Your videos are the need of the day as many Muslims (especially the youth) are more attracted to what's coming from those in self help industry like Law of attraction experts and spiritual mentor and it makes sense because most of our Islamic content being created today does not deal with self development . When in reality, Islam is the only way that defines spirituality in the best possible form. Your work deserves appreciation. Jazakallah.
“Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” [Fussilat 41:46]
Subhanallah. So refreshing brother to see the Islamic perspective on what many would place only into the 'New Age Self Help Category' etc. Islam already has such age old principles embedded within and more... if we are prepared to dive into the deen deeper rather than only seeking safety at the shore.
I’m glad I came across this video. I say this to family and friends all the time. ‘’Accept responsibility for your life, your mistakes and only then can you be a better version of yourself.’ Thank so much for this. 🙏🏾
Hi, I'm from a muslim family but i don't follow any religion, i practise spirituality and i find the content in your videos to be very good, important and useful for anybody. I'm glad i found your channel.
The only religion, worthy of following in the sight of Allah, the Creator of the Universe is Islam. Only when we submit our will to His Will, do we find peace and relief from playing god or being manipulated by those who play god. Even our own desires. Allah takes care of us, and this way, elevates our spirits.
There's no such thing as the spirituality without God and meditation without spirituality is just relaxation. Healthy.... ofcours.... but meaninglessness....
Amazing advice. i am going through this time of suffering at the moment , and deep down i know things will change when i change within my self. much love and keep up the great videos . From Melbourne , Australia.
I think as a culture we dont dare look at non muslims videos on topics such as sources unexplainable anger, why we like to criticise, law of abundance, from those who like to talk about spiritual awakenings and surrender.. We are scared because we are afraid we will be influenced and be in sin but infact they only help our understanding of islam and the teachings of our prophet s.a.w I think its because we dont have teachers who explain it to us because we fear going down the wrong path which is very noble but really keeps us far away from experiencing the life the prophets wants for us, of being in the flow and fully engaged human being
You are welcome, sister Hina, may Allah Almighty support you. Have faith, do your best, take positive and constructive action, and you will reach to success and to peace, insha'llah ta'ala, with the divine support of He Most High. Ramadan Kareem and a joyous Eid Mubarak.
thankyou so much brother, im a young girl struggling on a daily basis and im trying to do my best and ur videos are what i need. I always share ur videos because they r so important. Ramadan kareem!
Dear Hina, I am old enough to be your mother, so I pray that Allah will help you and bless you, my daughter. Have faith, learn to relax and let Allah carry you.
4:85 Quran "Whoso interveneth in a good cause will have the reward thereof, and whoso interveneth in an evil cause will bear the consequence thereof. Allah overseeth all things."
I left islam,i resent it completely...there are lots of verses i do not agree with .this video is encouraging me to not throw the baby out with the bath water...ill take what works for me and leave the rest...i was told all my life i had to believe 100% of islam or 0%...thank u for exposing a different perspective..and yes i agree completely,the second we start thinking as victims we are doomed....sadly i think majority of the muslim world thinks tht way...i sincerely hope it family believe in the victim-version of islam,not the empowering version...thank u
Yes, affirmations can be very helpful in creating change. I recommend my video, "Are Affirmations Allowed in Islam?" ( Also, for a more comprehensive program in learning to systematically improve what you attract, I recommend the Mastering the Law of Attraction course » Blessed regards.
Asalamu walaikum brother..pyschologist have actually named the type of person your are describing (the one who blames,criticizes,complains,maybe abuse others) as a Narcissistic personality disorder. They said they rarely ever change their behaviour...only by the Will of Allah swt they will change.
Assalamu Alaikum, brother! I am practicing law of attraction and when I'm really into the desired reality in the form of feeling, I have uncontrollable yet conscious shaking of body. After enough repetition, the center of my head radiates a tingling feeling, body feels light and decentralized and I also feel less attached from the visible reality. Please help me understand what's this a sign of Thanks
Peace and light, Ashiqur Rahman. For a detailed and comprehensive study of the Law of Attraction within an Islamic context, I recommend you join us and access the course, Mastering the Law of Attraction,
@UCOnbGN3RN_Qpe3WYvI5E2PA Salaam Aali, there are two ways to access Mastering the Law of Attraction. 1) Purchase the course at 2) Enroll in Awakenings Academy which includes this and many other programs at I look forward to welcoming you to our community. To your divine and eternal success.
