Is Star Citizen Worth Playing Right Now? | Launch Sequence Podcast

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @Hav0k
    @Hav0k Місяць тому +23

    Thanks for having me on the podcast, Space Tomato! It was a great experience and a great discussion!
    I think that many of us backers that really need to see 4.0 in order to witness things beginning to happen. CIG have another 4 months "or so" to deliver on their promises from CitizenCon last year. I really hope they do.

  • @romanwiller2180
    @romanwiller2180 Місяць тому +2

    It’s a little silly but I’m really looking forward to physicalized armor (outside of equipped armor) and the armor racks. I have no idea why, but I just feel like the game will be so much better to me once that’s a thing. I know it doesn’t actually change anything but that excitement is stuck in my head.

  • @vamperic
    @vamperic Місяць тому +14

    I'm not dedicating any more time to Live till after 4.0, I just go on the test servers

    • @mandalore41
      @mandalore41 Місяць тому +1

      Exactly this. I check in to the different channels every few months but this is a Fall game for me. I haven't played this game in the spring or summer since the first year I hopped in. It disappears for me until around Oct or Nov. because that's when CIG usually pushes for anything tangible for the yearly ship sale

  • @inigomontoya6968
    @inigomontoya6968 Місяць тому +5

    First off, I enjoy your pod. You do a great job. I was listening to it just now while driving. You and your guest Hav0k were discussing how great it'd be to take an hour plus to load a cargo vehicle. I'd like to chime in and say it might be ok for the first couple times for most, but that would quickly get old. I can't think of anything more dull and time wasting than to do that. In Eve Online I lived in low sec for years as a pirate. Once every couple weeks I would have to get an alt and do a "logistics night" by going into high sec for resupply with a blockade runner ship and get it back to my home base. It was full night of just doing that. It was a dull and dreaded necessity. If I had to load every plate, every auto-cannon, every ship, every thing... good grief what a nightmare and time sink.
    This worries me more and more about SC. I backed the day after the kickstarter closed. I've spent stupid amounts of money on this project of hope. The closer we get to "1.0" (which I still believe is 4-7 years away) the more worried I become. Get out of your bunk, use the bathroom, shower, eat, drink, pull up your ship, load your ship... Oh guess what? You've just blown the hour and half to 2 hours your busy adult schedule allotted you to play. Time to log off. Star Citizen? It's sounding more and more like Star Tedium.

    • @JClif
      @JClif Місяць тому +2

      I could not agree more. That is exactly my thoughts. I have not been as long as you, but I got in in 2017. Like you, I have spent a ton of money on this game. However, I only have 2 to 3 hours to play at night and I don't want to waste my time doing stupid nongame stuff.

    • @64Fedoras
      @64Fedoras Місяць тому

      I'd like to know what you think about paying the ai to load your ship? I can tell that's not the only thing you're worried about, and I agree with you, but that would remove the biggest time sink from your list.

    • @Hav0k
      @Hav0k Місяць тому +1

      I'm honestly not a big fan of large ships taking an hour to manually load/unload cargo (such as a hull-c).
      If they were to make auto loading faster but more expensive, I think they would run the risk of making it the go to.
      The way i think it should work is for them to make automatic loading should cost more and take a little bit more time. That way, it will give players more of a reason to choose to load/unload manually.
      But I definitely don't think something like a c2 should take more than 30 minutes.

    • @inigomontoya6968
      @inigomontoya6968 Місяць тому +3

      @@64Fedoras I think that's fine depending on the cost and the time it takes. It's my understanding that the current time to load is way too long, but it could be argued that's a balancing fix.

