Who is the Messiah son of Joseph? Why do Christians say he is Jesus?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Rabbi Tovia Singer explains the Jewish concept of Messiah ben Joseph or also known as Moshiach ben Yosef. How is the Messiah ben Joseph different than the Messiah ben David? Are there really two Messiahs in Judaism? These questions frequently confuse people who for those unfamiliar with this topic. Missionaries often marshal this confusion in order to argue that the Jews believe in two messiahs: one who suffers and another, victorious. Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to this claim and uncovers intriguing End Time passages throughout the Jewish Scriptures as he explores this fascinating topic live on air.


  • @fredandpj
    @fredandpj 8 років тому +8

    What they do not tell you is this. There has always been Messianic Jews. In fact, all of the apostles, even the apostle for the gentiles was a Jew. In fact he was a Pharisee until he was blinded on the way to Damascus to persecute Messianic Jews. You people all ignore that. Or the fact that he was blinded. By 70AD, there was no more persecutions by Jews in the Land, for the Jews were now scattered like the Northern tribes were. There is one messiah. He came for the Jews, and the Jews rejected Him, like they did the Prophets. what is funny, while they continue to reject them, they can not remove thee books from the Bible, just as Christians can not put things in the bible claiming that Christmas, Easter, and the change of the Sabbath into the Bible either. There is ONE Messiah. Even though God told them that they were to be the example that would cause everyone to be saved, they even today do not want one non Jew saved. That is why Jesus told the apostles to go to all people, because he knew that his people would refuse. Gentile believers are grafted into the nation, replacing Prideful Jews. Jesus will make 3 appearances, but 2 are private. first to make sure that Israel is not harmed when Russia, and Iran attack Israel. 2nd, to call his people home. Then, He will openly appear. You will know it is him by the scars from His crucifixion. Then he will come back for the separating of the Goats from the sheep. those Goats will include Jews who did not believe when he came down. If you read Exodus, You will see what happens to the Goats as it also happened during some of the latter time that Moses was leading the People. Some people revolted just for some information. Stay in you unbelief , though. See what happens

    • @sandyeyles
      @sandyeyles 8 років тому +1

      You do know that the persecution of Jews throughout the ages has been solid, consistent and repeated. You talk about Jews persecuting the baby christian church. You have it wrong, they did not persecute the church, they were protecting the TORAH from corruption and they still need to defend to this day. You think the words of Paul are scripture, you are deceived and deluded. TORAH is GOD. Yeshua was the embodiment of TORAH, if we follow him, we have to follow Torah, not Paul, otherwise your religion does not make sense.

    • @fredandpj
      @fredandpj 8 років тому +1

      I have it right, as it was Paul, himself, when he was a Pharisee known as Saul who was one of the prosecutors. Like the Christian Churches of today with the New Testament, Israel, with the Torah do the same thing . Tthey both reinterpret Scriptures instead of Following them as the Lord instructs. But, unlike other People, Saul, who was heading to Damascus to persecute , and Kill the New Believers, who were not Christian, by the way for following Jesus, and NOT the leaders of the Judaism at that time. Easter, Christmas, and the change in the Sabbath did not happen until the 4th Century AD. And do you have the scripture verse stating that all of your sacrifices have been canceled? Paul spoke very much like Jesus Did, and God himself stated in the Books of the minor Prophets. Paul was as Zealous for the Cause for Christ as he was as a Pharisee Before he was blinded on the Road to Damascus. Could you also explain why there was NO nation of Israel for over 2500 years? The early Followers were known as simply the way, and NOT Christians.. The Early Hebrew Believers Followed the Torah. But from the scriptures of the Prophets, Jesus was predicted to come when he did.

    • @sandyeyles
      @sandyeyles 8 років тому +2

      fredandpj please, do not insult Yahweh by comparing him to Paul. Go and wash your mouth out with a cake of soap. The truth is , god doesn't really care anymore because we no longer care for the Torah. Simple as that. You are deluding yourself that 'Jesus' is sitting on a throne next to God, dishing out favours and blessings to those who already have a mouth full. Loving you so tenderly. O my, what a load of tripe. Obey Torah and live.

    • @fredandpj
      @fredandpj 8 років тому

      No, If I do anything, I would be insulting Yahweh by comparing Jesus(Yashula) to Yahweh, since they are one in the same. Tell the truth, Your complaint against Paul is this Period. He led the gentile believers. He became a backstabber in your eyes because he dared to teach the gentiles about Yahweh. You, yourself, and all of your Israeli breathern have disobeyed Yahweh for thousands of years for refusing to lead Gentiles to belief in Yahweh. Yahweh, in the form of Jesus taught Paul in the desert for 3 years.. Looking in Depth, which is something that Israel has never done. Jesus was accused of daring to heal on the Sabbath, yet today emergency surgeries are performed on the Sabbath, along taking care of sick patients. Israel are as ready to fight on the Sabbath, like any other days, and fire departments put out fires, and rescuing people on the Sabbath. Paul taught the way that Jesus told him to teach, and like all of those Baptized in that period were given Yahweh's Holy Spirit to help them understand all things in God. You, in not believing in Yahweh's Messiah never received it, and know not of any deeper understanding of Yahweh.

    • @tinytravel1
      @tinytravel1 8 років тому +1

      hmmm its Yehweh is Yashuas wife my machia, my husband in english translation.

  • @gardenoflifefinearts7177
    @gardenoflifefinearts7177 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you Hashem for This Rabbi! Baruch Hashem!!!!

  • @jbunstoppable5074
    @jbunstoppable5074 2 роки тому +5

    Seems like everyone states their religion and then says thank you. So I'm going to try.... Rabbi Tovia Singer I'm Jewish, thank you much respect for you 😊

  • @hijabr898
    @hijabr898 5 років тому +10

    I have been watching some UA-cam videos and people are just saying Jesus pbuh is God they are leaving Christianity and the trinity all together but still are not worshipping God.
    And so much hatred and all different ethnic groups say they are the real Israelites, but speaking with hatred.
    May God guide us

    • @randyw.8781
      @randyw.8781 4 роки тому +3

      Hijab- you want guidance from the Father than read the testimony its called the New testament. While Jesus cannot be the one true God He can be a firstborn Son who is the exact image of the one true God. For in Him the fullness was pleased to dwell.
      And God's firstborn would be a being not a people or word and such a being would make such a statement, "before Abraham was born I am"
      No one who has the Spirit of Christ in them can be deceived away from Jesus. Those who are born of God and are called the children of God.
      Below is Jesus's answer and He knew what they would do to Him for such a answer.
      Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, “Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?” But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer.
      Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”
      “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
      Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the FATHER seeks.

    • @stephaniebell9093
      @stephaniebell9093 3 роки тому

      Hijab read the Torah. It is the scripture. Always start at the beginning amd leave any previous views behind.

  • @aneetatufail8315
    @aneetatufail8315 5 років тому +10

    Rabbi tovia sir... I m Muslim. Lots of love and respect for you. ☺

  • @angelasmiley5000
    @angelasmiley5000 3 роки тому +9

    Zechariah 12:10 actually says--
    10“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit a of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

    • @amandabargo9851
      @amandabargo9851 3 роки тому +4

      God calls Isreal his firstborn (Jacob) is the HE.

    • @robertobonano6930
      @robertobonano6930 3 роки тому

      @@amandabargo9851 He repeatedly warned about taking Scriptures out of context. And some people don't want to learn that. One thing that Tovia Singer has that everybody NEEDS is HUMILITY. Otherwise you will never finish the race. Shalom.

    • @amandabargo9851
      @amandabargo9851 3 роки тому

      @@robertobonano6930 How is that taking scripture out of context? Enlighten me please.

    • @amandabargo9851
      @amandabargo9851 3 роки тому

      Exodus 4:22

    • @TheWhyisthatso
      @TheWhyisthatso 3 роки тому

      @@amandabargo9851 .....His "firstborn" is spiritual "Israel".....the "church" .
      NOT the false church ( antichrist ) that you see in the world today.
      His "elect" are hidden from this world, until the time of redemption.....SOON !

  • @martygirl464
    @martygirl464 8 років тому +8

    What they do not tell you is that Joseph's children were the fathers of the nation of Israel and Joseph became the inheritor of the land of Canaan when Jacob arrived to Egypt and he says so in Genesis 48. He also gives no inheritance to anyone including the coming seed of the womb, but ONLY to Joseph. Joseph was the only one who brought his son's into Jacob and Jacob clearly says he put his name Israel on EPHRAIM and Manasseh and that EPHRAIM would become the fullness of the Gentiles and in EPHRAIM would all the nations be blessed. NOT JEWS AND NOT JUDAH. Rueben, Simeon and Levi were cursed and disinherited because of their wickedness. Jacob says "I will divide you in Jacob and "scatter you in Israel" in other words....none of you will be tribes. He calls them JACOB and he calls his other children ISRAEL. The children of Leah were the children of a concubine and stood to inherit nothing according to the laws of the almighty, only one would be the chosen one and only one bloodline and it was JOSEPH'S son's who ruled over Egypt long after the Jews claimed that Israel left. Israel was the children of Joseph and his alone. Jews claim they were to be the rulers over Israel but clearly that was not true. Judah became the leader/ruler over Rueben, Simeon and Levi because Jacob clearly curses them! He never blessed them and the only one he mentions as giving blessings to is Joseph and then before he dies he GIVES EVERYTHING THAT IS JOSEPH'S OVER TO EPHRAIM! The Jews lie.

    • @chrisshonga
      @chrisshonga 6 років тому

      Marty Girl
      Well speaking and very good revelation

  • @christophervijayaretnam7150
    @christophervijayaretnam7150 3 роки тому +3

    I’m sad why the priests and teachers of religion ignore the truth and mislead so many souls into false paradise. God have mercy on them. I am a Catholic by generation. I’m convinced by your teachings. I don’t have a Jewish Bible to study and understand. Help me to overcome this urge. I have decided to believe the God of Israel and lead as it says.

    • @orringreene3410
      @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

      Be careful, check the words of Jesus how he fulfilled the prophesy of Malachi 3:1, 4:5, and Matt 17:1-13.

    • @orringreene3410
      @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

      Is Jesus telling the truth or not?