Is the scripting method haram ? Like , you right things in past tense as if they already happen and by that, you are able to « manifest them » Thank you
Dear Ihsan. How does one differentiate between the influences around us or on us from toxic people - in trying to understand that it perhaps is a consequence of what we hold in our mind and what we are. What about the trials Allah sometimes puts us into where we face or deal with people and behaviors that do not jive well with us and our views on life. Meaning... I am compassionate and yet the person or situation I deal is not!
Salaam brother Mir. Everything in the Universe is perfectly balanced, and we attract situations, circumstances and people that trigger parts of us which in fact need healing, balance and correction. By using each opportunity to focus on ourselves and how we feel, and by learning to surrender and transcend, to operate from a place of compassion and love, we can transmute our own state and indirectly heal the other as well. Nothing is by accident, and everything serves a divine purpose. Surrender is the path. Love is the answer. Together we heal, together we awaken, together we rise.
Blessed salaams Patrick. The first step is to recite the Shahada, "Ash-hadu an la ilaha il Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh," which means, "I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad ﷺ is His Messenger." Afterwards, I strongly recommend finding and connecting with a good teacher. Please feel free to email me so we can discuss further.
Assalamualaikum brother. I am seeker of sufism knowledge and as you said that you attract what you are,so does it mean that we create our reality means we manifest things by changing our inner dialogue and feeling or vibration as explained in the concept of law of attraction???
We do to a degree, and above all ultimately is the Will of Allah. The goal is not to manipulate the "law of attraction" to attain something particular in the world, as then the goal is material and beneath the vision of a believer, but rather, to attain the state of excellence that Islam calls for, and the world will be placed beneath your feet. This is the paradox for the believer. Seek the world, it will evade you. Seek Truth, the world will serve you. And Allah Almighty and His Messenger ﷺ know best.
As difficult as this is to try n go beyond what happened, the pain, the hurt, the shame, the anger, choose to become strong, be confident, know you were not at fault, what happened was wrong the perpetrator will face God one day, you have your whole life ahead...Use your strength to help others going through the same...You will find meaning in your life..🥰
Salaam Shazia. The law of attraction is in operation as a fundamental feature of natural law as established by Allah Almighty, whether we consciously operate in a way that is positive or not. Yet for the believer, it is important to approach the topic in a way that will further our growth and success both in this life and the next. We have an entire course on this subject, please join us at
Very enlightning video brother, please keep up I also would highly request an (islamic) guided meditation in your own style for peace and inner transformation. This is really missing on youtube. I hope you will respond. Salam aleykom wa rahmatullah
Blessed salaams, in fact we do have guided meditation tracks available, and you can access at To your divine and eternal success.
Yes, at the link above, once you enter your name and email address, you will receive access to a mini-course which includes a complimentary guided meditation audio soundtrack.
Yes, brother Shabeer, exactly. For more information on this topic, please check out Mastering the Law of Attraction, Blessed regards.
Brother I say with love I feel like there are some problems with some of what you are saying, especially the idea that everyone gets what they deserve. If bad things happen to someone, it is not appropriate to assume it is “what they deserve” or “what they attracted”. You are concerned with a victim mentality but this sounds like victim blaming and has a strong whiff of privilege. Again I say this with love brother. Please consider the way people would take this and consider whether this is coming from New Thought or Islam. And Allah knows best wassalaamu ‘alaikum.
Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant, so forgive me if I misinterpreted. I watched your other video on why bad things happen, and it seemed like quite a different message on the same issue.
Assalamu alaikum, I want to join the course but 192 dollar for me is too much as I belong to India, for sake of allah plz do free of Cost course so that the people like me who can't afford the purchase can get help nd specially the people like me who R the suffere of ocd, becoz I m in need of dis course becoz i am in fear that I may loose my imaan becoz I believe in lao
Asalamu alaykum: I get it but how do we apply it? Meditation, yoga, affirmations? What is the plan? I know it takes 21 days to change a habit and how much time a day should we devote to this? How do we change our subconscious and how do we get clear about what we want? Jazak Allah Khairan Br. Ihsan
Excellent questions, and we are to use all means necessary. As I teach in the Islamic Meditation Program (, the first step is surrender, relaxation and letting go. This is the basis of al-Islam, and it dissolves negative patterns and conduits based in other than truth. Secondly, we can affirm truth by reminding ourselves of that which is in alignment with divine will. Additionally, visualization can be employed. And most importantly, as I cover extensively in the Eternal Warrior Way Program (, action, for without action, nothing is received. To your divine and eternal success!
