Movies I Love (and so can you): Doubt (2008) [*Spoilers*]



  • @HeartfeltCynicism
    @HeartfeltCynicism 8 років тому +94

    "Most movies based on stage plays aren't very cinematic."
    Most movies based on stage plays aren't shot by Roger Deakins.

  • @SomewhereAbove
    @SomewhereAbove 3 роки тому +20

    One of the details that convinced me of his guilt, was the scene in which he talks about people 'stricken by a private calamity' in the first sermon he gives and it goes like this: * cut to a woman * "No one one knows I'm sick", * cut to a man * "No one knows I've lost my last real friend", * Cut to him * "No one knows I've done something wrong".

  • @x-mess
    @x-mess 4 роки тому +107

    Nobody spoke about the blonde boy? Why he used a ball point pen to hurt himself so he can leave? Avoiding something/someone? His obsession with flirting with girls? Maybe trying to control how he views himself. The movie made it a point to show how uncomfortable he was around the Father and lacked personal boundaries.. he touches the teacher. He smokes a cigarette, and I might be wrong but there's a scene that shows the Father's cigarette box. ... I think that the Mother's instincts about him were correct, she just had the wrong victim.

    • @jettsetgirl
      @jettsetgirl 4 роки тому +12


    • @LeoNardo-mb9lf
      @LeoNardo-mb9lf 4 роки тому +37

      You also forgot to mention the part where he slightly smirked at the fact that Father Flynn was leaving the church at the end of the movie too. And he was the only one that never laughed at Father Flynn's joke about becoming a priest when he was talking to the boys about girls

    • @jettsetgirl
      @jettsetgirl 4 роки тому +10

      @@LeoNardo-mb9lf Yess I recall that he almost had a disgusted look on his face.. excellent point ...

    • @aaronsmith7946
      @aaronsmith7946 3 роки тому +34

      Yes, but no. I believe Father Flynn made an attempt with William London but failed. Why did he make an attempt on him? Well, he was the bad boy who flirted with girls in the middle of class, he self-induced nose bleeds to get out of school, he smoked, he was rude to others & called their breath bad, yada yada.. However, him touching Sister James was something entirely different. Him touching Sister James was immediately after Father Flynn took his hand & he flinched and pulled away as if bitten (when near the end when Father Flynn is asking him what it was she heard or saw that made her so certain, she referenced the way he pulled away from him and I knew that was what she was going to say the very first time I watched it because I picked up on it big time). To show that it wasn't an issue of physical contact was why it showed him touch the teacher on the arm...and maybe to get away from Father Flynn, if even only subconsciously and to someone safe. Sister Aloysius didn't call him up there because he touched her arm, she did it because she saw him recoil from Father Flynn so obviously & maybe wanted to probe him or ask him questions.
      So I think he may have tried with William London but failed and that is why he disliked him. Boys don't behave like that towards men if they are in a molesting relationship with them because they are groomed to think it's "love."

    • @LetThereBeLight1111
      @LetThereBeLight1111 2 роки тому +4

      @@LeoNardo-mb9lf I agree with this 100%. I also noted a change in the second Altar boy who became angry and argumentative towards the end of the movie. I think he succeeded with the other altar boy. She was right about her suspicions, but had the wrong kid

  • @PlatinumNanos
    @PlatinumNanos 8 років тому +105

    There is one thing that really bothers me about this channel and all of the videos on it. They get no where near enough attention. Your analysis of films is fucking incredible and the amount of effort you put into your work is phenomenal. You deserve so so much more man! I hope you get it one day!

    • @Schlacker_
      @Schlacker_ 7 років тому +2

      THIS! Well, we're helping him by watching. He is amazing. Very entertaining AND educational.

    • @PlatinumNanos
      @PlatinumNanos 7 років тому

      Indeed he is, best we can do is spread his videos around!

    • @Schlacker_
      @Schlacker_ 7 років тому +1

      Sadly, I found about his channel while browsing "film analysis" videos about 2 weeks ago. And I still haven't seen all of them. I'm keeping them for "me times". I'm a dad...Anyway. Love this channel! Can't believe I just saw Doubt on Netflix last night, and dude had uploaded this very video 2 months ago... Too cool.

