When you showed the number 433/500, it appeared reversed. Seems like you recorded that with "mirror" setting turned on in your phone camera. Many people prefer mirrored videos. I don't like it as it feels wonky😂. Great to see these amazing pens. Thanks Samuel! I hope to visit StyleOfZug one day as i keep visiting Zurich for my other hobby 😉
I added the Sailor Mouko to my small, modest, collection earlier in the week (number 484 a nice palindromic number). The Naginata Togi MF nib is interesting to write with. I am still exploring the way lines vary with the pen angle.
I personally love fine and extra fine nibs, but the size of the King of Pen is such that I don't mind the Sailor M at all (I have the blue and green Iro Miyabi first year). Re Wancher, Revolving Pens has a video "Fountain pen marketing and advertising: how we can be misled" that covers the issue with them well.
Looking forward to this video!
Good morning Samuel
When you showed the number 433/500, it appeared reversed. Seems like you recorded that with "mirror" setting turned on in your phone camera.
Many people prefer mirrored videos. I don't like it as it feels wonky😂.
Great to see these amazing pens. Thanks Samuel! I hope to visit StyleOfZug one day as i keep visiting Zurich for my other hobby 😉
I added the Sailor Mouko to my small, modest, collection earlier in the week (number 484 a nice palindromic number). The Naginata Togi MF nib is interesting to write with. I am still exploring the way lines vary with the pen angle.
I personally love fine and extra fine nibs, but the size of the King of Pen is such that I don't mind the Sailor M at all (I have the blue and green Iro Miyabi first year). Re Wancher, Revolving Pens has a video "Fountain pen marketing and advertising: how we can be misled" that covers the issue with them well.