Is Roaming Bad in Low Elo? I Tested it Myself to Find Out.

  • Опубліковано 13 лип 2024
  • Level Up Your Gameplay & Mentality:
    Say Hi on Twitch! / cupcakeoce
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    My OP.GG:
    Roaming Fundamentals video: • How to Roam Effectivel...
    00:00 - Intro
    01:45 - Roaming Fundamentals
    02:44 - My Roams In Low Elo
    15:26 - Low Elo Support Roams
    24:37 - Differences Between Low & High Elo
    26:24 - Theories
    28:42 - Outro
    Music: Rest - Otis McDonald
    Support by RFM - NCM:
    #support #leagueoflegends #vision #ganks #coachcupcake


  • @gse2057
    @gse2057 3 місяці тому +22

    as a support main, that escaped bronze and silver by PERMA ROAMING as rakan, i can say that roams are op in low elo. Basically i always roamed whent voidgrubs spawned, so i could safely secure the objective with my jungler and after that i would go for either a gank mid or toplane. Good part about roaming in low elo is that enemy mid/top or even jungle dont really expect you to be anywhere but botlane. On the other hand, when you roam, your adc WILL die. Still having 0/5 adc for a win is a good trade. In my experience, in order to escape low elo, you NEED to play for your jungler or/and your main carry, so that means a lot of roaming.

    • @donavan.anderson.7521
      @donavan.anderson.7521 3 місяці тому

      Ty I got you. I'll let you know if I get out of bronze with your advice. And if it dose than other who see this will also do well

    • @BigFarda
      @BigFarda 3 місяці тому +3

      You can escape bronze and silver with literally any strategy

    • @Ffoo_ffighter
      @Ffoo_ffighter 3 місяці тому

      You catn carry ur shit silver adc in lane. Even if he gets kills, he still useless.

    • @prodev4012
      @prodev4012 3 місяці тому

      Escape? How do you even get bronze or silver to begin with? Wtf? You should be placing s3-s2 with +50 and then skipping to g2 and then plat within several days

    • @Fyrelangs
      @Fyrelangs Місяць тому +2

      ​@@prodev4012 by starting ranked when you don't know the game much. And your tone comes off condescending

  • @MysticBlueFox
    @MysticBlueFox 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you so much going into greater depth on this topic! I really do appreciate your varied examples.
    In another video you made I commented about the prospects roaming in lower ranks and you requested replays, but I had unfortunately none to share since I haven't been playing for awhile. I don't think many content creators talk about specifics as much as this so it's very refreshing to see.

  • @marcelloghin6639
    @marcelloghin6639 3 місяці тому

    Good to see some examples and tips to improve roaming in low elo Coach Cupcake, much appreciated :).

  • @MultiUkkoPekka
    @MultiUkkoPekka 3 місяці тому +2

    My brother in christ you have a higher apm coaching than I have playing 😅

  • @icecoldjuice
    @icecoldjuice 3 місяці тому

    Love the video and content I think your conclusions are spot on besides I think your underestimating adc miss playing/tilting even with proper communication on our part. That being said roaming op

  • @ggelidoUwU
    @ggelidoUwU 3 місяці тому +2

    Just ignore the part of the community who refuses to learn. Its always the same "i cant climb cause i dont have damage!" "warding is usseless cause people at my elo dont watch the map!" "i cant roam cause my adc is going to die!" just trying to justify why they are not doing their work.
    Dont want to sound rude but man, its a pain in the ass cause that attitude gives a lot of false info to new players who actually want to get better.
    You want to climb? embrace your identity as a support of whatever class you are and do your chores.

  • @Fyrelangs
    @Fyrelangs Місяць тому

    14:35 apart from them being respectful what else allows this next roam instead of say stacking a wave bot? Is it that vi was near?

  • @liricoteca
    @liricoteca 10 днів тому

    I got diamond playing OTP Soraka from Bronze IV in less than 2 years. In my experience, in silver and gold, just roaming to both heralds (I know that atm there is only 1 herald) was enough too carry games making the difference when the other support ignored hearld.
    I escape from silver/gold just securing heralds haha. Imagine how important roaming is in low elo.
    The main goal a support in low elo is having more impact in the game than the opponent support. If u can do that, you are going to climb no matter what.