  • @AccidentalFriendlyFire
    @AccidentalFriendlyFire Місяць тому +1

    Exploration, especially long distance points you have to investigate, need to be so numerous that there are false positives and you have to actually work to figure out what ones are worth your time, using the skill you've gained with scanning to filter out less likely results. Now, when I say numerous, I mean THOUSANDS. And some may appear and disappear without you moving, but others if you do. It needs to be that you can't really sift through them all. There's always something to look more closely at, the question becomes where do you focus? We need to be looking for a needle in a haystack, not a needle in a parking lot.
    The Hull D carries roughly 5x what a Hull C does, and the Hull E is over 98k. At the same rate a Hull C gets loaded you're taking about over TWENTY HOURS, guaranteed, from empty to full... And the same to UNLOAD it. Although that's still considerably better than the just replaced 30s/SCU, which by my math checks out to over a month straight loading or unloading for a Hull E. ^^
    I've heard before the box delivery missions are broken, but just now heard they've been broken for YEARS. News to me; I've run quite a few, started during 3.18. Is it possible they were fixed and nobody noticed because "everyone knows" they're broken?

  • @havocnchaos
    @havocnchaos Місяць тому +4

    Hav0k making waves! It's good to see. A great podcast. Citcon this year should be interesting, but, unless they drop 4.0 on schedule, it will probably be rough between now and then.

    @ITHYANDEL Місяць тому +1

    If you are within com range, a beacon should trigger a mission. Said mission should have priority scale: higher priority, higher payout, shorter time in contracts before AI take over the mission.

  • @LucaTheGuide
    @LucaTheGuide Місяць тому

    There should be enough buttons on most controllers for SC controls by using 3 modifiers to use in conjunction with the rest of the buttons c= (shoulder button 1, shoulder button 2 and shoulder button 1 + 2)

    @THE_REAL_MISFIT Місяць тому +1

    I would say wait until 6.0 but make sure you're getting regular physical check-ups. Exercise, diet and take your vitamins. Heart health is vital guys, and get checked for cancer at least once every couple years. Also, try not to stress yourself out. You need to keep yourself healthy for as long as possible.

  • @gabby9141954
    @gabby9141954 Місяць тому

    I'm 69 and I played all the Wing Commander games back in the day. I backed in 2016 mostly for SQ 42.

  • @TheGavric
    @TheGavric Місяць тому

    There are cargo platforms on the stations, right next to the loadinhg zones for the Hull C. The cargo should be spawning on those platforms to be manually moved to the Hull C. There is a risk of someone stealing the exposed cargo, but that has been the risk of the Hull series from the beginning. Someone stealing cargo from the platform or the Hull C should gain a Crime Stat, and now we need--as you mentioned about the middle of the conversation--Law Enforcement Organizations to make that theft risky and protect the traders. Having some protectors on-hand (whether org mates or hired guns) while you load is a good idea, too. That requires a change to the Armistice so you can actually take action against violators.

  • @Bubblegum_Ronin
    @Bubblegum_Ronin Місяць тому +2

    Thanks for this Tomato, interesting watch!

  • @aevacado
    @aevacado Місяць тому +1

    "It's hard to trust anyone" - Should we have a player profile in game? Maybe with some stat tracking, like 'number of lawful/unlawful kills'.

    • @fromadhdtodndtomtg
      @fromadhdtodndtomtg Місяць тому

      If only people came that way... but I prefer using General Mathis opinion:
      be polite, be professional, but have a plan to **** everybody you meet

  • @Anonnymouse53
    @Anonnymouse53 Місяць тому +2

    I'll play when the network-server performance is passable and AI do something, anything. I can deal with the bugs, I can get by with the lack of content. But when the PvE missions run like a joke I'm out, it's just going through the motions attack ships which hardly move or AI that shoot through walls and teleport.

  • @festersmith8352
    @festersmith8352 Місяць тому +1

    I'd like to think I have a good amount of patience. Didn't really mind anything until recently.
    The latest patch has found my patience limits. So taking a break. They will get it working better again.

