Before I watch, I hope the title is clickbait and this whole vid is a troll. Edit: I was correct. This vid has nothing to do with bangalore. It's entirely about wall hacks and visual clutter in competetive. It wasn't even entertaining, I wouldn't waste your time.
@NinjaGamer-hm9iz I respond to actual arguments. I will change my mind based on facts. If you've got a problem with my comment, grow a pair and say it.
it probably wasn't worth mentioning because it all remained the same, bangalore anchored the meta and anything that allowed you to see through smoke, like seer and digi, would come paired with her.
I thought this video was on lore like bangalore being in the apex games to find her brother and then staying in the apex games and hating her brother when he found her
I'll bawl my eyes out and be sad if my bro were ever missing or dead. But also find him dumb and annoying every time his lips move. Bangalore is very relatable lol
@@faizfrez2729 That shit was such a massive shame considering how Loba's story started. It was the first time one trailer and season tied into the next. Rev being the catalyst for Loba's story held such promise at first. I remember the hype in S5. Then it became ''The thief likes the cop. Oh but here's a random Asian girl who's into women and rizzed her up. And even though Loba says she doesn't settle, she just instantly settles for her because DEI pays well.'' Did they fire all the good early game writers or something? LMAO! I'd rather have no lore than that shit. Just focus on the BR aspect.
So the problem with bang is that her smoke creates problems for three different groups: casual players, competitive players, and competitive viewers. And the solutions for each aren't the same. Take comp viewers. The viewing experience is worse when it is just white with a digi to tell you what is going on, but the solution to that isnt nerfing bangalore or anything. Thats giving casters better tools for viewing the experience. Like, for example, turning the opacity of the smoke down to 20% or highlighting all players through smoke even when viewing a player's pov. The problem with casual play was that it lead to lopsided situations. By running teams that synergized with the smoke, it lead to teams being in a massive advantage with little recourse to the other team not running Seer, Crypto, or Bloodhound beyond "just craft digis 5head". Meanwhile, if youre just solo queuing bangalore and don't have a team that synergizes with her, she felt easily countered and negated. The changes this past year to bangalore to make her smoke both easier to counter through aggressive play by all legends (run in the smoke, see the other players be highlighted) while not negated by others (like bloodhound) was a good tradeoff for casual players of all skill levels... But didn't exactly *do* anything for her usefulness in comp. (It also doesn't communicate its properties well to players. Like I was only today years old when I learned smoke turned off aim assist completely. So people trying to counter rampant aggressive controller Horizons don't use her.) The problem with competitive is, well, balancing it doesn't come down to whether something is fair or balanced at all. Like any competitive game at its highlest level, it comes down to whether the meta is stagnant, is it needing more diversity, is player skill being rewarded, and are players enjoying its current state. Answering that and finding solutions is better left up for people more invested in competitive, but there are plenty of instances of competitive games being unbalanced, but nothing is addressed because players enjoy the unbalanced nature. Look at competitive Smash Bros, for example. Smash Ultimate mught be amore balanced and fair game than Melee, but a ton of players prefer Melee. With the split between Comp and Casual being so drastic in Apex, whatever is changed in one has ramifications on the rest of the playerbase in the other. So any changes need to be balanced between the two. I personally believe games should be balanced around the casual scene first and foremost and let the competitive scene shake out what is best in that. Because no matter how balanced you make something, competitive players will always try to eke out the best possible advantage.
Not sure if better tools for casters solve the issue, not completely anyway. It would mean that players will look like headless chickens running around in smokes making engagements kinda lame. Also you undersell how bad solo queueing is, since you pick bang, your teamates pick horizon and octane and then whenever you meet a recon hero you're objectively better not using your Q. For comp the real way to solve this is to nerf aim assist, it's ridiculous that a value in code can sway the advantege to some players over others so much. Also, Caustic has a vision based Q aswel, and he got nerfed into oblivion. Also, also catalysts ult obstructs vision as it's main mechanic
This just shows that Shiv was way ahead of the game even before Bang became meta. I love Bangalore, she is my third main when wraith and lifeline is picked on my squad. I always recommend her way back then to my friends who are new to apex. Her kit is familiar to them, giving them an easier way to adjusting to apex.
0:11 Is this the good old days? I remember when they said bangalore was a perfect example of the most balanced legend. And then they nerfted smokes and so on and so on 😅.