    • @lisacolley3897
      @lisacolley3897 Рік тому


  • @amazin3353
    @amazin3353 7 років тому +73

    I interpreted the ending scene quite differently. Sister "Meryl Streep" proved to us that the priest was in fact who he was by their final confrontation (he basically came out - not in direct words of course, he said something like "he can't tell her everything about it etc.") After she found out that he became the head teacher of different school she basically gave up and her doubts were directed towards church itself. She doubted in the institution and probably as a result in the God himself. I wouldn't put any nostalgia in the box, except for maybe nostalgia about the times she was thinking that everything is perfect in the church :D.

    • @aaronsmith7946
      @aaronsmith7946 3 роки тому +1

      @rose petal Well then the screenwriter doesn't know what nostalgia is.

    • @theduchessofessex6418
      @theduchessofessex6418 3 роки тому +1

      Yesssss EXACTLY!!!

    • @MV-kk3nh
      @MV-kk3nh Рік тому +1

      No disrespect, but I think the commentator on this video missed the most important point of Doubt, not only did the priest clearly confess to the nun of doing wrong, but clearly the main point is that the lack of appropriate consequences for pedophile priests were appalling at that time, and no doubt being an older nun, she probably saw a lot more of the same behaviors previously in her life as a nun. The DOUBT the movie is pointing to is THE DOUBT in the church and ultimately on God; which is exactly what happened after the allegations of pedophilia came out to the light, and they found out they had been going on for decades!!! AND THE extensive cover up that involved nearly all in power within the Catholic church, if not all, and all the way up the ranks, to the very top, to the Pope knowing about it and condoning and/or turning a "blind eye", only God knows why.
      When the news broke the "all- piousness/holiness" Catholic church façade and blind faith asked from their faithful; which sadly that's the exact reason why it perpetuated this problem for so many years to begin with. This was not a small contained local problem in the church, IT WAS/IS GLOBAL, many survivors still are alive. The parents of the children that were abused/raped/sodomized/molested would receive payoffs!!! Yes, payoffs from the church, they hired lawyers to draw confidentiality agreements to not talk about the "problem" in public and to just let the church "handle their own"... HUGE MISTAKE...
      The victims were chosen carefully, usually "easy pray", from "dysfunctional" families, single parents/moms, low income, and the list goes on and it's no wonder why this DOUBT continues to live on until today, sadly with very good reason; which I hope is only on the church, not on God, the church is flawed, imperfect, all churches/religions, but not God... It's unfathomable that a priest that knows the consequences of sin and is taught on the righteous fear of God can possibly even think of doing this, but to actually do it and go back to the pulpit and preach, just blows my mind on the utter disrespect and lack of fear of the wrath of God Almighty🤯... I can't even imagine their punishment, here and in the afterlife... God will judge them, for I cannot, -though I want to- in the case of pedophilia and especially done by ordained priests, who have to study for 10 LOOONG a___ years to be ordained!!!🤯 Most hold multiple master degrees and some even doctorate's... just goes to show it's not more education that saves you... What the Catholic church pulled off by concealing everything and somehow surviving, it's just beyond my comprehension... the blatant concealment of a major crime, the most heinous, evil, disgraceful of all crimes and done by priests all over the world, a pernicious institutionalized problem they were breeding!!! It's a shocker to me how the Catholic church is still standing... Though I am sure there are good Catholic priests that have not partaken on this, but all who knew and did nothing also partook, so that goes to the very top, the Pope at the time knew... I don't know much of anything, but this I know for sure is wrong... What kind of benevolent institution survives this level of scandal??? Apparently only the Catholic church, that's what I call power, earthly power... Divine justice knows no higher power than God's, heaven POWER... It breaks my heart and quite frankly enrages me, these priests have not only damaged so many lives, innocent children, entire families, towns, that still live with this and throughout the world, BUT EVEN WORSE, THEY CREATED THIS DOUBT NOT ONLY ON THE CHURCH BUT DOUBT ON GOD ALMIGHTY, nothing can top that, doubt eliminates faith, who wants to eliminate faith? The devil, of course, the devil is everywhere the faithful are, the lost are already won, he ain't there... temptation, which begins with DOUBT, doubt comes in many forms, is a serious problem for all believers, temptations, the devil does not scare you to fall and sin, but he seduces you to, creating doubt is one way... In the Garden of Eden "the serpent" asked Eve if she was sure God said... and created DOUBT in her that led to the beginning of being separated from God... Adam and Eve, our ancestors chose to DOUBT, it is not a trivial thing, as the commentator describes in this video, creating doubt if the priest was actually innocent, if he was innocent he would've fought, he accepted his wrong-doing, the nun was wiling to stand for the truth wether the church would be behind her or not... doubt is the beginning of the end... of the world, quite literally, it's apocalypse now, what the end-of-times in the Book of Revelations is about... Doubt... they never see it coming... He Seduces, lies, cheats to catch his prey, so be forewarned, read your Bible, join a Bible Study, know for sure, even if you don't believe, research wholeheartedly for the truth and be ready, buckle your seatbelt, it's a bumpy ride, as you become hard prey you must safeguard your heart for it is THE wellspring of life... Meaning, act according to the life you want to have and even more important die to live for the afterlife God offers you freely, and it's your choice, God gave us choice, love is not love if it's imposed... How to love God? Get to know Him. Just like all you love already here. How to learn? Easy, it's all in the Bible. I recommend all translations in many different languages are all there, even free Bible Studies, know for sure and go to the source, don't believe the hype and/or fake news, that's a great tool for the devil as well, uninformed and/or misinformed, create DOUBT as well, confusion, apathy, and also another tool that is currently the most effective of all today: distraction... Keep ppl busy, tired, distracted, uninformed and misinformed. The devil is here, seducing, distracting, creating doubt, no one is spared, unless you've been caught, though you still have choice to get out, it's still a choice... Even the devil asks God for permission and He fears God, 'cuz he ain't no dummie... Since the beginning he was there in the Garden of Eden🐍 seducing, lying, corrupting, creating DOUBT... This is what this movie is really about doubting God on the premise of a flawed church, God is not the church, God is God and available to all, to all, we're all sinners, God came for us all, the sinners. The church was meant as a tool for good, but also as we can clearly see in this movie it can also cause great harm; and not a building or an institution per se, but in the Bible God calls us His church, each of us believers, we are the church. Jesus died for us, He conquered death and He did not forget about us, He left the Holy Spirit to guide us, we're not alone. The Holy Spirit does not live inside a hardened heart for God, as we can see in the portrayal of this priest, he asks for mercy to the nun, when he had none for his victims. Letting the Holy Spirit live in us, is also a choice, it's a choice, an every day choice to let Him in to guide our lives... It does sound all very mystic and supernatural, and that is correct, BECAUSE GOD IS MYSTIC AND SUPERNATURAL... So don't flip out, flip the pages in a Bible instead. May God have mercy on this world, and may He guide you to Him 🙏🏻❤️ God is good all the time... And unless you get to know Him profoundly, you won't get to know this is truth. God's love & speed ppls!!! Make today a gr8 day!!! 🙏🏻❤️

