Exactly. Yet another issue that they get away with because they are the BBC or just linked to them in a minor way. Seen comments where they think you maybe more likely to get a warrant if removing their rights of access. A case of your using that because your guilty approach mostly without genuine evidence though.
@@stubones Errr, I think maybe you need to read the act as enforcement and harassment are very different things, and although the BBC haven't found themselves to my knowledge, prosecuted to date, it could easily be argued the methods they have been using could be harassment. I suspect the only reason they get away with it is the letters ordinarily are addressed to the occupier and not a specific person. That said an argument could still be made.
Great information. I cancelled my TV licence some 3 yrs ago as it was an absurd and unjust and extortionate £159 for generally a load of rubbish and mostly boring programmes. Best thing I ever did.
I used this a year after I cancelled my license. I had already had five officers being quite aggressive with me. As a single woman with vulnerabilities I was very distressed about this. A policeman friend told me about WOIRA and I used it on the next visit. They refused to leave, I called 101 and reported them. Two officers were prosecuted for aggravated trespass and I haven't been bothered since 2006.
Nasty thugs. You probably would have legitimately been entitled to compensation for the way you were treated. Extracting money from these scum is the only real way to hurt them and make them caution acting in such a manner in future. They forget they are public servants, and that we pay them to protect and serve, not take advantage and bully.
They are usually badged by the Security Industries association, ( the same organization that governs doorstaff and bailiffs ) so if they've been prosecuted, the SIA registration will of been revoked and they would no longer be able to be employed within those industries. ( because you need an in date SIA badge ).
I've informed them that I have no issue with officers visiting my property to carry out checks. I must inform you that I charge a £150 entry fee and a £150 interview. this money must be paid on the day of the visit and inspection.
If they don't want people using their service without paying then it is their responsibility to put it behind a paywall or encrypt it as it's digital. What they are doing is extortion.
Thanks for making these videos. I cancelled my TV licence today after I'd finished watching a video you uploaded a few days ago. I was one of the 19%. Times are tough and the money I'm going to save from not paying a TV licence is going to make a real difference to me.
I cancelled years ago. I had four visits in the space of about a year. Say nothing after they say your address and shut the door. The fourth time the goon said "Mr...." i just closed the door. That was years ago....they will give up. Don't get annoyed with the letters...one a month...just sling them. It costs Capita to send them😉
I cancelled a couple of licences on 2 properties a few years back and expected prompt repayment of the excess, which I did not receive promptly. I issued a small claim online for about £35 for the sum plus inconvenience. They failed to file an acknowledgement or defence and I had a default judgment. They then tried to wriggle out of it and I threatened enforcement, they paid up in full and promptly. It was a nice little twist.
I've had awful problems with this in the past. The problem arose based on the fact that I don't own a TV, or watch any associated channels. While I own a laptop and watch Netflix, or UA-cam, from time to time, I prefer to read or listen to music. To protest the pending fine, I was forced to allow the intimidating TV licensing officers into my property as it was the only way of proving that I didn't have a TV. This is definitely a case of being guilty until proven innocent.
I have been summoned to court twice for alleged TV licence evasion. I defended myself and spent many hours in the library studying the law surrounding the subject. I beat them both times. It wasn't hard because I was innocent. No apology, no compensation just the stress and anxiety caused from thugs trying to use the courts to gouge money out of me that they are not entitled to.
Or you could just get a licence which, in the grand scheme of things, a fantastic deal that makes BBC television the envy of the world. (Take that from an american who has to pay at least 5x the UK licence fee amount for cable TV which is mostly advert-filled junk.)
@@mb-3faze The argument that you should just pay for a licence when you do not need one so that you can subsidise other people watching the BBC's shite is ridiculous.
I cancelled my TV licence many years ago - I got rid of the TV too and stopped watching it. The goons started with threatening letters “You ARE a criminal. You WILL be prosecuted”. Then they started with the visits. I worked away from home a lot - and they started turning up often quite late in the evening when my wife was in, alone. She got very fed up with this. One goon turned up late and demanded to search the house. She said we have no TV. (We hadn’t) he said if he searched the house and found no TV, he would record this fact and the visits would stop. She let him in and he searched the house. I was FURIOUS when I found out. Both with the goon and my wife for letting him in (there was no warrant). I read her the riot act. About two weeks later another goon visited, so the guy who searched the house was obviously a liar, he hadn’t done anything. I flipped, contacted a solicitor and threatened legal action for harassment. I haven’t had a visit since and that was about 15 years ago…
You sound like a bully yourself....how dare you read your wide the riot act !!! I bet she would like a TV.....you watch it in the hotels you stay in I bet
Yes, I had a second home for work that we only used during the week. We never had time to watch TV (or even have one) during the week so we decided not to have a TV license. We had the inspector around a few times, each time explaining the situation. On the last time, we told them they were no longer allowed to come to the property (should have said implied right of access). They never came back.
Thank you so much for this information. I cancelled my tv licence some time ago because I do not watch or record live TV or any BBC programmes. Since informing the licence authority of this I have been warned I may be visited by one of their 'enforcers', which I find offensive. If I surrender my driving licence I am quite sure the DVLA will not be knocking my door every few months to check.
Particular thanks for this video @BlackBeltBarrister. Our disabled adult daughter who lives alone doesn’t need a TV License but due to her mental health conditions wouldn’t be able to handle any intimidating inspector visits, so on balance she decided to keep paying, a protection racket she can ill afford…. With this advice we are helping her to immediately cancel her license and issue the notice of withdrawal of implied consent. Pure gold information. Thank you so much
To be fair, if you just let them know you don't need a licence they leave you alone for 12 months. Alternatively, I just ignore the letters. They have never visited.
@@Trenchfoot1 Not true in my experience. I moved into a flat after slitting from my wife and decided I wouldn't have a TV due to only intending to stay 6 months. I received a letter from TV Licencing addressed to 'The Occupier'. I responded to their questions and explained I didn't have a TV so didn't have a licencee. They pestered me with letters saying people tell them this and therefore they would be considering a visit to confirm I was telling the truth. I got letters from them every now and again threatening a visit. I just ignored them because I didn't have a TV. But they didn't leave me alone.
Some "enforcers" bring warrants on an Ipad. What's that all about? And false warrants ARE being used. My mate phoned the court he was told the case would be to check if there was a case in his name and there wasn't. You would do well to teach us about the perjury act 1911 section 5a. Thanks for what you do 😊
It's really easy... If you get mail that hasn't got your name on it THROW IT AWAY If a stranger knocks on your door DON'T OPEN IT (or speak to them at all.) Finally, revoking implied rights of access may arouse suspicion and be the basis of a court issued warrant. I, personally, wouldn't take this step. Don't give these people any ammunition at all.
I agree - That was my opinion also. Removing their access may give them a 'heads up' that that house might be breaking the law. I still hold that 'no contact whatsoever' is the best policy.
Totally agree. Many people can't help it, either could I when i was young. I did actually do the no license needed for the first two years then cound't be bothered with it, now the letters go straight to the bin. I actually don't watch live tv, or very much tv for that matter though.
I had one of these letters about 18 months ago. So far their investigation has gone from 'knowing the name of the person resident at this address' to 'NOT knowing the name of the person resident at this address', amazing investigative skills. 18 months, loads of threat-o-grams and zero door knocks.
Ive done the full cycle of bullying tactics twice now and it always goes full circle back to the start where I become the occupier lol. Remove the implied right of access and confirmed by appointment only, by putting up a notice. You be cool.
Hi. This was so interesting. I just got a old shop in Scotland which I'm converting back to a house. It has a metal fence and gate 50 feet from the house. I will be contacting BBC about this now as my brother who I care for has mental illness and he only sees doctors. So the gate is closed all the time to stop him from panicking. So thank you for the information. Great work. Martin
Given the letters are threatening and use misleading language, wouldn't it be more simply to all pile on and mass send complaints to Ofcom about this? Any other company using such tactics would be very much subject to adjust their tone and communicate with correct information on threat of high penalties if they don't improve.
How can I appear suspicious, by exercising my right and invoking the removal of implied right of access? Do you appear to be suspicious when walking down the street. Your talking nonsense.
This is actually a con, removing their right of implied access actually then impedes their job and by impeding their job it makes it EASIER for them to get a warrant to then come to your property. Its an old trick that even the bbc used to use to gain access easier. What you have to remember about certain people is, is that they habe sworn an oath to certain bodies and will always remain loyal to them
or you have another reason not to be bothered by them eg work nights? wakes a small child? work from home? Value your privacy? or in my case... Ive been assaulted twice by the thugs forcing their way in.
it like if any cuntry go around the world invading and k!lling Irakis, you'd call them terr0rists yet in UK that's perfectly normal, Bla!ir even got knighted. That's how you know how f'd up UK really are.
It IS demanding money with menaces! It's unbelievable. You are deemed guilty before you can ever get a chance to be proved innocent (& why should you ?) Owning a TV is NO longer the base criteria so proving you are transgressing their rules is even more difficult. It's all way past the point of no return. Give it up and move on, BBC, but don't get me to pay even part of something I'm NOT INTERESTED IN!
I wouldn't mind paying for a tv licence if the BBC was a truly national broadcaster, its programmes were of better quality, and it wasn't woke, left wing, and anti-British.
Oh let me tell you about Italy and the "canone RAI". RAI the TV company decided that their service is essential, and as such EVERYONE that has a TV or ANY device that can connect to the internet must pay the yearly licensing fee. Every household must pay it unless you prove through a lawyer that you do not in fact own anything on any radio frequency, signal or internet that COULD POSSIBLY connect to their channels or radio. If you do not pay you get a 500€ fine. Since Renzi we now get it forced automatically on our electricity bill.
Be careful with sending a WOIRA, it puts you on their radar, I had a friend do it 3 or 4 years ago, once received they proceeded to get a warrant which they executed, fabricated the events and proceeded to prosecute him, he eventually won but it was an awful experience.
I don't have many friends .. so when the TV man comes to visit i'm positively overjoyed!! We can talk about his hobbies, where he has come from, how many pets he has etc etc. Can't wait for his next sheduled visit! 😂
@@trueriver1950the Jehovah’s witnesses won’t visit me any more. I believe they keep a list of ‘door not to knock on’. I don’t know what the problem is, I just used to chat to them for an hour or two - mostly about the history of the Jehovah’s witnesses and how much the narrative has has to change over the last hundreds years or so because their predictions of doom, gloom and armageddon kept not coming to pass. Seems to really annoy them, for some reason, but I was only showing an enthusiastic interest 😯
I declare that I don't need a license and I genuinely don't. No letters, no visits, no nothing from them other than an email once every two years asking me if my status has changed. It takes two minutes to fill out the form and is ultimately a lot less hassle.
Same here. While you shouldn't have to spend your own time telling them you don't need a licence I don't want to run the risk of getting a knock at the door when I've just done a night shift!
