This reminds me of when I am trying to explain sexual abuse friends and family and why I refuse to stay quiet about sexual abuse in our own family . I am told I should not tell any body what happened. One told me I was ruining the "family name" I told them the perpetrator "ruined" the family name with what they did. I try to explain if they had been robbed or been in a car accident would they keep quiet to protect their perpetrator.
People keep saying, "That's how they treat robberies anyway." If cops treat a rape case like a robbery case than it's clearly something wrong with this system.
@@dankestvonmemen76288 that's 2% of allegations. as opposed to 20% of women in america that will be raped or someone will attempt to rape them st least once In my life
@@RosaSawyerCinque both of those statistics are wrong. the original statistic published by the FBI said that 2% was the average false report rate for crimes, but 8% for rape, and that's just out of confirmed cases, 1/4 of all confirmed rape accusations are false, so a good estimate is 1/4 of all rape accusations. and 20% of women being raped is a twisted version of the study saying that 1 in 5 women have been sexually assaulted, but the questions involved, guess what? *Someone staring at you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable* the actual statistic for sexual assault are 1 in 50, including inappropriate touching and sex where both parties are drunk. PLEASE DO MORE F*CKING RESEARCH YOU MISANDRIC FEMINAZI
Actually when robbed, many ppl including myself were treated this way. The cops didn't want to be bothered. Hell once two ppl robbed my license plate, it was caught on camera. The cop wasn't even interested in seeing it. He gave me a paper for the dev, but he had no intention of actually try to catch the thieves. They were teenagers smoking pot, so why should they care?
@@AngieDeAguirre Projection. Have you never been robbed? Not to speak for them, but as I read them, neither LS nor the OP is trying to excuse the police behavior, but rather they are _further indicting_ the manner in which police respond to all manner of crime that occurs to the individual. "Policing" is sold to people on the idea that even if they don't stop every rape or robbery, they're at least going to investigate them - but that's a lie. Even the majority of homicides go unsolved! Police forces - at least here in the South - evolved from the old "sl@ve patrols." They are not only essentially, but literally the evolution of sl@ve patrols, continuing to do the bulk of their work for the largest property owners, and keeping peace amongst the "rabble" for the sake of business, locking up mostly working class people - disproportionately POC and other minority groups - and in the case of the growing number of private prisons, these people end up working for essentially nothing while the owners make a profit off of them being held against their will. So, no, law enforcement as an institution does not care whether you got r@ped or robbed, just that you toe the line, quit bothering them, or else get yourself incarcerated so you can make more money for the owners.
It's even 200% accurate, because when some people robbed our house a few years ago, the policemen basically did and said what these guys in the video did.
***** there's such thing as sperm tests, but in reality only about 30% of those tests are actually followed through with. so this happens a lot, actually. it happened in my town last year.
But the video isn't saying the police don't take theft seriously, it's making the case that they take theft very seriously, and that they don't take rape crime seriously enough. So your personal experience is interestingly counter to what the video is saying.
We'll besides the fact that this is absolut bullshit and reflects reality less than the lord of the rings. Name one instance where the police have shifted the blame from the offender (or supposed offender) to the victim (or supposed victim).
MandyDoll That actually had nothing to do with the fact that reporting theft is exactly like this. It shouldn't be this way for reporting any crime. But come to the projects and you'll see this response is the most normal thing in the world.
What I never understand about the "this doesn't happen" people, is why are you so hard on for proving someone's experiences wrong. If it doesn't affect you, then why does it matter. Just because you've never reported an assault and had this experience doesn't mean it's not reality for thousands of people. It's like saying I don't have cancer so therefore cancer isn't a real thing. Calm down, accept people have different experiences to you and move on.
This. I also love how that kind of people tend to cry out for proof but never point out to any research, statistics or other (that is to say, something other than unsourced blog posts floating on the internet) to prove that this doesn't happen or that feminists are secretly controlling the media or whatever. Bonus points if they dismiss any research on the subject as 'feminazi propaganda' without actually pointing out any possible flaws/bad conclusions in said research.
RavensSarora There's this post on tumblr and I think it might be relevant, so I'm just gonna link to it: I don't know if all they're saying is right or if all they're saying is wrong, but there's a lot of links in there pointing towards it being right (but I don't know anything about this anyway. I mean, I don't know anyone that ever got raped and I was also never raped, so I never had to deal with a situation like that, so what do I know? It just sounded logical/accurate/true, so I'm linking to it..). If you want to, then take a look at it, if you don't then that's fine too. Just thought I should link it, if I already have the link, y'know? PS: In my opinion it is pretty important whether the video is actually accurate or not. I mean, imagine no one actually experiences that (or only around 1% of the people that were raped and reported it). Then everyone would've bad-mouthed the police for no reason at all. Then we would've made rape-victims scared of talking to the police because they think they won't take them seriously, even though that wouldn't be true at all. With videos like this, we are pretty much destroying everyone's trust in the police and in police officers. So, in my opinion, it's pretty important to know/find out whether stuff like that actually happens or not. Because if it doesn't, then we just destroyed everyone's trust in the police force for no reason at all. And that'd be pretty shitty, wouldn't it be?
+Old World Blues Hmm, I'm pretty sure I've read hundreds of reports, many of which the police did not deny and were confirmed by their standard witness recordings, of this exact thing happening. In fact, I"m pretty sure historically, we used to train officers to approach rape by this very method -- certain I read a training manual from the late 50s that put it forward. So I think the burden of proof goes on those denying the evidence and the history, really.
@Notre Aira False. Completely false. Someone need only suggest rape now and a person's entire life and career will be ruined. Police also take rape accusations very seriously, but they need cooperation from the alleged victim or they can't do anything about it. It's that pesky thing called Evidence, and we cannot afford to lock someone up without it. (like happened in the past with black men being accused and hung from trees)
it makes me sad that half of the comments here mention feminism? can everyone please recognise that rape isn't a feminist issue - it's a human rights issue. ignorant people need to stop using 'feminism' as a buzzword to make issues such as rape / FGM seem less valid.
@@ninninin656 not really the same thing. the issue itself isn't feminist, it just disportionately happens more to women than to men therefore feminism is trying to tackle it
This is abulutly a femmist issue are you kidding me?! What do you want femmism to not care about rape or something. When basically every women has either been raped or sexually abused or knows a friend who has, it might be time to listen to the femmists who have been tackling the issue for decades. Changing the criminal justice system and changing social attitudes are very important.
You're good at making videos that piss me the fuck off. Because they're accurate (This is an emotionally charged compliment if you can't tell. Good work)
I am so glad I found this video and I am hoping it'll get more media attention because it's such an eye-opener and I am so glad it exists! Definitely sharing!
So? That's not a proof. Words can be fake or real, you have to prove them in front of a judge. This is justice, not the idea that we should favour women only because rape culture exists. It exists, but this doesn't mean anything when we talk about justice.
@@kayelynnphelps8676 what if she's bloody and bruised...the guy who raped her threatens her and she accuses a completely different guy she knows who had nothing to do with it, but everyone instantly believes her anyway?
@@kayelynnphelps8676 if a person is bloodied and bruised you can easily get DNA samples from the location where the violence took place and on the victim and suspect’s body. Similar with a r*pe case. If you file a case very soon after the event it’s likely that you’ll have proof that something at least occurred and proof the suspect was there or involved. This video is a bad example as there are absolutely zero signs there was a robbery besides the laptop missing. Again they could get fingerprints but that’s about it from the actual scene of the crime. However in some cases of robbery like this one, you can provide a receipt or go to the store you bought it from to get a serial number for the device and get the MAC address through either the retailer or the manufacturer. When they appear online you can then get their IP address and find their location. However, in this case it’s not worth it for a replaceable piece of property with low monetary value when there are more serious cases and cases with hotter trails or more evidence. Moral of the story is, sometimes stuff happens and bad people get to walk free. If you want to lessen the chances of that happening to you, take personal responsibility to lower your chances. And even then something can still happen. So also always get as much evidence as possible so those who wronged you will face justice. If there’s no proof something happened and the legal system goes with it, liars will take advantage of this and abuse the legal system and harm more innocent people which has been proven to happen many times throughout history.
