I am reading a lot of comments about how sad people are that you are not sailing any more. But I am excited for you. I am proud of you and I don’t even know you personally. You two are doing what best for your family. I am here for it! Land life here we come! Can’t wait to see your new adventures on land.
Just got to say thanks, I started watching your videos when they first came out. Me and my girlfriend would lie in bed with my laptop on my chest and talk about how cool it would be to have a boat. My WIFE and I now have a 44 ft CSY and sailed the Virgin Islands last year. This year it's down through the Caribbean. Thanks for fueling our fire you will always have a special place in our hearts!
I live now 11 years on a sailing boat in the Netherlands and i will never ever go back living in a house. Not in a million years!!! A few family's with baby's and lidle children are living happely for years now in a sailing boat or motor boat where i stay with my boat. Good luck living in a house. Greetings from the Netherlands
Last Saturday when you announced the sale of the boat I had tears in my eyes making my wife yell at me. Tears because I have been following you from day ONE. Tears because I am in your heart parting from your boat. I sold my last (4 total boats) 4 months ago after 44 years of sailing all over, Greece, Boston and Florida. It’s a disconnection only sailors can understand how hard it is. May the experience you have accumulated in all, amazing video production and story telling help you build an other successful career along with a happy family you 3-4 of you. I live in the Tampa area and anyway I can help let me know.
Occasional viewer here: best wishes on the next stage of things for you all. I experienced something similar after living out of a Toyota Troopy in Australia, exploring up and down and in and out. When I sold it, and it was time for my gf and I to walk away from it, we bawled. It was the hardest of farewells to a home, a sanctuary, a vehicle and an old friend that saw us through all kinds of situations. We'd kitted it out to suit our needs, like you have Atticus. And like you, I often catch myself wondering if I'll do it all again one day... although now sailing might eclipse that. Anyway, Atticus now transitions into legendary status in the lore of your lives. Happy trails!
Having raised four children and appreciating the importance of family support, I’m happy for you both. It’s your decision and if this is what you both want, then go for it and don’t look back. No regrets! ❤🎉
I wish I was a millionaire. I'd buy this boat in a heartbeat! You guys have provided me with so much entertainment and enjoyment through the years. While I have, of course, enjoyed the sailing aspect of this channel, I have also enjoyed your perspectives on life, seeing how you've navigated challenges and change, your growth as human beings and your heartfelt commentary on so many different situations & places. But, when one chapter ends, a new one begins and I'm truly looking forward to your new adventures. See ya next week!
@@gcanada3005 Phew, tell us how you really feel! lol I did say that I couldn't buy the boat as I wasn't a millionaire. I'm not saying that aren't plenty of other boats out there to consider if I was in the market, but to say Atticus2 is a dumpster fire is what seems ridiculous. We have all watched the work, upkeep and upgrades they've made to it since they bought it. Anyway, to each their own and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm sure whomever does buy it will do a thorough survey and ensure they're making a good offer based upon the findings. The boat will be worth what someone is willing to pay for it!
These are the good old days, Raising a family is so much more important, you guys are stepping into the time warp now. The next 20 years is going to rocket past. you guys will be sailing again in what seems like the blink of an eye. You did it, you lived one dream and are embarking on another, tears in my eyes watching you 2 lovebirds grow into a family. Congratulations, family is really all that matter.
Guys, it has been a great ride with you. I came in to this during COVID and stayed with you. What connected me was your genuineness, your openness to share your daily lives and, of course, the sailing to distant shores. I was so happy when you sailed right through my old sailing area (C&D canal, Elk River, and the Bay) and not just where you go, but how you present the place, the people is very well done. This decision is the right one if you have doubts because you know, the sea is not forgiving of distraction and two yuongun's, well that is distraction extreme. I wish you well on this next chapter and hope you get a good offer for the boat. This next path of yours I cannot follow along with and it does sadden me some. I live on the land, own a small farm with two horses. Your new path is my existing one and one that needed the distraction of something else as I deal with one very sick horse. Thank you for sharing your lives, your stories and I wish y'all the best. We never stop following our dreams when we learn that dreams can change, but the passion remains.
I'm cryin" over here?😭 Every time we watch your videos we can't resist saying "We should have bought a boat" instead of our RV. You were our fantasy cruising life that we were vicariously living our lives through. Our Saturday mornings will never be the same. We even hiked to the top of Pico because of you two. We didn't even know the Azores existed until we saw it on your channel. They told us they have had dozens of people use their guide service because of you and told us to say "Thank you many times over for introducing them to your viewers". It was a vacation of a lifetime that we will never forget and something we would have never done if we didn't follow you two, (three). You have shown us many parts of the world that we will be visiting in your foot steps. You actually change lives with what you do. Your production values are the absolute best on UA-cam, or any other service as far as that goes. Better than anything found on TV
@@craigmiller8760So not really your "fantasy" since you are clearly not actually interested in living their previous life. And you don't really want a boat and are perfectly fine with continuing to stick to land. 😂 So why post a bunch of stuff that isn't even true? Are you just trying to manipulate them into continuing to post the content you want them to? Buy a globe and get over it , Craig.
@@CarlaCarter549 This is what make the internet so ugly. Truly makes me sad. Thankfully there are amazing people like Jordan and Desiree to show us the beautiful side of humanity. BTW, congrats on your 6 subscribers!
@@craigmiller8760 Yes, sadly. When I am asked: "Why don't you start a UA-cam channel with all you have to offer?" Maybe when a filter for maturity and intelligence exists.
I had a yacht before my daughter was born. I figured I would not likely use the boat for several years, but now realise, having raised my daughter (who is now 9), that if you put a heap of work into a boat, it becomes part of the family. You can leave it to focus on family for a while, it will still be there. No reason you can't keep it and liveaboard and do mini trips from wherever you are based, maybe buy some land so you can park it up over winter. I certainly wouldn't rush to sell it ! Unless you have a massive loan on it and can't afford it.
Someone said it last week, I enjoy your videos because I get to see places I didn't know existed, but that is only half of the appeal of your videos. I have come to enjoy your company weekly! I enjoy your family and your lifestyle, which will be interesting as it goes in a new direction. Anyone that buys your boat will be getting an awesome set up that we all have been able to watch happen!
So sad to hear you won't be sailing anymore. As someone who has made many decisions I've regretted, may I propose that maybe you could rent for a year, and keep Atticus until you've had a chance to make sure this is the best decision! Sometimes, having some time and space to really think through a major life decision is a good thing. You should know in a year if it's the right thing, and not an emotional decision. Just my 2 pennies. Either way, I'm happy for you both! Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us over the last 10 years. I think of you as "My Sailing Kids"!! ❤️
this is a SAD day!! You two have captured our hearts; we would live our lives around your adventures. The many places you have taken us is amazing. But not the destination but the travel to get there. So many memories with you going through volant storms, to sunny calm sails. You have to do what is right and we ALL understand that but just know what you have given us will not be forgotten any time soon. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope the next chapter in your book is just as exciting as this one had been. God Speed to you two....