I’m the same, been licence free for about 6 years now. No letters not had one single visit (unless they have turned up while I have been at work) all I get is an email every couple of years
This is what I have done for the last 10 years as I don't need a TV Licence. I do my application online. Takes two minutes to fill out. I think I had a TV Licence goon around once in that 10 years. I told him I was registered as not needing a licence, he said sorry and left.
What amazes me is that TV licensing think they have a right to do this! Bully boy tactics, especially if you aren't doing anything wrong! People watch tv in different ways now, and its about time they caught up. If I used to have netflix and cancelled my subscription, I didn't watch netflix, they don't send the "heavy mob" round. Badly done TV licensing! It has made me want to give up mine because we don't watch live TV and I rarely watch BBC, and can definitely do without it. I wouldn't pay this much per year for something I very rarely watch with any other tv programme supplying service! Thank you for making your videos!!
I do the same, wasting time and resources is the best way to drain these bullies, and its fun, and whilst your wasting there time, you've probably saved 1 or 2 people from a visit by these bullies.
I love the visits and their threatening letters, I smile every time I receive one as I know they just wasted some money that they will never get back from me! It's great! I would love to know all the money they wasted chasing me around for nothing! Been about 25 years worth now, keep it coming I say! :)
After the death of my husband of 58 years I received a letter from the BBC telling me I needed at tv licence before I had even buried him. I was distraught.
I sent them (the BBC and Capita) a WOIRA (Withdrawal of implied rights of access) Notice with a letter advising trespassers of a £1500 fine 10yrs ago, they've never been back since. Also never admit or give your name, and send all letters identifying yourself as the Legal Occupier. A Legal Occupier can't be taken to court, they need your name!
Never send a WOIRA....just ignore them...do you want to be unlucky enough to be subjected to a malicious search warrant. Or at best have it ignore...in which case you've pissed in the wind?
You do not have the legislative power to issue a fine, you do have the power to issue an invoice provided the terms of the charges were adequately set out in advance. This is the same reason why a bill from a private parking firm for parking is an invoice not a fine they are demanding the money under the terms of the implied contract not under legislation.
True. Wrong choice of wording. My letters have proven bullet proof though as I have had one visit in 10yrs, and they ran away once I produced the WOIRA Notice copy letters.
@@johnshaw8013 Hello John. I'm confused. Are you saying you notified them of WOIRA but that they still visited you? Because I thought from the video they had a system to stop that happening? Or am I missing something. Thanks
They have virtually no way of knowing that you might be watching TV without a licence. That's a massive problem for them, and therefore they have to use "tactics" to get you to buy a licence. Those of us who are not required to own a TV licence because we don't watch live TV or use iPlayer can lead them a merry dance, and cause them to waste time and money.
"virtually" Actually, more like. There is *literally* no method to know you are using a TV to pick up aerial signals without violating your privacy, which is illegal. Position your TV so it can't be seen from the outside. Set your volume so it can't be heard outside. The only way they will know for sure is if you let them in your house and turn on the TV for them, or they violate your rights.
Thank you for this video! We stopped watching BBC content probably 10 years ago, and use a variety of subscription services instead. My wife used to respond to their letters, but since I asked her to stop, we have received a series of letters escalating the level of implied threat. This, I perceive to be bullying tactics, marketing by threat. Why do we put up with this? No other (legal) organisation sells its wares by threatening it's potential customers! Anyway, in response to your video, I have just emailed TV licensing with a notice of WOIRA, thank you for the elegant solution to my issue!
They might stop visiting until they visit with a warrant, removing the implied right of access is really poor advice unless you are being hassled by continual goon visits and most people only get them if they haven't told capita they don't need a licence, if you cancel or inform them you don't need a licence most folks will not have any problems.
@@melvinplant8637 IF they come with a warrant, then you're going to have to let them in, but, in order to get a warrant they need to have probable cause, so the question would be what have you done to give them that? I've had no issues and no more letters since. If they showed up with a warrant and an enforcing Officer, then of course I would give them access upon which they would find precisely nothing because I don't use their services. My actions were simply a reaction to their attempts at proxy marketing by threat and I told them that in a very detailed email so if they want to waste the time and money raising a warrant and borrowing a bobby then they can have at it, but I think from their entire lack of reaction that they've got the point. No skin off my nose either way.
One additional action. After informing no license requirement, you can request all details relating to you as a person be removed from their records (which does then leave the address only as public information), and that no permission is granted to use this information for any purpose. Reason for this is that the 'enforcement officer' is a third party, and hence any passing on of your information will be a contravention of your privacy and subject to proceedings.
Yes I removed my implied right of access around 5 years ago. I have not owned a television set since 2014, I do not watch live broadcast TV or BBC iPlayer. I got fed up with their threatening letters, told them by phone, I do not need a TV licence and withdrew their implied right of access. I also told them they will need to have concrete evidence of me watching TV if they turn up with a search warrant, as I will make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission for a breach of my human rights, for obtaining a search warrant through perjury. I have documentation from the BBC which confirms they are subject to Human Rights legislation when acting in an enforcement role. The search warrant application process is subject to PACE requirements, as is the execution and premises search. RIPPA regulations also are applicable in that case as well.
The reason for the reference number when you move is so they can start visiting your old address to make visits on any new tenant. Otherwise there may be loads of houses they can't visit
Just so people here in Scotland know that we don't have these problems. Here you gave privacy laws which means that once you tell them to leave and not come back the most they can do from that point is send letters. You don't need to quote the denied rights of access or any of that you simply tell them to leave the premises and not come back. They are confined to sending threatening letters from then on out and that's what they do on purpose so you contact them. If you contact them they automatically put you on a three year reset so within 2yr they will be back at your door. The police in Scotland now no longer back Capita up even in the event of a warrant being issues so you'd need to have threatened someone at Capita for the police to accompany them here, the police here are now strictly only accompanying them to prevent a breach of the peace nothing more. The warranty they have is nothing but a piece of toilet paper in Scotland you can refuse entry to your own property and they cannot do a thing about it. It requires a proper warranty to force entry and that's strictly the polices job here. The problem for Capita in Scotland is A. Scottish people hate the BBC with a passion, police and all. B. You have actual privacy laws for your property which includes being near windows and anywhere you can see in the main living quarters (this alone messes up their ability to even look in your property after you issued the first warning to leave) so therefore if you've issued them with the warning not to enter the premises again then they cannot get any sort of warranty as there is no possible way to have collected the evidence legally at that point onwards. C. The police won't back them up at all now unless it's extreme cases where serious threats have been made. Sew the letters they send in Scotland, use them as toilet paper and send it back to them. That's what everyone I know does and If you want to know who I am.. well I'm the guy who's firm held the police In the Greater Glasgow area responsible for abuse of powers in correlation to helping Capita and their bogus search warrants. I was In the daily record and everything 😂
Let’s just remember this is the same organisation that said they had detector vans watching us all which was a complete lie ? I also pay my tv license but getting extremely angry about what they stand for
Great to see someone who holds a position like yourself be so down to earth and for the people...In these trying times where Tyranny is the word of the day to describe what the ruling classes are up to it would be great if you could maybe talk about Constitutional Law...That Law that has, by design, been airbrushed out of We The People's memory for the past 40 years...Most people don't even know, through no fault of their own that we even have a Constitution and are Sovereign beings..You could really help right now...
Yes it's the threatening tone to the more vulnerable & uninformed members of society - all funded by us. That's reason alone to get rid of the BBC. Still, I guess that they have to get Linker's ludicrous salary by some means, fair or foul.
They aren't actully misleading in the legal sense. If you read them carefully (ignoring the font size and colour) they are correct. YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW if you watch tv .... etc
@@pointer2null The letter actually shown in this video is misleading. It states “you must get correctly licensed” when you could be correctly unlicensed. This is specifically harassment as they are trying to force someone to do something they are not legally obliged to do. And if you don’t they threaten sending someone to you house (which they can do anyway) or “open an investigation”, which is clearly a threat. They try to claim they are not subject to to the Harassment Legislation as there is an exemption for “the detection of crime”. Although, letters are not capable of detecting something, this is the exemption they claim that allows them to mislead in those letters.
Recently received a "warning " letter from BBC license. I'm not bothered as royal mail gets their business. However there is the conflict of chucking it into the recycling bin immediately (not very carbon footprint friendly)
I had previously removed ‘implied right of access ‘ to my previous property, they still were able to access the communal building I previously lived in. I simply ignored their communication, that led to significant letters threatening me with possible prosecution, since i moved there has been no follow up.that said... if you get a visit, just close your door, don’t converse with them, at all
I know that at gated and access controlled uni dorms, TVL cannot get in. I had a friendly chat with security one night and they told us that they always turn TVL away and never grant them access. The only way they would be allowed on site would be if they had a warrant after getting proof you were watching television. However, that is highly unlikely to happen at a uni dorm, especially if you're on a higher floor where direct view from the window would be impossible. Fun trick though however, you are covered under the TV licence of your out of term home address as long as you watch the television on a device that is not connected to the mains. This is what allows you to watch iPlayer or live tv while on the go. This little qwerk is used in reverse by TVL to try and pressure business addresses into paying for a TV licence. They try to scare the business owner by telling them that should their staff or customer watch live TV on the premises, they require a TV licence. However, this is only true should someone plug their laptop or phone into charge while doing so.
Thank you for your explanation about the Implied Right of Access. I do have a TV licence and do not have problem with the BBC but had trouble with other organisations such as councils, fire brigade and water companies. Now I know where I stand. This video is a great help to understand where I am standing and what my rights are.
The courts obviously work for the big corporations to get said warrant. Otherwise warrants would be really difficult to get. Also the tv licence could be charged for harrasment and falsely claiming to be someone they arnt (they are salesmen not officers) to enter your house.
Sadly the courts , magistrate can be presented with bulk cases , adjudications of 100/500 Unless a defendant turns up to challenge such bulk applications are rubber stamped for enforcement en masse .
Thank you for your video presentations. They are logical, they avoid hype and invive people to reflect on the law and the good of civil society. You are a great teacher, thank you.
We in the UK love making new taxes, and never getting rid of them. The TV licence was originally only going to last only until the broadcast infrastructure for TV was rolled out to all the UK back in the day, they just carried it on. Just like we originally had road tax with the purpose to build our highways, then they gave it a name change and kept charging.
Years ago I had a TV licence man visit me at my workshop, I told him I did not have a TV on the premises as it was an industrial space manufacturing trailers. He would not listen and insisted that I should have a TV licence even if I did not have a TV. I showed him around despite him not being interested in looking, eventually he went away still saying that I should have a licence just in case some working for me brought in a portable TV, I pointed out that you could not hear a radio in there due to the noise I also told him that any one watching TV would not be working for me very long and quite likely never work again due to the various hazards such as moving machinery that required full attention. I think they must have had a quota to fill or something otherwise I do not see why he was so desperate to get me to get a TV licence for industrial premises.
