Church: Why the Mass Exit?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 6 років тому +19

    Kick the fake legalistic corporate church organization to the curb and just meet with God’s people. Stir one another up to good works.

  • @janiliebenberg4407
    @janiliebenberg4407 5 років тому +7

    Excellent message! This is the core of our Christian faith!!

  • @lancemarchetti8673
    @lancemarchetti8673 3 роки тому +3

    From Roman Catholic cathedrals to Charasmatic auditoriums..small and big....the most awesome experiences I've ever had with God were along lonely farmroads and playing my guitar on the beach. ...only to look at my phone later and see "Hi Lance we've been missing you at services".

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 роки тому +1

      Well, part of the point of church is Christian fellowship. Christ is among us especially when we’re gathered together, and there are multiple encouragements to meet up in the Bible. It may be more mundane, but God considers it important

  • @marylamb6063
    @marylamb6063 2 роки тому +1

    The early church was like an extended family. Everyone contributed their gifts for mutual edification. They had fellowship meals and helped the poor. Today we sit and listen to monologue sermon. We stare at a stage and don't fellowship with each other

  • @wolfman5833
    @wolfman5833 4 роки тому +4

    We Young People Are Waking Up and Seeing through the bullshit is what's happening and should have a long time ago.

  • @BonnieBost
    @BonnieBost 8 років тому +13

    so all of our ploys to get people in the church, like purpose, better marriages, finances, etc, are not opening up opportunities to see Christ. instead people get good ideas, rules, and self help, but they don't get Christ. in the 90s and 2000s ministry has been about what can we lure people in with so we can show them Christ, but somehow we never got to Christ. Instead of felt needs, we need to go directly to the deepest need, Jesus!

    • @mywowfreak1
      @mywowfreak1 7 років тому +1

      Im one of these people he is talking about. I left for none of those reasons. All the church wants is your money. I don't know how many times Ive heard about the poor people and giving for them. The pastor of my very small church, has 3 kids and drives an almost new infinity sports car. I will not tithe for that reason. I don't really want to go to church anymore because of him. Its the same everywhere ive seen.

    • @carbine090909
      @carbine090909 7 років тому +1

      haha, my pastor drives a Ford. Keep trying, sister, good pastors are out there.

    • @jeffhart9916
      @jeffhart9916 5 років тому

      People are opening their eyes and realising they have been deceived. But what I don't get is why people still get their child baptised. Most of the baptisms I have attended was more about novelty rather than belief. So why do it at all?

  • @johino6331
    @johino6331 6 років тому +2

    Thank you for your love.

  • @t687m3
    @t687m3 10 років тому +13

    I do not believe that people are becoming immune to any kind of gospel. They are just not seeing miracles and answers to prayer that the churches and the bible promises. What's more, those seeking answers and healing and so on are being blamed when it doesn't happen, even though it isn't their fault.

    • @quinnyfelders5562
      @quinnyfelders5562 8 років тому +2

      Bingo! #1 answer. Churches were full of people that were not experiencing the spirit of God in their lives as promised. Unanswered prayers is the greatest disappointment.

    • @carbine090909
      @carbine090909 7 років тому +4

      If your greatest desire is to be with God, then your deepest desire, your most fervent prayer is already answered. If you fall in love with cutie-pie-blue-eyes, all you want to do is be with them, all you can think about is that person, you can't stop talking about them, they are your muse, they make you better than you are, you can live forever on bread and wine and thou, nothing can touch you as long as you know you are loved in return by this person you don't deserve at all and can't believe even noticed you, and you are so light in your being you can love the world no matter what it did to you because it was all worth getting to this point -- although everyone knows people will disappoint you even if all they do is make their mortality evident. Mr. Jethani is talking about falling in love with God. Fall in love with God, who IS eternal love, the Creator of everything, the divine Orchestrator, with no death, no darkness, nothing lurking around the corner to separate you. Fall in love with Jesus, God incarnate, EPIC hero and Everyman, Fall in love with the HS, paraclete, friend, helper, the Breath of LIfe, unconditional love, --- and spring is in the air -- that's Light & Life right there. The yoke is light!! Jesus is the Way to God, and that's the Truth.