Hearing your news last week was a succession of a feeling of loss when I thought you weren't going to post anymore, to a feeling of total elation when you said you would continue. Watching you guys has been my Saturday morning ritual for years and I'm very happy that will continue. We love you and God bless!
It's absolutely crazy how fast 10 years has come and gone. However, thank you for the incredible memories, Desiree and Jordan. Your friends and fans have been traveling the world vicariously through you. THANK YOU FOR THE RIDE AND 10 YEARS OF INCREDIBLE DESTINATIONS....!!!
First off, your vessel is spectacular and you’ve done an amazing job of outfitting her. Certainly a bitter sweet decision to sell her. Both you and your wife’s video description, of this beautiful yacht is second to none. All the best on your sale. 🇳🇿🇨🇦
You two have always been our Saturday morning cup of coffee. Seeing the places you've been and watching your family grow has been fun and enjoyable. Thank you for always remaining real. We look forward to your next chapter. Hopefully getting some land and building a homestead to raise your family. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Hey guys. The news that you will be continuing to embark on a new venture, and taking us along with you is magical. I saw a comment last week where a viewer said they'd watch you guys even if you weren't sailing because you're a lovely family and great human beings in general. I stand with the same opinion and look forward to tagging along with your viewers. Can't wait to see what you guys get up to next. All the best 👍
I was expecting the typical boat tour but this weeks episode is an impressively detailed explanation of an amazing boat. The insights you share about each aspect of the boat show your attention to every detail and true mariner mentality. I’ll miss your sailing videos.
I've been a fan/follower of your channel from your humble beginning. It's been an amazing journey for both of you, and raising (and providing for) a growing family becomes the obvious priority. Your boat is priced to sell and the next owner will be very happy, I'm sure. My advice is to hold out for your asking price if you can. Your boat is actually better than buying a new one. Best of luck to you both!
Guys we don't want you to go but family always come first it's be a fantastic adventure watching ya'll travel around the world explaining how you feel tell us viewers more about the country you have visited it's been so much joy from the start of your jury up to know ware ever you go you will be happy being around family is priceless so on that note Guys blessing to the three of ya'll almost four, congratulations missing you guy's all ready 🫵🏾❤️👍🏾✊🏾
I wish I was 30 years younger(I am 70), I would not give it a second thought. I wish you well in the future adventure of transitioning back to being Land lovers. Having family around you will comfort you that you have made the right decision for you and both of your children. I am sure you will have sailing in the future but for now you will not have rolling ground under your feet. I will continue to follow you as through the years. I feel as though you are part of my extended family that I check in on weekly. 🥰
I want to start by saying, you guys are making a great decision and don't ever look back. The adventures you have had will live in your memory and in your hearts forever. With that being said, when you watch somebody's UA-cam channel for so long and they take you on so many adventures with them they almost become like family to you, you feel like you know them and you will be missed! 😢 Hopefully, from time to time, you guys do a video to update us on your family and with how you guys are doing! Wishing you guys all the best! ❤
I agree! But also, this doesn't mean you can never do this again! Life is a series of phases and you have to roll with whatever comes along. You may be back on a boat again when your kids are older, or when you are empty nesters! Looking forward to hearing about your new phase(s) of life.
Atticus II is certainly a go anywhere boat, off grid, strong, all systems go (which is very rare for any boat!). You must feel pride at all the work you've done on her Jordan! We have Lots of respect for you doing all the installs! Bitter sweet Indeed when she's Finally topped up and ready to explore the planet! However it totally makes sense with lovely Isabella on the go and another baby still in the making!.......I'm sure your boat will sell Fast and wishing you both all things good! Glad Desiree is feeling better and we're looking forward to the mysterious future videos😊❤
i dont know why all the sailing channels are going to shore.. but your all opening up windows for future sailing content.. fallow the boat, sailing gbu, now you just to name a few.. who knows i may be the next self made millionaire youtuber sailor some day.. fair winds and following seas....
I agree with some of the other sailing fans. Keep Atticus for a year and see what it turns out to be. Using Atticus for you to captain on charters would be awesome. You have spent a lot of time developing a following…take advantage of it, you have a built-in market. Good luck on any endeavor you pursue.
Wow Jordan. This boat exudes warmth, protection and confidence. You leave behind a great legacy, which deserves a serious bid from a true enthusiast. Too bad your adventure on the water has come to an end, but I completely understand the motives. I will continue to follow you. Thanks again for this (as usual) clear explanation video.
I don’t think I have ever commented on any videos although I’ve been watching and living vicariously. Thanks for sharing your adventures. I totally feel you guys are making the right decision. Good luck and god bless it’s been amazing!
That was one of the most comprehensive boat tours I have seen. She's a beauty, a one of a kind boat. I have been watching you from the beginning, and wish you all the luck in your future endeavors.
Buds, awesome news! You've got to be happy 100% with what's happening in your life, looking forward to seeing more of your ashore life for sure. There's a lot more to life than sailing & this is from me, who's been off shore sailing since the mid 80's! GLWS...it'll be a hard to watch Atticus II sail away without you all aboard!
I used to race J-24s (beef on a rail) and G-cats. I went overboard sailing with a two-time national G-cat champion and he still won the race 😂. We both agreed that the best part of sailing is the drinks at the yacht club after the race 😂😂
You have done a remarkable job with all of your upgrades to the boat. Having transparency with the new owners will give them that comfortable feeling and reassurance. It is an awesome craft. Happy to follow the family into your next page. Sad yet excited to see the family growing, life does continue. I am sure each crossroad that lays ahead will be full of new findings with everyday plights and adventures.
You guys have been my favorite cruisers. I found you during Covid and went back and watched every episode thanks to you I have seen and learned so much about the world. Thank you
Thank you for all the years of sharing all your life experiences. I was privileged to be a part of watching your adventures. Again. Thank you , you have no idea how much joy you brought my life. ❤❤❤😅
You had us when you were just two Buds trying to figure out how to repair and make Atticus I your world cruising dream boat. My Wife and I were inspired by your can do anything approach. We were always so excited when your next video was out. We lived our dreams and adventures through you two. We dreamed of sharing an anchorage with the Two Buds someday in the future. We just always thought you would be out there family and all. We think you should hold off on selling the boat, or at least consider something a little bigger. Jordan I know you haven't lost the dream, it just doesn't go away like that.. I have had the dream since I knew what a boat was. Well anyways, you inspired us so much we bought our own project sailboat. Well now its so long to the Buds and we wish you the best from DIY Nautical Dream
Great boat tour of a beautiful and super-well outfitted vessel! Someone is going to get an incredible deal. I love that you are so candid about the positive and negative attributes of the boat. Every boat has aspects that are big positives for some people and not for others! I agree on the canoe stern-it's beautiful aesthetically and for seaworthiness, but I'm an aft-cabin kind of guy and dream of a wide stern with walk around queen size berth (and a swim platform)! Best of luck and I'm looking forward to your next adventures!