Thank you sir, interesting again. Currently I still watch a small amount of TV and therefore I still purchase a TV license, however the amount has become so small that to stop, in favour of On Demand services is becoming much more attractive, hence my interest in these matters.
ive had visits from tv licencing officers twice im my life. both time i let them straight in to see with their own eyes that i didnt have an ariel hooked up to my tv and it was used primarily for dvds and games. i then got the satisfaction of marching him out of my property as soon as he had seen this. while being marched out he began trying to sell me the benifits of having a tv licence. you can find satisfaction in compliance, as it put me well on the right side of the encounter.
Hi, another great, informative and helpful clip. No TV and don't watch any online provider, just UA-cam which gives me all I need. Money is tight, no need for extra burdens, TV license, fines etc. WOIRA is interesting and the difference with a warrant needs note, thanks. Having seen many of the clips on YT where we watch goons etc, I always feel the Police are always on the side of those with the warrant (the often powerless enforcement officers), they try and manipulate the situation but it's clear what the intention is. Great vids always.
I game too much to watch live TV or BBC and what I have heard of them over the past few years, no thank you. I have seen a few videos of this channel now and you sir are a good soul. The effort you put into explaining and helping understanding the law, with the overall look of the channel is excellent. I am glued even when I have no involvement with the main topic. I wish you and the channel all the best for the future. Thank you.
I threw my telly in a skip in 2004 and never looked back. 90% or more of tv is shit and the rest is adverts where people you would despise irl lie and patronize the hell out of you about substandard products you don't need.
Thankyou for this latest video on the TV licence BBB, it balances things out a little more, makes things a little fairer, levels the playing field. And as god knows in this corrupt world we need all the fairness and balance we can get.. Once again thankyou for taking the time and giving this information.
In the days when the threatening harassment letters included a free post envelope I have been known to return said envelope attached to a house brick. I have since confessed this to several enforcement officers who tend to roll their eyes and walk away.
They haven't sent freepost envelopes for years now. They have a real cheek expecting you to use your own stationery and postage costs (pricey now), not to mention time, to tell them you don't need their crappy "service". The telephone number isn't even freephone, and doing it on the internet has data costs.
I live in Ireland and got rid of my TV over a decade ago. They sent me letters years ago and I was super polite, explained my lack of TV and invited them over for tea and biscuits. After a few letters they eventually asked me to send them a letter saying I had no TV and I've never heard from them from again.
Another excellent in-depth laymen's terms video from BBB on tv licencing. Could you do a more in-depth video on the tv licencing search warrants procedure, and how tv licencing obtains evidence as to whether you need a tv licence or not. Is it hard evidence, or can it be hearsay? And can the occupier challenge that evidence on their doorstep, and stop the search?
I removed Implied right of access 5+ years ago when an agent visited our house, we didn't give our name and received a letter stating they may contact us again in 5 years. Its been 5+ years without harassment!
I had a reminder that they need to keep their database up to date (3-5 yrs later).. After watching this vid it might have been good to note the current WROA number but disposed of it accordingly...
Very clear explanation of the legal position regarding both requirements for having a television licence and implied rights of access to ones property. Thank you.
Thank you for this information. I realise it's for information purposes only but nevertheless it's encouraging to have someone willing to convey our rights and level the playing field.
@@stevedawg9588 you do know BBB and chilli Jon are in correspondence with this subject, they tag each other in videos on the subject. Chilli is also tagged in the description for this video to offer his thoughts.
A thousand thank yous. Years ago I was intimidated verbally bullied by two door step ‘officials’. We had only just moved I was heavily pregnant and busy, completely forgot to renew our license…. was given a choice, prison or fine, paid the fine we could barely afford renewed licence and have ever since. No more though …..
If you ever feel like turning the tables on these so called inspectors follow them to their car and photograph their number plate, tell them you are then going to check that they have business insurance on their motor vehicles, I guarantee they won't have it as it's a lot more expensive than standard insurance.
I've received lots of Capita letters threatening a visit by an "enforcement officer" on a certain date but they never arrive. I had four visits over a few months years ago when I first cancelled the telly tax but said nothing and shut the door. Not had a goon at my door since and I bin their letters.
Thanks for confirming locked gates are where implied access stops. Best money we ever spent was gating the property, done initially to keep our friendly dogs in but since fitted we get almost no odd callers of any description.
@@gittin_funky Mail box set into the pedestrian side gate when it was made, simple intercom mounted above which rings a dedicated phone in the house, neither of these are expenive things. Trust me this is some of the wisest money you will ever spend, along with cameras and a pro alarm system, its not about making your home a fortress its about detering undesirables, keeping TV licence salesmen away is just a side bonus.
@@lewlewis6511 ah i see. Do you have to lock the gate to have implied right of access removed? or is closed with slide bolt enough? do you put any signs e.g. no canvasing etc
@@gittin_funky Both the main car access gates and the pedestrian gate have inbuilt locks, they are never left unlocked as our friendly dogs roam the premises freely, anyone entering has either broken a lock or have climbed over the gates, presumably if the gate was left unlocked implied right of access might apply. No need for signs, we live at the end of a quiet cul de sac so people passing isn't an issue.
@@lewlewis6511 ok thanks. We have car gates and pedestrian gates but they are not locked. we just have a slide bolt that anyone can open. I guess I would need a sign up to remove implied access? We also deliveries of all sizes coming daily so not sure a mailbox would work for us
Excellent info Yes I withdrew the implied right of access (in different terms, I know know the correct words to use) with some builders constructing new homes adjacent to mine who were rude and offensive when I took pictures of their unsafe activities, to prevent them setting foot on my property or knocking my door.
Do not withdraw their implied right of access! This will only give them an opportunity to apply for a warrant stating that your removal of the implied right is a suspicious thing to do. A judge will often sign a warrant, given that you have "suspiciously" removed their implied right. Keep your address as a "black hole" (things come in through the letter box, or knock on the door, but nothing ever goes out, including information).
@@Mora41 good luck :) , i tried informing them that i don't need or want a licence, but after a little while (maybe just over a year) i started getting flooded with letters again. Point is that they may or may not pursue you, but i say, just be the address that never replies or even opens the door. Do not stick your head above the parapet. You might get away with it, but you may not.
@Dougal Douglas Yes, you do, but it does not stop them from making an application on them grounds. Then it just depends on the judge, and they will always side with the bbc/Capita.
Good one. I haven't had a TV for the last 12 years, and the cable terminates at my front door. Regarding the stamp, I don't ever buy from Amazon. However, I did find the item on eBay, and it was cheaper than Amazon! With 6 refills as well.
Another 23 minutes well spent. 👍 Thanks BBB I had a visit from a licence "officer" quite a few years ago, he wanted access to my flat and others in the block, but when he couldn't show a warrant he was politely asked to do one. He did look through my living room window to ascertain I was a gamer and didnt watch tv. Having moved since, I have RTS'd the letters annotating " unsolicited mail" . I have yet to receive a visit, as I'm hoping that they get the drift that we in our household dont require a licence.
I occasionally return mine unopened and annotated "unsuccessful extortion attempt. return to sender." But mostly they just go in the recycling, also unopened.
I've followed your videos for at least a year and found them very informative. Some constructive feedback - The recent videos meander somewhat and are not as well scripted as the earlier ones, It makes following them and benefiting from your expertise harder. Clear and concise, especially in points of law, was always your trademark for me.
I have never removed the right of access but your talk on the matter has caused me to think about whether this would be good to stop cold callers. I do have and always have had a TV Licence. I have heard of some people using a 'Lien', to stop various unwanted visitors from entering their property and or trying to remove items they own. They have also used a 'Lien' to stop, for example, Utility Companies and Council Tax agents from extorting money from them. However, I don't really know much more than that but would be interested to learn if you were to cover this subject. Last not least, thank you very much for giving your valuable time and informative talks. Very much appreciated.🙏
Some time ago I had removed the right of access from T V licencing when they came round I was asked to give my name for their records which I declined to give bout a week or so later I received through the post from the BBC confirming the rights removed. Personally I think if they have a name they then have someone to possibly go after through the courts system as opposed to using The Occupier
Would it be useful to put a sign on your door removing the implied right of access? Is there a template for this? What about communal areas behind a secured communal door - in flats?
I just read that the BBC in response to a FOI , have stated that there is NO withdrawal of the common law of right of access for TV licensing officers to approach my property and WOIRA is NOT recognised under Scottish Law 😮 How can I legally get around this ?
Simple. Get your Scottish Government to give you Scottish Residents the Right to Withdraw Implied Rights of Access. Either that, or move to England, Ireland or Wales.
Got two gates both with notices on 'No cold callers etc etc', one Lic Off'r, female, called while I was out, she ignored the notices but left her calling card😌 .... I'll now formally inform them via WOIRA and trust that it will work. I don't use TV (the set is used for playing DVD's if at all) but the lack of a definitive list of proscribed uses via UA-cam is the only grey area for me. Today's live/mainstream TV is very easy to leave behind, it is pathetic!
Thank you for this information. I opted out of the TV license when I moved into my rented property in 2021. Up to now, July 2023 I have not received any letter from TV licensing in regard to my opt out. After watching your video, I will revoke their right of access if and when they send me a reminder letter. Keep up the good work.
The best defence against ANY unwanted person on your doorstep is a video doorbell. The cheapest and most effective way to protect your ID from post or packaging is a match. Burnt paper & cardboard is high in carbon and phosphorous so is great for the compost heap.
On names being requested. About five years ago I kept getting the TV license letters (addressed to "Legal Occupier") for years but no visits so I snapped at the waste of the Earth's Resources and filled in the online declaration that I didn't need one. A week later I had my first agent visit - who was armed with my name.
I worked for my local crown court for 15 years executing various warrants every day (not for tv licence evasion), for us a warrant without a court seal was nothing more than a piece of paper and unenforceable, part of my job was to ensure all warrants had a court seal on them prior to any visit.
Do TV licencing fall into the realm of door to door cold calling? Are they doorstep selling? If so, could we not just put a notice on the window saying no cold callers?
YES As these so called Enforcement Officers are basically just TV Licence sales people they fall under the heading of plain old Cold Callers. [unless as mentioned they actually have a valid live warrant for your address]. So nip over to that wonderful auction site and get yourself either a No Cold Callers sign or a Removal of Implied Right of Access sign and stick up outside your house (best on the outer wall of your property or your gate/gatepost ) I personally have a rigid sign fixed to our gates and anyone calling at the house is simply informed about the sign they have just walked passed and ignored and they soon turnaround and move on. 😊 The BBC are a corrupt and out of date organisation that in my opinion should be shut down once and for all given their near continuous moral failure of scandal after almost weekly scandal which they put more effort into brushing under the carpet to try to keep things quite instead of maintaining any form of moral decency. TBH they, the BBC are a left over from the morally corrupt past of big British Corporations ... a bit of an Old Boys club so the only way to deal with this old dinosaur is to put it out of our misery by everyone voting with your wallets, stop watching their drivel and cancel your licence. You know it makes sense so what's stopping you. 🤔
I sent one of these letters back and told them I had already notified them that I don't need a licence and I told them I have no intention of repeating the same thing over and over again and that I only have to tell them once. I pointed out that I know the law about the requirement for a TV licence and I didn't need them to keep reminding me of the law, I also told them that if they keep harassing me about it I would take legal action against them. I have not heard a thing since and that was about two and a half years ago, it could be a couple of months either way.
