank you to all.
Les symphonies de Brukner , et celle ci en particulier, ont toujours éveillé en moi d'intenses exaltations et émotions. Difficile de dire pourquoi exactement... Sinon que je partage aisément l'espèce de folie qui parcourt ce labourage symphonique qui donne à entendre aussi bien l'envol d'un rouleau compresseur que l'effleurement de la joue d'un ange endormi par un papillon. A moins qu'il s'agisse de cette douloureuse pulsation emballée, incontrôlable, celle de l'amour universel, qui s'empare de l'âme et la balade dans d'infinis escaliers à la fois montants et descendants ... Il me semble qu'il faille être enfant pour entrer en familiarité avec ces pages vertigineuses, ludiques, naïves et graves, contemplatives, pour s'enchanter dix fois de suite de la petite ritournelle qui, du sautillement guilleret va, s'amplifiant jusqu'à l'hébétude de l'assourdissement. Tout a été dit et écrit sur le "cas Bruckner", sur ses influences, et sur la dimension mystique de son oeuvre. (Et qu'importe ce que la psychanalyse peut aisément y trouver pour ramener les rouleaux compresseurs dans la boue et les papillons dans les boîtes). Peu de compositeurs ont su traduire à ce degré le sentiment d'effusion qui va de pair avec une puissante intériorité. L'espace et l'énergie que déploient les pages de Bruckner ne cessent de susciter mon étonnement, mon admiration et mes larmes . L'interprétation de Stanislaw Skrowaczewski qui, effectivement, n'accentue aucun effet, nous offre à simplement jouir de la mécanique artisanale sublime et folle de cette symphonie du déploiement. Horloger du Coeur ...
. Je suis comme vous. Bruckner est un magicien de l émotion symphonique. Mahler également. C est la paix de l âme qu il apporte. Si seulement cette musique pouvait être communicative auprès des excités qui dévastent la raison. Mais on va dire:trop fumeux, trop bourgeois, trop perché.
@@claudebender3236 Merci, Claude, pour votre écho ! Je me demande parfois, bien que ce soit un peu idiot, j'en conviendrais, comment tant d'occidentaux peuvent demeurer insensibles ou étrangers à des oeuvres musicales de cette nature. Certes, on invoquera des "orientations" ou des manques de culture, mais je pense que les vrais motifs sont d'un autre ordre, car il se trouve des personnes "simples", des enfants et même des animaux qui ressentent, vibrent, et tombent en extase, en joie, en pleurs. Il nous faut sans doute admettre que certaines personnes ont été spirituellement "castrées" et je crains que cela soit fréquent. Ainsi s'expliqueraient nos collaborations passives à tant de dérives, tant de méfaits ainsi que les passages à l'acte d'autres. On dit : "la musique adoucit les moeurs"... Je ne sais, mais elle touche ceux qui ont des aptitudes à la douceur, à l'intériorisation, à la dimension féminine, et offre une nourriture conséquente à ces esprits déjà réceptifs. Cette nourriture est une grâce indispensable pour tenir debout, ne pas sombrer, et la partager est un des plus beaux actes que nous puissions commettre. Si vous souhaitez poursuivre ces échanges en simplicité et en confiance, nous pouvons échanger une adresse mail.
@@ingemayodon5128 J'en suis fort heureux, Inge ! Permettre le partage d'oeuvres si merveilleuses ne peut être que joyeux ! Je me souviens encore de l'enchantement que j'ai vécu, adolescent, quand je découvris Bruckner, par sa troisième symphonie, dirigée par Eugen Jochum. Sentiment de découvrir, comme on dit, un "ovni" musical ! Cette musique m'emportait haut et loin, comme aucune autre. Chacune de ses symphonies m'enchante, mais avec le temps la neuvième devint celle qui s'avéra me correspondre le mieux, dans cette pathétique alliance d'humanité et de mysticisme.
@@franz5289 J'aime beaucoup Eugen Jochum aussi, le connais surtout comme chef d'orchestre grâce à Fritz Wunderlich, mon ténor préféré, comme vs le savez. Mais ceci est magnifique. Merci beaucoup.
Nel 94 suonai sotto la sua direzione una sinfonia di Lutoslawsky. Ricordo ancora vivamente la sua cortesia e umiltà, amore per la musica e profondo rispetto nei confronti degli orchestrali.
I am currently reading Friedrich Schelling's "On the nature of human freedom". Anton Bruckner's music is like the soundtrack to it. Both texts are about the question of being. In both texts, the narrow view of natural science is once again broadened and taken to the absolute. Spirit and nature are still one here. That is why it touches us so deeply. Emotion and reason are still together here and in close embrace. It is like the music of what Schelling called "the reason for will" and the "reason for love", a music of the two principles that make creation possible in the first place. I would say that music is pure natural philosophy and predates the existence of man. For the capacity for freedom from good and evil is not yet decided in it. Both still condition each other in a harmonious way in order to create nature in the sense of the spirit. If it were music about man, it would not seize us, but shake us.
It's shocking to see how many seats remained empty that evening at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt. Who knows why. Maybe that old Maestro, Skrowaczewski, was considered... Too old, out of fashion. But I'm happy and glad that this wonderful interpretation has been recorded and it's available for everyone to hear and see. I'm sure it will continue to be considered in the decades to come as a document of exceptional importance.
Really great! Fantasic performance, some details I never heard that beautiful. The climax of the third movement, one of the most increadible and deep touching works of mankind, breaks trought and the very end in E-Major has this "out-of-this-world" beauty. Chapeau! Frankfurt seems to be an important music hotspot, not only becsause of Gielen.
What a splendid performance. I first heard his 9th in the Albert Hall, with Haitink conducting the KCO. That was 1982/3. I have a Box with Eugen Jochum conducting the Staatskapelle Dresden in 1978. Just one remark. His 9th lasts only 60:46, while this performance is 64 minutes. The final Adagio is so beautiful, it doesn't matter at all.