@Kayelynn Phelps To be fair, rape doesn't require a bruise, bleeding, or blunt force to occur. It's not like you can carry a record or receipt of *not* being sexually assaulted. When robbed, you have the capability of showing a receipt, a photo of you with your item, etc. Every parallel breaks somewhere. 🤷🏻♂️
I love it when people try to equate rape with "getting your car stolen in a bad neighborhood". The comparison is pretty damn terrible actually. A car or whatever valuable in question is an object. A thing. Something you probably bought with money. Can be insured, locked away for safekeeping. Your PROPERTY. When its compared with rape, you're literally calling someone's genitals property. An object. You turned something that's part of a human being into something on the same level as a car or even a toaster. An OBJECT. That is fucked up. Property theft and rape are just not on the same level. Objects are replaceable. Your integrity and sense of self as a human being isnt. Take note that this isnt a commentary on the video itself (which in my opinion DOES get the message on the absurdity of victim blaming) but observation on people's attitudes regarding rape and sexual assault.
Just like the guy above said, you’re swayed by your own emotions. And your understanding is honestly little. You confused the point of this video with your own wrong interpretation.
This was great and very on point, but, it needs captions. The automatic captions are not accurate. I'd like to be able to share this with my Deaf and hard of hearing friends, but they won't get as much out of it as is. #WithCaptions
It's so true! Also, I'm glad that Trent is contributing to raising awareness. :) At least this gives me some joy in the middle of this whole unfairness towards sexual assault victims.
Hell, they dont even bother asking questions half the time. I know someone who reported rape when she went to the ER after it occurred. Told the doc n that's as far as it went. They put her in the hospital (psych for "self injury" which was actually from attacker) and never called the police. Another girl went to police station n was hysterical bc she had just been raped *duh* they put her in the car n had her admitted to psych as well n never took her statement bc she was "out of control" and acting "crazy" she still had her phone when they threw her in the car...she took pics of her injuries in the back seat of police car then locked up her phone.
They actually do this. Don't forget the part where they ask you every single individual item the robber took, and the monetary value of the object, as if you're supposed to magically know how much people are gonna pay for stuff. And if/when they find the person who took it? well they were just having an off day, they're just a kid, etc. etc. ACAB
Well if they’re a minor or just barely 18 it’s pretty reasonable to say that they’re just a kid and get a lighter treatment if the crime is just a robbery
it’s especially bad when you’re scared to speak up because you know this happens, speak up, and then the robber (or the robber’s mom in my case) threatens to persue legal action because their precious little kid would NEVER rob anyone (even tho he has 4 people saying he robbed them at some point in the past year.). (yes this is really happening to me rn and it’s making my life unlivable. i can’t go 12 hours without a panic attack.)
I'm so sorry this is happening!! I hope you have professionals you can talk to or trust, there are hotlines you can call and I don't understand how she can pursue Any legal action on this!
Cynthia Kao this was resolved recently where one of the other people who she was mainly gonna pursue legal action against showed the mom some kind of receipts (idk what exactly) and he broke down crying because he realized he got caught and she realized how shitty of a person he was. thank you for your kind words though!! that was a really hard thing to deal with.
And the whole computer theft in the video would be more accurate if the computer was still sitting there and he had to try to convince the cops it was stolen.
I get what this video is saying, and as I have no personal experience of rape or dealing with the police / courts / media afterwards I'm not going to comment on accuracy as I have absolutely no idea, and I don't wish to seem unsympathetic as I'm sure it's one of the most horrible ordeals anyone can go through, but one question about this line: "We need physical evidence that you were robbed in order to prove that you were robbed, so..." Does anyone actually have a problem with that standard? There should be physical evidence of a crime in order to bring it to trial, let alone prosecute - in the case of a robbery that could be proof of ownership or recovery of the goods themselves. Of course it's not that simple in a rape case, which is unfortunate, but that doesn't mean we should lower our standards of evidence. At the very least the verbal testimony needs to be so watertight and in line with any other available evidence that it precludes any reasonable doubt. If as a society we are prepared to just accept individual testimony as fact, we may as well return to witch trials.
When they quoted the number of "finperprint kits" that hadn't been processed, that's the number of rape kits that lie unprocessed in a couple parts of the US (sorry, can't remember the exact place). That's your physical evidence right there. When a rape kit doesn't get processed, and it turns into a "he said, s/he said" deal and the case gets closed, they're still treating individual testimony as fact, they're just not siding with the potential victim. While I do agree that the verbal testimony needs to be in line with available evidence, etc., the fact remains that the culture surrounding rape doesn't side with even legitimate victims at all, re: above video.
So why is the case going to trial before the physical evidence can be brought to bear by the prosecution? I'm not arguing that what you're saying is untrue, I'm just curious. You'd think that prosecutors would be eager to use that evidence. I'm also not convinced that we do live in a culture which trivialises or under-estimates the severity of rape, at least not to the extent that many people seem to think. The media has always impressed upon me that it's one of the worst things a person can do to another person. This isn't my original point (I can't remember where I heard it), but while we're surrounded by TV, films, video games and literature which trivialise murder, you won't find any of these things trivialising rape in western popular culture. Accusations of rape or molestation (particularly of children) generally lead to the most rabid examples of mob psychology imaginable, in which the news is filled with angry people calling for 'justice' before the trial is even over. Even murders rarely provoke such a widespread emotional response. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not commenting on the way the police react to rape accusations; I have no experience of this, but I've heard enough to convince me that they're inadequately trained to deal with rape cases with sensitivity.
I completely agree with you about the evidence; I have no idea about why that happens, and I'm not connected in any way to that process so I won't comment on it except that it seems kind of messed up. It does seem that rape is a big deal, horrible, etc. in the media. One problem is that a lot of issues just don't get to court or even the police; halfway houses for abused spouses still see a lot of traffic, and those are only the ones who are willing to leave their situation. I'd like to draw your attention to the case a few years back (around 2010/2011, as I recall) about a young American woman who was raped repeatedly by members of the local football team. The media outbreak was immediate, with Fox News commenting on how sad it was that such promising young men had their careers cut short because of a small incident. While that news anchor got incredible backlash over her comments, the fact remains that the young woman in question suffered a lot of negative attention from people who believed that she had been asking for it, etc. I never heard how that case ended. By the way, I get that you're just asking the question, and that's cool =). This is my 25 cents worth.
You know what's fucked up? When I was robbed of a DVD player years ago this is the EXACT same attitude the cops had with me! But then again, I am a black female so the probable assumption was that I sold it for crack...
That's an absolutely fantastic video. Only part missing is (french statistics following though) : only 10% of victims actually report an assault, and only 1 offender of those 10% actually get sentenced... I didn't see yet if you made other videos, but definitively a sequel idea here if you didn't already did it...
I know that this is the sort of stuff that does go on. But I know of a person who have had false rape accusations made against them and have ended up in pretty severe circumstances. Before anybody says anything, it turned out she was lying. It's a sad thing.
the problem is, false accusations make up around 2% of cases, but students are likely to view 50% of cases as fake. "She's lying" should not be the default reaction
The best thing about this video is that we can feel the anger of the situation and probably is the best way to corelate with something that 99.99% of men will never understand
This was written by a feminist living in a fantasy world. This video utterly disregards the fact that legal professionals *drool* over the idea of convicting sexual assaults, protecting females and winning accolades as defenders of the innocent & weak. I worked in a legal office for five years. The conduct displayed here would have gotten the cops, investigators & legal team fired, fined, and possibly disbarred for unethical conduct. Their behavior would have been trotted out for a criminal judge's review. Had this been real, it *absolutely* would have ended up on The View, Oprah, and two dozen news shows now, given the ubiquity of camera phones and official record releases through FOIA requests. The investigators careers and lives would be ruined overnight. Note that "Crew" doesn't include a police process expert, a legal advisor, or any other credible source to fact-check this scenario. But then, facts don't sell books, fund TV movies or propel hysterical fundraisers in which wealthy Feminists pig out on steak, lobster & champagne. Facts are for those of us who do the work day after day.
supertechnoman11 and if his legal office and all of the police officers that he has ever met are doing their work like that, then that is great. They are awesome, they are one of the good ones. But that is not the way it happens everywhere. Crooked cops do exist and many of them do get away with what they do sometimes for a long time. There are process experts who get lazy on the job. there is a giant backlog of rape kits that don't get processed in many different cities in the US. and news teams, let alone talk shows are not going to cover it every single time it happens. The way Esteban describes it is the way I'd like it to be, but to say that's exactly how it is everywhere and that people who think otherwise are "Living in a fantasy world" is really naive.
