Indonesia harus bangga, karena boyband terbesar di muka bumi ini (katanya), siapa lagi kalo bukan, BTS. Mereka ga dikasih full stage dan masuk nominasi Grammy. Tapi Joey, dikasih full stage & masuk nominasi. Wow
Iya, karna Grammy itu selektif banget. Nggak peduli penyanyi itu populer sedunia, punya fandom yang besar. Kalau masih dinilai kurang sama Grammy, nggak akan bisa masuk nominasi.
Komentar ini 6 bulan lalu, sekarang tgl 02 maret 2021 dan BTS dapat pengumuman masuk nominasi Grammy sekitar tanggal 24 November 2020.. berarti belum genap 6 bulan. Wah makasih loh ya, Akhirnya BTS masuk nominasi GRAMMY kategori BEST POP DUO/GROUP PERFORMANCE. JOEY & BTS hebat lewat jalan/ talenta mereka masing²... 🙏
orang indo harusnya contoh yang kayak gini nih, kalem-kalem aja, ga banyak sensasi, ga banyak cari perhatian masyarakat, tiba-tiba udah ada di panggung sebesar grammy. Good luck Joey!
If Joey Alxander was just technique, and only technique, you wouldn't see a head moving on the rhythm or a smile on anyone's face. This artist has it all... He's truly amazing.
first time i saw joey playing piano was in Red & White Lounge kemang with Barry Likumahuwa, he was still 9 years old at the time and was amazing as well.. so proud that he can make it this far, really proud!
Aside from his amazing performance (12yrs old, man..12yrs old) i like the way he smiled after the perf, it look like he had fun playing on that stage. Keep that up, Joey. 😍
Sampe merinding nge liatnya...bangga banget anak bangsa bisa berprestasi di Amrik. Dan buat temen-temen,kalo ada anak bangsa yg sukses,jgn malah diolok olok dong,kalian harusnya Jadiin dia panutan ,biar jadi motivasi kalian untuk ngejar impian kalian,dia anak umur 12 tahun aja bisa berprestasi...masak kita yg udah gede gede gak bisa??? Kan maluuuu (siapa bilang bangga sama prestasi anak bangsa itu NORAK???)
Akhirnya ada juga "prodigy" (anak ajaib) orang Indonesia yang dapat standing applause di Grammy. Semoga ada lagi joey-joey lainnya menyusul. Saya pernah lihat anak berbakat lainnya yaitu Indra Lesmana yang sudah hebat main piano ketika umur 6 th di kampus FEUI Salemba th 1978.
Joey Alexander, youngest nominee in 58th Grammy Awards from Bali, Indonesia. Wether it's on your decision or your parents decision but I believed that your passion in music will bring you joy and happiness! Good luck, Joey!
Gilaaaa...masih gk nyangka ada org indonesia bisa tampil di ajang sebesar dan seprestisius Grammy Awards...Maaannn this is The Grammy...THE GRAMMY! All the past, present and future winners are music legends, icons and pioneers! Good luck Joey! You make all indonesian proud :)
I am Indonesian and Indonesia so proud having Joey Alexander the young man who makes the giant steps of music world. I think his performance in this event is proper to him. Hoping Joey would be the next star. We love you Joey! Never stop to be the real star!
I'm embarrassed for everyone who didn't understand the eargasim that just transpired right in front of them. I couldn't just sit there with that excellence. Pure genius Joey! Fantastic job!
It is sad the commercial music world isnt aware of the genius that music can bring. We hear the same crap over and over but this is creative music. He is ALL the greats rolled into one! What an awesome kid!! Keep up the good work bro!!
Joey adalah bakat murni. "Murni" kerana ia tidak dimediasi oleh pengalaman, melalui kajian, mengikut umur. Joey adalah inspirasi tulen. "Murni" kerana ia muncul dari kejelasan jiwa kanak-kanak, yang tidak ditandai oleh kegelapan yang kadang-kadang dijumpai di dalam timbre para pemuzik jazz dewasa, kegelapan yang kadang-kadang membebaskan jazz. Di Joe, jazz adalah ungkapan penglihatan suara yang datang dari atas, jazz adalah keseronokan dan penciptaan yang tulen. Jazz di Joey adalah yang terbaik. Terima kasih Joey kerana menjadi apa yang anda ada.