Wow ! Been watching the channel for sometime now before you purchased the 40’ you done so much and all just right and mostly new ! You have systems that a lot of sailers don’t have and the boat is just awesome ! You done upgrades for the future and always the best products, I guess many people told you this ? DONT SELL THE BOAT ! I guess you want the money from the boat for the house ? But you will be sorry, I sold my 35’ sailboat after years and always had a house , but so sorry I sold my boat , I should have had it on my land or someplace else for the years we didn’t use it , now years later the boat is gone and the cost to purchase a other boat is not real for my being retired and 75 years old , but if I had keep the boat I would be sailing this weekend or having a time on it with my wife just for a getaway. Remember in no time the kids will be gone both of them all all you will have memories of the boat 😢
Such a fabulous blue water boat, from the design to the systems, to the interior and sailing. I'm not in the market for a boat, right now, one is enough! Great to hear you are continuing to make videos. Starlink is amazing, thanks Elon! As evidenced by the deliberations that went into Atticus II, this is well selected, very sound boat. Desiree & Jordan have proved its allround capabilites. I love the care you took in selecting an already great and well loved boat, and then took it to new levels, such a gracious project now moving on. These amazing stories of boats, their passionate owners, they live on. Just this evening I read the story of a sailmaker who ran an IOR rated J24 campaign in 1978 then sold the boat to my family. I am grateful for all that was involved and has been presented since. And more generations get to evolve their learning. Thank you, Desiree and Jordan for sharing your journey on Atticus II. I pray she soon finds new adventurers.
I'm basically where you were when you bought Atticus I, with my "new" 1981 Pearson 365 ketch. Fortunately, she's been very well maintained over the years. But my cruising experience is nil. And so your videos have had a major impact on me. You've taught me so much, so thank you for all of your efforts. I'm so happy that we can enjoy your cruising lifestyle forever on YT. Looking forward to what is to come, but happy that I can still enjoy your crusing life in the rear view mirror. Well done!!!
I have followed your adventures since the beginning and wish you all the best with your new lifestyle. One BIG PLUS about your beautiful boat is that it has been actively and continuously cruised, so many boats for sale have been sitting on the hard or in the water for months or years. Everything seems to seize up and quit working. If I were in the market to buy a boat, I would choose one like yours that has been meticulously maintained, improved, and lived on up until the sale. All the best, I’m sure somebody will snap it up and be very happy with it!
Hi guys, I just want to thank you for the phenomenal work you have done. I have followed you on and off since Atticus 1. You have developed so much and is (was) today one of the leading youtube sailing chanels quality wise. I understand your desicion and I wish you the best of luck in the future.
Best of luck on your next adventure. I respect your decision. I'll likely not watch going forward because I came for the sailing. Congrats on your next journey.
Thank you so much for allowing us to share this chapter in your lives, it has been one hell of a ride and i have thoroughly enjoyed the journey. Hope to see you in FL when you get home. Priorities change, and adventure carries risk, for what its worth, I think you are making the right decision. Best of luck!
Hi Guys -- I have been following you guys since the very beginning -- the Key West days. I have always loved your videos and have been very impressed happy much the Production Quality has improved over the years. The Local Travel videos from your last 'dry-dock' session were exceptional. I am really looking-forward to where you take this channel -- Post Atticus.
You both have been my favorite sailing channel, I give you best wishes on your homeland adventure. I will delight in seeing your family grow. God bless.
Watched from the git-go, I wish your family luck. Jordan, you are going to miss it, but have to give Desiree the same as she gave, I always read into she was never fully into life at sea like you, but she powered through cuz she loves you. You can power through this next journey for her. Bon Chance!
So many mixed feelings guys! Nearing a decade of following along and always looking forward to sharing in your newest adventure. The boat you've developed is so insanely well thought out and beautiful. I truly don't know how you can let it go. I know the good Lord will lead you into an even better adventure and it will be nice to be back in the States. I hope you end up somewhere incredible and wild so you're not too bored. Having family nearby will be priceless and I'm certain the kiddos will be the better for it. Gotta get that winning mega millions ticket so I can throw a bid at you for that off grid beast you've designed and built. Much love to y'all and will be praying for wisdom and guidance for you.
Your attention to detail and your build skills has turned that boat into a perfect floating home. I will miss your ocean adventures but am looking forward to your onshore ones. The very best of luck with your sale and new search for your land-boat x
So excited for the new chapters. It’s YOU guys that make this channel! No matter what you are doing. We hope to watch many more videos of your lives… our friends we’ve yet to meet.
I am very sad that you are leaving the sailing life but I do understand that you could not anticipate many things like Isa's health condition and you have to do what is right for you. Some mistakes perhaps were made, crossing the ocean while pregnant might be one. But I watched all you did with this boat and can say the new owner is getting a very good boat, that will not be me though, I am too old for that now. I wish you the best, but I am here to follow a sailing adventure and I will miss all three of you. Good luck, stay safe, have fun!
I don't think anybody regrets donating to Project Atticus. Even knowing the outcome people would have still donated. Jordan, I do agree that in your transition you should probably take a moment to thank all of your donors and express your feelings towards them. I don't think any of them would hold anything against you. The viewers of this channel are so unlike other viewers on UA-cam. This is a very family oriented group of viewers that completely understands your tough decisions. Your authenticity and honesty has never been in question throughout your adventures. I hope you don't take things hard in any way
I’m happy for you all. By the back round it looks like you are already in the states. I hope she sales quickly so you can start your new adventure. See ya around from time to time. The best to all of you ! Thanks for all the adventures you’ve provided.
Totally bittersweet but understandable with two babies at sea, thats too stressful you need a house with a yard plus school for Isabella will come up quick. Also Izo can have a fenced in yard! I will continue to watch, best of luck Desiree & Jordan ❤
I still say you should not sell the boat you can live in a port city and you could run a business doing charters while wifey stays at home. Both are then happy😁 Oh i forgot then i will also be happy watching you sail😎
That means they have to sail it back across the atlantic and have to live close to the sea. Why can’t you just accept there decision and wish them the best. They will soon have two children.
I agree, I also enjoy living through you vicariously 😊. You could get someone to sail the boat back to the US and moor it there. Then do beautiful trips in the Gulf with a beautiful boat and beautiful family. Try ask around the comment section to see if anyone is available to help sail it back.
Thanks for all the great content though all of these years. I have been following since your days in Florida and have enjoyed all of your adventures. I will miss this part of life but when you get old like me watching your kids grow up around family will memories become so precious to hold on to. They grow up so fast, it will be a great adventure I promise. Looking forward to following in the next phase.
I love your videos. I will miss the sailing part, but you got to do what's in your heart. When you do get your house on dry land, get one with a screened in porch. What a game changer. I just moved to a house with one. I do everything in their. Eat, read, sleep , cuddle and just listen to nature!! Good luck with everything you do!!
