I noticed when I truly stopped caring what others think and started living for me, random strangers started to approach and engage with me at the gym, grocery stores, and while waiting in line. My energy when being myself attracts other energies, like moths attracted to light. The only issue with this is not everyone's energy is good and the power of discernment is a must. When you realize you are chosen and embrace your powers, is an indescribable feeling. Stay strong and positive everyone.
Best feeling ever same experience when I truly excepted and embraced myself and didn’t and don’t care about others opinions my life shifted in a magical way ❤
So very openly truth. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I also have had these experiences. To be open about ourselves and not being ruled by what others think. We are free😊
I’m just starting to heal, 62, I found out at 58 my life was horrific and this was me, now that I understand my family unit was sick, and I had a high level Narcissist as a mother. Im still working on getting out more, yet I still feel that I’m on my way- to me it was such a relief knowing it wasn’t me my whole life, you know? I so GLAD I stumbled across this! Ty
To anyone who's watching this video and reading the comments, my wish for you is that any troubles or anxieties that have been weighing you down will begin to lift. May your mind be cleared of negative thoughts, incessant overthinking, and any doubts that have been holding you back. May clarity replace your confusion, and may your life be filled with peace and calmness. Take the wisdom from this video and empower yourself to achieve all that you seek. 🙏✨
Your words are a godsend. I stumbled upon this video clearly by accident but it and your comment touched my soul. It came when I was desperate for wisdom, clarity strength and love. My prayer is for others will find the same enlightenment as I found. Thank you.
I don’t care what people think or say anymore. I quit worrying about that long time ago. When someone else helps pay your rent, buy your clothes or food then what they say matters. But until that happens then what they say doesn’t mean a thing. I’m in control of my own decisions.
So very true. My life is far from perfect but I enjoy exercising at the gym, keeping healthy, working a little and travelling a lot. I am 100 per cent happy in my own world and I let those who hate me for being me, deal with it.
In this cosmic dance, you've found your way here. Know that you're loved just as you are. May luck and abundance flow into your life like an unending river. ❤🌊
Since high school, I have realized that people try to put their insecurities onto you. And I realized, people just don’t give a shit. And I told myself to look inside, and I’ve never looked back. I like and love myself, and I am always discovering more about me. It never stops.❤❤❤
I am diligently working on my self , since I was an abused child and had my self esteem on the ground, life had been very difficult, I have been trying to survive, now I feel I am thriving since I decided to care less about what the outside world felt about me, instead I focused on nurturing my inner garden and making it bloom , my life has changed so much, I am so great full for all the good things in my life, I feel complete and strong 🙏
I was 50yo when I realized that I didn’t need the approval of others. Freedom of expression has always been important to me. So much that when someone won’t allow me to share my thoughts, I shut down or share very little with them. I’m extremely grateful for your sharing. It confirms so much. It’s a great mile marker on my journey.
So before 50, you thought you needed others’ approval? In which cases or aspects of life? Yeah, I’m the very same in freedom of expression, and I react the same way if others try to shut down mine - I think “not only am I not going to come to you now, I won’t let you come near me anymore either”. : )
Everything you said is exactly what my life has been. I will be 70 years old tomorrow and only have God to celebrate it with. The present I now give to myself, with the grace and blessing of God, is a new life of my own, free of all those who have used, betrayed, and destroyed my life. I truly thank Wisdom Nuggets for the perfect message, at the perfect time for me. ❤❤❤
When I started to not care about what others thought, my life changed for the better! I am learning to love and accept myself totally and unconditionally, flaws and weaknesses the lot!! I’m embodying my true self and walking in my purpose! It been challenging but I believe that God/ Universe has my life mapped out for me. Keep believing in yourself and start loving yourself more too. Whoever reads this, you’ve got this 🙏🏽💜 I truly appreciate this video 🥰
Good for you and I'm happy for you but...well, I find this difficult to do in an office environment because one gets criticized more or less all the time. so finally you start to pay attention (not care) and live a bit differently. It's exhausting, to say the least.
Since retiring and removing myself from toxic people, I find it much easier now that I am not obligated to have toxic people around me for 8 hours x 5 days. Thank you for the encouragement as I delve deeper into mysticism.
I thought I didn’t need to listen to this. I’m older and don’t care that much what other people think. But I realized that I do care. I can’t do anything about the way I’ve aged, my wrinkles, etc. I will accept it as part of me now and embrace it. I will stop comparing myself to my younger friends. I need to accept myself for me!
I'm on the path of authenticity right now, it's not easy but I realised that it is so draining and heavy to mask who you are...the world truly doesn care about it...for whoever is reading this, you being authentic to yourself is a blessing for the entire world❤
We here are all so special. We seek knowledge and care about others and ourselves. I love your reply on this post. You're always in the right direction. Loves
When i had a change of perspective 💯 I stopped caring what others think, I dropped the conversations and questioning myself, supported myself staying content in the flow, and staying in my lane, along with honouring my authentic self. I took all the lessons I learned and now act from wisdom…it was profound shift.