That's because she was balanced by scan legends but then they dumpster her checks and her balance became a imbalance. Plus 30 secs per smokes is ridiculous and it was well deserved
@@eekajmoneybaby9309 actually it was the scan legends that made her imbalanced which is why bloodhound is super dog now they forgot to revert some of the changes after solving the problem with bang
I'm glad that you reached the conclusion that you did. I'm convinced Bang is both conceptually fine, and basically unnerfable without making her useless. The simple fact is that a smoke grenade tactical (Or any tactical ability with the sole purpose of visual clutter) is totally unique to her within Apex Legends. This unique utility will be strong as long as it is usable, just because it is a genuinely unique tactical. I'd argue that every other character's Tactical ability can broadly be categorised as "Damage, Movement, Info, or HP", but Bang is completely alone in "Visual obstruction". Wallhacks and scans exacerbate the issue, but they don't fundementally change Bangalore or what her utility does - People just discovered how to actually use her, like you said. It's always been so so strange to me that it took Apex players so long to discover Bang's usefulness, despite smoke grenades being an integral part of most competitive shooters as well as being an actual common military tool. It's a smoke greande, it has always been a smoke grenade, and smoke grenades have ALWAYS had a use. Fitting it into a comp is another issue, but her kit has always been useful and well rounded. It's the same as what happened with Crypto to an extent. Wallhacks have ALWAYS been useful, it's just that Seer being overpowered made everyone realise it, then when he was nerfed we played Bloodhound in comp with Bang+Caustic, and then when they were nerfed (And Crypto was buffed too, obviously) suddenly the only viable scan legend left goes from a meme, to turbo-meta must pick. The main difference I see between these situations is that nobody competes with Bang in her ability to obscure vision, because outside of ultimates it is a unique ability - If a team thinks smokes are useful, Bangalore is the only option and becomes the backbone of the comp.
Agreed, but If I remember correctly most people in comp didn't play bang for the longest time due to how strong scan characters were like blood or seer and people thought it left your team at a disadvantage because blood's tactical used to be like a 3 sec scan which would get your team killed but I fully agree even with scans she was always an amazing character it took a while for people to utilize her correctly
Bangs smokes are nice, but her passive movement buff when getting shot at is the real bread winner for me personally. Amount of movement options it opens up mid 1v1 is crazy good.
@@mathiaschristensen1194 Yeah, Bang passive feels really op. I'm shooting someone, and when they shoot back I'm sprinting into cover with 300 mph. Dropping a smoke and dissappearing into the night of E-District.
A funny solution to the AA problem, make Mirage decoys aim assist magnets. Yeah his ult will wreck players who crutch AA, but that means you'll have to use a valuable legend slot on Mirage to do so.
Alr I'm tired of the AA complain you mnk players have movement tech controller can't do at all and have your entire arm for aim whilst using controller players have a stick and our thumb you have much more fine control in your entire arm then you do with just your thumb hence why aim assist even exists
@@TeddyKing77 I agree, roller should have movement too. Respawn's just too much of a pussy to make the change in fear of alienating the shitters who need the game to play for them.
For your information Bang has the highest pick rate out of all of them, even tho all she has ever gotten during the entirety of this game was nerfs not a single buff EVER! as for skins, hardly anything as well.
Yeah bangalore pretty much got the caustic treatments a normally balance legend that gets nerfed into oblivion cause her playstyle can easily be abused in the ways pros play the game in ALGS , which is "camp until zone is so small that they have no other choice but to fight" which in those very close quarter situations bangalore and caustic especially shine Tbh its kinda sad that blizzard does this for such reasons , cause it really only affects pro players and just ruins the fun for the rest of the community by destroying a legend Also there will always be a meta that pros will consider annoying or oppresive after a while , I wonder who they will ask to be put on the chopping block next They should just add legends ban in ALGS and stop destroying legends cause pros get tired of the very metas they create
Also great video. You've have really imrpoved on your storytelling. Once you get bored of apex or want to branch out, I would love to see you produce this type of vid for valorant or ow2 :)
Yall wanting to ban one of the only actual good legends in the game is crazy. Apex players just complain about everything like just cause a legends good doesn’t mean they should be ban like what?! Glad I stopped playing this
Deadass. Just cause she’s the most used doenst mean she’s op lol, those two are not coincided. There’s dumb legends like rev, rampart in the game who r op
Honestly resonated with this comment at the beginning of the video, but watching it to the end made me realize the title is just clickbait. It's honestly just a solid video where the bird wanted to talk about bang's history from a different point of view
I've been a Bangalore main since season 1, playing cs: go had taught me the power of smoke grenades and the speed boost is so nice. I was surprised to learn the pros are just now starting to use her more.
Biggets thing was s16 class change seer nerf that opened stage for bang. Off the video topic when class system came on s16 I was and still am rev main he was so good as assault legends
Tweakin but ok. She definitely was still the best character in the game before that and was still used by pros the most. Giving her 80 stacks on ammo didn’t make her that much better and the assault bins were only really good just because digi threats. Because digi threats truly made Bangalore stronger and nothing else.
@@fizz_time7003 personaly I hate that the tactical cannot damage the Doors anymore. Plus as former assault legend main u get good gear faster qnd u can carry more grandes. Assault class perk is under rated
@@sigi0650 its definitely not underrated. in pro league they care about map scans so recon is the best but assault is definitely obviously known as the best in casual since they don't usually need map scans and all the other perks are just mid or suck. only reason it might be underrated is because most of the assault characters suck and the perk isnt enough for people to play bad legends so instead they pick other characters. i think the damage from it getting removed is way better too because if you were just sitting from a low ground a team from above could spend every cooldown smoking you and have you waste your meds trying to heal 1 cell of damage and youd usually never end up using it to actually destroy doors.