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      @@orringreene3410 Logic (the one true God) told the truth through Jesus on occasion, but God does the same through you and I. Where Jesus defied Logic he was objectively incorrect.
      If and when he ever claimed to be God (the history is murky and unreliable because it is only history aka legend and not logical proof from God) then he was very wrong. I do not think he was a scam artist persay but more like some of my friends who seem to have misunderstood some spiritual and/or psychedelic experiences….same with Paul…
      They both interacted with Logos, as Moshe did and mistook it for God. It’s certainly “god-like” as it is “the field/subject of mind” aka collective consciousness, but if you go deeper it’s not God but “the servant” or “wife” of the real God (logic).
      I reason these thing for myself and have had enough of my own conscious experiences to have observed the way some of this stuff actually works, but along the way I’ve come across many ancient texts that were into the truth in ways totally lost in modern times. The ancient Egyptians at certain points had philosophers that said “intellect” was God. The Greeks said “logos” or “rationality” like it also says in John 1 if you look at the original Greek where it says “god is the word”. The Greek says that “theos” (god) is “logos” (logic and the ability to reason with logic).
      We are logos (our minds) ourselves.
      ….BUT that’s exactly how I know Logos is not God because I need Logic and I am not God (the source of knowledge, order and proper reasoning) like Logic is (by definition).
      The one that made x=x by any arbitrary name you may call this one is the one true God. We call it logic, and say “of course logic is logic” in modern academics full of atheists that refuse to acknowledge its the same as saying God is God.
      This one even made the mind (logos) logical. It made “the mind be the mind” because “it is what it is” and demands all things be themselves like God/Logic is God/Logic.
      Logos is not God and Jesus was only one part of Logos (consciousness) but “Logic is Logic” and such a term is little more than a modern synonym for the very ancient terms like “the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”.
      The “substance of logic” is the “incorporeal god” and you must be one of the wiser minds if you wish to “see” God as God really is.

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      @@orringreene3410 The Hebrew Bible does not support the idea of God being a man or any form. It fully supports “the incorporeal God” being synonymous with “the substance of logic” as I’ve described.
      The substance of logic being God is a logical certainty (proven) and makes infinitely more sense than a man being God and us needing to read between the lines of the Hebrew Bible (which says God is not a man and is the eternal, unchanging and objective source of knowledge) to find a nonsensical message that contradicts the whole teaching of Moses and which defies the one true God known today as “logic” (the tree of knowledge of good and evil).

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      Do not merely choose to believe in a certain religion or God, study God and understand God. KNOW God as the scripture actually says you must! It does not allow for mindlessness, ignorance and settling for blind belief because someone is too lazy to study.
      If you’re too lazy to study then you cannot be truly devoted to the one true God. If you are biased and closed minded you cannot be truly faithful (intellectually honest) and will hide the truth not only from others but even from yourself.
      Priests and teachers of religion mislead so many people because they “believe” in God rather that actually knowing and proving that God is God (and that logic and god are synonymous) with logic.
      Know God is God through God. If that seems like nonsense to you then keep studying until you have found the real God (logic).
      Logic can be as simple as saying “if A) and If B) then C)” and filling that structure in properly without logical jumps.
      For instance:
      If A) God is defined by Moshe as “the source of order, knowledge, proper reasoning and all existence” and if B) Logic is defined as “the source of proper reasoning, true knowledge, order” then C) the source of order, knowledge, proper reasoning and all that exists (all that is logical) is known as Logic and God.
      This is proper reasoning ☝️
      Saying “Dont you believe Jesus? Are you calling him a liar?” like many Christians do is not.
      Logic supports much of Judaism and very little of the Christian theology (even if many Christians are nice people that end up ok) but Logic will always support all that Logic says and shows itself to be the “one true God” people have talked about (with varying degrees of accuracy) for thousands of years.

  • @davidpaul5098
    @davidpaul5098 5 років тому +6

    David, son of Joseph, the lesser messiah, earthly bound...as promised in the moon...separates the light from the dark...comes to draw his people out of Christianity/Catholicism/Edom/Rome and bring them back to God...to Judaism...those who will, at least...those still stuck in the paganisms and false teachings of christianity...before God returns...or everybody would die instead of most. It is he that judges the people that are alive today. By way of speaking for God. David saves the world from Gods wrath...David fulfills "T'shuvah"...just before Jesus son of David, the greater messiah, as promised in the Sun, heavenly bound, returns with the Father to save us from the world. There will be people of all religions that join us as well...woe to those who do not...Babel, Asia, and Moab. There are 2 messiahs as sure as there is the sun and moon that give them their title of being Gods greatest lights...all you have to do is look out your window to see Gods promises that He would send each in it's own due time. Learn the Word of the Lord friends, the kingdom of God is at hand...

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому +1

      King David is returning

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 Рік тому

      @@Baa975 Very good! But he is not the King David of old, who was a foreshadow of him.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому +1

      Hi this is The channel/Acc co Owner

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 Рік тому

      @@Baa975 Shalom. Tell me about yourself. I have a channel as well. And videos identifying my lost tribe Israel brothers.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому

      @davidpaul5098 I share the account with my son so you'll get sporadic comments like the above.
      I'm a single mother just trying to defend The Most High where ever i go 🙃

  • @angelosilva4051
    @angelosilva4051 4 місяці тому

    Rabbi Tovia Singer is very good teacher.Thank you Rabbi respect for you.

  • @Monkofmagnesia
    @Monkofmagnesia 6 років тому +3

    John the Baptizer, whom many thought was a prophet, gets executed by Herod. His cousin, Jesus, gets executed by Rome. Jesus brother, James (also John's cousin), gets executed. Was Jesus's family in the business of producing (failed) prophets?

    • @Ruckcuz01
      @Ruckcuz01 3 роки тому

      Failed prophet? look around you... Christianity is the number one religion that has led many to desire to know the G-d of Abraham. If anything Jesus led many to desire the love of the Creator King. I dont see him as a failed prophet at all. He became the light for many. I don't worship Jesus as Hashem. He was merely another who came to share the beauty of G-d to the people in the region.

  • @cenekaplon6513
    @cenekaplon6513 8 років тому +3

    Just think: had God not blinded Isaac - What would have happened had the blessing gone to Esau ? God's purpose will be accomplished... Amen

    • @TheJohnny220
      @TheJohnny220 8 років тому +1

      +Cene Kaplon Jacob is actually Jesus Esau is Edom Esau is the whore of babylon because she rejected the role of Moses. the rumour of Obadiah is such Esau is really a woman as Obadiah states. Esau was blessed with worldly things but not blessed with spirtual things as Jacob has. Moses never made it to israel because she never kept any torah. This persons name is Eva but goes by the name Renee

    • @cenekaplon6513
      @cenekaplon6513 8 років тому +1

      Wow So clever.

  • @michaelallegrini222
    @michaelallegrini222 9 років тому +19

    Rabbi Tovia you're my favorite Rabbi ever you're rockin the beard!

    @MRFITTA 8 років тому +6

    Luke's gospel is fine, it it fully harmonious with Mark, Matthew and John. Even if you remove 22:19-20. The Rabbi is very intelligent.... buts it's not intelligence that brings us into relationship with the Father. Jesus came, lived, died shedding blood, resurrected, ascended(went). And is now at the right hand of the Father interceding for his body(ecclesia on earth)

  • @thespaceram2879
    @thespaceram2879 7 років тому +4

    Joseph is Jesus Christ's foster father ,and loved Him like his own Son. Joseph was a descendant of David and his son Solomon. Mary , Jesus Christ's mother, is also a descent of David. God is the Father, the Son being the Word and the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all happen to be Jesus Christ. It is His holy Deity. Jesus Christ is Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 The Sign of Immanuel
    …13Then he said, "Listen now, O house of David! Is it too slight a thing for you to try the patience of men, that you will try the patience of my God as well? 14"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. Matthew 1:23
    "Behold! The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel" (which means, "God with us").Luke 1:31
    Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you shall give Him the name Jesus.

    • @richardunderwood342
      @richardunderwood342 6 років тому +2

      Ben Joseph is suppose to be from the bloodline of Joseph son of Jacob, not some random guy named Joseph, Ben Joseph is also a military leader who dies in combat and is suppose to be alive at the same time as Ben David, Jesus didn't meet these requirements.

    • @suaptoest
      @suaptoest 5 років тому +1

      @@richardunderwood342 How do you make sure your future messiah meets your requirements?

    • @no15minutecities
      @no15minutecities 2 роки тому +1

      @@richardunderwood342 prove it

  • @donaldjane4182
    @donaldjane4182 9 років тому +9

    Thank you for another logical, well reasoned presentation of evidence that dispels ignorance.

    • @vikibell2006
      @vikibell2006 4 роки тому +2

      On April 13, 2019, a luminous spirit in Nuremberg Germany appeared to my son and said to him: you are the son of God, you are my son. Give people the truth! And she asked if she wanted to go to heaven or stay on earth.

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому +1

      Key word “logical”
      Know logic and you will know God....
      Understand that Logic applied to scripture is where you find God....

    • @shoodoohammy3885
      @shoodoohammy3885 Рік тому

      @@vikibell2006 this didn't happen. Stop doing drugs and get your son some help.

  • @jlopez2924
    @jlopez2924 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this sharing. I am a Catholic Christian but am always searching for the truth. John the New's sharing resonates w/your sharing.

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 Рік тому

      Then leave HER...come out of HER...and finally be converted.

  • @Canada4Israel
    @Canada4Israel 7 років тому +3

    Daniel 926 Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off ( Killed ) and have nothing.
    Isaiah 52 and 53 describe His death and triumph over death
    52:13 Behold, My servant will prosper,
    He will be high and lifted up and greatly exalted.
    14 Just as many were astonished at you, My people,
    So His appearance was marred more than any man
    And His form more than the sons of men.
    15 Thus He will sprinkle many nations,
    Kings will shut their mouths on account of Him;
    For what had not been told them they will see,
    And what they had not heard they will understand.
    Who has believed our message?
    And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
    2 For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
    And like a root out of parched ground;
    He has no stately form or majesty
    That we should look upon Him,
    Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
    3 He was despised and forsaken of men,
    A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
    And like one from whom men hide their face
    He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. 4 Surely our griefs He Himself bore,
    And our sorrows He carried;
    Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,
    Smitten of God, and afflicted.
    5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions,
    He was crushed for our iniquities;
    The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,
    And by His scourging we are healed.
    6 All of us like sheep have gone astray,
    Each of us has turned to his own way;
    But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all
    To fall on Him.7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
    Yet He did not open His mouth;
    Like a lamb that is led to slaughter,
    And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers,
    So He did not open His mouth.
    8 By oppression and judgment He was taken away;
    And as for His generation, who considered
    That He was cut off out of the land of the [k]living
    For the transgression of my people, to whom the stroke was due?
    9 His grave was assigned with wicked men,
    Yet He was with a rich man in His death,
    Because He had done no violence,
    Nor was there any deceit in His mouth. 10 But the Lord was pleased
    To crush Him, putting Him to grief;
    If He would render Himself as a guilt offering,
    He will see His offspring,
    He will prolong His days,
    And the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hand.
    11 As a result of the anguish of His soul,
    He will see it and be satisfied;
    By His knowledge the Righteous One,
    My Servant, will justify the many,
    As He will bear their iniquities.
    12 Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great,
    And He will divide the booty with the strong;
    Because He poured out Himself to death,
    And was numbered with the transgressors;
    Yet He Himself bore the sin of many,
    And interceded for the transgressors.
    Psalm 22
    14 I am poured out like water,
    And all my bones are out of joint;
    My heart is like wax;
    It is melted within me.
    15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
    And my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
    And You lay me in the dust of death.
    16 For dogs have surrounded me;
    A band of evildoers has encompassed me;
    They pierced my hands and my feet.
    17 I can count all my bones.
    They look, they stare at me;
    18 They divide my garments among them,
    And for my clothing they cast lots.
    Micah 5
    With a rod they will smite the judge of Israel on the cheek.
    2 “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
    Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
    From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
    His goings forth are from long ago,
    From the days of eternity.”
    3 Therefore He will give them up until the time
    When she who is in labor has borne a child ( Israel restored).
    Then the remainder of His brethren
    Will return to the sons of Israel.
    4 And He ( Yeshua )will arise and shepherd His flock
    In the strength of the Lord,
    In the majesty of the name of the Lord His God.
    And they will remain,
    Because at that time He will be great
    To the ends of the earth.
    Israel's Messiah, Yeshua will return . Zechariah 12-14
    10 “I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn. 11 In that day there will be great mourning in Jerusalem
    You and Israel have a great future when you recognize Yeshua your Messiah
    Don't believe me or any rabbi. Read the Tanakh for yourself in a humble , prayerful attitude
    Proverbs 3
    34 Surely He ( God ) scorns the Proud,
    But gives grace to the humble

  • @Braglemaster123
    @Braglemaster123 9 років тому +4

    Excellent as always Rabbi Singer

  • @TheWhyisthatso
    @TheWhyisthatso 3 роки тому +2

    I came before as a "lamb" for the slaughter...
    I AM coming again soon as a "LION" to "devour much flesh" .