MadameTamma Here. Report them.People seem to forget, that if there's corrupted police officers, *you can report them for being corrupt*. Of course, with the rape kits, it's kind of harder to report someone, I guess, because there's no way for you to prove that they really weren't working on them. But the corrupted police officers? Report them.
How about the Department of Justice report rape is about 1% (reported). College women are at lower risk then other women. The Westat SURVEY SAY it about 20%.... Of the 5 response 50% of them are not rape. Use of force or threat of force is rape. Not making some one feel guilty about not having sex with you.
The reason they're acting like this is because he's male, by the way. Rape reports aren't taken seriously when it's a male victim, and it would basically be the same here.
This is very similar to "If A Robbery Was Treated Like a Bullying Report". The dynamics of bullying are very similar to rape and other kinds of sexual assault, plus verbal (nonphysical) sexual harassment. All attitudes have contempt for those not physically, mentally, or psychologically strong enough to resist their aggressor - in effect, it's bigotry against the less powerful or less cognitively sophisticated.
And even when reports lead to an arrest they usually don't end in a felony conviction. It's a wretched, stupid system, and cops waste their time hunting down marijuana smokers.
This obviously wasn't thought through very well. This actually is how reports of robbery are treated and honestly, what else would you expect. Look at the situation here, the police show up to a house that wasn't broken into and the guy claims a laptop was stolen. What could they possibly do? There are no signs of break in, no proof the laptop was even there in the first place, no "leads" for them to follow. The only thing the police would do in a situation like this is write it down in case another story similar to it pops up. But the guy sure as hell isn't getting his laptop back or the thief brought to justice.
TheFunderstorm But they would also dust for prints, not have such an agressive attitude towards the victim and do their job to make sure that nothing was left behind. That is literally how they do things in a standard fashion. They search for and collect the evidence if there is any and see if they can make a case. The issue with this is they IMMEDIATELY thought he was lying. So they put no stock into anything he was claiming and treated it like a waste of time. Which is NOT how the investigative force works.
if there is no sign of forced entry, it does create doubt in a robbery case and and when the person who got robbed thinks it should be treated as robbery just because he says so, it actually puts him in a negative spot, because there are things like insurance fraud...which happens more often than you think. you see, just because you dont have the ability to understand how important it is for a crime investigators to consider both sides of the coin, it is not going to stop them from doing their job.
This is exactly why people don't go to the police right away/or ever. I didn't ever go to the police after I was a victim of SA, and it was because of the fear of not being believed or somehow being blamed for it and I regret that decision now years later but if the law didn't treat people like this, more people would come forward.
I wish they had done this a little more subtly. It doesn't all happen that quickly and that obviously. I wish they had made i longer length and made it seem like the police were TRYING to be nice. Basically, instead of making it a comedy, i wish they had made it an analogy or explanation to help others understand
This is kinda dumb. This is exactly how real thefts would be handled - maybe even more callously than this. What do you expect the police to do? They have no evidence, no idea who the perp is, and therefore no starting point. What do you want them to do, give you a hug? They're law enforcement officers, not psychiatrists. Basically all they CAN do is advise you in ways to help it not happen again, based on their experience with previous similar crimes. It's not victim blaming to tell you that if you had locked your door, you have a lower chance of getting your stuff stolen. I think that rape's a terrible thing, truly I do. But I also think that murder and genocide are bad things, and I don't think they're going to stop happening just because I ask the police to make them stop, and post about it on facebook. The world is an imperfect place. Learn to deal with it as it is, not as it should be.
By that logic, why should we have cops at all? why should we have a legal system at all? Taking a class on how to protect yourself should be enough, right? What do I expect the police to do? I expect them to act like professionals, and not sneer at people who need their help. I expect that any evidence that they can get, like a rape kit, to get processed. Yes we deal with a very unfair world and the system has a lot of flaws. This video that is "Kinda dumb" and those "Facebook posts"you're talking about are trying to bring awareness to these flaws. Spreading awareness = more people understanding the problems = more people coming up with solutions. I am aware that the human species will always have horrendous things in it, and there are preventative measures we can take to protect ourselves from the monsters of the world, but if something is not working we have to at least make an ATTEMPT to fix it. At least make an inch closer to making the world a tiny bit more tolerable.
MadameTamma That's perfectly fine, you're right. The ultimate goal SHOULD be creating a world that has no crime. But the approach these anti-rape activists are taking is ludicrous. They're trying to shame or pressure people into not committing crimes, but the only people that succumb to such tactics are the people that already don't commit crimes! A sociopath isn't going to change what they do because society tells them so, that's why they're called a sociopath to begin with. An uneducated, poor person isn't even going to see this video, because they don't have the social standing and economic power to get a decent computer and internet. If they really want to lower crime rates, they should spend the time and effort they spent making this video on improving the social conditions of the poor areas that spawn the vast majority of crime. People that don't even have internet to see this video to begin with. As for cops; they already are doing their jobs. They patrol around, they stop fights, the fight crime. But they are also human. They're victim to the same weaknesses the rest of us humans are. Crimes are missed, and some crimes are difficult or impossible to prove. That doesn't mean that police officers are useless, and that's a...rather dramatic leap of logic. Rape and petty theft are two crimes that are ridiculously hard to prove or tie to a perp, though, so expecting them to freak out about them each time they happen(when chances are they aren't ever going to see the guy behind bars) is a very unrealistic expectation. Obviously they should be a bit more considerate, but consider that most cops won't ever see any results from all the fingerprint testing and rape kits they ever do(97/100 rapists get away with it, studies conclude) and you understand how the HUMAN police officers might start to treat the seemingly useless process laxly. After all, they're just humans, too. Which is why they suggest doing other things to protect yourself and your property. They may never have seen results from a rape kit pan out, but they KNOW that people with security systems get their stuff stolen less often. They KNOW that people with a gun get raped less often. And they KNOW that if they saw a house with a big dog, they'd rather not approach it, and criminals are going to feel the same way. Yet, people seem to think suggestions like that are insulting. I'm 100% for a better world. But the people who make videos like this seem to want that better world NOW, and act like it's already here, and are insulted by the suggestion that it isn't. Try to change the world, that's fine, but you cannot ever forget which one you live in.
demiserofd actually rape is committed by a number of well educated, sane young men who don't really know what rape is. When I was in my sociological class most of my classmates had no idea that you can be charged with rape if the person was highly intoxicated because she was not in the right mindset to give consent. Heck many of them didn't know that a married person can rape their spouse. I have met people who would laugh at the idea that those could be considered rape People sort of have this idea of rape that it's something that happens when a woman walks down a dark ally and a psychotic stranger threatens her with a knife. It's important we break these stereotypes about rape and spread awareness of how it can happen and how it's more likely to happen. I've never met any realistic person who calls for change and thinks they're going to get all of it right away, anyone who does has their own issues to work through on the matter of expectation, but I do think it's important to have that end goal of how you'd like the world to be in mind as you are making efforts to inch towards it, celebrate when progress has been made and never forget there's always more to do, and then educate someone else to take over so they can continue to make a few more inches.
***** How about you go read the rest of my post instead of getting pissy about an insult on the internet. Then again, you probably did and it created enough cognitive dissonance to make you lash out.
+Mike Ock Talk to someone who's been raped. Have the nerve to ask them if it was like this revictimise them with your disbelief, why don't you. My friend was recently raped and they don't provide interviews to the public for fucks sake. I was interviewed as well, since I was there, but they interviewed my friend ALONE. Go find your own research before having the audacity to ask victims to prove this is true.
+Mike Ock PS I flashed my goods, didn't get raped. But modesty is something that is hugely focused on in rape cases, as well as intoxication. If you knew the number of people I have talked to who are victims you might be as angry as I am.
Olivia Michelle You're gonna have to be a lot more specific. What did the cops actually say? And if you say I can easily find real rape reports that were treated like this through simple research, surely you could provide me a few links?