Good Lord!!! 24:50 A drop of tear just emerged from the lid of my eye. Bruckner indeed understood the mystery of Creator. It's not strange he was a bit crazy . :)
Maestro Skrowacewski made his name as part of the Polish avant-garde, and i can hear some of that in this performance: he brings out the Brucknerian dissonance, most particularly in the Adagio's climax where they hold and hold that final chord that contains every note of a scale! Very well played, Maestro and orchestra.
Bruckner's 9. war die erste Klassik CD, die ich mir mit 17 Jahren gekauft hatte, das Cover mit einem Aquarell, gemalt von Prinz Charles. Aber dieses Konzert hier, unübertrefflich, zu Tränen bringend in der letzten Minute. Danke Meastro!
Es gozo escuchar y ver dirigir a Stanislaw S. una gran obra maestra de la música de la mente y sensibilidad de A. Bruckner gran interpretación y magistral dirección.
Une œuvre... poignante... Pas seulement la représentation satirique d'une société en declin, mais plutôt un discours bouleversé et boulversant d'une âme en peine perdue dans sa recherche de l'ataraxie... Merci pour cette somptueuse représentation.
What a maestro and what an orchestra! Bruckner clearly teetered regularly on the borderline of schizophrenia (so what, one might retort to tedious bourgeois psychiatry), with his conversations peppered by remarks made to "my dear friend god". However, here, at last, in his 9th Symphony, he revealed, like the Catholic Holy Sacrament and the Act of Transubstantiation, his long-searched for musico-alchemist's formular. Unbelievably spectacular Wagnerian brass chorales fit to shake even the solidly uncomfortable seats at Bayreuth; meltingly seductive melodies stretched to often Baroque lengthiness; compelling rhythmical energy at times of Dvorak-ian bravura; complete mastery of string ensembles; a surprisingly Mahlerian flair for syncopated and even satirical Austro-Hungarian military band tunes; thundering full orchestral chords that do not just sound like tasteless transcriptions of multiple organ stops; and very decent understanding of woodwind timbres. As is commonly remarked (by whom, Andrea?), there are several celebrated passages where Bruckner's complete lack of key-diatonic-tonal centre, plus disturbing melodic drift and occasional outright alienating vacuum of melody ("a pointillism of half-ventured tone-rows"), and frank dissonance such as 11:25 - 12:00, directly prefigure Schoenberg's Pelléas and Mélisande; and furthermore were manifestly pointers by the composer's sensibility that music had crossed from the commonplace harmonic to the transcendentally symbolic. "All in the service and profession of what?" one hears from the flippant or finger-tapping jaundiced back rows of cynics, attending the cheaper musicology lecture halls. A galactic and indeed quasi-Buddhistic vision of a world swept clean of every trivial human passion - "what is for tea, where is my mobile to call Janet about tomorrow's shopping at Selfridges, where are my M&S knickers? Do I grow old and shall I wear the bottoms of my stonewashed jeans rolled?" Because we have utterly and consummately and irreversibly been reunited with the absolute transcendental divine! The actual embodied female absolute divine, in my womanly opinion! "Her eyes incendiary with 10,000,000 million radiant suns and Her mouth consuming boiling nebula of blood", upon the face of Kali Ma, and her hips bedecked by millions of skulls of the buffalo daemons of egomania, as beheld verily by mighty Isis and wise Athena! As these three goddesses and you, all four, make love in the sweeping, unresting, interstellar and trans-temporal oceans of Shakti. In divine mutual love and adoration, and thus dismantling all fading embers of our pointless masculine ego-perspective! For we have become the delighted and delightful destroyers of the world of the trivially finite! Thrilling and psychodynamically somewhat dangerous ...... but, once heard in so perfect a performance as this, absolutely unforgettable for all ones life. Because it is indeed as if Athena, Aphrodite, Kali Ma and Isis and Hathor and Nut had spoken in ones dreams all night long - in a strange turbulent unceasing narrative - as a chorus of invincible and indubitable enlightenment. The language of the transcendental erotic! "So this is the purpose of all life, the eschatological and teleological denouement! Oh my goddesses, why did I not have my ears and heart and eyes opened before!" Perhaps it takes the "senatorial gravity" of a gifted sage, such as Dr Stanisław Skrowaczewski or Dr Eugen Jochum, in impeccable conductor's coattails, to be able to transmit such shattering truths, without herself-himself being driven insane, or stepping into self-immolating in a fountain of flames! The coda of the first movement (here from 22:55) is simply too much to contain in ones sensuous-psychical being. This is the result that Wagner sort when he declared that he wanted the audience of Tristan und Isolde to fly from the auditorium driven uncontrollably insane with intensity of feeling! Wonderful stuff. The Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra is gorgeous. I wish that they would come more often on tour .... perhaps to London, Paris and Marrakesh! That would be something to see and hear - Bruckner's 9th played in the Jama El Fana, the "Square of Death", in Marrakesh. I don't think our Amazigh sisters and brothers have heard too much ultra-romanticism from the late 19th Century European repertoire. Imagine the performance bookmarked either end by the singing of the muezzin from the great minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, beneath the painted stars of the Atlas Mountain night skies. Love andrea
I always fancy the coda to the first movement of this epic work to be akin to a locomotive coming to a stop. This was an incredible performance. Every layer comes through with piercing clarity. Absolutely masterful.
Maestro Skrowaczewski conducts an awesome 9th with the power of leave me in tears during the melodic theme for Celli and Horns from 5:33-6:01. It´s a very emotional part even in bad recordings but I never heared it as goosebumping as here. The sound engineers did a good job as well. Each instrument-group can be perceived very crisp and transparent. Maybe I have to discard my Guenter Wand/Berliner Philharmoniker recording?
