I love that in the game against the yogg rogue, Because Finley kept coming back, you had the triumphant "League of Explorers" music everytime the murlocs came back to life. It was cute :3
+Shaked Fish (NineLord) if you watch the stream he does lose games. he doesn't win them all, lose some win some. his youtube videos are likely disproportionate to his true winrate. the content is what is good not the win loss ratio
Yeah, other streamers usually have positive win rates with their creations, but we all know Trump's "skill" level with deck building and play decisions.
Barnes isn't terrible in that deck. A 1/1 tirion, rag, either murloc and even doom or pyro can be good in some situation. And he's a yeti. I'd probably swap an azure because I think barnes is more impactful in most cases.
How is DoomSayer and drake bad? Doom sayer can help u to control the board or at least waste your opponents hero power, drake has spell dmg, if it gets Tirion and rag it's really good, if it gets a murloc u can revive it with anyfin
+I make a bang its not bad per se. its just not strong. normally you want to clear board by turn 4, since its flooded by enemy minions. you can try it and then see if it works well in this deck.
the idea is if the opponent kills the doomsayer there will still be something on the board+ you draw a card. Plus as a paladin and a control deck, the spell damage and 4/4 body doesn't really contribute to the deck's win condition. Plus it stalls and forces the opponent to play cards to avoid milling.
The whole purpose of anyfin decks is to drag the game out long enough and to cycle your cards to get your murlocs killed, buying 2 turns like that with the addition of cycling 2 cards / preventing the opponent to play anything is extremely valuable
Anyfin can happen could summon useless murlocs instead of the good ones you want, aka Bluegill and Warleader. If you anyfin a second time, you could flood your board with more than 30 points of damage!
It's not a full murloc paladin. it's only runs the combo Bluegill + Murloc War leader. the second Anyfin gives you 32 dmg. with the Murloc Knight you ruin the combo
20:08 Why on Earth would Anyfin not be played here? Clears the giant, sets up a huge board... I guess he wasn't sure that he had 2 Bluegills and a Warleader. But he did.
Once he gets through all of the new deck testing, then it goes into the next season of constructed with these new decks, and eventually everyone gets bored of that because it ends up in an aggro meta, then he finally does go back to arena. Probably.
22:50 why did he sacrifice the murloc after equality before using consecration? why didn't he just equality, consecration, then check for vaporize with the murloc. That would've also gotten him warleader with the anyfin
There's no such thing as a necessary card until someone finds a deck that's better than the last. Just a blanket statement about a new card like "this card won't work because other cards are more important" is like cancer for hearthstone and only said by people who only use netdecks.
He should probably swap one azure Drake out tbh since Curator REALLY only needs to net you a murloc (preferably warleader) and one other to be "valueable". Yes, Azure Drake does cycle a card, but that is all it is doing for this deck since you pretty much only have consecrate and whatever the ivory knight discovers to benefit from the spell power.
The card text on "Sorcerer's Apprentice" says "Your spells cost 1 less.", which means the original cost of Arcane Intellect, 3, is reduced to 2, which means he can do both for 4 easy mana.
The old question of "if we can both draw, do I have us do so?" That reminds me of a different question that came up playing magic one day: In sealed, I wanted to go first, and my opponent wanted to go second. Rather than roll to determine, I pointed this out and he chuckled and told me to start my first turn. The question is, then, if we both got our desired outcome, which of us was wrong?
It honestly depends. In Yu-Gi-Oh for instance there are some decks that simply don't function going first so sacrificing your traditionally desired position to ruin your opponent by you going second is better than going through the motions. Decks like Kaiju, Yosenju, Hieratics, and to some extent Monarchs cannot do anything turn 1 so giving it to them is better than simply giving both of you what you traditionally want (you first, him second).