    • @jesusislord3321
      @jesusislord3321 3 роки тому

      I see you commented 6 years ago. Wow....As a Christian, i appreciate your honesty. I will neither judge nor condemn you. I don't have all of the answers, I dont understand it all myself, but, I do know that God does loves you. He loves us. I will remember you in prayer. Thank you!

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 роки тому

      The Bible doesn’t promise healing. That’s the problem. Healing and miracles are not the gospel. Visible victory and glory are not the gospel. Christ crucified is the gospel.

  • @cindychurch335
    @cindychurch335 2 роки тому

    This is the most relevant and confirming message I’ve ever heard! Thank you Skye.

  • @rorywynhoff1549
    @rorywynhoff1549 8 років тому +8

    Leadership, yes. we have a tradition (Matt 15:8,9) of sending novices to a school to produce indoctrinated leaders, but indoctrinated by whom? You shall know them by their fruit. The fruit we see in the churches tells us the nature of those doing the indoctrinating. BTW, this whole model is totally foreign to scripture.

    • @JonathanGrandt
      @JonathanGrandt 6 років тому

      Rory Wynhoff best comment.

    • @rstevewarmorycom
      @rstevewarmorycom 4 роки тому

      Fucking scripture is foreign to the good of humans!! Fuck that!

    • @promomail1768
      @promomail1768 3 роки тому

      Which part honestly is foreign to scripture? Be specific.

  • @TrakeM118
    @TrakeM118 8 років тому +11

    Well, he said something very true. Religions, all of them, are about gaining control through fear. Many before him have realized this. The difference is, most people who've realized this leave religion. This guy, for some reason, decided to stay in.
    Yes, when you do what "god" tells you to do, it doesn't deliver results. Clearly, when you do that, no "god" blesses you or does anything. Many before him have realized this. The difference is, most people who've realized this leave religion. This guy, for some reason, decided to stay in.
    I would suggest that if you want to lead people to your religion, just present them with good solid scientific evidence that supports your religion. If you can't do that because such evidence doesn't exist, then I suggest you ask one simple question: why isn't there a good rational reason to believe in your religion? Or maybe a second related question, given that there isn't a really good rational reason to believe this religion, why do I believe it?
    BTW, if you want to be biblical about things, the most important thing is that people believe in your religion and if they don't then they are evil for not believing. That's the essential message of the bible. You had it right the first time. Religion is about control through fear.
    Also, if you want people to want god, I suggest you advise them not to read too much of the bible, especially the old testament. You might find they don't want to know anything more about your god after they read about the laws of moses and god commanding the murder of your own child if they don't believe the same religion you do. Seriously, read deuteronomy chapter 13.

    • @judithkimball2125
      @judithkimball2125 5 років тому +1

      The Old Testament explains well our human nature.

    • @jeffhart9916
      @jeffhart9916 5 років тому

      Just read Genesis and Noah's Ark. That story is rife with scientific and historical inaccuracies. Also STOP telling people these bs stories and trying to brainwash people into believing our Earth is not billions of years old. Chuck the bible out and you have a much better chance of convincing people.

  • @socksumi
    @socksumi 8 років тому +9

    Unlike times past we now have so many competing ideas. There are much better answers than those offered by religion. Religion's claims are just not convincing anymore. The information age and the expansion of the human mind is what is killing religion.

    • @johino6331
      @johino6331 6 років тому

      socksumi ------The internet confronts young christians to REASON, a deadly enemy of faith?

  • @lovemychacha
    @lovemychacha 3 роки тому

    Amen Sky!
    Thank you, Lord Your unconditional love and Grace is with me even in the midst of my sin!
    It's His Kindness that leads os to repentance! Relationship!

  • @promomail1768
    @promomail1768 3 роки тому

    I have never felt so lonely as I did in a mega church. I grew up in a church with 400 members. I am 60 years old. In my 50s I joined a mega church and started a women’s group that grew to 26 members. The group disintegrated when the co-host fell out with another member on Facebook. I still have my best friends from sixth grade that I fellowship with from my childhood church none from the mega church.