  • @chrisshonga
    @chrisshonga 4 роки тому +7

    Amen and Amen!! Your teaching is so excellent and very clear to understand! GOD bless you so much, very helpful teaching and very clear massage!!

    • @thesportsapex1787
      @thesportsapex1787 3 роки тому +2

      @Iyas kelu I don't mean to be rude but you're misinformed, and you based and entire set of reasoning on that misinformation. Chabad (lubavitcher chasidim) is a small sect from the Hassidic sect of Orthodox Judaism. So chabad doesn't even represent a big percentage of Orthodox Jews in itself, and in chabad itself the vast majority of people do not believe that their rabbi fulfilled the Messianic prophecies. You took literally a miniscule percentage of jews and somehow used them to create a narrative that would only be logical had it been the majority of Jews.
      There were many unlearned Jews throughout history claiming many things, and indeed Jesus and his followers were another couple of unlearned Jews. None of the things you mentioned were accepted by the scholars or the Jews that studied scripture, it was usually false hope. You wouldn't believe a progressive Christian that butchers the bible and claims that Jesus was some feminist, or random self proclaimed noon religious christians that claim things about Christianity with barely studying it or having any knowledge of it, Jesus and his followers was exactly that to Judaism.

    • @orringreene3410
      @orringreene3410 2 роки тому +1

      This teacher is locked into his tradition, he is putting his own understanding to interpret scriptures, not the Holy Spirit.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому

      ​@orringreene3410 no, he's a very good teacher completely led by Holy spirit!

  • @pedroflores-villanueva920
    @pedroflores-villanueva920 7 років тому +5

    Now I understand better than before: Yeshua is THE MESSIAH, who came first as MESSIAH BEN JOSEPH to clean us of sin through His sacrifice and reconciled humankind with YHWH, once and forever, opening and showing that He is the Path for salvation, and will come again as MESSIAH BEN DAVID to establish His Kingdom to rid off the evil and spare the righteous from the evil forever..

    • @haroldbell213
      @haroldbell213 Рік тому +1

      A sacrifice has to be female and no blemish at all. Human sacrifice is a abomination to God. And you Don't have to have a sacrifice to be attornment.

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 Рік тому +1

      Yeshua is the lion of the tribe of Judah. Messiah ben David. He is NOT, in any way shape or form, messiah ben Joseph. Nor did he come first descended from Joseph and switch lineage to Judah. NO MAN descends from 2 fathers!
      There is but ONE answer. 2 messiahs. And THAT is what is wtitten throughout the entire Bible.

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 Рік тому

      @@haroldbell213 A sacrifice has to be female??? LOL!
      And God doesn't want us to sacrifice our children. But He did.
      What Bible do you read???

  • @bookmouse770
    @bookmouse770 7 років тому +3

    These are titles to an office. One will come with difficulty and the other will come easily I believe. Jezus didn't fulfill the discription, or prophecies, he failed.

  • @zouksesanet
    @zouksesanet 7 років тому +10

    Yeshua (Jesus) said "I am not sent, but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel". He came to regather the lost 10 tribes, the House of Israel/Ephraim, which we see happening now. Even though the current Messianic Jewish movement was originally created as a missionary ministry to convert Jews to Jesus, Hashem is using it to bring back the northern tribes back to the Torah. You will notice that the majority of members in Messianic congregations are former church members, who feel a reawakening by the Ruach to abandon Christmas Easter, Sunday worship and pork to begin Torah observance. To watch for example, "Covenant Community 101: Discovering your identity" by Messianic Torah Observant Israel, also "understanding Paul through the Torah She Be'al Peh" by the ParDes Radio Torah portions/Brutal planet, and "Avi Ben Mordecai, part 1- one house-two house" by paulgem123.

    • @jan453
      @jan453 5 років тому +2

      Messianic movemant is idolatry

    • @jeffrutt6331
      @jeffrutt6331 3 роки тому

      @@jan453 so is rabbinical Judaism. There were no rabbis in ancient Israel!

    • @istvanbodnar7605
      @istvanbodnar7605 2 роки тому

      Who the HELL asked your jesus to foist on the world its muck?

  • @newperspective1318
    @newperspective1318 2 роки тому +1

    Even if there is a future biblical leader who will bring the church back into the promise land there is still only one person who can be the mediator and atonement for man and that's Jesus. This concept of a future biblical leader would be nothing more than a mere human.

  • @pgpeachess
    @pgpeachess 9 років тому +7

    ...He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His wounds we are healed." Isa 53: 4,5.

    • @johnbelani6600
      @johnbelani6600 9 років тому +1

      +Peter Grigore And the Lord wished to crush him, He made him ill; if his soul makes restitution, he will see seed, he shall prolong his days and GOD'spurpose shall prosper in his hand." Isa 53:10

    • @rorkirbabtista9429
      @rorkirbabtista9429 8 років тому

      +John Belani YAWEH is Satan, thats why Christ (revelation of god most high) sets us free from the law of sin and pays the price for our freedom.

    • @rorkirbabtista9429
      @rorkirbabtista9429 8 років тому +1

      Well if you do some research you will see that many of the early christians were killed BY THE CHURCH because they did not believe that the god of moses was Jesus father, its the common thread among the "heretics" like the manicheans, sethians, cathars and so on, the books and the bible were decided upon by the roman church, later catholic.

    • @fredandpj
      @fredandpj 8 років тому +1

      +castcreator1 They took the link from where your responses to me are, so I can only copy from my email. I am responding to the following.fredandpj there is plenty written about messiah however what xtianity uses as "written about messiah" is not actually written about messiah. Instead it is taken out of context. Of all the stuff that IS written about messiah Jesus didn't fullfill one. Bar khokba fullfilled more "actual messianic prophecies" than Jesus did. Do you happen to have any real examples to show what you are saying is true?? I bet not one verse.

    • @joelweiner4798
      @joelweiner4798 5 років тому


  • @greglindstrom2733
    @greglindstrom2733 8 років тому +2

    In 1983 I traveled to Egypt and Israel, a vacation to get my mind off my
    adopted daughter soon to arrive from Korea. I came to Israel as a
    Christian appreciating both the Hebrew origins and Christian. Ishmael
    was on the Temple mount, so I asked while there if he knew what was
    being dug up, I could see plywood and lumber covering a dig. I was told
    it's not my business. I stayed at the Kubitz Ginosar near the Galilee,
    their I met people volunteering their time to dig along side a Baptist
    minister (turned archeologist) named Vendyl Jones. He kept it close to
    the hip as to his findings and he might have mentioned the copper scroll
    but since I was uneducated its importance went over my head. At that
    time I was excited to hear the Ark was hidden and Vendyl might find it.
    He believed they were at Zadok's tomb as it was unearthed in deliberate
    layers, very special. I didn't know then that Ron Wyatt had located the
    Ark in 1982. And as far as I can tell these two men are not mentioned
    together and I don't know if they knew each other. I'm sure others know.
    As I look now on video Vendyl knew where to find the Ark, as the copper
    scroll was an impression map and with it Vendyl found hidden temple
    artifacts and pinpointed the very same location as Ron had recorded. So
    we have two witnesses !! This is all I think is worth mentioning except
    I'm blessed with this testimony. If others have information that would
    more complete the story I would appreciate hearing that input.

  • @benjamingregersen9777
    @benjamingregersen9777 6 місяців тому

    The Messiah Ben Joseph is the prophet Joseph Smith. He's already come and fulfills the prophesy in every way.

  • @iceman4015
    @iceman4015 6 років тому +1

    I used to be a Christian and always had questions about the new testament and how it contradict it's stories. And how lots didn't match up . years ago we found out we were Jews . I abandoned Christianity period. My family gave me my fist tanach. Torah and a special gift was giving to me from family chumash wow it make lots of sense and those questions r no more you need to read and questions the new testament. So plz don't take a script or a verse and twist my words lol. thx you rabbi s. T.s, m.s , y .m. my fav. Hashem is the one and only

  • @josephgard99
    @josephgard99 8 років тому +1

    I understand that it is written that one person shouldn't die for the sins of another, but that applies to sinful man. Jesus, who was faultless and claimed to be one with the Father, knew full well that the wages of sin is death. Jesus is the all sufficient sacrifice who came to pay the wages of the sin of the world. Meshiach Ben Yosef is the Lamb of God, Meshiach Ben David is the Lion of Judah. One true Messiah of salvation from sin who comes twice. Btw, I love the Jews because they are the people chosen by God to be set apart, that the nations might come to know God and eventually receive Christ. Also, God says that He will bless those who bless the children of Abraham, and He will curse those who curse the children of Abraham.

    • @bigjoeflashy
      @bigjoeflashy 8 років тому

      so the Creator accepts humans as sacrific?

    • @josephgard99
      @josephgard99 8 років тому +1

      +bigjoeflashy no, because it is in the nature of humans to be tarnished by sin. that's why Jesus had to be faultless in the eyes of God the Father. read Isaiah 53:12.

    • @bigjoeflashy
      @bigjoeflashy 8 років тому

      +Joseph Jesus was fully man as well in the theology taught..so, does The Creator accept humans as a kosher sacrifice? and Also is Jesus God? or just the continued lamb worship we left in Egypt?

    • @chad969
      @chad969 8 років тому

      +Joseph If you don't believe god accepts human sacrifice doesn't that necessarily mean that you don't believe Jesus was both fully man and fully God?
      "read Isaiah 53:12"
      1. Isaiah 53:12 also says "he will divide the spoils(šā;lāl) with the mighty"
      Look at how this hebrew word is used
      What does god want with earthly possessions(I.e. 'spoils")?
      2. Isaiah 52:13-15 says that when the Servant is exalted it's going to totally shock the whole world. He will sprinkle many nations and Kings will shut their mouths because of him. It will be a time of universal knowledge of God (Jeremiah 31:34) Hebrews 1 says that after Jesus provided purification of sin he went and sat at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Jesus has already been exalted according to the New Testament, and yet Isaiah 52:15 hasn't been fulfilled. Why is that?