I believe I started this process when I chose to be more grateful each morning and to know that we are all connected but have our own path to follow. Thank you for all that you do to share these wisdom nuggets with me!❤
All my life seeking Being my self ,till one day I couldn't even help myself. All of that heaviness of pain and guilt. I still seek Today: [ greatfuly ]. Be all you can be For we where made for GREATNESS .😂
I've been listening to all your videos for some time now. And I am growing to know myself. I've been angry for so long and your videos have taught me how to calm down and to realize how wonderful life is and I thank you
I keep telling my older brother that he needs to stop being so frustrated and angry at the state of the world and other things. He cannot control them, and needs to focus on the things close to home that he can control, his family/kids etc. It was an amazing feeling when I came off Instagram/FB and Twitter. I have also stopped watching the news because its all just depressing poison, there's never anything positive anymore. What a difference it makes!
I feel the same way and it makes me sad to think of all the time I had wasted watching TV, Facebook, playing video games and other time-consuming things. I love the freedom I have now to do things that really bring me joy and happiness. My life now is so liberating and filled with joy and peace.
Wow intresting most off my life i spend pleasing others i asked myself what happened to me I got lost somewhere in between 😮 can't remember when last did I LAUGH or when last was i happy this message is VERY inspirational AMEN 🙏🙏Thank you
I'm 22 I'm in the Dark night of the soul stage.....I try to go back to my old self and it's exhausting... everything is just going against me.....this feels bad.... No friends! The brain is noisy! Meditation ain't working! No money! And that's where I feel better compared to my old self
The old you doesn't exist anymore. It will never be the same. It's an unravelling of all the mental chains. While the lesson's are hard to take in the moment, you will look back on it and feel grateful to them. Also it's not linear. But you will keep making progress. Chin up, you've got this.
I've lived caring what others think way too much and way too long ( atleast 10 years) I'm currently on a journey to freeing myself and finding myself again. Slowly I'm feeling liberated.
That’s a main point. Even if you do everything for others and run around for them to keep up appearances, they may still be dissatisfied and complain, which people are so used to doing. There’s no pleasing everyone. It’s a waste of energy. This also goes for family. Keep doing your own thing no matter how much they complain. They have no right to anyway.
Choosing authenticity means losing many people and relationship that once I thought were my friends... it also means being judged and misunderstood... but I'm grateful for this purification and the true bitter reality rather than living in sweet but fake illusion... I'm happy for choosing my friendship and my loyalty. I'm choosing my self. My authentic me. Thank you my Dear Lord and thank you so much Sir for your video that always keep me back standing firm on my true self path. May God bless You always. 🙏😊🙏
The authentic self exists outside the boundaries of our identities. Think about this for just a second, all judgement stems from the boundaries of our identities. Wisdom Nuggets, thank you. When you speak to our comfort zones, most are developed in our fears and because of that they are deeply rooted and difficult to let go. These videos are a gift. At 65, I'm just starting my bloom.
Thank you, yes I strongly believe that we will experience a high peak of self understanding in our 60ies. I believe the best years of our lives is the 60 and 70 if you are living healthy and do walks outside everyday ❤ enjoy ever step of doing what you love most❤
True words, breathe deeply, and express your original true attribute, love yourself, take care of yourself, listen to your sticks, discover your Zatak, you are the most precious thing in existence
I found a trick to help me in my life, a few years back: not to care what others think, while caring deeply about them. Thank you for your continued posts 🙏❤️
This task seems simple however let me assure you it is a LEARNED experience! To completely stop caring means giving your entire life & being over to a higher power! You do that & you are enlightened my friends!❤ Peace n Love be with each of you!
This is helping tremendously. I have suffered from depression since a small child, and have some PTSD as well. But if I could enbody this deep self-acceptance, I would be happy at last. 💜 thank you
As Wisdom Nuggets you care when your cup is full. When the cup is half or empty, you pull back and aware. It isn't you need to please people but to be patience as you age. We all from different backgrounds, learn and listen. Truly you will see.
How very true in all senses. I gave up living up to societal norms and trying to fit in years ago. It just didn't feel right and inside I just felt empty. I was also lucky enough to find something that I enjoy doing, something that just clicked for me and began developing skills to get a job doing that. Now I'm completely free and working in a job that I find as second nature. No stress involved.
Thanks for my life because i never cared since i was a child about things that never resonated with me, my father taught us all his children to know ourself and take care of our needs not what others need us to be, this is powerful because you do not need to fit, you do not need happiness from others as you are already happy within, i had taught even my children too, thanks for passing this information to others this will make more self content people.
I found out if you love and accept yourself and be true self especially of what you say, to people, love you for you, ❤ I only share what is relevant on social media, some people who like you for you and celebrate your highs & people are genuine to care to cheer you on, others opinions only count if they matter if you have something to offer them
I have followed your principals most of my life, have always been comfortable with my own company, yet I am old now and have never attracted others as friends. Would have loved friends when young but not now.