Wished it was longer. Amazing talent. There are comments out there saying it was probably drilled into him but jazz is highly layered and complex, instinctive. You can practice Chopin over and over but you can never really play a jazz piano piece the same twice.
Mari komennya yg baik-baik dong, yg positiv aja. Ini kan channel International dan yg divideo org Indonesia. Masa terus berantem. Bilang aja : Saya Bangga dan Terima Kasih...
unforgetable dengan wajah joey yg malu" saat dapat tepuk tangan meriah, Dia masih muda, masih banyak waktu untuk berkarya... semoga tahun depan dan seterusnya.. bisa masuk nominasi lagi dan berpeluang dapat grammy... Semangat,
alhamdulillah sepertinya taun 2016 menjadi awal yg baek buat negara ku Indonesia..dua anak bangsa sudah membanggakan, joey alexander dan Rio.haryanto..Subhanallah..
To hear Joey and bypass the preamble, go to 1:12. What he plays is his original composition, "City Lights." To bad he was given only one minute to perform. I've heard him play this same song with his trio for about 9 minutes.
Bravo Joey....we are proud of you, as Indonesian...this kid is so authentic, he plays truly with his heart. He's so genuine...and definitely a REAL DEAL!!! bravo Joey....You make us so tremendously proud!!! We support and love You, always.....
I'm really surprised when I saw so many great musicians like Taylor, The Weeknd, Bruno Mars gave joey standing ovations. I mean joey is great. And I saw my beautiful lady Bella Hadid gave him a standing ovation too. I'm really proud to be Indonesian. Merdeka!!! Let him inspire you, Indonesian people!
+Abdul Jabbar Too bad for majority Indonesian does not know how to appreciate a good music and also our original culture. Most of them prefer the arabian desert culture to replace our beautiful culture.
+Ray Christian Fact : Jazz has become more popular now in Indonesia. A lot of Jazz Festival held in Indonesia, such as Jazz Gunung in Bromo (Yearly Festival, International Standard), Jazz Goes to Campus, Jazz in People Market (Jazz di Pasar), etc.
+Donny Yudisthira Putra Yes Donny, actually Jazz was quite famous in Indonesia since 90 such as JakJazz Festival but unfortunately no support from our last government to bring our musical artist go to International. Hopefully, this time will be different.
+Borname Counts Hi Borname, I'm not being racist and I'm talking about the fact. If you are still following our news we can see what is happening in Purwakarta. Some people try to bring back our original culture but other big group want to destroy them and talking bullshit about their religion way.
bagus lah berkarya di negri yang menghargai musik.... klo di indonesia boro2 dapat nominasi... yang ada musik alay semua yang masuk nominasi dan mendominasi......,...
How lucky you are jo!! Dapat nominasi grammy, tampil di grammy, dapet standing ovation pula pas tampil... Ini jd pljrn untuk rakyat indonesia supaya lebih mengedepankan bakat daripada sensasi yang tidak jelas
Yang bilang overproud, iya lah gua over proud !!!! Coba lihat dalam sejarah, negara mana saja dan berapa orang, nominasi grammy berumur 12 tahun, untuk jazz lagi... BACA : JAZZ. kalau anda tidak bangga, berarti kelas anda sudah bisa di prediksi. BAHKAN ORANG LUAR MAU JOEY JADI WARGANEGARA MEREKA, HE AN ASSET...
I am Indonesian, I am Proud to Joey Alexander. Music no boundries.. At this time we found Joey from INDONESIA. Next may be from another country.. But the aim is to show the WORLD the talent and a new talent. We have the responsibility to keep the continuety of music. Thanks for the GRAMMYs organization that really appreciate the creativity in music include this YOUNG talent.
