I was pretty stupid to bet on UOSA (Union of South Africa). A4s are good at flat out high speeds but they don't do well with heavy loads. Surprised me that Duchess of Sutherland won that one. One of the most beautiful trains I have ever seen too.
If you wanna find engines like Lazer jet you will have to search on google or anything else and type these following names to find more engines Just trains train simulator Precision Locomotive Developments (BossmanGames) Caledonia Works SteamSoundsSupreme And for American engines DSGDDR (Their engines are free) thats all I know for now I will comeback if I know more SteamSoundsSupreme or Victory Works
flying scotsman looks great in LNER apple green,with two tenders and iit's one of all A1/A3 locomotives I like.The A1/A3's are my newest favorite on the british side of steaam
That reminds me, If you have been reading my suggestions for the invisible tracks Flying Scotsman episode, can you do the Flying Scotsman from this episode?
Thomas and friends tender engines are 1. James 🚂 2. Edward 🚂 3. Gordon 🚂 4. Henry 🚂. 5. Donald 🚂 6. Connor 7. Flying Scotsman 🚂 8. Heiro🚂 9. City of Tero🚂
More live stream racing all of the fans and friends can pick their own favourite or any train you wanna do that Everyone LaZeR JET give me a thumbs up below
Duchess of Sutherland might not be the most streamlined or the fastest but she was the strongest of the bunch and had a great advantage when it comes to pulling the coaches. Proves speed isn’t the only factor of this race.
Technically it wasn't fair for flying Scotsman because she was carrying two tenders so she could've of been 1st Also Oliver im a really big fan can you do mayflower 60103 vs A1 tornado with Pullman coaches pls
Wow the streamliners actually lost to a non-streamlined engine I actually don’t feel sorry for bittern or union of South Africa I’m actually impressed that the LMS actually beat the LNER this time.
hey lazer jet wanna see something fast and cool? so basically, get the super class 47 and get a VERY but INCREDIBLY long track and if u pass 447 mph in the super class 47 and it starts acceleratiing 75 mph every second!
I think it's City of Truro because it's light weighted and has four big wheels so if a train had 4 big wheels and 4 smaller one and its light it would win if I have to be honest.
Can you make a race that has mallard flying Scotsman with 2 tenders and apple green same with tornado and city of Turo 9f and a merchant navy of your choice
I was pretty stupid to bet on UOSA (Union of South Africa). A4s are good at flat out high speeds but they don't do well with heavy loads. Surprised me that Duchess of Sutherland won that one. One of the most beautiful trains I have ever seen too.
You are one my favourite train simulator player so much I got train simulator to 😊😊😊😊
If you wanna find engines like Lazer jet you will have to search on google or anything else and type these following names to find more engines
Just trains train simulator
Precision Locomotive Developments (BossmanGames)
Caledonia Works
And for American engines
DSGDDR (Their engines are free)
thats all I know for now I will comeback if I know more
SteamSoundsSupreme or Victory Works
I honestly thought that City of Truro was going to make a late comeback like she did in the other races
City of Truro: yo, hold my beer!
Pause in 7:51 that's a nice shot of this video
That was made to Day I’m so happy
To days ago Saw Castle Class and duchess of sutherland With my step brother and my step dad and it was awesome 👏🤩😎
This is like Thomas and friends, strength, and speed competition mixed
Flying scotsman is also my favourite engine in the world too Oliver
Lets see who is faster: The Duchess of Hamilton vs. Coronation. Red and Yellow vs. Blue and White.
Coronation train and duchess of Hamilton
I had the same idea
theyre both the same class meaning the race is pointless
Thx love trains
flying scotsman looks great in LNER apple green,with two tenders and iit's one of all A1/A3 locomotives I like.The A1/A3's are my newest favorite on the british side of steaam
Great race LaZeR JET 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Nice video like and subscribed from Czech Republic 🙂👍👍👍
Hi lazerjet I live in Australia and my favourite train is the 3801
It’s probably that glitch again where the Coronation runs out of steam and slows down.
Thank you for reminding me that I saw Clan Line last Saturday :)
Can you do this race again but without the choaches
Am rooting for any a4
It’s a bit unfair for the locos who have 2 tenders because that ways the same as another mrk1 coach
That reminds me, If you have been reading my suggestions for the invisible tracks Flying Scotsman episode, can you do the Flying Scotsman from this episode?
Great video, LaZeR!
