Setting Expectations For Star Citizen 4.0, 1.0, & Long Term Plans | Launch Sequence Podcast

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Ігри


  • @tualatindave3797
    @tualatindave3797 18 днів тому +20

    Management steers the development, management sets the tone, management owns the results.

    • @Memeguppy
      @Memeguppy 18 днів тому +3

      Marketing team actually runs 60% of the project actually

  • @Ghazlawl
    @Ghazlawl 18 днів тому +9

    I believe it was a recent Morphologis video but another person's comment summed Star Citizen up for me... After 12 years watching the development I haven't lost hope but I have lost interest. I used to buy every ship and every item to help fund development but with constantly missed self-imposed deadlines and being let down every year, sometimes every quarter, I just don't have it in me to get excited about what they say.
    I do however enjoy your content and your fellow creators' content. I love the podcast style and the updates without the fluff. Thanks for another great video, Casa and Tomato. o7

    • @SnowTerebi
      @SnowTerebi 17 днів тому +1

      Damn, thank you for your support! Hope it's all disposable income.
      I also wanna support CIG, but I set a limit of $1000 for now.

  • @MotherNature26
    @MotherNature26 17 днів тому +3

    this discussion topic I think is well summarized by Danny from Ray's Guide. It is hard to read into sometimes for people who have not participated in engineering/large software development projects and haven't seen these tools in use first hand to paint an accurate picture. Another thing to note, is these tools are imperfect and can sometimes bamboozle the teams using them. Truth of the matter is, its tough to synchronize projects of this size and it should always be expected that they are going to slip.

  • @aitvaras5271
    @aitvaras5271 18 днів тому +11

    CIG perpetually fails at meeting their short term goals (< year), so it's still really doubtful whether they will ever achieve their long term goals.

    • @RN1441
      @RN1441 18 днів тому

      CIG also perpetually misses their 1 year goals. We've been hearing every year since 2016 that 4.0 (more star systems) was coming 'next year' but we're about to roll over from 8 years of failing to deliver to 9 years with this patch delay.

  • @Hunnia000
    @Hunnia000 18 днів тому +7

    Just jumped into Star Citizen blind for the first time recently, I was like "It's been 12 years, surely there's something here by now". After about a week trying things out, the state of the servers were so bad it took away all fun from exploring all the game loops. I guess I'll check back in another decade, hopefully it'll be better by then...

    • @Ae138
      @Ae138 17 днів тому

      I will be probably dead by the next decade lol

    • @warren3174
      @warren3174 17 днів тому +2

      That's the key thing right there. The servers. Doesn't matter what they do at all if the servers are going to ruin the experience.

    • @nevulus9919
      @nevulus9919 16 днів тому +1

      Have you seen what some of these SC content creators look like? Most of them will be dead by the time the game releases

    • @valorunkommon799
      @valorunkommon799 14 днів тому +2

      At least in a decade the odds are good that the single player version will be released 😂

    • @RN1441
      @RN1441 2 дні тому

      @@valorunkommon799 Part 1 will. Somewhere along the line they decided to only deliver the first part of a trilogy when SQ42 'launches'

  • @anthonystrickland7049
    @anthonystrickland7049 18 днів тому +16

    The reason it's taking so long is that they over-engineer everything. Does anyone actually want travelling between systems to be a chore?
    They built a tech demo and have been retooling the game as they invent game processes on the fly. The fact that server meshing is so late down the pipeline should be a big red flag. It is likely requiring a rework of the bulk of the game since it's so foundational.
    I can't let myself believe that server meshing is the last foundational piece that's missing. They don't know what the next feature will require.Nobody knows what the finished game will look like.

  • @beny9360
    @beny9360 18 днів тому +7

    They put dates out, but every time Jared is on he says it’s best endeavours. I really hope 4.0 is in live by EOY, they’ve said they’re aiming for it. But every time they say it’ll be done when it’s done.
    My complaints are around the adverts that say ‘play it now’ to get new players in… + any time they do say ‘it’ll be out by X’ of course.