  • @Allmine21
    @Allmine21 4 роки тому +10

    This is incredible, one of the few movies where the cast’s acting is high caliber. I still think this was Philip Seymour Hoffman & Meryl Streep’s best role.

  • @HarryBondInc
    @HarryBondInc 8 років тому +32

    Your channel is seriously underrated dude. I love these videos. Keep up the good work

    • @aaronsmith7946
      @aaronsmith7946 3 роки тому

      Is that even though his analysis of this movie was flawed in 19 different ways?

  • @SidV101
    @SidV101 7 років тому +18

    Oh god I LOVED this movie. So, so much. Interesting note though: I was under the impression that the boy was gay and trying to come out to the priest (or something like that, don't remember exactly - it's been a while)

  • @MrDomBoileau
    @MrDomBoileau 8 років тому +35

    Fantastic review and analysis! I need to re-watch this one again.

  • @eviola11
    @eviola11 5 років тому +7

    "I used to listen to news reports all the time" - a time when she was more certain/trusting of the world

  • @kevinsmithfan37
    @kevinsmithfan37 8 років тому +8

    The best way to watch this movie is to watch it 3 times. The first time going in with the mindset that believing everything to be true the second believing everything to be false then the Third time watching it with a truly open mind about both sides

  • @gavinneedham2013
    @gavinneedham2013 3 місяці тому

    I got to see this on Broadway in its revival with Leiv Schriebner as Father Flynn. It was transcendent. One of the greatest American plays of all time.