Joey is amazing!! So proud to see Jazz being represented by every culture! But something has always bugged me about the Grammys. Blue Ivy (Beyonce's daughter) just won a grammy for singing out of tune for like- the last 10 seconds in her mother's music video. Obviously, all of Joey's performances are much more skilled than Blue Ivy's was. And they made a big deal about Blue being "the second youngest to ever win a Grammy" when she really didn't much, compared to what Joey did to be nominated. And no, I don't hate Beyonce or her daughter for it (Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud Brown-Skinned Girl myself!) but this just shows that these awards can be very political and all about categories and social clubs, etc.
umur 12 tahun gue masih maen ps di rumah dan nongkrong ga jelas. lah ini anak umur 12 tahun udh masuk nominee grammy. as an Indonesian I'm really proud with you boy. keep your dream alive and always down to earth
whatever did you say...joey is very2 proud of you..just not because i'm Indonesian, but because you did it very good! so you make Indonesia proud of you..keep rock on!
even though you not win but you already a spectacular person. Joey, stay in US and continue to achieve your dream and don't forget that Indonesian citizens will be always supporting you. #banggapunyajoey
I remember the first time I saw your performance at Goethe-Institut Jakarta (Serambi Jazz event) and then become your new fans. You are awesome, Joey. ;)
This is joey joey belongs to a spesific musicians but joey doesnt hate another music who aren't from his soul or are dfifferent genre, Joey isnt stupid Joey is smart Be Like Joey
Resna Satriansyah Joey Alexander is an authentic musician. He plays on a piano and is producing classical tunes, composition which is missing in today's music. Some of today's artists are you autotune, garageband and cut and pasting to produce some beats.
Try 90% and that's generous. Joey is a true phenom and talent at his level brings hope to a world where most of what passes for music is becoming so benign that nearly anyone with the right "look" can pose as a performer. I hope he is tremendously successful in every context.
the1realanalogman I agree cause with this crazy world we are living in, we need the music to comeback. What happened to real lyricss, music that could make you think. I want to listen to Real Love instead of Bad Blood.
+Donny Yudisthira Putra bukan masalah gaya gayaan.. prestasi itu memang lebih penting tapi kan Joey sudah sekaliber musisi dunia, apalagi sekaliber Grammy, penampilan juga harus dijaga... itu aja sih.
Ini baru Kejutan buat pencinta music tanah air dari seorang bocah tanpa perlu Koar koar kayak Artis/penyanyi yg katanya go internasional tapi kok sepii dan gak ada pengakuan di AS,hi hi hi
+Roy Hans Ini musik mas. Kunci suksesnya ya kreatif, dan berbakat. Anda punya semua ya tidak akan sulit untuk tembus ke mana-mana. Bahasa mungkin berbeda, tapi jika sudah musik, itu bahasa universal. Semua orang mengerti musik. dan tahun 2014 dia sudah manggung di Anugerah Musik Indonesia.
+Roy Hans ini musik jazz bro.. bukan musik dangdut... kiblatnya amerika lah.. buat usia 12 taun dengan level permainan sudah dalem kaya gini (menurt gw sih genius) selevel indra lesmana pun lewat.. ga mungkin dapet apresiasi di indo.. kaya messi di sepak bola,, orang kaya gini langka mungkin 100 taun skali.. world have to know him
nationalism yg gimana nih bro?yg komentar "proud indonesia, indonesia is awesome, wonderful indonesia, indonesia is my country, indonesia very beautiful" di social media gitu?? :)))
Kalo emng norak knp bro? Ajang sekelas grammy aja memberikan apresiasi lebih, knp kita ngga? Orang amerika aja ga semua bisa manggung dsana, banyak yg berbakat dsana tapi ngga semua punya kesempatan seperti joey.
+jeff4justice That young man born, lives and breathes music. No body exploit him, that s what he enjoys doing, he never had piano clases, no body pushed him, he is just a 21th century gifted genius.
joey alexander, kamu memang TOP lah,... beda sama artis indo lain yang berusaha untuk bisa dapat grammy awards, tapi gk kesampaian,... kamu masih muda, tapi udah mengalahkan mereka....
so proud to have Indonesian on the Grammys stage!
Cie Koko 😄
Kevin Hendrawan ko kevin 💕
Why do so few Indonesians make it to the international stage while being the fourth most populous country?
@@MyMotherWasaNinja bcs Indonesian rarely to make english languange at music, mostly indonesian languange
@@forgetit__ Plenty of non english speaking musicians out there.
Bayangin lu umur 12 udah di applause Bruno mars, taylor swift, dan The Weeknd.
G usah balik ke Indonesia Jo, ntar malah diajak bintangin iklan sosis, sinetron alay, dll. Stay there!