I wasn't raped, but when I reported a coworker I barely knew harassing me and showing up at my house unannounced, months after he had offered me and some coworkers a ride home one night after closing, the questions were like this. They made my parents leave the room and asked me questions like "I used to work in the restaurant industry, I know how people hook up. There is no way you flirted with him or gave him the wrong idea?" He was in his 40s and I was 22. Even if I had flirted with him (no way in hell) tell me how flirting gives him a pass to randomly show up at my house repeatedly, even after I reported him to my managers and they told him to stop. I was filing a report because I was clearly scared. They made me go through every interaction I had ever had with him from day one three times. It scared me to think I'd either have to quit or continue working with this creep if nobody believed me. I can imagine that's why many victims never come forward.
Sarah M So what you're saying is they asked questions and asked you to describe what happened, like they do whenever anyone reports any crime. What you're saying is you would've liked it if you went and said "X is harassing me" and then the cops just ran and arrested him.
Fortunately, this kind of "report taking" doesn't happen as often as it used to because of new standards in law enforcement training. In fact, blame transference from suspect to victim probably happens more in the general public than within law enforcement these days. Still, it never hurts to remind people that the things these actors portrayed in the investigation of a rape (albeit disguised as a burglary) are completely inappropriate.
The advice at 2:31 is actually very sound. Besides, how did someone get in and steal the computer without leaving any damage or traces? (Still holds as a metaphor)
this is so true I got SA in high school as a freshman and told them when I was a senior because I was so scared and showed them messages and where it happened also told them to look at the school cameras none of the police believed me but my teachers and the vice principal believed me all the school could give me was that kid not to be in my classes he should of been in jail because he could of harassed other people it was the first time but wasn't the last it sucks rapists or harassers are still getting away with shit like this
wait. where's the proof that he didnt spill water on keyboard, damaged it and voided warranty, then hid the laptop and called the police to get money back from insurance company, else it would be his fault and insurance wouldn't pay.
just to give you some facts, you are more likely to be killed by a shark than falsely accused of rape. If someone accuses another person of rape and he/she denies it, they more than likely are guilty. Rape isn't a fucking joke or choice by the victim. Stop treating it like it that.
Fun fact: if you try to have sex with someone without their consent, it's rape. If someone withdraws that consent for whatever reason, AT ANY POINT of that time, and you refuse to stop, it's rape. No means no, and stop means stop, words that are often quoted but are nonetheless that simple and true.
I think you're underestimating how easy the process of accusing someone of rape is. It takes months, dozens of meetings with lawyers, testimonies, tests, court dates, then the process of sitting on a stand in front of the person and giving a graphic explanation of every detail to a room full of strangers and the rapist's family and friends. Not to mention without a mountain of DNA evidence of sexual entry *by force* it's hard to even get an accusation to trial.
Iris Stone And most shark attacks are caused by the shark mistaking the person for some other marine mammal. The shark didn't know any better, it's a beast of the wild. There's no mob of people attacking the shark for it's character because it bit somebody. But another human being deliberately accusing somebody of false rape is an abominable act. People who accuse others of rape on false pretense are just as bad as a rapist. "Rape Culture" is a made-up thing by desperate people to stay relevant in the world.
Hey Cynthia, I'd love to add spanish subtitles to this video so more people could get this, but the credits are yours. I'd be glad to cooperate with you (for free).
Why tf when you are sexually assaulted by a STRANGER do the police want to download your phone?? Like how tf is that relevant?? And why tf do they ask if you have a boyfriend? ?? And what you were wearing?? I really start to despice the police
I understand the intent, perfectly explained. Robbers will be robbers nailed it. Still... ...if there is no sign of intrusion, and no clear evidence of a robbery, that's basically what would really happen isn't it? 😅
@@nanochad2979 there is evidence for violent s*x. So all they can prove is that the event happened but not that there was consent. Only way to really prove consent is with audio and video of the act taking place. However, text messages before and after the event work well too, but usually only in proving the perpetrator innocent.
@@MrRainbowSprinkles using the word "perpetrator" implies that it is a statistical certainty that he did commit the crime, which should be proven beyond reasonable doubt
no, its a massive exaggeration, cops are usually skeptical 1. because many of the rape accusations are false, and 2.rape carries a massive sentence if you are wrongly convicted
@@nanochad2979 So that means 75% of rape cases according to you would be true. Full-on skepticism would be harsh as I think that would turn away potential victims who do want to share their story. Be skeptical if their story is questionable.
This reminds me of when I am trying to explain sexual abuse friends and family and why I refuse to stay quiet about sexual abuse in our own family . I am told I should not tell any body what happened. One told me I was ruining the "family name" I told them the perpetrator "ruined" the family name with what they did. I try to explain if they had been robbed or been in a car accident would they keep quiet to protect their perpetrator.
who the hell cares about the damn family name it was 2016 at the time you posted this.
mad cactus what....? why are you mentioning when they posted it? youre the one responding four years late...
@@bri-xcx i ment like: dude its 2016, that kind of behavior is nothing you do anymore (caring about the family name)
mad cactus well the family obviously cared about it if they told her she was ruining it
@@bri-xcx ik they cared about it, but it is very oldfashioned and weird to do that, at least in my opinipn. thats why i said it.
People keep saying, "That's how they treat robberies anyway." If cops treat a rape case like a robbery case than it's clearly something wrong with this system.
Dont even concede that to them, they treat robberies a lot more important than rape.
@@dankestvonmemen76288 that's 2% of allegations. as opposed to 20% of women in america that will be raped or someone will attempt to rape them st least once In my life
@@dankestvonmemen76288 That doesn't happen.
@@baalzebullordofhell6967 it does happen but only 2% of the time
@@RosaSawyerCinque both of those statistics are wrong. the original statistic published by the FBI said that 2% was the average false report rate for crimes, but 8% for rape, and that's just out of confirmed cases, 1/4 of all confirmed rape accusations are false, so a good estimate is 1/4 of all rape accusations.
and 20% of women being raped is a twisted version of the study saying that 1 in 5 women have been sexually assaulted, but the questions involved, guess what? *Someone staring at you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable* the actual statistic for sexual assault are 1 in 50, including inappropriate touching and sex where both parties are drunk.
* Says he’s too calm *
Him: * Starts yelling *
ArE yOU yElLInG aT uS? !
The accuracy hurts here
Actually when robbed, many ppl including myself were treated this way. The cops didn't want to be bothered. Hell once two ppl robbed my license plate, it was caught on camera. The cop wasn't even interested in seeing it. He gave me a paper for the dev, but he had no intention of actually try to catch the thieves. They were teenagers smoking pot, so why should they care?
The point is to change the perspective in which rapes are taken not robbery
the fact that people treat "small" robberies like fucking rape cases is horrible too yk
@@krystalpotato1012 How does it change it when this IS how robberies are treated? It doesn't change anything or contrast anything.
@@LordSenile Literally a senile response.
@@AngieDeAguirre Projection. Have you never been robbed? Not to speak for them, but as I read them, neither LS nor the OP is trying to excuse the police behavior, but rather they are _further indicting_ the manner in which police respond to all manner of crime that occurs to the individual. "Policing" is sold to people on the idea that even if they don't stop every rape or robbery, they're at least going to investigate them - but that's a lie. Even the majority of homicides go unsolved!
Police forces - at least here in the South - evolved from the old "sl@ve patrols." They are not only essentially, but literally the evolution of sl@ve patrols, continuing to do the bulk of their work for the largest property owners, and keeping peace amongst the "rabble" for the sake of business, locking up mostly working class people - disproportionately POC and other minority groups - and in the case of the growing number of private prisons, these people end up working for essentially nothing while the owners make a profit off of them being held against their will.
So, no, law enforcement as an institution does not care whether you got r@ped or robbed, just that you toe the line, quit bothering them, or else get yourself incarcerated so you can make more money for the owners.
If the computer was really being stolen the house has ways of shutting down
M悟净 if it’s inevitable like the weather just sit back and enjoy it.
Omg this
If it's a legitimate theft.
Wow this was brilliantly done. But sadly it almost made me cry. So....