One of possible "viable" options about bangs smoke being balanced, is doing a viable rework to greanades. Hear me out. The ballon, actually not killed valkirie, but changed the "I need to fly and rotate, so I must pick valkirye" to "I can stack ballons, so I can >> choose
This was a major problem i had with overwatch. Fun chatacters were nerfed and a role que was forced on everyone because the meta from the top %0.1 of players was stale.
If I recall correctly, Bang only started showing up in the spotlight because of AA. It was the only reliable way to counter it, and by now, more players already swapped to controller. She always had a strong kit, but with AA being higher for the duration of this sandbox, she was meta. She can stall, obscure, create space, and provide safer rotations; she's the jack of all trades. I do think the degree of which she was nerfed was a bit much.
I feel like anything that happens in real competitive play leagues should NEVER lead to a nerf or buff. As a casual player who rarely even plays ranked anymore, I would rather fixes be made based on the majority of the player base finding something actually broken and not just what the pros dislike. This isn’t even a hot take or novel idea, so many people have been saying this.
Its a shame that bloodhound has had their entire identity stripped away from them because bangalore and seer started a catalyst (lol) of metas that relied WAY too much on wallhacks and aim assist
BH used to be the best counterplay/partner to Bang but then Seer happened with his absolutely retarded ult. So instead of just nerfing Seer's ult, Respawn dicked over BH as well. Its like respawn is allergic to making changes to busted AF characters and weapons but is cool taking an okay character and making them ass. Just look at how long it took them to nerf the akimbo mozamcancer. Anyone who's played the game for more than a week could see how they were absolutely demented right off rip and it took them almost an entire season to bring them down to the point where they still making the wingman completely irrelevant but don't completely shit on the mastiff/pk and Eva-8 and there's actually some counterplay other than forcing everyone to run akimbo biques.
There was another reason why bangalore was never picked before Seer came out. It was because bloodhound used to be a REALLY hard counter to bangalore. Bloodhound's ult made him scan every 3 or 5 (klinda forgot) that highlighted like digi theats that had a longer lingering effect that he had now. They nerfed bloodhound (i think) around when Seer got nerfed thats why that meta was called the scan meta. Since Bangalore's only 2 hard counters got nerfed significantly, that just left her open to be dominant in the meta
4:10 perfect place for the Incredibles scene. 4:59 also why would they wait to drop the portal? Wouldn't you want to be the first one who can shoot at the other Wraith and call your team? 10:02 Horizon's soul left the body for half a second.
for 4:59, often the portal is saved and used for critical team rotations through dangerous areas, meaning that its not just the wraiths life on the line but their teams placement that is dependent on dropping the portal in a good spot
Imma be honest and say that it’s mainly just a bit, and that it never “really” happened. But the bit is a joke on attempting to keep your portal alive longer, as chaotic endgames in that meta meant that the oldest portal could help a team survive longer
Bangalore seems "useless" at first, but after a few months of playing with her, she can be an asset in killing as many enemies within her ultimate. And, for her tactical (the smoke grenade launcher), it can help in escaping and/or be in handicap fighting for a few seconds, no hacking to get kills none whatsoever. I got some decent kills in the smoke prior to the major changes of this legend before season 20. Good video.
Honestly the Bangalore smoke update where it gives outlines to everyone is just dumb like i understand y they did it because her and bloodhounds was a mess but still
Only aoex i can watch nowadays, not talking negative a whole week on the same topic or about it "Dying". Refreshing, informational Gameplay/Comp Vid, as players we need
I still felt like one of the issues with characters like bang was that she was so reliant on other legends yet she was impossible to nerf, so because she was everywhere collateral damage went to everyone she was paired with. Like Seer, he git nerfed because he was definitely very strong but also due to bang. Then we have bloodhound becoming useless due to bang as well. Making the game go into a large crypto meta. I feel like even tho bang is fine snd i think shes okay but shes unhealthy for all the characters shes paired with.
this vid has a ton of personality. zer0 made me love bang and appreciate the game more in general since she's so fast paced. between her and path and maybe horizon if I wanna turn up I know who to choose. thx for sharing.
shes sooo fuckin dope. double time faster then octain and acts as wraths thing letting u know ur being shot or aimed at. smoke is sooo nice with the right sight the bombs r good for herding people and teams
Crazy how this bs of touching a perfectly balanced legend and fucking it up for normal players could be avoided by simply implementing a Legend Ban system like on LoL or R6 🤦🏾♂️ I hate when the pro scene "infects" the "normal" one where everyday joes spend their time
Idk, I think the highlight on smoke it's just nonsense. The thermal optic should be back, but the more smoke between the enemy and the optic, the less you ser him, same for blood. Idk they could adjust the meta not destroy it. But that's just my view. Ty for the great game devs, best game ever.
Almost as if Controllers deserve to be nerfed and people don't want to see aimbots on the competitive mainstage of their favorite game Sad reality we live in, Apex couldve been so much more without the controller meta
Another thing you didn't mention is that everyone else (especially scan legends, who were known for countering her) got nerfed, leaving people with no better option than the one legend who wasn't touched since day 1.
Wanna see your reason for why Maggie and crypto got nerfed recently. Maggie who's only been on the rise of pick rates after 11 seasons receiving a nerf right as they buff supports to the moon.
