Canada Wildfires Are Caused by Climate Activists!

  • Опубліковано 10 чер 2023
  • Taking look at a ridiculous video while also explaining some science.
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    Original Video: • Canadian Record High N...
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  • @bethjensen2396
    @bethjensen2396 Рік тому +193

    I was one of the Canadians evacuated in mid may up in Northern Alberta. Most fires were started due to lightning storms hitting farmland, which was/is dry due to low precipitation over the winter. There are areas that were evacuated that have never been evacuated, ever.

    • @bethjensen2396
      @bethjensen2396 Рік тому +2

      I'd like to add that those fires are still burning UNDER the topsoil, because Alberta is built on muskeg and there is a lot of dead matter that just keeps burning. A lot of people still can't even return home.
      Climate change is real, this is just the beginning of fire season.

    • @John.0z
      @John.0z Рік тому +6

      I hope you can find accommodation Beth. After that, a way back to your former life.

    • @kansascityshuffle8526
      @kansascityshuffle8526 Рік тому +4

      The entire northern prairies of Canada have been shorted on winter precipitation. It’s one huge tinderbox.

    • @KNR90
      @KNR90 Рік тому +1

      I remember seeing the sky go yellow at my school, we had to stop kids opening doors because allowing the apocalypse in briefly made kids sick. It's great how people now think that people being poisoned all over is totally normal now

    • @bethjensen2396
      @bethjensen2396 Рік тому +2

      @K wildfire smoke makes anyone sick, and this is "normal" only because it happens every year due to drier and drier conditions. Trust me, none of us like living with black skies, trouble breathing, constant headaches and worry.

  • @tgbedini
    @tgbedini Рік тому +50

    It's exhausting trying to be calm and rational and explain the preponderance of evidence to people who seem immune to facts. Sometimes, harsh words are the only thing you have left.

    • @darkclawgreatonenas
      @darkclawgreatonenas Рік тому

      and even that doesnt work most times, half of these morons are Karens who cant get over how amazed they are with themselves and expecting everybody else to be just as amazed and the other half are just THAT dumb that they wouldnt know an insult from a compliments even with verbal instructions couched in the most simple of terms...

    • @aureliodeprimus8018
      @aureliodeprimus8018 Рік тому +5

      I mean fists are always an option. If they are not willing to listen to reason and show no signs of compassion, you can only appeal to their self-preservation instincts.....

    • @matchrocket1702
      @matchrocket1702 Рік тому

      @@aureliodeprimus8018 When someone pushes you too far instincts take over and rationality gets pushed to the side. Climate deniers are willing to kill us all for the sake of their delusional narrative. That would drive anyone into instinct mode.

    • @Angel_Billy4-30-23
      @Angel_Billy4-30-23 Рік тому +2

      I know, somehow facts turned into something that's extremely offensive and that nobody can say because everyone is too afraid of hurting everyone else's feelings. I'm fed up with living in make believe world. We are supposed to be grounded in truth but instead you'll get called all kinds of names and threatened with violence if you refuse to play along. I really don't know how we ended up here but unfortunately it seems we're too far gone to go back. We will wipe ourselves into extinction soon enough and we only have ourselves to blame.

    • @Ugg_Son_Of_Thogg
      @Ugg_Son_Of_Thogg Рік тому

      @@Angel_Billy4-30-23 I don't think it is about offense when it comes to these people. Well, I guess you could argue that science and reasoning is offensive to the rich who are benefitting from not having to follow the law that would bring less harm, more good, but at the cost of like a small percentage of their already huge piles of money. As for the braindead zombies who are very much the same with everyone else when it comes to net worth, who keep repeating the same shits over and over that the rich fucks whisper to them, maybe they're looking to benefit from it as well.
      Your comment just sounds like a dog whistle for "gosh darn snowflakes and dem cancel cultures, the west has fallen" instead of, "These dumbfucks will defend them capitalists with all they have even if everyone end up having nothing and have to survive in a post-apocalyptic world". I believe one of these scenarios causes way more harm than the other, no slippery slopes needed.

