Students react to their 2014 ATAR

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @ACTennis
    @ACTennis 9 років тому +496

    If you didn't get the score you wanted, don't's not the end of the world. Have some faith in yourself that you will get to where you want to be with some decent work put in. I went to a private school and flunked Year 12 and got no where near close to any of the preference of degrees i wanted, ended up with 61 which was one of the lower scores of my whole year level. I met people who had ATAR scores of anywhere between 27-50 , and many of them became more successful academic & career wise than a lot of my high school friends who went straight into the best degrees. I started off in TAFE, now I've graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Commerce, and now finishing my last semester in a Masters degree at RMIT - keep your head up, and don't lose track of who and what you want to become

    • @BasedGod42069
      @BasedGod42069 9 років тому +22

      so true, in year 12 I didn't try at all and ended up with a 47 ATAR. I got myself really down about it and thought "oh no i've ruined my life." Things may be a bit harder to get where you want but you can definitely get there. I'm in uni now and studying Nursing. Don't think this is the end of everything everyone!!!

    • @milklml
      @milklml 9 років тому +8

      so inspiring >< getting mine tmr, so scared right now

    • @trapsoulx
      @trapsoulx 9 років тому +5

      tbh it doesnt matter for maybe about 1-2 years but still if you dont get the atar you want and go to TAFE then your fked for at least 1year.

    • @ThePunishersRevenge
      @ThePunishersRevenge 9 років тому +3

      shhhhhhhh, don't tell them that! spoils the fun!

    • @ACTennis
      @ACTennis 9 років тому +2

      L He Haha not totally , it depends on a variety of things
      1) Learning something that interests you
      2) Choosing the right institution will go a long way, TAFE or not
      3) People you're surrounded by / friends you make over there
      Bunch of other things too, but really boils down work ethic and having a long-term goal.
      The things i learnt from my TAFE certificate and Diploma were extremely useful, and prepared me for University very well; by the time i got to University, it wasn't all that new and i built up some confidence
      and at that time you don't realize it, but the content they provided to me was all relevant and up to date, the same content you learn in the degree of the related area, it's just that i was younger, and less mature, so it was harder to grasp my head around that information.
      The stigma behind TAFE is created because of those who are lazy and don't have an ounce of work ethic, but for those who are willing to learn and work hard, it can be a very useful stepping stone.

  • @thatasiankid45
    @thatasiankid45 9 років тому +152

    Dear year 12's.
    I got an ATAR of 45.68, pretty much 30 away from what I wanted. I felt like complete shit after this, and thought I would never get into any course that I wanted to get in.
    Despite this, I got into the course I wanted via portfolio entrance, and am now happily studying at my choice university, doing a degree in the creative industries, majoring in film making. Most of my other friends who wanted to do engineering also didn't get the ATAR that they wanted, and also felt devastated. But, after doing a Uni preparation course, they happily got into the course that they wanted to get into.
    Don't ever think that you ATAR determines your future. It's simply one pathway in a series of many, networked pathways.
    Your future is in your hands, not in a number.

  • @jeromele9106
    @jeromele9106 9 років тому +55

    I finished with an ATAR score of 61, I felt worthless and cried for a while. In the end I went to Monash University and finished with an Honours Degree in Health Science. I work as a research assistant now and enjoy it very much. After this year I will apply for doctoral position and continue research.
    I must re-iterate, it is important to work hard. I'm not very bright and so I hard to put in the hard work. I remember thinking in high school, "I can do well, I just haven't been trying". Don't let this become a lifelong habit. Apply yourself as best as you can.

  • @Cssfallout
    @Cssfallout 9 років тому +141

    A number will never define a person.

  • @JJayradd
    @JJayradd 9 років тому +23

    I graduated highschool in 2012. I got given a 43.75 ATAR and at first was honestly upset. I didn't put my 100% in and I very much deserved the ATAR I got. Now I have always wanted to be a film director and I knew it wasn't all over. I eventually got accepted in what is known to be one of the top film schools in all of Australia. Remember it doesn't end there!

