It doesn't take long, in fact, the temperature rises very quickly. So I finally returned it for warranty and bought a ps5. Later I will buy a gaming desktop.
Hola, disculpa responder tan tarde, la verdad me pareció muy bueno para streaming, lo probé dibujando con una wacom un diseño de personaje y me va bien, no he probado call of duty :) Pero lo haré.
What is the settings
How long does it take for it to heat up? and get too hot
It doesn't take long, in fact, the temperature rises very quickly. So I finally returned it for warranty and bought a ps5. Later I will buy a gaming desktop.
Is this good for most games and streaming?is call of duty able to stay around 120hz?
Hola, disculpa responder tan tarde, la verdad me pareció muy bueno para streaming, lo probé dibujando con una wacom un diseño de personaje y me va bien, no he probado call of duty :) Pero lo haré.
Are you playing this on Windows 10 or 11 ?
Hi, Win 11