  • @aqua6264
    @aqua6264 11 місяців тому

    Your point is profound; little is thing is certainly of the best, thought compelling and provokative films played from the best actors and actresses of all times!

  • @raminybhatti5740
    @raminybhatti5740 7 років тому +6

    Yes, I was very impressed by Shanley adapting his own play for the screen. He understood the aspects of film that needed to be emphasised for the benefit of the story, instead of going for a rigid adaptation of the stage play.
    I also think the Sister's confession at the very end about being riddled with doubt wasn't really specific to any one particular experience, but an overall expression about the goodness of God, i.e. why does He let bad things happen?

  • @drnobody7934
    @drnobody7934 2 роки тому +1

    I gained so much more insight on this movie listening to you. You made it much richer and now, I want to rewatch it. Thank you

  • @an9513
    @an9513 2 роки тому +1

    I mean he says “where is your compassion?” To me that shows that he is admitting to some wrongdoing

  • @Srajcula
    @Srajcula 5 років тому

    I have rewatched this and other videos countless times, they are absolutely fantastic, great job and thank you for the content.

  • @user-ux1xx3bq7f
    @user-ux1xx3bq7f Місяць тому

    I think The Reader would be a good one to explore. I love your channel. I find the movies that you do are all interesting to me, as well. Keep up the good work!

  • @helpstopanimalabuse8153
    @helpstopanimalabuse8153 7 років тому +3

    Saw this movie for the first time last night just on impulse & can't stop thinking about it. It was brilliant. That 10 minute scene in the principals office was absolutely gripping, filled with tension. This was much better than Spotlight. I could look at that young,naive sisters face all day. She is absolutely naturally beautiful. Did any of these actors who were nominated receive any awards?? Anybody know??

  • @highwind1991
    @highwind1991 8 років тому +15

    Meryl streep should have won an Oscar for this

  • @Patcall7777
    @Patcall7777 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent critique with perfect commentary and editing. Having just seen this film, you opened my eyes to things I hadn’t noticed in the film, especially the high and low camera angles shots of the priest and nun.

  • @tonetoni8110
    @tonetoni8110 2 роки тому +1

    I stumble on this masterpiece Mannnnn I just wanna huh yall

  • @psycane8462
    @psycane8462 8 років тому

    Oh my god! I am so happy you made this! Doubt has always been one of my favorite films, thank you for making a video about it!

  • @TalhaSalarzay
    @TalhaSalarzay 8 років тому +8

    Excellent Analysis.. You sir, do literally the best critical analysis on youtube trust me..

  • @RaphBiss
    @RaphBiss Рік тому

    Crazy how this whole film adds yet another layer with the me-too movement on top of everything else.

  • @flashbox21
    @flashbox21 8 років тому +2

    Awesome analysis! This is one of my favorite movies and you get to important context points I didn't realized

  • @itsmephil
    @itsmephil 7 років тому +1

    Wow. Thx for this. This is probably one of my favorite movies now. First time I saw it was about a year ago, and it was truly by accident. Anyway, I'm in the mood to watch it again. Thx again for your review & incite.

  • @azz20103
    @azz20103 8 років тому

    every time i see a review by you i go watch the movie, this one was by far the best movie I had ever seen as it is not just black and white kill all the bad guys, but it requires critical thinking about minute differences that change your entire opinion/perspective of the movie. You piece together the bits that I had missed, you teach me to look deeper into things like camera angles. thanks

  • @hhhhhh134t5
    @hhhhhh134t5 8 років тому +2

    can't believe you were on sister james' side, whole way through I was taking it as her being paranoid, hoffman was just too lovable.

  • @charliemaxie7285
    @charliemaxie7285 2 місяці тому

    On of my favorite movies great job breaking it down!

  • @l.w.i7478
    @l.w.i7478 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for providing this service and knowledge! I’ve just discovered your channel, and am enthused: I’m a film fan, but don’t have much money, so there are a lot of films I can’t see - but there are trailers and reviews, so I get at least an overview of what is on offer.
    You give me essential knowledge and interpretation of some films I know a bit about, and thus make me feel like I’ve seen them. Thank you for that - and for the rather quiet, unstressful ways you talk… 👏

  • @zacn9631
    @zacn9631 8 років тому

    This is one of my favorite movies, and I'm thoroughly enjoying your analysis of it.