This message came at the right time exactly when I was feeling so miserable after buying some groceries,I was left with nothing ,but I'm not sure how did I get to fing myself listening to this powerful message, suddenly my focus jst shifted from worries to joyfully & gratitude,❤ thanks a lot ❤
Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball and can pull us downward into the complete opposite of our natural state of spirit inner consciousness; instead of uplifting us towards a better future for ourselves. Sadly that does happen sometimes to the best people who have nothing but good intentions towards humanity as a whole. ❤
I needed this! I don't understand how most of society functions, when it seems they worry about what others think. Why are we programmed that way? I begin to see why it's not important now that I'm older..in my younger yrs I spent a lot of time worrying what others think.
Thank you grateful 🙏 for this message. I have been on my path of this all my life. It is today I want to be with Grace and remind my thoughts of what is expressed in this video. I have saved it to listen to it daily. AMEN
Thank you for sharing this message of prioritizing yourself inside of others. With knowledge comes power. Only recently have I become aware that I was struggling with this. You're words deeply resonate with something inside me. I can now work on this. Again, thank you.
Thankyou for the confirmation that i'm on the right path. I've lived my entire life for others. And now at 55 God is teaching me how to love me FIRST. I've had to claw my way back after losing myself. Believing i did not deserve love or happiness. I am now in a space where ....i will not tolerate ANYONE who disrespects me in any way. I have found my voice and today i let it be heard. In a positive way. I nolonger conform to what this world believes is "of value". I have my own identity. I am worthy of THE BEST. And i BELONG to God not man.
I know about writing from my past! Quite a few interesting lives of being a writer. And I am telling you that you are absolutely incredible writer! Your writing sound like poetry! your deep knowledge of what’s going on right now impressive! Thank you so much my beautiful angel for doing incredible job for us! ❤love you forever Flora SunVenus
I recently visited Grand Canyon national park and I was having a blast about every moment , I was appreciating much about the here and now of the Gtand astounding view of the canyon s, I heard comment around me calling me stupid and crazy “ and hoping and waiting for me to fall into the cliff” I am cognitively aware of the space I was taken base on my perspective about how far I am from the cliff. But folks didn’t see that view I am perceiving , they thought I was showing off and being reckless , as I hear the negative applause and comments .. I start to get distacted and could have ruin my blissful joy… I let go of the negative energy vibe that disrupting my thought process to the universe and embraced it with … the joy and freedom of collective polarity consciousness … I continued with my blisss with a smile and a gratitude in my heart … that all is well and everything works out for me … truly a humbling experience I have gained on that very moment … I am not the good or the bad ego .. but the true unconditional love, to all. For I am all that is ❤
I truly needed to hear this today. I've been a caregiver for 31 yrs..and I'm 51. I found my career passion at 19. Now thats lucky, or perhaps meant to be...My best bestie recently suffered a brain injury, our 30 plus years of friendship has been a blessing, and never taken for granted...For all the years and even now she says to me:: ,All you ever wanted was to be You...I now must take charge and be ME.. I shall be the caregiver of my garden , and see and feel it grow ♡.. thank you .. your voice and words really resonated with me.. Amen
This video is what I wanted today. I have been following everything that was said in the video over the past year. It got easier with time but suddenly I felt lost again for no reason. We constantly need reminding these valuable lessons. Thank you ❤
Did you make this video specifically for me? Thanks so much. It didn’t actually occur to me that I conformed to what others wanted me to be to the extent that I have been my whole life (I’m 35). But I’ve reached a breaking point, and this video puts into words all of the things I’ve been feeling and dealing with (to the point that I’ve developed painful physical tics). As I’ve been releasing that expectation, the tics have been disappearing. Thanks for the videos. You’ve got a new subscriber!
I am so grateful I found this message. Your inspiring message resonates with what I am experiencing right now. I believe that I am guided by the universe to see this message at the right time, at the right moment.
Thank you for shining your light, you are getting brighter all the time😊 I am so excited!!!!! Sending my love to all of you. I'm on top of the world ay!!! Let's celebrate love, life, ourselves and the idea that we get to spread more love, receive more love and grow ❤️ Peace all, sending good vibes🫂
Poignant & pretty much spot on boys & girls. Experience reminds me that deciding to STOP is the first step - common sense prevails! (Then) it’s just a matter of courage to perform the 180 of a lifetime,…
I must state my continuing objection to the advice, "You are enough". Enough is ... not enough. How about magical, astounding, stupendous, extraordinary? If we are just enough, how can we achieve what we want to achieve! It seems a neutral term, not a motivating one - existence rather than progressive. Comments? I do agree about not caring what others think (though don't fail to consider advice if honestly given). We grow up wanting to please our parents and that never seems to end without some great effort. We measure ourselves against others in our society and in spite of the "Everyone gets a trophy" mentality, competition is a real thing in life, but we need to steer our own course, be true to our authentic selves. Not easy, and I'm learning very late in life, but still... learning! Thanks for your wise words.