Plz rply becoz I AM suffering from dis thought becoz when in started living positive, thinking positive its happening so I got fear that my imaan is loosing nd its not getting out of my mind, plz help me for allah sake
I'm afraid 'racism' is hidden in every culture and every Nation...In Islam there is NO racism, if people live by the values of their faith they where the only thing that differentiates us the level of our worship not the colour of our skin, our different languages or our clothing...It is culture that dictates someone is different or an outsider...Brother I can only apologise for your experience of racism...It only shows muslims have alot to work on to become 'real Muslims'...May God grant you the strength and blessings to stay strong as a true Muslim for you are worshipping Allah almighty, and HE will take care of the rest..InshAllah 🤲
Is easy for you not to complaint when you live alone . What about if a mother have a naughty stubborn child , who is lazy and makes the mess and what about if nosy ŕelatives comes to your house often bothering your peace and what about if husband neglects his responsibilities and keep borrowing money to chase his egos . And what bout the bad people who do injustice example those perpetrators who bombs people homes causing destruction to their lives . I dont wish to complaint but due to tiredness , weakness , i complaint bcoz i need help . If no body complaint then there is no need for doctors , police , social services etc etc
this is the Philosophy of the Dharmic religions brother and the ones who believe in non duality. As a Muslim we believe Allah is in Full Control of everything and we do not attract what we feel as you mentioned. Please provide reference or hadith to back up this claim. Did a 5 year old with Leukimia attract her illness?
you have to know the true Tafseer of that ayat. By claiming, That is what Allah is implying in that verse, you do not believe in Qadr (predestination) of Allah and are implying Allah is Unjust. If something good happens to me it was Allah and if i Get struck with a calamity such as illness, or a car accident i attracted it with my own mind or the energy i let off? this is Silly. Before assuming the meaning of that Ayat and giving your assumption of what that verse means, please speak to a scholar of Tafseer before misguiding the people.
you have to know when,where and why that verse was revealed to know the tafseer. was it a Meccan Surat? or Madina Surat? You must know the context of which it was revealed. May Allah Guide us all
Based off of experiences, I disagree with the video’s title. They’re many awesome wives out there, who’re unfortunately domestically abused. They didn’t “attract what they’re” because they’re good.
The law of attraction is shirk. It was channelled through Esther Hicks by an entity she calls "Abraham" and made into a documentary called "The Secret." "Abraham" is a jinn. Allah forbid the jinn to do this because it is a violation of the person's rights to be overtaken. I was also into the law of attraction until Allah showed me that it is shirk. There are related hadith about this topic. The jinn hears things from the heavens and then relays it (a truth) but interlaces it with hundreds of lies. May Allah protect us from evil jinn, shirk, and may Allah guide us.
It is shirk IF you are using Jinn to do your bidding, what Ustadh Ihsan is talking about is taking personal responsibility about the every day choices we make...The decisions are solely taken by YOU, to choose from one mindset to another, the Jinn does not even come into this...
dudewat212 did Jesus say that? Did he ever say that? Or was it the Greek pagan Paul who made up already established stories from Greece and Rome and replaced the Hero's messiahs and put Jesus as the main theme
Salaam Alaikum, don't fully agree bro. Smacks of ''karma' Buddhist master of my situation'Rather, our inner qualities allow us to see our outer situation in different 'lights'. E.g. Mathloom mumin sees the reward in his being oppressed;but he hasnt always brought it upon himself..برك الله فيك
i bliv it. Allah says: “Whatever of good befalls you, it is from Allah; and whatever of ill befalls you, it is from yourself.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 79]
“Allah” imma head out
My mum was an awesome wife, I don’t think she deserved to be domestically abused.
Your videos are the need of the day as many Muslims (especially the youth) are more attracted to what's coming from those in self help industry like Law of attraction experts and spiritual mentor and it makes sense because most of our Islamic content being created today does not deal with self development . When in reality, Islam is the only way that defines spirituality in the best possible form. Your work deserves appreciation. Jazakallah.