    • @Bubblegum_Ronin
      @Bubblegum_Ronin 17 днів тому

      They're doing themselves a disservice to push ads for it at this particular point in its development.

    • @beny9360
      @beny9360 17 днів тому +1

      @@Bubblegum_Ronin Agreed. After it’s all done it’ll be a fascination dissertation for someone on the tightrope a crowdfunded project has to walk to both keep everyone happy enough old backers keep spending, but also bring in enough new members to keep the project healthy over a long period of development throughout periods of technical drought and experimentation etc. I don’t know what if use as metrics, but keeping the project funded is obviously a key reality.

    • @Bubblegum_Ronin
      @Bubblegum_Ronin 17 днів тому

      ​@@beny9360absolutely good points! It's so painfully obvious I know very little about marketing..

  • @Randaddy25
    @Randaddy25 18 днів тому +5

    You'd think they'd stabilize everything they have now, before adding more complicated things to a still broken game. And this is coming from someone who plays every day, out of pure enjoyment.

  • @laidbackbeau
    @laidbackbeau 18 днів тому +2

    While the delays are annoying and CIG has made yet another bad prediction, I am excited for the future of Star Citizen. I see a lot of negative comments, but I am more hopeful now than I have been in the past ten years. Delayed predictions are par for the course. I expect them. I am not disappointed. What I have seen this year has brought back my hope. Yeah, the current state is rough, but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep up the good work!

    • @warren3174
      @warren3174 17 днів тому

      They have to fix the servers. No one will play if they spend 40 minutes in game only to have it all fail due to the servers. If they can't get them to run , they're doomed. I don't have an issue with the progress or features. I have an issue with just being able to play on a server thats stable let alone operating at a normal speed. Server recovery doesn't even function like it did at first.

  • @UAF_ViVi
    @UAF_ViVi 18 днів тому +20

    I really thought they FINALLY turned the corner with 3.23, but its like they've gone right back to previous years of struggling to get patches out again. Very frustrating to come back to be excited again but to realize quickly that it's just the same old, par for the course CIG.

    • @LucidStrike
      @LucidStrike 18 днів тому +3

      Tbf, these ARE some some of the biggest changes, ones without any real précédents in gaming history. It's weird to me not to give them more grace for stumbling a bit with some of the most difficult work in the history of gaming.
      It's like complaining about '96 Jordan not having a perfect season. CIG is still GOATed.🤷🏿‍♂️

    • @vorpalrobot
      @vorpalrobot 18 днів тому +2

      This is a delay of one tech. It got delayed from 3.23, and is the main feature of 3.24
      It's ONE feature delayed. I wish they were more open about it, especially since I think the same devs were in charge of icache.

    • @rooster1012
      @rooster1012 18 днів тому +4

      @@vorpalrobot One feature? They have literally delayed more than half the content that they said they would for the next year, we literally did not get the entire Pyro system and all of it's content that was already promised to us by CR in 2020 you white knights are going to defend CR until the bitter end of this failing project there is a reason that CR was removed from previous games due to over promising and not delivering and he is doing it again.

    • @Sams911
      @Sams911 18 днів тому +2

      this ^

    • @RN1441
      @RN1441 18 днів тому

      @@rooster1012 They also have been promising us additional systems every year since 2016. 4.0 was announced as 'coming next year' then and every year since.

  • @F1neW1ne
    @F1neW1ne 18 днів тому +9

    I quit months ago again. In 4 years of playing and waiting, nothing has changed in the experience IMO. I have quit and returned once a year thinking “it must be better now right?”… and I feel like I’m being played. Now I wait another year? Give me a break. This is just silly now.

    • @RN1441
      @RN1441 18 днів тому +4

      Same thing happened to me with a several year break. I made the mistake of watching optimistic youtube channels that always give the impression that big things are just around the corner and here I am a year later feeling like things are moving backwards in terms of quality and playability.