  • @goldensea03idk51
    @goldensea03idk51 3 місяці тому

    Are all of his links not working for anyone else? The discord and the SOS links aren’t working

    • @CoachCupcake
      @CoachCupcake  3 місяці тому

      The only relevant link now is my website link, which gives you discord access once you sign up:

  • @Zirt_Nerd
    @Zirt_Nerd 3 місяці тому

    I had a similar idea as well and I think I identified the main problem with people complaining that their ADC is dying. When they roam, most of them are not roaming on good timers. This means pushing out the wave and resetting with your laner to secure a solid timer. (or push and insta roam) Also realizing why you are roaming is important. Are we playing for grubs because we have a trundle/illaoi? Are we trying to help our azir scale into late game? I feel like a lot of lower elo players issues (mine included) is identifying the win con of the game and figuring out how you fit into that role with your champ.
    Also in your next video you should go over wave states. I feel like you mention it a few times, but I don't know if newer players will pick up what each one means. Maybe explain why you choose to move to mid based on the wave state (IE: mid is frozen on our side, their mid has to break it and walk up) ect. Good video overall man, cheers

  • @Edwards87
    @Edwards87 3 місяці тому

    What is the best way to play when you are an engage support, the team is behind, yet they refuse to make initiative safe plays/objectives (like pushing lanes) and are just constantly reacting to whatever plays the enemy team makes (I mean this is obviously necessary, but it seems like sometimes they get into this trance after a play is finished, wait for the enemy to make the next play (even if they succesfully defended a siege or won a tf/objective!) losing precious tempo. Too often I find myself reacting taking over a task that shouldn’t be mine (like waveclearing a pushed in lane, because the teammate who should is either dead, chasing fights, basing inappropriate, etc). This is especially awful on a support that has terrible waveclear (tank or enchanter). I do prioritize warding objectives, clearing wards or making plays with the team member with the most dmg. What else can you do in a situation like this? Is it perhaps better to just not push a lane at all so that another teammember must respond to the dead inhib that will otherwise result and hope the team will group for it and continue on a more cohesive teamplay pattern from there? Or perhaps is it more important to assess how responsive teammates are too your pings and calls and if they are not it is just better to mostly follow around the potential carry around the map and have them make the majority of the decisions, even if these are mediocre you can try to keep them alive more?
    This video was quite useful, I was always paranoid I am missing out on too much exp due to roams, but seeing this made it seem very worthwhile. The support role is not about maxing out exp, but creating win conditions helping other roles win theirs by applying your unique utility, plus unsettling the enemy team with fog of war like you demonstrated. Also any exp you miss, your adc will get more, and you can still share a wave with a mid laner after a successful gank as well.
    I think this ties in with my mild ocd over missed exp/gold. I get triggered when I see a mid or adc just wasting time and not catching a wave or a lane not being properly pushed. This is not such an issue when I play a mage with decent waveclear, you can shortly catch a wave solo as a support occasionally in the mid game, but I really need to get rid of that habit.

  • @user-mx3pg4xx8k
    @user-mx3pg4xx8k 3 місяці тому

    Great video, thanks Cupcake. I have extremely limited experience of very low elo, I got into Gold very easily so don't have much personal experience applicable to this video. I agree that you debunked this myth.

  • @Saintspit
    @Saintspit 3 місяці тому

    imo there is no discution, roaming is efective in every game as support.
    the thing is as support you need to know your windows to roam and you need to know when you are on advantage as support to spread your lead to your teammates.
    the thing is bronce supports usually dont know their windows that's why some players think roaming is bad becouse they usually fucked it up and give up EXP and gold from their own lanes, and it's totally understandable becouse knowing those windows is usually a thing you start learning in much high elo like gold-plat.
    but if you know how to do a good roaming and your windows to do it, you can speedrun low elo.
    actually im just comming back to lol from a +3 year break from the game and i have 90% wr just for roaming and working with my junglers i started arround iron something and now im bronze 1 in just 10 games.
    so yeah, roaming is a very good strat to learn.

  • @ClubNicholas
    @ClubNicholas 3 місяці тому +3


  • @VizerPS
    @VizerPS 3 місяці тому

    he means the JIG is up
    a gig is a part time job

  • @patricktarver4573
    @patricktarver4573 Місяць тому

    I think if you're roaming this well you're already on your way out of low elo
    It's said you can't roam in low elo because awareness and skill level isn't high enough yet to make it worth it
    I totally understand what you're saying and I agree roaming is fruitful and important, but just saying in low elo you're probably learning how to 2v2 and get vision

  • @lunaw2174
    @lunaw2174 3 місяці тому

    I think low elo supports argue this point because they do better just being in lane than failing roams time after time again, they have to learn how to roam before it's actually useful, but like you said, they blame their adc when it fails (and they also love to roam while the adc is against stuff they can't just play safe against like Jhin/nautilus or Xerath/Varus. if you're alone against that you just die under tower to them diving with ult off cooldown)

  • @meikekaper4867
    @meikekaper4867 2 місяці тому

    I believe I just played an aram against you. I would have played better if I knew you would be there. I was playing Janna on adcNanny. And you were carrying the game on Pyke.