  • @DecoyZ
    @DecoyZ Рік тому +20

    Recently where i live has been changing a LOT. Growing up here it was a very particular cycle.
    Forest fires in summer, storms in spring and cold in winter.
    But now it's changed, in the past 3 years we've had incredibly warm winters and completely dry springs
    Its literally the heart of summer here and we're still getting intense thunderstorms and chilling nights.
    This is not normal, this has never happened before in my life and now it's been happening for the past 3 years.
    The land is struggling because its not used to it, animals are confused and are dying out from the large droughts and sudden extreme rain.
    I remember when a storm in the summer was the type of event the whole family went outside for, it was so rare and interesting.
    Now we only get rain in summer, people who claim the climate isn't changing need to get outside more
    If I can notice a complete shift in such a short amount of time, then I can't imagine what devastation it's causing long term

    • @PokemonRules333
      @PokemonRules333 Рік тому +5

      As someone who lives in Erie pa where winters used to be incredibly harsh nowadays winters are a minor inconvenience anyone who denies climate change at this point is so wrapped up in their hating of people that are different politically to them that they don’t see how much the world has changed from a climate perspective

    • @Refertech101
      @Refertech101 Рік тому +3

      the temp delta between the polar caps and outer atmosphere kept the jet stream stable as that delta shrinks the jet stream can wander all over, life is going to be interesting, and an old chinese curse was "May you live in interesting times"

    • @zeykriid
      @zeykriid Рік тому +4

      I live in the literal desert where rain is rare and we’ve experienced more precipitation this winter and spring than literally ever before. last summer was the hottest in a very long time and this winter has been the coldest. even as I type this we’re in the middle of a weeklong rainstorm and the spring flowers didn’t start blooming until mid last month. I’m honestly convinced climate change deniers literally never go outside.

  • @marilynlucero9363
    @marilynlucero9363 Рік тому +82

    Best. Ending. Ever.
    10/10 Top content to educate everyone.

  • @natp8387
    @natp8387 Рік тому +54

    Canada's wildfires are and always have been caused by dry conditions plus careless campers, railway wheels sparking off track abnormalities, lightning strikes, coals from previous fires, and careless smokers. This happens every year. The country exists in two states: on fire and covered in snow. It DEFINITELY is getting worse thanks to climate change making for hotter, dryer seasons.

    • @0x777
      @0x777 Рік тому +2

      Well, hotter climate means less snow and thus logically more fire.

    • @loneeagle8298
      @loneeagle8298 Рік тому +2

      @@0x777 Hotter climate doesn't mean less snow. Here in Alberta we had record breaking snow last year. Hotter climate will mean more extremes in the weather. I think it was back in 2017 or 2018 where BC had flooding around Salmon Arm and surrounding areas in early June. Not 4 months later they had the worst fire season in their history to that date. They went from heavy rains to hot dry weather in less then a week that year.

    • @0x777
      @0x777 Рік тому

      @@loneeagle8298 Well, for us here in Europe, it mostly meant less snow. But this had more to do with less precipitation in general, less with temperatures.
      And yes, those temperatures change VERY fast now. I remember back from my youth that temperatures went up gradually over the course of about two months. Now, you can have a leap of 20C in less than a week.

    • @Marwolaeth01
      @Marwolaeth01 Рік тому +1

      You forgot jewish space lasers

    • @loneeagle8298
      @loneeagle8298 Рік тому

      @@0x777 So true, every region will be different.

  • @EdwardHowton
    @EdwardHowton Рік тому +7

    Every accusation is a confession, remember. So what he's saying is he would absolutely commit crimes to play the victim. This is my shocked face.

    • @LadyDoomsinger
      @LadyDoomsinger Рік тому +4

      Not just to play the victim: Evidently he believes that committing a crime for the purpose of PROVING that crime happened is somehow a sound plan.

    • @EdwardHowton
      @EdwardHowton Рік тому

      @@LadyDoomsinger It's the victim complex, though. Reality-deniers don't think like human beings. It's like all those people who committed voter fraud who were ranting against voter fraud in all those videos we see of the magaqs. They think they're the victims of it, so they use that victimhood as justification for doing it themselves, as a way of 'fighting back' or of 'balancing things out'.
      This particular loser feels like he's a victim of a global conspiracy to... kill jobs or hurt the economy or whatever typical tiresome lie climate denialists have been trained to mindlessly parrot. He's a victim of some hidden crimes. How would he behave if it was him? Why, he'd manufacture evidence, of course! So that must be what _They_ are doing too!
      Remember that we're all the hero of our own story. The loser thinks he's god's figurative (or literal, I don't know) gift to mankind, so everyone else must be oppressing him, that's why he's such a loser. It's not that _he_ sucks, it's that he's a victim.
      Delusional nutjob 101.

  • @Zubareffstream111
    @Zubareffstream111 Рік тому +14

    Also, (and if I missed your saying it, my bad) the longer periods of drought mean the water that fire fighting planes use from the surrounding lakes will be less and less to the point where there'll be nothing to fight the fires with.