    • @TKanal3
      @TKanal3 9 днів тому

      Just dont play the game, let them cook, and play some finished games. One year the game will be playable and itll be a good time.

    • @F1neW1ne
      @F1neW1ne 8 днів тому +1

      @@TKanal3 Well ya of course LOL... That's what many of us do. Not my first rodeo. But common... this is getting to the point where my post is a cookie cutter post from many players since 2016 on the yearly. Then your reply is like a cookie cutter reply. When are we finally going to admit. This might be about as good as it is going to get? Half baked features. A few patches a year. On and on. Where do gamers draw the line on this one? 2 more years? 3?

    • @TKanal3
      @TKanal3 8 днів тому

      @@F1neW1ne i hope people spend enough for this game to keep developing. It will be finished. The last few years have been a definite improvement. This game has the potential to be one of the greatest games of all time, and as long as funding doesnt stop, I believe it will be, later or even later. Does it matter when? Just dont spend money and play another game. Why spread negative press and call to stop funding? Whats the point?

  • @mckinney9739
    @mckinney9739 18 днів тому +6

    Why haven’t we been testing bits and pieces of 4.0 all year?

    • @LucidStrike
      @LucidStrike 18 днів тому +4

      Huh? They tested jump points, Server Meshing, and engineering. That's more early testing than anything before ever got. 🤨

    • @mckinney9739
      @mckinney9739 18 днів тому

      @@LucidStrike I feel like they communicated that there would be fairly consistent testing. What they have done has also been extremely limited on who could participate. There was never another pyro playground

    • @P3rcival97
      @P3rcival97 18 днів тому +1

      Can't test 4.0 if 4.0 is server meshing.
      They've had a few tests in that regard though.

    • @mckinney9739
      @mckinney9739 18 днів тому +2

      @@P3rcival97 they definitely can test that. And it was 2 tests I believe, right? I’m glad they got good info from those tests but I don’t really consider that consistent testing. Ik I’m just being semantic but it’s from a perspective of being discontent. I would have liked to have seen much more public testing and feedback over the course of an entire year that they advertised would be very focused on testing such huge and all encompassing tech and features

    • @RN1441
      @RN1441 18 днів тому

      They tested it and found that it 'worked' in some limited senses but then also had horrifying ten minute desynchronizations showing up. The fact we haven't had a second test within the year means that they likely are working through a lot of serious problems identified during the test.

  • @Valium_x
    @Valium_x 7 днів тому

    Speculation is one of the core marketing strategies of Star Citizen, it keeps backers hopeful and keeps creators talking.

  • @tiejjordan
    @tiejjordan 17 днів тому

    Tha t Natural Vitality commercial was right on time. YEET!

  • @HarperLylia
    @HarperLylia 3 дні тому

    I haven't kept up too much in the last few years, but I feel like this year had some of the biggest updates since Medical/Inventory was introduced. That being said, I've had low expectations of CIG for a few years, so any progress is surprising to me.

  • @WilliamJ.Hoyle777
    @WilliamJ.Hoyle777 17 днів тому +1

    I have put SC on the back burner. I have not played in a while. Elite Dangerous is looking attractive again though. I have dabbled there whipping shittys in my eagle around stations. It just felt good to play. I am going to forget about SC for a bit and let it cook.

  • @SirEddieMc
    @SirEddieMc 18 днів тому +12

    We need to face it: this company is playing us. Problem is they earn money without a working Product. They sell a dream and you Can buy Ships. For them everything is fine as long we are buying.
    They could hurry up but they would lose money. It is fascinating no one gets it.
    They would never got 700 mill with a release in 2017 🤷‍♂️ Chris just want to RIDE this company and cash out as long as He can

    • @mayoluck
      @mayoluck 18 днів тому

      I really hope the EU steps in bc here in the US CIG can run this scam for yrs.