  • @beverlyvantull8452
    @beverlyvantull8452 Рік тому

    This is such a spot on analysis for 2020-2022

  • @flamshiz
    @flamshiz 8 років тому +12

    dang dude you're So good at this. it's cool how your videos are now among those big-channel releases I look forward to watching and dedicating time to. well done yosh

    • @MoviesILoveandsocanyou
      @MoviesILoveandsocanyou  8 років тому +2

      +flamshiz I dedicate a lot of time to making them, so I appreciate you dedicating time to watching them (I know how long they are, sorry aboot that). Thanks Gildabear.

  • @mollymartin9274
    @mollymartin9274 4 роки тому

    Excellent analysis! I just watched the film for the first time and watched this immediately afterwards. Answers so many questions!

  • @brickwallpictures
    @brickwallpictures 7 років тому +2

    I had expected that I would have been against the priest based on forces outside the movie (namely the history of the catholic church with pedophilia) but Philip Seymour Hoffman's performance had me on his side for the most part despite my preconceived notions. Doubt is a really incredible film. I admire its resolve to not give any clear answer and leave the audience with that very sense of doubt that plagues Meryl Streep

  • @MrJeffrey938
    @MrJeffrey938 Рік тому

    It's worth noting that Roger Deakins [writer/director] didn't know if Father Flynn was guilty until Phillip Seymour Hoffman told him that he needs to know in order to play the character. They then sat in a room and came to a conclusion. The only conclusion that would maintain the intentional ignorance that Deakins believed he needed to write and direct this story is as follows: Flynn had done something significantly wrong in the past. He was therefor potentially capable of doing something again, but he, as of yet, has not. This way even the character of Father Flynn cannot know for sure what he will do, and Deakins and Hoffman can create a film that leaves open the question of whether Flynn is a danger to the students.

  • @imaninjakinda9640
    @imaninjakinda9640 8 років тому

    your videos man they always make me want to re watch the movie with a new mind set the amount of thought you put into a movie is impressive to say the least i love movies and story telling as a whole i would like to think i can dissect a movie but the way you do it it's a perfect blend of criticism and admiration the what the filmmaker has created... in short i applaud you and wait eagerly for your next vid

  • @ACShotRun
    @ACShotRun 3 роки тому

    I've been waiting a long time.
    Many years ago, I saw that this video existed, so I placed Doubt on my list.
    Today I watched it, so I can watch this as well.
    (great video)

  • @MrSmileyFace1100
    @MrSmileyFace1100 8 років тому

    dude, so good, such good work. I look forward to every movie you break down man, well done.

  • @natesexton9477
    @natesexton9477 2 роки тому +1

    i’m baffled that you can make such an unbelievably insightful video, full of intelligent and unconventional commentary, and then botch the meaning of her doubts at the end so badly. she didn’t doubt Flynn’s guilt in the slightest or how she handled it, we’re talking zero doubt, nun whatsoever. (see what i did there? 😉 she was saying she doubts her faith, the catholic religion, God, etc. which is why she’s so upset because of the whole you know, being a nun and all that. it’s kinda important to have faith.

  • @buffalosoldier96
    @buffalosoldier96 8 років тому +2

    This is absoltely amazing. Sir, keep up the good work.

  • @MrOtistetrax
    @MrOtistetrax 2 роки тому

    I can't agree more with what you said in the intro about Amy Adams. She is so fucking good in this. Even just watching the clips of her without dialogue, her every expression and motion completely embodies the character. Turning in a performance of such restraint and subtlety while acting opposite - as you rightly said - probably the greatest screen actor to ever have lived, put her up there among the greats of her generation. Whenever this film comes up in conversation, it's Adams that I end up gushing about. What more need anyone say about Hoffman and Streep?

  • @FelixalPorto
    @FelixalPorto 8 років тому +16

    Could you please do one of Synecdoche, New York. You've mentioned it several times and noted that you liked it. It's a relatively unkown movie (less known that it should be at least) and is very, very interesting to analyse. Even though some UA-camrs have analysed it before you, it's still a movie that everyone can interpret differently. It's my favourite movie too!
    Hope you see this, again a great analysis you've made, you're one of my favourite youtubers!