He's right stay there kid
+aim buzz hahahaaa iklan sosis
+aim buzz dia tinggal di Bali ke US cuma buat Grammy sama bebrapa project musiknya CMIIW
Good Yeah tp kata BBC dia udah menetap NY karena karir jazznya lbh cepat berkembang disana. Mgkn dia plg kalau kangen²an aja ke Bali.
Indonesia harus bangga, karena boyband terbesar di muka bumi ini (katanya), siapa lagi kalo bukan, BTS.
Mereka ga dikasih full stage dan masuk nominasi Grammy. Tapi Joey, dikasih full stage & masuk nominasi. Wow
Iya, karna Grammy itu selektif banget. Nggak peduli penyanyi itu populer sedunia, punya fandom yang besar. Kalau masih dinilai kurang sama Grammy, nggak akan bisa masuk nominasi.
Joey keren, BTS juga keren, btw mereka masuk nominasi grammy loh, untuk Pop Duo/Group. Both are equally great artists on their own genres.
@@easts.nikola yes❤️
aduh I got a goosebumps
Komentar ini 6 bulan lalu, sekarang tgl 02 maret 2021 dan BTS dapat pengumuman masuk nominasi Grammy sekitar tanggal 24 November 2020.. berarti belum genap 6 bulan.
Wah makasih loh ya, Akhirnya BTS masuk nominasi GRAMMY kategori BEST POP DUO/GROUP PERFORMANCE.
JOEY & BTS hebat lewat jalan/ talenta mereka masing²... 🙏
orang indo harusnya contoh yang kayak gini nih, kalem-kalem aja, ga banyak sensasi, ga banyak cari perhatian masyarakat, tiba-tiba udah ada di panggung sebesar grammy. Good luck Joey!
If Joey Alxander was just technique, and only technique, you wouldn't see a head moving on the rhythm or a smile on anyone's face. This artist has it all... He's truly amazing.
Seeing Herbie smile while this young man was performing... Just beautiful
first time i saw joey playing piano was in Red & White Lounge kemang with Barry Likumahuwa, he was still 9 years old at the time and was amazing as well.. so proud that he can make it this far, really proud!
i wanna see him performs live
Fera Rafana you will amaze for how great that kid playing jazz with that piano 😁
+wii alexander Kapan tu bro,............tipe musiknya sama kyk jazz ginian ya atau lagu biasa kyk mozart gitu..??
+hanif Aja He's a jazz pianist not classical pianist.
osh.....oke oke .....tahnks ...:)
As a Jazz lover - he has internalized dozens of the great jazz pianists and then developed his own sound, Amazing kid.
Go Joey..
We Indonesian are always proud of you, Joey.
Never give up, I hope you'll be the winner in the future.
For you who dont understand what Joey's play is good or badass, you can confirm it by seeing Herbie's smiles
Aside from his amazing performance (12yrs old, man..12yrs old) i like the way he smiled after the perf, it look like he had fun playing on that stage. Keep that up, Joey. 😍
Sampe merinding nge liatnya...bangga banget anak bangsa bisa berprestasi di Amrik. Dan buat temen-temen,kalo ada anak bangsa yg sukses,jgn malah diolok olok dong,kalian harusnya Jadiin dia panutan ,biar jadi motivasi kalian untuk ngejar impian kalian,dia anak umur 12 tahun aja bisa berprestasi...masak kita yg udah gede gede gak bisa??? Kan maluuuu (siapa bilang bangga sama prestasi anak bangsa itu NORAK???)
Gilaaa bangga banget jadi orang Indonesia. Maybe you're not win the award but for me you already a winner, keep up the good work Joey👏👏
Akhirnya ada juga "prodigy" (anak ajaib) orang Indonesia yang dapat standing applause di Grammy. Semoga ada lagi joey-joey lainnya menyusul. Saya pernah lihat anak berbakat lainnya yaitu Indra Lesmana yang sudah hebat main piano ketika umur 6 th di kampus FEUI Salemba th 1978.
Joey Alexander, youngest nominee in 58th Grammy Awards from Bali, Indonesia. Wether it's on your decision or your parents decision but I believed that your passion in music will bring you joy and happiness! Good luck, Joey!
look at that innocent face after the performance, that was my face after accidentally breaking my mom's vase
I hope the vase didn't contain anything sacred :)
Gilaaaa...masih gk nyangka ada org indonesia bisa tampil di ajang sebesar dan seprestisius Grammy Awards...Maaannn this is The Grammy...THE GRAMMY! All the past, present and future winners are music legends, icons and pioneers! Good luck Joey! You make all indonesian proud :)
I am Indonesian and Indonesia so proud having Joey Alexander the young man who makes the giant steps of music world. I think his performance in this event is proper to him. Hoping Joey would be the next star. We love you Joey! Never stop to be the real star!