I've been having fun at rank 3 with a menagerie paladin deck. It runs the anyfin package (2 each anyfin, charge, and warleader) with 2 toads and stranglethrone tigers, and the rest of the deck is a dragon paladin. The deck plays aggressive with anyfin for a finisher and curator for consistency.
my opinion on the dragon and beast would be chromagus (good curve after playing The Curator) muklas champion ( synergy with murlocs and murloc knight )
By playing a doomsayer on empty board two things can happen: 1. Your opponent kills your doomsayer and plays his stuff 2. Your opponent doesn't kill doomsayer, skips his turn, and loses all of his tempo. Trumps opponent is playing tempo mage, a deck that must gain tempo to win. Tempo mage on turn 8 has an almost guaranteed way of killing a doomsayer. For example Trump's opponent could of fireballed and pinged. That would leave his opponent with 4 mana to play a threat, like a flamewaker. If an azure drake was on the board, the drake could wipe out any minion a tempo mage could play for 4 or less mana however. Meaning that his opponent would have to take down the expensive 7 health of the doomsayer just to have his minion die for cheap to the azure drake, losing a flamewaker would be especially bad. So the opponent would be far more likely to skip his turn. Trump's playing a deck that can get a guaranteed OTK if enough turns pass. In competitive games there are just plays that seem like a misplay to the average player, but are actually the best play. In esports the pros are the only one's who truly understand the game. It doesn't matter how many votes a top comment gets, a pro should be trusted far more than a mob.
That second game where he frostbolted your face and conceeded, he could have survived another time by killing the warleader with frostbolt and pinging a 2/1!
I would've probably humility+kodo the Deathwing before equality+pyro in that last game just in case he had more than just ysera in hand. Yeah you would lose your kodo, but getting rid of more cards is worth it imho since the kodo's body doesn't mean much when you have Anyfin available for board presence.
Because murloc knight can pull like 5 bad targets (tinyfin, the 2/1 vanilla, oracle, any of the battlecry, etc.). If you want all the value in the world you can run it, but the idea is to use Anyfin and SMOrc for 12 on the first anyfin and 32 I believe on the second. The other murloc aren't necessarily bad, but most of them dilute the good revives off of Anyfin itself (also there are arguably better 4 drops).
Wonder if the Mage was sniping. He could have easily frost bolted the 3/3, pinged a 2/1, and hoped to draw 6 dmg next turn, unless he knew Trump had the 3rd Anyfin in hand
it forced the mage to just pass turn and keeping the azure Drake means nothing since Anyfin doesn't need too much board presence after turn 6. The mage was forced to make suboptimal plays like SMOrc'ing all over the place since he can't summon any worthwhile minions and still get rid of the doomsayer. The Azure Drake gets its value on battlecry and the 4/4 doesn't mean much when Anyfin can get you multiple 6/3 charges out of nowhere or he can just drop Tirion/Happy Rag next turn or something. Also, if he didn't doomsayer at either of those times he would arguably never be able to play the card at any other time afterwards.
yeah....sadly 2 of the 4 good murloc cards got absolutely gutted with the new expansions...(murk eye is not in standard, and murloc knight has 4 new murlocs it can grab...all of which u do not want to get becuz they are battlecry murlocs and the other is a 1/1
So what? Why should be Dr 7 such a problem for this kind of paladin? I think Old Murkeye is a stronger advantage than Dr 7 is a disadvantage for this deck.
Boom alone isn't the problem, the problem is that curves, especially for Paladin, are so much stronger in wild. So the problem iis more like Minibot into Muster ... into Boom. Or my (least) favourite disgusting curve for hunter: Highmane into Boom into Call Of The Wild. You basically need 3 board clears in a row.
In watching you work with the Curator I think you are stuck too much on having him draw you all 3 cards... If he draws 1 or 2 cards he is still valuable. So when building decks with him keep in mind that you don't have to include all 3 and you don't have to have multiple of each type.
Ive a had a bad day and I'm crying i know its weird saying on a gaming video but i need some help if anyone knows a website that can help this please reply thanks for taking the time to read this comment bye
Doesnt curator suck? by turn 7 when hes playable you have dran 10 or 11 cards. That gives you only a consistancy of 33%. And another 33 for turn 8-14 and lastly 15-21. 1/3 Its good; 1/3 kinda ok; 1/3 really bad. And as you have seen in the first game it happens that you draw 2 of a kind before hes even playable. Thats takin even more value of the card...