Classic example of people not wanting to use the meta becaause its cheap, only to sweat so hard with a low tier that the character is considered broken. You cant neef these kinds of characters, because what makes them broken is the players, and you just cant nerf players.
To me it seems like whatever seems "broken" in ALGS is what gets nerfed by next patch. For good players and people who premade this is probably ok nerfs/buffs. But for soloq players like me, having a strong mommy like old wraith (for example) was the ONLY thing that made it possible to rank up in the cesspool that is soloq ranked. They basically season by season made the game constantly harder for low elo/new gamers, no wonder the game has a hard time rn. New players don't wanna play because it's hard and complicated, and old players don't wanna play because it's IMPOSSIBLE to play trios without babysitting the noobs in the team.
Before Bang was in the meta I always wondered why she never got picked, her kit was so good for team fights and now that the pros discovered her use, they want to nerf her to ground like wtf
I don’t think Bang is broken. Let me say that again: Bang is not broken. BUT I do think she is actually a little too impactful to the overall gameplay (when everyone has a bang). Seeing, shooting, and movement are probably the 3 core pillars of any FPS game. Bang’s smoke is so frequent that it disrupts “Seeing” more often than I think is healthy. I don’t want my game to feel like Smoke Legends, lol.
Basically this video shows why pros make apex not fun and as the only person who has used seer since season 10 its funny to watch people go from seer is trash to seer is OP when hes been the same for so long once season 10 nerfed him and honestly ive never like bang shes just not useful even now i enjoyed this video bruddah giving it a sub And im probably the last seer main on the planet lol
i’ll sum up what this guys saying before i even hear him…. Apex is a 5 year old game, many changes happen, bangalore was not meta. now she is. she gets nerfed even though it’s unnecessary (why i left the game personally) game bad. devs bad. game dying. not surprising.
I still don't understand why they hit her ult and passive. I get it the smoke duration was crazy but like her evo shield options suck and she got nerfed in so many locations. She is still..... fine but like I feel she could be given something back outside of smoke duration.
Before I watch, I hope the title is clickbait and this whole vid is a troll.
Edit: I was correct. This vid has nothing to do with bangalore. It's entirely about wall hacks and visual clutter in competetive. It wasn't even entertaining, I wouldn't waste your time.
@@pinkplasticlaggamer spotted….
pin of shame
@NinjaGamer-hm9iz I respond to actual arguments. I will change my mind based on facts. If you've got a problem with my comment, grow a pair and say it.
Legit, went to he come to comments cause this had to be a troll.
Only problem with bang is users that smoke their team not the other team
Oh god, the PTSD from Seer's original tactical being mentioned. I have no idea what Respawn was thinking, releasing him in that state.
i hate this legends to this day
Fr cancel everything, 10 dmg, wall hack all in one Q is crazy
Even when he was nerfed he was so fun when he just had the cancel. I didn’t know he was so powerful until the nerfs
@@alexandremantua6208also you used to get flashed on top of all that lmao
They weren't thinking at all
You forgot the time when only bloodhound could see through the smokes
in the ult? he can't anymore?
@@darken2899before seer there's no other scan legend. Not including crypto though.
it probably wasn't worth mentioning because it all remained the same, bangalore anchored the meta and anything that allowed you to see through smoke, like seer and digi, would come paired with her.
@saaros fair enough.
When tf did bloodhound could do that? When I use to play as bloodhound, everyone else could see thru smoke except me.
I thought this video was on lore like bangalore being in the apex games to find her brother and then staying in the apex games and hating her brother when he found her
the lore IS pretty dumb, now that u mention it😂
I'll bawl my eyes out and be sad if my bro were ever missing or dead. But also find him dumb and annoying every time his lips move. Bangalore is very relatable lol
@@PrimoHydrabro the whole lore of Apex is dumb😭 remember when they had loba x bang x valkyrie love story for 3 whole seasons
@@faizfrez2729 That shit was such a massive shame considering how Loba's story started. It was the first time one trailer and season tied into the next. Rev being the catalyst for Loba's story held such promise at first. I remember the hype in S5.
Then it became ''The thief likes the cop. Oh but here's a random Asian girl who's into women and rizzed her up. And even though Loba says she doesn't settle, she just instantly settles for her because DEI pays well.'' Did they fire all the good early game writers or something? LMAO! I'd rather have no lore than that shit. Just focus on the BR aspect.
So the problem with bang is that her smoke creates problems for three different groups: casual players, competitive players, and competitive viewers. And the solutions for each aren't the same.
Take comp viewers. The viewing experience is worse when it is just white with a digi to tell you what is going on, but the solution to that isnt nerfing bangalore or anything. Thats giving casters better tools for viewing the experience. Like, for example, turning the opacity of the smoke down to 20% or highlighting all players through smoke even when viewing a player's pov.
The problem with casual play was that it lead to lopsided situations. By running teams that synergized with the smoke, it lead to teams being in a massive advantage with little recourse to the other team not running Seer, Crypto, or Bloodhound beyond "just craft digis 5head". Meanwhile, if youre just solo queuing bangalore and don't have a team that synergizes with her, she felt easily countered and negated.