  • @CookieMonster-nt8hh
    @CookieMonster-nt8hh Рік тому +16

    that last line goes hard

  • @Dianasaurthemelonlord7777
    @Dianasaurthemelonlord7777 Рік тому +34

    I am curious as to how Climate Change Activism causes things that can be linked to changes in climate, and not you know... the changes in climate that make the observed disasters more likely and more disastrous

    • @norsehorse84
      @norsehorse84 Рік тому

      It's because they think people are actively making things look bad to prove a point that climate is as bad as science says. For what? A bit more money in taxes?
      Honestly, idk what these climate change deniers think ecoterrorists get out this apparently "heavily and politically organized" ploy. Same as flat earthers who think governments are hiding the "fact" the earth is flat for no reason.

    • @serinatang4184
      @serinatang4184 Рік тому +7

      They prevent the forest floor from being raked. You can't just have those wicked leaves laying around being all combustible!

    • @EdwardHowton
      @EdwardHowton Рік тому +12

      Reality deniers are always easily distracted. It's a lot like meme culture, really. So long as you can say something that makes the other guy look dumb, you win. It's like those raging lunatics who got fooled into thinking "organic" foods are healthier. There's this one clip of a Monsanto rep getting ambushed by some nutjob right after saying Roundup is non-toxic, and the lunatic says "Would you drink a glass of Roundup, then?" and the rep says of course he wouldn't. Play-Doh is non-toxic too, that doesn't mean I'd eat the stuff with a spoon as a snack. But because it makes the rep look stupid, the lunatics and their fellow twits are really happy with it, no thoughts required. The idiot in the video here is doing the same thing. Canada was basically dying from a heat wave a couple weeks ago and a massive fire got started, but because some twit can point to another twit's twits on Twitter about _some guy getting arrested for arson after a fire started_ with no context or details just "Would you drink a glass of Roundup then?", the twits are amused and think they scored a point.
      It takes at least a few seconds of thinking to understand climate change. It takes basic knowledge of chemistry and physics and even a little bit of looking up details on Google. Most people will _never_ do that. The rest of us hardly ever do it. We're all guilty of being lazy thinkers, it's just that some people glorify being that way.

    • @robertcharles7085
      @robertcharles7085 Рік тому

      ​@EdwardHowton your not giving sticky enough credit.
      He has reached intergalactic oneness with the universe.
      And when this happens to a true lefty they all reach the same conclusion.
      Anyone who disagrees with them is subhuman and detrimental to the advancement of society.
      Unwilling to be vaccinated
      Into a camp.
      Don't believe in climate change
      Into a camp.
      Believe in God
      Into a camp.
      Don't think we are on a giant spinning ball
      Into a camp.
      The left Don't see themselves as a religion.
      But they hate the nonbelievers with all the vigor of the Spanish inquisition.

    • @nickandres7829
      @nickandres7829 Рік тому

      The conspiracy theory I kept running into on Twitter was that a handful of arsonists were running around setting all these fires, probably because they somehow benefit economically from their climate activism, or are cultural Marxists who just want climate change "to be real" so they can "Stick it to the Cons" or something.
      The "why" didn't seem as important as the facts that there were in fact some serial arsonists arrested in Alberta and Nova Scotia, and a bunch of the fires in Quebec all started around the same time, so ipso facto, climate terrorist arsonists set all the fires for their WEF woke antifa agenda.

  • @jannetteberends8730
    @jannetteberends8730 Рік тому +12

    The precipitation deficit is something you can measure. In my country, The Netherlands, it’s increasing since 2000. That’s a fact. Before 2000 we didn’t have deficits at all. Wildfires are a problem now.

    • @KNR90
      @KNR90 Рік тому

      10 years ago April meant mix of snow and rain. That was normal. By may from 15-5 years ago it was hopefully not snowy. It's been hot as fuck since

  • @melusine826
    @melusine826 Рік тому +2

    As an Aussie whose fire ecology studies at university 20 FREAKING YEARS AGO including the models and predictions which UNDERESTIMATED WHAT WE ARE ALREADY SEEING. That dude is .... yikes

  • @thoracis
    @thoracis Рік тому +41

    Hey, Professor Stick, I just wanted to thank you for doing what you do. You helped me become an atheist, and my life is so much better because of that. ❤

    • @tek87
      @tek87 Рік тому

      I never heard of anyone whose life is better for being an atheist. You will wind up depressed and lost.