Looks really well equipped and great shape. The stanchion setup installed looks fantastic. Good luck selling. Seems like you're asking a reasonable price for what it has. I don't think people realize just how much those items actually cost. Like the NEMA 2000 network, instruments, etc... Whoever buys your boat is way ahead of the curve.
Knowing what the initial cost and the improvements you made, this is an incredible deal for someone wanting a first class cruising sailboat. Of course, my wish is that you keep her like others have said, charter, short trips and continued adventures. But maybe you have … another plan to keep the channel going, remember it is called “Sailing Project Atticus” best of luck in the future!
guys gals youve been unbelievable overwhelming enjoyabe on this adventure with you 3 -4 !! we will miss your boat and the water sceneries but we're delighted to know we'll see you again, good luck in your last voyage and cant wait to see it, ciao aurevoir addio buona fortuna
may I recommend 2 for you which I've found very inspiring. One is this elderly Lady, Nikki Alford and her adventure with an old wooden ketch, the Bessie Ellen, which she bought and restored when she was 30y old and still sailing. Just look for Nikki Alford and bessie ellen where it shows her sitting on her boat titled "her life at sea". The other one is a young finn who sailes in the arctic, because he likes the cold and skiing. It is so extrem to watch him at this moment sailing from Alaska through the northern passage. I find this more exiting and fascinating then people going to the tropical countries. You'll find him under " Alluring Arctic Sailing ". His name is Juho and I hope you enjoy his videos as much as I did and do. Best regards from Germany.
Best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you so much for bringing us along on trips around the world showing us the things we don’t get to see God bless y’all.
Guys, I so wish I had the cash right now as this is a spectacular boat. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your channel over the last few years and wish you all the best for the future. We look forward to following your shore based activity in the future!!!!!! ❤from the UK
Hey Jordan, This video boat tour is absolutely the best I've ever seen. I think any discerning yacht dealer would welcome you as a lead sales agent. Best wishes as your family grows and as you and Desiree settle into life on terra firma.
I can’t believe you guys are selling the boat and hanging it up. I actually tearied up. 😢 I started this journey and love for this lifestyle right along with u guys. I wish u all the best and will continue to follow you guys. ❤️🙏🏻
I never thought Atticus 2 was so beautiful. We never really got a bow to stern look at her. I am going to be so jelly to the person that's able to buy her because you guys did such an amazing job with her upkeep and upgrades. I too will miss your sailing channel, but I also can't wait to see what's next. Are we looking at a RV life in the future?
This lifestyle transition will be interesting to watch. The challenging part now will be deciding where to live in the US. Jordan hates crowds and close neighbors but setting up a home in an affordable remote beautiful area defeats the purpose of living close to family and within a community. It’s the reason why Trent and Ally ended up buying a suburban home after years of building a mountain home which was too difficult for family to visit and be within a supportive community. I’m sure all will end up well if you take time to decide…I’ll be watching and wish you all the best!
I have been following your journey from the beginning and your channel was the first one I subscribed to on UA-cam and I must say it's been a great adventure! Jordan your anxiety is going to go way down because no matter how much prep you put into your boat being out on the seas will always be challenging and can get dangerous where 150% relaxation was probably never achieved. Moving to land is a big deal but we can't blame you guys at all the only thing I can suggest is to buy a home you can work on because without projects to tackle you both will go stir-crazy. So glad you're keeping the channel alive and can't wait to see what comes next. Much Love, Uncle B
Me to I have learned so much from you guys. I have enjoyed your filming and I thank you so much. I hope you will be happy with your new endeavours. I will continue to watch while you are still out putting videos. Thank you once again.
🥲 going to miss my favorite channel. Will continue to follow to see your upcoming adventures. And watch your babies grow and learn from their amazing parents.
What ever next adventure you guys decide to embark on.... I'll be following along! I don't follow you because of the boat, I follow along with your journey because of YOU GUYS! I am looking forward to the different change of pace and can't wait for the new adventure! Much love from Canada!!
So happy to hear you are going to continue making videos about the next chapter in your lives!!! As a sailor, Atticus II is an amazing boat. if we didn't already have a comparable (I won't say the brand because I don't want to start the age old feuds) blue water boat, we'd be buying it.
My Saturday mornings will fundamentally change. If I were 20 years younger and had a few hundred grand burning a hole in my pocket, I'd buy Atticus 2 in a heartbeat. Also, I have a title for your land based project, "Attic-us". (I know, I was inspired...) BTW, what I liked best about your series is that you not only showed the amazing places you've been to, and getting there, but you also showed every repair and refit you've done on the boat. Its the last that set you apart from all the other sailing channels on UA-cam. I'll be here next week to see what's new!
I’m sad…I’ve enjoyed living vicariously through your adventures…I know all good things come to and end and that your young growing family needs some ground roots, but I will miss Atticus stories…best wishes!
I’m bummed and happy for you. I’ve enjoyed watching your adventures. Thanks for all the smile, laughs and interesting times. Good luck on your part 2 or whatever which one this is.
Wait a second, what about just how gorgeous the color of the hull is when looking at it from a distance outside the boat, grins. I have always loved that too about this boat.
Buy Atticus II : www.projectatticus.com/buyatticus2
I am reading a lot of comments about how sad people are that you are not sailing any more. But I am excited for you. I am proud of you and I don’t even know you personally. You two are doing what best for your family. I am here for it! Land life here we come! Can’t wait to see your new adventures on land.
Just got to say thanks, I started watching your videos when they first came out. Me and my girlfriend would lie in bed with my laptop on my chest and talk about how cool it would be to have a boat. My WIFE and I now have a 44 ft CSY and sailed the Virgin Islands last year. This year it's down through the Caribbean. Thanks for fueling our fire you will always have a special place in our hearts!
I live now 11 years on a sailing boat in the Netherlands and i will never ever go back living in a house. Not in a million years!!! A few family's with baby's and lidle children are living happely for years now in a sailing boat or motor boat where i stay with my boat. Good luck living in a house. Greetings from the Netherlands
Last Saturday when you announced the sale of the boat I had tears in my eyes making my wife yell at me. Tears because I have been following you from day ONE. Tears because I am in your heart parting from your boat. I sold my last (4 total boats) 4 months ago after 44 years of sailing all over, Greece, Boston and Florida. It’s a disconnection only sailors can understand how hard it is. May the experience you have accumulated in all, amazing video production and story telling help you build an other successful career along with a happy family you 3-4 of you. I live in the Tampa area and anyway I can help let me know.
Good luck drives
my god man.. pull yourself together .. did you scream, holler and cry over trump winning too.. wtf man....
@@TheBowen747 Out of respect to UA-cam, the only reply to you: Αι γαμησου ρε μαλακα.
@@TheBowen747 why you are hiding behind an anonymous ID? Did you drop your plastic little boat your mother gave you to play in the tab?
@@ds7mediaproductions i have a usa passport ..and a blue water morgan 41 out islander cc ketch sailboat what do you HAVE....