The changes this past year to bangalore to make her smoke both easier to counter through aggressive play by all legends (run in the smoke, see the other players be highlighted) while not negated by others (like bloodhound) was a good tradeoff for casual players of all skill levels... But didn't exactly *do* anything for her usefulness in comp.
(It also doesn't communicate its properties well to players. Like I was only today years old when I learned smoke turned off aim assist completely. So people trying to counter rampant aggressive controller Horizons don't use her.)
The problem with competitive is, well, balancing it doesn't come down to whether something is fair or balanced at all. Like any competitive game at its highlest level, it comes down to whether the meta is stagnant, is it needing more diversity, is player skill being rewarded, and are players enjoying its current state.
Answering that and finding solutions is better left up for people more invested in competitive, but there are plenty of instances of competitive games being unbalanced, but nothing is addressed because players enjoy the unbalanced nature.
Look at competitive Smash Bros, for example. Smash Ultimate mught be amore balanced and fair game than Melee, but a ton of players prefer Melee.
With the split between Comp and Casual being so drastic in Apex, whatever is changed in one has ramifications on the rest of the playerbase in the other. So any changes need to be balanced between the two.
I personally believe games should be balanced around the casual scene first and foremost and let the competitive scene shake out what is best in that. Because no matter how balanced you make something, competitive players will always try to eke out the best possible advantage.
Genuinely shocked im the first like on this comment. Ur right thi
This was a great comment and 100% true
@@BlaxkSun READ A BOOK🥷🏾
Not sure if better tools for casters solve the issue, not completely anyway. It would mean that players will look like headless chickens running around in smokes making engagements kinda lame.
Also you undersell how bad solo queueing is, since you pick bang, your teamates pick horizon and octane and then whenever you meet a recon hero you're objectively better not using your Q.
For comp the real way to solve this is to nerf aim assist, it's ridiculous that a value in code can sway the advantege to some players over others so much.
Also, Caustic has a vision based Q aswel, and he got nerfed into oblivion.
Also, also catalysts ult obstructs vision as it's main mechanic
This just shows that Shiv was way ahead of the game even before Bang became meta. I love Bangalore, she is my third main when wraith and lifeline is picked on my squad. I always recommend her way back then to my friends who are new to apex. Her kit is familiar to them, giving them an easier way to adjusting to apex.
0:11 Is this the good old days? I remember when they said bangalore was a perfect example of the most balanced legend. And then they nerfted smokes and so on and so on 😅.
And she is still on top too she will never be stopped
That's because she was balanced by scan legends but then they dumpster her checks and her balance became a imbalance. Plus 30 secs per smokes is ridiculous and it was well deserved
@@eekajmoneybaby9309 actually it was the scan legends that made her imbalanced which is why bloodhound is super dog now they forgot to revert some of the changes after solving the problem with bang
I'm glad that you reached the conclusion that you did. I'm convinced Bang is both conceptually fine, and basically unnerfable without making her useless. The simple fact is that a smoke grenade tactical (Or any tactical ability with the sole purpose of visual clutter) is totally unique to her within Apex Legends. This unique utility will be strong as long as it is usable, just because it is a genuinely unique tactical. I'd argue that every other character's Tactical ability can broadly be categorised as "Damage, Movement, Info, or HP", but Bang is completely alone in "Visual obstruction". Wallhacks and scans exacerbate the issue, but they don't fundementally change Bangalore or what her utility does - People just discovered how to actually use her, like you said.
It's always been so so strange to me that it took Apex players so long to discover Bang's usefulness, despite smoke grenades being an integral part of most competitive shooters as well as being an actual common military tool. It's a smoke greande, it has always been a smoke grenade, and smoke grenades have ALWAYS had a use. Fitting it into a comp is another issue, but her kit has always been useful and well rounded.
It's the same as what happened with Crypto to an extent. Wallhacks have ALWAYS been useful, it's just that Seer being overpowered made everyone realise it, then when he was nerfed we played Bloodhound in comp with Bang+Caustic, and then when they were nerfed (And Crypto was buffed too, obviously) suddenly the only viable scan legend left goes from a meme, to turbo-meta must pick. The main difference I see between these situations is that nobody competes with Bang in her ability to obscure vision, because outside of ultimates it is a unique ability - If a team thinks smokes are useful, Bangalore is the only option and becomes the backbone of the comp.
Agreed, but If I remember correctly most people in comp didn't play bang for the longest time due to how strong scan characters were like blood or seer and people thought it left your team at a disadvantage because blood's tactical used to be like a 3 sec scan which would get your team killed but I fully agree even with scans she was always an amazing character it took a while for people to utilize her correctly
Bangs smokes are nice, but her passive movement buff when getting shot at is the real bread winner for me personally. Amount of movement options it opens up mid 1v1 is crazy good.
first time I climbed to diamond was with bang, came from CSGO so I was all over those smokes. I feel naked without smokes
@@CataclysmicEnby it was really a skill issue, you can screw your team if you smoke at the wrong time and place for sure
@@mathiaschristensen1194 Yeah, Bang passive feels really op. I'm shooting someone, and when they shoot back I'm sprinting into cover with 300 mph. Dropping a smoke and dissappearing into the night of E-District.