Some employees of capita, have been known to break every rule in the book regards gaining entry to properties without a warrant, and I have witnessed this myself.
I would be grateful if you could clarify the part of section 7.3 please, as it appears to imply that if you don't reply to any letters that they send, they consider that the WOIRA status of the property has been removed. Interesting and informative as always.
Your info is wrong. I never respond to any letters. All their letters just say "Legal Occupier". All they know is the property has nobody living in it full time or even at all. Its legal to have a license for your main address and still be covered at a secondary address if its only occupied occasionally. They can't get a warrant for that scenario which is exactly the scenario i have set for TVL
If i can point out that some of those Identity Theft Protection Rollers are useless. I had one some time ago and although they look good and work good as the ink dries out your details become visible. I guess the cheaper ones are the useless ones so please be carefull and fully test them before disposing of any personal stuff. Now i just cut my details off and shred them. Great idea and thank you Daniel for showing it 🙂
I like you rip off the address part of junk mail, I then put that bit with my important mail to be shredded, soaked then balled at a later date. Cannot be too careful eh👍
The reason they give you the option to tell them you have moved and transfer your WOIRA is so they know they can start sending people round to the original address because there are new people there.
In the US no company can come to your house to collect a debt (they aren’t able to get a warrant), even the government can’t do that without a warrant. Private companies have to serve you with a civil court case and if they prevail and get a judgment they can only go after your bank account if you have one.
After seeing this I wonder if you would explain a similar thing that I encountered? Visits by debt collecters calling themselves bailiffs and warrant officers. I live in an HMO and we often get letters addressed to people that were prior tenants. I send them back with a note on the envelope explaining that the person does not live here (I have lived in the house 8 years). One day I returned home to find a printed sheet in the mailbox explaining that an "officer" had called and it provided a mobile number to call, to arrange a visit. I called the number to explain that the person does not live here, only to be told to call the office number, the person could not discuss the case with me. I did so, only to be told that I had to prove that I am the current tenant. I told them to check the voting registry, and that I was not obliged to prove who I was, as this is what their agency is paid to do. I was told that the visits would countinue if I didn't comply with them. I then told them that if another of their "agents" turned up and disturbed me, that I would call the police to remove them.
Thank you for these videos - very helpful, and very interesting to see the BBC policy on WOIRA. I withdrew the implied right of access for TV Licencing in Februrary 2009, and this was acknowledged by them. I hope I'm not tempting fate, but I've never had a visit from TVL in the subsequent 14 years.
Considering the warning letters that they are happy to send out, how can you tell if a warrant is correct or a self printed company letter that is legal. After the event, they could say they were invited in.
Film them and continuously reject the warrant. If they have a real warrant, they do not need your permission to enter. That's the point of a warrant, that a court has granted them permission. If they don't enter, and they just keep requesting permission, then the warrant is faked and they _know_ it's faked.
This is an extremely bad idea because we do know BBC TV Licensing do use WOIRA as an excuse to obtain a search warrant with a naive Magistrate, its not hard to become TV Licence free you just ignore them and they can’t do a thing. One of our members did first test the waters back in 2006/7 and did have a search warrant issued on him hence why we’ve never advised anyone to do it. Also, the new style letter isn’t new its just rare they tend to only send it out once a cycle, think of the letters aka threat o’grams as bait
I used to let them in every year and was very funny watching them try so hard to get a live signal from a PC at the time. This then changed when I was sent a very nasty letter one year and while I am not easily offended I was 35 at the time and felt sick to my stomach with what it was literally threatening in red writing. Now had this of been sent to an elderly person i am pretty sure they may of had a heart attack. From this point I removed right of access to the property and in ten years have not been visited so far. I have seen many different types of letter, normally one a week but thankfully never that nasty thing they sent that made me put my foot down. If I ever come across the letter I will have to post it online as pretty sure I still have it stored somewhere.
Why can't somebody produce a black box that you can plug in your TV which would block the signal being received, wouldn't that make life easier. Half the antiques programmes my missus watches are repeats of repeats and should be exempt anyway.
Thank you for a very clear explanation in every video, love your channel. If someone knows, is there an easy way, for example online, to verify the authenticity of a warrant as it is executed, or after it was executed?
I have placed on the door to my bungalow, handwritten. In black felt tip: PARCELS AND POST PLEASE KNOCK. and in red felt tip: COLD CALLERS PLEASE DON'T. Does this count as withdrawal of implied access. There is no gate or fence. Thank you.
As someone who is legally licence free, I think I may do this when the end of my ‘no licence needed’ notification ends. It would be interesting to know the status of a warrant if the ‘enforcement’ officer gathered evidence whilst within the area covered by the removal of implied right of access? I.E had a look through the window of a property after going through a gate.
If they intentionallymlook through your window to see if you are watching TV that evidence is inadmissible in court as it was gathered by commiting a criminal act. You have a right to privacy in your own house you could be in that room getting changed or you could be a woman lets say breast feeding you have the right to that privacy. This is why they need you to answer the door because hearing lets say the tea time news is usable or asking you questions ie did you see the murder on eastenders last night shocking wasn't it are all ploys they use to get evidence and or admission, although they have been know to just get you to sign that you called and you actually signed a form saying you admit to watching live TV. This is why removing implied right is a good option, and those saying about they use it as an admission for a warrant I think BBB will agree that is not grounds that any court should accept for issuing a warrant.
You can watch live TV without a licence if it's not in your property. eg at a friend's or say in a licenced public space. For your mental health I would advise never watching BBC at any point. Avoid MSM. They are all propaganda channels. Don't talk to the Goon's.Tell them through the letter box to leave your premises immediately. Or put a notice on your gateway removing the implied right of access.
The courts are on the side of capita on this one, you remove right of access capita easily convince the courts that they suspect you are committing an offence, best advice if you want no hassle is make sure you cancel your licence properly, don't just stop paying it else you will get letters and visits, go online and cancel telling them you do not use their services, you still get a refund of any money owing, do not remove implied right of access as they see that as obfuscation and it shines a light on your address, when you need to make sure you update your status as not needing a licence and you won't have any bother.
@@knoxiemanI agree with what you are saying, I did the same thing back in 2016, since then I get a letter every few years ( I keep them all ) asking me if I need a license as yet, I just ring them up and tell them that nothing has changed and I still do not need a license, I never hear from any of their officers and never get any bother from the BBC at all, it’s great advice be straight, honest and open with them and they don’t bother you.
This license fee racket needs to be repealed.
The BBC is a disgrace.
If any other company used the same treatening measures that TVLicencing do, they would be procecuted for harassment.
Because they are protected by the communications act. Sadly.
Exactly. Yet another issue that they get away with because they are the BBC or just linked to them in a minor way.
Seen comments where they think you maybe more likely to get a warrant if removing their rights of access. A case of your
using that because your guilty approach mostly without genuine evidence though.
Can you imagine if some guy from netflix came to your house demanding entry because you didn't have a netflix subscription?
@@morteh48 How true, never thought of it like that. Shows just how corrupt they are.
@@stubones Errr, I think maybe you need to read the act as enforcement and harassment are very different things, and although the BBC haven't found themselves to my knowledge, prosecuted to date, it could easily be argued the methods they have been using could be harassment. I suspect the only reason they get away with it is the letters ordinarily are addressed to the occupier and not a specific person. That said an argument could still be made.
Great information. I cancelled my TV licence some 3 yrs ago as it was an absurd and unjust and extortionate £159 for generally a load of rubbish and mostly boring programmes. Best thing I ever did.
I used this a year after I cancelled my license. I had already had five officers being quite aggressive with me. As a single woman with vulnerabilities I was very distressed about this. A policeman friend told me about WOIRA and I used it on the next visit. They refused to leave, I called 101 and reported them. Two officers were prosecuted for aggravated trespass and I haven't been bothered since 2006.
I am now into my sixth year of no TV licence declarations and never had a visit.
Nasty thugs. You probably would have legitimately been entitled to compensation for the way you were treated. Extracting money from these scum is the only real way to hurt them and make them caution acting in such a manner in future. They forget they are public servants, and that we pay them to protect and serve, not take advantage and bully.
@@afropovic 💪🏻👍🏻
They are usually badged by the Security Industries association, ( the same organization that governs doorstaff and bailiffs ) so if they've been prosecuted, the SIA registration will of been revoked and they would no longer be able to be employed within those industries. ( because you need an in date SIA badge ).
Funny that I'm 6foot6 and big they haven't tried it on with me despite ignoring their letters and been sent letters with red ink on ....ohhh scary.
I've informed them that I have no issue with officers visiting my property to carry out checks. I must inform you that I charge a £150 entry fee and a £150 interview. this money must be paid on the day of the visit and inspection.
I will try that and see what happens ?Is that per person .
Also insist that they take their shoes off to enter your property.
Don't forget the daily compounded interest, until paid in full
@@charlestlawson6806 per brain cell
It is not the cost of a TV licence that is so important - it is the BBCs `Divine Right` to educate us politically!
If they don't want people using their service without paying then it is their responsibility to put it behind a paywall or encrypt it as it's digital. What they are doing is extortion.
How are they supposed to encrypt live television broadcast from any channel?
This is not just a BBC issue.
@@therealryan1329 How do you think Sky manage to do it? Or Virgin? Or Netflix?
If the bbc had to rely on subscription they’d go under.
@@therealryan1329 we do that in Canada, they just have to spend some money !!
That's their problem. I agree with the argument. It's agent provocateur otherwise.
Thanks for making these videos. I cancelled my TV licence today after I'd finished watching a video you uploaded a few days ago. I was one of the 19%. Times are tough and the money I'm going to save from not paying a TV licence is going to make a real difference to me.
I cancelled years ago. I had four visits in the space of about a year. Say nothing after they say your address and shut the door. The fourth time the goon said "Mr...." i just closed the door. That was years ago....they will give up. Don't get annoyed with the letters...one a month...just sling them. It costs Capita to send them😉
I also cancelled mine, though it renewed in January anyway and I didn't ask for a refund. I couldn't be arsed to chase that.
nearly 20 years ago here..
Well done mate. I've been licence free since 2008. Don't miss it for a moment.
I cancelled a couple of licences on 2 properties a few years back and expected prompt repayment of the excess, which I did not receive promptly. I issued a small claim online for about £35 for the sum plus inconvenience. They failed to file an acknowledgement or defence and I had a default judgment. They then tried to wriggle out of it and I threatened enforcement, they paid up in full and promptly. It was a nice little twist.