I'm embarrassed for everyone who didn't understand the eargasim that just transpired right in front of them. I couldn't just sit there with that excellence. Pure genius Joey! Fantastic job!
This video actually makes me cry. Innocence and passion overpowering ego and greed. The look on the crowds faces, disturbed by real talent.
It is sad the commercial music world isnt aware of the genius that music can bring. We hear the same crap over and over but this is creative music. He is ALL the greats rolled into one! What an awesome kid!! Keep up the good work bro!!
Joey adalah bakat murni. "Murni" kerana ia tidak dimediasi oleh pengalaman, melalui kajian, mengikut umur. Joey adalah inspirasi tulen. "Murni" kerana ia muncul dari kejelasan jiwa kanak-kanak, yang tidak ditandai oleh kegelapan yang kadang-kadang dijumpai di dalam timbre para pemuzik jazz dewasa, kegelapan yang kadang-kadang membebaskan jazz. Di Joe, jazz adalah ungkapan penglihatan suara yang datang dari atas, jazz adalah keseronokan dan penciptaan yang tulen. Jazz di Joey adalah yang terbaik. Terima kasih Joey kerana menjadi apa yang anda ada.
I love Herbie's expression when Joey's playing. Amazing kid.
salah 1 pianist Indonesia yang di hargai dan di nikmati oleh musisi internasional.bangga Indonesia ........saluuut
Wished it was longer. Amazing talent. There are comments out there saying it was probably drilled into him but jazz is highly layered and complex, instinctive. You can practice Chopin over and over but you can never really play a jazz piano piece the same twice.
Otherworldly skills. I've seen Joey's videos across UA-cam and I'm totally speachless.
Mari komennya yg baik-baik dong, yg positiv aja. Ini kan channel International dan yg divideo org Indonesia. Masa terus berantem. Bilang aja : Saya Bangga dan Terima Kasih...
unforgetable dengan wajah joey yg malu" saat dapat tepuk tangan meriah, Dia masih muda, masih banyak waktu untuk berkarya... semoga tahun depan dan seterusnya.. bisa masuk nominasi lagi dan berpeluang dapat grammy... Semangat,
alhamdulillah sepertinya taun 2016 menjadi awal yg baek buat negara ku Indonesia..dua anak bangsa sudah membanggakan, joey alexander dan Rio.haryanto..Subhanallah..
Sekarang udah ada iko uwais, cecep dan yayan, joe taslim, rich brian, NIKI, banyak dah
To hear Joey and bypass the preamble, go to 1:12. What he plays is his original composition, "City Lights." To bad he was given only one minute to perform. I've heard him play this same song with his trio for about 9 minutes.
+Amy Tan Agreed. It was too short! I've heard "City Lights" too on livestream, so beautiful. And I'm excited to hear more from Joey's next album.
I love "Sunday Waltz" also 😊😊
And he is Damn genius to be able to pick the best 1 minute of that awesome piece
amazing...sampai diperkenalkan sendiri dari president recording academy...luar biasa joey alexander
i feel the mature sense of music radiating from you that i only get in artists who have been doing it for years. :) cheers man
teruslah berkarya dan tetaplah rendah hati! aku bangga menjadi orang Indonesia karena anak muda Indonesia sepertimu. God bless you!
Bravo Joey....we are proud of you, as Indonesian...this kid is so authentic, he plays truly with his heart. He's so genuine...and definitely a REAL DEAL!!! bravo Joey....You make us so tremendously proud!!! We support and love You, always.....
I'm really surprised when I saw so many great musicians like Taylor, The Weeknd, Bruno Mars gave joey standing ovations. I mean joey is great. And I saw my beautiful lady Bella Hadid gave him a standing ovation too. I'm really proud to be Indonesian. Merdeka!!! Let him inspire you, Indonesian people!