Curator seems like such a good card in theory, but every deck I've seen him in is either straight up trash or he's just a mediocre addition to an already ok deck. He doesn't have that much of an impact even in best case scenarios where you draw all 3 cards.
The problem is his stat total is "meh" and you have to delay everything else for 2+ turns to actually play all the cards he gives you (which are usually 5 cost cards).
So the rank 5 na control warrior knows that the game will probably end in fatigue ( since the control paladin vs control warrior matchup almost always ends that way) but he doesnt give a shit and he just draws as much cards as he can. So we can admit that NA is like playing agains expert bots who has decent constructed decks.
You are the bad player here, the control warrior knows that we will loose to the murloc combo in late game, so he needs to draw his threats before anyfin happens
+Jim Walker but theres no doubt that most misplays happen on NA . Im watching a lot NA streamers and i see misplays quite often even around rank 5 . (I dont know asia im just talking about the eu and na servers)
Yeah Trump is sort of a meme now. He either ropes and misplays or doesn't rope and still misplays, and defends it either way and insults his fans. It's pretty funny how cringe worthy he is.
Those were some very very greedy plays. Ended up doing more harm than the opponent. Stalling for turns is one thing, but just throwing away drakes? Not at all convinced. Also the decision to leave up Murloc Knight is questionable, since you KNOW that it is going to mess up Anyfin.
the hell is trump going to use a 4/4 body with spell damage for? he doesn't really have damage spells, and if the doomsayer is killed he still has a drake to kill whatever else the opponent plays. the deck only cares about getting to late game to play back to back any fins. it doesn't care for useless spell damage drakes when they can be used for cycling and security. the murloc knight play was stupid though.
Mustachioed Poro It's a value matchup by that time. The more removal that the opponent uses on minions the better it is. Drake might seem irrelevant in terms of spell damage in Paladin, yet it is still a minion on which removal will be used. Get it? I'm not saying that that is a completely bad play as I can see myself doing the same against face decks, it is however quite questionable.
Is Doomsayer really that great? I can understand it's pretty good for aggro but due to the nature of the card it just seems like you're throwing away your cards, like here Trump's optimal turn is playing dragon+doomsayer on an empty board. For a control matchup that's really wasteful IMHO although you do end up getting tempo and an empty board isn't it like using naturalize in game? Since when was that a good play? Like if he just kept his dragon and made a minion on an empty board isn't that better than killing all your stuff? Full board>Empty board, right? And it doesn't even stop midrange decks, Trump loses to Tempo Mage, Rogue and IMHO if he encountered any Yogg Druids he would also get stomped on since Druid would just love to cast spells and ramp up in peace while Trump is killing his own stuff.
I was soooo disappointed in the chess-horse card. I was like "at least every second time you play it, you might get a minion/card with 4 or higher. specially since most paladin cards are 4 mana but out of 10 times i got only 1 mana cards and sometimes useless 2 mana and one time a 5 mana card... thats so worthless)
Burni O Well duh, but the match the guy has the exact same list as Trump's list on the front page of Hearthpwn... which everyone is copying. It's all over the damn ladder.
Who saved 2 board clears against mage that has the least minions in a deck on average. Come on Trump you're better than that! you went from 24 to 10 hp for no reason n got lucky he didn't draw the kill.
he's been playing alot of paladin lately and he is absolutely awful at it, just look at those awful plays..barely getting any value from his cards and then he gets greedy when he doesn't have to like vs that druid.
Leaving a flamewaker up when he has both pyro and both equality in hand... Almost lost a game where his ivory knight healed him for 10 against a burn deck.
I love that in the game against the yogg rogue, Because Finley kept coming back, you had the triumphant "League of Explorers" music everytime the murlocs came back to life. It was cute :3
I miss seeing trump climb ladder, at the moment it's only for research
That's pretty fun as well. Discovering new and exciting decks!