I hear what you’re saying. Enough doesn’t amount to much and it doesn’t sound motivating. But look at it this way: Many people feel like they are not “enough”. They are good enough to be loved, they are not smart enough, they are not attractive enough. When one feels they are not good enough for anything. That brings the depression, anxiety, sadness etc. but a person feels they are enough, that can turn into something magical, astounding.
@@deidrataylor1360 I know what you're saying. All I'm saying is to step it up a notch. Being "enough" to me signifies the end of the journey - a state of standing still, of neutrality, lacking enthusiasm. I don't know - it just doesn't seem "enough" to me.
I hear what you are saying about "You are enough". But for those who are depressed, these words are a step UP and out of the dark reality they live in. They need to embrace this belief about themselves before they can even grasp the terms of "Astounding" and "Magical".
Yes ,,,a good example of a strong tree rooted in the ground ,weathering the storms on all sides yet standing firm and strong .that's nature and the natural world we can all learn from , facing the ups and downs with resilience and steadfastness ,trying to achieve balance in the midst of it all . The tree also embraces the cool, calm breeze when it touches her,and dances in the wind ,,,,the way when a loved one touches you softly and whispers that all will be well and your heart soars with gladness and you thank the heavens ,the Almighty,
Thank you for this message about an important part of our journey on this earth! I did share like you always say. I'm 52, and my daughter is 23, and I wish someone would have sent me this little nugget of knowledge when I was her age! Never stop, please! Namaste 🙏
Done chasing it outside.. I’m turning my attention to the inside .. Exploring who I am is very interesting.. it turned out that we are shaped by our environment and all external factors.. until I stated taking things into hands I was following the dreams , feel the emotions, do things like .. that person shaped by its surroundings.. not me..
Thank you. We are born alone and die alone. No one offers to die for us , so why bother to try to be accepted by others.God and the Universe loves us.❤
Felt so free the other day like I was coming back to myself and enjoying people again Round me. Even though I was stopped and stopped caring what others think. And just really my body was so relaxed as I was on the bus 🚎 going home. Was a really calm enjoyable ride home.
Authenticity attracts authenticity ... an immense sense of freedom ... imagine that your happiness is like a beautiful garden within you @9:50 ... you become the gardener of your own happiness.
I just came across this one and I am at the point in my existence I am able to allow this to finally happen... It is truly the best gift I could have ever asked for....Anew
Wow! Wish I learned this in my younger years. Would have saved myself a lot of grief. At 69 I am getting it, especially after finding out the family excluded me because of my freedom views.😂😂
I noticed when I truly stopped caring what others think and started living for me, random strangers started to approach and engage with me at the gym, grocery stores, and while waiting in line. My energy when being myself attracts other energies, like moths attracted to light. The only issue with this is not everyone's energy is good and the power of discernment is a must. When you realize you are chosen and embrace your powers, is an indescribable feeling. Stay strong and positive everyone.
Best feeling ever same experience when I truly excepted and embraced myself and didn’t and don’t care about others opinions my life shifted in a magical way ❤
Thank you
So very openly truth. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I also have had these experiences. To be open about ourselves and not being ruled by what others think.
We are free😊
And you, too xx take care 😊
What do mean by 'chosen'....Just asking✌️
I’m just starting to heal, 62, I found out at 58 my life was horrific and this was me, now that I understand my family unit was sick, and I had a high level Narcissist as a mother. Im still working on getting out more, yet I still feel that I’m on my way- to me it was such a relief knowing it wasn’t me my whole life, you know? I so GLAD I stumbled across this! Ty
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
“I AM unapologetically ME.”
…nuff said.
To anyone who's watching this video and reading the comments, my wish for you is that any troubles or anxieties that have been weighing you down will begin to lift. May your mind be cleared of negative thoughts, incessant overthinking, and any doubts that have been holding you back. May clarity replace your confusion, and may your life be filled with peace and calmness. Take the wisdom from this video and empower yourself to achieve all that you seek. 🙏✨
Your words are a godsend. I stumbled upon this video clearly by accident but it and your comment touched my soul. It came when I was desperate for wisdom, clarity strength and love. My prayer is for others will find the same enlightenment as I found. Thank you.
TY. Blackatya ❣️
I needed your words
Thank you I was meant to read this. 🙏
Amen thank u🙏🙏🙏
I don’t care what people think or say anymore. I quit worrying about that long time ago. When someone else helps pay your rent, buy your clothes or food then what they say matters. But until that happens then what they say doesn’t mean a thing. I’m in control of my own decisions.
So very true.
My life is far from perfect but I enjoy exercising at the gym, keeping healthy, working a little and travelling a lot.
I am 100 per cent happy in my own world and I let those who hate me for being me,
deal with it.