  • @Marlax-101
    @Marlax-101 17 днів тому

    i just think repairing ships from a death state is more immersive because frankly anytime i have crash landed on a planet with my ship simi functional in my head im like.... this is pritty cool if i could find a way to survive and get off this rock. oh but they need to fix their damb map when your on foot because you can only look at outposts inside the ship and you cant get a good view at times to see where the outpost would be.
    i remember one time my ship went down i was stranded and after a minute i looked at the map and kept trying to figure out how to get to an outpost because i saw one was nearby. had my supplies and then a pirate squad rolled up and pinned me in an area looking for me. npcs kept spawning and i kept killing bodies everywhere then i saw a destroyed ship in the distance and then under it i found a pulse stuck. ended up getting it loose and traveling mock 10 on land toward where this outpost should be with pirate ships on my tail ramping up hills ect.
    basicly called in a SoS in gobal chat giving the outpost name and what i thought was a general location i was at and eventually i got some people to swoop in to save the day.
    but honestly you will be surprised where you will find a random car in the universe. i have had ruined redeemers stuck on a planet and think how to solve this... and then an hour later realize there is a stv or a ursa sitting on a hill nearby.

  • @Marlax-101
    @Marlax-101 17 днів тому

    thing is for the banu merchantman they dont really have to have all the npc stuff flushed out. if players can trade with each other in general i think merchantmans will be content for a while. even if it is a roleplay thing.

  • @kyelsavage6296
    @kyelsavage6296 Місяць тому +1

    It seems very frustrating for me. Between de-synch, bugs, lag, broken features, etc killing me, I have a hard time with justification for investing the time. I can't play test the game if I can't play.
    I love when it works, even if nominally. But I'm running out of life time.

  • @llillian4055
    @llillian4055 Місяць тому

    hull E ... should not be hours, unless you can create a mission for someone else to load it while you log off for the night. I pitched years ago that capital ship should have a capital dock of thier own ...we will definitely need it for stocking and fitting up a player Javelin etc.

  • @Nine-Signs
    @Nine-Signs Місяць тому +1

    As a technical demo, it's worth anyone popping in to have a look around at what exists, it's pretty, competent, highly detailed and I would say to anyone solo playing to try out the free fly weeks.
    As a game, it's a waste of time still, as it still remains thoroughly BORING to solo players (which is the majority) who have played it for more than a few hours, myself it has been 10 years. There is a possibility of some fun to be had but that is only via self delusion by playing with a group where by you make your own fun in spite of the game not because of it, which too often then misleads people into believing the game is fun by default.
    10 years. So far, It is not. I am sure this will get better over time but whether I will live to see it is indeed now debatable.

  • @kwcnasa
    @kwcnasa День тому

    Resume @42:00

  • @joewesleypat
    @joewesleypat Місяць тому

    Wing Commander was first coop game. SC is first multiplayer ships.

  • @AlexandreParchomenko
    @AlexandreParchomenko Місяць тому +1

    Waiting for 4.0 .... For me, is the promised patch of performance and stability, with Vulcan and Server Meshing, when things can, hopefully, be played and tested smoothly.
    How I feel is tired. They must deliver progress and fast, 12 years in and still trying, still attempting, still designing concepts and systems for basic functions. It's an alpha but I dont see things moving, don't see the change that often. I don't see the bugs being resolved, at the least minimum. It's still and stale.

  • @LarryMcGarvey
    @LarryMcGarvey Місяць тому +3

    I think SQ42 will help. At least it will give SC players something in the verse to play while waiting for 1.0

    • @Vioblight
      @Vioblight Місяць тому +1

      Agreed if it ever comes out. It will only be chapter 1 at first right the. They have to keep working? I could be wrong idk, so much work in progress info..

  • @skewty
    @skewty Місяць тому +2

    I believe they would like to bring their games to console I just don't think they have the skill to write efficient enough code to do it in a reasonable time frame.

  • @MrTbone1975
    @MrTbone1975 Місяць тому

    I'll be waiting the two years it takes to get v4.0 ;)

  • @Wvavy
    @Wvavy Місяць тому +1

    Yeah, im waiting. When is it going live?

  • @Cornerboy73
    @Cornerboy73 Місяць тому +1

    I've been trying to play lately but my God, the server performance has been horrid. I couldn't even get out of my hab room once logging in the last time. It just feels like the game is actively fighting me these days so I'm done for a while.