Bebo Fernandes can you read and understand your own comment?
Red Abu no I can't can u make it easy
We attract what we need to help us evolve or ascend on our Path.
“Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.”
[Fussilat 41:46]
Subhanallah. So refreshing brother to see the Islamic perspective on what many would place only into the 'New Age Self Help Category' etc. Islam already has such age old principles embedded within and more... if we are prepared to dive into the deen deeper rather than only seeking safety at the shore.
I’m glad I came across this video. I say this to family and friends all the time.
‘’Accept responsibility for your life, your mistakes and only then can you be a better version of yourself.’
Thank so much for this. 🙏🏾
I'm from a muslim family but i don't follow any religion, i practise spirituality
and i find the content in your videos to be very good, important and useful for anybody.
I'm glad i found your channel.
The only religion, worthy of following in the sight of Allah, the Creator of the Universe is Islam. Only when we submit our will to His Will, do we find peace and relief from playing god or being manipulated by those who play god. Even our own desires. Allah takes care of us, and this way, elevates our spirits.
Can you please explain your practice I wana know
believe in Allah and follow the instruction
There's no such thing as the spirituality without God and meditation without spirituality is just relaxation. Healthy.... ofcours.... but meaninglessness....
Stnl N2 they usually believe in god but with no rules.
Amazing advice. i am going through this time of suffering at the moment , and deep down i know things will change when i change within my self. much love and keep up the great videos . From Melbourne , Australia.
Your such a beautiful human and listening to you brings such joy into my heart,Ramadan kareem and wish you and your family well.
Allahumma Sali 'ala Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ, bless you and thank you, Ramadan Kareem wa Mubarak, best and most blessed regards always.
Allah always be with you my brother! Listening to you speaking is deeply peaceful.
I think as a culture we dont dare look at non muslims videos on topics such as sources unexplainable anger, why we like to criticise, law of abundance, from those who like to talk about spiritual awakenings and surrender..
We are scared because we are afraid we will be influenced and be in sin but infact they only help our understanding of islam and the teachings of our prophet s.a.w
I think its because we dont have teachers who explain it to us because we fear going down the wrong path which is very noble but really keeps us far away from experiencing the life the prophets wants for us, of being in the flow and fully engaged human being
that changes my life, thank you brother. i respect you.
Many people have another opinion about the attraction low please check..please check
Masha’allah thank you ihsan
Amin brother thank you so much 🙏🏻
Salaams brother Ihsan, thanks for your excellent advice to all brothers and sisters, make Allah grant you further blessings and glad tidings.
Great lecture on oneself. May God bless you brother Ihsan for all your hard work and beautiful videos.
Ramadan kareem brother Ihsan. may Allah forgive us and make us of the muflihun. Allahuma ameen.
Allahumma ameen, thank you, to your divine success in this month and to a blessed and joyous Eid Mubarak.
shukran , I will try to follow these words in Sha Allah
Thank you Ihsan I'm 18 yrs old girl from the UK n going through a rough time - plz make dua for me jzk for ur awesome vids
You are welcome, sister Hina, may Allah Almighty support you. Have faith, do your best, take positive and constructive action, and you will reach to success and to peace, insha'llah ta'ala, with the divine support of He Most High. Ramadan Kareem and a joyous Eid Mubarak.
thankyou so much brother, im a young girl struggling on a daily basis and im trying to do my best and ur videos are what i need. I always share ur videos because they r so important. Ramadan kareem!
Dear Hina, I am old enough to be your mother, so I pray that Allah will help you and bless you, my daughter. Have faith, learn to relax and let Allah carry you.
Thank you brother I needed to hear that this morning peace man
You are right. Julius Evola says the same thing in Yoga of Power, Chapter VII or Osho in Dhamapada volume 1 Chapter 20 Question 5.
Jazarkhallah khair
Luv luv this over n over
Powerful message, thank you so much. M
Thank you so much
have an inspiring and safe fast... thanks for making videos, blessed be
Yup, I have attracted this video ❤
Beautiful. Thank you ❤️❤️
4:85 Quran "Whoso interveneth in a good cause will have the reward thereof, and whoso interveneth in an evil cause will bear the consequence thereof. Allah overseeth all things."