Occasional viewer here: best wishes on the next stage of things for you all. I experienced something similar after living out of a Toyota Troopy in Australia, exploring up and down and in and out. When I sold it, and it was time for my gf and I to walk away from it, we bawled. It was the hardest of farewells to a home, a sanctuary, a vehicle and an old friend that saw us through all kinds of situations. We'd kitted it out to suit our needs, like you have Atticus. And like you, I often catch myself wondering if I'll do it all again one day... although now sailing might eclipse that. Anyway, Atticus now transitions into legendary status in the lore of your lives. Happy trails!
What an amazing journey you allowed us to be a part of. Stoked you’re continuing on UA-cam. Thanks so much guys 🇦🇺
Having raised four children and appreciating the importance of family support, I’m happy for you both. It’s your decision and if this is what you both want, then go for it and don’t look back. No regrets!
I wish I was a millionaire. I'd buy this boat in a heartbeat! You guys have provided me with so much entertainment and enjoyment through the years. While I have, of course, enjoyed the sailing aspect of this channel, I have also enjoyed your perspectives on life, seeing how you've navigated challenges and change, your growth as human beings and your heartfelt commentary on so many different situations & places. But, when one chapter ends, a new one begins and I'm truly looking forward to your new adventures. See ya next week!
Save your money. That boat is an absolute dumpster fire. You could do so much better for the money it’s ridiculous. Don’t do it
@@gcanada3005 Phew, tell us how you really feel! lol I did say that I couldn't buy the boat as I wasn't a millionaire. I'm not saying that aren't plenty of other boats out there to consider if I was in the market, but to say Atticus2 is a dumpster fire is what seems ridiculous. We have all watched the work, upkeep and upgrades they've made to it since they bought it. Anyway, to each their own and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm sure whomever does buy it will do a thorough survey and ensure they're making a good offer based upon the findings. The boat will be worth what someone is willing to pay for it!
@@gcanada3005 not a dumpster fire by any means but at that price you are getting into catamaran territory.
@@gcanada3005 You have no clue what you're talking about. "You could do so much better for the money"... Prove it or stfu
@@willyum1208 what price?
These are the good old days, Raising a family is so much more important, you guys are stepping into the time warp now. The next 20 years is going to rocket past. you guys will be sailing again in what seems like the blink of an eye.
You did it, you lived one dream and are embarking on another, tears in my eyes watching you 2 lovebirds grow into a family. Congratulations, family is really all that matter.
>> Raising a family is so much more important
- Well, they WERE raising a family. You don't need to sell a yacht to raise a family.
@@madWalker911 Stop being mad and life will be better for you. I do not make decisions for other people.
Guys, it has been a great ride with you. I came in to this during COVID and stayed with you. What connected me was your genuineness, your openness to share your daily lives and, of course, the sailing to distant shores.
I was so happy when you sailed right through my old sailing area (C&D canal, Elk River, and the Bay) and not just where you go, but how you present the place, the people is very well done. This decision is the right one if you have doubts because you know, the sea is not forgiving of distraction and two yuongun's, well that is distraction extreme. I wish you well on this next chapter and hope you get a good offer for the boat.
This next path of yours I cannot follow along with and it does sadden me some. I live on the land, own a small farm with two horses. Your new path is my existing one and one that needed the distraction of something else as I deal with one very sick horse.
Thank you for sharing your lives, your stories and I wish y'all the best.
We never stop following our dreams when we learn that dreams can change, but the passion remains.
I'm cryin" over here?😭 Every time we watch your videos we can't resist saying "We should have bought a boat" instead of our RV. You were our fantasy cruising life that we were vicariously living our lives through. Our Saturday mornings will never be the same. We even hiked to the top of Pico because of you two. We didn't even know the Azores existed until we saw it on your channel. They told us they have had dozens of people use their guide service because of you and told us to say "Thank you many times over for introducing them to your viewers". It was a vacation of a lifetime that we will never forget and something we would have never done if we didn't follow you two, (three). You have shown us many parts of the world that we will be visiting in your foot steps. You actually change lives with what you do. Your production values are the absolute best on UA-cam, or any other service as far as that goes. Better than anything found on TV
Here’s your chance for the perfect first blue water boat. 😊
@@learning2no We seriously considered it but have decided to stick to land cruising.
@@craigmiller8760So not really your "fantasy" since you are clearly not actually interested in living their previous life. And you don't really want a boat and are perfectly fine with continuing to stick to land. 😂 So why post a bunch of stuff that isn't even true? Are you just trying to manipulate them into continuing to post the content you want them to? Buy a globe and get over it , Craig.
@@CarlaCarter549 This is what make the internet so ugly. Truly makes me sad. Thankfully there are amazing people like Jordan and Desiree to show us the beautiful side of humanity. BTW, congrats on your 6 subscribers!
@@craigmiller8760 Yes, sadly. When I am asked: "Why don't you start a UA-cam channel with all you have to offer?" Maybe when a filter for maturity and intelligence exists.
I had a yacht before my daughter was born. I figured I would not likely use the boat for several years, but now realise, having raised my daughter (who is now 9), that if you put a heap of work into a boat, it becomes part of the family. You can leave it to focus on family for a while, it will still be there. No reason you can't keep it and liveaboard and do mini trips from wherever you are based, maybe buy some land so you can park it up over winter. I certainly wouldn't rush to sell it ! Unless you have a massive loan on it and can't afford it.
Someone said it last week, I enjoy your videos because I get to see places I didn't know existed, but that is only half of the appeal of your videos. I have come to enjoy your company weekly! I enjoy your family and your lifestyle, which will be interesting as it goes in a new direction. Anyone that buys your boat will be getting an awesome set up that we all have been able to watch happen!
So sad to hear you won't be sailing anymore. As someone who has made many decisions I've regretted, may I propose that maybe you could rent for a year, and keep Atticus until you've had a chance to make sure this is the best decision! Sometimes, having some time and space to really think through a major life decision is a good thing. You should know in a year if it's the right thing, and not an emotional decision. Just my 2 pennies. Either way, I'm happy for you both! Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us over the last 10 years. I think of you as "My Sailing Kids"!! ❤️
this is a SAD day!! You two have captured our hearts; we would live our lives around your adventures. The many places you have taken us is amazing. But not the destination but the travel to get there. So many memories with you going through volant storms, to sunny calm sails. You have to do what is right and we ALL understand that but just know what you have given us will not be forgotten any time soon. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope the next chapter in your book is just as exciting as this one had been. God Speed to you two....
Hearing your news last week was a succession of a feeling of loss when I thought you weren't going to post anymore, to a feeling of total elation when you said you would continue. Watching you guys has been my Saturday morning ritual for years and I'm very happy that will continue. We love you and God bless!
It's absolutely crazy how fast 10 years has come and gone. However, thank you for the incredible memories, Desiree and Jordan. Your friends and fans have been traveling the world vicariously through you. THANK YOU FOR THE RIDE AND 10 YEARS OF INCREDIBLE DESTINATIONS....!!!