    • @bigjoeflashy
      @bigjoeflashy 8 років тому

      +Chad Ellis in that servant song in Isaiah it's the nation's speaking not the Jewish people. the servant is Israel...Israel being the nation is the servant according to all the other sections in Isaiah.

  • @lazlolorintz-independentre459
    @lazlolorintz-independentre459 3 роки тому +3

    Impressive knowledge rabbi

  • @davidpavely4539
    @davidpavely4539 5 років тому +3

    What is the song at the end? I really appreciate it.

    • @vikibell2006
      @vikibell2006 4 роки тому

      On April 13, 2019, a luminous spirit in Nuremberg Germany appeared to my son and said to him: you are the son of God, you are my son. Give people the truth! And she asked if she wanted to go to heaven or stay on earth.

    • @gl9088
      @gl9088 3 роки тому

      I know I’m a year late... but the song is Adon Olam

  • @moniquehasler6426
    @moniquehasler6426 28 днів тому

    She is the Virgin Mary. She is also mother Jerusalem Galatians 425. She’s the mother God in proverbs eight 2122, 23,24, 2526. She gives birth to the waters to the hills. She was with God before the beginning before the earth was, she is wisdom the Holy Spirit, mother Godcreation, mother of life come down and live among her people and among her people, God is in her the Lord love the gates of Zion. The spirit of liberty is God is Corinthian.

  • @patriciatreslove4449
    @patriciatreslove4449 6 років тому +3

    I love Hashem, Praise G-d for HIS People ISRAEL

    • @vikibell2006
      @vikibell2006 4 роки тому

      On April 13, 2019, a luminous spirit in Nuremberg Germany appeared to my son and said to him: you are the son of God, you are my son. Give people the truth! And she asked if she wanted to go to heaven or stay on earth.

  • @MrArtist1971
    @MrArtist1971 8 років тому +2

    21:00 I may have to call in on this particular comment. I am in no means, whatsoever, attracted to a belief where a majority of its followers get exterminated. In fact, I'm looking for those that didn't and why. Hence the Karaites in WW2. YHVH either delivers his people or he doesn't. And if he doesn't then disobedience is at the wheel of the supposed faithful. He's a just Elohim and He will put the hurt on you.

  • @feelegoode2067
    @feelegoode2067 7 років тому +2

    Enjoyed your presentation -very though out.
    However I have one question concerning (around 26:20) with the Luke 22 19-20 statements... Do you still hold to the same thoughts , in light of older transcripts being found (namely Paprus 75 - from the Bodmer find) which contain those verse's in question. And seem to possibly suggest (perhaps) that the missing lines/verses from the then oldest (at that time) manuscripts might have transcripts with purposely omitted portions for effect? Seems this might have become a little murkier with later critical scholars.

  • @sandyeyles
    @sandyeyles 8 років тому +1

    Why do the Jews need a third temple when the Heavenly Jerusalem is coming from the sky, and the Lamb is bringing his kingdom to this earth. I am certain the earthly temple will look like a cardboard box compared to gates being made from a single pearl.

    • @johnthreesixteen316
      @johnthreesixteen316 8 років тому

      The third temple will be taken over by the antichrist......the abomination of desolation.

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому

      johnthreesixteen316 no it won’t. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Please explain why Ezekiel gives explicit, concrete verses to describe the third temple? He goes as far as to describe the size. Was he making recommendations for Home Depot remodelings?

    • @akivatalansky
      @akivatalansky 4 роки тому

      @@johnthreesixteen316 no antichrist in the Hebrew Scriptures.

  • @meverymessy194
    @meverymessy194 8 років тому +1

    The book of Malachi 3 refers to the two messengers God is sending, one to "clear the way" before God. The second messenger is the messenger of the covenant the people desire to follow, "but who can endure the day of his coming," for this one separates the wheat from the chaff. To me this last one mentioned refers to the Christian JC and his followers, those of the people who fell for another god (Deut.13:1-6). It should be noted that the last messenger mentioned appears to come first. But who am I to say.
    Bless the Sovereign God of Israel Jehovah!

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      The “one clear way” is clearly not JC, which is quite obviously one of the least clear ways and arguably the most contested way....
      LOGIC is the one clear way and anyone who is describing JC as messiah is simply describing their version of what it looks like for a man to act completely moral and logical. The argument over whether Jesus was that guy from his own behavior is kind of irrelevant when you notice that his era and his peers were clearly not ready to be part of the true messianic era back the or after his death...
      We had WW2 and Stalingrad 50 years before I was born....the world did not have peace or KNOWLEDGE (aka not uncertain and unproven belief) of God in the last 2,000 years...
      The only thing that can create things, prove itself, be completely true even when it’s output is false (dichotomy...”separating wheat from chaff”), be 100% logical and reasonable, etc. is logic itself!
      God is Logic and the ability to reason aka consciousness....what the Greeks called Logos...
      Any other explanation or definition of God is less logical and less reasonable.
      I recommend getting Jesus out of the way of the Logos/logic (the real God), Christianity is pretty toxic unless you take a strict interpretation of Jesus as someone who was not messiah but can be given some credit as a decent role model according to some renditions of his story. Even then would you want your kids looking up to a man who claimed to be God when he wasn’t? It’s hard to get around saying Jesus was a liar but that’s not what I’m out to do. JC and his peers, the world at that time and since, clearly didn’t qualify as being the bringers of the messianic era. We wouldn’t have had WW2, the Holocaust, or literally millions (way more) of other pieces of evidence of the worlds imperfection that don’t require any analysis of ancient history or prophecy to see.
      When the world knows God as Logos (which even John 1 says when you look at it in Greek and don’t water logos down to just meaning “the word”) and joins Hashem in being reasonable and logical, then maybe we will bring enough stability to Gods creation to call ourselves the messianic era, but almost by definition if that’s what you’re concerned about being titled you aren’t it! The truth and stability of creation is bigger than Jesus or any potential messiah. The concept of the messiah is clearly getting in the way of truth and stability of Gods creation at this point....

  • @peterkennedy8011
    @peterkennedy8011 3 роки тому +1

    was joseph going to introduce moses and elijah

  • @WalterRMattfeld
    @WalterRMattfeld 7 років тому

    The question that is NOT addressed by Rabbi Tovia Singer is WHEN will the Messiah appear according to Scripture? The Rabbi , regrettably, in his various UA-cam videos, only cites scripture as to WHAT the Messianic Age will look like. Jeremiah gives us the all important date for the appearance of the Messiah. He states that after a 70 year exile (Jer 25:11-12), God will take mercy on his people and cause Babylon's yoke of captivity to end (Jer 28:11; 30:8) by having Babylon destroyed by a coalition of foreign kings: Medes, Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz (Jer 51:11, 27-28). With Babylon's destruction accomplished God will then bring back his people to the Promised Land, God will gather his people from all the nations he has scattered them to (Jer 29:10-14). The city of Jerusalem will be rebuilt and royal palace, a king/prince of themselves will rule (Jer 30:18-21). Israel and Judah will be restored (Jer 31:27), a new covenant made, God will cause his law to be written in their hearts so that there is no need for a man to teach his fellow man "know the Lord" (Jer 31:31-34). God declares at that time he will remember their sin no more, and forgive their iniquity (Jer 31:34). A righteous branch is to appear on behalf of David, to rule (Jer 33:14) and that David will for ever more have man to sit on his throne (Jer 33:17) and Levitical priests will always have men to serve God in the temple (Jer 33:17-18) to burn cereal offerings and to make sacrifices for ever (Jer 33:18). Again, Jeremiah has Israel joining God in a new covenant upon the destruction of Babylon (Jer 50:1-20), God, at that time (Babylon's destruction and Israel's return from exile) will find no iniquity in Israel or Judah, for he will pardon those he left as a remnant of the 70 year exile (Jer 50:14-20). Haggai says he is to be Zerb'babel, the Persian governor of Judaea and grandson of Judah's king (Hagg 2:20-23). Zechariah agrees with Haggai, the post-exilic Messiah is to be Zerub'babel, he will bear rule and complete God's temple (Zecr4:7-10; 6:11-14). WHEN will Zerub'babel be made Messiah by God? AFTER GOD OVERTHROWS THE THRONE OF KINGDOMS (Hagg 2:20-23), a veiled euphemism for the Persian monarchy. At this time Darius faced several revolts in his empire, attempts to overthrow him. He overcame all. Apparently Haggai and Zechariah thought the revolts were God's doing, with the Persian monarchy gone, Israel could anoint her Davidic Messiah without Persian interference. They were wrong. The Persians apparently recalled Zerub'babel back to the Persian Court and there was no anointing of a Davidic Messiah, fearing rebellion from Israel. Not only was Jeremiah a False Prophet, so too were Haggai and Zechariah. Judah's exile began circa 587 BC, subtract 70 years and the exile is over circa 517 BC. The Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem by circa 515 BC by Zerub'babel (see p. 1145, Book of Haggai, for the date of the temple's completion in The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha, Expanded Edition. Revised Standard Version. 1977. Editors: Herbert G. May and Bruce M. Metzger). There is a good reason WHY Rabbis and Rabbinical Sages avoid the subject of WHEN all the above is to occur (At the end of the 70 years Babylonian Captivity according to Jeremiah).
    The reason? Both Rabbi and Christian Priest KNOW that God's promises were not fulfilled with the ending of the 70 year Babylonian Captivity and return to the Promised Land, MAKING A LIAR OUT OF GOD, and making Jeremiah a FALSE PROPHET! This failure by God to carry out his promises to his people means that the Bible is not the word of God. Its time to shut down the Synagogues, Christian Churches, and Islamic Mosques. Perhaps Marx and Engle were right: "Religion is the opiate of the people." Perhaps Darwin is right, man is a descendant of the apes. Perhaps the Anthropologists are right: "Man has made his gods in his own image." Click on my name (by my photo) for my UA-cam videos on the Bible as recast Mesopotamian and Canaanite myth, or visit my website www.bibleorigins.net for more in-depth research (My web site has had over two million accesses since the year 2000). Metzger and May sum up Haggai: "...the new temple was completed in the spring of 515 BC...Haggai...exorted Zerb'babel... to assume official leadership in the reconstruction of the temple...Haggai saw them also as necessary preparations for the messianic age. Upon the completion of these enterprises the wonderful era forseen by earlier prophets would come; for God would bless his people with fruitfulness and prosperity, overthrow the gentiles and establish Zerub'babel as the messianic king on the throne of David." (p. 1145, Book of Haggai. The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha. 1977)

  • @klw12866
    @klw12866 9 років тому +11


    • @God_is_Justice
      @God_is_Justice 9 років тому +6

      +karen wright God Blesses All People not just jews. It is very selfish and greedy to say God Bless Jews or God Bless America, why not Godd Bless all People?