    • @MrCraigBlake
      @MrCraigBlake Рік тому +6

      @@tek87 It's only once man stops believing in God can one begin living one's life as opposed to believing that one is.

    • @jpe1
      @jpe1 Рік тому +11

      ⁠@@tek87 you *literally* just now heard of someone whose life is better for being an atheist, why are you trying to gaslight them? Imagine if you said, “I like apples” and I said “I’ve never heard of anyone liking apples, you don’t really like apples.”
      There are millions of people who either have been atheist their entire lives, or have become atheist, who agree with the statement that “their life is better as an atheist” so stop trying to tell others what they should think.

    • @Syrph.
      @Syrph. Рік тому +7

      @@tek87 Hi, atheist here. Been one for over 20 years now(I'm 40). Can honestly say I'm much happier now than I was back in my church going days.
      There, now you've heard of two at minimum.

    • @0x777
      @0x777 Рік тому +7

      @@tek87 I can say that without church, I waste a lot less time and money on useless crap and thus I'm much happier.

  • @backtothefutureman1
    @backtothefutureman1 Рік тому +6

    The smoke reached my home city of Rochester, NY last week.

    • @gryph01
      @gryph01 Рік тому

      I live in Waterloo Region, Ontario (West of Toronto). All last week I could smell the smoke and a couple of days, the sky was hazy.

    • @cadejust6777
      @cadejust6777 Рік тому

      How Dare You Say That Dont Be So Raven Homophobic 🤬😡😠 Transphobic 🤬😡😠 Xenophobic 🤬😡😠 Racist 🤬😡😠 Sexist 🤬😡😠

  • @ryanlane8978
    @ryanlane8978 Рік тому +3

    I was in Fort McMurray in May of 2016 when the fire came. If you want a good case study of a fire gone completely wrong, look there. I think it took almost 1.5 years to finally be declared out, burned almost 590,000 hectares, destroyed thousands of buildings, and forced 88,000 people out of their homes. It jumped the river and ignited at 1km away from the front. Costliest disaster in Canadian history. If I remember rightly from a few days ago on June 6th, the total land area burned so far was a 14,400% jump from the year before.

    • @muzikgod
      @muzikgod Рік тому

      15 months it took, you were close!

  • @Nixzria
    @Nixzria Рік тому +7


  • @xxOnigiri99
    @xxOnigiri99 Рік тому +3

    Psychologist: angry professor stick doesn't exist and can't hurt you
    Angry professor stick:

  • @simond.455
    @simond.455 Рік тому +29

    Uh-oh. Angry Stick has had it with the science denial nonsense. 😳😉

    • @Attackbow1566
      @Attackbow1566 Рік тому

      Damn, this shit's really getting on his nerves. I get it though. Every day a little dumber.

  • @justcallmeSheriff
    @justcallmeSheriff Рік тому +2

    You and Potholer54 do a good job pointing out how climate deniers avoid actually reading scientific papers, and rely on news articles and opinion pieces to make their arguments. I've had a few FB conversations with family and church friends where I had compare their FB video to the actual papers their source was waving around, showing where they were coming up with opposite conclusions for their narrative.

  • @kai_plays_khomus
    @kai_plays_khomus Рік тому +3

    Of course - whenever something occurs with implications I don't like it has to be the work of a conspiracy..
    What a pathetic reasoning.

  • @styxdragoncharon4003
    @styxdragoncharon4003 Рік тому +3

    Thanks again for a patient and well thought out response to insanity. Also, that that line wade me fall off my couch laughing...

  • @christianosminroden7878
    @christianosminroden7878 Рік тому +2

    Until ~20 years ago, putting winter tires on your car wasn‘t a mere bureaucratic prescription here in northern Germany - it was an absolute necessity. Nowadays, I almost feel like an idiot for spending money on winter tires at all if it wasn‘t for two weeks worth of total days per winter season *at most* where they come in kinda handy.
    I seriously wonder if my grandkids - if I‘ll ever have any - will even believe me when I tell them about me building snow men, sleighing down hills and ice skating on frozen lakes as a child.

    • @allanturmaine5496
      @allanturmaine5496 Рік тому

      In 20 more years the concrete will have won the war against nature. Your country will be apartment complexes, shopping malls, and the space in between will be one giant autobahn.

    • @inprice123
      @inprice123 Рік тому

      Dass stimmt!

    • @christianosminroden7878
      @christianosminroden7878 Рік тому

      @@imranzakhaev3779 We as a species are not responsible for _everything._ But for the ongoing and still accelerating, *unprecedentedly rapid* climate change, we most definitely are, which is shown by overwhelming amounts of interdisciplinary evidence and „contradicted“ exclusively by cherry-picking or otherwise fallacious arguments and deliberate or ignorant misrepresentations. Get over it and stop being part of the problem.

