Sydney Bus Museum Australia Day 2022 Vintage Bus Service

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @barockychocky
    @barockychocky 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for capturing a great day, Greg!

  • @raymondstuart1899
    @raymondstuart1899 2 роки тому +1

    Thank You for making this available , just superb. An excellent video . I wish there could be a similar day like this in Newcastle one day. Again THANK YOU this is wonderful , best wishes , Ray

  • @johng.lidstone2236
    @johng.lidstone2236 Місяць тому

    An enjoyable mix of sounds. Rekindles happy memories of Australia Day shared with your good self (and thank you for that). 2761 was my unexpected favourite (with 379).

  • @TransportBuff
    @TransportBuff 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome video. Great capture of a great day with an interesting variety fo new and old buses. Wish I was there. Will never forget those classic Albion & Atlantean deckers along with the 80s PMC single deckers - even though they are all way before my time. :)

  • @thomasarmstrong3804
    @thomasarmstrong3804 2 роки тому +1

    As an ex North Sydney depot Conductor 1971 brings back a lot of memories

  • @johncunningham4820
    @johncunningham4820 Рік тому

    Damn but those Ex Hong Kong 'Deckers are a HUGE Bus . Wonderful seeing so MANY of the Ancient Green and Cream Deckers .
    Poor old things are Desperately Underpowered in today's world of course . " Two Decks of Sheep " and you could Walk quicker .
    But they were built for a Completely different Era .
    I think you could make a Wonderful Grey Nomad Tour Motorhome out of one of those , with some Mechanical Upgrades .

  • @jamesfrench7299
    @jamesfrench7299 2 роки тому

    Museum has that Scania tow truck now? Was that the only one like that STA had? If so I drove it once in Waverley Depot. What an animal.