    • @God_is_Justice
      @God_is_Justice 8 років тому

      111gagafan isn't that the same thing? LOL

    • @joshuaneal8239
      @joshuaneal8239 5 років тому +1

      If anybody tells you that thier God loved them more then all other people has made into a bigot. If God is love, if God is kind, if God is good and if God has no stepchildren..He would not choose one over the other.

    • @johnpaulmccarthy6112
      @johnpaulmccarthy6112 4 роки тому

      Joshua Neal god is a pagan word

  • @cenekaplon6513
    @cenekaplon6513 8 років тому +1

    Shem ( the King-Priest ) outlived Abraham by 58 years. Think about this !!

  • @MAsheOXKbenJOSEPH
    @MAsheOXKbenJOSEPH Місяць тому

    Is it a sin to think the bible was written about you in some of the passages?

  • @shaketnetro3526
    @shaketnetro3526 6 років тому +1

    Hello to you
    My name is David and I have a fundamental question for Rabbi Tuvia. I would be happy to receive an answer - in principle, Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 15 explains "
    Hence, our "CHAZAL" concludes that "Pikuach Nefesh defies Shabbat."
    This raises the question of whether during the time of an emergency of saving lives, it is permitted to eat, for example, the meat of animals that are not kosher, the meat of prey and scavengers, or even, heaven forbid, human flesh?
    The question arises who determine what such a state of emergency is, the person himself, the rabbi, the Council of Sages - there is a story of YL. Peretz on three who ate - can three rabbis determine this?
    I would be happy to receive a certified reply...
    Thanks and happy and Kosher Passover!

    • @ToviaSinger1
      @ToviaSinger1  6 років тому +2

      The kosher laws are not binding if a life is in danger.

    • @shaketnetro3526
      @shaketnetro3526 6 років тому

      Thank you Rabbi Tuvia
      I thank you for your response and understand as stated
      But who and when did such a state of emergency be determined? I understand that in the Holocaust in the camps, there was such a state of emergency. Was a religious Jew, should he have received a permit from a qualified rabbi or had he decided for himself?
      And anyway, what level of knowledge does a person have about tomorrow? Can a person choose to eat non-kosher because he feels that now he is in a state of emergency, but suddenly the next day everything worked out, so he could hold back or fast for a few hours?
      I would really love a more broad answer because it ultimately affects the observance of all the smallest commandments as well as the grave ones
      I thank you again and wish you happiness, success, health, and longevity, and we will be blessed together to greet the Messiah of our righteousness (truth) soon in our day Amen!

  • @VFVT101
    @VFVT101 2 роки тому +1

    The biggest challenges that many true believers have are: 1. The Hebrew does not contain the letter J and neither does the Greek alphabet. 2. That being the case we know that there could never have been anyone named JC during the earthly ministry of the Messiah. 3. If the Messiah stated in John 5:43 that He came in His Father's name......what is His Father's name? Psalms 68:4 is a clue. The scriptures were put together by Europeans not Hebrews during the canonization process and thus we have conflicting narratives about Yahusha HaMaschiach.
    Lastly the letter J in English is less than 600 years old. So any documents that have it before the 1600's is a lie....
    Also it is a lie to say that christ meant nothing to the Greeks because the had Bishops of christ over 100 years before the Messiah was in the earth. Look up serapis the 1st Greek Pharoah of Egypt.

    • @jbunstoppable5074
      @jbunstoppable5074 2 роки тому

      Yeah but Christians can always say "you are correct, but what about yeshua?"

    • @VFVT101
      @VFVT101 2 роки тому +1

      @@jbunstoppable5074 Yeshua doesn't work because when you say "Hallelu-Yah" there is no "Yesh" if John 5:43 is accurate than there would be a Yah as is stated in Psalms 68:4
      Also remember that in original Hebrew there is no "e" in the alphabet as well, that only happens in modern Hebrew which is called Aramaic.

    • @jbunstoppable5074
      @jbunstoppable5074 2 роки тому

      @@VFVT101 what about a "yod and shin? יש "

  • @javierninosr.8514
    @javierninosr.8514 6 років тому

    The first message the Word of God said to me in the early morning hours of October of 2008 is:
    Days later the Word of God spoke to me in the early morning hours and said:
    In the beginning days of November of 2008 the Word of God spoke to me in the early morning hours of October of 2008 is:
    Days later the Word of God spoke to me in the early morning hours and said:

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      I wish more people who believed the word of God actually knew the word of God in its original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT)...
      Study the Greek term Logos. Many seem to think it just means “the word of god” as in be a good little believer and read your Bible every day, but Logos is much much deeper than that. It means logic and the ability to reason it, like a logical mind or something like the logical reasoning that our computers use more so than just “the word”....just as “Torah” would probably be better thought of as “the algorithm” or “the logical rules” in a modern interpretation, and that’s what it’s supposed to be apparently, a “blueprint” for something...
      I don’t understand why more people of faith arent taking Torah (or the New Testament) and trying to apply different forms of logic to it to see what information is hidden within it...there would even be different “modes” so to speak like in music where starting the analysis from a different point may yield a different flavor that is equally valid logically and thus equally useful...
      Everyone wants “THE” interpretation, probably so they don’t have to actually use their Logos and think for themselves, when the Bible and much of the prophecies about the (real) messianic era have to do with looking at the old scriptures in new ways aka applying modern forms of logic to it and having an open mind, so we can know God (logic/logos itself) not settle for belief that can waver so easily and lead to so many evil, illogical and ungodly things.
      They knew too much about God back then to use Logos in the sense that only means “the word” and which makes the modern English translation/interpretation so one sided, and we know WAY too much about logic(s) -God is any possible form of logic (formal or informal) and the ability to reason it which equates to consciousness - to settle for that shallow of an interpretation now

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      Be faithful (devoted) to god (reasoning with logic)...then you will know him and have no need for belief....you will know and trust in Hashem and have no uncertainty (belief in the sense most people use it)...
      God is the ultimate engineer and logician, and it’s accurate to say that everything we have built as far as our technology exists because of Hashem and his gift to us as his children (our own intuitive and formalized logic(s) and our own minds ability to reason) and those who want to walk with him need to walk in the same direction as him and his plan for creation, towards being logical and valid...
      If Hashem wanted a bunch of mindless robots to bow down to him and have to “save” instead of children he could have made that. We are embodied “child minds” of Hashem like the Bible and common sense both tell us we are. We are both a family to him (which he can’t have true love with robots that don’t choose to give it) and we are also capable of creating and ordering existence, to get it closer to stability and perfection, and can help him like our computers and electronics help us to get shit done faster...
      So, go start ordering stuff (which I’m clearly good at lol) and loving things more (where I have some work to do)...
      I say all that with as much love as possible, it’s a bit cheap to just say this at the end but it’s hard to be nice/soft and get out unadulterated information at the same time.
      If people were interpreting their bible properly and knew god, they would not be “believers” but knowers and they wouldn’t be getting slaughtered in debates with scientists because science is actually a branch off field from logic, that has a sort of “square vs rectangle” relationship where science cannot exist without logic but logic can exist without science.
      Logic can actually be intuitive (not need proof to be true) as we know with what we call “instinct”...but anything that is proof or a way to provide proof (like science) is inherently a form of logic.
      This is why god must BE logic (God is the concept of logic itself and all that it entails including consciousness, reality, etc..) because God IS truth, and truth/knowledge can only be found and proven, without it being a lie or illusion, with what we call logic.

    • @jimnasium3979
      @jimnasium3979 Рік тому

      That might have been Taco Bell and tequila talking to you

  • @tanakhanew9278
    @tanakhanew9278 7 років тому +3

    To anyone who thinks that a 2nd coming of Maschiach is incompatible with Tanakh, then answer these two questions:
    1. Where in Tanakh is a timeframe explicitly stated for the Messianic mission?
    2. Where in Tanakh does it explicitly state that Mashiach is required to stay in Israel for the entirety of his mission?
    If you can't answer those questions with quotations from the prophets, then the 2nd coming of Mashiach is a doctrine compatible with what the prophets said.

    • @jacobbarker544
      @jacobbarker544 6 років тому +2

      TanakhAnew It isn't mentioned, but you're right, it's possible. That being said, he isn't supposed to be divine and until someone actually gets the job done, he can't yet claim the title.

    • @katherinerothschild2026
      @katherinerothschild2026 6 років тому +2

      The idea that a Messiah is going to die for our sin is idoatry, the lamb is a reference of the blood that was placed above the door so that the angel of death will pass over that house.

  • @kingdavid255
    @kingdavid255 7 місяців тому

    Do you think that Jesus knew that he did not fulfill or knew that the earth did not change in any way that was prophesied by the Hebrew prophets? I’m thinking if he read Tanakh he knew what was going to happen.

  • @bookmouse770
    @bookmouse770 7 років тому +2

    The Oboe will play an A and everybody tunes up to match that A. Give me an A!

  • @adrianperez6614
    @adrianperez6614 Рік тому +1

    Wow! Pow! Thank you HaShem❤

  • @tanakhanew9278
    @tanakhanew9278 7 років тому +1

    I appreciate the honesty of David Klinghoffer's assessment in Chapter 3 of his book Why The Jews Rejected Jesus:
    "To what I've said here about prophecy fulfillment and the Messiah, it might be objected that while the Gospels' interpretations of these verses may be highly imaginative - or, to put it another way, highly strained - rabbinic exegesis is no less so. Finding a reference to Mashiach ben Yosef in Zechariah's cryptic verse is a good example of how such traditional Jewish interpretations may seem completely untethered to what the scriptural text actually says."
    Someone honestly seeking the truth of Tanakh will realize that the Orthodox teaching on ben Joseph has far less exegetical strength than the Christian teaching on ben David.

  • @archangel_metatron
    @archangel_metatron 2 роки тому +1

    His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому

      King David is returning

    • @jimnasium3979
      @jimnasium3979 Рік тому

      It was probably written by a doctor then...cuz they have bad penmanship.

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron Рік тому

      @@jimnasium3979 Do you think it's wise to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

    • @jimnasium3979
      @jimnasium3979 Рік тому

      Have I done that?

  • @MrCaminosdeisrael
    @MrCaminosdeisrael 8 років тому +2

    Excellent explanation...hazak

  • @gabyes
    @gabyes 6 років тому +1

    August 2015 ..... The first time I saw ISA the muslim Jesus in a dream , I saw him flying to me , he came to me face to face and he
    asked me who my father was , I hesitated for a couple of seconds then I replied : Jehovah is my Father ! then he
    left me !! He looked just like the Jesus we have seen in pictures and movies ...
    June 19th 2015 .... I had the most strange dreams , in the first one I saw people celebrating the coming of Mashiach Ben Yossef , sending gifts to each other , I saw one person giving a box of chocolates to another person. I woke up and after several hours I went to sleep again and then saw myself telling people about Ben yossef in the group and then someone said "really"? ..( only one lady in the fb group was interested in him .. noone else seemed to care !)
    Next day I had another dream , I saw people who were aware of the coming of Mashiach Ben Yossef and they were like following his steps like spying on him , I saw a newspaper and the name Melissa but I didn't feel like it was referring to my daughter .. I also saw people commenting about the color of his hair .. he had red hair !
    Ben Yosef will be the beast from the Earth of the book of Revelation .. the False Prophet !!