+Abdul Jabbar Lets make jazz and classical music even more popular here! :D
+Abdul Jabbar Too bad for majority Indonesian does not know how to appreciate a good music and also our original culture. Most of them prefer the arabian desert culture to replace our beautiful culture.
+Ray Christian Fact : Jazz has become more popular now in Indonesia. A lot of Jazz Festival held in Indonesia, such as Jazz Gunung in Bromo (Yearly Festival, International Standard), Jazz Goes to Campus, Jazz in People Market (Jazz di Pasar), etc.
+Donny Yudisthira Putra Yes Donny, actually Jazz was quite famous in Indonesia since 90 such as JakJazz Festival but unfortunately no support from our last government to bring our musical artist go to International. Hopefully, this time will be different.
+Borname Counts Hi Borname, I'm not being racist and I'm talking about the fact. If you are still following our news we can see what is happening in Purwakarta. Some people try to bring back our original culture but other big group want to destroy them and talking bullshit about their religion way.
Indonesia harusnya bangga, karena Joey udah 4 tahun yang lalu berdiri di panggung Grammy daripada Flower Boy BaTuEs yang kalian overproud-kan.
bagus lah berkarya di negri yang menghargai musik.... klo di indonesia boro2 dapat nominasi... yang ada musik alay semua yang masuk nominasi dan mendominasi......,...
+kucing1111 setuju banget dah
skedar info, dia pernah ikut jd bintang tamu kok di Anugerah Musik Indonesia (AMI) Awards, jd scr tidak lgsg dia sdh dihargai di Indonesia
+kucing1111 ahahhaha bener bgt
Haha betul
+kucing1111 setuju!!!
How lucky you are jo!! Dapat nominasi grammy, tampil di grammy, dapet standing ovation pula pas tampil... Ini jd pljrn untuk rakyat indonesia supaya lebih mengedepankan bakat daripada sensasi yang tidak jelas
Yang bilang overproud, iya lah gua over proud !!!!
Coba lihat dalam sejarah, negara mana saja dan berapa orang, nominasi grammy berumur 12 tahun, untuk jazz lagi...
kalau anda tidak bangga, berarti kelas anda sudah bisa di prediksi. BAHKAN ORANG LUAR MAU JOEY JADI WARGANEGARA MEREKA, HE AN ASSET...
Wow, super happy to see this!
Was looking through his videos lately and now he plays at the grammy's.
Herbie approved. ✔ he smiled like a proud grandpa there. 😄
Of course he's very proud. At the age of eight, Joey played piano for Herbie Hancock. Joey said, "He (Herbie) encouraged me to be the best."
I am sorry..who us herbie hancock.. I just know joey.. And benson.. :)
@@hotmasatrya2710 He's one of the best ever.
Coz they already met up at indonesia
You see who's gave standing ovation to you joey? that's truly winner.. you win their hearts, you win super stars hearts...
When Herbie Hancock watches you play and smile thinking something like: "very well boy". 1:45
omg! the music was awsomeeee! plus joey are still 12 years old.. I can't believe that. Proud to be an Indonesian.
joey's smile brighter than my future LOL !!
this kid is dope! goodluck on your future!!! so proud being indonesian!
Made me think my childhood wasted on so many useless thing.
Bravo Joey Alexander, keep up the good work.
You have made your music " one of my favorite things". I wish you much success, Joey
life couldnt get anyway better seeing Herbie Hancock enjoying your music
as an Indonesian, I'm very very proud of you, Joey, amazing kid! congrats boy!
@1:46 Even Herbie Hancock was smiling and headbanging to Joey's playing!! Congrats!!
I am Indonesian, I am Proud to Joey Alexander.
Music no boundries.. At this time we found Joey from INDONESIA. Next may be from another country..
But the aim is to show the WORLD the talent and a new talent.
We have the responsibility to keep the continuety of music.
Thanks for the GRAMMYs organization that really appreciate the creativity in music include this YOUNG talent.
Joey is amazing!! So proud to see Jazz being represented by every culture! But something has always bugged me about the Grammys. Blue Ivy (Beyonce's daughter) just won a grammy for singing out of tune for like- the last 10 seconds in her mother's music video. Obviously, all of Joey's performances are much more skilled than Blue Ivy's was.