  • @laurajarrell6187
    @laurajarrell6187 Рік тому +5

    Professor Stick! Wow, great video. Better ending !!👍💙💖🥰✌

  • @lokinakor1
    @lokinakor1 Рік тому +1

    I heard the smoke was from the gates of Hell opening up to welcome Pat Robertson home...

  • @preape
    @preape Рік тому

    Wow! Nothing like being blunt. You have a valid point.

  • @Paladwyn
    @Paladwyn Рік тому +1

    That's quite a final statement, and I will keep the theme of the video by merely saying "Oh Burn!"

  • @AenesidemusOZ
    @AenesidemusOZ Рік тому +1

    Canada's wildfire season is expanding, as is our wildfire season in Australia. We used to be able to share firefighting aircraft as their season ended before ours started; that's going to stop soon.
    Edit: That ending though 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

  • @sayastra
    @sayastra Рік тому

    Albertan here, my province has been a Tinder box since may. Fire season used to happen in July/August

  • @moestietabarnak
    @moestietabarnak Рік тому

    At the same time, someone else is blaming the fire to mining industry wanting to open a lot of mine, listing current mining claim, 'corresponding' to many fire position, saying that instead of getting permit to cleanup area to mine, getting authorization from gov and native nation, they just set the zone aflame so they can come later 'There is nothing to protect now that all is burned...let us mine it...

  • @bf-696
    @bf-696 Рік тому +1

    Correlation is not causation. I am surprised that this even needs to be stated.

  • @pippin606
    @pippin606 Рік тому +1

    I'm a Canadian in Ontario, this past winter was unusually warm. We get warm winters once ina while, but not that warm.

    • @fireandcopper
      @fireandcopper Рік тому +2

      We had a few cold "cold days" but it was definitely unseasonably warm in January and early February

  • @aJoats
    @aJoats Рік тому +2

    I am all for the no F's given tonal shift.

  • @jack1d1XB
    @jack1d1XB Рік тому +1

    You hit it on the nail, exactly what I thought was behind these fires!!!

  • @TheQue5tion
    @TheQue5tion Рік тому +2

    That last line was definitely meant for certain people. Sounded almost personal.

  • @turboguppy3748
    @turboguppy3748 Рік тому +2

    Damn stick, that final comment was gold.

  • @dragon1011dk
    @dragon1011dk Рік тому +2

    "Acknowledge reality for what it is."
    Sorry, its more fun for people to blame the "other" for all problems.

  • @ivan55599
    @ivan55599 Рік тому +1

    Climate warming doesn't need axelerationists to get hotter.

  • @justinmaitland7335
    @justinmaitland7335 Рік тому

    The size of Canada is staggering, any province or territory would require all resources to be applied to one area.

  • @nickandres7829
    @nickandres7829 Рік тому

    Hey Professor Stick, thank you for this. I live on the West Coast, so I'm thankfully away from all the fires.
    When I go on Twitter, though, half my feed is people being like "OMG is Canada even doing anything about these fires?"
    or "This has nothing to do with climate change! There's a handful of woke WEF antifa climate activist terrorists who are going around setting these fires!"
    and it is very tiresome. Thank you for helping to inject some rationality into things.
    Most importantly, hoping for the best for everyone impacted by these fires, especially the evacuees and those still in the path of the flames.

  • @TheHiralis
    @TheHiralis Рік тому

    God damn stick god mad. You're a legend stick. I've been watching since you only had 20k subs. You're the best

  • @saalkz.a.9715
    @saalkz.a.9715 Рік тому +1

    Actually it was Puff the Magic Dragon, he caught the bird flu and is spitting/sneezing fire allover the place. 😅

  • @lazarious5424
    @lazarious5424 Рік тому +1

    No one calls out China as one of the biggest issues of climate change as well

  • @inprice123
    @inprice123 Рік тому

    I worked on the 2019/2020 fires here in Oz which only ended when it started to rain in February 2020. We've had floods for the last 3 years, and there's been precious little Hazard Reduction work done because everything has been too wet. But now it looks like we have a nasty el Nino coming which means bad fire conditions and the high levels of fuel caused by the rain should be well dry come the start of the Australian fire season in October (in my state - it's earlier in Queensland). We wait

    • @cadejust6777
      @cadejust6777 Рік тому

      How Dare You Say That Dont Be So Raven Homophobic 🤬😡😠 Transphobic 🤬😡😠 Xenophobic 🤬😡😠 Racist 🤬😡😠 Sexist 🤬😡😠

  • @NicolSD
    @NicolSD Рік тому

    Dear Professor Stick, there aren't many dozens of forest fires burning in Canada. As of last Wednesday, there were 414.