  • @leonthesleepy
    @leonthesleepy 8 років тому +1

    I literally just rewatched parts of this movie haha! Its a really good movie and i love your taste as well as your videos and analysis! Keep it up man! :)

  • @fredzillasaurus
    @fredzillasaurus 7 років тому +4

    This is an incredible analysis, thank you!

  • @vrindagopinathan4415
    @vrindagopinathan4415 8 років тому

    I love these :) Keep doing what you do man and I really hope you get the huge amounts of subscribers you truly deserve!

  • @natew5694
    @natew5694 6 років тому +5

    Wow, this is a really great unpacking of this movie. I agree with virtually everything you say about this movie. But I don't think it's accurate to say that Davis outdid Streep in that one important scene. The scene worked so well because it was synergistic and played off of each's contribution. Davis had many more lines, and she has the more controversial lines, so it's not really a fair comparison that can be made based on one scene like that. But, yes, the movie is an ensemble tour de force, both because of the individual performances and their synergy.

  • @barductube
    @barductube Рік тому

    Thank you for your great efforts, I subscribed instantly because I expect many mor interesting and enjoyable moments from your channel. This comes from a 70 year old cineastic lover of fun and deep thoughts on and off the main stream. Keep up the good work :) with love from Barbara

  • @lollipopknox
    @lollipopknox 3 роки тому

    Maybe the best review I have ever seen. Wow! Bingeing on the rest of your work!

  • @Victoria-xu2nj
    @Victoria-xu2nj 3 роки тому +2

    I just think father Flynn was gay. And he related to the child because he was also having some doubts about his sexuality. Knowing Flynn was a priest he felt turmoil about not coming out and having to keep his life secret. His whole character was about love and asking what was wrong with it .

  • @valeriedeleon1670
    @valeriedeleon1670 2 роки тому

    This is a great and intelligent story analysis! It is obvious that you put a lot of work into this video!

    • @kathyscott9219
      @kathyscott9219 9 місяців тому

      What some people overlook is how the older blonde young man actor did without saying much. He was disgusted by Father Flynn, smiled a personal smile when at the end, he found that Flynn resigned. There were a couple disconcerting moments between those two. Doubt may have been that the Father was innocent of the crime against Donald but guilty of the other boy. It could be complicated.

  • @GeoffPeterson33
    @GeoffPeterson33 7 років тому

    keep up the great work man, always loved your analysis!

  • @renegaderunner332
    @renegaderunner332 Рік тому

    This is a MASTERPIECE!

  • @fredericopinto2943
    @fredericopinto2943 Рік тому

    Doubt in 100 years will be up there with Citizen Kane and The Godfather. What a powerhouse with A plus actors everywhere.

  • @TalhaSalarzay
    @TalhaSalarzay 8 років тому

    Keep em coming more often... A lotta people havent discovered this extraordinary channel. I dont understand why?

  • @anhnguyenngoc1283
    @anhnguyenngoc1283 4 роки тому

    thank you so much for making this video

  • @nichijin
    @nichijin 8 років тому

    This film is Rashomon minus the flashbacks, an intricate morality play in the vein of A Separation, where we're allowed to witness just enough to become an active participant ourselves. Great review.

  • @EvilDogFilmsOfficial
    @EvilDogFilmsOfficial 3 роки тому

    One of my favorite films, so good.

  • @more.marshmallows
    @more.marshmallows 8 років тому

    Thank you for letting me know about this movie, I'll definitely have to watch it now.

  • @thatsnotchocolat
    @thatsnotchocolat 8 років тому

    I love the whole look of the film, some how did not notice how amazing the acting is

  • @N0LuCk1993
    @N0LuCk1993 8 років тому

    This movie was so good! I saw you reviewed it and decided I had to watch it first. Same thing with Zodiac. Thanks for the reviews.

  • @darknessplague
    @darknessplague 4 роки тому

    amazing analysis video, gave me a chuckle with the clip at the end. "sister would you like some sugar?
    - NEVER!"