Indeed! but watching few of those videos in a row can be a bit sad to see him lose so much xD
+Shaked Fish (NineLord) if you watch the stream he does lose games. he doesn't win them all, lose some win some. his youtube videos are likely disproportionate to his true winrate. the content is what is good not the win loss ratio
Yeah, other streamers usually have positive win rates with their creations, but we all know Trump's "skill" level with deck building and play decisions.
Barnes isn't terrible in that deck. A 1/1 tirion, rag, either murloc and even doom or pyro can be good in some situation. And he's a yeti. I'd probably swap an azure because I think barnes is more impactful in most cases.
check out kolento's list
Also you can copy out a Murloc and revive it with Anyfin later. Barnes is pretty nuts in many decks.
Tried it out but Barnes ended up being pretty unconvincing. 70-80% of the time it just ends up a 1/1 (doomsayer, curator, kodo, drake, aldor).
How is DoomSayer and drake bad? Doom sayer can help u to control the board or at least waste your opponents hero power, drake has spell dmg, if it gets Tirion and rag it's really good, if it gets a murloc u can revive it with anyfin
+I make a bang its not bad per se. its just not strong. normally you want to clear board by turn 4, since its flooded by enemy minions. you can try it and then see if it works well in this deck.
Still not convinced about killing your own drakes...
trust me it's op, i finally got to rank 24 by doing that
the idea is if the opponent kills the doomsayer there will still be something on the board+ you draw a card. Plus as a paladin and a control deck, the spell damage and 4/4 body doesn't really contribute to the deck's win condition. Plus it stalls and forces the opponent to play cards to avoid milling.
The whole purpose of anyfin decks is to drag the game out long enough and to cycle your cards to get your murlocs killed, buying 2 turns like that with the addition of cycling 2 cards / preventing the opponent to play anything is extremely valuable
15:02 why doesn't that card appear in the play history on the left?
Great job on the editing Jens! Since Anyfin' decks are so popular, have you thought about editing in a murloc counter?
Is Naxx out yet?
Too soon man... Too soon.
in think they will bring the standard mode in next year, dont know dude
Can someone explain, why there's no Murloc Knight in this Deck? Too unreliable with random Murlocs or what?
Anyfin can happen could summon useless murlocs instead of the good ones you want, aka Bluegill and Warleader. If you anyfin a second time, you could flood your board with more than 30 points of damage!
the objective about this deck is to otk the opponent with anyfin with those 2 murlocs..random murlocs can screw it
It's not a full murloc paladin. it's only runs the combo Bluegill + Murloc War leader. the second Anyfin gives you 32 dmg. with the Murloc Knight you ruin the combo
yep, anyfin is worse
bad synergy with anyfin, you dont want the slow cards being pulled with anyfin
20:08 Why on Earth would Anyfin not be played here? Clears the giant, sets up a huge board... I guess he wasn't sure that he had 2 Bluegills and a Warleader. But he did.
Im missing Trumps arena runs so much :(
Same here, constructed is cool but arena is a lot more fun to watch imo
Once he gets through all of the new deck testing, then it goes into the next season of constructed with these new decks, and eventually everyone gets bored of that because it ends up in an aggro meta, then he finally does go back to arena. Probably.
I think he streamed some last night, so there may be hope for you soon.
22:50 why did he sacrifice the murloc after equality before using consecration? why didn't he just equality, consecration, then check for vaporize with the murloc. That would've also gotten him warleader with the anyfin
He was checking for effigy, because he'd rather have a random 4 drop spawn (and get consecrated) than a random 10 drop.
if one of the secrets were effigy his opponent would get a 10mana drop (because yogg was played first ) so he had to kill nerubian first.
thank you guys!
trump you dont have to draw 3 cards from curator if it requires you to cut necessary cards like forbidden healing or acolytes
There's no such thing as a necessary card until someone finds a deck that's better than the last. Just a blanket statement about a new card like "this card won't work because other cards are more important" is like cancer for hearthstone and only said by people who only use netdecks.
+Hahahahaaahaahaa Imo feel like fiery war axe is a necessary card if you cut it then I feel like your win rate will decrease quite a bit
Allen Trinidad Well good thing feelings aren't science.