A funny solution to the AA problem, make Mirage decoys aim assist magnets. Yeah his ult will wreck players who crutch AA, but that means you'll have to use a valuable legend slot on Mirage to do so.
Wow, this is genuinely brilliant
Alr I'm tired of the AA complain you mnk players have movement tech controller can't do at all and have your entire arm for aim whilst using controller players have a stick and our thumb you have much more fine control in your entire arm then you do with just your thumb hence why aim assist even exists
@@TeddyKing77 I agree, roller should have movement too. Respawn's just too much of a pussy to make the change in fear of alienating the shitters who need the game to play for them.
Just make it to where you autoaim if your ads is in a certain radius of it, no point in making it worse for just controller players
You dont get aa on mirage clones. Its how i detect the real one usually.
i cant imagine playing the game without bang after i learnt how to use smokes well
1:29 that animation deserves a like
For your information Bang has the highest pick rate out of all of them, even tho all she has ever gotten during the entirety of this game was nerfs not a single buff EVER! as for skins, hardly anything as well.
“Obviously it’s Gibraltar standing his ground in the middle” so gold
great video glad I could help
You have to admit bro all that chaos and smoke at the end game looks like a real war. Intense stuff
Yeah bangalore pretty much got the caustic treatments a normally balance legend that gets nerfed into oblivion cause her playstyle can easily be abused in the ways pros play the game in ALGS , which is "camp until zone is so small that they have no other choice but to fight" which in those very close quarter situations bangalore and caustic especially shine
Tbh its kinda sad that blizzard does this for such reasons , cause it really only affects pro players and just ruins the fun for the rest of the community by destroying a legend
Also there will always be a meta that pros will consider annoying or oppresive after a while , I wonder who they will ask to be put on the chopping block next
They should just add legends ban in ALGS and stop destroying legends cause pros get tired of the very metas they create
Most epic 20 second opening ever. U need to be in the movie marketing business 😂
this shit was actual peak youtube content
Except the fact that the whole topic is dumb. Bangalore is not OP.
I freaking love when you (the bird) interact with the viewers at 6:15 is amazing!
0:28 the way she looks at camera and takes her small smoke grenade launcher is so realistic. Looks like as if she is very annoyed. 😂
Also great video. You've have really imrpoved on your storytelling. Once you get bored of apex or want to branch out, I would love to see you produce this type of vid for valorant or ow2 :)
Make more meta teams videos. I'm interested in seeing how the teams evolved over the years
Yall wanting to ban one of the only actual good legends in the game is crazy. Apex players just complain about everything like just cause a legends good doesn’t mean they should be ban like what?! Glad I stopped playing this
and here we are, you complaining about other people haha
Deadass. Just cause she’s the most used doenst mean she’s op lol, those two are not coincided. There’s dumb legends like rev, rampart in the game who r op
@@younggeezerrr3156 shes op you're just bad with her
@@resolute7177 she’s not lol, she’s really good not op learn the difference
Honestly resonated with this comment at the beginning of the video, but watching it to the end made me realize the title is just clickbait. It's honestly just a solid video where the bird wanted to talk about bang's history from a different point of view
When I as caustic see smoke
"Time for the gas to consume"
I've been a Bangalore main since season 1, playing cs: go had taught me the power of smoke grenades and the speed boost is so nice. I was surprised to learn the pros are just now starting to use her more.
Biggets thing was s16 class change seer nerf that opened stage for bang. Off the video topic when class system came on s16 I was and still am rev main he was so good as assault legends
Tweakin but ok. She definitely was still the best character in the game before that and was still used by pros the most. Giving her 80 stacks on ammo didn’t make her that much better and the assault bins were only really good just because digi threats. Because digi threats truly made Bangalore stronger and nothing else.
@@fizz_time7003 personaly I hate that the tactical cannot damage the Doors anymore. Plus as former assault legend main u get good gear faster qnd u can carry more grandes. Assault class perk is under rated
@@sigi0650 its definitely not underrated. in pro league they care about map scans so recon is the best but assault is definitely obviously known as the best in casual since they don't usually need map scans and all the other perks are just mid or suck. only reason it might be underrated is because most of the assault characters suck and the perk isnt enough for people to play bad legends so instead they pick other characters. i think the damage from it getting removed is way better too because if you were just sitting from a low ground a team from above could spend every cooldown smoking you and have you waste your meds trying to heal 1 cell of damage and youd usually never end up using it to actually destroy doors.
One of possible "viable" options about bangs smoke being balanced, is doing a viable rework to greanades. Hear me out. The ballon, actually not killed valkirie, but changed the "I need to fly and rotate, so I must pick valkirye" to "I can stack ballons, so I can >> choose
This video is awesome man you got a mew sub :) Please keep it up I fw the bird
This was a major problem i had with overwatch. Fun chatacters were nerfed and a role que was forced on everyone because the meta from the top %0.1 of players was stale.
High quality vid keep up the good work dude
If I recall correctly, Bang only started showing up in the spotlight because of AA. It was the only reliable way to counter it, and by now, more players already swapped to controller. She always had a strong kit, but with AA being higher for the duration of this sandbox, she was meta. She can stall, obscure, create space, and provide safer rotations; she's the jack of all trades. I do think the degree of which she was nerfed was a bit much.