I left islam,i resent it completely...there are lots of verses i do not agree with .this video is encouraging me to not throw the baby out with the bath water...ill take what works for me and leave the rest...i was told all my life i had to believe 100% of islam or 0%...thank u for exposing a different perspective..and yes i agree completely,the second we start thinking as victims we are doomed....sadly i think majority of the muslim world thinks tht way...i sincerely hope it family believe in the victim-version of islam,not the empowering version...thank u
Salam Alaikum. I think it's a lot more complex than that Brother Ihsan. ...a lot more complex. It's about Allah's Decree and it's also a type of rizq.
nice video mashaallah
thankyou for sharing this video..
😀 right bro!
Would affirmations help?
Yes, affirmations can be very helpful in creating change. I recommend my video, "Are Affirmations Allowed in Islam?" ( Also, for a more comprehensive program in learning to systematically improve what you attract, I recommend the Mastering the Law of Attraction course » Blessed regards.
Good video!! What do islam say about The law of Vibrations? Can You give US your thoughs on this? Jazzakallah
Asalamu walaikum brother..pyschologist have actually named the type of person your are describing (the one who blames,criticizes,complains,maybe abuse others) as a Narcissistic personality disorder. They said they rarely ever change their behaviour...only by the Will of Allah swt they will change.
Walaykum salaam sister. Yes, I didn't say it, but that is true. May God keep us on the straight and blessed path.
Brother your very funny. Love your videos
Assalamu Alaikum, brother!
I am practicing law of attraction and when I'm really into the desired reality in the form of feeling, I have uncontrollable yet conscious shaking of body. After enough repetition, the center of my head radiates a tingling feeling, body feels light and decentralized and I also feel less attached from the visible reality.
Please help me understand what's this a sign of
Peace and light, Ashiqur Rahman. For a detailed and comprehensive study of the Law of Attraction within an Islamic context, I recommend you join us and access the course, Mastering the Law of Attraction,
@UCOnbGN3RN_Qpe3WYvI5E2PA Salaam Aali, there are two ways to access Mastering the Law of Attraction. 1) Purchase the course at 2) Enroll in Awakenings Academy which includes this and many other programs at I look forward to welcoming you to our community. To your divine and eternal success.
Is the scripting method haram ?
Like , you right things in past tense as if they already happen and by that, you are able to « manifest them »
Thank you
Dear Ihsan. How does one differentiate between the influences around us or on us from toxic people - in trying to understand that it perhaps is a consequence of what we hold in our mind and what we are. What about the trials Allah sometimes puts us into where we face or deal with people and behaviors that do not jive well with us and our views on life. Meaning... I am compassionate and yet the person or situation I deal is not!
Salaam brother Mir. Everything in the Universe is perfectly balanced, and we attract situations, circumstances and people that trigger parts of us which in fact need healing, balance and correction. By using each opportunity to focus on ourselves and how we feel, and by learning to surrender and transcend, to operate from a place of compassion and love, we can transmute our own state and indirectly heal the other as well. Nothing is by accident, and everything serves a divine purpose. Surrender is the path. Love is the answer. Together we heal, together we awaken, together we rise.
Brother Ihsan. Thank You. May Allah's grace always shine on you. In shaa Allah.
I like your videos.
Asalumalikum brother how can I become a Sufi muslim
Blessed salaams Patrick. The first step is to recite the Shahada, "Ash-hadu an la ilaha il Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh," which means, "I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad ﷺ is His Messenger." Afterwards, I strongly recommend finding and connecting with a good teacher. Please feel free to email me so we can discuss further.
What about the prophets and all there trails and tribulations ?
Aammeen Aammeen ya Allah ya Kareem peace
Ameennn 🤲🏾🤲🏾
masha allaah I just discovered your channel brother
Welcome, sister Uma Salma, may your path be blessed and your footsteps and heart always guided. To your divine and eternal success, Ramadan Mubarak.
Assalamualaikum brother. I am seeker of sufism knowledge and as you said that you attract what you are,so does it mean that we create our reality means we manifest things by changing our inner dialogue and feeling or vibration as explained in the concept of law of attraction???