In this cosmic dance, you've found your way here. Know that you're loved just as you are. May luck and abundance flow into your life like an unending river. ❤🌊
I need to stop caring about what others think of me because it's holding me back from being my true authentic self. 😢
Since high school, I have realized that people try to put their insecurities onto you. And I realized, people just don’t give a shit. And I told myself to look inside, and I’ve never looked back. I like and love myself, and I am always discovering more about me. It never stops.❤❤❤
I am diligently working on my self , since I was an abused child and had my self esteem on the ground, life had been very difficult, I have been trying to survive, now I feel I am thriving since I decided to care less about what the outside world felt about me, instead I focused on nurturing my inner garden and making it bloom , my life has changed so much, I am so great full for all the good things in my life, I feel complete and strong 🙏
I was 50yo when I realized that I didn’t need the approval of others. Freedom of expression has always been important to me. So much that when someone won’t allow me to share my thoughts, I shut down or share very little with them. I’m extremely grateful for your sharing. It confirms so much. It’s a great mile marker on my journey.
So before 50, you thought you needed others’ approval? In which cases or aspects of life?
Yeah, I’m the very same in freedom of expression, and I react the same way if others try to shut down mine - I think “not only am I not going to come to you now, I won’t let you come near me anymore either”. : )
Everything you said is exactly what my life has been. I will be 70 years old tomorrow and only have God to celebrate it with. The present I now give to myself, with the grace and blessing of God, is a new life of my own, free of all those who have used, betrayed, and destroyed my life. I truly thank Wisdom Nuggets for the perfect message, at the perfect time for me. ❤❤❤
Happy Birthday! 🎂💛
I'm 72 and also alone and yet never alone.
Happy birthday 🥳 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤
Happy birthday 🎉❤🎉
Congratulations ! It resonates with me, too... sending warmest hug and lots of love to you all 🙏 ❤️ 💚
When I started to not care about what others thought, my life changed for the better! I am learning to love and accept myself totally and unconditionally, flaws and weaknesses the lot!! I’m embodying my true self and walking in my purpose! It been challenging but I believe that God/ Universe has my life mapped out for me. Keep believing in yourself and start loving yourself more too. Whoever reads this, you’ve got this 🙏🏽💜 I truly appreciate this video 🥰
Good for you and I'm happy for you but...well, I find this difficult to do in an office environment because one gets criticized more or less all the time. so finally you start to pay attention (not care) and live a bit differently. It's exhausting, to say the least.
Since retiring and removing myself from toxic people, I find it much easier now that I am not obligated to have toxic people around me for 8 hours x 5 days. Thank you for the encouragement as I delve deeper into mysticism.
I am happy for you!!!
Totally understand ❤
Those people were exhausting. So glad to also be retired and not bogged down by people and problems. 👍
So true
So very true god bless ❤
I thought I didn’t need to listen to this. I’m older and don’t care that much what other people think. But I realized that I do care. I can’t do anything about the way I’ve aged, my wrinkles, etc. I will accept it as part of me now and embrace it. I will stop comparing myself to my younger friends. I need to accept myself for me!
I'm on the path of authenticity right now, it's not easy but I realised that it is so draining and heavy to mask who you are...the world truly doesn care about it...for whoever is reading this, you being authentic to yourself is a blessing for the entire world❤
We here are all so special. We seek knowledge and care about others and ourselves. I love your reply on this post.
You're always in the right direction. Loves
When i had a change of perspective 💯 I stopped caring what others think, I dropped the conversations and questioning myself, supported myself staying content in the flow, and staying in my lane, along with honouring my authentic self. I took all the lessons I learned and now act from wisdom…it was profound shift.
The Freedom to just be ourselves is a gift from GOD ❤ others don’t get to just take that away spiritually 🎉
I believe I started this process when I chose to be more grateful each morning and to know that we are all connected but have our own path to follow. Thank you for all that you do to share these wisdom nuggets with me!❤
All my life seeking
Being my self ,till one day I couldn't even help myself. All of that heaviness of pain and guilt.
I still seek Today: [ greatfuly ].
Be all you can be
For we where made for GREATNESS .😂
I've been listening to all your videos for some time now. And I am growing to know myself. I've been angry for so long and your videos have taught me how to calm down and to realize how wonderful life is and I thank you
I believe I am guided by the God and the Universe to see this message at the right time and moment.
I keep telling my older brother that he needs to stop being so frustrated and angry at the state of the world and other things. He cannot control them, and needs to focus on the things close to home that he can control, his family/kids etc. It was an amazing feeling when I came off Instagram/FB and Twitter. I have also stopped watching the news because its all just depressing poison, there's never anything positive anymore. What a difference it makes!
I feel the same way and it makes me sad to think of all the time I had wasted watching TV, Facebook, playing video games and other time-consuming things. I love the freedom I have now to do things that really bring me joy and happiness. My life now is so liberating and filled with joy and peace.