He should probably swap one azure Drake out tbh since Curator REALLY only needs to net you a murloc (preferably warleader) and one other to be "valueable". Yes, Azure Drake does cycle a card, but that is all it is doing for this deck since you pretty much only have consecrate and whatever the ivory knight discovers to benefit from the spell power.
sod you have amid that shows you what cards you have left in your deck?
this deck today in ladder is good?
Curator Fin ... very interesting.
8:19 has 2 mana left, draws 2 cards for 3 mana! What am I missing?
The card text on "Sorcerer's Apprentice" says "Your spells cost 1 less.", which means the original cost of Arcane Intellect, 3, is reduced to 2, which means he can do both for 4 easy mana.
The old question of "if we can both draw, do I have us do so?" That reminds me of a different question that came up playing magic one day: In sealed, I wanted to go first, and my opponent wanted to go second. Rather than roll to determine, I pointed this out and he chuckled and told me to start my first turn. The question is, then, if we both got our desired outcome, which of us was wrong?
Whoever has the better deck from that matchup
It honestly depends. In Yu-Gi-Oh for instance there are some decks that simply don't function going first so sacrificing your traditionally desired position to ruin your opponent by you going second is better than going through the motions. Decks like Kaiju, Yosenju, Hieratics, and to some extent Monarchs cannot do anything turn 1 so giving it to them is better than simply giving both of you what you traditionally want (you first, him second).
I've been having fun at rank 3 with a menagerie paladin deck. It runs the anyfin package (2 each anyfin, charge, and warleader) with 2 toads and stranglethrone tigers, and the rest of the deck is a dragon paladin. The deck plays aggressive with anyfin for a finisher and curator for consistency.
silly question, but what could i replace lightlord with? normal rag?
rag firelord is good in control paladin decks. If you dont have light lord, at least have x2 forbidden healing and an ivory knight
That last fight was intense as fuck with that guy's deck wtf
If you're reading this have a great day :D
Thank you, to you too!
thanks man
THERE we go! 9 likes :D such a nice comment
The puppy I killed this afternoon by beating it to death with a kitten didn't have a great day
... and neither did the kitten =D
My brother and dog died today fuck you man
"Did I play too greedy"
Yes, definitely
He had three damn cards in hand, pyro equality and then stabilise would have taken the win most likely
I'm not sure how much work it would be, but I would love to see a murlock counter for anyfin like the deathrattle counter for n'zoth
The anyfin counter is to play crappy murlocs to ruin the combo lol
+Elazul2k he meant he wants Jens to edit in what murlocs die like what he does with N'Zoth or Yogg
Allen Trinidad Ahhh ok. My bad lol
Does this deck not run Murk Eye anymore? Seems like an odd cut
can't tell if sarcasm but murk eye is wild
+Allen Trinidad What? Since when? What expansion was he a part of? I was 99% sure he was a classic card
+NoUnboundFreedom He is classic. But he and the other reward card, Captain's Parrot, were removed from Standard.
+NoUnboundFreedom he was a reward for collecting every basic and classic murloc so unfortunately he wasn't in the classic set
Huh, somehow I missed the memo for that. Neat. Thanks
my opinion on the dragon and beast would be chromagus (good curve after playing The Curator) muklas champion ( synergy with murlocs and murloc knight )
Trump plays greedier than a crossbreed of a Jew stereotype and a dragon, then proceeds to insult everyone who disagrees with his play. Fun.
Value is to Trump as Shekels are to a Jew. Respecta
Risking the drag is opposite of greed..
By playing a doomsayer on empty board two things can happen:
1. Your opponent kills your doomsayer and plays his stuff
2. Your opponent doesn't kill doomsayer, skips his turn, and loses all of his tempo. Trumps opponent is playing tempo mage, a deck that must gain tempo to win.
Tempo mage on turn 8 has an almost guaranteed way of killing a doomsayer. For example Trump's opponent could of fireballed and pinged. That would leave his opponent with 4 mana to play a threat, like a flamewaker. If an azure drake was on the board, the drake could wipe out any minion a tempo mage could play for 4 or less mana however. Meaning that his opponent would have to take down the expensive 7 health of the doomsayer just to have his minion die for cheap to the azure drake, losing a flamewaker would be especially bad. So the opponent would be far more likely to skip his turn. Trump's playing a deck that can get a guaranteed OTK if enough turns pass.