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому

      King David is returning

  • @isidroo1
    @isidroo1 7 років тому +1

    how about Isaiah 53 and pls don't tell me that's the people of Israel because is talking about one man.

    • @Keyz-pz5xy
      @Keyz-pz5xy 7 років тому +2

      Ysidro Vicioso many Christian scholars even agree it's about israel

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому +1

      Ysidro Vicioso the man is Israel. Do you idiots ever read entire Bible books?

    • @akivatalansky
      @akivatalansky 4 роки тому +1

      Isaiah 53 doesn't mention "Messiah" even once. The chapter talks of "my servant". It can't be Jesus, because he didn't fulfill verse 10 of that chapter.

  • @SilviaSumberaz1
    @SilviaSumberaz1 21 день тому

    Beatifull teaching, thank you ❤

  • @Cenepk101
    @Cenepk101 9 років тому

    Full disclosure: I am Christian & loved your vid very much. Correction: messianics do not despise the tenach. This is hyperbole. Cherry picking, yes, occurs amongst those who sit under inadequate teaching & need more of your teaching ( minus the Jeshua isnt the Messiah part). Ohh.. It is my greatest prayer for Jew & Gentile believers to come together to create that great symphonia you spoke so passionately of... Sigh.. May we all love the Holy Scriptures as you obviously do !!! I know I do !!!! I am temporarily saddened though, how my studied new rabbi is unable to see Jeshua in Isaac, in Joseph, in Great King Josiah, Joshua .. On the other hand- greatly encouraged your escatology pretty much lines up exactly with Christians not seperated from their Hebrew root. You are the best rabbi I have ever heard that was not Messianic ! For Real !

  • @brandondavis969
    @brandondavis969 9 років тому +2

    funny. The lineage in the gospels don't provide any evidence of a lineage from ephraim or menessah. looks like the Christians are wrong again.

    • @Cenepk101
      @Cenepk101 9 років тому

      +brandon davis Jeshua is the Lion from the tribe of Judah.“The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭49:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @brandondavis969
      @brandondavis969 9 років тому

      That prophecy is a reference to reheboam. Read 2nd chronicles ch 10.

    • @Cenepk101
      @Cenepk101 9 років тому

      +brandon davis I don't recognize any correlation between 2 Chronicles 10 & mannasah & ephraim & the lineage of Jeshua

    • @brandondavis969
      @brandondavis969 9 років тому

      No one said it had anything to do with mannaseh and ephraim. After the death of Solomon, before reheboam was was crowned the other tribes came and told him if he would lighten the load his father placed on them they would be his servants. If you read the chapter I'm sure you remember what his response was. All the people from all the tribes were gathered to him. However, Shechem, the city he was in, was not large enough to contain all the tribes. The majority of what would be kingdom the northern kingdom of Israel (as opposed to Judah) were gathered in Shiloh, which is documented in Kings as being only a short distance away. At that point the sceptre departed from Judah and most of his brothers were no longer under his control.

    • @brandondavis969
      @brandondavis969 8 років тому

      pathstowardgodbyfaith.com the idea that "the time has passed" is a blatant misinterpretation stemming from a lack of knowledge of the Hebrew language. The time has passed when the messianic age arrives, which an idiot can look at the evening news and deduce it has not. The lineage records are a minor concern consideration undeniable prophecy that must be fulfilled by moshiac, none of which the Christian demi-god fulfilled. He will be proven by the results of his actions, a test which JC miserably failed.

  • @MAsheOXKbenJOSEPH
    @MAsheOXKbenJOSEPH Місяць тому

    Is it common for people to get anointed?

  • @moniquehasler6426
    @moniquehasler6426 28 днів тому

    Revelation 1210 tells you that the woman revelation 12 is a Messiah mother and son

  • @Bekltuvanetko
    @Bekltuvanetko 6 років тому

    Yoshua Ben Josef is his name, it was the Germans who renamed him, and reformed it to positive Christianity, and all that bullshit. Jesus is a disrespectful to call him.

  • @anselthompson365
    @anselthompson365 5 років тому

    An Argentinian prophet puts the presence of Christ in Latin America in the year 2002. It said that all his prophecies have been fulfilled so he can't fail on the 2002 presence of Christ.

  • @orringreene3410
    @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

    That is not true about Luke 22:19--20. Now don't you know that Luke wrote Acts, and so when you read Acts 2: 41--42, you will see that Luke did believe in the Lord's supper, also other places in Acts.

  • @cenekaplon6513
    @cenekaplon6513 8 років тому +1

    Torah >>>>> Salvation

  • @Cenepk101
    @Cenepk101 9 років тому +6

    I dont think the original question was ever answered : Messiah ben Joseph was the Lamb of God provided to Abraham in place of his ONLY son he loved so much. The Passover Lamb. Unleavened Bread, without sin crucified, First Fruits raised from the dead. Messiah Ben David will be the Yom Teruah announced Corronated King, My Kinsman Redeemer, Deliverer of Israel from all nations camped round to destroy on Yom Kippur & Builder of the Tabernacle in His Millennial Kingdon on Sukkot. He - Jeshua will fulfill all the moedim of our Lord !!!! Hallelujah !!!

    • @sharonkerr967
      @sharonkerr967 9 років тому

      Another failed demi god, call him yeshu (:

    • @Cenepk101
      @Cenepk101 9 років тому +1

      +sharon kerr Hardly failed… But - You won't see him until you say Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

    • @johnbelani6600
      @johnbelani6600 9 років тому +1

      +sharon kerr The idea of eating someone's corpse and then drinking their blood is something you'd find in a Hollywood horror movie and not base your salvation on Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22-24,

    • @Cenepk101
      @Cenepk101 9 років тому

      Well actually - the picture language is found in 1Chronicles 11:19 “And said, My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These things did these three mightiest.”
      ‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭11:19‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      bible.com/1/1ch.11.19.kjv and Psalms 27: 2 “When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      bible.com/1/psa.27.2.kjv. No horror movie. God's word. Made flesh.

    • @Cenepk101
      @Cenepk101 9 років тому +1

      But what good will proving Messaih will come a 2nd time - if you dont believe He came at first ? Isaiah 53 plainly describes Mesaiah Ben Joseph - Ben Joseph - because His Brethren didn't recognize Him. Remember ? But rest assured ! Messaiah Ben David WILL arrive - right on time, as usual !!!!! Hallelujah ! “For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭34:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @orringreene3410
    @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

    Psalms 40 :6--8 tells us that God did not desire sacrifice, for can the blood of bull and goat really take away sin. If it did then why offer it every year?

  • @tuvoca825
    @tuvoca825 2 роки тому +2

    Sacrifices are always vicarious in Temple service. Earth to Heaven and vice versa.
    Ben/Ibn/Bin (son of, and sometimes "ha" or house of) Joseph is anseparate person from Messiah ha Dawid (Messiah as a title and not a descriptor).
    Ben Yoseph is the preparer and restorer. Ben Daud is the King of Judah or heir to David's throne. Jewish history gets weird but... they list their king line. Some traditions among the Jews show there are many descendants of David, especially among the Sephardic Jews and their geneaology. Many non-Jews also claim tie-ins with various levels of evidence. Some still carry the surnames from well established names that are reputed to come from these lines. Anyway, if you are a Jew, get the geneaology you can done and hold onto it for your children. You have to do it yourself. The northern Kingdom came south to Judah after the invasion but that claim should have some geneaology and I haven't seen any yet. There are genealogical studies in Israel but you can't determine a line that isn't strictly all male or all female so easily. Plus there are converts so asking what is and isn't a Jew... depends on the context.

  • @bernieflores6350
    @bernieflores6350 7 років тому +1

    in the New Testament the word messiah in its context refers to the future descendant of king David thus you have the people calling Jesus the son of David in the New Testament. Or King of Israel because a lot of his followers believed he was the promised messiah prophecy of the tenakh.

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому +1

      Bernie Flores messiah simply means anointed. Cyrus was not a son of David

    • @bernieflores6350
      @bernieflores6350 5 років тому

      Omotola Atolagbe the New Testament is not concern about Cyrus as a messiah. The New Testament is concerned only about Jesus as being the messiah son of David who will be king over Israel.

    • @samworthy1257
      @samworthy1257 2 роки тому

      No one cares about the new testament. Our tanach proves it false many times over

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante Рік тому

    I can 'see' the (2) angle...
    This how far 'off base' we are...
    Here's the 'skinnie'... The Battle of the Flesh!
    Jesus was NOT to be crucified... (1 Cor. 2:8) as grace is the ability to 'stall' God's righteous judgement, thus it is 'evil' that is used for 'good', and difference between the quick (twinkling of the eye) and the dead.
    THE 'woman' (inside you) is your 'choice' of seeds - a male (son of God) or female (daughter of man) as 'spirit gives birth to spirit' and indicative of which 'spirit you are of'. Thus Jesus was teaching ALL that they should deny this - ♀️, so that they could become, this - ♂️. And thus, pick up your cross and follow me.
    His 'lambness' is what takes away the sins of the world, by OVERCOMING the 'temptations' of the world. As far as the 'name' goes... Jesus didn't come in HIS name... but God's name, and where do we see that name? In the 'lambs' BOOK IF LIFE - the Scriptures!!
    Man is 'appointed' ONCE to die... that happened when God said, IN THE DAY... and thus we 'died', and then because we had after eating, a built in moral compass - we had JUDGEMENT!!
    The flesh was given to us because in NOT understanding that God uses 'evil' for grace (why Jesus said to pray for, feed, and clothe our enemy - the least of these are SINNERS! - but 'children who do not know' - Isaiah 1) and the skin or flesh allows us to have feelings, and thus 'grace', for when I am WEAK, THEN I am strong. Look at that phrase...
    When I AM 'weak', then I AM 'strong'
    As then the 'house is NOT divided against itself... and thus God AND Lord God... are ONE!!
    Look at Genesis and you will see that GOD 'created' man, while LORD GOD 'formed' man, which are very different as per Isaiah 45:7.
    Lastly, look at the 7th day... GOD rested from all He MADE and CREATED.
    We kicked the show off again when the 'tree' was messed with.
    Welcome to the GREAT TRIBULATION!!

    Call S1N-2CY-1DIE

  • @samifoluma3606
    @samifoluma3606 8 років тому +4

    Jesus is just an incarnation of Mithras period

    • @scottjackson4437
      @scottjackson4437 8 років тому +1

      Is Mithras Jewish?

    • @belteshazzarlevybarroma7848
      @belteshazzarlevybarroma7848 6 років тому

      Jesus is, but the historical guy was a Torah teacher who went against Talmud so he wasn’t accepted.