How come the hall is not packed with public for such an event? A symphony of Bruckner, especially this one, with such a wonderful orchestra!!! Well thank you for posting and bravo to all for this exceptional rendition.
Comme vous avez raison ! Aucune tentative de" reconstituer" le dernier mouvement n'a grâce à mes yeux. PS : si le Paradis est un festin éternel, j'aimerais être à la même table qu'Anton et Ludwig Van. De Philthefox à Phil New...
What a great conductor! I burst into tears before the start - just as a member of a Viennese audience burst into tears when Klemperer lifted his baton to conduct this in the 1950's. It is music which foretell out horrific future, which presents our horrific past, which ends on a note that somehow we find hope through love and justice - something the Western Christian World and Israel has never been capable of. Bruckner, Beethoven, Bach, Handel and Mahler point to way - the need for love and compassion and adherence to 'I and Thou'.
The deep emotion greeted time of in my soul and the supreme bliss This performance is flawless and stellar, and full of admiration and emotion, and comfortable to the ear and the mind
Remarkable performance! Together with a maestro of genius SS, hr-S plays with dedication and commitment. It's a difficult, stretching musical idea, that of Bruckner, given here an expression of freedom I've not heard realised before. Perhaps in one event it becomes the apotheosis of my culture.
i have never heard such beautifully balanced rendition of the 37:00 - 37:25 part! the transition between the "brass fragment" and the "string fragment" is so mellow and consistent! and it acquired unusual, introspective, precious quality...
Si on excepte le grand, l'insurpassable Celibidache dans l'interprétation de l'œuvre de Bruckner, je ne connais pas d'autre chef qui ait épousé à ce niveau les contours de cette somptueuse symphonie, complexe, fouillée, exécutée ici avec la pondération de l'âge et restituant le sentiment tragique de la vie, quelquefois le lyrisme des espérances du croyant, toujours les tentatives du chef d'œuvre ultime. Et quand on pense que le final n'est pas fini!
Bruckner‘s symphonies are universal, and transcends the times. I will never be tired of listening to Bruckner's symphonies again and again Deep emotion are reaching my heart , and it is the time of supreme bliss . From Tokyo in Japan Which national are you watching this video ?
@@5000okok ありがとう‼️ Japanese thank-you ! あなたの日本語はまだまだ未熟です。 これからの努力に期待しています。 Thank-you so much to your Japanese comment ! We are both the nation of the Mother Earth . No man is an island ! Hang in there !
@@stephenmessick865 Sorry the very late my reply ! I can't see your comment till now . Thank-you so much to your comment ! How is your conditions and country ? Japan is autumn . In the autumn , the plaintive chirp of the ephemeral life's autumn insects permeates our Japanese hearts from 1000 years ago . I am listening to Bruckner's works while hearing the transient chirp of autumn insects in my garden under the shining moon . Take care of yourself Good luck ! Be on the alert for Coronavirus infection !
@@5000okok Thank-you ! I deeply love the classical music ,performers and composers . In Japan , I recommend Akutagawa Yasushi's works . His late father was Japanese great author . Good luck !
El respetuoso silencio del público, que retiene el aplauso, nos dice cómo esta música celestial ha tocado el alma de cada asistente. Hay unos minutos de recogimiento antes de celebrar a este nonagenario director que ha conducido la orquesta, sin partitura, durante más de una hora.
Ich bin sehr glücklich, in Frankfurt dabei live gewesen zu sein, zusammen mit meinem Vater, der ein großer Verehrer von Bruckner und unserem Landsmann Skrowaczewski war. Diese Symphonie ist fantastisch!. Mein Vater ist leider dement, liebt weiterhin Musik und ich werde ihm dieses Video zeigen, auch wenn er sich an unseren gemeinsamen Abend damals nicht mehr erinnern kann.
Bruckner ist sehr majestätisch 🖤
In memoriam Maestro Stanislaw Skrowaczewski (1923-2017). R.I.P. Maestro
Staggering figure he was. May he enjoy the echoes of Bruckners music in
the halls of eternity.
I saw him perform many times with the Minneapolis Symphony/Minnesota Orchestra, when I was a student usher at the U of M, and enjoyed many hours of music under his direction, RIP Maestro Skrowaczewski.
92 years old....score on stand.....never opens it..... flawless, vital conducting....RIP Maestro!!
RIP Maestro Skrowaczewski
Absolutely correct sir.
RIP Maestro.
...a magnificent interpretation, beautifully played...
Even though I had been a classical music aficionado for years, I didn't hear Bruckner's 9th until the early 60s. It was a beautiful summer night in Duluth, I had just closed the UMD observatory, and was heading for a party where I expected to meet my girl friend of those days. I was driving my first car, a 1958 Jaguar XK-150 convertible. Top down I was buzzing along the Skyline Drive, radio playing what turned out to be the last half of Bruckner's 9th. All of my emotions were in tune, and receptive to what I heard next. It was the final bars of the 3rd movement - that long brass clarion call.
I pulled over and wept. It reminded me then, and still does, of Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar"
Crossing the Bar
By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
"One clear call for me". The last bars of the 9th couldn't possibly find a better match.
I was in my early 20s then. There has been a lot of life since then, and suddenly, I find myself to be 81 y.o. The 'bar' looms ever closer. If I'm lucky, I'll meet my end on the bicycle trail, or in the arms of my beloved wife. But whether I am listening to an actual performance, or just playing it in my head, those final bars will see me to my fate.
Wow...Heavy, dude! I'll be at 81 in 6 years but (after a dignified senility) it'll be the final 5 minutes of either Bruckner's 4th or "Cherevichki" that'll be my siren call to cross the Hades upon zephyrs and into well-deserved Oblivion. Greetings from Tepoztlán!