  • @Marlax-101
    @Marlax-101 17 днів тому

    im not sure there are as many buttons needed as he things. One is that they are making the game have physical buttons so potentially they could just have a key for freelook and manually put in every button press.
    on the other hand i have played star citizen forever now and still only use a few keybinds for anything. weapon swaps, reload, helment on and off.
    ships you got the vtol, cruise, and other option and i know there are power triangle keys but i never used those.
    then you just got landing gear and nav and scanning mode.
    would be plenty of buttons on a controller for me to make my own keybinds and not have issues.

  • @aguy446
    @aguy446 Місяць тому

    4.0 will still have problems. I'm sure we'll still be falling through the floor (a problem I've never had in any other game), being dumped out of quantum, randomly exploding, etc. What we're all really waiting for is server meshing

  • @ianwilson4286
    @ianwilson4286 Місяць тому

    Player to Player will be show Cit Con

  • @Sarsour_
    @Sarsour_ Місяць тому

    Awesome content and discussion!

  • @Trycoose
    @Trycoose Місяць тому

    Probably gonna chill on playing until at least 4.0

  • @fromadhdtodndtomtg
    @fromadhdtodndtomtg Місяць тому

    Oooo, two of my fav streamers!

  • @hephaestion12
    @hephaestion12 Місяць тому

    Sometimes I feel tomato has to put a lot into these interviews without getting much out. Mostly repeating the questions back and answering both to all interesting dichotomous questions 😅

  • @codyshaner3258
    @codyshaner3258 Місяць тому +1

    Anyone want to start an org without goals (for now)
    Just to begin grouping people who want to play with others?

  • @waktank4842
    @waktank4842 Місяць тому +2

    I think there a few Star systems already done indeed. I think they made them already for sq42

  • @C4R1TON
    @C4R1TON Місяць тому

    You all forgot about the Connie Aquila

  • @spaceman2137
    @spaceman2137 Місяць тому +2

    Play what? the desync? the bugs? the lack of content? full of bugs. Sucks

  • @woodybear3823
    @woodybear3823 Місяць тому +1

    Question should be rather, is there enough content to make this game worh in the long run. And the answer is definitly No.
    I will wait till 4.0 and might not even play then, since there is so much more to be added.

  • @revengexmoon2087
    @revengexmoon2087 Місяць тому +2

    wallet is closed.

  • @MarcusT.5
    @MarcusT.5 Місяць тому +1

    Short answer no, but it has had enough time to be great 😅

  • @Xenon676
    @Xenon676 Місяць тому +1

    I logged in yesterday. Since 3.23. Server performance has only gotten worse. I am on fiber and I had more lag stops. Just getting equipped and into a bunker. Than I had total hours of game play before 3.23. I believe it is due to more players playing then servers can handle. Before 3.23. I never had to go to hangar 14 to jump into my ship. 4 or 5 max, never 14 lol. I am playing on a Ryzen 7 3700X, with a 4070ti and 128gb of ram. It's not my machine!

  • @stephanmilius3598
    @stephanmilius3598 Місяць тому +4

    The question "When will SC be released?" is not fitting what SC is trying to do. SC has not set itself a limit where to go, so there is no defined endstate. Released it actually already is, but you can define a minimum of required features and characteristics (like stability). I hope that 1.0 is resembling that minimum requirement and in that case I guess we will hear this year's CitCon about its estimated arrival.

    • @MrScooter1287
      @MrScooter1287 Місяць тому +2

      What a cringe comment. Keep licking the boots of the multi-million dollar company.
      They began as a kickstarter. They owe people a released game.

    • @stephanmilius3598
      @stephanmilius3598 Місяць тому

      @@MrScooter1287 Kind of sad that empathy and knowledge are portrait as "boot licking". To hateful individuals like you are I can only give the advice to move away from SC as quickly as you can to avoid further damage to yourself. Do not invest any time or money in it and find other developers who are far more competent than CIG, who can deliver you with released games.