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому

      Moshiach Ephraim he went against Talmud but quotes it over and over? Sunday schools are not sending their best

  • @drpkmurphy
    @drpkmurphy 4 роки тому +3

    The actual scriptures tell so much about Jesus that it is harder to find where it don’t talk about him. the plan is so perfect and laid out , even the words spoken while on the cross. Read the scriptures not side books. The word talks about the one and the same .

    • @markrogers4909
      @markrogers4909 2 роки тому

      NT was altered by man and is plagiarism. NT in the books of John, Mathew, Romans, Revelation, etc… is actually the words of Enoch.

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill Рік тому

      If it has so much then list the verses. You people never do

    • @shoodoohammy3885
      @shoodoohammy3885 Рік тому

      Somewhere in the world is the World's Worst Doctor. It could be you based on what I just read. Wow, go back and try again. This was an epic fail.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому

      King David is returning

    • @ruthietaylor8756
      @ruthietaylor8756 Рік тому

      Christianity is idolatry

  • @charachoppel3116
    @charachoppel3116 6 років тому

    Wasn't Cyrus II the one who conquered Babylonia and established Persian dominance? Then, why does it say in Daniel, that the Median Dareios, son of Xerxes, was the one taking up kingshop and conquering Babylon? List of Persian kings in Daniel are not the same as the historical line of Persian kings. I don't find any Median Dareios son of any Xerxes when googling Median or Persian king line. Before Cyrus I there is the Median line but no Dareios and Xerxes there.

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 6 років тому

    If Hosea says the Jews will seek to return to God in the "end of days" why do Jews who claim Jesus isn't the Messiah believe that the there is no end of the world and that the Messiah will lead us all to true, everlasting world Peace??? If the Bible says "end of days" that portends that there will be an end to the human life on Earth.... However the Jews believe that the "Messiah" will bring everlasting world Peace. Hosea is Torah. So it sounds like a contradiction to me.... As far as "old school" Jews go. They who do not believe in Jesus as the son of the one true God.

  • @mickyfrazer786
    @mickyfrazer786 4 місяці тому

    Dunno who wrote Luke....try, erm, Luke. That the Gospels are anonymous is a fringe view.

  • @Eben68
    @Eben68 Рік тому

    I wonder if the stone of Israel is the shor on the left, and the lion of Judah is on the right....
    Might be sons referred to in Isaiah 45?
    There is another interesting element in the second mention of the cherubims in Ezekiel kinda making me think that the man dressed in linin with the ink pot on his side is this the previously mentioned shor.
    🤷‍♂️who knows? We can only pray to יהוה to provide answers regarding His sons.

  • @thomasterry777
    @thomasterry777 Рік тому

    My name Thomas , I'm here on earth to promote peace for the next 1000 years . I'm a messenger of YESHUA Ben Yosef . I'm also a DISPONSYNI ..YESHUA was a king of kings .., but I don't want to get into the Cosmos and the Elohim , who where many .,YESHUA was a messenger for the great creator of light ..who like the Mazaroth of the skies who has worlds as many as the sands of the earth . We know that humanity needs to be realigned Every few thousand years , and a great messenger, who is the logos and consciousness of the Milky Way galaxy ... comes and graces his presence with enlightenment☀️ as every day passes , the word he taught becomes like a bad rumor .. And at this very moment YESHUA who goes by a new name ..walks earth (TERRA) ... I AM ..Diddymus , Atum ☀️ Tomases

  • @timothywheeler671
    @timothywheeler671 7 років тому +5

    Ok, so you, Mr. Singer, may be an antichrist, but I love you.

    • @tuvoca825
      @tuvoca825 2 роки тому

      So, you have to realize that there is one Messiah but many messiah and many false messiahs (antichrists) but one Antichrist. There is the trope and then the one and only origin of the trope. Remember the Hero's Journey? All things testify of the truth which is one thing and if you accept part and are open to hear it, it can lead you to the whole. Listen to what the Spirit of God says and then it won't matter if the words are written in a book or in the dirt.
      Messiah Bin Yoseph isn't "the Christ" but a restorer working under God as a great prophet who will gather the scattered and restore what was lost. To Christians "the heir" already was here as a baby in Bethlehem. But Messiah ben Joseph is a different person. Educated Jews know well, these are two different people. Remember there would be a falling away first, before the temple is restored at Jesusalem but... that's a touchy subject for both Christians, Jews, and others. This "falling away" prophesy is NOT an excuse to abuse anyone.

  • @drzakir123
    @drzakir123 8 років тому +3

    my God how closely these words. messiah=mashiach=sheikh.

  • @WilledWarrior
    @WilledWarrior 7 років тому

    But all prophesies will be fulfilled physically.

  • @bgood1532
    @bgood1532 4 роки тому

    What about the mention of Messiah in Daniel? Out of all the messiahs there is one called the Branch. Not sure why this wasn't covered.

    • @stephaniebell9093
      @stephaniebell9093 3 роки тому +1

      Why do you use a capital when you write messiah?

    • @bgood1532
      @bgood1532 3 роки тому +1

      @@stephaniebell9093 there have been many but there is one, the one that is distinctly set apart, the one which will bring in the messianic age, the one everyone is waiting for.

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Рік тому

      @@bgood1532 you mean King David?

  • @moniquehasler6426
    @moniquehasler6426 28 днів тому

    The messiah is a woman. Jesus Jesus, Lord of the Lord Jesus, justify me Revelation Revelation, 1212 constellation in the book of six.

  • @arthurskay4744
    @arthurskay4744 5 років тому

    You have problem believing that Jesus is a Meshiah and He walked on the water and made miracles, but you have no problem believing that 3000 years ego Moses was a Meshiah and walked on the water and Jonas lived 3 days inside the big fish, and you said that satan is a friend of the human being.The point is that you have a "convenient" faith,you chose what to believe or not, not based in the purpose and plan of God.

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 6 років тому

    It isn't as tovia says, he didn't do it right the first time so there, according to Christians, will be a 2nd coming, or attempt.... All over the Bible and torah god speaks of preparing the harvest for the final days off judgement. It isn't that Jesus failed the first time, that was God, giving us a 2nd chance to accept him and turn from our sin before the final day of judgement. God is merciful. You expect him to just let us guess which way is right?

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому

      Michael James what are you even trying to say? There’s no second coming, the messiah fulfills everything in his lifetime.

  • @randomperson-ul7ng
    @randomperson-ul7ng 2 роки тому +2


    • @aripg359
      @aripg359 2 роки тому

      You still didn’t get the concept of Joseph do you?

    • @jbunstoppable5074
      @jbunstoppable5074 2 роки тому

      Explain how? All you mentioned is a claim without substantiation. In detail please 🙏

  • @11soccerdad
    @11soccerdad 8 років тому +6

    For a show I thought was supposed to be dedicated to teaching the Jewish Scriptures, you spend an awful lot of time discussing Jesus.

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому +1

      11soccerdad he’s trying to prevent Jewish souls from being lost to pagan worship

    • @osvaldolopez9972
      @osvaldolopez9972 5 років тому +2

      Come on ...it is time for the Jews to raise their voice they have been quiet for a long time the church has been talking for almost 2000 years only lies

  • @hiddenone7411
    @hiddenone7411 7 років тому +3

    I am Yahweh beside me there us no other Jesus is fake get used to it

    • @no15minutecities
      @no15minutecities 2 роки тому +1

      YHWH also appeared in HUMAN FORM to Abraham.....

  • @moreemunah7074
    @moreemunah7074 2 роки тому

    3 not two.

  • @danielmamo545
    @danielmamo545 5 років тому +1

    Your pilpul is really showing. Jesus is the Messiah, he died as Messiah Ben Joseph vilified and betrayed and at the same time to establish his ministry on earth and he'll return as Messiah Ben David full of glory to then bring order to the world as prophesied by Isiah: "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid" will be finally fulfilled. The truth is Judaism is a dead religion without the Temple, the rabbis had to make up stuff from scriptures and incorporate eastern ideas and knowledge in order to keep the structure going on. I hope that your viewers eyes will one day open to the truth.

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 5 років тому

      Jesus did NOT die as son of Joseph! Jesus IS son of David, NOT Joseph! NOBODY....not even Jesus, can descend from TWO BLOODLINES! C'mon people! Where is your awakening?

    • @danielmamo545
      @danielmamo545 5 років тому +1

      @@davidpaul5098 Stop misleading people away from truth David. The scriptures show that there'll be two Messiahs - Messiah Bar Yosef and Messiah Bar David - One that will die hated and disgraced and other who'll return as a king. Judaism see these two coming of a single Messiah as one coming of two messiahs.

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 5 років тому

      @@danielmamo545 There ARE 2 separate messiahs AND Jesus returns a 2nd time. Figure it out! I mislead NOBODY. It is the CHRISTIANS that mislead everybody, and Jesus spoke of this as well. Jesus SAID the Christians will deceive MANY...and they HAVE. And Jesus called David, the 2nd messiah, BY NAME. And HE shall rule the world with a rod of iron. You have read it, I'm sure, but your delusional beliefs interfere with your COMPREHENSION. Do not listen to traditions of men! Listen to God.

    • @davidpaul5098
      @davidpaul5098 5 років тому

      In fact...YOU'RE misleading people! Judaism is not a dead religion! It IS Gods OWN religion! You're an IDIOT. It is YOU that needs to open his freaking eyes and EARS.

    • @danielmamo545
      @danielmamo545 5 років тому +1

      @@davidpaul5098 there is one messiah with two comings period. Stop fooling around, after the destruction of the second temple all the lineage scrolls have been destroyed with it... We can no longer figure out whether a proclaimed messiah come from the lineage of David... That's a good reason to believe in Jesus Hamesiach

  • @QueenLiliTheRed
    @QueenLiliTheRed 6 років тому

    Dionysus and Yeshua are very similar and their names translate to similar things and Ysus is also a variant of Jesus , and Dionysus is Greek for son of --- , I wonder if Jesus could have been a prophecy to happen in the future I feel the star of bethlehem is tbe royal star Aldebaran, and the vedics recognize this person as the red one just like other cultures support the claim of a flood it is compelling , the eye of the bull, the watcher of the East and it is the path of Chet on the tree of life which connects Binah and Geburah , understanding and judgement that connects to the crown , it is the chariot in the Kabbalah. I believe Rabbi Kanievsky even said the messiah would be born in July. Astrology can be observed, like the Talmud says, and July is the 4th sign of the 12 to track time , and the fourth tribe is Judah where the Messiah is said to be from , and it does not take away from ancestors , perhaps the universe , the stars and clouds of heavens to time ones birth is also correlated with being created in the image. There is one g-d and creator and almighty , and the mashiach will bring peace and justice. Dionysus is the Greek pagan way of saying son of Zeus what they call their utmost and associated with lightning , and Ben means also son of YAH and son of lightning and Dionysus can be translated to shine and Ben can mean son of right hand , I learnt from Rabbi Tovia names have a significant meaning in the bible and Yeshua who story and name are strikingly similar to Dionysus has texts of returning to the right hand of the father , the question is could it be fabricated or could these things identify the Jewish messiah and it was prophesised by the jews and the Romans made it appear to happen when he was yet to come ?