Wow intresting most off my life i spend pleasing others i asked myself what happened to me I got lost somewhere in between 😮 can't remember when last did I LAUGH or when last was i happy this message is VERY inspirational AMEN 🙏🙏Thank you
I'm 22 I'm in the Dark night of the soul stage.....I try to go back to my old self and it's exhausting... everything is just going against me.....this feels bad.... No friends! The brain is noisy! Meditation ain't working! No money! And that's where I feel better compared to my old self
Me myself I m going through the same situation
Where r u from?
@@atharshaikh2838 Argentina....you?
I'm in this place right now 😢
The old you doesn't exist anymore. It will never be the same. It's an unravelling of all the mental chains. While the lesson's are hard to take in the moment, you will look back on it and feel grateful to them. Also it's not linear. But you will keep making progress. Chin up, you've got this.
I've lived caring what others think way too much and way too long ( atleast 10 years) I'm currently on a journey to freeing myself and finding myself again. Slowly I'm feeling liberated.
That’s a main point. Even if you do everything for others and run around for them to keep up appearances, they may still be dissatisfied and complain, which people are so used to doing. There’s no pleasing everyone. It’s a waste of energy. This also goes for family. Keep doing your own thing no matter how much they complain. They have no right to anyway.
You have no idea how much these videos have helped me to understand my spiritual journey.
Choosing authenticity means losing many people and relationship that once I thought were my friends... it also means being judged and misunderstood... but I'm grateful for this purification and the true bitter reality rather than living in sweet but fake illusion... I'm happy for choosing my friendship and my loyalty. I'm choosing my self. My authentic me. Thank you my Dear Lord and thank you so much Sir for your video that always keep me back standing firm on my true self path. May God bless You always. 🙏😊🙏
The authentic self exists outside the boundaries of our identities. Think about this for just a second, all judgement stems from the boundaries of our identities. Wisdom Nuggets, thank you. When you speak to our comfort zones, most are developed in our fears and because of that they are deeply rooted and difficult to let go. These videos are a gift. At 65, I'm just starting my bloom.
Right there with you!
Thank you, yes I strongly believe that we will experience a high peak of self understanding in our 60ies. I believe the best years of our lives is the 60 and 70 if you are living healthy and do walks outside everyday ❤ enjoy ever step of doing what you love most❤
True words, breathe deeply, and express your original true attribute, love yourself, take care of yourself, listen to your sticks, discover your Zatak, you are the most precious thing in existence
My mother always felt less of me because I was a C.N.A. for over 30 years. I loved taking care of people.
I found a trick to help me in my life, a few years back: not to care what others think, while caring deeply about them.
Thank you for your continued posts 🙏❤️
what was the trick ? :)
Perfect wisdom❤
This task seems simple however let me assure you it is a LEARNED experience!
To completely stop caring means giving your entire life & being over to a higher power!
You do that & you are enlightened my friends!❤
Peace n Love be with each of you!
True statement
Not caring is actually healthy for you mentally
This is helping tremendously. I have suffered from depression since a small child, and have some PTSD as well. But if I could enbody this deep self-acceptance, I would be happy at last. 💜 thank you
Don’t feel alone.
As Wisdom Nuggets you care when your cup is full. When the cup is half or empty, you pull back and aware. It isn't you need to please people but to be patience as you age. We all from different backgrounds, learn and listen. Truly you will see.
To be yourself is priceless .
This is much better in terms of background music. Great work. Now I can focus on the power of the words.
How very true in all senses. I gave up living up to societal norms and trying to fit in years ago. It just didn't feel right and inside I just felt empty. I was also lucky enough to find something that I enjoy doing, something that just clicked for me and began developing skills to get a job doing that. Now I'm completely free and working in a job that I find as second nature. No stress involved.
Thanks for my life because i never cared since i was a child about things that never resonated with me, my father taught us all his children to know ourself and take care of our needs not what others need us to be, this is powerful because you do not need to fit, you do not need happiness from others as you are already happy within, i had taught even my children too, thanks for passing this information to others this will make more self content people.
I found out if you love and accept yourself and be true self especially of what you say, to people, love you for you, ❤ I only share what is relevant on social media, some people who like you for you and celebrate your highs & people are genuine to care to cheer you on, others opinions only count if they matter if you have something to offer them
Thanks for this wonderful message! Hoping everyone here starts living his/ her true self..😊
I have followed your principals most of my life, have always been comfortable with my own company, yet I am old now and have never attracted others as friends. Would have loved friends when young but not now.
This message came at the right time exactly when I was feeling so miserable after buying some groceries,I was left with nothing ,but I'm not sure how did I get to fing myself listening to this powerful message, suddenly my focus jst shifted from worries to joyfully & gratitude,❤ thanks a lot ❤
Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball and can pull us downward into the complete opposite of our natural state of spirit inner consciousness; instead of uplifting us towards a better future for ourselves. Sadly that does happen sometimes to the best people who have nothing but good intentions towards humanity as a whole. ❤
I needed this! I don't understand how most of society functions, when it seems they worry about what others think. Why are we programmed that way? I begin to see why it's not important now that I'm older..in my younger yrs I spent a lot of time worrying what others think.