  • @rumbidabomb
    @rumbidabomb 9 років тому +63

    One reason that I love the education system in Australia is that there are always other ways! Even if you don't get the ATAR score you need, there are so many other ways to get into the uni and course you want. It is not the end of the world. Good Luck on your future

  • @ZoeMarcus101
    @ZoeMarcus101 9 років тому +93

    Not ready to be in this position next year

  • @85Renn
    @85Renn 9 років тому +50

    The ATAR is not the end of everything. Hell, I know a person who quite school in year 10 due to mental illness and never got an ATAR, but they'll be studying as Psychology student soon at uni. I hate this pressure put on kids - the names change (TAR, UAI, ATAR) but it's the same thing every time. Finishing school is just the beginning, not the end!

    • @85Renn
      @85Renn 9 років тому +9

      Oh, and I got a good UAI, went to uni, graduated, and ten years later want a career change so am going to Tafe to study graphic design - there are many things you can do in life and many paths to get there!

  • @MyNameIsASecret1318
    @MyNameIsASecret1318 9 років тому +115

    Meanwhile, NSW students get to endure the agony of waiting for another 2 days...

    • @MyNameIsASecret1318
      @MyNameIsASecret1318 9 років тому +2

      mmmmm, don't you just love the constant feeling of butterflies in your stomach...delightful

    • @MyNameIsASecret1318
      @MyNameIsASecret1318 9 років тому +1

      Anyway as others have said, it's to the end of the world and we will all get through this. Just think it'll all be over in 2 days !!

    • @Explodingdust
      @Explodingdust 9 років тому +2

      WA though... not until 29th

    • @MyNameIsASecret1318
      @MyNameIsASecret1318 9 років тому +1

      The Velour Fog Why so late ?? What a horrible thing to have hanging over you on Christmas

    • @L1KEWTF
      @L1KEWTF 9 років тому +9

      WA still has to wait 12 days.. :(

  • @abettiol
    @abettiol 9 років тому +13

    This actually made me cry haha, I'll receive my ATAR next year and I hope it'll all be okay. I hope to work so hard in the new year and get a 80+, no matter what, as long as I work hard, in the end I'll be happy with what ever I achieve.
    Well done to everyone this year!

  • @zamxit
    @zamxit 9 років тому +9

    Remember that your atar isn't the end of the line, there are still plenty of paths to get to what you want to do!

  • @yellowhelix
    @yellowhelix 9 років тому +9

    My friend got a very low ENTER (back in the day), and next year he is starting a Masters in Physics at the best uni in the country. You absolutely can get to wherever you want to go, even if you take the scenic route! Don't give up!

  • @jamatwar
    @jamatwar 9 років тому +5

    I didn't get the greatest results when I graduated High School but I worked my ass off, gone to tafe for three years and now I'm at UNSW doing the course I wanted. So don't be so down on yourself and don't let negative criticism get to you. Put in the hard work and you will feel more fulfilled in the end. Good luck.

  • @mrwalden7604
    @mrwalden7604 9 років тому +25

    I got an op3 ~ 96 atar, wanted to do med, didn't phase me though I gave year 12 my best shot and was happy. when I went to Uni is when I realized the wealth of opportunities available to me. Uni is where an academic career really starts. so then I did pharmacy not really because I wanted to be a pharmacist but coz I wanted to do med and thought it would be a good basis for post grad med entry. So I did pharmacy whilst sitting the gamsat (med entry exam) sat it three times during my degree. Got the score I needed and now I'm doing med finally after completing pharmacy last year.
    My point it, there is always a way to get into what you want to do. Just be proactive in trying to achieve what you want. Uni provides better opportunities than school in trying to do what you want. yea it may take a year or two extra compared if you had gotten in straight away from school. But if your are going to work as something for 40-50 years...1-2 years won't make a difference in the greater scheme of things. just keep chasing what you are passionate about and never settle for anything less thinking you don't have the ability, I will 100% garuntee that will lead to a life of regret... There is nothing you can't do if you put your mind, time, effort into it. You will need to be persistent you will need to be patient and you will need to work your butt off....but the best part it, you will get where you wanted to be...and do what you wanted to do.
    If your dreams don't scare you, they are not worth chasing.