Hugs... if you need 'em
I definitely teared up as well. I hope you’re doing better now if you’ve been sexually assaulted. It is not your fault!
don't even try to tell me this isn't 100% accurate.
It is acctualy more like 99.9% accurate ;) (sorry could not resists) :c
It's even 200% accurate, because when some people robbed our house a few years ago, the policemen basically did and said what these guys in the video did.
***** there's such thing as sperm tests, but in reality only about 30% of those tests are actually followed through with. so this happens a lot, actually. it happened in my town last year.
But the video isn't saying the police don't take theft seriously, it's making the case that they take theft very seriously, and that they don't take rape crime seriously enough.
So your personal experience is interestingly counter to what the video is saying.
Frustratingly accurate!
I loved this! They made their point in a hilarious fashion! Those are absurd questions to ask and shifting the blame is insulting.
+1 times 10!
Sadly, this is exactly what reporting a robbery is like where I'm from.
We'll besides the fact that this is absolut bullshit and reflects reality less than the lord of the rings. Name one instance where the police have shifted the blame from the offender (or supposed offender) to the victim (or supposed victim).
Colin Silver Make sure you put on your mittens and muffs! :)
MandyDoll That actually had nothing to do with the fact that reporting theft is exactly like this. It shouldn't be this way for reporting any crime. But come to the projects and you'll see this response is the most normal thing in the world.
This is absolutely perfect thankyou so much for making this, I'm gonna share the crap out of it!
What I never understand about the "this doesn't happen" people, is why are you so hard on for proving someone's experiences wrong. If it doesn't affect you, then why does it matter. Just because you've never reported an assault and had this experience doesn't mean it's not reality for thousands of people. It's like saying I don't have cancer so therefore cancer isn't a real thing. Calm down, accept people have different experiences to you and move on.
This. I also love how that kind of people tend to cry out for proof but never point out to any research, statistics or other (that is to say, something other than unsourced blog posts floating on the internet) to prove that this doesn't happen or that feminists are secretly controlling the media or whatever. Bonus points if they dismiss any research on the subject as 'feminazi propaganda' without actually pointing out any possible flaws/bad conclusions in said research.
RavensSarora There's this post on tumblr and I think it might be relevant, so I'm just gonna link to it:
I don't know if all they're saying is right or if all they're saying is wrong, but there's a lot of links in there pointing towards it being right (but I don't know anything about this anyway. I mean, I don't know anyone that ever got raped and I was also never raped, so I never had to deal with a situation like that, so what do I know? It just sounded logical/accurate/true, so I'm linking to it..).
If you want to, then take a look at it, if you don't then that's fine too.
Just thought I should link it, if I already have the link, y'know?
PS: In my opinion it is pretty important whether the video is actually accurate or not. I mean, imagine no one actually experiences that (or only around 1% of the people that were raped and reported it). Then everyone would've bad-mouthed the police for no reason at all. Then we would've made rape-victims scared of talking to the police because they think they won't take them seriously, even though that wouldn't be true at all.
With videos like this, we are pretty much destroying everyone's trust in the police and in police officers.
So, in my opinion, it's pretty important to know/find out whether stuff like that actually happens or not.
Because if it doesn't, then we just destroyed everyone's trust in the police force for no reason at all. And that'd be pretty shitty, wouldn't it be?
+Old World Blues Hmm, I'm pretty sure I've read hundreds of reports, many of which the police did not deny and were confirmed by their standard witness recordings, of this exact thing happening. In fact, I"m pretty sure historically, we used to train officers to approach rape by this very method -- certain I read a training manual from the late 50s that put it forward.
So I think the burden of proof goes on those denying the evidence and the history, really.
+RavensSarora It does happen, be it rare, but it is not uncommonly sold as the norm by some people for political gain.
unsettling and truthful
Not at all true on any planet.
Maybe in the middle east.
@Shonem very true. Pretty much everywhere.
@@Dangerpurple Are...are you implying the Middle East is on a different planet? Lol
I was saying the middle east is the exception.
Though it would be nice if it were out in space, you know with no oxygen.
@Notre Aira
Completely false.
Someone need only suggest rape now and a person's entire life and career will be ruined.
Police also take rape accusations very seriously, but they need cooperation from the alleged victim or they can't do anything about it.
It's that pesky thing called Evidence, and we cannot afford to lock someone up without it. (like happened in the past with black men being accused and hung from trees)
it makes me sad that half of the comments here mention feminism?
can everyone please recognise that rape isn't a feminist issue - it's a human rights issue.
ignorant people need to stop using 'feminism' as a buzzword to make issues such as rape / FGM seem less valid.
Thank you! 👏
Sad but when it's made into a femist talking point, what do u expect.
Rape is absolutely a feminist issue. I bet you also say "I do not see colour" and "all lives matter", am I right?
@@ninninin656 not really the same thing. the issue itself isn't feminist, it just disportionately happens more to women than to men therefore feminism is trying to tackle it
This is abulutly a femmist issue are you kidding me?! What do you want femmism to not care about rape or something.
When basically every women has either been raped or sexually abused or knows a friend who has, it might be time to listen to the femmists who have been tackling the issue for decades.
Changing the criminal justice system and changing social attitudes are very important.
You're good at making videos that piss me the fuck off. Because they're accurate
(This is an emotionally charged compliment if you can't tell. Good work)
I am so glad I found this video and I am hoping it'll get more media attention because it's such an eye-opener and I am so glad it exists! Definitely sharing!
cops: do u have proof
man : i had a computer, now i dont !!!
So? That's not a proof. Words can be fake or real, you have to prove them in front of a judge. This is justice, not the idea that we should favour women only because rape culture exists. It exists, but this doesn't mean anything when we talk about justice.
@@beuwolf638+ A person is bloodied and bruised and that's not enough evidence?
@@kayelynnphelps8676 what if she's bloody and bruised...the guy who raped her threatens her and she accuses a completely different guy she knows who had nothing to do with it, but everyone instantly believes her anyway?
@@kayelynnphelps8676 if a person is bloodied and bruised you can easily get DNA samples from the location where the violence took place and on the victim and suspect’s body. Similar with a r*pe case. If you file a case very soon after the event it’s likely that you’ll have proof that something at least occurred and proof the suspect was there or involved.
This video is a bad example as there are absolutely zero signs there was a robbery besides the laptop missing. Again they could get fingerprints but that’s about it from the actual scene of the crime. However in some cases of robbery like this one, you can provide a receipt or go to the store you bought it from to get a serial number for the device and get the MAC address through either the retailer or the manufacturer. When they appear online you can then get their IP address and find their location. However, in this case it’s not worth it for a replaceable piece of property with low monetary value when there are more serious cases and cases with hotter trails or more evidence.
Moral of the story is, sometimes stuff happens and bad people get to walk free. If you want to lessen the chances of that happening to you, take personal responsibility to lower your chances. And even then something can still happen. So also always get as much evidence as possible so those who wronged you will face justice.
If there’s no proof something happened and the legal system goes with it, liars will take advantage of this and abuse the legal system and harm more innocent people which has been proven to happen many times throughout history.
@Kayelynn Phelps To be fair, rape doesn't require a bruise, bleeding, or blunt force to occur. It's not like you can carry a record or receipt of *not* being sexually assaulted. When robbed, you have the capability of showing a receipt, a photo of you with your item, etc.
Every parallel breaks somewhere. 🤷🏻♂️
cops: *gum*
I love it when people try to equate rape with "getting your car stolen in a bad neighborhood". The comparison is pretty damn terrible actually. A car or whatever valuable in question is an object. A thing. Something you probably bought with money. Can be insured, locked away for safekeeping. Your PROPERTY. When its compared with rape, you're literally calling someone's genitals property. An object. You turned something that's part of a human being into something on the same level as a car or even a toaster. An OBJECT. That is fucked up. Property theft and rape are just not on the same level. Objects are replaceable. Your integrity and sense of self as a human being isnt.
Take note that this isnt a commentary on the video itself (which in my opinion DOES get the message on the absurdity of victim blaming) but observation on people's attitudes regarding rape and sexual assault.
Just like the guy above said, you’re swayed by your own emotions. And your understanding is honestly little. You confused the point of this video with your own wrong interpretation.