  • @mikelemikemike
    @mikelemikemike 10 років тому +3

    I find that this all makes some sort of sense untill;
    "The church must show a ravishing image of God."
    Ok, Im taking that as seeing proof that can be understood (maybe even quantified) of Gods power and love. That will send me onto that second cycle of living in God.
    I'm still waiting...

  • @julienkinsale4957
    @julienkinsale4957 3 роки тому +1

    Call to Someone! He is the gospel!

  • @stogienutt
    @stogienutt 7 років тому +5

    The gospel is how you get to heaven.
    Rom1:16 says the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
    The reason people are leaving the church is because they aren't there for the right reason,
    we must desire God and God alone, it's not what he can do for us or what we can do
    for Him, we should desire Him period. People don't desire God.

    • @liberalchristianchurch5331
      @liberalchristianchurch5331 6 років тому

      So, you really believe it is a good, just, and moral deed, for your God to burn and torture a human being for eternity just for not having any desire for him, if you had children, would you burn and torture them for not desiring and loving you, you don't see anything wrong with this??? What is wrong with you?

    • @rstevewarmorycom
      @rstevewarmorycom 4 роки тому

      Mark Pianella
      There is NO heaven, nobody has ever been there, it's lies and garbage. Stop pretending to know shit you cannot know!!

    • @promomail1768
      @promomail1768 3 роки тому

      @@liberalchristianchurch5331 it’s very unfortunate you have not studied the Bible enough to know your statements about God are false. Your basically saying God is evil. A kingdom against itself will not stand (Jesus). Using that premise you should have doubts about your beliefs and ask God to explain the scripture to you.

  • @JoseAlvarez02211954
    @JoseAlvarez02211954 8 років тому +3

    I did not listen to the entire video but heard enough to get the gist. He makes some good points. My observations are from a different angle. One of them is this. Young people are like sponges seeking for what will fill them and yet never getting there. When I have provided encounters with the Holy Spirit for young people the overwhelming majority love the encounter and desire more I understand that discipleship cannot be based merely on the power of God, but the introduction of the Holy Spirit for young people is a huge thing They suddenly find something that will really fill them. Yet our churches restrict the Holy Spirit. Young people find church boring. In Ohio we were experiencing a reviving of children as the Holy Spirit touched them. I am committed to provide people with an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Young people everywhere love it. In my upcoming book I discuss this in more length. My Facebook cover photo are the children in Ohio who not only became my prayer partners but who were pulling their friends for prayer and who were the hungriest for God’s presence. If we continue to make church a spectator event with little demonstration of God's power we will have a geriatric church.

  • @dt9673
    @dt9673 2 роки тому

    this is deep!

  • @smochygrice465
    @smochygrice465 4 роки тому

    Does it really mater if people leaves a religion?

  • @Itsatz0
    @Itsatz0 5 років тому +1

    Anyone can google the history of Christianity and see it is bullshit. That's why people are leaving. It is a lie.

  • @Lombax64
    @Lombax64 7 років тому +3

    You don't need to control god because the god of the bible is not very kind or caring. If people want to know god they just read the bible, and they find out one second Jesus says, "love one another" and the next second Jesus says, "believe in me or burn in hell." The hell of the bible is a place of eternal torment and that in itself is the antithesis of any kind of message of love. Threats of punishment is not love. It's like Jesus holding a gun to your head. An abusive spouse. That's not love. That's fear. The bible doesn't change and won't ever change. It's hopeless to think the bible is a message of love when it contains and condones slavery, violence, rape, hatred, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, and racism. All you have to do is google search this and you will discover it for yourself.

    • @liberalchristianchurch5331
      @liberalchristianchurch5331 6 років тому

      Right on, Christanity is fake pagan man made evil garbage. Christanity wants to take away knowledge, progress, and science, and replace it with the Old Testament, fuk that.

    • @judithkimball2125
      @judithkimball2125 5 років тому +3

      Where in the Bible does it say “believe me or burn in hell?”