  • @jamesgillgam8199
    @jamesgillgam8199 5 років тому

    I would challenge any Jew to read the New Testament. It is a very Jewish collection of books and written by Jews. The disciples and people of Yeshua' time knew the Torah very well and were regular attendees to the Temple in Jerusalem. No mistaking what this Rabbi assumes incorrectly. Jesus constantly confronts the Jewish leaders for their failure to understand God's intention for the Law and the prophets. He was never abolishing the Law, but bringing understanding.

    • @room7594
      @room7594 3 роки тому

      I would bet the farm that the rabbi knows more about your book of idolatry than you.

    • @ruthietaylor8756
      @ruthietaylor8756 Рік тому

      Pure idolatry

  • @orringreene3410
    @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

    A question for you rabbi, Jesus said the sign of Jonah will be given, and He also will be three days in the earth. Is Jesus right.

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      If it’s not clear Jesus was right then he is not the messiah...
      If people STILL have virtually no clue what and who God is and cannot prove him then Jesus was not the guy and his time was not the time...
      If we don’t have 100% certainty then we are still not in paradise, we still have some uncertainty, and we will still be suffering the existence of illogical concepts (things that make creation unstable and destroy/degrade it) as we are suffering the illogical in many forms now....
      Jesus and his cult are clearly part of the illogical shit we must suffer and ONLY in that sense, of giving us more suffering and more illogical nonsense, has Jesus or Christianity offered deliverance and progress towards logical validity, tautological existence and what religion calls paradise.

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      God is complex and admittedly mind-bending to fully understand but the bottom line is that the secular word, and in my view, the best way to define the source of all creation to avoid religious bs is the word “logic” because you can study logic without the bias tainting it like you have in religion, and you will tangibly know what God is and how God operates afterward...you can study axiomatic systems and understand what we live within...you can study what a theorem is and understand what kind of concepts we are...
      If you understand logic, which is the tree of knowledge, and dichotomy (good and evil) then the Bible makes a lot more sense and you won’t need to follow a Christian or a Jewish interpretation of it.
      If you think about it the only things that can exist are things that are logical (in the engineering sense of the term)
      Good music is both logical and a form of logic.
      Math and science, philosophy and proper interpretation of scripture are all either branches of logic or require application of valid logic to avoid being nonsense (illogical)
      Logic is also the only thing that can prove itself and sustain itself and exist as an element of nothingness (0 implies math exists) and all the characteristics that God must fit.
      It even explains how Satan is an angel (the circle for false concepts in gods Venn diagram is one easy way to think of it) without that being contradictory. It explains how evil (illogical concepts) can exist at the same time god is omniscient and perfectly reasonable. It’s because even formal logic has a “false” output and not just a “true” arm only...some things are false and some things are uncertain, even for God (especially because we do have free will, this means there is no fate and God likely only knows the options of the future as a probability) and creation of concepts involve a lot of trial and error even if you know everything. It’s like how I really know my stuff as a music producer and audio engineer and can make any sound or song that is possible to make with our technology but it doesn’t mean that I have made every sound or every song yet, or that there isn’t an infinite amount of creation (that’s why God set a retirement date, not a promise to find the end of infinity....the remaining chaos will be contained in our dice, our art, and anywhere it cannot destroy paradise).....
      Any other answer is inherently less logical.
      Now no offense but my advice is to drop the Jesus nonsense poisoning so many minds out there, and study logic so you can KNOW God as the Bible clearly says is the goal, rather than believing in anything. Belief is uncertainty and uncertainty is undefined like the illogical nothingness. We want the glory of God, the knowledge of logic and the certainty of truth!

    • @orringreene3410
      @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

      @@logicalconceptofficial my friend, if your logical mind can really know the God of the Bible, then He will not be God. Can you logically explain Moses and Isreal walking thru the red sea with walls of water, or Naaman the leper dipping sever times in the Jordan river and be cure, or maybe Jericho wall fell because they circle it seven days then shout and it came down. When studing the topic God, you allow the word of God to speak whether you believe or not. John 5:39 Jesus Christ said the scriptures speak about Him but many are not willing to come to Him and receive eternal life. Do you have eternal life?

    • @no15minutecities
      @no15minutecities 2 роки тому +1

      @@logicalconceptofficial you can't prove any of this ^^^

    • @logicalconceptofficial
      @logicalconceptofficial 2 роки тому

      @@no15minutecities of course I can. That’s the power of reckoning with logic, the real God.
      You should try it…
      What I can’t do is make another person admit the truth…even the courts can’t do that…but like a court I can use logic to find the truth even if some irrational and evil people try to obscure it and continue to lie about what happened.
      Jesus is not God. God is God, and Logic (the source of order, knowledge, proper reasoning, etc.) is synonymous with the one true God which Moshe and the Torah defined EXACTLY like we would define logic today.
      It’s simply a matter of definition and not that hard to “prove” at all.
      Like many tautologies in logic it is true as a matter of definition. The “red car” must be red by definition or it is not truly a red car. The one true God must be God or he would not be God.
      Likewise what we call Logic must be logic and must also be another term, like Hashem or many of the other names for “the one” that means “the source of order, knowledge, proper reasoning, etc.”
      Aristotle proved there must be a God and he needed to do this using the unmoved mover itself, as “proof” is a “thing” and all things come from the unmoved mover. He proved it using logic and this settles the debate. Logic itself is the unmoved mover, or as I call it after building on Aristotles work, “the self evident (tautological) prover”.
      The source of proof is the source of consciousness and all else, and when we take consciousness and peoples subjective spiritual experiences or beliefs out of it, it is clear that proof, true knowledge and proper reasoning come from Logic.
      Logic is the God of Abraham (Abraham just lived well before the word logic became standard, and he didn’t speak Greek or English, but I understand what the patriarchs were describing themselves “reckoning with”) and it is the one true God that demanded x=x (Ehye Asher Ehye) and made everything be everything so nothing would be nothing (0 must always equal 0).

  • @moniquehasler6426
    @moniquehasler6426 28 днів тому

    Isaiah 66 is annoying of God, living in man

  • @fredandpj
    @fredandpj 8 років тому +3

    I can see it now. Jesus returns to save Israel from the anti-Christ, and who is standing between Christ, and the enemies of Israel, and the world, Rabbi Singer who vows to save the world from Jesus. making Rabbi Singer the first one to be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

    • @4memotivation
      @4memotivation 6 років тому +2

      fredandpj lol. So in-depth and poignant. I bet Rabbi Singer is running to the nearest Baptist Church as we speak.

    • @richardunderwood342
      @richardunderwood342 6 років тому

      Your God sounds like a prick.

  • @josephinemullar7857
    @josephinemullar7857 7 років тому

    There are no kings today but there were kings or people called kings and high priests in Israel following the restoration of the temple. I refer to the Maccabean priesthood that ruled over the Israelite nations until Herod became king by marriage to Mariamne granddaughter of John Hyrcanus l. John was appointed king and high priest in Israel 135-104 BC. He was the son of Simon the just called Maccabeus. This dynastic rule came to its end bringing in power to Herod and the Pharisaic traditions employed by certain factions calling themselves Jews. Yahoshua stood in opposition to these factions and the writings don't deny they were Israelite tribesmen. It is written Yahoshua considered the people to be as sheep without a shepherd and that is one reason Yahoshua came to Israel was to lead the people in the way and not to be burdened overmuch by tradition whilst negating the law of love and compassion to a large extent.

  • @josephgard99
    @josephgard99 8 років тому

    According to the Jews, should the Talmud be considered holy scriptures?

  • @alanullrich11
    @alanullrich11 5 років тому +1

    Your messing with the lion of Judah,, enjoy yourself

  • @abiyah_1
    @abiyah_1 4 роки тому

    Brother Tovia have you ever heard it said this way....that Yahusha was the sacrificial lamb & king Dowd (David) was the son of God? That he, david will be the one coming back as THE MESSIAH?? I am asking your perspective on this as I have been introduced to that perspective. 😇💜📜

    • @orringreene3410
      @orringreene3410 2 роки тому

      Jesus asked a question in the scriptures to the scribes. ' how the messiah who is the son of David, and David called him Lord who is sitting at the right hand of God. The couldn't answer

    • @duckgutz2067
      @duckgutz2067 Рік тому

      Jezeus wasn’t a lamb, he was a Jew. Human sacrifice is disgusting . Ritualistic cannibalism is disgusting. The Pesach lamb wasn’t a sin offering. The lamb was worshipped by Egypt and sacrificing the lamb was a show of righteousness and obedience to HaShem. So if Jezeus was a sacrifice then he really does correlate to the Pesach lamb. ( He wasn’t without blemish, the Roman’s scourged him, right? Covered in wounds and blood? How could that ever be an appropriate sacrifice? )Sacrificing a pagan idol. That’s as close as you get, and if he was sacrificed it was done by Roman Pagans, so he was a Roman sacrifice. Jews didn’t crucify anyone, and crucifying was never found in Tanakh as a form of capital punishment and definitely wasn’t part of the ritual requirement for a sacrifice.

    • @duckgutz2067
      @duckgutz2067 Рік тому

      @@orringreene3410 I doubt that ever happened. So how could this be? Because greatness isn’t a man’s nature. Moshiach will be the final eternal king. He will preside over the WHOLE WORLD, not just Israel. He will be anointed to be greater than David, his ancestor. He will live and rule in the Messianic Age. He will be greater because HaShem will make him greater.

  • @waltermonsalve1538
    @waltermonsalve1538 2 роки тому +2

    Excelente mensaje

  • @gardenoflifefinearts7177
    @gardenoflifefinearts7177 2 роки тому +2


  • @jodit2540
    @jodit2540 3 роки тому

    Was Jesus ANNOINTED as a Messiach in the New testament?

    • @dand1260
      @dand1260 3 роки тому +2

      Annointed is another word for Mashiah, and the Jewish word Mashiah/ Annointed one, was translated in Greek as the Christ .The New Testament was written by the Jews to the Jews to convince them that Jesus/ Yeshua was indeed their the promised Mashiah or the Annointed one, whom they were waiting for. So they said that Jesus/ Yeshua IS THE CHRIST = or in Hebrew =is THE Mashiah!!!

    • @aripg359
      @aripg359 3 роки тому

      According to the gospels and some preachers he was anointed when Mary Magdalene pour her expensive perfume on him. I don’t know if the following verse would apply and make it invalid.
      Deuteronomy 23:19 the following:
      “Nothing earned through heterosexual or homosexual prostitution is to be brought into the house of ADONAI your God in fulfillment of any vow, for both of these are abhorrent to ADONAI your God.”
      ‭‭D'varim (Deu)‬ ‭23:19‬ ‭CJB‬‬