I've had awful problems with this in the past. The problem arose based on the fact that I don't own a TV, or watch any associated channels. While I own a laptop and watch Netflix, or UA-cam, from time to time, I prefer to read or listen to music. To protest the pending fine, I was forced to allow the intimidating TV licensing officers into my property as it was the only way of proving that I didn't have a TV. This is definitely a case of being guilty until proven innocent.
There was no pending fine, this was just a dishonest bullying tactic.
Fines only happen if you lose in a court. No one can randomly 'fine' you without a court hearing (civil)
They would have to prove you had one and watched live to, not up to you to prove you don’t, owning a tv means nothing
I have been summoned to court twice for alleged TV licence evasion. I defended myself and spent many hours in the library studying the law surrounding the subject. I beat them both times. It wasn't hard because I was innocent. No apology, no compensation just the stress and anxiety caused from thugs trying to use the courts to gouge money out of me that they are not entitled to.
Well done Sir!!
With what criteria were they using to get you to court in the first place? Thanks
Gonna press X on that one.
Or you could just get a licence which, in the grand scheme of things, a fantastic deal that makes BBC television the envy of the world. (Take that from an american who has to pay at least 5x the UK licence fee amount for cable TV which is mostly advert-filled junk.)
@@mb-3faze The argument that you should just pay for a licence when you do not need one so that you can subsidise other people watching the BBC's shite is ridiculous.
I cancelled my TV licence many years ago - I got rid of the TV too and stopped watching it. The goons started with threatening letters “You ARE a criminal. You WILL be prosecuted”. Then they started with the visits. I worked away from home a lot - and they started turning up often quite late in the evening when my wife was in, alone. She got very fed up with this. One goon turned up late and demanded to search the house. She said we have no TV. (We hadn’t) he said if he searched the house and found no TV, he would record this fact and the visits would stop. She let him in and he searched the house. I was FURIOUS when I found out. Both with the goon and my wife for letting him in (there was no warrant). I read her the riot act. About two weeks later another goon visited, so the guy who searched the house was obviously a liar, he hadn’t done anything. I flipped, contacted a solicitor and threatened legal action for harassment. I haven’t had a visit since and that was about 15 years ago…
You shouted to 12 people including your wife about the riot act then lol
You sound like a bully yourself....how dare you read your wide the riot act !!! I bet she would like a TV.....you watch it in the hotels you stay in I bet
Wife not wide
Yes, I had a second home for work that we only used during the week. We never had time to watch TV (or even have one) during the week so we decided not to have a TV license. We had the inspector around a few times, each time explaining the situation. On the last time, we told them they were no longer allowed to come to the property (should have said implied right of access). They never came back.
Thank you so much for this information. I cancelled my tv licence some time ago because I do not watch or record live TV or any BBC programmes. Since informing the licence authority of this I have been warned I may be visited by one of their 'enforcers', which I find offensive. If I surrender my driving licence I am quite sure the DVLA will not be knocking my door every few months to check.
No, but if you drive without a licence, they will find you...
@@christopherdean1326 of course, but they dont come to your door and try to intimidate you, for not wanting their service.
@@christopherdean1326 The point being that you have to actually break the law before you have to worry about them.
Particular thanks for this video @BlackBeltBarrister. Our disabled adult daughter who lives alone doesn’t need a TV License but due to her mental health conditions wouldn’t be able to handle any intimidating inspector visits, so on balance she decided to keep paying, a protection racket she can ill afford…. With this advice we are helping her to immediately cancel her license and issue the notice of withdrawal of implied consent. Pure gold information. Thank you so much
To be fair, if you just let them know you don't need a licence they leave you alone for 12 months. Alternatively, I just ignore the letters. They have never visited.
@@Trenchfoot1 Not true in my experience. I moved into a flat after slitting from my wife and decided I wouldn't have a TV due to only intending to stay 6 months. I received a letter from TV Licencing addressed to 'The Occupier'. I responded to their questions and explained I didn't have a TV so didn't have a licencee. They pestered me with letters saying people tell them this and therefore they would be considering a visit to confirm I was telling the truth. I got letters from them every now and again threatening a visit. I just ignored them because I didn't have a TV. But they didn't leave me alone.
@@Trenchfoot1 yep, I have been binning letters for 4 years now. UA-cam. WTG
At what point do these letters constitute harassment?
My autistic son is the same
Some "enforcers" bring warrants on an Ipad. What's that all about?
And false warrants ARE being used. My mate phoned the court he was told the case would be to check if there was a case in his name and there wasn't.
You would do well to teach us about the perjury act 1911 section 5a.
Thanks for what you do 😊
It's really easy...
If you get mail that hasn't got your name on it THROW IT AWAY
If a stranger knocks on your door DON'T OPEN IT (or speak to them at all.)
Finally, revoking implied rights of access may arouse suspicion and be the basis of a court issued warrant. I, personally, wouldn't take this step.
Don't give these people any ammunition at all.
I agree - That was my opinion also.
Removing their access may give them a 'heads up' that that house might be breaking the law.
I still hold that 'no contact whatsoever' is the best policy.
Totally agree. Many people can't help it, either could I when i was young. I did actually do the no license needed for the first two years then cound't be bothered with it, now the letters go straight to the bin. I actually don't watch live tv, or very much tv for that matter though.
“No contact” has worked for me for the last umpteen years!
Or just declare you don't need one using the online form.....
They need evidence for a warrant and they won't be able to gather any, without access to the property.
I had one of these letters about 18 months ago. So far their investigation has gone from 'knowing the name of the person resident at this address' to 'NOT knowing the name of the person resident at this address', amazing investigative skills.
18 months, loads of threat-o-grams and zero door knocks.
God bless government incompetence.
Same, it's kind of funny really
@@TonyRuleit's not Government though, it's a private company
I had a visit, told them no thanks and shut the door, but the letters after that just had , the legal occupier
Ive done the full cycle of bullying tactics twice now and it always goes full circle back to the start where I become the occupier lol. Remove the implied right of access and confirmed by appointment only, by putting up a notice. You be cool.
Hi. This was so interesting. I just got a old shop in Scotland which I'm converting back to a house. It has a metal fence and gate 50 feet from the house. I will be contacting BBC about this now as my brother who I care for has mental illness and he only sees doctors. So the gate is closed all the time to stop him from panicking. So thank you for the information. Great work. Martin
Given the letters are threatening and use misleading language, wouldn't it be more simply to all pile on and mass send complaints to Ofcom about this? Any other company using such tactics would be very much subject to adjust their tone and communicate with correct information on threat of high penalties if they don't improve.
No need to risk appearing suspicious by doing this. If a TV licence goon turns up just say 'no thank you' and close the door.
How can I appear suspicious, by exercising my right and invoking the removal of implied right of access? Do you appear to be suspicious when walking down the street. Your talking nonsense.
@@trevorbevan587 Opinions may differ.
This is actually a con, removing their right of implied access actually then impedes their job and by impeding their job it makes it EASIER for them to get a warrant to then come to your property.
Its an old trick that even the bbc used to use to gain access easier.
What you have to remember about certain people is, is that they habe sworn an oath to certain bodies and will always remain loyal to them
or you have another reason not to be bothered by them
eg work nights?
wakes a small child?
work from home?
Value your privacy?
or in my case... Ive been assaulted twice by the thugs forcing their way in.
I agree. Posting a sign attracts attention and can be seen as suspicious.
Can you please make a video on how to correctly identify a valid search warrant from a fake one, thanks.
If any other company used the tactics of TV licensing it would probably be deemed as demanding monies with menaces.
Very true
it like if any cuntry go around the world invading and k!lling Irakis, you'd call them terr0rists yet in UK that's perfectly normal, Bla!ir even got knighted.
That's how you know how f'd up UK really are.
It IS demanding money with menaces! It's unbelievable. You are deemed guilty before you can ever get a chance to be proved innocent (& why should you ?) Owning a TV is NO longer the base criteria so proving you are transgressing their rules is even more difficult. It's all way past the point of no return. Give it up and move on, BBC, but don't get me to pay even part of something I'm NOT INTERESTED IN!
And I agree 👍
Council tax anyone?
How a TV licence is even a thing is beyond me.
Its a Nazi thing just like Ukraine waste of life and wealth
I wouldn't mind paying for a tv licence if the BBC was a truly national broadcaster, its programmes were of better quality, and it wasn't woke, left wing, and anti-British.
Oh let me tell you about Italy and the "canone RAI". RAI the TV company decided that their service is essential, and as such EVERYONE that has a TV or ANY device that can connect to the internet must pay the yearly licensing fee. Every household must pay it unless you prove through a lawyer that you do not in fact own anything on any radio frequency, signal or internet that COULD POSSIBLY connect to their channels or radio. If you do not pay you get a 500€ fine. Since Renzi we now get it forced automatically on our electricity bill.
@@minefoxc4015oh so that's where those nitwits in polish gouverment took their idea from...
That’s nothing. Few years back we had window tax. So everyone had to brick up windows
Be careful with sending a WOIRA, it puts you on their radar, I had a friend do it 3 or 4 years ago, once received they proceeded to get a warrant which they executed, fabricated the events and proceeded to prosecute him, he eventually won but it was an awful experience.
Counter lawsuit?
Ask for investigation into perverting the course of justice. It's potentially up to life tariff so puts their puny allegations into context.
Malicious warrant. I'm sur😢e you could sue.
I don't have many friends .. so when the TV man comes to visit i'm positively overjoyed!! We can talk about his hobbies, where he has come from, how many pets he has etc etc. Can't wait for his next sheduled visit! 😂
I'm very similar to you jack, live by myself etc, and yes I do chat to people, on my doorstep
Made me chuckle, I'll definitely try this 👍
To be honest I would prefer a team visit by the Mornings and Jehovah's Witnesses to one from a TV licencing Muppet
@@trueriver1950the Jehovah’s witnesses won’t visit me any more. I believe they keep a list of ‘door not to knock on’. I don’t know what the problem is, I just used to chat to them for an hour or two - mostly about the history of the Jehovah’s witnesses and how much the narrative has has to change over the last hundreds years or so because their predictions of doom, gloom and armageddon kept not coming to pass. Seems to really annoy them, for some reason, but I was only showing an enthusiastic interest 😯
I declare that I don't need a license and I genuinely don't. No letters, no visits, no nothing from them other than an email once every two years asking me if my status has changed. It takes two minutes to fill out the form and is ultimately a lot less hassle.
Same here. While you shouldn't have to spend your own time telling them you don't need a licence I don't want to run the risk of getting a knock at the door when I've just done a night shift!
I’m the same, been licence free for about 6 years now. No letters not had one single visit (unless they have turned up while I have been at work) all I get is an email every couple of years
Same for me. I get a letter every now and again asking if anything has changed.