And they made a big deal about Blue being "the second youngest to ever win a Grammy" when she really didn't much, compared to what Joey did to be nominated. And no, I don't hate Beyonce or her daughter for it (Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud Brown-Skinned Girl myself!) but this just shows that these awards can be very political and all about categories and social clubs, etc.
Joey Alexander, we proud of you..
And we from Indonesia will always support you...
Congrates talented boy...
Herbie was groovin' too :D Awesome
umur 12 tahun gue masih maen ps di rumah dan nongkrong ga jelas. lah ini anak umur 12 tahun udh masuk nominee grammy. as an Indonesian I'm really proud with you boy. keep your dream alive and always down to earth
bangganya dapet standing applause dari artis top dunia
This kid has serious soul, so much talent, wow!
all the "artists" standing up at the end like "wow, i wish i had real talent and the ability to make my own music like this kid"
whatever did you say...joey is very2 proud of you..just not because i'm Indonesian, but because you did it very good! so you make Indonesia proud of you..keep rock on!
Luar biasa Joey, berkat Tuhan luar biasa padamu. 🙏🏻 Sukses selalu Joey Alexender
even though you not win but you already a spectacular person. Joey, stay in US and continue to achieve your dream and don't forget that Indonesian citizens will be always supporting you. #banggapunyajoey
Taylor Swift was right in front of him giving him a standing ovation. I would have lost my chill right there on stage if I were him.
I remember the first time I saw your performance at Goethe-Institut Jakarta (Serambi Jazz event) and then become your new fans.
You are awesome, Joey. ;)
nice of the grammys to include an actual musician in the proceedings. ;-)
woww.. he's so cool btw.. we are indonesian proud of you joey!!
This is joey
joey belongs to a spesific musicians
but joey doesnt hate another music
who aren't from his soul or are dfifferent genre, Joey isnt stupid
Joey is smart
Be Like Joey
Very Proud Having This Boy Representing INDONESIA..
That was a Sick piano Playing Broo..
Good Bless You..!!!!
1:44 legend approve
Aku suka bagaimana sikap ia menerima pujian. Still humble and spread good smile.
Half of those artists in the audience aren't even doing real music.
+delirous8 what you mean ?
Resna Satriansyah Joey Alexander is an authentic musician. He plays on a piano and is producing classical tunes, composition which is missing in today's music. Some of today's artists are you autotune, garageband and cut and pasting to produce some beats.
+delirous8 definetly.
Try 90% and that's generous. Joey is a true phenom and talent at his level brings hope to a world where most of what passes for music is becoming so benign that nearly anyone with the right "look" can pose as a performer. I hope he is tremendously successful in every context.
the1realanalogman I agree cause with this crazy world we are living in, we need the music to comeback. What happened to real lyricss, music that could make you think. I want to listen to Real Love instead of Bad Blood.
So proud of Little Joey, go ahead spreads your wings
Probably more talented than any performer there, and it's sad that half the tacky pop artists can't recognize how good this is.
This is an extraordinary and rarely Indonesian people who can get into the prestigious nominations and unbelievably outstanding
jangan sekolah di indo dulu joe, nanti rambutmu di potong lo ma guru bk....hehe
+Jumhan Akhirudin wassu....................Memang bener
wkwkwk bener
komen mantap
+Jumhan Akhirudin XD
it was amazing ! proud of you Joey!
pengen banget nyukur rambutnya Joey :(
Norak komen
+claryn anita Itu tampilan anak genius...yg penting skill ngga perlu gaya-2an. Ngga kayak anak-2 muda skrg yg penting gaya doang....
+Ray Christian Can't agree more with you. Setuju banget. Yang penting itu prestasi, bukan gaya.
+Donny Yudisthira Putra bukan masalah gaya gayaan.. prestasi itu memang lebih penting tapi kan Joey sudah sekaliber musisi dunia, apalagi sekaliber Grammy, penampilan juga harus dijaga... itu aja sih.
So Proud
Gw gak bisa bayangin kalo joey main di dahsyat. itu penonton bayaran gimana jogetnya ya . . LOL
Biasa joget "Jemur-Kucek" , Jadi bengong. .Wkwkwkw
+Ryad Zulkarnaen ha ha ha ha .. Joget jemur Kucek LOL gw sampe jungkir balik ketawanya ......