I just miss the Digis model. Id take it back even if it was just another 1x scope to go along with the holo and Hcog
I feel like anything that happens in real competitive play leagues should NEVER lead to a nerf or buff. As a casual player who rarely even plays ranked anymore, I would rather fixes be made based on the majority of the player base finding something actually broken and not just what the pros dislike. This isn’t even a hot take or novel idea, so many people have been saying this.
Its a shame that bloodhound has had their entire identity stripped away from them because bangalore and seer started a catalyst (lol) of metas that relied WAY too much on wallhacks and aim assist
BH used to be the best counterplay/partner to Bang but then Seer happened with his absolutely retarded ult. So instead of just nerfing Seer's ult, Respawn dicked over BH as well. Its like respawn is allergic to making changes to busted AF characters and weapons but is cool taking an okay character and making them ass. Just look at how long it took them to nerf the akimbo mozamcancer. Anyone who's played the game for more than a week could see how they were absolutely demented right off rip and it took them almost an entire season to bring them down to the point where they still making the wingman completely irrelevant but don't completely shit on the mastiff/pk and Eva-8 and there's actually some counterplay other than forcing everyone to run akimbo biques.
Love the sun squad music as the outro, goated music pack that one
There was another reason why bangalore was never picked before Seer came out. It was because bloodhound used to be a REALLY hard counter to bangalore. Bloodhound's ult made him scan every 3 or 5 (klinda forgot) that highlighted like digi theats that had a longer lingering effect that he had now. They nerfed bloodhound (i think) around when Seer got nerfed thats why that meta was called the scan meta. Since Bangalore's only 2 hard counters got nerfed significantly, that just left her open to be dominant in the meta
Love it.
I am dump Bangalore main and still can't find why Bang rises in ALGS.
Hope you do analysis various current comps also.
4:10 perfect place for the Incredibles scene.
4:59 also why would they wait to drop the portal? Wouldn't you want to be the first one who can shoot at the other Wraith and call your team?
10:02 Horizon's soul left the body for half a second.
for 4:59, often the portal is saved and used for critical team rotations through dangerous areas, meaning that its not just the wraiths life on the line but their teams placement that is dependent on dropping the portal in a good spot
@@josephtan5577 yeah I get that but if they're staring at each other, I thought that they don't have much % on their ult left anyway.
Imma be honest and say that it’s mainly just a bit, and that it never “really” happened. But the bit is a joke on attempting to keep your portal alive longer, as chaotic endgames in that meta meant that the oldest portal could help a team survive longer
@@MooreOverVO oh ok, thx 😆
After literally 5,000 hours on Bangalore and nobody else. I was very sad when pro league discovered her and she got her changes.
Bangalore seems "useless" at first, but after a few months of playing with her, she can be an asset in killing as many enemies within her ultimate. And, for her tactical (the smoke grenade launcher), it can help in escaping and/or be in handicap fighting for a few seconds, no hacking to get kills none whatsoever. I got some decent kills in the smoke prior to the major changes of this legend before season 20. Good video.
Def subscribing hopefully he talks about other games
Honestly the Bangalore smoke update where it gives outlines to everyone is just dumb like i understand y they did it because her and bloodhounds was a mess but still
Is she still a starter legend? I would like to see her changed out of it if so. New people and smokes are a pain.
I can't believe you talk about Bang without taking about Bloodhound.
Only aoex i can watch nowadays, not talking negative a whole week on the same topic or about it "Dying". Refreshing, informational Gameplay/Comp Vid, as players we need
will you ever cover Mad Maggie, she is highly underrated and deserves a spotlight imo
I still felt like one of the issues with characters like bang was that she was so reliant on other legends yet she was impossible to nerf, so because she was everywhere collateral damage went to everyone she was paired with. Like Seer, he git nerfed because he was definitely very strong but also due to bang. Then we have bloodhound becoming useless due to bang as well. Making the game go into a large crypto meta. I feel like even tho bang is fine snd i think shes okay but shes unhealthy for all the characters shes paired with.
Babe wake up! Crow man uploaded
wowwww another great video!!! this was a really interesting topic that covered more than i expected.
this vid has a ton of personality. zer0 made me love bang and appreciate the game more in general since she's so fast paced. between her and path and maybe horizon if I wanna turn up I know who to choose. thx for sharing.
Hi mooreover .. what song is the song at @6:40 ?? pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls respond..
Loba's Theme in Apex
@@MooreOverVO I found it .. its actually Horizon's Theme Song
holy shit I love little animations, especially at 2:55
Came for a Bangalore diss track and had to rewatch it because I was distracted by the fun animations.
i been playing Apex since launch and only stunned maybe 1 or 2 enemies with her ultimate, her ultimate should have been like gibbys
shes sooo fuckin dope. double time faster then octain and acts as wraths thing letting u know ur being shot or aimed at. smoke is sooo nice with the right sight
the bombs r good for herding people and teams
Crazy how this bs of touching a perfectly balanced legend and fucking it up for normal players could be avoided by simply implementing a Legend Ban system like on LoL or R6 🤦🏾♂️
I hate when the pro scene "infects" the "normal" one where everyday joes spend their time
as a bang main just make her smokes smaller if u wanna nerf her
im suprised you didnt mention the blood bang combo that was taking over for awhile before they nerfed blood
Idk, I think the highlight on smoke it's just nonsense. The thermal optic should be back, but the more smoke between the enemy and the optic, the less you ser him, same for blood. Idk they could adjust the meta not destroy it. But that's just my view. Ty for the great game devs, best game ever.