    @MENGDEXIONGDI 17 днів тому +1

    Only thing I’m missing from this game is AI Crew. I just want to have this before anything else.

  • @aennaenn7468
    @aennaenn7468 17 днів тому

    In order for there to be a progress tracker there has to actually be, you know, progress.
    Otherwise it's just a list of dreams that'll never come.

  • @LeifPalmin
    @LeifPalmin 18 днів тому +1

    What they call engineering version 0, is almost same mechanic as box delivery. Put this new part (box) in this machine, and get 5000 credits.. don't imagine working with tools, and search for errors and tweak things. We have it with air machines in Klaecher.

  • @user-co8vc5nd7l
    @user-co8vc5nd7l 9 днів тому

    Sq42 gave us MM and it was controversial at best. A core system that has had a huge rewrite received with so much controversy would have shattered plans internally. I don’t envy them at all.

  • @rurallawwildwest9679
    @rurallawwildwest9679 18 днів тому +1

    I've been thinking of taking a break until Squadron 42 is released. An inventory upgrade does not excite me. It should be something very basic to a game. I guess it's time to try X4 again.

    • @rybuds47
      @rybuds47 18 днів тому

      Thats where i have been, its the only other game that scratches that itch.
      If tou have hotas i can highly reccomend the dcs Ch47 that just came out. Been learning thay with my org buddies and running cargo around a battlefield is a lot of fun.
      Its multicrew and costs about the same as a cyclone.

    • @rurallawwildwest9679
      @rurallawwildwest9679 18 днів тому +1

      @rybuds47 Thanks. I have T1600M with throttle, but it now has twist drift. Been looking at VKB, but debating if enough games to justify the cost. DCS may be something to try as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • @DaringDan
    @DaringDan 18 днів тому +2

    I can't wait until Chris is on stage at CitizenCon this year outlining his absolutely untenable vision of 1.0 and I'm adding up the years it will take to accomplish it in my head as all the mouthbreathers cheer him on with no regard for the realities of game dev.

  • @blainetoms
    @blainetoms 18 днів тому +4

    the english space game ceo that cried wolf. 68 too many times.

  • @Mythaelos
    @Mythaelos 18 днів тому

    I'm looking to find information regarding the game performance, specifically the campaign, if anyone can help.
    From my understanding, the server meshing helps offload quite a bit in Star Citizen, so I am wondering whether it will be used in any capacity for the singleplayer mode, Squadron 42, maybe even require the player to play online. Or if that will perform differently and possibly require different hardware.

    • @Mythaelos
      @Mythaelos 18 днів тому

      Going off of that, I think I remember the vision of the campaign being that of setting up the player character and then jumping from there into Star Citizen, though I'm unsure if that is still going to be a thing.

  • @TheJZP
    @TheJZP 18 днів тому +2

    Spaghetti code

  • @rolinthor
    @rolinthor 18 днів тому +1

    3:27 I have almost zero expectations for CiG and somehow they still manage to disappoint.

  • @ESC_907
    @ESC_907 17 днів тому

    Is that a benefit of working at CIG?! Man, how do I get a job?

  • @SuburbanFox
    @SuburbanFox 17 днів тому

    I suspect the 1.0 talk is from a recent leak from last year, suggesting the game will release in the next two years with a greatly reduced scope and five star systems, with more to be added at a later date. I further suspect that this is a result of the arbitrary deadline that was spoke about quite a bit last year. I really hope it's true - both the leak and the deadline - because if it's not, we're still going to be having this conversation in 2035.

