As a Cmdr. with an excess of some 9,000 hour's. Though I've viewed numerious video's having content in regard's to exploring. I've with the exception of engineering requirement's in order to rank up, have never left the bubble. Thus only having visual and no actual experience, have come to depend on any exploring from those that have. As it show's in Corialis, one is either an "Explorer" or one is an "Planet Explorer. Never having left the bubble, I'm am of the later group. There may be a way to determine how many actual planet's in the time I've invested exploring planet's. I don't know how to do it and thus will state it's in the thousands. The question I have in as much as FDEV has stated that the Mandalay is an "Explorer Ship". I can't help but wonder as to why when if and when one get's envolved in anything "Guarding" one only need's one the smallest of lazer's. Why when slot's are important, and reducing weight is a mandate. Does this ship have six dedicated slot's for weapon's. OK, if and when one strip's the Mandalay and the Conda as one would to get the most range. The Mandaly does have a slightly better jump range. Which when an average jump only take's less than a minute, will get to the same exact location in the deep, a couple of minute's faster. But when you start adding varius thing's to do other than only taking photo's and or gathering data. Having avialable slot's that allow's one to carry more thing's to actually do out in the black. One is willing to give up getting to the same exact location a couple of minute's faster. However, it would seem the majority of player's prefer pew pew of one sort or another. And the Mandalay has the agility of a small ship, but come's in as a Medium with the same exact agility. Add in the six weapon's and the Mandalay is not an explorer ship, but that of a small ship with the ability of that of a medium combat ship. Being an advancant of ED, meaning I'm all in when it come's to supporting the game in any way I'm able, which to a large degress is only financial. I've bought both the Python MKII and now the Mandalay. The MkII is still in what I'd refer to as deep storage, finding it totally useless in the way I play. As will the Mandalay after I assumable find it useless also. My current Python and Conda, both of which I've had for nearly the entire 9,000 hour's. Loaded out and engineered to the max for the exploration of planet's with in the bubble. The Python has a 45 ly range and the conda has a 72 ly range. The later, should I wish can go out in the black any where I wish, when it has additional slot I've never utilzed but would shoud I need to add the repairing mod's and heat sink's one may not need, but may on occasion when so far away.
As a Cmdr. with an excess of some 9,000 hour's. Though I've viewed numerious video's having content in regard's to exploring. I've with the exception of engineering requirement's in order to rank up, have never left the bubble. Thus only having visual and no actual experience, have come to depend on any exploring from those that have. As it show's in Corialis, one is either an "Explorer" or one is an "Planet Explorer. Never having left the bubble, I'm am of the later group. There may be a way to determine how many actual planet's in the time I've invested exploring planet's. I don't know how to do it and thus will state it's in the thousands.
The question I have in as much as FDEV has stated that the Mandalay is an "Explorer Ship". I can't help but wonder as to why when if and when one get's envolved in anything "Guarding" one only need's one the smallest of lazer's. Why when slot's are important, and reducing weight is a mandate. Does this ship have six dedicated slot's for weapon's.
OK, if and when one strip's the Mandalay and the Conda as one would to get the most range. The Mandaly does have a slightly better jump range. Which when an average jump only take's less than a minute, will get to the same exact location in the deep, a couple of minute's faster. But when you start adding varius thing's to do other than only taking photo's and or gathering data. Having avialable slot's that allow's one to carry more thing's to actually do out in the black. One is willing to give up getting to the same exact location a couple of minute's faster.
However, it would seem the majority of player's prefer pew pew of one sort or another. And the Mandalay has the agility of a small ship, but come's in as a Medium with the same exact agility. Add in the six weapon's and the Mandalay is not an explorer ship, but that of a small ship with the ability of that of a medium combat ship.
Being an advancant of ED, meaning I'm all in when it come's to supporting the game in any way I'm able, which to a large degress is only financial. I've bought both the Python MKII and now the Mandalay. The MkII is still in what I'd refer to as deep storage, finding it totally useless in the way I play. As will the Mandalay after I assumable find it useless also. My current Python and Conda, both of which I've had for nearly the entire 9,000 hour's. Loaded out and engineered to the max for the exploration of planet's with in the bubble. The Python has a 45 ly range and the conda has a 72 ly range. The later, should I wish can go out in the black any where I wish, when it has additional slot I've never utilzed but would shoud I need to add the repairing mod's and heat sink's one may not need, but may on occasion when so far away.