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 Місяць тому +1

      So far, all I ever hear from the internet is complaints about a "released" game. Especially in the space genre.
      So releasing doesn't seem like a smart idea just for the sake of being able to add the arbitrary word "released" to the title.
      Release it when they meet the promises made, and it runs really well.
      Ever notice the amount of wants and requests from the community? The Mursa Rover wasn't a promise made by CIG. It was a community request. Feature creep. Irony.
      I suppose when our demands aren't so high, they might actually have a chance of releasing something, that won't lead to pitch forks and torches from us.
      Rushing a project has never worked out.

    • @MrScooter1287
      @MrScooter1287 Місяць тому

      @@festersmith8352 lmao, not releasing anything isn’t working out too well either

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 Місяць тому

      @@MrScooter1287 Thats true. But this unreleased project is still trying to give us all the desires demands we hope for in a space genre.
      Hows it going with the others who have released so far? Not much hope in them.
      How has the "released" ED come along so far, with all its promises made in 2012?
      Starfield? Remember the game that was supposed to bring an end to SC.
      NMS, with its billions of possible planets.
      All released, and all fallen short of hopes and expectations.

  • @sniper00691
    @sniper00691 Місяць тому

    They need to let us sale are ships in game both back to the dealership and second hand to players and a chop shop mechanic that maybe you get like 50%of the value or something on stolen ships my in pyro and shady areas

  • @chicken10999999
    @chicken10999999 Місяць тому +2

    Some of the animations are ridiculous long and unnecessary/unrealistic. I think is it kind of silly animation wants to keep them, but oh well

  • @ionious97
    @ionious97 Місяць тому +2

    If backers continue to purchase ships there will be no "fire" for the developers to move forward aggressively.

  • @MasterTrolliusTV
    @MasterTrolliusTV Місяць тому


  • @Thor_Asgard_
    @Thor_Asgard_ Місяць тому +1


  • @hardcoregammer1964
    @hardcoregammer1964 Місяць тому

    Dude, you can play Star Citizen with an Xbox Elite controller. That’s how I play.

    • @Hav0k
      @Hav0k Місяць тому +2

      This is true. But how often do you find yourself reaching for a keyboard for other bindings.
      I'm not quite sure if keyboards and mice can be plugged into an Xbox to use if the game was on console.

    • @hardcoregammer1964
      @hardcoregammer1964 Місяць тому +1

      @@Hav0knot very often. But when I do it’s due to my own procrastination because I have yet to bind all of my buttons. There’s a mod that will set it automatically.

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 Місяць тому +1

      Is there still an issue where the interact button doesn't work with some panels and features? Just curious.

    • @hardcoregammer1964
      @hardcoregammer1964 Місяць тому +1

      @@festersmith8352 in my experience it can, at times, be frustrating but it works. Sometimes I just bend the knee and use the F button. Lol

  • @pilks4k
    @pilks4k Місяць тому

    Master Modes is in a terrible state and makes flying in the game a chore and just not fun so I would wait for 4.0 when Yogi said most of the changes MM is missing will be coming.

    • @harleybyrd9509
      @harleybyrd9509 Місяць тому +1

      If you dont like flying slow with shields fly fast with out them. why do you need to be fast with shields on...

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 Місяць тому

      The only thing I don't like is defaulting into QT mode, when your switch to NAV mode.
      But I got creative with keybinds and negated that well.
      The sudden slowing when switching into SCM is a little off putting, but comes in handy for hot entries and braking. I feel 50/50 on that.

  • @Mud_AleX
    @Mud_AleX Місяць тому +3

    Can't play anmore... that transit system is the ultimate immersion breaker...

    • @harleybyrd9509
      @harleybyrd9509 Місяць тому

      get off planet and onto station......transit systems is terrible no doubt that is why people put their respawn on a station.

  • @Timer-Diegon1111
    @Timer-Diegon1111 Місяць тому +1

    Done until 4.0. hopefully with a wipe. if 4.0 doesn't happen and they keep with their absolute shameless money grabbing I'll be out for good.
    There is a line.

  • @MasterTrolliusTV
    @MasterTrolliusTV Місяць тому

    Send me a friend request on Star Citizen.