@@steveegallo3384God bless both of you, you´re extraordinary gents
@@JG-sz5nj -- Oh no, dear...We're here only to serve! Remember, Grace is God’s free gift. We can’t earn it. We can’t deserve it. God gives it to whom he wills……….We can open ourselves to Grace by constant prayer, but we can’t merit it. It’s given gratuitously. Greetings from San Agustinillo!
I in my 83rd year and I’m sure when pass over I would love to converse with Anton Bruckner!
This is the finest reply I've ever read. Bravo!
the ending of the adagio is something out of this world
I first heard this piece, and that wonderful clarion call at the end, in the early '60s. I was in college, very nerdy, driving my first car, a Jag XK 150, along the Sky Line Drive (Duluth, MN), top down, late at night, feeling like a king. I had just locked up the college observatory and was heading to a party - with Actual Girls. That ending just took my breath away. Girls, stars and Jag were forgotten in a moment.
I wasn't to meet Stan until many years had passed.
Now I am near 80. Stan is no longer with us. That final call reminds me of Lord Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar" -
"Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea"
That Last Clear Call could have been written for Stan. I wish it were for me.
Absolutely agree. A worthy tribute to a great conductor.
The whole thing is out of this world! I can't say it is my favourite music but by far the most awesome.
Agree. Maestro Skrowaczewski was a great Bruckner conductor and this performance is a great tribute to him and the sublime music.
It's amazing! I remember the finale of the 4th syp. It is a kind of contrast. A type of the mature idea where you don't need to scream.
Fabulous! So wonderful. If you have just one friend who understands and adores Bruckner as you do, count yourself blessed. I'll be 80 in a couple of weeks. I wish I knew anyone who loves this music as much as I do. It's gratifying to see comments here from people who obviously understand this God inspired music.
Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, October 3, 1923 - February 21, 2017
It was my great privilege -- and treat -- to have been in the audience at Symphony Hall in San Diego in the mid-eighties to hear Skrowaczewski conduct a concert that included a stunning performance of Anton
Bruckner's 7th (with the cymbal crash). Afterward in the Green Room, I thanked him for a glorious performance, and also for one of my cherished recordings, the one he made with Artur Rubinstein of the Chopin 1st Concerto. He lit up with a smile from ear to ear and said, "Ah, Artur; we had so much fun making that record," then clasped my hand. Rest In Peace, Maestro. And again, thank you.
I have never heard an orchestra care more about what they are doing than in this performance. A perfect response to perfect leadership. I love the respect the audience gave by delaying their applause for such a long time.
....as audiences seldom do respect the entire timeframe of the last bar, a very remarkable evening!
Thank you!
Ja, das ist erstaunlich. Es scheint, dass die Musiker alle ganz genau verstanden, was Bruckner sagen, klagen, bitten wollte. Inspiriert von einem verehrungswürdigen, weisen und lebenserfahrenen Leiter. - Wenn ich da an die missgelaunten Gesichter der Orchestermitglieder bei Celibidches Proben denke. Dabei zeigte er nur mit Geduld und Verantwortungsgefühl, was Bruckner sagen wollte.
The audiences in Frankfurt have always been attentive and appreciative of the music and, thus, have rarely left the hall unsatisfied.
I have heard many BBC proms concerts. for many concerts, audiences are so enthusiastic and sometimes start applauding almost before the piece is finished. Does the long wait before applause mean apathy or enthusiasm?
@@richardwhitehouse2810 I think the silence means enthusiasm restrained by respect. Last time I
heard this at the Proms was mid 80’s, Haitink I believe, but cannot remember if we were respectful of the fact that Bruckner dedicated his last Symphony to God and maintained the long silence. Probably not.
I saw him conduct Bruckner's 7th Symphony in E Major last Friday night in Wroclaw, and it was amazing. Not only my first listen to the composer but to see this 92-year old maestro stand and conduct for 80+ minutes was incredible!
The performance aside, seeing Skrowaczewski in this performance made me feel quite old, as I first met him when he was only 41. I can tell you from attending some of his rehearsals over the years that the musicians always enjoyed working with him.
"Halb leeres" Haus bei Skrowa und Bruckner 9? Unfassbar...
Für mich ist er einer der größten Brucknerdirigenten aller Zeiten!
As others have commented here, I wondered why there weren't more people in the audience to hear this great symphony in a performance by this great Bruckner conductor. Many attempts have been made to complete the finale to this work, but none but the composer's vision could be satisfactory. For me, these three movements need no further statement; as it stands, it has an overwhelming power, beauty, and emotion, capable of plumbing the depths of the spirit The 'adagio's recurring three-note horn motif penetrating the orchestral fabric says more than do many complete symphonies. Bruckner called the symphony his "farewell to life", and did want to complete the finale; I believe he did complete it in the next life, and we may get to hear it in eternity. Maestro Skrowaczewski may be enjoying it now, in the company of the composer!
One reason for many empty seats in the 65€ section of the Alte Oper may have been the opening part of the concert, the conductor's own Passacaglia Imaginaria. To be watched here on UA-cam as recorded from that same concert night. A conservative audience in Frankfurt likes to be teased by a soloist playing Mozart or Beethoven prior to their prosecco intermission.
@@hansjuergenkohlhaas871 Once I was at a concert in Moscow where Brucker's 6th was played after some pieces from Liszt and Brahms as a warmup. Many left right before the symphony. People sitting next to me complained about Brucker's complexity and inexplainability. Pitied them. It was a christmas concert so prices were cosmic.
@@alexanderananchenko868 Wow, I attended a NY Philharmonic concert with Blomstedt doing Bruckner 6, and after the slow movement the guy next to me was literally snoring while his wife sitting next to him was filled with rapt attention, and uttered under her breath, That was so beautiful. It summed up for me the twofold reaction to his music, some don't get it and some do. Shocking as he is the greatest musical mind since JS Bach, and most adore him but many disparage Bruckner. It's bizarre.