  • @rtek777
    @rtek777 18 днів тому

    Q3 doesn't end in October. It ends September 30th. Q4 begins on October 1st

  • @valorunkommon799
    @valorunkommon799 14 днів тому

    It'll be very hard for CIG to deliver a definitive vision for what they want the game to be until they finally figure it out themselves. How many times have things been feature crept in now? As long as they keep getting these "ooo, we should add this too" they'll never be able to accurately answer
    Edit: I also wonder if the reason they don’t tell us the clear path to 1.0 is because it will reveal all the gaps in the proverbial armor. They don’t want people to see just how little progress has been made on things because it will undermine confidence in them

  • @c-shepard
    @c-shepard 17 днів тому

    12 months from 2024, that's what was said at Citizencon. CIG is on track, its just backers are interpreting their own deadline, one that was never set. You can't be impatient with this game, anyone complaining about updates, go chill with Todd Howard behind that cardboard cutout called Starfield.

  • @TheRyanK
    @TheRyanK 15 днів тому +1

    Bruh this guest! It's not our fault it's them. Cig solely owns the communication, sets expectations and consequently fails to satisfy their own words and on top of that fails to recognise its failings and correct their communications.

  • @Sams911
    @Sams911 18 днів тому +4

    I'm starting to feel like a delusional cult member with this fucking game.... Where is the Koolaid?

  • @reconraider707
    @reconraider707 18 днів тому +1

    “To everyone’s surprise it took longer than expected” that’s a lie. No one was surprised

  • @zkuxiku
    @zkuxiku 18 днів тому +1

    Don't spend money again, don't let people around you fall into this trap until they realize that players want truly useful features, not a UI that changes over and over again.

    • @TKanal3
      @TKanal3 9 днів тому

      Whats the point of having other people not spend money? To have less funding for the game? How would that help the game. I bought a caterpillar ages ago and wont spend again, but I certainly welcome people spend as much money as possible to fund the game for me

  • @1aatlas
    @1aatlas 17 днів тому

    I feel sorry for Jared, i think he says these things with good intentions.

  • @kwarkon1
    @kwarkon1 18 днів тому +3

    stop calling LIVE environment "PU" :D That only makes it confusing when CIG writes PU and it always refers to a game mode - Persistent Universe

    • @GraphiteSC
      @GraphiteSC 18 днів тому

      wut… 😂

    • @LucidStrike
      @LucidStrike 18 днів тому +2

      ​@@GraphiteSCWhat people often refer to as "the PU" is actually just the 'Live' release.
      "The PU" is technically the main game mode - the Persistent Universe - not a release channel or build.

    • @P3rcival97
      @P3rcival97 18 днів тому +3

      The PU "persistent universe" IS THE LIVE GAME.

    • @GraphiteSC
      @GraphiteSC 18 днів тому +1


    • @GraphiteSC
      @GraphiteSC 18 днів тому +1

      @@LucidStrikeYes, that’s why the OP comment makes no sense. You can read what they wrote as “Stop calling LIVE “PU”, Because CIG calls it PU, which is the Persistent Universe… which is LIVE - so stop calling LIVE, LIVE, but don’t call the PU, PU either”
      Edit: It’s the same thing, there’s no confusion with PTU, Tech Preview, or Hotfix channels. Unless they are griping about how all PTU’s are PU, but not all PU’s are PTU - in which case… you gotta get out of your own head.

  • @babykosh5415
    @babykosh5415 17 днів тому

    Project management, Project management, Project management

  • @fffx2
    @fffx2 18 днів тому +9

    4.0 and Squadron 42 are about 2 years away

    • @citizen_or_civilian
      @citizen_or_civilian 18 днів тому +2

      No they're not.

    • @LucidStrike
      @LucidStrike 18 днів тому

      Pessimism is too low risk. You get to feel clever for bringing negative energy, and if you're wrong, which you are, no consequences. 🤷🏿‍♂️

    • @skks-fd1oq
      @skks-fd1oq 18 днів тому +1

      @@citizen_or_civilian its always 2 years away ;-)

    • @rolinthor
      @rolinthor 18 днів тому

      And always will be.

    • @SuburbanFox
      @SuburbanFox 17 днів тому

      Yes, just like it has been every year since it was announced... always 2 years away!

