Norway's Only Female F-16 Pilot Maj. Marianne Mjelde Knutsen (Norges eneste kvinnelige jagerpilot)

  • Опубліковано 10 сер 2015
  • F-16 pilot back on the wings after brain tumor nightmare
    Norway's only female F-16 pilot was abruptly put on the ground. Almost two years later, Marianne Mjelde Knutsen ready for take off again.
    Marianne (45) back in the F-16 aircraft after brain tumor nightmare
    Norway's only female fighter pilot was hit by brain tumor and was confident that the time in the cockpit was over.
    It came as a thunderbolt. One day I flew F-16, the day after I was seriously ill.After 20 years in operational service at 338 Squadron at Ørland airfield in Oslo became Norway's only female fighter pilot abruptly sat on the ground. Mother of three Marianne Mjelde Knutsen (45) from Trondheim had one six centimeters large tumor in his head.
    Surgery Was urgent : After a nine-hour operation the tumor was removed. But time after became an ordeal, both Marianne and family. The first time was daunting. I could not remember the name of my children, and had to jot them down before they visited me in the hospital.
    Marianne was prepared that she never got to fly F-16 again.
    - An indescribable feeling: Mother of three was gradually improving. Gradually she began to feel a tremendous longing to get back in the cockpit.
    - Mastering a fighter is an indescribable experience. I love the sense of freedom, the enormous power and high speed. It's very special.
    She could not give up the dream yet:
    - I could imagine that it was too dangerous. Let fear stop me. But I found that I could not live with ignorance. Flying F-16 is a big part of my identity, and then give you no rest until you are notified that it is impossible.
    But it was not without risk. The doctors considered the situation carefully. So they gave her a chance. If she managed to pass all physical and psychological tests would give the go-ahead.
    See Marianne's first trip with F-16 after she was hit by a brain tumor in the window over!
    Extensively tested: Marianne was through bone tough tests to see if she could tolerate G-forces body is exposed to in a fighter plane.
    - It was tough and painful, but at the same time this is a mandatory test all must pass before they can become fighter pilot. So it had to do that.
    May 2014. Marianne has passed the tests, and doctors have accepted that she flies again. It was not obvious, but now 45-year-old ready for "take off" again.
    - That here are the most important and momentous flight of my life.
    For Marianne Mjelde Knutsen (45) it was special to finally be able to sit in the cockpit.
    F-16-piloten tilbake på vingene etter hjernesvulstmarerittet
    Del Twitre Fly med oss på Sumo
    Norges eneste kvinnelige F-16-pilot ble brått satt på bakken. Nesten to år senere er Marianne Mjelde Knutsen klar for take off igjen.Marianne (45) tilbake i F-16-flyet etter hjernesvulstmarerittet
    Norges eneste kvinnelige jagerflypilot ble rammet av hjernesvulst og var sikker på at tiden i cockpit var over.Det kom som lyn fra klar himmel. Den ene dagen fløy jeg F-16, dagen etter var jeg alvorlig syk.Etter 20 år i operativ tjeneste på 338-skvadronen ved Ørland hovedflystasjon i Sør-Trøndelag ble Norges eneste kvinnelige jagerflypilot brått satt på bakken. Trebarnsmoren Marianne Mjelde Knutsen (45) fra Trondheim hadde en seks centimeter stor svulst i hodet.Ble hasteoperert Etter en ni timer lang operasjon var svulsten fjernet. Men tiden etter ble en prøvelse, både for Marianne og familien. Den første tiden var skremmende. Jeg husket ikke navnet til barna mine, og måtte notere de ned før de besøkte meg på sykehuset. Marianne var forberedt på at hun aldri kom til å fly F-16 igjen. En ubeskrivelig følelse Trebarnsmoren ble gradvis bedre. Etter hvert begynte hun å kjenne en enorm lengsel etter å komme tilbake i cockpit. Det å mestre et jagerfly er en ubeskrivelig opplevelse. Jeg elsker frihetsfølelsen, de enorme kreftene og den høye farten. Det er helt spesielt.
    Hun kunne ikke gi opp drømmen ennå. Jeg kunne tenkt at det ble for farlig. Latt frykten hindre meg. Men jeg kom frem til at jeg ikke kunne leve med uvitenheten. Å fly F-16 er en stor del av identiteten min, og da gir man ikke opp før man får beskjed om at det er umulig. Men det var ikke uten risiko. Legene vurderte situasjonen nøye. Så ga de henne en sjanse. Hvis hun klarte å bestå alle fysiske og psykiske tester ville de gi klarsignal. Se Mariannes første tur med F-16 etter at hun ble rammet av hjernesvulst i vinduet over!
    Grundig testet:Marianne var gjennom beinharde tester for å se om hun tålte G-kreftene kroppen blir utsatt for i et jagerfly. Det var tøft og vondt, men samtidig er dette en obligatorisk test alle må bestå før de kan bli jagerflypilot. Så den måtte jeg klare.
    Mai 2014. Marianne har bestått testene, og legene har godkjent at hun flyr igjen. Det var ingen selvfølge, men nå er 45-åringen klar for "take off" igjen. Det her blir den viktigste og mest betydningsfulle flyturen i livet mitt.