+Gino Maudhi Hahahaha... gak kebayang dah.
komen paling dasyat ini gw rasa
komen lu lebih dahsyat dari acara asli nye bisa bisanye kasih nama jemur kucek wkwkwk
hahaha ada" aja loe gan
Joey,Indonesia really proud of you! You are awesome!
Don’t know this kid, and I was half expecting him to play the Charlie Brown theme song
Ini baru Kejutan buat pencinta music tanah air dari seorang bocah tanpa perlu Koar koar kayak Artis/penyanyi yg katanya go internasional tapi kok sepii dan gak ada pengakuan di AS,hi hi hi
A gift from GOD for music lovers
Thanks Joey...
We are proud of you and dont forget the homeland...
Gw umur 12 masih mancing pake upil
+NenekTerbang lah situ mendingan , ane mancing upil malah :v
upil lu gede kali ye
@@devyrelliani2163 hahaha gimana rasanya bro? 😂
Hahaha lucu2
Nice guy! Indonesia bangga dengan bakat yang di miliki Joey A
Dihargai di luar negeri, tidak dihargai oleh di bangsa sendiri..
Di sini mah yang di kenal sensasi doang bro
I can't imagine in that young age, can give a show to a grammys and get a standing applause of world artists, he's so damn lucky
That women at 1:50 was so rude by rolling her eyes and giving him a nasty face.
Proud of you, Joey! God bless!
benar from bali.... tapi orang luar yang buat dia di expos seluruh dinia... dimana indonesia? dukungan pun tak ada.
+Roy Hans Ini musik mas. Kunci suksesnya ya kreatif, dan berbakat. Anda punya semua ya tidak akan sulit untuk tembus ke mana-mana. Bahasa mungkin berbeda, tapi jika sudah musik, itu bahasa universal. Semua orang mengerti musik. dan tahun 2014 dia sudah manggung di Anugerah Musik Indonesia.
yang buat kenalin dia ke publik amerika itu Indra Lesmana, mas.
Ini pasti salah Jokowi ya mas. Hmmmmm.. sudah kuduga..wkwkwkwk..
+Roy Hans ini musik jazz bro.. bukan musik dangdut... kiblatnya amerika lah.. buat usia 12 taun dengan level permainan sudah dalem kaya gini (menurt gw sih genius) selevel indra lesmana pun lewat.. ga mungkin dapet apresiasi di indo.. kaya messi di sepak bola,, orang kaya gini langka mungkin 100 taun skali.. world have to know him
So proud of you Joey♥♥♥ :D keeping on your track & stay humble :)) God Bless u always wonder boy...
itu yg komen proud proud im indonesia norak belum pernah diolesin balsem ya :D
+Alvin Soekotjo kalo ngga proud apalagi...apa cuma bisa ngejek doang...Kayaknya emang bener kalo negara ini krisis nationalism...
nationalism yg gimana nih bro?yg komentar "proud indonesia, indonesia is awesome, wonderful indonesia, indonesia is my country, indonesia very beautiful" di social media gitu?? :)))
+maxim Yoii bro..... Joey ini anak luar biasa lho...langka..apa ndak jadi kebanggaan tuh??? Anehhh...
Emang kenapa sih mas? Kasian loh org Indonesia sampe norak kaya gitu berarti kan bangganya minta ampun..
Kalo emng norak knp bro? Ajang sekelas grammy aja memberikan apresiasi lebih, knp kita ngga? Orang amerika aja ga semua bisa manggung dsana, banyak yg berbakat dsana tapi ngga semua punya kesempatan seperti joey.
Esse 'muleke' de 12 anos é um gênio musical... Com 12 anos ele improvisa no piano como ninguém. Indicado ao GRAMMY's.
Not cool to use the kid for that agenda. Pay artists yes but no need to exploit that young man's moment for that.
+jeff4justice That young man born, lives and breathes music. No body exploit him, that s what he enjoys doing, he never had piano clases, no body pushed him, he is just a 21th century gifted genius.
+saag111 I think he refers to Neil not Joey
+M E Ranndall Tarigan totally agree with you
well done joey! you deserve to be nominated..
What song is this
+Tala Fondungallah City Lights by Joey Alexander
joey alexander, kamu memang TOP lah,... beda sama artis indo lain yang berusaha untuk bisa dapat grammy awards, tapi gk kesampaian,... kamu masih muda, tapi udah mengalahkan mereka....