We do to a degree, and above all ultimately is the Will of Allah. The goal is not to manipulate the "law of attraction" to attain something particular in the world, as then the goal is material and beneath the vision of a believer, but rather, to attain the state of excellence that Islam calls for, and the world will be placed beneath your feet. This is the paradox for the believer. Seek the world, it will evade you. Seek Truth, the world will serve you. And Allah Almighty and His Messenger ﷺ know best.
Brother it would be appriciated if you give verse number and surah would Inc out knowledge
Insha'llah, will aim to include references in the notes in the future. Thank you for the suggestion.
The English lecture starts at 0:10 😁
Children who've been abused and neglected who grow up into adults?
As difficult as this is to try n go beyond what happened, the pain, the hurt, the shame, the anger, choose to become strong, be confident, know you were not at fault, what happened was wrong the perpetrator will face God one day, you have your whole life ahead...Use your strength to help others going through the same...You will find meaning in your life..🥰
Can we as a muslims use law of attraction? Can we opt for positive affirmation? Can we listen subliminal?
Salaam Shazia. The law of attraction is in operation as a fundamental feature of natural law as established by Allah Almighty, whether we consciously operate in a way that is positive or not. Yet for the believer, it is important to approach the topic in a way that will further our growth and success both in this life and the next. We have an entire course on this subject, please join us at
@@spiritualexcellence thank you sir!!
Very enlightning video brother, please keep up
I also would highly request an (islamic) guided meditation in your own style for peace and inner transformation. This is really missing on youtube. I hope you will respond. Salam aleykom wa rahmatullah
Blessed salaams, in fact we do have guided meditation tracks available, and you can access at To your divine and eternal success.
Ihsan Alexander Thanks for your reaction bro. Ive been thinking on it. Is there somewhere I can have a demo? A taste for what I will get?
Yes, at the link above, once you enter your name and email address, you will receive access to a mini-course which includes a complimentary guided meditation audio soundtrack.
so how do you change from the inside?
By making different choices...
Universal law of attraction right ?
Yes, brother Shabeer, exactly. For more information on this topic, please check out Mastering the Law of Attraction, Blessed regards.
My weekend study with you.💖
Brother I say with love I feel like there are some problems with some of what you are saying, especially the idea that everyone gets what they deserve. If bad things happen to someone, it is not appropriate to assume it is “what they deserve” or “what they attracted”. You are concerned with a victim mentality but this sounds like victim blaming and has a strong whiff of privilege. Again I say this with love brother. Please consider the way people would take this and consider whether this is coming from New Thought or Islam. And Allah knows best wassalaamu ‘alaikum.
Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant, so forgive me if I misinterpreted. I watched your other video on why bad things happen, and it seemed like quite a different message on the same issue.
Assalamu alaikum, I want to join the course but 192 dollar for me is too much as I belong to India, for sake of allah plz do free of Cost course so that the people like me who can't afford the purchase can get help nd specially the people like me who R the suffere of ocd, becoz I m in need of dis course becoz i am in fear that I may loose my imaan becoz I believe in lao
Someone can tell me if making an astral trip is allowed in Islam
If a vision opens for you, allow it yet do not seek it. Concurrently, make real spiritual progress with a proper teacher, lest you lose the path.
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Walaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuh!
Asalamu alaykum: I get it but how do we apply it? Meditation, yoga, affirmations? What is the plan? I know it takes 21 days to change a habit and how much time a day should we devote to this? How do we change our subconscious and how do we get clear about what we want? Jazak Allah Khairan Br. Ihsan
Excellent questions, and we are to use all means necessary. As I teach in the Islamic Meditation Program (, the first step is surrender, relaxation and letting go. This is the basis of al-Islam, and it dissolves negative patterns and conduits based in other than truth. Secondly, we can affirm truth by reminding ourselves of that which is in alignment with divine will. Additionally, visualization can be employed. And most importantly, as I cover extensively in the Eternal Warrior Way Program (, action, for without action, nothing is received. To your divine and eternal success!
worldp3ac3 thru dkhir and you must fight the ego ...
We were taught to think with our minds and not with our hearts.
Lead with your heart, support with your mind. The mind without the guidance of the heart can only lead one astray.
Plz tell me in which surah in Quran it is written that one not change the condition of People untill he not change himself
Plz rply becoz I AM suffering from dis thought becoz when in started living positive, thinking positive its happening so I got fear that my imaan is loosing nd its not getting out of my mind, plz help me for allah sake
Holy Qur'an emphasizes personal responsibility in the beautiful verse, Surah ar-Ra'd [13:11]. May God guide towards light, clarity and strength.