  • @MatthewCaunsfield
    @MatthewCaunsfield Рік тому

    I am genuinely baffled why he would want to make up something like that

  • @Maia_Cyclist
    @Maia_Cyclist Рік тому

    Yes it also happens here in Portugal

  • @Desertphile
    @Desertphile Рік тому

    California's fire season is 365.25 days a year.

  • @gryph01
    @gryph01 Рік тому +2

    Carbon Tax is a system designed to reduce consumption of fossil fuels and the associated carbon emissions. It is a punitive tax system similar to "sin taxes".
    It is a polarizing issue in Canada.
    I currently support the Carbon Tax and the Conservative Party of Canada wants to eliminate it.
    But I haven't seen the Cons plan to reduce carbon emissions. They need to convince me that they have an actual plan.
    Besides, the way political parties in Canada work, they would "eliminate the Carbon Tax" and then create a new tax to replace it.

    • @darkclawgreatonenas
      @darkclawgreatonenas Рік тому +1

      probably one aimed at their various vanity projects around the country...i know Ford is really pushing getting that spa built at Ontario Place...and carving up the Greenbelt...

    • @danbeaulieu2130
      @danbeaulieu2130 Рік тому

      The conservative plan is to set up walled compounds for the billionaire class. Shove all the food and clean water into those compounds. And surround them with heavily armed police.
      Then let the proletariat starve.

  • @inprice123
    @inprice123 Рік тому

    You need 5 things to create a bushfire. High temperatures, strong winds, low humidity, lots of dry fuel and a spark. They are all affected by climate.

  • @ericg3415
    @ericg3415 Рік тому +2

    Love that last line!

  • @matchrocket1702
    @matchrocket1702 Рік тому

    That last remark, OUCH!

  • @threewing
    @threewing Рік тому

    You cannot order stupid to not be stupid.

  • @darkfalcon7856
    @darkfalcon7856 Рік тому +4

    As someone who's lived in California my whole life, I remember a time when Wildfire Season was only for a few months out of the year. Nowadays, it's pretty much all year round.

  • @Zift_Ylrhavic_Resfear
    @Zift_Ylrhavic_Resfear Рік тому

    Thanks for the video

  • @Xenchou
    @Xenchou Рік тому +3

    Even if you try to argue about the initial cause of the fire, climate change is having an impact on the extent to which that fire spreads and grows. If the environment was cooler and the woods had more moisture, the fire would not grow to the proportions they have gotten to. An arsonist trying to set a lake on fire wouldn't get far, but because the woods are tinderboxes, any ignition source (natural or intentional) is going to have far more consequences. Unless you are also going to say that these activists are also intentionally going around drying out the woods somehow, the argument still misses the point of the impact of climate change.

  • @kool9813
    @kool9813 Рік тому

    In my area we where evacuated for a week and had 2 fires west of town one south that had a different town gone one north that had evacuated another town we could only go east

  • @tonydagostino6158
    @tonydagostino6158 Рік тому +3

    How does that fool explain the fires rampant in Siberia? Activist polar bears and foxes? Precious few people up there.

    • @tileux
      @tileux Рік тому

      Wtf are you dribbling about? Theres fires everywhere. Thats the point.

    • @tonydagostino6158
      @tonydagostino6158 Рік тому

      @@tileux The point you clearly don't understand, evidenced by your dribbling insults.

    • @tileux
      @tileux Рік тому

      @@tonydagostino6158 you make no sense.

    • @tonydagostino6158
      @tonydagostino6158 Рік тому

      @@tileux Only to you, so no worries for me

  • @Refertech101
    @Refertech101 Рік тому

    Sad thing this is the more sane one they come with.

  • @yasyasmarangoz3577
    @yasyasmarangoz3577 Рік тому +1

    6:36 How were those estimations done (graph)?
    What paper is this from?

  • @reidflemingworldstoughestm1394

    Anti-science and anti-reality will stop at nothing.

  • @Antowan
    @Antowan Рік тому

    Felt the anger in that ending.

  • @Sagano96
    @Sagano96 Рік тому +1

    Is there any "Dark Mode" Professor Stick? turning on Your videos at night illuminates my whole room and possibly burns some of my light receptor cells.

