Nicely done! I've been ringing for 4 months now and I'm currently learning basic call changes. One interesting thing I've noticed here, is that most of you seem to keep the rope coiled in your hands whilst ringing.
Hi Max, yes, if the ropes are too long, always a coil, we don't ring any where near the balance, also in Devon, it's not common practice to put a knot in the rope.
Yeah there are a couple learners here and they use that bell to teach them sounds cool when it does that btw do you mean hand stroke or as it's coming down from backstroke
Merry Christmas.
As always your ringing was splendid, but rather you than me! Will be good when the bells are re-hung and rung from a gallery, not nearly so scary!
Nicely done! I've been ringing for 4 months now and I'm currently learning basic call changes. One interesting thing I've noticed here, is that most of you seem to keep the rope coiled in your hands whilst ringing.
Hi Max, yes, if the ropes are too long, always a coil, we don't ring any where near the balance, also in Devon, it's not common practice to put a knot in the rope.
@@ryantrout6094 the bells at hatherleigh are very nice bells in fact im going to ring there once the work is done
The two at backstroke goes ting.
Yeah there are a couple learners here and they use that bell to teach them sounds cool when it does that btw do you mean hand stroke or as it's coming down from backstroke