This is what I have done for the last 10 years as I don't need a TV Licence. I do my application online. Takes two minutes to fill out. I think I had a TV Licence goon around once in that 10 years. I told him I was registered as not needing a licence, he said sorry and left.
I won't do this on principle.
In a similar vein, I wouldn't go to the police and inform them that I won't be murdering anyone in the next two years.
What amazes me is that TV licensing think they have a right to do this! Bully boy tactics, especially if you aren't doing anything wrong! People watch tv in different ways now, and its about time they caught up. If I used to have netflix and cancelled my subscription, I didn't watch netflix, they don't send the "heavy mob" round. Badly done TV licensing! It has made me want to give up mine because we don't watch live TV and I rarely watch BBC, and can definitely do without it. I wouldn't pay this much per year for something I very rarely watch with any other tv programme supplying service! Thank you for making your videos!!
I do NOT want to stop them visiting. It is a wonderful waste of their time and money and it is rather enjoyable to send them on their way.
I do the same, wasting time and resources is the best way to drain these bullies, and its fun, and whilst your wasting there time, you've probably saved 1 or 2 people from a visit by these bullies.
Same here .
I love the visits and their threatening letters, I smile every time I receive one as I know they just wasted some money that they will never get back from me! It's great! I would love to know all the money they wasted chasing me around for nothing! Been about 25 years worth now, keep it coming I say! :)
I always return to sender. Hopefully that costs them even more not to mention wasting their time.
After the death of my husband of 58 years I received a letter from the BBC telling me I needed at tv licence before I had even buried him. I was distraught.
I sent them (the BBC and Capita) a WOIRA (Withdrawal of implied rights of access) Notice with a letter advising trespassers of a £1500 fine 10yrs ago, they've never been back since.
Also never admit or give your name, and send all letters identifying yourself as the Legal Occupier.
A Legal Occupier can't be taken to court, they need your name!
'The Legal Occupier' if you want to be official.
Never send a WOIRA....just ignore them...do you want to be unlucky enough to be subjected to a malicious search warrant. Or at best have it ignore...in which case you've pissed in the wind?
You do not have the legislative power to issue a fine, you do have the power to issue an invoice provided the terms of the charges were adequately set out in advance. This is the same reason why a bill from a private parking firm for parking is an invoice not a fine they are demanding the money under the terms of the implied contract not under legislation.
True. Wrong choice of wording. My letters have proven bullet proof though as I have had one visit in 10yrs, and they ran away once I produced the WOIRA Notice copy letters.
@@johnshaw8013 Hello John. I'm confused. Are you saying you notified them of WOIRA but that they still visited you? Because I thought from the video they had a system to stop that happening? Or am I missing something. Thanks
They have virtually no way of knowing that you might be watching TV without a licence. That's a massive problem for them, and therefore they have to use "tactics" to get you to buy a licence. Those of us who are not required to own a TV licence because we don't watch live TV or use iPlayer can lead them a merry dance, and cause them to waste time and money.
Well, they don't have to 😊😊😊😊
@@jadedshade Have to do what ?
@@ProffAndy use "tactics", but as we've seen they're a bunch of assholes
Actually, more like. There is *literally* no method to know you are using a TV to pick up aerial signals without violating your privacy, which is illegal. Position your TV so it can't be seen from the outside. Set your volume so it can't be heard outside. The only way they will know for sure is if you let them in your house and turn on the TV for them, or they violate your rights.
@@Xahnel What if they see your TV screen displaying a live broadcast through a window ?
Thank you for this video!
We stopped watching BBC content probably 10 years ago, and use a variety of subscription services instead. My wife used to respond to their letters, but since I asked her to stop, we have received a series of letters escalating the level of implied threat. This, I perceive to be bullying tactics, marketing by threat. Why do we put up with this? No other (legal) organisation sells its wares by threatening it's potential customers!
Anyway, in response to your video, I have just emailed TV licensing with a notice of WOIRA, thank you for the elegant solution to my issue!
They might stop visiting until they visit with a warrant, removing the implied right of access is really poor advice unless you are being hassled by continual goon visits and most people only get them if they haven't told capita they don't need a licence, if you cancel or inform them you don't need a licence most folks will not have any problems.
Wot is woira?
So if you remove right of access,what happens when they come with a warrant.
@@melvinplant8637 IF they come with a warrant, then you're going to have to let them in, but, in order to get a warrant they need to have probable cause, so the question would be what have you done to give them that? I've had no issues and no more letters since. If they showed up with a warrant and an enforcing Officer, then of course I would give them access upon which they would find precisely nothing because I don't use their services. My actions were simply a reaction to their attempts at proxy marketing by threat and I told them that in a very detailed email so if they want to waste the time and money raising a warrant and borrowing a bobby then they can have at it, but I think from their entire lack of reaction that they've got the point. No skin off my nose either way.
One additional action. After informing no license requirement, you can request all details relating to you as a person be removed from their records (which does then leave the address only as public information), and that no permission is granted to use this information for any purpose. Reason for this is that the 'enforcement officer' is a third party, and hence any passing on of your information will be a contravention of your privacy and subject to proceedings.
Yes I removed my implied right of access around 5 years ago. I have not owned a television set since 2014, I do not watch live broadcast TV or BBC iPlayer. I got fed up with their threatening letters, told them by phone, I do not need a TV licence and withdrew their implied right of access. I also told them they will need to have concrete evidence of me watching TV if they turn up with a search warrant, as I will make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission for a breach of my human rights, for obtaining a search warrant through perjury. I have documentation from the BBC which confirms they are subject to Human Rights legislation when acting in an enforcement role. The search warrant application process is subject to PACE requirements, as is the execution and premises search. RIPPA regulations also are applicable in that case as well.
They need reasonable suspicion for a warrant, not concrete evidence. Getting a warrant does not invalidate your human rights, snowflake.
I let a RIPPA go the other day. The stench was foul. That should keep em' away for a bit.
Thanks, that's good to know.
@William Tell does in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Chris, I like your suit of armour!
Giving up my tv licence was a fantastic decision. No more biased diatribe.
The reason for the reference number when you move is so they can start visiting your old address to make visits on any new tenant. Otherwise there may be loads of houses they can't visit
Just so people here in Scotland know that we don't have these problems. Here you gave privacy laws which means that once you tell them to leave and not come back the most they can do from that point is send letters. You don't need to quote the denied rights of access or any of that you simply tell them to leave the premises and not come back. They are confined to sending threatening letters from then on out and that's what they do on purpose so you contact them. If you contact them they automatically put you on a three year reset so within 2yr they will be back at your door. The police in Scotland now no longer back Capita up even in the event of a warrant being issues so you'd need to have threatened someone at Capita for the police to accompany them here, the police here are now strictly only accompanying them to prevent a breach of the peace nothing more. The warranty they have is nothing but a piece of toilet paper in Scotland you can refuse entry to your own property and they cannot do a thing about it. It requires a proper warranty to force entry and that's strictly the polices job here. The problem for Capita in Scotland is A. Scottish people hate the BBC with a passion, police and all. B. You have actual privacy laws for your property which includes being near windows and anywhere you can see in the main living quarters (this alone messes up their ability to even look in your property after you issued the first warning to leave) so therefore if you've issued them with the warning not to enter the premises again then they cannot get any sort of warranty as there is no possible way to have collected the evidence legally at that point onwards. C. The police won't back them up at all now unless it's extreme cases where serious threats have been made.
Sew the letters they send in Scotland, use them as toilet paper and send it back to them. That's what everyone I know does and If you want to know who I am.. well I'm the guy who's firm held the police In the Greater Glasgow area responsible for abuse of powers in correlation to helping Capita and their bogus search warrants. I was In the daily record and everything 😂
Let’s just remember this is the same organisation that said they had detector vans watching us all which was a complete lie ? I also pay my tv license but getting extremely angry about what they stand for
In years gone by I’ve seen Detector Vans out and about.
@@enkisdaughter4795 Yeah, those don't do anything. It's physically impossible to detect that someone is receiving a freely broadcast signal.
Great to see someone who holds a position like yourself be so down to earth and for the people...In these trying times where Tyranny is the word of the day to describe what the ruling classes are up to it would be great if you could maybe talk about Constitutional Law...That Law that has, by design, been airbrushed out of We The People's memory for the past 40 years...Most people don't even know, through no fault of their own that we even have a Constitution and are Sovereign beings..You could really help right now...
How are they allowed to even send misleading letters.
Let alone in the threatening tone they use. I dare say no other company would be allowed to send such correspondence.
Yes it's the threatening tone to the more vulnerable & uninformed members of society - all funded by us. That's reason alone to get rid of the BBC. Still, I guess that they have to get Linker's ludicrous salary by some means, fair or foul.
They aren't actully misleading in the legal sense. If you read them carefully (ignoring the font size and colour) they are correct. YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW if you watch tv .... etc
@@pointer2null The letter actually shown in this video is misleading. It states “you must get correctly licensed” when you could be correctly unlicensed. This is specifically harassment as they are trying to force someone to do something they are not legally obliged to do. And if you don’t they threaten sending someone to you house (which they can do anyway) or “open an investigation”, which is clearly a threat.
They try to claim they are not subject to to the Harassment Legislation as there is an exemption for “the detection of crime”. Although, letters are not capable of detecting something, this is the exemption they claim that allows them to mislead in those letters.
Recently received a "warning " letter from BBC license. I'm not bothered as royal mail gets their business. However there is the conflict of chucking it into the recycling bin immediately (not very carbon footprint friendly)
I had previously removed ‘implied right of access ‘ to my previous property, they still were able to access the communal building I previously lived in. I simply ignored their communication, that led to significant letters threatening me with possible prosecution, since i moved there has been no follow up.that said... if you get a visit, just close your door, don’t converse with them, at all
I know that at gated and access controlled uni dorms, TVL cannot get in. I had a friendly chat with security one night and they told us that they always turn TVL away and never grant them access. The only way they would be allowed on site would be if they had a warrant after getting proof you were watching television. However, that is highly unlikely to happen at a uni dorm, especially if you're on a higher floor where direct view from the window would be impossible.
Fun trick though however, you are covered under the TV licence of your out of term home address as long as you watch the television on a device that is not connected to the mains. This is what allows you to watch iPlayer or live tv while on the go. This little qwerk is used in reverse by TVL to try and pressure business addresses into paying for a TV licence. They try to scare the business owner by telling them that should their staff or customer watch live TV on the premises, they require a TV licence. However, this is only true should someone plug their laptop or phone into charge while doing so.
Thank you for your explanation about the Implied Right of Access. I do have a TV licence and do not have problem with the BBC but had trouble with other organisations such as councils, fire brigade and water companies. Now I know where I stand. This video is a great help to understand where I am standing and what my rights are.
Out of curiosity what was the issue with the fire brigade?
If you wish anonaminity when discarding packaging with ur name ect on.just block details with a marker pen.