I've been happy 96% of my life
That makes me happy
THANK YOU for the nourishment 💞🎶🌊🌱🪂
Thank you grateful 🙏 for this message. I have been on my path of this all my life. It is today I want to be with Grace and remind my thoughts of what is expressed in this video. I have saved it to listen to it daily. AMEN
Thank you for sharing this message of prioritizing yourself inside of others. With knowledge comes power. Only recently have I become aware that I was struggling with this. You're words deeply resonate with something inside me. I can now work on this. Again, thank you.
Thankyou for the confirmation that i'm on the right path.
I've lived my entire life for others. And now at 55 God is teaching me how to love me FIRST.
I've had to claw my way back after losing myself. Believing i did not deserve love or happiness. I am now in a space where ....i will not tolerate ANYONE who disrespects me in any way. I have found my voice and today i let it be heard. In a positive way. I nolonger conform to what this world believes is "of value".
I have my own identity. I am worthy of THE BEST.
And i BELONG to God not man.
I know about writing from my past! Quite a few interesting lives of being a writer. And I am telling you that you are absolutely incredible writer! Your writing sound like poetry! your deep knowledge of what’s going on right now impressive! Thank you so much my beautiful angel for doing incredible job for us! ❤love you forever Flora SunVenus
I learned that saying NO is the start of my freedom❤
I recently visited Grand Canyon national park and I was having a blast about every moment , I was appreciating much about the here and now of the Gtand astounding view of the canyon s, I heard comment around me calling me stupid and crazy “ and hoping and waiting for me to fall into the cliff” I am cognitively aware of the space I was taken base on my perspective about how far I am from the cliff. But folks didn’t see that view I am perceiving , they thought I was showing off and being reckless , as I hear the negative applause and comments .. I start to get distacted and could have ruin my blissful joy… I let go of the negative energy vibe that disrupting my thought process to the universe and embraced it with … the joy and freedom of collective polarity consciousness … I continued with my blisss with a smile and a gratitude in my heart … that all is well and everything works out for me … truly a humbling experience I have gained on that very moment … I am not the good or the bad ego .. but the true unconditional love, to all. For I am all that is ❤
I truly needed to hear this today. I've been a caregiver for 31 yrs..and I'm 51. I found my career passion at 19. Now thats lucky, or perhaps meant to be...My best bestie recently suffered a brain injury, our 30 plus years of friendship has been a blessing, and never taken for granted...For all the years and even now she says to me:: ,All you ever wanted was to be You...I now must take charge and be ME.. I shall be the caregiver of my garden , and see and feel it grow ♡.. thank you .. your voice and words really resonated with me.. Amen
This video is what I wanted today. I have been following everything that was said in the video over the past year. It got easier with time but suddenly I felt lost again for no reason. We constantly need reminding these valuable lessons. Thank you ❤
This is the best motivational speech I have ever heard. Should be taught in schools. Thank you so so much.
I listen to you every morning as a meditation. On my way into Boston to work. You have helped change my life.
Did you make this video specifically for me? Thanks so much. It didn’t actually occur to me that I conformed to what others wanted me to be to the extent that I have been my whole life (I’m 35). But I’ve reached a breaking point, and this video puts into words all of the things I’ve been feeling and dealing with (to the point that I’ve developed painful physical tics). As I’ve been releasing that expectation, the tics have been disappearing. Thanks for the videos. You’ve got a new subscriber!
I am so grateful I found this message. Your inspiring message resonates with what I am experiencing right now. I believe that I am guided by the universe to see this message at the right time, at the right moment.
Thank you, timing really makes a difference. I'm grateful for encountering this awesome blog.
Thank goodness
Thank you for shining your light, you are getting brighter all the time😊 I am so excited!!!!! Sending my love to all of you. I'm on top of the world ay!!! Let's celebrate love, life, ourselves and the idea that we get to spread more love, receive more love and grow ❤️ Peace all, sending good vibes🫂
This is what live is truly about ✨❣️
There's nothing quite better than being yourself..
This message is a master piece..I'm so aligned with all the things in it..Thank you for sharing your precious and empowering gifts with us. 💖💖🌻..
Poignant & pretty much spot on boys & girls. Experience reminds me that deciding to STOP is the first step - common sense prevails! (Then) it’s just a matter of courage to perform the 180 of a lifetime,…
When you stop caring you start thinking more clearly .
