this is a good video. but while showing how to do it on the ground is also very important if you happen to find yourself in this situation. it is important to point out that in the case like this one you don't want to get to the ground especially if opponent that is significantly bigger than you is on top of you. I know that to most it might seem obvious that when trying guillotine in this type of situation you don't put yourself on the ground but rather try to finish it when the opponent is on while standing. and use guillotine on the ground only if he manages to put you on the ground (when knowing how to do it on the ground does indeed become very important) but this needs to be said I don't know much about fighting (although i do hit pads from time to time) and when giving instructions its important to go into details because seeing it done vs doing it yourself is often very different especially in fighting.
this is a good video. but while showing how to do it on the ground is also very important if you happen to find yourself in this situation. it is important to point out that in the case like this one you don't want to get to the ground especially if opponent that is significantly bigger than you is on top of you. I know that to most it might seem obvious that when trying guillotine in this type of situation you don't put yourself on the ground but rather try to finish it when the opponent is on while standing. and use guillotine on the ground only if he manages to put you on the ground (when knowing how to do it on the ground does indeed become very important) but this needs to be said I don't know much about fighting (although i do hit pads from time to time) and when giving instructions its important to go into details because seeing it done vs doing it yourself is often very different especially in fighting.