This is exactly how my sexual assault was and still is being treated by the police. It is sickening....
This was great and very on point, but, it needs captions. The automatic captions are not accurate. I'd like to be able to share this with my Deaf and hard of hearing friends, but they won't get as much out of it as is. #WithCaptions
This is pure gold. So true.
Melody MelloLily so try ??? But how
Do u know how many men have been sent to prison over false accusations ... of course they need evidence just like any crime.
It's so true! Also, I'm glad that Trent is contributing to raising awareness. :) At least this gives me some joy in the middle of this whole unfairness towards sexual assault victims.
i love the fact all cops seem to be chewing gum.
Hell, they dont even bother asking questions half the time. I know someone who reported rape when she went to the ER after it occurred. Told the doc n that's as far as it went. They put her in the hospital (psych for "self injury" which was actually from attacker) and never called the police. Another girl went to police station n was hysterical bc she had just been raped *duh* they put her in the car n had her admitted to psych as well n never took her statement bc she was "out of control" and acting "crazy" she still had her phone when they threw her in the car...she took pics of her injuries in the back seat of police car then locked up her phone.
well that was distressing
They actually do this. Don't forget the part where they ask you every single individual item the robber took, and the monetary value of the object, as if you're supposed to magically know how much people are gonna pay for stuff. And if/when they find the person who took it? well they were just having an off day, they're just a kid, etc. etc. ACAB
Well if they’re a minor or just barely 18 it’s pretty reasonable to say that they’re just a kid and get a lighter treatment if the crime is just a robbery
I had a police in my family who died a few years ago. Sometimes they would catch robbed stuff and keep for themselves
it’s especially bad when you’re scared to speak up because you know this happens, speak up, and then the robber (or the robber’s mom in my case) threatens to persue legal action because their precious little kid would NEVER rob anyone (even tho he has 4 people saying he robbed them at some point in the past year.). (yes this is really happening to me rn and it’s making my life unlivable. i can’t go 12 hours without a panic attack.)
I'm so sorry this is happening!! I hope you have professionals you can talk to or trust, there are hotlines you can call and I don't understand how she can pursue Any legal action on this!
Cynthia Kao this was resolved recently where one of the other people who she was mainly gonna pursue legal action against showed the mom some kind of receipts (idk what exactly) and he broke down crying because he realized he got caught and she realized how shitty of a person he was. thank you for your kind words though!! that was a really hard thing to deal with.
Eujean Mcyeetus glad there is an update that backs you up!!
And the whole computer theft in the video would be more accurate if the computer was still sitting there and he had to try to convince the cops it was stolen.
this is amazing
Imagine how a rape victim feels when reporting, maybe this would change somethings.
yes, alleged rape victims can ruin men's lives just by calling rape with no evidence and people like you support that, you disgust me
Thank you for making this video.
Thank you. And thank you for watching!
this was really good!!
this aged like wine.
How so?
@ society is more fixated on how the victim reacts vs the perpetrator doing something wrong
This is wonderful. WONDERFUL!!!
It's scary how close this is to what really happens way more often than people realize.
I get what this video is saying, and as I have no personal experience of rape or dealing with the police / courts / media afterwards I'm not going to comment on accuracy as I have absolutely no idea, and I don't wish to seem unsympathetic as I'm sure it's one of the most horrible ordeals anyone can go through, but one question about this line:
"We need physical evidence that you were robbed in order to prove that you were robbed, so..."
Does anyone actually have a problem with that standard? There should be physical evidence of a crime in order to bring it to trial, let alone prosecute - in the case of a robbery that could be proof of ownership or recovery of the goods themselves. Of course it's not that simple in a rape case, which is unfortunate, but that doesn't mean we should lower our standards of evidence. At the very least the verbal testimony needs to be so watertight and in line with any other available evidence that it precludes any reasonable doubt. If as a society we are prepared to just accept individual testimony as fact, we may as well return to witch trials.
oh, how I wish things could be wrapped up in a tight little bow like this
When they quoted the number of "finperprint kits" that hadn't been processed, that's the number of rape kits that lie unprocessed in a couple parts of the US (sorry, can't remember the exact place). That's your physical evidence right there. When a rape kit doesn't get processed, and it turns into a "he said, s/he said" deal and the case gets closed, they're still treating individual testimony as fact, they're just not siding with the potential victim.
While I do agree that the verbal testimony needs to be in line with available evidence, etc., the fact remains that the culture surrounding rape doesn't side with even legitimate victims at all, re: above video.
So why is the case going to trial before the physical evidence can be brought to bear by the prosecution? I'm not arguing that what you're saying is untrue, I'm just curious. You'd think that prosecutors would be eager to use that evidence.
I'm also not convinced that we do live in a culture which trivialises or under-estimates the severity of rape, at least not to the extent that many people seem to think. The media has always impressed upon me that it's one of the worst things a person can do to another person. This isn't my original point (I can't remember where I heard it), but while we're surrounded by TV, films, video games and literature which trivialise murder, you won't find any of these things trivialising rape in western popular culture. Accusations of rape or molestation (particularly of children) generally lead to the most rabid examples of mob psychology imaginable, in which the news is filled with angry people calling for 'justice' before the trial is even over. Even murders rarely provoke such a widespread emotional response.
Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not commenting on the way the police react to rape accusations; I have no experience of this, but I've heard enough to convince me that they're inadequately trained to deal with rape cases with sensitivity.
I completely agree with you about the evidence; I have no idea about why that happens, and I'm not connected in any way to that process so I won't comment on it except that it seems kind of messed up.
It does seem that rape is a big deal, horrible, etc. in the media. One problem is that a lot of issues just don't get to court or even the police; halfway houses for abused spouses still see a lot of traffic, and those are only the ones who are willing to leave their situation.
I'd like to draw your attention to the case a few years back (around 2010/2011, as I recall) about a young American woman who was raped repeatedly by members of the local football team. The media outbreak was immediate, with Fox News commenting on how sad it was that such promising young men had their careers cut short because of a small incident. While that news anchor got incredible backlash over her comments, the fact remains that the young woman in question suffered a lot of negative attention from people who believed that she had been asking for it, etc. I never heard how that case ended.
By the way, I get that you're just asking the question, and that's cool =). This is my 25 cents worth.
Physical evidence of rape... right
You know what's fucked up? When I was robbed of a DVD player years ago this is the EXACT same attitude the cops had with me! But then again, I am a black female so the probable assumption was that I sold it for crack...
I needed that right now
This is super well done and totally accurate
Really good video, amazing comparison
Caroline B. You are stupid. Just thought you should know that.
...this feels like a replay of when my computer was actually stolen
by not doing something about it, you're letting them go free so they can do it to other people.
the whole system is set up against the victim.
you're going to bring a lot of negative attention to yourself.
do you have physical evidence
@@ashleyching3166 you realise that 1/4 of rape accusations are false
@@nanochad2979 Source: Me
That's an absolutely fantastic video. Only part missing is (french statistics following though) : only 10% of victims actually report an assault, and only 1 offender of those 10% actually get sentenced...
I didn't see yet if you made other videos, but definitively a sequel idea here if you didn't already did it...
it's better to let a perpetrated go free than to punish an innocent,
and 1/4 of all rape accusations are false btw
@@nanochad2979 youre full of shit, get well soon
You get some really good actors on your shorts. They are so well done. Thank you for posting.
This is just beautiful. Very well done!
@@kevinjjfr awww... sweetie
Feels sad to say this is ahead of it's time.
Not ahead of its time, just that nothing's changed
The cops and that fkn gum. 😂
37 seconds is as far as I made it. Cringe in peace, and let the angels carry you to thy rest.
I only made it 19 secs just so bad!
I'm so glad you made this
It's funny, when thief's are treated like rapists then that's when this has a point
i would have questioned if they were really cops, got their names and badge #'s and reported them. real cops should be trained not to do this.
Real, trained cops do this all the time sadly. They even get away with murder as long as they say they felt scared.
Incredible video! Thank-you for making this.
We heard you loaned your computer out to a lot of people...
Thank you EVAWI for your course, which included a link to this video.
Excellent video and will share with Clients
If it was me the physical evidence would be my dirty dishes
What an inconsiderate robber, didn't bother to do the dishes.