Bruckner is for me one of the all time greats but many people find him bombastic (even Wagner who admired Bruckner called him "Herr Trumpet"). That, together with the length of his symphonies, turns some people away. I agree with you that the finale doesn't need to be competed. The third movement has enough drama that I'm not left feeling that more needs to be said.
@@kennethdower7425 ✝️✝️✝️❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Eine sehr beeindruckendes Dirigat von Maestro Skrowaczewski, der das großartige Orchester durch die Monumentalität von Bruckners Genie, führt!
For my money ... this is the best Bruckner 9th. Perfection!
listen to honeck and pittsburgh, i think it rivals this.
@@sunimod1895 , do you have the link?
@@EvandroSchulz if you search honeck and pittsburgh it comes up on youtube, tell me what you think!
@@sunimod1895 I found. Thanks.
Skrowaczewski - One of the greatest Bruckner interpreters of all, but his genius (and not only with Bruckner by any means) never seemed to receive the full recognition it deserved. I know this video has been here for several years now, but thank you for providing this example of his work - and with this great orchestra.
What a man he was, Bruckner! And a great thanks to Maestro Skrowazeski and all the members of this orchestra for such a great performance!
Incredibly competent orchestra.
Ich finde es sehr schön, dass das Publikum am Ende inne hielt....
@@Jivanmuktishu -- Aw c'mon...You'll figger it out! You're not just another stupid monolingual parochial cretin, are you? In any event, pal....I have TWO WORDS for you: Ebenmäißgkeitsentzückung..Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz …(Ich meinte Schuldaufdeckungsangst!) Herzlich, Mexikaner Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän !
Bruckner's greatness resolves in silence.
Mit diesem Werk gelangt der Meister direkt vor Gottes Thron ✝️✝️✝️❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Herzlichen Dank, dass wir diese großartige Aufzeichnung hier sehen dürfen ✨✨✨
Gottes Segen !
I love these videos. They are the best on UTUBE. Bravo Frankfurt !
The horns are controlled beautifully..with beautiful balance and rhythm...the orchestra is playing in a disciplined fashion...great pace as well...with absolutely no mush. God's music...and God's conductor...WOW...very touching...
I own several different versions of individual or complete sets of Bruckner symphonies on CD, Blu Ray, and DVD, but I found myself keep going back to the Skrowaczewski's CD set, and I hear new things every time. The man is a real genius and he is simply amazing to be able to still conduct at this level at his age.
+Remarkablerocks Isn't Skrowaczewski marvellous! As you say to give such a moving performance especially at his age is incredible. The music is so focused and alive. The secret of eternal youth!
Great to know about Skrovi's Japanese CD's.I will check them out.Really enjoyed the you tube videos of him.
The biggest admire and respect to old genius,Maestro Skrowczewski...great,amazing performans!
I think playing Bruckner requires a lot of musical and intellectual maturity. I see in this performance a deep seriousness rising to light. Beautiful dialogue between gravity and melodic harmony.
Am enthralled by the beauty and power of this great performance. Would have loved to been there in person. Such a great conductor = now no longer with us.
This maestro was always a complete memorizer on the production stage, as if driven by a hidden sense of mission. Famous performance.
Here Bruckner 9 sounds light and unforced and not catholic. Maestro Stanislaw Skrowaczewski has his unflashy and gentle way with this music and it works very well. The man was a pleasure to work with and liked by all. Thank you to all.
Les symphonies de Brukner , et celle ci en particulier, ont toujours éveillé en moi d'intenses exaltations et émotions. Difficile de dire pourquoi exactement... Sinon que je partage aisément l'espèce de folie qui parcourt ce labourage symphonique qui donne à entendre aussi bien l'envol d'un rouleau compresseur que l'effleurement de la joue d'un ange endormi par un papillon. A moins qu'il s'agisse de cette douloureuse pulsation emballée, incontrôlable, celle de l'amour universel, qui s'empare de l'âme et la balade dans d'infinis escaliers à la fois montants et descendants ... Il me semble qu'il faille être enfant pour entrer en familiarité avec ces pages vertigineuses, ludiques, naïves et graves, contemplatives, pour s'enchanter dix fois de suite de la petite ritournelle qui, du sautillement guilleret va, s'amplifiant jusqu'à l'hébétude de l'assourdissement. Tout a été dit et écrit sur le "cas Bruckner", sur ses influences, et sur la dimension mystique de son oeuvre. (Et qu'importe ce que la psychanalyse peut aisément y trouver pour ramener les rouleaux compresseurs dans la boue et les papillons dans les boîtes). Peu de compositeurs ont su traduire à ce degré le sentiment d'effusion qui va de pair avec une puissante intériorité. L'espace et l'énergie que déploient les pages de Bruckner ne cessent de susciter mon étonnement, mon admiration et mes larmes . L'interprétation de Stanislaw Skrowaczewski qui, effectivement, n'accentue aucun effet, nous offre à simplement jouir de la mécanique artisanale sublime et folle de cette symphonie du déploiement. Horloger du Coeur ...
. Je suis comme vous.
Bruckner est un magicien de l émotion symphonique. Mahler également.
C est la paix de l âme qu il apporte. Si seulement cette musique pouvait être communicative auprès des excités qui dévastent la raison.
Mais on va dire:trop fumeux, trop bourgeois, trop perché.
@@claudebender3236 Merci, Claude, pour votre écho ! Je me demande parfois, bien que ce soit un peu idiot, j'en conviendrais, comment tant d'occidentaux peuvent demeurer insensibles ou étrangers à des oeuvres musicales de cette nature. Certes, on invoquera des "orientations" ou des manques de culture, mais je pense que les vrais motifs sont d'un autre ordre, car il se trouve des personnes "simples", des enfants et même des animaux qui ressentent, vibrent, et tombent en extase, en joie, en pleurs.