The courts obviously work for the big corporations to get said warrant. Otherwise warrants would be really difficult to get.
Also the tv licence could be charged for harrasment and falsely claiming to be someone they arnt (they are salesmen not officers) to enter your house.
Sadly the courts , magistrate can be presented with bulk cases , adjudications of 100/500
Unless a defendant turns up to challenge such bulk applications are rubber stamped for enforcement en masse .
Thank you for your video presentations. They are logical, they avoid hype and invive people to reflect on the law and the good of civil society. You are a great teacher, thank you.
As someone from America, the whole TV Licensing Officer thing is....just mind boggling. Anyway, great advice and channel.
We in the UK love making new taxes, and never getting rid of them. The TV licence was originally only going to last only until the broadcast infrastructure for TV was rolled out to all the UK back in the day, they just carried it on. Just like we originally had road tax with the purpose to build our highways, then they gave it a name change and kept charging.
@@KiltedCritic Never ending fees and taxes? Same here in the USA...bunch of jackasses.
Years ago I had a TV licence man visit me at my workshop, I told him I did not have a TV on the premises as it was an industrial space manufacturing trailers. He would not listen and insisted that I should have a TV licence even if I did not have a TV. I showed him around despite him not being interested in looking, eventually he went away still saying that I should have a licence just in case some working for me brought in a portable TV, I pointed out that you could not hear a radio in there due to the noise I also told him that any one watching TV would not be working for me very long and quite likely never work again due to the various hazards such as moving machinery that required full attention. I think they must have had a quota to fill or something otherwise I do not see why he was so desperate to get me to get a TV licence for industrial premises.
Thank you sir, interesting again. Currently I still watch a small amount of TV and therefore I still purchase a TV license, however the amount has become so small that to stop, in favour of On Demand services is becoming much more attractive, hence my interest in these matters.
Not on demand BBC 😊
ive had visits from tv licencing officers twice im my life. both time i let them straight in to see with their own eyes that i didnt have an ariel hooked up to my tv and it was used primarily for dvds and games. i then got the satisfaction of marching him out of my property as soon as he had seen this. while being marched out he began trying to sell me the benifits of having a tv licence.
you can find satisfaction in compliance, as it put me well on the right side of the encounter.
Hi, another great, informative and helpful clip. No TV and don't watch any online provider, just UA-cam which gives me all I need. Money is tight, no need for extra burdens, TV license, fines etc. WOIRA is interesting and the difference with a warrant needs note, thanks. Having seen many of the clips on YT where we watch goons etc, I always feel the Police are always on the side of those with the warrant (the often powerless enforcement officers), they try and manipulate the situation but it's clear what the intention is. Great vids always.
I game too much to watch live TV or BBC and what I have heard of them over the past few years, no thank you. I have seen a few videos of this channel now and you sir are a good soul. The effort you put into explaining and helping understanding the law, with the overall look of the channel is excellent. I am glued even when I have no involvement with the main topic. I wish you and the channel all the best for the future. Thank you.
I threw my telly in a skip in 2004 and never looked back. 90% or more of tv is shit and the rest is adverts where people you would despise irl lie and patronize the hell out of you about substandard products you don't need.
mine has been under my bed for 14months ! best place for it lol
Thankyou for this latest video on the TV licence BBB, it balances things out a little more, makes things a little fairer, levels the playing field.
And as god knows in this corrupt world we need all the fairness and balance we can get.. Once again thankyou for taking the time and giving this information.
In the days when the threatening harassment letters included a free post envelope I have been known to return said envelope attached to a house brick. I have since confessed this to several enforcement officers who tend to roll their eyes and walk away.
I ask do you have a working with children clearance
They haven't sent freepost envelopes for years now.
They have a real cheek expecting you to use your own stationery and postage costs (pricey now), not to mention time, to tell them you don't need their crappy "service".
The telephone number isn't even freephone, and doing it on the internet has data costs.
I live in Ireland and got rid of my TV over a decade ago. They sent me letters years ago and I was super polite, explained my lack of TV and invited them over for tea and biscuits.
After a few letters they eventually asked me to send them a letter saying I had no TV and I've never heard from them from again.
Another excellent in-depth laymen's terms video from BBB on tv licencing.
Could you do a more in-depth video on the tv licencing search warrants procedure, and how tv licencing obtains evidence as to whether you need a tv licence or not.
Is it hard evidence, or can it be hearsay? And can the occupier challenge that evidence on their doorstep, and stop the search?
I agree.
I removed Implied right of access 5+ years ago when an agent visited our house, we didn't give our name and received a letter stating they may contact us again in 5 years. Its been 5+ years without harassment!
Exactly. It is NOT hard to do. I pity these losers who simply want the confrontation.
I had a reminder that they need to keep their database up to date (3-5 yrs later).. After watching this vid it might have been good to note the current WROA number but disposed of it accordingly...
Very clear explanation of the legal position regarding both requirements for having a television licence and implied rights of access to ones property. Thank you.
Thank you for this information. I realise it's for information purposes only but nevertheless it's encouraging to have someone willing to convey our rights and level the playing field.
I would advise you check with someone who KNOWS, ChillJonCarne channel specializes on this. The "Barrister" only gives "opinions"..often misleading.
I'm fully aware of channel you are referring to.
@@stevedawg9588 you do know BBB and chilli Jon are in correspondence with this subject, they tag each other in videos on the subject. Chilli is also tagged in the description for this video to offer his thoughts.
@@HolyFreakinDragonSlayer I know that, but i also know which one give up to date, relevant advice rather than just an opinion.
A thousand thank yous. Years ago I was intimidated verbally bullied by two door step ‘officials’. We had only just moved I was heavily pregnant and busy, completely forgot to renew our license…. was given a choice, prison or fine, paid the fine we could barely afford renewed licence and have ever since. No more though …..
bastards :(
If you ever feel like turning the tables on these so called inspectors follow them to their car and photograph their number plate, tell them you are then going to check that they have business insurance on their motor vehicles, I guarantee they won't have it as it's a lot more expensive than standard insurance.
I've received lots of Capita letters threatening a visit by an "enforcement officer" on a certain date but they never arrive. I had four visits over a few months years ago when I first cancelled the telly tax but said nothing and shut the door. Not had a goon at my door since and I bin their letters.
Thanks for confirming locked gates are where implied access stops.
Best money we ever spent was gating the property, done initially to keep our friendly dogs in but since fitted we get almost no odd callers of any description.
if you lock your gates how do yo handle deliveries, post etc
@@gittin_funky Mail box set into the pedestrian side gate when it was made, simple intercom mounted above which rings a dedicated phone in the house, neither of these are expenive things.
Trust me this is some of the wisest money you will ever spend, along with cameras and a pro alarm system, its not about making your home a fortress its about detering undesirables, keeping TV licence salesmen away is just a side bonus.
@@lewlewis6511 ah i see. Do you have to lock the gate to have implied right of access removed? or is closed with slide bolt enough? do you put any signs e.g. no canvasing etc
Both the main car access gates and the pedestrian gate have inbuilt locks, they are never left unlocked as our friendly dogs roam the premises freely, anyone entering has either broken a lock or have climbed over the gates, presumably if the gate was left unlocked implied right of access might apply.
No need for signs, we live at the end of a quiet cul de sac so people passing isn't an issue.
@@lewlewis6511 ok thanks. We have car gates and pedestrian gates but they are not locked. we just have a slide bolt that anyone can open. I guess I would need a sign up to remove implied access? We also deliveries of all sizes coming daily so not sure a mailbox would work for us
Excellent info
Yes I withdrew the implied right of access (in different terms, I know know the correct words to use) with some builders constructing new homes adjacent to mine who were rude and offensive when I took pictures of their unsafe activities, to prevent them setting foot on my property or knocking my door.
Do not withdraw their implied right of access! This will only give them an opportunity to apply for a warrant stating that your removal of the implied right is a suspicious thing to do. A judge will often sign a warrant, given that you have "suspiciously" removed their implied right. Keep your address as a "black hole" (things come in through the letter box, or knock on the door, but nothing ever goes out, including information).
I remove their right of access about 8 years.. not a letter since.
@@Mora41 good luck :) , i tried informing them that i don't need or want a licence, but after a little while (maybe just over a year) i started getting flooded with letters again.
Point is that they may or may not pursue you, but i say, just be the address that never replies or even opens the door. Do not stick your head above the parapet. You might get away with it, but you may not.
Something a "Barrister" should know don't you think? This guy is a fraud.
@Dougal Douglas Yes, you do, but it does not stop them from making an application on them grounds. Then it just depends on the judge, and they will always side with the bbc/Capita.
@Dougal Douglas Wrong, see his last video on TV goons
I've had a good few of these letters. They've never turned up on the date stated.
Good one. I haven't had a TV for the last 12 years, and the cable terminates at my front door.
Regarding the stamp, I don't ever buy from Amazon. However, I did find the item on eBay, and it was cheaper than Amazon! With 6 refills as well.
Another 23 minutes well spent. 👍
Thanks BBB
I had a visit from a licence "officer" quite a few years ago, he wanted access to my flat and others in the block, but when he couldn't show a warrant he was politely asked to do one.
He did look through my living room window to ascertain I was a gamer and didnt watch tv.
Having moved since, I have RTS'd the letters annotating " unsolicited mail" . I have yet to receive a visit, as I'm hoping that they get the drift that we in our household dont require a licence.
I occasionally return mine unopened and annotated "unsuccessful extortion attempt. return to sender." But mostly they just go in the recycling, also unopened.
I've followed your videos for at least a year and found them very informative. Some constructive feedback - The recent videos meander somewhat and are not as well scripted as the earlier ones, It makes following them and benefiting from your expertise harder. Clear and concise, especially in points of law, was always your trademark for me.
he has always waffled abt nowt
@@mrsthatcher9815 He waffles on more than he used to, I've recently not bothered to watch the video as a result.
I have never removed the right of access but your talk on the matter has caused me to think about whether this would be good to stop cold callers. I do have and always have had a TV Licence.
I have heard of some people using a 'Lien', to stop various unwanted visitors from entering their property and or trying to remove items they own. They have also used a 'Lien' to stop, for example, Utility Companies and Council Tax agents from extorting money from them. However, I don't really know much more than that but would be interested to learn if you were to cover this subject.
Last not least, thank you very much for giving your valuable time and informative talks. Very much appreciated.🙏
Ditto. I would like to know about a 'Lien.'
Some time ago I had removed the right of access from T V licencing when they came round I was asked to give my name for their records which I declined to give bout a week or so later I received through the post from the BBC confirming the rights removed. Personally I think if they have a name they then have someone to possibly go after through the courts system as opposed to using The Occupier
Would it be useful to put a sign on your door removing the implied right of access? Is there a template for this?
What about communal areas behind a secured communal door - in flats?
I just read that the BBC in response to a FOI , have stated that there is NO withdrawal of the common law of right of access for TV licensing officers to approach my property and WOIRA is NOT recognised under Scottish Law 😮
How can I legally get around this ?