Garrix Wormuloid (Mark Schroeder) is an awesome actor. This is an excellent video.
I know that this is the sort of stuff that does go on. But I know of a person who have had false rape accusations made against them and have ended up in pretty severe circumstances. Before anybody says anything, it turned out she was lying. It's a sad thing.
the problem is, false accusations make up around 2% of cases, but students are likely to view 50% of cases as fake. "She's lying" should not be the default reaction
The best thing about this video is that we can feel the anger of the situation and probably is the best way to corelate with something that 99.99% of men will never understand
Great job!
This was written by a feminist living in a fantasy world. This video utterly disregards the fact that legal professionals *drool* over the idea of convicting sexual assaults, protecting females and winning accolades as defenders of the innocent & weak.
I worked in a legal office for five years. The conduct displayed here would have gotten the cops, investigators & legal team fired, fined, and possibly disbarred for unethical conduct. Their behavior would have been trotted out for a criminal judge's review. Had this been real, it *absolutely* would have ended up on The View, Oprah, and two dozen news shows now, given the ubiquity of camera phones and official record releases through FOIA requests. The investigators careers and lives would be ruined overnight.
Note that "Crew" doesn't include a police process expert, a legal advisor, or any other credible source to fact-check this scenario. But then, facts don't sell books, fund TV movies or propel hysterical fundraisers in which wealthy Feminists pig out on steak, lobster & champagne. Facts are for those of us who do the work day after day.
Wow that's amazing. What's it like knowing that your personal experiences represent everybody everywhere?
supertechnoman11 and if his legal office and all of the police officers that he has ever met are doing their work like that, then that is great. They are awesome, they are one of the good ones.
But that is not the way it happens everywhere. Crooked cops do exist and many of them do get away with what they do sometimes for a long time. There are process experts who get lazy on the job. there is a giant backlog of rape kits that don't get processed in many different cities in the US. and news teams, let alone talk shows are not going to cover it every single time it happens.
The way Esteban describes it is the way I'd like it to be, but to say that's exactly how it is everywhere and that people who think otherwise are "Living in a fantasy world" is really naive.
Here. Report them.People seem to forget, that if there's corrupted police officers, *you can report them for being corrupt*.
Of course, with the rape kits, it's kind of harder to report someone, I guess, because there's no way for you to prove that they really weren't working on them.
But the corrupted police officers? Report them.
How about the Department of Justice report rape is about 1% (reported). College women are at lower risk then other women. The Westat SURVEY SAY it about 20%.... Of the 5 response 50% of them are not rape. Use of force or threat of force is rape. Not making some one feel guilty about not having sex with you.
these are simultaneuosly funny and soul crushing
The reason they're acting like this is because he's male, by the way. Rape reports aren't taken seriously when it's a male victim, and it would basically be the same here.
This is very similar to "If A Robbery Was Treated Like a Bullying Report". The dynamics of bullying are very similar to rape and other kinds of sexual assault, plus verbal (nonphysical) sexual harassment. All attitudes have contempt for those not physically, mentally, or psychologically strong enough to resist their aggressor - in effect, it's bigotry against the less powerful or less cognitively sophisticated.
And even when reports lead to an arrest they usually don't end in a felony conviction. It's a wretched, stupid system, and cops waste their time hunting down marijuana smokers.
@@nanochad2979 there’s no way to prove that statistic. It doesn’t take into account rapes that go unreported
This obviously wasn't thought through very well. This actually is how reports of robbery are treated and honestly, what else would you expect. Look at the situation here, the police show up to a house that wasn't broken into and the guy claims a laptop was stolen. What could they possibly do? There are no signs of break in, no proof the laptop was even there in the first place, no "leads" for them to follow. The only thing the police would do in a situation like this is write it down in case another story similar to it pops up. But the guy sure as hell isn't getting his laptop back or the thief brought to justice.
TheFunderstorm But they would also dust for prints, not have such an agressive attitude towards the victim and do their job to make sure that nothing was left behind.
That is literally how they do things in a standard fashion. They search for and collect the evidence if there is any and see if they can make a case. The issue with this is they IMMEDIATELY thought he was lying. So they put no stock into anything he was claiming and treated it like a waste of time. Which is NOT how the investigative force works.
Your work is amazing and powerful
I dunno about you guys, but the gum popping really sold the humor for me.
Could we see the behind the scenes and/or bloopers for this video? Seems like it would've been a fun shoot. Good actors.
MajesticJac I thought this was the bloopers. I guess it's just more feminist lies though. No surprise there.
Unfortunately this IS how they act when you've been robbed
if there is no sign of forced entry, it does create doubt in a robbery case and and when the person who got robbed thinks it should be treated as robbery just because he says so, it actually puts him in a negative spot, because there are things like insurance fraud...which happens more often than you think. you see, just because you dont have the ability to understand how important it is for a crime investigators to consider both sides of the coin, it is not going to stop them from doing their job.
This is exactly why people don't go to the police right away/or ever. I didn't ever go to the police after I was a victim of SA, and it was because of the fear of not being believed or somehow being blamed for it and I regret that decision now years later but if the law didn't treat people like this, more people would come forward.
Sharp stuff.
This is very powerful!! Good job!
🌁 Thank You!
This is so important.
I wish they had done this a little more subtly. It doesn't all happen that quickly and that obviously. I wish they had made i longer length and made it seem like the police were TRYING to be nice. Basically, instead of making it a comedy, i wish they had made it an analogy or explanation to help others understand
This is kinda dumb. This is exactly how real thefts would be handled - maybe even more callously than this. What do you expect the police to do? They have no evidence, no idea who the perp is, and therefore no starting point. What do you want them to do, give you a hug? They're law enforcement officers, not psychiatrists.
Basically all they CAN do is advise you in ways to help it not happen again, based on their experience with previous similar crimes. It's not victim blaming to tell you that if you had locked your door, you have a lower chance of getting your stuff stolen.
I think that rape's a terrible thing, truly I do. But I also think that murder and genocide are bad things, and I don't think they're going to stop happening just because I ask the police to make them stop, and post about it on facebook. The world is an imperfect place. Learn to deal with it as it is, not as it should be.
***** Then you need to improve your reading skills. He made a lot of valid points but you resorted to racism.
By that logic, why should we have cops at all? why should we have a legal system at all? Taking a class on how to protect yourself should be enough, right? What do I expect the police to do? I expect them to act like professionals, and not sneer at people who need their help. I expect that any evidence that they can get, like a rape kit, to get processed.
Yes we deal with a very unfair world and the system has a lot of flaws. This video that is "Kinda dumb" and those "Facebook posts"you're talking about are trying to bring awareness to these flaws. Spreading awareness = more people understanding the problems = more people coming up with solutions.
I am aware that the human species will always have horrendous things in it, and there are preventative measures we can take to protect ourselves from the monsters of the world, but if something is not working we have to at least make an ATTEMPT to fix it. At least make an inch closer to making the world a tiny bit more tolerable.
MadameTamma That's perfectly fine, you're right. The ultimate goal SHOULD be creating a world that has no crime. But the approach these anti-rape activists are taking is ludicrous. They're trying to shame or pressure people into not committing crimes, but the only people that succumb to such tactics are the people that already don't commit crimes! A sociopath isn't going to change what they do because society tells them so, that's why they're called a sociopath to begin with.
An uneducated, poor person isn't even going to see this video, because they don't have the social standing and economic power to get a decent computer and internet. If they really want to lower crime rates, they should spend the time and effort they spent making this video on improving the social conditions of the poor areas that spawn the vast majority of crime. People that don't even have internet to see this video to begin with.
As for cops; they already are doing their jobs. They patrol around, they stop fights, the fight crime. But they are also human. They're victim to the same weaknesses the rest of us humans are. Crimes are missed, and some crimes are difficult or impossible to prove.
That doesn't mean that police officers are useless, and that's a...rather dramatic leap of logic. Rape and petty theft are two crimes that are ridiculously hard to prove or tie to a perp, though, so expecting them to freak out about them each time they happen(when chances are they aren't ever going to see the guy behind bars) is a very unrealistic expectation. Obviously they should be a bit more considerate, but consider that most cops won't ever see any results from all the fingerprint testing and rape kits they ever do(97/100 rapists get away with it, studies conclude) and you understand how the HUMAN police officers might start to treat the seemingly useless process laxly. After all, they're just humans, too.