  • @bravaLiz
    @bravaLiz 6 років тому

    This play put on film is better than Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" I am so NOT joking. who POSTED this? "all we know fer sher?" conjecture is a verb. correct.The play on film is brilliant! and Movies I Love (and so can you) this is absolutely the BEST Drama on film....ever! thanks for sharing. p.s. i suppose the Academy got tired of handing out awards to Streep. Hoffman, Adams, Davis & the boys (J. Hurley & Wm. London) "The Wind has Changed" too many great scenes to even mention. Thank you for this analysis. It's a masterpiece. It's not a great "movie"... it's a work of art on film.

  • @SharayaMW
    @SharayaMW 2 роки тому

    Another tremendous film!!! I still don't know what to believe.

  • @ANigerianPrince
    @ANigerianPrince 7 років тому

    You really went into detail with this movie.

  • @jonathandauber8705
    @jonathandauber8705 5 років тому

    Incredible review and analysis of an incredible film👏🏻

  • @BreezyStreamy
    @BreezyStreamy Рік тому

    I watched this in high school and my college did this play, but I never really understood it until now.

  • @patrarus6097
    @patrarus6097 4 роки тому

    Excellent recap and analysis of a great movie which, unfortunately, won no Oscars!

  • @EgbertWilliams
    @EgbertWilliams 3 роки тому +1

    My take on there being ''something there'' is that maybe the priest WAS gay but was NOT molesting the boy. The secret they had was discussing what it meant to be gay in that time and place. He was advising and cautioning the boy. Maybe.

  • @sierramobley8962
    @sierramobley8962 Рік тому

    i just saw this movie for the first time and i got the impression that perhaps Father Flynn is gay and Donald had confided in him about his own sexuality, which is why the father was able to connect to him and felt protective of him. this would explain why he said that he “can’t tell [sister Aloysius] everything” when trying to explain himself and why he was giving more attention to Donald, because if he was found out to be gay, he’d probably be forced to resign anyway and relocated again. so no matter whether he was innocent or guilty, his only course of action was to resign unless the sister let it go.

  • @singstreetcar5881
    @singstreetcar5881 Рік тому

    Roger deakins has won 2 Oscars since this video was made

  • @2001aniket
    @2001aniket 7 років тому

    WOW! Why am I just discovering this channel!

  • @dragline.
    @dragline. 5 років тому

    It's a fun movie to analyze. Thank you for making this video.

  • @CM-ho5ic
    @CM-ho5ic Рік тому

    Father Flynn's character was much nicer than the priest l remember. The priest would make rounds in classrooms at 12 noon & scare the heck out of kids. Ms Streep's character was spot on, didn't see any rulers, those suckers hurt.

  • @looking4things669
    @looking4things669 3 роки тому

    I never believed Merril Streeps character. I like when Philip Seymore Hoffman compared the pillow feathers flying out the window as an example of what spreading gossip can do to a person

  • @juanantoniomoreno3409
    @juanantoniomoreno3409 4 роки тому

    Excellent analysis.

  • @GamesWithBrainz
    @GamesWithBrainz 3 роки тому

    im not even remotely religious but this was still a great and thought provoking movie and this video helped me see that even more clearly. Phenomenal performances from PSH and Meryl Streep (and several others)

  • @Solarstar10
    @Solarstar10 8 років тому

    You're reviews are always so brilliant. Any chance you'll be reviewing any Edgar Wright films? To me the man is a comedic genius, and has given some of the best comedy films of the past few decades. There's just so much to delve into with his films. Any one of them would make a great analysis.

  • @Vegan_scorpioo
    @Vegan_scorpioo Рік тому

    after watching this movie i found myself severly innocent individual

  • @lucylou5766
    @lucylou5766 3 роки тому

    Thanks for this post. A perceptive analysis, and well made too. One of my all time favorite movies. Have subscribed. By the way, I would be very interested to see your take on The Truman Show, another masterpiece. In fact any Peter Weir film is worth a look, but TTS is great.

  • @edgarmartinezhuaracha8429
    @edgarmartinezhuaracha8429 3 роки тому

    Spectacular video

  • @tigasanto
    @tigasanto 7 років тому +1

    great video!