I must state my continuing objection to the advice, "You are enough". Enough is ... not enough. How about magical, astounding, stupendous, extraordinary? If we are just enough, how can we achieve what we want to achieve! It seems a neutral term, not a motivating one - existence rather than progressive. Comments? I do agree about not caring what others think (though don't fail to consider advice if honestly given). We grow up wanting to please our parents and that never seems to end without some great effort. We measure ourselves against others in our society and in spite of the "Everyone gets a trophy" mentality, competition is a real thing in life, but we need to steer our own course, be true to our authentic selves. Not easy, and I'm learning very late in life, but still... learning! Thanks for your wise words.
I hear what you’re saying. Enough doesn’t amount to much and it doesn’t sound motivating. But look at it this way:
Many people feel like they are not “enough”. They are good enough to be loved, they are not smart enough, they are not attractive enough. When one feels they are not good enough for anything. That brings the depression, anxiety, sadness etc.
but a person feels they are enough, that can turn into something magical, astounding.
@@deidrataylor1360 I know what you're saying. All I'm saying is to step it up a notch. Being "enough" to me signifies the end of the journey - a state of standing still, of neutrality, lacking enthusiasm. I don't know - it just doesn't seem "enough" to me.
I hear what you are saying about "You are enough". But for those who are depressed, these words are a step UP and out of the dark reality they live in. They need to embrace this belief about themselves before they can even grasp the terms of "Astounding" and "Magical".
@@Tammi333 I understand. Starting point is the perspective. Well said.
@@cjwarley Exactly.
Yes ,,,a good example of a strong tree rooted in the ground ,weathering the storms on all sides yet standing firm and strong .that's nature and the natural world we can all learn from , facing the ups and downs with resilience and steadfastness ,trying to achieve balance in the midst of it all . The tree also embraces the cool, calm breeze when it touches her,and dances in the wind ,,,,the way when a loved one touches you softly and whispers that all will be well and your heart soars with gladness and you thank the heavens ,the Almighty,
Thank you for this message about an important part of our journey on this earth! I did share like you always say. I'm 52, and my daughter is 23, and I wish someone would have sent me this little nugget of knowledge when I was her age!
Never stop, please!
Namaste 🙏
Done chasing it outside.. I’m turning my attention to the inside .. Exploring who I am is very interesting.. it turned out that we are shaped by our environment and all external factors.. until I stated taking things into hands I was following the dreams , feel the emotions, do things like .. that person shaped by its surroundings.. not me..
There’s more freedom and peace in being authentic. No filter!
This is exactly what I am doing now. Thank you for the additional motivation and strength to carry on ❤
Keep going ❤ keep being you
This video is spot on! The world would be a much better place if everyone came to this realization.
Thank you. Timing was perfect. Holiday exchanges. Rich with judgment and expectation. Carrying the voices in my head. I’m happy to put them down.
This so true, but remember there are times to care for others, so we always ask GOD for guidance ❤
Thank you 😃❤️
All you have said here is true
My caring for myself starts now!
Thank you. We are born alone and die alone. No one offers to die for us , so why bother to try to be accepted by others.God and the Universe loves us.❤
Namaste ❤
I am doing chakra work....and this is so much aligned. Like always, so beautiful and true. Thank you. 🎈💥❤
When you realise that there's actually NoOne inside, no Person. You are the Light of the World. You are not in the world, the world is in you...
I am enough, just as I am. Wow! I love love your channel. It’s helping me become a better version of myself! Love 💕 Always and forever ME ✨🍀✨
Other people's opinions of us as not our concern
We are in-between the sun and earth free to move anywhere in-between give each other what we need and not need creates happiness!!
In current world conditions WE MUST live for ourselves and take care of us FIRST.
Once I removed toxic people from my life my peace of mind has been immeasurable
Felt so free the other day like I was coming back to myself and enjoying people again Round me. Even though I was stopped and stopped caring what others think. And just really my body was so relaxed as I was on the bus 🚎 going home. Was a really calm enjoyable ride home.
Going to have more of these days
Authenticity attracts authenticity ... an immense sense of freedom ... imagine that your happiness is like a beautiful garden within you @9:50 ... you become the gardener of your own happiness.
Thank You For Your
Phenomenal Global Outreach
People Support 🙏💜🌍💜🙏
Wow ! My dear Soul , you're not only wisdom nugget, but a wisdom fountain to so many people ! I feel blessed to have found your Channel
This is something that I really want to work on! The most important video I’ve seen so far! Thank you for sharing this video
Boy is THIS true!!! Thank you 🙏
Thank you for the beautiful message!❤
Loved this message ❤❤❤
I just came across this one and I am at the point in my existence I am able to allow this to finally happen... It is truly the best gift I could have ever asked for....Anew
This is exactly what I needed to feel and hear this morning ❤
Wow! Wish I learned this in my younger years. Would have saved myself a lot of grief.
At 69 I am getting it, especially after finding out the family excluded me because of my freedom views.😂😂
I don't think you could make your videos any more pertinent to my life! They are perfect every one! I love you for that! Thank you!
Thank you❤. I am enough .
Freedom be myself
Currently worried about a million things at work so this helped!