First off, your vessel is spectacular and you’ve done an amazing job of outfitting her. Certainly a bitter sweet decision to sell her.
Both you and your wife’s video description, of this beautiful yacht is second to none.
All the best on your sale.
You two have always been our Saturday morning cup of coffee. Seeing the places you've been and watching your family grow has been fun and enjoyable. Thank you for always remaining real. We look forward to your next chapter. Hopefully getting some land and building a homestead to raise your family. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Hey guys. The news that you will be continuing to embark on a new venture, and taking us along with you is magical. I saw a comment last week where a viewer said they'd watch you guys even if you weren't sailing because you're a lovely family and great human beings in general. I stand with the same opinion and look forward to tagging along with your viewers. Can't wait to see what you guys get up to next. All the best 👍
I was expecting the typical boat tour but this weeks episode is an impressively detailed explanation of an amazing boat. The insights you share about each aspect of the boat show your attention to every detail and true mariner mentality. I’ll miss your sailing videos.
I've been a fan/follower of your channel from your humble beginning. It's been an amazing journey for both of you, and raising (and providing for) a growing family becomes the obvious priority. Your boat is priced to sell and the next owner will be very happy, I'm sure. My advice is to hold out for your asking price if you can. Your boat is actually better than buying a new one. Best of luck to you both!
Guys we don't want you to go but family always come first it's be a fantastic adventure watching ya'll travel around the world explaining how you feel tell us viewers more about the country you have visited it's been so much joy from the start of your jury up to know ware ever you go you will be happy being around family is priceless so on that note Guys blessing to the three of ya'll almost four, congratulations missing you guy's all ready 🫵🏾❤️👍🏾✊🏾
I wish I was 30 years younger(I am 70), I would not give it a second thought. I wish you well in the future adventure of transitioning back to being Land lovers. Having family around you will comfort you that you have made the right decision for you and both of your children. I am sure you will have sailing in the future but for now you will not have rolling ground under your feet. I will continue to follow you as through the years. I feel as though you are part of my extended family that I check in on weekly. 🥰
I want to start by saying, you guys are making a great decision and don't ever look back. The adventures you have had will live in your memory and in your hearts forever. With that being said, when you watch somebody's UA-cam channel for so long and they take you on so many adventures with them they almost become like family to you, you feel like you know them and you will be missed! 😢 Hopefully, from time to time, you guys do a video to update us on your family and with how you guys are doing!
Wishing you guys all the best! ❤
I agree! But also, this doesn't mean you can never do this again! Life is a series of phases and you have to roll with whatever comes along. You may be back on a boat again when your kids are older, or when you are empty nesters! Looking forward to hearing about your new phase(s) of life.
Atticus II is certainly a go anywhere boat, off grid, strong, all systems go (which is very rare for any boat!). You must feel pride at all the work you've done on her Jordan! We have Lots of respect for you doing all the installs! Bitter sweet Indeed when she's Finally topped up and ready to explore the planet! However it totally makes sense with lovely Isabella on the go and another baby still in the making!.......I'm sure your boat will sell Fast and wishing you both all things good! Glad Desiree is feeling better and we're looking forward to the mysterious future videos😊❤
i dont know why all the sailing channels are going to shore.. but your all opening up windows for future sailing content.. fallow the boat, sailing gbu, now you just to name a few.. who knows i may be the next self made millionaire youtuber sailor some day.. fair winds and following seas....
I agree with some of the other sailing fans. Keep Atticus for a year and see what it turns out to be. Using Atticus for you to captain on charters would be awesome. You have spent a lot of time developing a following…take advantage of it, you have a built-in market. Good luck on any endeavor you pursue.
Wow Jordan. This boat exudes warmth, protection and confidence. You leave behind a great legacy, which deserves a serious bid from a true enthusiast. Too bad your adventure on the water has come to an end, but I completely understand the motives. I will continue to follow you. Thanks again for this (as usual) clear explanation video.
I don’t think I have ever commented on any videos although I’ve been watching and living vicariously. Thanks for sharing your adventures. I totally feel you guys are making the right decision. Good luck and god bless it’s been amazing!
That was one of the most comprehensive boat tours I have seen. She's a beauty, a one of a kind boat. I have been watching you from the beginning, and wish you all the luck in your future endeavors.
It has been a wonderful time, thanks you two. Best wishes in future endeavors.
Buds, awesome news!
You've got to be happy 100% with what's happening in your life, looking forward to seeing more of your ashore life for sure.
There's a lot more to life than sailing & this is from me, who's been off shore sailing since the mid 80's!
GLWS...it'll be a hard to watch Atticus II sail away without you all aboard!
I used to race J-24s (beef on a rail) and G-cats. I went overboard sailing with a two-time national G-cat champion and he still won the race 😂. We both agreed that the best part of sailing is the drinks at the yacht club after the race 😂😂
You have done a remarkable job with all of your upgrades to the boat. Having transparency with the new owners will give them that comfortable feeling and reassurance. It is an awesome craft. Happy to follow the family into your next page. Sad yet excited to see the family growing, life does continue. I am sure each crossroad that lays ahead will be full of new findings with everyday plights and adventures.
You guys have been my favorite cruisers. I found you during Covid and went back and watched every episode thanks to you I have seen and learned so much about the world. Thank you
Thank you for all the years of sharing all your life experiences. I was privileged to be a part of watching your adventures. Again. Thank you , you have no idea how much joy you brought my life. ❤❤❤😅
You had us when you were just two Buds trying to figure out how to repair and make Atticus I your world cruising dream boat. My Wife and I were inspired by your can do anything approach. We were always so excited when your next video was out. We lived our dreams and adventures through you two. We dreamed of sharing an anchorage with the Two Buds someday in the future. We just always thought you would be out there family and all. We think you should hold off on selling the boat, or at least consider something a little bigger. Jordan I know you haven't lost the dream, it just doesn't go away like that.. I have had the dream since I knew what a boat was. Well anyways, you inspired us so much we bought our own project sailboat. Well now its so long to the Buds and we wish you the best from DIY Nautical Dream
Great boat tour of a beautiful and super-well outfitted vessel! Someone is going to get an incredible deal. I love that you are so candid about the positive and negative attributes of the boat. Every boat has aspects that are big positives for some people and not for others! I agree on the canoe stern-it's beautiful aesthetically and for seaworthiness, but I'm an aft-cabin kind of guy and dream of a wide stern with walk around queen size berth (and a swim platform)! Best of luck and I'm looking forward to your next adventures!