  • @daveroles3783
    @daveroles3783 17 днів тому

    Just think guys, sometime in 2030, SQ42 will be released....imagine!! Also, right after that, 4.0 will go to Evocati.

  • @nevulus9919
    @nevulus9919 16 днів тому

    We do it to ourselves? Is that what he said at 4:00 ? Broooooooooo lol

  • @Ace-Brigade
    @Ace-Brigade 18 днів тому +1

    Once again they have over promised and under delivered. I think maybe you only take a couple months off at the end of the year if you actually deserve it. I mean this is a kickstarter.
    Don't get me wrong everybody deserves vacation time but vacation time and 2 months at the end of the year? What if you actually do to deserve that? Missed your targets again?

  • @FulguroGeek
    @FulguroGeek 18 днів тому

    Just to point out.. When you say they cannot make 4-5 star systems in 3-4 years... Remember CR words at citcon 2019 when they showed pyro for the first time.
    CR: We have now the technology to create an entire star system in 4-5 months instead of 4-5 years...
    Also Thats hard to know what Sc will be becaus ethey misslead ppls to keep the most amount of backers the longest.
    Example.. they sais that Sc will never become a hard survival game and will only be an mmo with lite survival elements... Example eating drinking not mendatory just giving small buff and debuff.. 1 year later eating and drinking was mendatory otherwise you can die.
    CIG dont have any plan and clue of what kind of game they are creating.... the sad part is we canc learly see it that when some mechanics come in they realize other dont work anymore and need to go back on the drawing board to make them compatible with new stuff.
    Also 4.0 planned for q4 this year.. not happening... not happening this year for sure not even the bigining of next year.. it will be past pown to summer next years and then end of the year.
    The reason we did not had any tech preview this year when they ha dplanned to make multiple.. is a sign that their server meshing tech is not working... thats also why they are so silent on that and on test.

  • @tkc1129
    @tkc1129 17 днів тому

    It's only bad if CIG made a promise and didn't deliver on it in time? Cool. CIG can just cancel all development, and you'll be happy flying around Stanton in 100-person servers forever, then. CIG is inviting people to focus on what is said or not said so people don't focus on what really matters: actual game development.

  • @jgrizz7943
    @jgrizz7943 18 днів тому +2

    I think it's Crazy that people like Space Tomato & CasaBlack Ignored Chris Roberts statement at CitCon ! Literally the couple words before Chris Roberts said 1.0 live was BETA TEST ! where are we now? oh yeah still stuck in Alpha, you know the thing before Beta not the thing before live.

  • @maebusgaming7913
    @maebusgaming7913 18 днів тому

    If CIG pulls one of the Greatest Larian Studio Builds of all time. This game ridiculous. I cant complain because its better results than some of the scam video game designers with no results. I have the feeling if they can make an idea bigger and better they will do it and they realize if it is better it will take longer to implement.

  • @emperorurbi
    @emperorurbi 18 днів тому

    I don't believe 4.0 will go live this year, if they manage open PTU it will be a valiant effort.
    The hype train could start if they can get the polaris out. My best guess it that it will be in a '3.25 IAE' patch.
    But lets hope I'm wrong and 4.0 gets dropped at citizencon.
    Based on the feedback my limited weekly player group, most gamers don't care that much that 4.0 is late, but a bigger problem is the Master Modes broken flight model.
    I really hope CIG keeps in account the feedback about MM and reverts almost everything instead of doubling down.
    Cause most of our crew has left the game and is onto other games, and they all have the same feedback, flight has become boring.

  • @rybuds47
    @rybuds47 15 днів тому

    No one pledged for master modes.

  • @nevulus9919
    @nevulus9919 16 днів тому

    At this point u want to see in the progress tracker what they CAN finish instead of what they WANT to work on. Cause they’ve missed the mark enough times that it’s starting to feel like Scam Citizen.