In competitive games there are just plays that seem like a misplay to the average player, but are actually the best play. In esports the pros are the only one's who truly understand the game. It doesn't matter how many votes a top comment gets, a pro should be trusted far more than a mob.
Well it seem to work, trump have hit legend 1.
You can do anyfin with the curator.
Anyfin at all.
The only limit... is yourself.
This is curator. Welcome!... to curator.
Try making this deck with elements of Murloc otk and dragon pally, that's already two out of three of the curator types
That sounds like an awful idea
But at the same time, it sounds like a fabulous idea.
they are too different, it would not work. They require different things.
hmm, i didnt even check notifications, just came here randomly lol..
Is this deck above resurrect prist?
Michael Lamar yeah just kill off murlocs anyfin then death to your enemies
The Curator is new Ancient of Lore?
Your twitch stream chat is so toxic... Makes me prefer watching here
Same. I love watching his UA-cam Chanel.
Twitch chat is the brilliant hivemind, get with it
Hey I found one of 'em
Twitch chat is always toxic in every single channel that has non-subscribers, it's an outlaw land.
Thanks for the heads up. I enjoy watching on youtube.
Could u run Murloc with warlock?
That second game where he frostbolted your face and conceeded, he could have survived another time by killing the warleader with frostbolt and pinging a 2/1!
I would've probably humility+kodo the Deathwing before equality+pyro in that last game just in case he had more than just ysera in hand. Yeah you would lose your kodo, but getting rid of more cards is worth it imho since the kodo's body doesn't mean much when you have Anyfin available for board presence.
Did trump just suggest it was a horse? D:
In the second match he give up so fast he can frostbolt the 3/3 and wait for the torch or Yogg in the next turn
Is it just me that thinks the Stampeding Kodo sounds like it's farting when it attacks?
why no murloc knight? works well with anyfin
Because murloc knight can pull like 5 bad targets (tinyfin, the 2/1 vanilla, oracle, any of the battlecry, etc.). If you want all the value in the world you can run it, but the idea is to use Anyfin and SMOrc for 12 on the first anyfin and 32 I believe on the second. The other murloc aren't necessarily bad, but most of them dilute the good revives off of Anyfin itself (also there are arguably better 4 drops).
Murloc knight works terrible with Anyfin, you pull bad murlocs instead of the combo.
No it doesn't.
Wonder if the Mage was sniping. He could have easily frost bolted the 3/3, pinged a 2/1, and hoped to draw 6 dmg next turn, unless he knew Trump had the 3rd Anyfin in hand
I dont understand the azure drake doomsayer play
It's a combo deck, he delayed the game by 2 turns while cycling the azure drakes in attempt to get combo pieces.
it forced the mage to just pass turn and keeping the azure Drake means nothing since Anyfin doesn't need too much board presence after turn 6. The mage was forced to make suboptimal plays like SMOrc'ing all over the place since he can't summon any worthwhile minions and still get rid of the doomsayer.
The Azure Drake gets its value on battlecry and the 4/4 doesn't mean much when Anyfin can get you multiple 6/3 charges out of nowhere or he can just drop Tirion/Happy Rag next turn or something. Also, if he didn't doomsayer at either of those times he would arguably never be able to play the card at any other time afterwards.
I watched this when the view count was at 420. I have no joke about it, I just wanted to tell you.
why not buff the curator to a 5/6?
wouldn't this deck be better in wild with old murk eye?
yeah....sadly 2 of the 4 good murloc cards got absolutely gutted with the new expansions...(murk eye is not in standard, and murloc knight has 4 new murlocs it can grab...all of which u do not want to get becuz they are battlecry murlocs and the other is a 1/1
yeah, but thats one card addition. plus the wild meta has... well dr. boom
So what? Why should be Dr 7 such a problem for this kind of paladin? I think Old Murkeye is a stronger advantage than Dr 7 is a disadvantage for this deck.