Simple. Get your Scottish Government to give you Scottish Residents the Right to Withdraw Implied Rights of Access. Either that, or move to England, Ireland or Wales.
Krankie was in charge what do you expect
Got two gates both with notices on 'No cold callers etc etc', one Lic Off'r, female, called while I was out, she ignored the notices but left her calling card😌 .... I'll now formally inform them via WOIRA and trust that it will work. I don't use TV (the set is used for playing DVD's if at all) but the lack of a definitive list of proscribed uses via UA-cam is the only grey area for me. Today's live/mainstream TV is very easy to leave behind, it is pathetic!
Thank you for this information. I opted out of the TV license when I moved into my rented property in 2021. Up to now, July 2023 I have not received any letter from TV licensing in regard to my opt out. After watching your video, I will revoke their right of access if and when they send me a reminder letter. Keep up the good work.
The best defence against ANY unwanted person on your doorstep is a video doorbell. The cheapest and most effective way to protect your ID from post or packaging is a match. Burnt paper & cardboard is high in carbon and phosphorous so is great for the compost heap.
Open door, ask for ID, the SALESMEN must identify...then say "no thank you" shut door...end of subject.
On names being requested. About five years ago I kept getting the TV license letters (addressed to "Legal Occupier") for years but no visits so I snapped at the waste of the Earth's Resources and filled in the online declaration that I didn't need one.
A week later I had my first agent visit - who was armed with my name.
No contact whatsoever is the safest and best policy.
Just call him if he enters he has consented to bodily interference.
you made the big mistake of putting your name on the declaration
They even ask for your telephone number and email address on the no licence needed form…
@@leecromer3289 Yeah which they're use to compare to the iplayer account list.
I worked for my local crown court for 15 years executing various warrants every day (not for tv licence evasion), for us a warrant without a court seal was nothing more than a piece of paper and unenforceable, part of my job was to ensure all warrants had a court seal on them prior to any visit.
What is a court seal? Thanks
@@jennycolville a court seal is the court stamp where the warrant has been issued. If its not stamped its not an enforceable warrant
Do TV licencing fall into the realm of door to door cold calling? Are they doorstep selling?
If so, could we not just put a notice on the window saying no cold callers?
As these so called Enforcement Officers are basically just TV Licence sales people they fall under the heading of plain old Cold Callers. [unless as mentioned they actually have a valid live warrant for your address].
So nip over to that wonderful auction site and get yourself either a No Cold Callers sign or a Removal of Implied Right of Access sign and stick up outside your house (best on the outer wall of your property or your gate/gatepost )
I personally have a rigid sign fixed to our gates and anyone calling at the house is simply informed about the sign they have just walked passed and ignored and they soon turnaround and move on. 😊
The BBC are a corrupt and out of date organisation that in my opinion should be shut down once and for all given their near continuous moral failure of scandal after almost weekly scandal which they put more effort into brushing under the carpet to try to keep things quite instead of maintaining any form of moral decency.
TBH they, the BBC are a left over from the morally corrupt past of big British Corporations ... a bit of an Old Boys club so the only way to deal with this old dinosaur is to put it out of our misery by everyone voting with your wallets, stop watching their drivel and cancel your licence.
You know it makes sense so what's stopping you. 🤔
I sent one of these letters back and told them I had already notified them that I don't need a licence and I told them I have no intention of repeating the same thing over and over again and that I only have to tell them once.
I pointed out that I know the law about the requirement for a TV licence and I didn't need them to keep reminding me of the law, I also told them that if they keep harassing me about it I would take legal action against them. I have not heard a thing since and that was about two and a half years ago, it could be a couple of months either way.
Some employees of capita, have been known to break every rule in the book regards gaining entry to properties without a warrant, and I have witnessed this myself.
I would be grateful if you could clarify the part of section 7.3 please, as it appears to imply that if you don't reply to any letters that they send, they consider that the WOIRA status of the property has been removed. Interesting and informative as always.
I can't see how they can unilaterally ignore your notification of WOIRA. Comments on legality of 7.3 please.
Your info is wrong. I never respond to any letters. All their letters just say "Legal Occupier". All they know is the property has nobody living in it full time or even at all. Its legal to have a license for your main address and still be covered at a secondary address if its only occupied occasionally. They can't get a warrant for that scenario which is exactly the scenario i have set for TVL
If i can point out that some of those Identity Theft Protection Rollers are useless. I had one some time ago and although they look good and work good as the ink dries out your details become visible. I guess the cheaper ones are the useless ones so please be carefull and fully test them before disposing of any personal stuff. Now i just cut my details off and shred them. Great idea and thank you Daniel for showing it 🙂
I like you rip off the address part of junk mail, I then put that bit with my important mail to be shredded, soaked then balled at a later date. Cannot be too careful eh👍
I just use a permanent black marker pen over my personal details.
@@mrsb3650 If you hold that up to ultra violet light it can still be read, I'm just guessing really but I am sure there is a way to still read that.
Burning is the most effective way by far, makes for good tinder for lighting a wood burning stove
The reason they give you the option to tell them you have moved and transfer your WOIRA is so they know they can start sending people round to the original address because there are new people there.
In the US no company can come to your house to collect a debt (they aren’t able to get a warrant), even the government can’t do that without a warrant. Private companies have to serve you with a civil court case and if they prevail and get a judgment they can only go after your bank account if you have one.
The bbc is protected under the Communications Act. That’s why they can do this.
@@stubones Its a bit of a malicious act.
After seeing this I wonder if you would explain a similar thing that I encountered? Visits by debt collecters calling themselves bailiffs and warrant officers.
I live in an HMO and we often get letters addressed to people that were prior tenants. I send them back with a note on the envelope explaining that the person does not live here (I have lived in the house 8 years). One day I returned home to find a printed sheet in the mailbox explaining that an "officer" had called and it provided a mobile number to call, to arrange a visit. I called the number to explain that the person does not live here, only to be told to call the office number, the person could not discuss the case with me. I did so, only to be told that I had to prove that I am the current tenant. I told them to check the voting registry, and that I was not obliged to prove who I was, as this is what their agency is paid to do. I was told that the visits would countinue if I didn't comply with them. I then told them that if another of their "agents" turned up and disturbed me, that I would call the police to remove them.
This is fantastic advice. Now I can watch live tv and get away with not paying for it. Thanks for all your help. You’re the best.
don't watch via iplayer though as they will have your ip address.
Thank you for these videos - very helpful, and very interesting to see the BBC policy on WOIRA. I withdrew the implied right of access for TV Licencing in Februrary 2009, and this was acknowledged by them. I hope I'm not tempting fate, but I've never had a visit from TVL in the subsequent 14 years.
Considering the warning letters that they are happy to send out, how can you tell if a warrant is correct or a self printed company letter that is legal. After the event, they could say they were invited in.
Film them and continuously reject the warrant. If they have a real warrant, they do not need your permission to enter. That's the point of a warrant, that a court has granted them permission. If they don't enter, and they just keep requesting permission, then the warrant is faked and they _know_ it's faked.
I'd never heard about that. Thanks for posting.
This is an extremely bad idea because we do know BBC TV Licensing do use WOIRA as an excuse to obtain a search warrant with a naive Magistrate, its not hard to become TV Licence free you just ignore them and they can’t do a thing. One of our members did first test the waters back in 2006/7 and did have a search warrant issued on him hence why we’ve never advised anyone to do it.
Also, the new style letter isn’t new its just rare they tend to only send it out once a cycle, think of the letters aka threat o’grams as bait
Spot on....never engage with them....no contact....no WOIRA ever.
I used to let them in every year and was very funny watching them try so hard to get a live signal from a PC at the time. This then changed when I was sent a very nasty letter one year and while I am not easily offended I was 35 at the time and felt sick to my stomach with what it was literally threatening in red writing. Now had this of been sent to an elderly person i am pretty sure they may of had a heart attack. From this point I removed right of access to the property and in ten years have not been visited so far. I have seen many different types of letter, normally one a week but thankfully never that nasty thing they sent that made me put my foot down. If I ever come across the letter I will have to post it online as pretty sure I still have it stored somewhere.
Why can't somebody produce a black box that you can plug in your TV which would block the signal being received, wouldn't that make life easier. Half the antiques programmes my missus watches are repeats of repeats and should be exempt anyway.
Thank you for a very clear explanation in every video, love your channel. If someone knows, is there an easy way, for example online, to verify the authenticity of a warrant as it is executed, or after it was executed?
Since TV Licensing seem to be doing investigations into us, do we have rights under GDPR to ask what information they have?
I have placed on the door to my bungalow, handwritten. In black felt tip:
PARCELS AND POST PLEASE KNOCK. and in red felt tip:
Does this count as withdrawal of implied access. There is no gate or fence. Thank you.
As someone who is legally licence free, I think I may do this when the end of my ‘no licence needed’ notification ends.
It would be interesting to know the status of a warrant if the ‘enforcement’ officer gathered evidence whilst within the area covered by the removal of implied right of access? I.E had a look through the window of a property after going through a gate.
If they intentionallymlook through your window to see if you are watching TV that evidence is inadmissible in court as it was gathered by commiting a criminal act. You have a right to privacy in your own house you could be in that room getting changed or you could be a woman lets say breast feeding you have the right to that privacy.
This is why they need you to answer the door because hearing lets say the tea time news is usable or asking you questions ie did you see the murder on eastenders last night shocking wasn't it are all ploys they use to get evidence and or admission, although they have been know to just get you to sign that you called and you actually signed a form saying you admit to watching live TV.
This is why removing implied right is a good option, and those saying about they use it as an admission for a warrant I think BBB will agree that is not grounds that any court should accept for issuing a warrant.
You can watch live TV without a licence if it's not in your property. eg at a friend's or say in a licenced public space.
For your mental health I would advise never watching BBC at any point. Avoid MSM. They are all propaganda channels.
Don't talk to the Goon's.Tell them through the letter box to leave your premises immediately. Or put a notice on your gateway removing the implied right of access.
The courts are on the side of capita on this one, you remove right of access capita easily convince the courts that they suspect you are committing an offence, best advice if you want no hassle is make sure you cancel your licence properly, don't just stop paying it else you will get letters and visits, go online and cancel telling them you do not use their services, you still get a refund of any money owing, do not remove implied right of access as they see that as obfuscation and it shines a light on your address, when you need to make sure you update your status as not needing a licence and you won't have any bother.
@@knoxiemanI agree with what you are saying, I did the same thing back in 2016, since then I get a letter every few years ( I keep them all ) asking me if I need a license as yet, I just ring them up and tell them that nothing has changed and I still do not need a license, I never hear from any of their officers and never get any bother from the BBC at all, it’s great advice be straight, honest and open with them and they don’t bother you.
A sign reading NO TRESPASSING OR SOLICITING on the outside of your property does the trick. No need to interact with people.