Il nous faut sans doute admettre que certaines personnes ont été spirituellement "castrées" et je crains que cela soit fréquent. Ainsi s'expliqueraient nos collaborations passives à tant de dérives, tant de méfaits ainsi que les passages à l'acte d'autres. On dit : "la musique adoucit les moeurs"... Je ne sais, mais elle touche ceux qui ont des aptitudes à la douceur, à l'intériorisation, à la dimension féminine, et offre une nourriture conséquente à ces esprits déjà réceptifs. Cette nourriture est une grâce indispensable pour tenir debout, ne pas sombrer, et la partager est un des plus beaux actes que nous puissions commettre.
Si vous souhaitez poursuivre ces échanges en simplicité et en confiance, nous pouvons échanger une adresse mail.
Bonjour François, comme on se retrouve donc.
Merci de m'avoir fait connaître cette version de Bruckner. Elle est superbe.
@@ingemayodon5128 J'en suis fort heureux, Inge ! Permettre le partage d'oeuvres si merveilleuses ne peut être que joyeux ! Je me souviens encore de l'enchantement que j'ai vécu, adolescent, quand je découvris Bruckner, par sa troisième symphonie, dirigée par Eugen Jochum. Sentiment de découvrir, comme on dit, un "ovni" musical ! Cette musique m'emportait haut et loin, comme aucune autre. Chacune de ses symphonies m'enchante, mais avec le temps la neuvième devint celle qui s'avéra me correspondre le mieux, dans cette pathétique alliance d'humanité et de mysticisme.
J'aime beaucoup Eugen Jochum aussi, le connais surtout comme chef d'orchestre grâce à Fritz Wunderlich, mon ténor préféré, comme vs le savez.
Mais ceci est magnifique. Merci beaucoup.
Nel 94 suonai sotto la sua direzione una sinfonia di Lutoslawsky. Ricordo ancora vivamente la sua cortesia e umiltà, amore per la musica e profondo rispetto nei confronti degli orchestrali.
I am currently reading Friedrich Schelling's "On the nature of human freedom". Anton Bruckner's music is like the soundtrack to it. Both texts are about the question of being. In both texts, the narrow view of natural science is once again broadened and taken to the absolute. Spirit and nature are still one here. That is why it touches us so deeply. Emotion and reason are still together here and in close embrace. It is like the music of what Schelling called "the reason for will" and the "reason for love", a music of the two principles that make creation possible in the first place. I would say that music is pure natural philosophy and predates the existence of man. For the capacity for freedom from good and evil is not yet decided in it. Both still condition each other in a harmonious way in order to create nature in the sense of the spirit. If it were music about man, it would not seize us, but shake us.
Nádherná symfonie. A skvělý devadesátiletý Skrowaczewski, klobouk dolů!!!
Development after 47:00 kills me every time. The music is nothing short of divine.
With my great respect,thank you.
It's shocking to see how many seats remained empty that evening at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt. Who knows why. Maybe that old Maestro, Skrowaczewski, was considered... Too old, out of fashion. But I'm happy and glad that this wonderful interpretation has been recorded and it's available for everyone to hear and see. I'm sure it will continue to be considered in the decades to come as a document of exceptional importance.
Really great! Fantasic performance, some details I never heard that beautiful. The climax of the third movement, one of the most increadible and deep touching works of mankind, breaks trought and the very end in E-Major has this "out-of-this-world" beauty. Chapeau! Frankfurt seems to be an important music hotspot, not only becsause of Gielen.
What a splendid performance. I first heard his 9th in the Albert Hall, with Haitink conducting the KCO. That was 1982/3. I have a Box with Eugen Jochum conducting the Staatskapelle Dresden in 1978. Just one remark. His 9th lasts only 60:46, while this performance is 64 minutes. The final Adagio is so beautiful, it doesn't matter at all.
Good Lord!!! 24:50 A drop of tear just emerged from the lid of my eye.
Bruckner indeed understood the mystery of Creator. It's not strange he was a bit crazy . :)
Great and amazing performance by outstanding maestro Skrowaczewski
A wonderful performance of Bruckner's 9th. It just feels right, dark and anguished in the first movement as it should yet fully controlled.
Maestro Skrowacewski made his name as part of the Polish avant-garde, and i can hear some of that in this performance: he brings out the Brucknerian dissonance, most particularly in the Adagio's climax where they hold and hold that final chord that contains every note of a scale!
Very well played, Maestro and orchestra.
What a MASTERPIECE!!!!❤️❤️❤️ What a great misunderstood genius!! BRAVO BRAVO MAGNIFIQUE ♥️
Bruckner's 9. war die erste Klassik CD, die ich mir mit 17 Jahren gekauft hatte, das Cover mit einem Aquarell, gemalt von Prinz Charles.
Aber dieses Konzert hier, unübertrefflich, zu Tränen bringend in der letzten Minute.
Danke Meastro!
What a great performance!
Es gozo escuchar y ver dirigir a Stanislaw S.
una gran obra maestra de la música de la mente y sensibilidad de A. Bruckner gran interpretación y magistral dirección.
II. 25:16 Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft - Trio. Schnell - Scherzo
III. 36:19 Adagio. Langsam, feierlich.
Une œuvre... poignante...
Pas seulement la représentation satirique d'une société en declin, mais plutôt un discours bouleversé et boulversant d'une âme en peine perdue dans sa recherche de l'ataraxie...
Merci pour cette somptueuse représentation.
Oui oui c’est très juste.
What a maestro and what an orchestra!