Boom alone isn't the problem, the problem is that curves, especially for Paladin, are so much stronger in wild. So the problem iis more like Minibot into Muster ... into Boom.
Or my (least) favourite disgusting curve for hunter: Highmane into Boom into Call Of The Wild. You basically need 3 board clears in a row.
That poor Warrior at the end.
I like how the title is a double entendre.
reroute power to structural integrity ?
In watching you work with the Curator I think you are stuck too much on having him draw you all 3 cards... If he draws 1 or 2 cards he is still valuable. So when building decks with him keep in mind that you don't have to include all 3 and you don't have to have multiple of each type.
What is that decktracker fr tho
Hi I'm sending this comment from internet explorer. I hope you will read it in time. Happy New Year 2005!
Ive a had a bad day and I'm crying i know its weird saying on a gaming video but i need some help if anyone knows a website that can help this please reply thanks for taking the time to read this comment bye
Doesnt curator suck? by turn 7 when hes playable you have dran 10 or 11 cards. That gives you only a consistancy of 33%. And another 33 for turn 8-14 and lastly 15-21. 1/3 Its good; 1/3 kinda ok; 1/3 really bad. And as you have seen in the first game it happens that you draw 2 of a kind before hes even playable. Thats takin even more value of the card...
Haha, the math is not as simple as you wrote it.
trump you cant handle secrets man , so many games you've lost because of secrets
Last time i was this early i only payed half a dollar
can't wait till next week when people stop scienceing with the curator
Curator seems like such a good card in theory, but every deck I've seen him in is either straight up trash or he's just a mediocre addition to an already ok deck.
He doesn't have that much of an impact even in best case scenarios where you draw all 3 cards.
The problem is his stat total is "meh" and you have to delay everything else for 2+ turns to actually play all the cards he gives you (which are usually 5 cost cards).
So the rank 5 na control warrior knows that the game will probably end in fatigue ( since the control paladin vs control warrior matchup almost always ends that way) but he doesnt give a shit and he just draws as much cards as he can. So we can admit that NA is like playing agains expert bots who has decent constructed decks.
You are the bad player here, the control warrior knows that we will loose to the murloc combo in late game, so he needs to draw his threats before anyfin happens
+Mob vious he was just blaming NA because someone told him to...dont worry
+Mob vious omg the warrior drew 3 extra cards before he knew for sure that his opponent is otk. So you are the one who thought is so smart but no. Lol
That's just one guy. I've seen people fuck up a lot on every server
+Jim Walker but theres no doubt that most misplays happen on NA . Im watching a lot NA streamers and i see misplays quite often even around rank 5 . (I dont know asia im just talking about the eu and na servers)
When they summon a Yogg, Anyfin can happen !
Plays badly....
I'm sure a lot of you are confused because they don't know how to play this deck....
You just played badly....
Yeah Trump is sort of a meme now. He either ropes and misplays or doesn't rope and still misplays, and defends it either way and insults his fans. It's pretty funny how cringe worthy he is.
I think it was the right call
All that armor, and conceded anyway.
he didnt had minions left and would have fatiqued for 100 dmg before trump even started fatiquing
Those were some very very greedy plays. Ended up doing more harm than the opponent. Stalling for turns is one thing, but just throwing away drakes? Not at all convinced.
Also the decision to leave up Murloc Knight is questionable, since you KNOW that it is going to mess up Anyfin.
the hell is trump going to use a 4/4 body with spell damage for? he doesn't really have damage spells, and if the doomsayer is killed he still has a drake to kill whatever else the opponent plays. the deck only cares about getting to late game to play back to back any fins. it doesn't care for useless spell damage drakes when they can be used for cycling and security.
the murloc knight play was stupid though.
Mustachioed Poro It's a value matchup by that time. The more removal that the opponent uses on minions the better it is. Drake might seem irrelevant in terms of spell damage in Paladin, yet it is still a minion on which removal will be used.
Get it? I'm not saying that that is a completely bad play as I can see myself doing the same against face decks, it is however quite questionable.
what's with all the doomsayer fails?