  • @justus19711
    @justus19711 Рік тому +2

    I hate science deniers

  • @simonharris4873
    @simonharris4873 Рік тому

    Nice closing Stick. Very eloquent.

  • @christasimon9716
    @christasimon9716 Рік тому

    I am SO disappointed to hear that the satellite lasers which identify as Jewish have been retired.

  • @markthesharpener7028
    @markthesharpener7028 Рік тому +1

    What are we comparing "climate change" against? Recorded history doesn't exactly go very far back in the planets life. Outside that its all just an educated guess.

  • @JohnSmith-xq1pz
    @JohnSmith-xq1pz Рік тому

    Unfortunately one may have claimed a cousins house he built with his dad.

  • @thomasfplm
    @thomasfplm Рік тому

    Here in Brazil we had the same kind of conspiratorial thinking during the fires in the Amazon.
    If I'm not mistaken, even Leonardo Di Caprio was acused of financing people starting fires.

  • @kevinspraggett7096
    @kevinspraggett7096 Рік тому

    The choice is difficult: Which is scarier? Climate Doom, Covid Variants, Nuclear War by Putin, Chinese Spy Balloons, Aliens preparing to invade , the Banking Crisis or Canadian Wild Fires? Keeps me up at night (I forgot about North Korea's nuclear missiles and Trump winning re-election in 2024. No offense intended). Being 'old', I remember waiting up late to watch Saturday's midnight TV 'Horror Show'. Great fun, but TV news today is better!😊

  • @ganainmmtl
    @ganainmmtl Рік тому

    That's a spicy ending!!!

  • @cleokatra
    @cleokatra Рік тому


  • @johncatty6560
    @johncatty6560 Рік тому

    Here in Germany people can be "happy" about the wild fires in the eastern part of the country. There are plenty of forests full of ammunition left by the Soviets (some areas are still infested by ammunition dropped in WWII), which finally explodes during the wild fires. It's making people forget that authorities had more than 30 (!) years to clean those areas.
    There are thousands of tons of WWII grenades, bombs, etc. in the Baltic Sea close to the coast of Germany. This stuff rusts and the chemicals spread in the water. But, hey, Germans love to swim in the Baltic Sea! We can't take this joy from them, right?
    Contains a bit of sarcasm.

  • @climatedeniersbelonginasyl4191

    We had the same bullshit "debate" here in Australia.

  • @Silica_Packer
    @Silica_Packer Рік тому

    Yeah. We should all be forced to open carry a lighter wherever you go.

  • @zombiesithblade1579
    @zombiesithblade1579 Рік тому

    There where 100s so far apparently. I live in a place thats not burning as of yet.

  • @franklinkz2451
    @franklinkz2451 11 місяців тому

    Yaaaa!!! Getem Stick

  • @specialkonacid6574
    @specialkonacid6574 Рік тому

    Now do Dutchsinse showing satellite images of Quebec

  • @AdamRamseythetouchable
    @AdamRamseythetouchable Рік тому

    You're awesome, professor.

    • @cadejust6777
      @cadejust6777 Рік тому

      How Dare You Say That Dont Be So Raven Homophobic 🤬😡😠 Transphobic 🤬😡😠 Xenophobic 🤬😡😠 Racist 🤬😡😠 Sexist 🤬😡😠

  • @Kopie0830
    @Kopie0830 Рік тому

    It should be mandatory to make man made rivers around and within forests with automated water pumps and hose spraying the forest with water to prevent forest fires from happening. Like there would be boats in this man made rivers which will be ai driven then prays water to forest fires.

  • @mrandrat625
    @mrandrat625 Рік тому +3

    Benny Johnson tried to make the same kind of claim. Difference was that he used satellite photos to back up his claim that all the fires in northern Quebec were started by "ecoterrorists", all at the same time.

    • @pgtmr2713
      @pgtmr2713 Рік тому

      B B B But peer reviewed papers would never set a country alight to make fake climate change into a real crisis instead of admitting they're wrong. There's absolutely no money in "power," or "authority."

  • @NateTmi
    @NateTmi Рік тому

    LoL the way he said it, is like showing & sharing wildfires or showcasing activists will make people want to add to Wildfires. Yet if a person starts a forest fire it is not truly a Wildfire. If we find that a person started the fire, it gets a different name & is a very different topic. Yet that seems to be what he is implying. How else could people trading information lead to fire? unless people start fires in response. Almost as if to suggest they need a min number of fires just so they can then talk about the fires after & showcase it

  • @cennethadameveson3715
    @cennethadameveson3715 Рік тому

    Last ten seconds harsh but true!