  • @BingtheLizard
    @BingtheLizard 9 років тому +45

    I obtained a 94 back in the day, and am currently doing a Masters of Engineering (by research) at RMIT University. Do I care about the number I got back then? Nope. Not for a long time. It got me into my course of choice, but the most fundamental thing that I've struggled with hasn't been marks. It's been direction. It's been motivation. Can I bear to chase a distant career at the expense of leaving family and friends behind? The answer to that may seem simple to the fortunate ones, but to me it's a question of what I value, and what I'm willing to sacrifice. So much more than a number will influence your direction, no matter what number you wound up with.

  • @sanjayr
    @sanjayr 9 років тому +12

    If you got what you wanted: Congrats, it's mostly gonna be a (slow if you're lucky) downhill from there. If you didn't get the score you wanted, chin up. Either way, life itself is beginning, good luck from here on out.

  • @hadramik7932
    @hadramik7932 9 років тому +15

    A kid at my school got a perfect score, 99.95 it was, and he was published on newspaper!

  • @Paperbagman555
    @Paperbagman555 9 років тому +7

    If anyone is disappointed with their ATAR, keep your chin up! I got way worse than expected due to scaling, and three years gone I'm doing exactly what I want to do. I don't miss school in the slightest. Follow what you desire, there are a plethora of ways to do what you want and go to university later on down the track. Just be happy you've made it through the HSC :) congrats kids

  • @DanielBAus
    @DanielBAus 9 років тому +10

    I got a pretty average UAI when I did my HSC (around high 60s). But never went to Uni and 8 years into my IT career and never regretted my path. Uni isn't the beginning or an end, its only one of many options.

  • @sanosukeX2
    @sanosukeX2 9 років тому +2

    Can't believe I experienced this feeling almost 4 years ago. Now nearing the end of my degree in engineering. Enjoy this time between Highschool and University because you'll never get to go through it again.

  • @discoPANDAmonium
    @discoPANDAmonium 9 років тому +14

    My sisters got 97.55 and 99.65....... I am currently in year 12 and feeling so pressured to get an above average atar from everyone, my parents, teachers, friends, family you name it. However I am not my sisters and I would be absolutely stoked with an 80 atar, how do I lower peoples expectations for my results?

  • @stee3259
    @stee3259 9 років тому +1

    There are many ways to get into the courses you want to do outside of achieving an outstanding ATAR... I can tell you right now that as you start uni and progress through it ATAR becomes an unknown figure never to be brought up again.

  • @Lireoec
    @Lireoec 9 років тому +7

    Chin up, it's just a metric. Don't let that define you or what you do. Let your actions do the talking. ^_^

  • @Ed-tq6hb
    @Ed-tq6hb 9 років тому +1

    dont worry guys if you didnt get the atar you wanted theres plenty of other ways to get into uni. you can work / pay your way into uni and if all else fails just dont go. focus entirely on getting an entry level job in your field of choice then just work your way up.

  • @pepperwillowmusic
    @pepperwillowmusic 9 років тому +2

    i wrote a song about atar scores, it might bring you all some comfort. well done on surviving xx

  • @veegs23
    @veegs23 9 років тому +3

    hah Gz. I actualyl slept in on the day and dint open it till like 11am, my parents were more anxious than me haha

  • @MrKnexpert20
    @MrKnexpert20 9 років тому

    This is a great video. I'm only going into year 11 next year so HSC will come soon but this video is great in showing hope for everyone

  • @L1KEWTF
    @L1KEWTF 9 років тому +2

    Still have to wait 12 days for my ATAR and this video made me feel worse 😂😂

  • @user-yo1bj2lv8x
    @user-yo1bj2lv8x 9 років тому +2

    My mark is 30 and less(nsw) is there any other way I can study IT at uni through tafe or any other pathway or college. Plz help, I have almost given up hope

  • @andrewaziz780
    @andrewaziz780 9 років тому


  • @Tomtomtomtomtomtomtom75kg
    @Tomtomtomtomtomtomtom75kg 9 років тому +1


  • @ToastierHat
    @ToastierHat 9 років тому +7

    Do people legitimately get this anxious about their atar? lmao

  • @keirenedelman4203
    @keirenedelman4203 9 років тому