I'm impressed with Duchess because I thought another one was gonna win but wow! I'm impressed with duchess! KEEP UP THE WORK OLIVER IM LOVING SO FAR
Thomas and friends tender engines are
1. James 🚂
2. Edward 🚂
3. Gordon 🚂
4. Henry 🚂.
5. Donald 🚂
6. Connor
7. Flying Scotsman 🚂
8. Heiro🚂
9. City of Tero🚂
Gresley locomotives is using corridor tenders
At 7:52 the blue locomotive’s wheels were moving but the locomotive wasn’t because of the lag
It is moving
Yaaaaaaaaaay my favourite A4 Bittern wooooooooooooowwwoooooooooooooo
We do need to see the programming because what if we don’t know how to do it
More live stream racing all of the fans and friends can pick their own favourite or any train you wanna do that Everyone LaZeR JET give me a thumbs up below
Duchess of Sutherland might not be the most streamlined or the fastest but she was the strongest of the bunch and had a great advantage when it comes to pulling the coaches. Proves speed isn’t the only factor of this race.
What do you use to make custom skins for the locomotives? Substance Painter?
Who else noticed that this is his 200th train simulater video?
Hey Lazer I'm not well, I've got a cold and a headache. By the way why weren't you live this Saturday?
my favourite locomotive ever is Tornado
0:01 Hello everyone i just woke up..
hello lazer jet could you do a race with every train you have pls? that would be fantastic😁😁😁😁
Technically it wasn't fair for flying Scotsman because she was carrying two tenders so she could've of been 1st
Also Oliver im a really big fan can you do mayflower 60103 vs A1 tornado with Pullman coaches pls
duches of southerland siderods are like wavy
I want bittern British railways tornado to win 🏆
greetings all tender engines
Just asking can you do E2 think engine vs duchess of Hamilton please
Tornado all the way!
I wanna see you buying a c1 Atlantic in the game.
Oh no it’s the sussy red imposter
Me:Go Gordon's big brother and the famous visitor !!!
Hey LaZer jet can you do with strengh challenge
Duchess of Sutherland IS ROYALTY
Tornado got her second place metal.
New sub
Just like one of your old videos from 2018
maybe tornado could catch up and win
Ok no problem with that
Im thinking bittern might win because its an a4 and its streamlined so I think that might win
A3 flying Scotsman.
Hey Lazer could you please do repton Vs tornado?
Laserjet I think that Bittern is going to win the race.
The duchess of Sutherland’s number is wrong it’s painted red but they forgot to number it 6233 instead of 46233
Wow the streamliners actually lost to a non-streamlined engine I actually don’t feel sorry for bittern or union of South Africa I’m actually impressed that the LMS actually beat the LNER this time.
yes because some of these locos are 10+ years old without good physics or scripting
@@kristlkirk2847 mate it's a game. grow up
@@kristlkirk2847 mate it's a game. grow up
Peppercorn Class Tornado
hey lazer jet wanna see something fast and cool? so basically, get the super class 47 and get a VERY but INCREDIBLY long track and if u pass 447 mph in the super class 47 and it starts acceleratiing 75 mph every second!
The red one
2:11 LOL
I love tornado
I Love broken tripot
Hey what about go on railroader
And it’s great enijue
Can you do city of truro vs smokey joe
Or a stength contest with all the A4s
City of chiro and also can you do super class 47 vs smokey Joe
Oliver do a race with the engine tangmere in it
Bitter or Union of South Africa are my favourites to win. But we shall see...
Which train will not arrive until after midnight
Do you like Thomas season 5?
Do speed test with amarican strem train
Laserjet I think that duchess of Sunderland is going to win the race .
I think it's City of Truro because it's light weighted and has four big wheels so if a train had 4 big wheels and 4 smaller one and its light it would win if I have to be honest.
Or a strength contest with nowwor
I think the Dutches of suverland is going to win.
City of turo was so slow it was forgotten. lol!
Can you make a race that has mallard flying Scotsman with 2 tenders and apple green same with tornado and city of Turo 9f and a merchant navy of your choice
Flying scotsman
I think Duchess is going to win this race Because she's fast
And also, my money's on Flying Scotsman.
Remember the last time City of Truro humiliated everyone else?
Do coronation vs duchess of hamilton
duches of sutherland is a express enginn that is why she won
I wish flying Scotsman won😞
You missed sir Nigel gresley mallard maybe a black five and Canadian pasific
Mallard of britan
pls make a vid where you show a tutorial how to make a race
Edit: damn- i lost.
Ether merchant navy class, Flying Scotsman, or Tornado.
A4s And The flying scotsman
Where is mallard? :-(
LNER A3 flying Scotsman
I think the blue one with white light Will Win
flying scotsman
Flying Scotsman
I Think ,,Clan line" or ,,City of Truro" will win.
City city Truro is slow😂😂😂
In between Flynn Scotsman and city of truro