  • @Zeoran
    @Zeoran 18 днів тому

    The PU needs at least a YEAR of bug-fixing ALONE before it can hit a 1.0 release. They shouldn't have made this public, certainly not before 4.0 released.

  • @citizen_or_civilian
    @citizen_or_civilian 18 днів тому

    People forget about the pre-3.0 days... The game was a desert back then.

  • @warren3174
    @warren3174 17 днів тому

    Let's be real. The main issue CIG has is their servers and how they fail. You spend a lot of time gearing up and getting on station only to fall through a planet or desync and crash or see the usual server error please wait. ..... They must fix the server stability or else it wont matter what features they want to implement. The over engineering of crap is to a fault. They went back on what they said and intended with death of a spaceman and granted all resurrection abilities to all medbeds because of the servers. They sell you new gear only for you to don it and walk out and fall through a planet with it and lose it. Jesus, fix the server stability and recovery before you do anything else. The features coming or being lost don't matter at all if you're getting knocked off due to servers. CIG servers need to be banned for excessive griefing.

  • @vallridder9364
    @vallridder9364 17 днів тому

    I give props to you guys doing this every day, I don't know how you do it. I'll just check back in 2 or 3 years. CIG is full of bs. At least WOW gets content out. Off to play a new expansion and raid. 😂. Ya know, a video game.

  • @angelarch5352
    @angelarch5352 14 днів тому

    why is everything delayed again?... SQ42
    I hate SQ42 so much.

  • @ML1.0
    @ML1.0 2 дні тому

    Tony Z still sleeping?

  • @LucidStrike
    @LucidStrike 18 днів тому

    I'm confused why y'all seemed to be counting out October as part of Q4.
    Really, Q4 has traditionally involved 2 patches, since the "Q3" patch was usually in October.

    • @vorpalrobot
      @vorpalrobot 18 днів тому

      I'd imagine an October 4.0 would need to be in evocati already. I'd expect this patch to take longer than most in PTU due to server meshing.

  • @vigourabruptness2136
    @vigourabruptness2136 16 днів тому

    CIG long term plans in order to look like they are busy is to look for things they can change for the worse only to revert months later to make it look like they improved on something.. meanwhile the game remains riddled with bugs, exploits, no intend to fix anything hiding behind the same old "it's an alpha". a dev team of half smoked baked Chihuahuas would be able to progress faster than this supposed 1k or more staff they got in office "programming". the project is a joke. i am a long time backer and CIG will not get a single more dime from me. lies, empty promises and a backlog of ships so huge it will take them lifetimes to complete. strange tho how they are able to puke out new ships all the time but forget about the good old expensive JPEGS. a true definition of a ponzi scheme.

  • @insurrection8744
    @insurrection8744 18 днів тому +1

    Everything has trade-offs. Being transparent with the progression will come with disappointments. We have to consider: being fast with progression doesn’t not equal quality. While I understand the frustration, they are working on it. We would want a starfield version of 4.0.

    • @rooster1012
      @rooster1012 18 днів тому +3

      Dude it has been 12 years and we don't have our 2nd system yet it is time for them to be honest with the community to allow people to stop financially supporting a project that won't be completed for at least another decade.

    • @ITInLoveWUJAlways
      @ITInLoveWUJAlways 18 днів тому

      Agree 100 % 😮 We definitely dont want that.

    • @insurrection8744
      @insurrection8744 18 днів тому +2

      @@rooster1012 i understand the disappointment but the vision they had and people voted for is not something that you see in other games today. If they even had a livestream of the daily process you don’t think people would still complain? The needle is still moving just not as fast as people want. We should have more conversations with folks in the game development community and ask them the difficulty level of making a game like this.

    • @rolinthor
      @rolinthor 18 днів тому

      We get slow + low quality.

  • @LucidStrike
    @LucidStrike 18 днів тому

    [Additional very clever pessimistic comment] kek 😏