Most informative and good to hear of your experiences....from days in uniform, do you find it can be a strain how lax how so many in transport or, logistics as its now called, are? Seems doing it right can be an unexpected surprise...Piss Poor Planning etc? One benefit of the disorganised is, lots work as loads so often messed or missed? Anyhow, like you, nights is what I work, CE doing store deliveries...lots of physio to keep fit and better maintained units......agree, newbie is a drag as every firm is different and thinks its has the only way of doing stuffs.
working for a company is a pain in the a... not good pay and lot of stress and good companyes got theyre drivers already. I think agency is less hours because if work more the firm need pay more to the agency and they want to get rid off you and go home as soon as possible
Thanks. Very informative and I hope you’re trip goes well.
nice video mate im following along! 😀
Love these vlogs 👌🏼
Most informative and good to hear of your experiences....from days in uniform, do you find it can be a strain how lax how so many in transport or, logistics as its now called, are? Seems doing it right can be an unexpected surprise...Piss Poor Planning etc? One benefit of the disorganised is, lots work as loads so often messed or missed? Anyhow, like you, nights is what I work, CE doing store deliveries...lots of physio to keep fit and better maintained units......agree, newbie is a drag as every firm is different and thinks its has the only way of doing stuffs.
working for a company is a pain in the a... not good pay and lot of stress and good companyes got theyre drivers already. I think agency is less hours because if work more the firm need pay more to the agency and they want to get rid off you and go home as soon as possible
Like then scanias to.
Ditto, best switch gear, layout and quiet compared to the rest.
Driven a class 2 for 5 year all kinds passed class 1 3 weeks again can’t get a job know where without class 1 experience
keep trying
Would agency truck drive work as a second job to earn a bit of cash on the side?
Agency trucking will be your main job.
Could definitely do it as a part time job too. I used to before I went full time.