  • @RahulKumar-mt4fd
    @RahulKumar-mt4fd 3 роки тому +2

    What are your thoughts on his sexuality?
    I think he's gay (I have doubts about this but sometimes with his physicality I think he is) and Donald Miller is also gay (I don't mean that he made a move on him based on this, this was also pointed by her mother "about the nature of boy" )
    I think Donald has shared with him that he's gay and at that time that was not an easy thing to do for him ( or he's not able to share with him as the other are heterosexual his fellow students)
    As noreen comes to him in the hallway and tells him that she's in love with jimmy. (because he listens and for the students there were no adults with whom they could share their feelings and they were not even allowed to do that, which he is trying to change,).
    He understands Donald more, and relates to him as at his time there was not even a percent chance that he could have experienced his sexuality or told anyone about thay and now as the time is changing, he being rational wants to do something about it.
    Your thoughts?

  • @maryhrgm
    @maryhrgm 7 років тому

    great, great review!
    Thanks ;)

  • @DenchJacintoTV
    @DenchJacintoTV 4 роки тому +1

    Do i have to watch this movie (doubt) again? To fully understand it??

  • @deeliciousgrapes
    @deeliciousgrapes 3 роки тому

    Fantastic commentary

  • @JimmyDThing
    @JimmyDThing 8 років тому +1

    Great video though. And I think that this movie is really about the rise of post-modernism in an extreme form by setting it in the organization that could arguably be the most resistant to it.

  • @Texas.wildflower1
    @Texas.wildflower1 4 роки тому

    I didn't realize until the very end with Meryl Steeps last line, that it was possible to doubt his guilt. I'll have to rewatch the movie now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the priest sort of admit something when he said something to the effect of "you wouldn't like what you'd hear, or you wouldn't understand?" Something to that effect? Going to rewatch now. Great review. New subscriber!

    • @Redwoodtree34567
      @Redwoodtree34567 3 роки тому +2

      That last line says she doubts about how system functions, how she was not believed by the Monsignor and Father Flynn was promoted in some other church and school. That says the gender disparity, no one believed a nun. Meryl Streep's breaking down meant that..

  • @LilayM
    @LilayM 3 роки тому +1

    This is GOOD.

  • @angelabrown7182
    @angelabrown7182 4 роки тому +1

    He was guilty.. they knew the others schools knew

  • @theduchessofessex6418
    @theduchessofessex6418 3 роки тому

    He did it.

  • @saurabhsharma-ws6zx
    @saurabhsharma-ws6zx 4 роки тому

    Thank you for the video

  • @Danlovar
    @Danlovar 5 років тому

    The first Meryl Streep movie I watched.

  • @Flux799
    @Flux799 4 роки тому

    Phenomenal film.

  • @davecarlo2927
    @davecarlo2927 8 років тому

    I would just like to say that you are one of my favorite movie reviewers on youtube. you like a lot of the movies that I love. ones that I didn't see before hand, I watched and I loved. when I watch your videos, I feel as though we have a lot of the same views on those specific movies. it is a crime that you don't have more subscribers. I would recommend reviewing synecdoche new york, since it is very under appreciated, and it's one of my personal favs.

  • @-AtomsPhere-
    @-AtomsPhere- Рік тому

    I was wondering why this movie looked so good…of course Deakins was the cinematographer.

  • @theolamp5312
    @theolamp5312 8 років тому +1

    I tried to think of great ensemble casts with 4 or more characters that would surpass this. I couldn't think of any (although I didn't see spotlight and I think many people would consider AMERICAN HUSTLE close). For me, Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Melissa Leo and Amy Adams (again) in THE FIGHTER might be close. I used to be into the Auteur theory. But, I am now more interested in great acting (although Wes Anderson still intrigues me). I can pick some great acting in recent films. Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay in ROOM. Hilary Swank and Emmy Rossum in YOU'RE NOT YOU (often overlooked). Jennifer Lawrence and Selma Blair in THE POKER HOUSE (again overlooked). Oscar Isaac and Alicia Vikander in EX MACHINA. If I were to go back in time, It would be easier. ON THE WATERFRONT, STAGECOACH, THE QUIET MAN - Etc. But that was when character actors were much more respected. Both your reviews and choice of films are almost always excellent. Best wishes, Ted

  • @doctorbananashooter
    @doctorbananashooter 8 років тому

    Do one for Lost in Translation or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! :)

  • @gabrielbonifacio
    @gabrielbonifacio 4 роки тому +1

    I think that the theme is thou shall not judge.