Prowler92NS anyfin can happen 🐸
Is Doomsayer really that great? I can understand it's pretty good for aggro but due to the nature of the card it just seems like you're throwing away your cards, like here Trump's optimal turn is playing dragon+doomsayer on an empty board. For a control matchup that's really wasteful IMHO although you do end up getting tempo and an empty board isn't it like using naturalize in game? Since when was that a good play? Like if he just kept his dragon and made a minion on an empty board isn't that better than killing all your stuff? Full board>Empty board, right? And it doesn't even stop midrange decks, Trump loses to Tempo Mage, Rogue and IMHO if he encountered any Yogg Druids he would also get stomped on since Druid would just love to cast spells and ramp up in peace while Trump is killing his own stuff.
I was soooo disappointed in the chess-horse card. I was like "at least every second time you play it, you might get a minion/card with 4 or higher. specially since most paladin cards are 4 mana but out of 10 times i got only 1 mana cards and sometimes useless 2 mana and one time a 5 mana card... thats so worthless)
ı am still watching danganronpa 2 series :(
Mikan died :'(
Technically she didn't. Spoilers.
what how ?
That's what he does every time and that's what he looses to every time ....
he should play HANDLOCK! also, nice name :D
3:00 Trump vs Stalin the 2 dictators (don't quote me I don't know jack shit)
Try renolock. alex. seer. kodo. twilight drake. scarab. tomb spider. azure drake.
We get it! The Curator is a bad card... how much more science is needed?!
Duelyst came out on steam for free a few days ago... anyone wish trump would play that game sometimes? Just me? ok...
So about that skype call...
Is Trump playing his own deck someone copied on the first match? Sure looks like it lol...
Uh... Beast Druid is beast Druid?
Well, beast druid is not something that only Trump came up with.
Burni O Well duh, but the match the guy has the exact same list as Trump's list on the front page of Hearthpwn... which everyone is copying. It's all over the damn ladder.
WELCOME TO Hearthstone and every competitive game ever it aint gonna get any better bud
Stalin vs trump in the first game...
Yoggnaros insects end
Yogg so fair.
Is it Trump who became worse or is it me who got better?
Both probably.
Probably neither. Just a combination of hindsight and confirmation bias.
And Trump is experimenting
Trump hasn't had decent high-level practice in months now, so he's definitely pretty rusty.
When trump roasts the shit out of twitch chat
Yogg Stone lul
really glad that card was nerfed.
Who saved 2 board clears against mage that has the least minions in a deck on average. Come on Trump you're better than that! you went from 24 to 10 hp for no reason n got lucky he didn't draw the kill.
Build the wall!
holy moly, that mage deck that just mindlessly throws burn in your face is pure aids, worse than smorc shaman/hunter imo
All you do in this game is throwing something on the board or in someone's face. Control decks are just as easy as face decks....
+Bruce Wayne 10/10 hahahaha great joke dude
Bruce Wayne control decks? really, wow.
Wo ahahah you guys early af
trump making fun of twitch chat is amusing
STOP trying to make the curator work, every deck you put it in just makes it fucking worse.
Stop watching his videos then? I mean, he's trying to have fun with a new card, what's the issue?
The video is just started and I already can say ruined
Tuck Frump LUL
well pleb'd
God the new smorc mage is just disgusting.
Hey bb
dallerzzz nub
Trump vs Stalin
Trump played too greedily and too deep.
is this even pro play? kinda sucky if you ask me
We didnt ask you
he's been playing alot of paladin lately and he is absolutely awful at it, just look at those awful plays..barely getting any value from his cards and then he gets greedy when he doesn't have to like vs that druid.
Leaving a flamewaker up when he has both pyro and both equality in hand... Almost lost a game where his ivory knight healed him for 10 against a burn deck.
this is the only type of paladin he's awful at, otk. He's an amazing n'zoth and midrange paladin player.
Yes this is his main occupation. If you're asking if it's skilled play however, no, combo decks are easily where trump performs worst
Trump are you voting for trump
First lol
u win
He win's a free IV drip of Mountain Dew to sustain his sad lonely existence in his mother's basement.