Hope you guys are well. Certainly great work you all are doing( And sacrificing)to keep steam alive and kicking😅. Hope any one of you can help with where i can find drawings of the shunt yard hand throws. I need to model and make these(14 of them) for my SAR layout. Kind regards and Thanks in Advance if any one can assist
Wow, that brings back so many fond memories, Germiston was indeed a cathedral of steam and light that I fondly remember.🙂
Most enjoyable to watch. I miss being at RS.
Hope you guys are well. Certainly great work you all are doing( And sacrificing)to keep steam alive and kicking😅. Hope any one of you can help with where i can find drawings of the shunt yard hand throws. I need to model and make these(14 of them) for my SAR layout. Kind regards and Thanks in Advance if any one can assist
For the points being changed
Rule no 101. Never , never, leave the depot without full sanboxes that work.....and where is the sandbottles?
Plenty of sand going down on this day 🙂
Very poor sanding equipment. Look at American steam freight locos many have sand feed pipes to each drive wheel
Your coal loader is crying out for some grease.