Assalamulaikum Sir,
Sir can I increase my height by using low of attraction or manifestation? I really need ur help
He is like Muslim Jordan Peterson
I have been a Muslim for about six years and I have found racism in the community as being an Asian. That is really true brother
I'm afraid 'racism' is hidden in every culture and every Nation...In Islam there is NO racism, if people live by the values of their faith they where the only thing that differentiates us the level of our worship not the colour of our skin, our different languages or our clothing...It is culture that dictates someone is different or an outsider...Brother I can only apologise for your experience of racism...It only shows muslims have alot to work on to become 'real Muslims'...May God grant you the strength and blessings to stay strong as a true Muslim for you are worshipping Allah almighty, and HE will take care of the rest..InshAllah 🤲
Is easy for you not to complaint when you live alone .
What about if a mother have a naughty stubborn child , who is lazy and makes the mess and what about if nosy ŕelatives comes to your house often bothering your peace and what about if husband neglects his responsibilities and keep borrowing money to chase his egos .
And what bout the bad people who do injustice example those perpetrators who bombs people homes causing destruction to their lives .
I dont wish to complaint but due to tiredness , weakness , i complaint bcoz i need help .
If no body complaint then there is no need for doctors , police , social services etc etc
this is the Philosophy of the Dharmic religions brother and the ones who believe in non duality. As a Muslim we believe Allah is in Full Control of everything and we do not attract what we feel as you mentioned. Please provide reference or hadith to back up this claim. Did a 5 year old with Leukimia attract her illness?
daddy mack you're not getting it
daddy mack duality is shirk
Allah says: “Whatever of good befalls you, it is from Allah; and whatever of ill befalls you, it is from yourself.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 79]
you have to know the true Tafseer of that ayat. By claiming, That is what Allah is implying in that verse, you do not believe in Qadr (predestination) of Allah and are implying Allah is Unjust. If something good happens to me it was Allah and if i Get struck with a calamity such as illness, or a car accident i attracted it with my own mind or the energy i let off? this is Silly. Before assuming the meaning of that Ayat and giving your assumption of what that verse means, please speak to a scholar of Tafseer before misguiding the people.
you have to know when,where and why that verse was revealed to know the tafseer. was it a Meccan Surat? or Madina Surat? You must know the context of which it was revealed. May Allah Guide us all
Nobody attracts anyone
Allah is the only one that move the heart
Based off of experiences, I disagree with the video’s title.
They’re many awesome wives out there, who’re unfortunately domestically abused.
They didn’t “attract what they’re” because they’re good.
the univarse or the gine what you think actually is the creator of you and your univarse the One almighty GOD.
The law of attraction is shirk. It was channelled through Esther Hicks by an entity she calls "Abraham" and made into a documentary called "The Secret." "Abraham" is a jinn. Allah forbid the jinn to do this because it is a violation of the person's rights to be overtaken. I was also into the law of attraction until Allah showed me that it is shirk. There are related hadith about this topic. The jinn hears things from the heavens and then relays it (a truth) but interlaces it with hundreds of lies. May Allah protect us from evil jinn, shirk, and may Allah guide us.
It is shirk IF you are using Jinn to do your bidding, what Ustadh Ihsan is talking about is taking personal responsibility about the every day choices we make...The decisions are solely taken by YOU, to choose from one mindset to another, the Jinn does not even come into this...
law as established by Allah Almighty study 1st
"but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, (Jesus) Christ died for us."
- Romans 5:8 [ESV]
dudewat212 did Jesus say that? Did he ever say that? Or was it the Greek pagan Paul who made up already established stories from Greece and Rome and replaced the Hero's messiahs and put Jesus as the main theme
Salaam Alaikum, don't fully agree bro. Smacks of ''karma' Buddhist master of my situation'Rather, our inner qualities allow us to see our outer situation in different 'lights'. E.g. Mathloom mumin sees the reward in his being oppressed;but he hasnt always brought it upon himself..برك الله فيك
this is Shirk.
Allah says: “Whatever of good befalls you, it is from Allah; and whatever of ill befalls you, it is from yourself.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 79]
Please expand on this, brother Daddy Mack.
expand? i don't understand