  • @udonword4583
    @udonword4583 7 років тому +3

    takk for at du beskytter våres nasjon :-)

  • @sakirtopuz1596
    @sakirtopuz1596 7 років тому +5

    Beautiful Marianne really bravo :)

  • @lilletrille8998
    @lilletrille8998 8 років тому

    Fantastisk! Flott at hun er frisk igjen!

  • @havardelnarhansen3532
    @havardelnarhansen3532 7 років тому +3

    Utrulig historie det her, Lykke til videre Marianne!! Snakk om "Fighting Spirit".. Girl Power!!!! :)

  • @michelpetit4661
    @michelpetit4661 7 років тому +3

    Respect, Marianne !

  • @Thomasbahl
    @Thomasbahl 7 років тому +9

    That is passion:-)

  • @kristenwagner7340
    @kristenwagner7340 7 років тому +1


  • @aouss123
    @aouss123 6 років тому +3

    What a warrior she is, damn i look upp to her, i also want to be a jetfighter pilot one day.

    • @user-ge9zr6fz3k
      @user-ge9zr6fz3k 2 роки тому

      with whom are you going to fight or is it an attraction?

    • @elguitarTom
      @elguitarTom Рік тому

      @@user-ge9zr6fz3k people only fly jets because they want to fly jets. has nothing to do with killing or war.
      flying jets is an ego thing

  • @25foxbat1
    @25foxbat1 8 років тому +2


  • @sibtainsonglistzafar1298
    @sibtainsonglistzafar1298 Місяць тому

    A very brave woman, respect from Pakistan 😊.

  • @pushtp
    @pushtp 7 років тому


  • @kalle911
    @kalle911 6 років тому

    too bad I clicked "show more" of the video description, I was under the impression that somebody tried to take her scalp in combat but ultimately failed.

  • @mauriciocastro7505
    @mauriciocastro7505 6 років тому

    Don't understand the language, what happened to her in the forehead?, that long scar with stitches.

  • @scootertooter6874
    @scootertooter6874 7 років тому +3

    I don't speak Norwegian...what happened to her head?

    • @2charlie2able
      @2charlie2able 7 років тому +2

      braintumor, and a following operation. this was her first return to any kind of flying in two years.

    • @scootertooter6874
      @scootertooter6874 7 років тому +2

      Cool....glad to see the RoNAF is different from the USAF...she would have been MEB'd and kicked to the curb over here.

    • @TONSBERG100
      @TONSBERG100 6 років тому

      Thank you for telling us. I was also wanting to know

    • @thetruthhurts4054
      @thetruthhurts4054 6 років тому +2

      She ran out of bullets so she jumped out and headbutted a enemy plane to down it... Jk. Brain tumor I think.

  • @mullieprop
    @mullieprop 6 років тому

    Norske jenter er tuff😎😎

  • @roaldatlefurre1959
    @roaldatlefurre1959 6 років тому

    And the first F-16 Pilot :

  • @willfos
    @willfos 8 років тому +1


    • @SimonYouTube
      @SimonYouTube 8 років тому

      Ingen har kommentert siden du postet det der :P

  • @Hordalending
    @Hordalending 4 роки тому

    Hun virker ikke å være selve piloten men heller navigatøren i baksetet.

    • @mortenmidtsund8868
      @mortenmidtsund8868 3 роки тому +1

      flyr en 2 seters ...treningsmaskin er nok en utsjekk etter operasjonen. ...normalt sitter en pilot bak med eleven foran begge seter kan fly maskinen

  • @jordan9318
    @jordan9318 7 років тому +2

    that's a man

    • @sandtats
      @sandtats 6 років тому +1

      Last I checked, men are still unable to give birth. She's married with 3 children.