Bruckner clearly teetered regularly on the borderline of schizophrenia (so what, one might retort to tedious bourgeois psychiatry), with his conversations peppered by remarks made to "my dear friend god".
However, here, at last, in his 9th Symphony, he revealed, like the Catholic Holy Sacrament and the Act of Transubstantiation, his long-searched for musico-alchemist's formular. Unbelievably spectacular Wagnerian brass chorales fit to shake even the solidly uncomfortable seats at Bayreuth; meltingly seductive melodies stretched to often Baroque lengthiness; compelling rhythmical energy at times of Dvorak-ian bravura; complete mastery of string ensembles; a surprisingly Mahlerian flair for syncopated and even satirical Austro-Hungarian military band tunes; thundering full orchestral chords that do not just sound like tasteless transcriptions of multiple organ stops; and very decent understanding of woodwind timbres.
As is commonly remarked (by whom, Andrea?), there are several celebrated passages where Bruckner's complete lack of key-diatonic-tonal centre, plus disturbing melodic drift and occasional outright alienating vacuum of melody ("a pointillism of half-ventured tone-rows"), and frank dissonance such as 11:25 - 12:00, directly prefigure Schoenberg's Pelléas and Mélisande; and furthermore were manifestly pointers by the composer's sensibility that music had crossed from the commonplace harmonic to the transcendentally symbolic.
"All in the service and profession of what?" one hears from the flippant or finger-tapping jaundiced back rows of cynics, attending the cheaper musicology lecture halls.
A galactic and indeed quasi-Buddhistic vision of a world swept clean of every trivial human passion - "what is for tea, where is my mobile to call Janet about tomorrow's shopping at Selfridges, where are my M&S knickers? Do I grow old and shall I wear the bottoms of my stonewashed jeans rolled?"
Because we have utterly and consummately and irreversibly been reunited with the absolute transcendental divine!
The actual embodied female absolute divine, in my womanly opinion!
"Her eyes incendiary with 10,000,000 million radiant suns and Her mouth consuming boiling nebula of blood", upon the face of Kali Ma, and her hips bedecked by millions of skulls of the buffalo daemons of egomania, as beheld verily by mighty Isis and wise Athena!
As these three goddesses and you, all four, make love in the sweeping, unresting, interstellar and trans-temporal oceans of Shakti. In divine mutual love and adoration, and thus dismantling all fading embers of our pointless masculine ego-perspective! For we have become the delighted and delightful destroyers of the world of the trivially finite!
Thrilling and psychodynamically somewhat dangerous ...... but, once heard in so perfect a performance as this, absolutely unforgettable for all ones life.
Because it is indeed as if Athena, Aphrodite, Kali Ma and Isis and Hathor and Nut had spoken in ones dreams all night long - in a strange turbulent unceasing narrative - as a chorus of invincible and indubitable enlightenment. The language of the transcendental erotic!
"So this is the purpose of all life, the eschatological and teleological denouement! Oh my goddesses, why did I not have my ears and heart and eyes opened before!"
Perhaps it takes the "senatorial gravity" of a gifted sage, such as Dr Stanisław Skrowaczewski or Dr Eugen Jochum, in impeccable conductor's coattails, to be able to transmit such shattering truths, without herself-himself being driven insane, or stepping into self-immolating in a fountain of flames!
The coda of the first movement (here from 22:55) is simply too much to contain in ones sensuous-psychical being. This is the result that Wagner sort when he declared that he wanted the audience of Tristan und Isolde to fly from the auditorium driven uncontrollably insane with intensity of feeling!
Wonderful stuff.
The Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra is gorgeous.
I wish that they would come more often on tour .... perhaps to London, Paris and Marrakesh!
That would be something to see and hear - Bruckner's 9th played in the Jama El Fana, the "Square of Death", in Marrakesh. I don't think our Amazigh sisters and brothers have heard too much ultra-romanticism from the late 19th Century European repertoire.
Imagine the performance bookmarked either end by the singing of the muezzin from the great minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, beneath the painted stars of the Atlas Mountain night skies.
Love andrea
I always fancy the coda to the first movement of this epic work to be akin to a locomotive coming to a stop. This was an incredible performance. Every layer comes through with piercing clarity. Absolutely masterful.
Maestro Skrowaczewski conducts an awesome 9th with the power of leave me in tears during the melodic theme for Celli and Horns from 5:33-6:01. It´s a very emotional part even in bad recordings but I never heared it as goosebumping as here. The sound engineers did a good job as well. Each instrument-group can be perceived very crisp and transparent. Maybe I have to discard my Guenter Wand/Berliner Philharmoniker recording?
Esecuzione eccellente ottenuta con una orchestra straordinaria.
How come the hall is not packed with public for such an event? A symphony of Bruckner, especially this one, with such a wonderful orchestra!!!
Well thank you for posting and bravo to all for this exceptional rendition.
Sublime! Thank you so much for making this recording available.
The opening of the second movement is played with such finesse.
A very beautiful interpretation of this work by Anton Bruckner.
Cette œuvre est un extraordinaire cheminement qui nous mène vers le silence.
Elle n'est pas inachevée : elle est inachevable.
Comme vous avez raison ! Aucune tentative de" reconstituer" le dernier mouvement n'a grâce à mes yeux. PS : si le Paradis est un festin éternel, j'aimerais être à la même table qu'Anton et Ludwig Van. De Philthefox à Phil New...
@@philthefox1948 Bonne soirée, mon cher Fox!
VERY beautiful performance, anyone who thinks Bruckner is stodgy will change their mind if they listen to this.
That is great conducting - of a great symphony. He is paying the closest attention every second.
An old conductor sustained by the spirit of Bruckner. Marvelous!
wunderbar: Diese Trommeln gefallen mir. Gehört zum Besten, was ich je hörte
Glorious. Absolutely glorious.
