[ENG SUB] 發綠豆芽 - (粵語版) How to grow Mung Bean Sprouts using Bean Sprouts Machine

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • #種豆芽 #發綠豆芽 #BeanSprouts #BeanSproutsMachine
    Mung bean sprouts are a culinary vegetable grown by sprouting mung beans. They can be grown by placing and watering the sprouted beans in the shade until the hypocotyls grow long.
    Mung bean sprouts are extensively cultivated and consumed in East and Southeast Asia.
    A variety of techniques are used for sprouting mung beans. A common technique for home growers is sprouting the beans in a jar, with a fine mesh or muslin cloth tied over the top
    with a rubber band or string. Fresh water is then poured into the jar three to four times a day; the jars are then upturned and left to drain. The precise growing technique to use depends on the amount that one wants to collect. The main principles are: selecting good seed (new and uniform), ensuring that light reaches the seeds, and also ensuring they receive enough humidity while avoiding waterlogging.[
    How to grow Mung Bean Sprouts
    1) One small cup of Mung bean (about 130 g), washed and soak in
    warm water (30C) for 6 hours or overnight.
    2) Fill the water reservior of the Bean sprout machine with 3 cups
    of water (about 700 grams). Drain water off the beans and spread
    them out on the tray. Install the tube, plug in the water nozzle,
    close the lid, cover with black shading bag, press the power button,
    press the water button, it works right away: spin and spray water
    for about 2 minutes every two hours.
    3) Change the water regularly every day on and after Day 3.
    4) Harvest within five days. If the environment temperature is
    low it may take 6 - 7 days. Remove the fibrous roots with a knife.
    5) Rinse twice to remove husks. Drain and put Bean sprouts in a plastic
    bag and store in the refrigerator.
    1) 催芽: 綠豆l小杯(約130克), 先清洗後
    2) 下料: 豆芽機底盤注入清水3杯(約700克).
    移入膠桶中裝導管, 插上噴水頭, 蓋上蓋子,
    罩上黑色遮光袋子, 按上電源鍵, 按上自動
    淋水鍵, 它就馬上工作: 旋轉噴水約2分鐘
    便停止, 以后每隔兩小時噴水一次.
    3) 換水: 第二天開始每天定時換水一次,
    直至生產完畢. 換水後接通電源, 按上
    電源按鍵和淋水鍵, 看到它重新噴水,
    4) 收成: 以綠芽而五天差不了.如果環境
    溫度略低或者要六至七天. 把篩網連芽菜
    取出來. 首先用刀順篩平面鏟除鬚根.
    5) 漂洗: 漂洗兩次,把豆殼清除. 瀝乾水份
    1) Pre-soak beans in warm water, preferably (~ 30 degrees C). Do not use water that is too cold or too warm.
    2) Not all beans will germinate, genetically modified ones may not germinate. Take a few beans, soak for two days,
    if they germinate, you can use them.
    3) Bean sprouts need water to grow, As they grow, the temperature increases, constant watering cools the plants.
    4) Shading is very important, the whole process must be in the dark, otherwise the Bean sprouts will discolored and
    1) 催芽用温水浸泡最好(約30度C).太冷太热不適宜.
    2) 注意不是任何豆子都會發芽,基因改造的不會發芽.豆子買回来拿幾粒泡水催芽, 兩天後, 發現有爆裂出芽, 証明可以使用.
    3) 淋水很重要:芽菜生長需要水, 芽菜生長會發熱要淋水降温.
    4) 遮光很重要.生產全過程都要套上遮光罩.否則芽菜會變紅-變青-變細-變老-變韌.


  • @gratefulheart5460
    @gratefulheart5460 Рік тому


  • @mcchu3249
    @mcchu3249 2 роки тому


  • @benhu2773
    @benhu2773 2 роки тому


    • @dennykitchen
      @dennykitchen  2 роки тому

      Ben Hu 你好!发黃豆芽和录豆芽的程序完全一樣.我視頻結尾時也出示了,我發黃豆芽的鏡頭.
      你問去那里可以買到黃豆,我的回答是绝大部份超级市場都有黃豆售賣.西人超市多賣包裝的,一磅或两磅裝一包, 華人超市有包裝和袋两種.我建議你去華人超市買散裝的. 先買半磅回來試試.買回來後,做一個小測試,取8至10粒,泡浸約6小時,濾水再用厨房紙包起來,保持濕潤, 兩三天後發有芽爆出,才開始量產.我試過多數的黃豆都可以發芽,.偶爾遇到一些是基因改造的,不發芽.所以先做小測試,有必要.