Which is why they suggest doing other things to protect yourself and your property. They may never have seen results from a rape kit pan out, but they KNOW that people with security systems get their stuff stolen less often. They KNOW that people with a gun get raped less often. And they KNOW that if they saw a house with a big dog, they'd rather not approach it, and criminals are going to feel the same way. Yet, people seem to think suggestions like that are insulting.
I'm 100% for a better world. But the people who make videos like this seem to want that better world NOW, and act like it's already here, and are insulted by the suggestion that it isn't. Try to change the world, that's fine, but you cannot ever forget which one you live in.
demiserofd actually rape is committed by a number of well educated, sane young men who don't really know what rape is. When I was in my sociological class most of my classmates had no idea that you can be charged with rape if the person was highly intoxicated because she was not in the right mindset to give consent. Heck many of them didn't know that a married person can rape their spouse. I have met people who would laugh at the idea that those could be considered rape
People sort of have this idea of rape that it's something that happens when a woman walks down a dark ally and a psychotic stranger threatens her with a knife. It's important we break these stereotypes about rape and spread awareness of how it can happen and how it's more likely to happen.
I've never met any realistic person who calls for change and thinks they're going to get all of it right away, anyone who does has their own issues to work through on the matter of expectation, but I do think it's important to have that end goal of how you'd like the world to be in mind as you are making efforts to inch towards it, celebrate when progress has been made and never forget there's always more to do, and then educate someone else to take over so they can continue to make a few more inches.
***** How about you go read the rest of my post instead of getting pissy about an insult on the internet. Then again, you probably did and it created enough cognitive dissonance to make you lash out.
I'm sad this isn't more popular
Better than a lot of chewing gum asmr. Im definitely watching multiple times
Make sure to get a moat, make sure to build a fortress, make sure to set some land mines…
Ouch. Spot on
Great video. Now please provide me some examples of rape reports that were actually treated like that.
+Mike Ock Talk to someone who's been raped. Have the nerve to ask them if it was like this revictimise them with your disbelief, why don't you. My friend was recently raped and they don't provide interviews to the public for fucks sake. I was interviewed as well, since I was there, but they interviewed my friend ALONE. Go find your own research before having the audacity to ask victims to prove this is true.
+Mike Ock PS I flashed my goods, didn't get raped. But modesty is something that is hugely focused on in rape cases, as well as intoxication. If you knew the number of people I have talked to who are victims you might be as angry as I am.
Olivia Michelle You're gonna have to be a lot more specific. What did the cops actually say? And if you say I can easily find real rape reports that were treated like this through simple research, surely you could provide me a few links?
I wasn't raped, but when I reported a coworker I barely knew harassing me and showing up at my house unannounced, months after he had offered me and some coworkers a ride home one night after closing, the questions were like this. They made my parents leave the room and asked me questions like "I used to work in the restaurant industry, I know how people hook up. There is no way you flirted with him or gave him the wrong idea?" He was in his 40s and I was 22. Even if I had flirted with him (no way in hell) tell me how flirting gives him a pass to randomly show up at my house repeatedly, even after I reported him to my managers and they told him to stop. I was filing a report because I was clearly scared. They made me go through every interaction I had ever had with him from day one three times. It scared me to think I'd either have to quit or continue working with this creep if nobody believed me. I can imagine that's why many victims never come forward.
Sarah M
So what you're saying is they asked questions and asked you to describe what happened, like they do whenever anyone reports any crime. What you're saying is you would've liked it if you went and said "X is harassing me" and then the cops just ran and arrested him.
Yes! " I brush my teeth in the dark." Love Crazy ex girlfriend.
superb video!!
That last line hit HARD
Fortunately, this kind of "report taking" doesn't happen as often as it used to because of new standards in law enforcement training. In fact, blame transference from suspect to victim probably happens more in the general public than within law enforcement these days. Still, it never hurts to remind people that the things these actors portrayed in the investigation of a rape (albeit disguised as a burglary) are completely inappropriate.
The advice at 2:31 is actually very sound. Besides, how did someone get in and steal the computer without leaving any damage or traces? (Still holds as a metaphor)
Maybe it was his ex, she would have the keys and knowledge of the new Mac.
this is so true I got SA in high school as a freshman and told them when I was a senior because I was so scared and showed them messages and where it happened also told them to look at the school cameras none of the police believed me but my teachers and the vice principal believed me all the school could give me was that kid not to be in my classes he should of been in jail because he could of harassed other people it was the first time but wasn't the last it sucks rapists or harassers are still getting away with shit like this
wait. where's the proof that he didnt spill water on keyboard, damaged it and voided warranty, then hid the laptop and called the police to get money back from insurance company, else it would be his fault and insurance wouldn't pay.
Cops should of ran after the robber and jailed him instead of visiting the person, who gives a fuck that there is no evidence?
And that's why I'm glad I'm British and live in a sane neighbourhood.
It is hard to prove a rape report and not hard to prove a robbery report.
Funny as fuck. "Somebody should be put in jail for doing something that I consented to in the moment and changed my mind about later."
just to give you some facts, you are more likely to be killed by a shark than falsely accused of rape. If someone accuses another person of rape and he/she denies it, they more than likely are guilty. Rape isn't a fucking joke or choice by the victim. Stop treating it like it that.
Fun fact: if you try to have sex with someone without their consent, it's rape. If someone withdraws that consent for whatever reason, AT ANY POINT of that time, and you refuse to stop, it's rape. No means no, and stop means stop, words that are often quoted but are nonetheless that simple and true.
I think you're underestimating how easy the process of accusing someone of rape is. It takes months, dozens of meetings with lawyers, testimonies, tests, court dates, then the process of sitting on a stand in front of the person and giving a graphic explanation of every detail to a room full of strangers and the rapist's family and friends. Not to mention without a mountain of DNA evidence of sexual entry *by force* it's hard to even get an accusation to trial.
Iris Stone And most shark attacks are caused by the shark mistaking the person for some other marine mammal. The shark didn't know any better, it's a beast of the wild. There's no mob of people attacking the shark for it's character because it bit somebody.
But another human being deliberately accusing somebody of false rape is an abominable act. People who accuse others of rape on false pretense are just as bad as a rapist.
"Rape Culture" is a made-up thing by desperate people to stay relevant in the world.
Hey Cynthia, I'd love to add spanish subtitles to this video so more people could get this, but the credits are yours. I'd be glad to cooperate with you (for free).
He admitted to stealing 500 grand worth of pokemon cards
This is so fucking true omg
Why tf when you are sexually assaulted by a STRANGER do the police want to download your phone?? Like how tf is that relevant?? And why tf do they ask if you have a boyfriend? ?? And what you were wearing?? I really start to despice the police
I understand the intent, perfectly explained. Robbers will be robbers nailed it.
...if there is no sign of intrusion, and no clear evidence of a robbery, that's basically what would really happen isn't it? 😅
@@nanochad2979 there is evidence for violent s*x. So all they can prove is that the event happened but not that there was consent. Only way to really prove consent is with audio and video of the act taking place. However, text messages before and after the event work well too, but usually only in proving the perpetrator innocent.
@@MrRainbowSprinkles using the word "perpetrator" implies that it is a statistical certainty that he did commit the crime, which should be proven beyond reasonable doubt
@@nanochad2979 *defendant
Wait do cops actually treat rape cases like this? That would really messed up....
no, its a massive exaggeration, cops are usually skeptical 1. because many of the rape accusations are false, and 2.rape carries a massive sentence if you are wrongly convicted
@@nanochad2979 but only about 10% of rape cases are proven to be fake, it’s a bit weird to be skeptical every time lol
@@somkeshav4143 no, 10% is 1/4 of confirmed rape accusations, so you could estimate 1/4
@@nanochad2979 So that means 75% of rape cases according to you would be true.
Full-on skepticism would be harsh as I think that would turn away potential victims who do want to share their story. Be skeptical if their story is questionable.
Whoa!!!!!!! This is sooooooo HARD!!! YO!😭😭😭😭😭😭