Objektive und moderne Aufführung dieses großartigen Meisterwerks ohne überflüssige Leidenschaft. Ausgezeichnet!
Da kann ich nur zustimmen !
Cornelis van der KRUK Danke für die Unterstützung!
Cornelis van der KRUK SPITZE!
What a great conductor!
I burst into tears before the start - just as a member of a Viennese audience burst into tears when Klemperer lifted his baton to conduct this in the 1950's. It is music which foretell out horrific future, which presents our horrific past, which ends on a note that somehow we find hope through love and justice - something the Western Christian World and Israel has never been capable of. Bruckner, Beethoven, Bach, Handel and Mahler point to way - the need for love and compassion and adherence to 'I and Thou'.
The deep emotion greeted time of in my soul and the supreme bliss
This performance is flawless and stellar, and full of admiration and emotion, and comfortable to the ear and the mind
Самое лучшее исполнение из услышанных!Особенно вторая часть!Чистота музыкальной мысли и подлинный драматизм!
Скровачевски вообще очень любил Брукнера. Особенно нравится 4-я романтическая в его исполнении... Просто потрясающе!!!
RIP wonderful maestro.
Descanse em paz, maestro!!! Belíssima interpretação!!! BRAVO!!!!!
Wow, 89-90 years old and conducting!!! That is passion!!!
91 years young for this performance!
Remarkable performance! Together with a maestro of genius SS, hr-S plays with dedication and commitment. It's a difficult, stretching musical idea, that of Bruckner, given here an expression of freedom I've not heard realised before. Perhaps in one event it becomes the apotheosis of my culture.
i have never heard such beautifully balanced rendition of the 37:00 - 37:25 part! the transition between the "brass fragment" and the "string fragment" is so mellow and consistent! and it acquired unusual, introspective, precious quality...
Si on excepte le grand, l'insurpassable Celibidache dans l'interprétation de l'œuvre de Bruckner, je ne connais pas d'autre chef qui ait épousé à ce niveau les contours de cette
somptueuse symphonie, complexe, fouillée, exécutée ici avec la pondération de l'âge et restituant le sentiment tragique de la vie, quelquefois le lyrisme des espérances du croyant,
toujours les tentatives du chef d'œuvre ultime. Et quand on pense que le final n'est pas fini!
Sono d'accordo con te. Sono loro il top per Bruckner. Non è possibile ascoltare le sinfonie più belle del mondo dirette da altri. ROB ⭐✨👌🏿
Great performance from the inside to exterior
Fantastisch; vielen Dank!
The silence at the end is so moving
It is full of emotion
I thoroughly enjoyed This Great Last heartily
Einfach göttlich !
I. Feierlich, misterioso ∙ 00:50
II. Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft - Trio. Schnell - Scherzo 25:16
III. Adagio. Langsam, feierlich ∙ 36:19
A huge music stone of Romantic era!
Wanderful concert good rendition orchestra
Outstanding. Alive. Muscular and sensitive and spiritual all in one.
Le moment de silence à la fin de la symphonie est émouvant et sidérant.
Nur ein kunstverständiges Publikum reagiert so!
Bruckner’s symphonies will quench and moisturize. the thirst of souls of earthings
Good Night Malena
I may have a dream of Malena walking in autumnal colourful leaves, which are red, yellow , brown, orange , in Tokyo
No9 is inspirational and offthe charts
FRS does it so very well on all their presentations .
Bruckner‘s symphonies are universal, and transcends the times.
I will never be tired of listening to Bruckner's symphonies again and again
Deep emotion are reaching my heart , and it is the time of supreme bliss .
From Tokyo in Japan
Which national are you watching this video ?
North Carolina,USA
Japanese thank-you !
Thank-you so much to your Japanese comment !
We are both the nation of the Mother Earth .
No man is an island !
Hang in there !
Sorry the very late my reply !
I can't see your comment till now .
Thank-you so much to your comment !
How is your conditions and country ?
Japan is autumn .
In the autumn , the plaintive chirp of the ephemeral life's autumn insects permeates our Japanese hearts from 1000 years ago .
I am listening to Bruckner's works while hearing the transient chirp of autumn insects in my garden under the shining moon .
Take care of yourself
Good luck !
Be on the alert for Coronavirus infection !
Thank-you !
I deeply love the classical music ,performers and composers .
In Japan ,
I recommend Akutagawa Yasushi's works .
His late father was Japanese great author .
Good luck !
Hang in there !
Good luck !
im 24 bro
Beautiful !
Increíble que haya logrado esa perfección en una versión en vivo. Profundamente emocionante.
at 4:41: Brahms' 1st symphony - note for note and then approximation - amazing.
Que privilégio poder escutar uma obra tão bela. Que Deus nos proporcione muito mais alegrias como esta.
the noble theme at 36:27 turns to tortured tense frustration at 53:59 to resignation at 55:08 and then the coming of peace in power at 55:41
Bravo! I can't say any more.
Amazing performance!
Farewell, Maestro.
54:24- 55:08 the tension is almost unbearable! But ends just in time. Scary. Brilliant!
une grande émotion ,un concert magnifique
Vielen Dank for the post~ !!
Die besten Steigerungen in der Neunten: 1. Satz - 13:52 (Durchführung, Rückleitung zur Reprise); 22:55 (Coda); 3. Satz - 59:09 (ohne Worte...)
Merci beaucoup
Hermoso. ¡Gran trabajo!
El adagio es de una belleza sobrecogedora, termina disolviéndose en la divina eternidad.
El respetuoso silencio del público, que retiene el aplauso, nos dice cómo esta música celestial ha tocado el alma de cada asistente. Hay unos minutos de recogimiento antes de celebrar a este nonagenario director que ha conducido la orquesta, sin partitura, durante más de una hora.