  • @jawstrock2215
    @jawstrock2215 Рік тому

    PLain explanation: "IT'S RHETORIC!"

  • @spudz7405
    @spudz7405 Рік тому

    Im from the west coast so wild fires and not unexpected

  • @yannickdellir2347
    @yannickdellir2347 Рік тому

    Spitting 🗣️

  • @stuartotaku
    @stuartotaku Рік тому

    Great ending

  • @fredriksundberg4624
    @fredriksundberg4624 Рік тому

    Of course they are and Hugo Chavez and Lenin and Stalin and reasons therefore reasons because of reasons.
    And spacelasers.

  • @alberich3099
    @alberich3099 Рік тому

    It get's worse.
    Many wildfires are prevented by counterfires and controlled fires.
    Those however need very specific weather conditions, which are not presant all year round.
    With the wildfire "season" broadening those instances where controlled fires can be startet to rejuvinate the forestfloor become less and less, adding more and more fuel for the wildfires t oburn through during the season.
    Which makes controlleing the wildfires harder and harder.
    (oh yea it is beeing addressed at 6:16 - I did not watch to that before commenting, but I'll leave my comment as it drives engagement for the video)

  • @sapientisessevolo4364
    @sapientisessevolo4364 Рік тому +1

    So this is the science denier the albertan premier listens to...

  • @anthonymorris5084
    @anthonymorris5084 Рік тому

    But, but, muh science.

  • @scooby45247
    @scooby45247 Рік тому

    pretty sure MTG ended this debate by exposing the Jewish space lazers..

  • @masiosareanivdelarev562
    @masiosareanivdelarev562 Рік тому

    Good video.

    @DAYBROK3 Рік тому

    professor stick, more to the point that these people while having learned, possibly, to read they dont read. they dont have the wish to read for their work where they have to hence the number of work accidents, they rarely read much past the headlines, and forbid that they read something they dont have to, for pleasure.

  • @asphyxia9927
    @asphyxia9927 Рік тому

    I wouldn't completely ignore the possibility of some underground organization starting fires to benefit from the environment movement, at this point something this stupid could really happen

    • @starwarriorterra8373
      @starwarriorterra8373 Рік тому +2

      Not ignoring and assuming that to be true without any valid evidence are two very different perspectives.
      The person being responded to here is trying to be sneaky by posing it as a question, but he has already fully made up his mind as to what the absolute cause is.

    • @rogerphelps9939
      @rogerphelps9939 Рік тому +1

      Don't be daft.

    • @asphyxia9927
      @asphyxia9927 Рік тому

      @@starwarriorterra8373 ye ye

    • @jitteryjet7525
      @jitteryjet7525 Рік тому

      Or it was the work of space aliens who like a smoky atmosphere.

  • @NateTmi
    @NateTmi Рік тому

    People make news broadcast to talk about activists & wildfires; Man thinks this broadcast leads to more fires or more risk of fires; Man broadcasts his opinion on the situation, there for showing this to more people then the original broadcast alone. There for if true increasing the risk even more. XD The Logic this makes me think of is too funny

  • @hesosol8997
    @hesosol8997 Рік тому

    I lost it at the end! “Get your dicks out of your sister”. So damn funny! Thanks for the video!

  • @Jcewazhere
    @Jcewazhere Рік тому

    Even if ecopeeps did start the fires how are they so big and widespread?
    What conditions lead them to being so severe?

  • @zeroryoko1974
    @zeroryoko1974 Рік тому

    And here I thought it was because of Diablo IV release

  • @The5armdamput33
    @The5armdamput33 Рік тому

    My favorite part about Professor Stick is that even though most of the time he speaks in a very clinical, monotone pattern, sometimes he breaks character to say something like "get your dicks out of your sisters for one second"...

  • @FunkyPants3D
    @FunkyPants3D Рік тому

    when ur reading a paper but skipping certain sentences, I would appreciate some visual clue to tell me which sentences you are going to read. That would make it a lot easier to read along, which I like to do. :D

  • @cadejust6777
    @cadejust6777 Рік тому +1

    Professor 🥼 Dave If Climate Change Exist 😁 Then Why Hasnt The World 🌎🌍🌏🌐🗺️ Ended Within Ten Years As A Result As Many Climate Change Activists Said It Would Hmmmmmmmmm 🤔 Do You Have Answer To This Question ⁉️❓ Of Mine I Think 🤔💬💭 Not LOL 🤣😂