Wow ! Been watching the channel for sometime now before you purchased the 40’ you done so much and all just right and mostly new ! You have systems that a lot of sailers don’t have and the boat is just awesome ! You done upgrades for the future and always the best products, I guess many people told you this ? DONT SELL THE BOAT ! I guess you want the money from the boat for the house ? But you will be sorry, I sold my 35’ sailboat after years and always had a house , but so sorry I sold my boat , I should have had it on my land or someplace else for the years we didn’t use it , now years later the boat is gone and the cost to purchase a other boat is not real for my being retired and 75 years old , but if I had keep the boat I would be sailing this weekend or having a time on it with my wife just for a getaway. Remember in no time the kids will be gone both of them all all you will have memories of the boat 😢
Such a fabulous blue water boat, from the design to the systems, to the interior and sailing. I'm not in the market for a boat, right now, one is enough!
Great to hear you are continuing to make videos. Starlink is amazing, thanks Elon!
As evidenced by the deliberations that went into Atticus II, this is well selected, very sound boat. Desiree & Jordan have proved its allround capabilites.
I love the care you took in selecting an already great and well loved boat, and then took it to new levels, such a gracious project now moving on.
These amazing stories of boats, their passionate owners, they live on. Just this evening I read the story of a sailmaker who ran an IOR rated J24 campaign in 1978 then sold the boat to my family. I am grateful for all that was involved and has been presented since. And more generations get to evolve their learning.
Thank you, Desiree and Jordan for sharing your journey on Atticus II. I pray she soon finds new adventurers.
I'm basically where you were when you bought Atticus I, with my "new" 1981 Pearson 365 ketch. Fortunately, she's been very well maintained over the years. But my cruising experience is nil. And so your videos have had a major impact on me. You've taught me so much, so thank you for all of your efforts. I'm so happy that we can enjoy your cruising lifestyle forever on YT. Looking forward to what is to come, but happy that I can still enjoy your crusing life in the rear view mirror. Well done!!!
I have followed your adventures since the beginning and wish you all the best with your new lifestyle. One BIG PLUS about your beautiful boat is that it has been actively and continuously cruised, so many boats for sale have been sitting on the hard or in the water for months or years. Everything seems to seize up and quit working. If I were in the market to buy a boat, I would choose one like yours that has been meticulously maintained, improved, and lived on up until the sale. All the best, I’m sure somebody will snap it up and be very happy with it!
Hi guys, I just want to thank you for the phenomenal work you have done. I have followed you on and off since Atticus 1. You have developed so much and is (was) today one of the leading youtube sailing chanels quality wise. I understand your desicion and I wish you the best of luck in the future.
Best of luck on your next adventure. I respect your decision. I'll likely not watch going forward because I came for the sailing. Congrats on your next journey.
Thank you so much for allowing us to share this chapter in your lives, it has been one hell of a ride and i have thoroughly enjoyed the journey. Hope to see you in FL when you get home.
Priorities change, and adventure carries risk, for what its worth, I think you are making the right decision. Best of luck!
Hi Guys -- I have been following you guys since the very beginning -- the Key West days. I have always loved your videos and have been very impressed happy much the Production Quality has improved over the years. The Local Travel videos from your last 'dry-dock' session were exceptional. I am really looking-forward to where you take this channel -- Post Atticus.
You both have been my favorite sailing channel, I give you best wishes on your homeland adventure. I will delight in seeing your family grow. God bless.
Watched from the git-go, I wish your family luck. Jordan, you are going to miss it, but have to give Desiree the same as she gave, I always read into she was never fully into life at sea like you, but she powered through cuz she loves you. You can power through this next journey for her. Bon Chance!
I've watched you guys from the very beginning, sad to see you stop sailing. Atticus II is a great boat, I'm sure whoever buys her will love it.
She will sell fast, what a great boat. Congratulations on your decision and I am very happy to be following along on your new land adventures.
So glad to hear that you guys will still have a channel!! I will stay tuned!
So many mixed feelings guys! Nearing a decade of following along and always looking forward to sharing in your newest adventure. The boat you've developed is so insanely well thought out and beautiful. I truly don't know how you can let it go. I know the good Lord will lead you into an even better adventure and it will be nice to be back in the States. I hope you end up somewhere incredible and wild so you're not too bored. Having family nearby will be priceless and I'm certain the kiddos will be the better for it. Gotta get that winning mega millions ticket so I can throw a bid at you for that off grid beast you've designed and built. Much love to y'all and will be praying for wisdom and guidance for you.
Your attention to detail and your build skills has turned that boat into a perfect floating home. I will miss your ocean adventures but am looking forward to your onshore ones. The very best of luck with your sale and new search for your land-boat x
We are so glad you guys are going to continue to make videos. ❤
I have enjoyed every step of your journey!
So excited for the new chapters. It’s YOU guys that make this channel! No matter what you are doing. We hope to watch many more videos of your lives… our friends we’ve yet to meet.
Great sales video! You won’t have trouble selling this quality boat.
I am very sad that you are leaving the sailing life but I do understand that you could not anticipate many things like Isa's health condition and you have to do what is right for you. Some mistakes perhaps were made, crossing the ocean while pregnant might be one. But I watched all you did with this boat and can say the new owner is getting a very good boat, that will not be me though, I am too old for that now. I wish you the best, but I am here to follow a sailing adventure and I will miss all three of you. Good luck, stay safe, have fun!
I don't think anybody regrets donating to Project Atticus. Even knowing the outcome people would have still donated. Jordan, I do agree that in your transition you should probably take a moment to thank all of your donors and express your feelings towards them. I don't think any of them would hold anything against you. The viewers of this channel are so unlike other viewers on UA-cam. This is a very family oriented group of viewers that completely understands your tough decisions. Your authenticity and honesty has never been in question throughout your adventures. I hope you don't take things hard in any way
I think they have done enough thanking over the years. Don't make everything in life so transactional.
What a terrible post. Really. You still have time to delete it though.
Love you guys! I have enjoyed watching your Sailing videos! looking forward to the next chapter!
I’m happy for you all.
By the back round it looks like you are already in the states.
I hope she sales quickly so you can start your new adventure.
See ya around from time to time. The best to all of you ! Thanks for all the adventures you’ve provided.
Best of luck in your new lifestyle and blessed with each other, children, and extended families.
Another one bites the dust
That’s the best kitted out PS I’ve ever seen.
I’m too old. I did it 25 years ago. I’m glad I did it.
Totally bittersweet but understandable with two babies at sea, thats too stressful you need a house with a yard plus school for Isabella will come up quick. Also Izo can have a fenced in yard! I will continue to watch, best of luck Desiree & Jordan ❤
"Bittersweet" is the perfect term. Totally understandable but disappointing.
Amazing price for her!! Someone will swoop her up no doubt. Congratulations guys on the decision!! ❤
Which price?
I still say you should not sell the boat you can live in a port city and you could run a business doing charters while wifey stays at home. Both are then happy😁 Oh i forgot then i will also be happy watching you sail😎
Good idea
I think so too. It's a mistake to sell the ship now. I was in a similar situation, sold and later regretted it bitterly.
That means they have to sail it back across the atlantic and have to live close to the sea. Why can’t you just accept there decision and wish them the best. They will soon have two children.
@@escapetothecountrylife-tq3el they are free to do as they wish but nothing wrong with options that can be considered.