  • @graduation92
    @graduation92 3 місяці тому +11

    I mean you're still challenger player with challenger understanding of the game and mechanics. With all due respect, I don't think this proves much... maybe if you coached someone in real time to tell them when and where to go, and have them execute the plays mechanically? Not sure, it would still be a bit iffy but a much more accurate representation.

    • @CoachCupcake
      @CoachCupcake  3 місяці тому +19

      Sure that could've been helpful too. I think this does give solid evidence that roaming is not inherently bad in low elo, although that doesn't mean it's easy to roam well. The whole point was to dispel the myth that anything besides yourself is the reason your roams are unsuccessful.

    • @jobosno
      @jobosno 3 місяці тому +4

      I think this is pretty well covered though, because the intro outlines the specific claim this is responding to: people who say that roaming is ineffective because of external factors in low elo. If the argument were that "you can climb solely by roaming" then that'd be different because yeah, challenger players have different reads and and process more information faster than low elo players, and you can't really remove that from a challenger player's brain by having them smurf. But the experiment here proves that those external factors (a low elo ADC, etc) don't actually make much of a difference if you're playing smart - you're not sabotaging yourself by roaming in low elo.
      If you're worried about bad mechanics being an issue, that's a different point, but even then I think that's covered by the clips from actual low elo players in this video

    • @Arden747
      @Arden747 3 місяці тому +1

      But even when he is a challenger player this shows that its possible and the reason why roaming doesnt work for you is something you can change.

    • @Zirt_Nerd
      @Zirt_Nerd 3 місяці тому +1

      im sorry but you don't need hand to execute a roam on janna. this take is weak. walk up and press w into q boom you're emerald at minimum now because u left lane.

    • @HanyuuHOLO
      @HanyuuHOLO 3 місяці тому +3

      You missed the point of the video. He's just debunking a narrative: "roaming in low elo is bad". He's showing you that it's not bad, and that the reason why your roams are unsuccesful is because you don't know how to roam properly, and your energy should go into focusing on improving your roaming fundamentals rather than complaining about your lack of success and blaming it on externals.

  • @nathanielmohr9622
    @nathanielmohr9622 3 місяці тому

    Roams being good or not depends a lot on what your champ is good at vs what the enemy champ is good at. If you're an Ahri and you're not perma-roaming, you're trolling. If you're a Xerath and you don't have good vision, aren't tracking the enemy jungler, and don't have your R, and you're roaming at all, you're trolling. If you're Vlad and the enemy champ is an Ahri, you're going to struggle a lot to find good roam opportunities.

  • @macadaymo9226
    @macadaymo9226 3 місяці тому

    you should probably get a bronze player to play and get them to roam rather than smurfing and ruining it for the other 9 players

    • @Fyrelangs
      @Fyrelangs Місяць тому

      He was testing a hypothesis about roaming. Whether he did it or someone else did it doesn't really change anything.
      One could even argue having a bronze player do it might make the data worse because they might not even be executing the roams properly.

    • @macadaymo9226
      @macadaymo9226 Місяць тому

      @@Fyrelangs they will be roaming in their own elo. fuck smurfs

    • @macadaymo9226
      @macadaymo9226 Місяць тому

      @@Fyrelangs it's like a gm chess player opening with the bong cloud. it really doesn't mean it's a good opening but there is no way they will lose.. really means nothing and ruins the game for everyone else in that lobby.

  • @matteverga
    @matteverga 3 місяці тому

    all this mistake never happen in silver to punish

  • @Somestupidloser
    @Somestupidloser 3 місяці тому

    Like what everyone else is saying, it doesn't make any sense being the person actually playing this game here. You aren't proving your point other than a high elo support can roam against low elo people.
    As an ADC main, it's not that I don't think roaming can't yield good results, it's just that when it doesn't go well, you are both putting yourself AND your laner behind. Most Emerald supports have no real understanding of roam timers and will just grief both the bot lane AND the solo lanes more times than not.
    It's a hard skill to learn and can easily lose you a game.

    • @HanyuuHOLO
      @HanyuuHOLO 3 місяці тому +1

      Being bad at roaming will put you and your ADC behind just like how being bad at laning will do the same. What you're saying... makes too much sense in a way, it's obvious and irrelevant.