Almost as if Controllers deserve to be nerfed and people don't want to see aimbots on the competitive mainstage of their favorite game
Sad reality we live in, Apex couldve been so much more without the controller meta
Another thing you didn't mention is that everyone else (especially scan legends, who were known for countering her) got nerfed, leaving people with no better option than the one legend who wasn't touched since day 1.
Really funny video bro. Take my subscription
her passive. It is the best in the game right after horizons
It’s her tactical. A pushing device on a tactical cooldown. Its basically like a cat ult with half the cooldown.
Bh, mad magies ult, gaustics traps / ult on the smoke, valks missiles / flying
Cryptos drone , vantages everything 😂, etc
Another quality video. Ty.
0:24 Benson from regular show?
i rembered that her smoke does no damage was the last patch
When balance patches are rolled out according to what happens in pro leagues we are not far from the end.
wow love how moore is sitting with the girls at ALGS good for you dude lmfao, good video btw
I thought htis is gonna be a bashing of my ol reliable instead its a solemn reminder that fun is fun. Yay! Great channel
Hey you have something wrong in this video?, their werent ring consoles back then when u supposeldy said " scan the map to find out the next ring"
Wanna see your reason for why Maggie and crypto got nerfed recently. Maggie who's only been on the rise of pick rates after 11 seasons receiving a nerf right as they buff supports to the moon.
Were u making r6 animations crow looks identical
Classic example of people not wanting to use the meta becaause its cheap, only to sweat so hard with a low tier that the character is considered broken.
You cant neef these kinds of characters, because what makes them broken is the players, and you just cant nerf players.
So the problem in controller input, not bangalore?
You weren’t wrong you could get them with manipulation of the assault bin they actually had to nerf the spawn rate.
To me it seems like whatever seems "broken" in ALGS is what gets nerfed by next patch. For good players and people who premade this is probably ok nerfs/buffs. But for soloq players like me, having a strong mommy like old wraith (for example) was the ONLY thing that made it possible to rank up in the cesspool that is soloq ranked. They basically season by season made the game constantly harder for low elo/new gamers, no wonder the game has a hard time rn. New players don't wanna play because it's hard and complicated, and old players don't wanna play because it's IMPOSSIBLE to play trios without babysitting the noobs in the team.
Before Bang was in the meta I always wondered why she never got picked, her kit was so good for team fights and now that the pros discovered her use, they want to nerf her to ground like wtf
New mooreover video might have prio over sidemen among us ngl
Among us in 2024 is crazy
@@Ben_brown185 you misunderstood. It's edited by Chipfat.
The Healthbar update made her, and Mirage, basically useless against good players which i find funny.
none of this would have happened in the first place if rollers weren't so dominating.
Subbed for the crow
what is the song at the end
New subber trying to formulate why you aren’t in the 100ks with this content.
This is not just story of a Bangalore, it was story about comp players ruining fun for everyone else in the game.
wow its funny that many never saw how capable bangalore's kit was
--- bangalore main
Actual apex content 🫶🏻
the thing is that i dont quite understand if they wanted to kill the bang meta, make her not counter aim assist she dies on the spot imo
As a garbage bang main, I second this
Excellent documentation
Door here! Keeps the inside from the outside!
I don’t think Bang is broken. Let me say that again: Bang is not broken.
BUT I do think she is actually a little too impactful to the overall gameplay (when everyone has a bang).
Seeing, shooting, and movement are probably the 3 core pillars of any FPS game. Bang’s smoke is so frequent that it disrupts “Seeing” more often than I think is healthy. I don’t want my game to feel like Smoke Legends, lol.
There seems to be an incredibly simple solution here… just add legend banning to ALGS
God i love ur sona's lil hops
Is there full credit song
@@kriologiksolo1172 Sun Squad Collection Event theme - Apex Legends
Basically this video shows why pros make apex not fun and as the only person who has used seer since season 10 its funny to watch people go from seer is trash to seer is OP when hes been the same for so long once season 10 nerfed him and honestly ive never like bang shes just not useful even now i enjoyed this video bruddah giving it a sub
And im probably the last seer main on the planet lol
oh boy....
*pulls out popcorn*
i’ll sum up what this guys saying before i even hear him….
Apex is a 5 year old game, many changes happen, bangalore was not meta. now she is. she gets nerfed even though it’s unnecessary (why i left the game personally) game bad. devs bad. game dying. not surprising.
I still don't understand why they hit her ult and passive. I get it the smoke duration was crazy but like her evo shield options suck and she got nerfed in so many locations. She is still..... fine but like I feel she could be given something back outside of smoke duration.