I agree, I also enjoy living through you vicariously 😊. You could get someone to sail the boat back to the US and moor it there. Then do beautiful trips in the Gulf with a beautiful boat and beautiful family. Try ask around the comment section to see if anyone is available to help sail it back.
Thanks for all the great content though all of these years. I have been following since your days in Florida and have enjoyed all of your adventures. I will miss this part of life but when you get old like me watching your kids grow up around family will memories become so precious to hold on to. They grow up so fast, it will be a great adventure I promise. Looking forward to following in the next phase.
Gonna miss you all, but you gotta do what keeps you comfortable and happy. Be safe.
I love your videos. I will miss the sailing part, but you got to do what's in your heart. When you do get your house on dry land, get one with a screened in porch. What a game changer. I just moved to a house with one. I do everything in their. Eat, read, sleep , cuddle and just listen to nature!! Good luck with everything you do!!
Our Saturday mornings just got a little sadder! Will look forward to the next chapter of your life to come!
Such a great boat tour video! My entire family has watched your channel since the beginning and enjoyed every episode. Thank you and best of luck!
Looks really well equipped and great shape. The stanchion setup installed looks fantastic. Good luck selling. Seems like you're asking a reasonable price for what it has. I don't think people realize just how much those items actually cost. Like the NEMA 2000 network, instruments, etc... Whoever buys your boat is way ahead of the curve.
Knowing what the initial cost and the improvements you made, this is an incredible deal for someone wanting a first class cruising sailboat. Of course, my wish is that you keep her like others have said, charter, short trips and continued adventures. But maybe you have … another plan to keep the channel going, remember it is called “Sailing Project Atticus” best of luck in the future!
guys gals youve been unbelievable overwhelming enjoyabe on this adventure with you 3 -4 !! we will miss your boat and the water sceneries but we're delighted to know we'll see you again, good luck in your last voyage and cant wait to see it, ciao aurevoir addio buona fortuna
BUmmed to see you guys go. Enjoy your jobs in life. Off to find my next adventure family.
may I recommend 2 for you which I've found very inspiring. One is this elderly Lady, Nikki
Alford and her adventure with an old wooden ketch, the Bessie Ellen, which she bought and restored when she was 30y old and still sailing. Just look for Nikki Alford and bessie ellen where it shows her sitting on her boat titled "her life at sea".
The other one is a young finn who sailes in the arctic, because he likes the cold and skiing.
It is so extrem to watch him at this moment sailing from Alaska through the northern passage.
I find this more exiting and fascinating then people going to the tropical countries. You'll find him under " Alluring Arctic Sailing ". His name is Juho and I hope you enjoy his videos as much
as I did and do. Best regards from Germany.
What a wonderful sales video for your boat. You are so talented creating videos. Looking forward to seeing your new life adventures ❤
Best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you so much for bringing us along on trips around the world showing us the things we don’t get to see God bless y’all.
Ditto 👏👏👏
Guys, I so wish I had the cash right now as this is a spectacular boat. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your channel over the last few years and wish you all the best for the future. We look forward to following your shore based activity in the future!!!!!! ❤from the UK
Hey Jordan, This video boat tour is absolutely the best I've ever seen. I think any discerning yacht dealer would welcome you as a lead sales agent. Best wishes as your family grows and as you and Desiree settle into life on terra firma.
you guys are so beautiful and have been very helpful in the sailing community sad to see you leave ,, but the sea will call you back again
I can’t believe you guys are selling the boat and hanging it up. I actually tearied up. 😢 I started this journey and love for this lifestyle right along with u guys. I wish u all the best and will continue to follow you guys. ❤️🙏🏻
I never thought Atticus 2 was so beautiful. We never really got a bow to stern look at her. I am going to be so jelly to the person that's able to buy her because you guys did such an amazing job with her upkeep and upgrades. I too will miss your sailing channel, but I also can't wait to see what's next. Are we looking at a RV life in the future?
Thanks for the tour Jordan and Desiree and look forward to your new inland adventures and God bless you all.❤❤❤
This lifestyle transition will be interesting to watch. The challenging part now will be deciding where to live in the US. Jordan hates crowds and close neighbors but setting up a home in an affordable remote beautiful area defeats the purpose of living close to family and within a community. It’s the reason why Trent and Ally ended up buying a suburban home after years of building a mountain home which was too difficult for family to visit and be within a supportive community. I’m sure all will end up well if you take time to decide…I’ll be watching and wish you all the best!
I have been following your journey from the beginning and your channel was the first one I subscribed to on UA-cam and I must say it's been a great adventure! Jordan your anxiety is going to go way down because no matter how much prep you put into your boat being out on the seas will always be challenging and can get dangerous where 150% relaxation was probably never achieved. Moving to land is a big deal but we can't blame you guys at all the only thing I can suggest is to buy a home you can work on because without projects to tackle you both will go stir-crazy. So glad you're keeping the channel alive and can't wait to see what comes next. Much Love, Uncle B
Me to I have learned so much from you guys. I have enjoyed your filming and I thank you so much. I hope you will be happy with your new endeavours. I will continue to watch while you are still out putting videos. Thank you once again.
🥲 going to miss my favorite channel.
Will continue to follow to see your upcoming adventures.
And watch your babies grow and learn from their amazing parents.
Good Luck! Great sailing and memories of a lifetime adventure!
Excellent presentation! I would buy it if everything else in life were lined up.
What ever next adventure you guys decide to embark on.... I'll be following along! I don't follow you because of the boat, I follow along with your journey because of YOU GUYS! I am looking forward to the different change of pace and can't wait for the new adventure! Much love from Canada!!
So happy to hear you are going to continue making videos about the next chapter in your lives!!! As a sailor, Atticus II is an amazing boat. if we didn't already have a comparable (I won't say the brand because I don't want to start the age old feuds) blue water boat, we'd be buying it.
My Saturday mornings will fundamentally change. If I were 20 years younger and had a few hundred grand burning a hole in my pocket, I'd buy Atticus 2 in a heartbeat. Also, I have a title for your land based project, "Attic-us". (I know, I was inspired...) BTW, what I liked best about your series is that you not only showed the amazing places you've been to, and getting there, but you also showed every repair and refit you've done on the boat. Its the last that set you apart from all the other sailing channels on UA-cam. I'll be here next week to see what's new!
I'm so happy to hear your still going to be doing UA-cam!! Your so great at it and I love hanging out with your family every week 🤗💞
I’m sad…I’ve enjoyed living vicariously through your adventures…I know all good things come to and end and that your young growing family needs some ground roots, but I will miss Atticus stories…best wishes!
Once youre ashore, just stay off the bottle. Its harder (land life) than you think.
I’m bummed and happy for you. I’ve enjoyed watching your adventures. Thanks for all the smile, laughs and interesting times. Good luck on your part 2 or whatever which one this is.
Wait a second, what about just how gorgeous the color of the hull is when looking at it from a distance outside the boat, grins. I have always loved that too about this boat.