Lmao haven't done the calcs on that, but in a close game you are probably better off tilting the match to your side lol. Or perhaps they saw me and thought "in Adam514 we trust".
They were in 262 those planes can't climb well(at least they wouldn't have out climbed Adam) So they IMO thought ,,meh what's the point of going for a bomber at 7k when there is a high alt interceptor after it,, so they went for ground for RP
I understand that I'm on high alt duty for sure, but the rest of the bombers were low and they should have taken care of them instead of ground pounding.
Trukibouge this is normally me, but not to the enemy because there was a solid 8 games where I just got shot by my team before I had even engaged enemy. My salt is stopped though
“Is it necessary” like uhh yeah very necessary your bombing my airfield, it’s me vs you, I wanna win. My plane was designed to support and intercept. What do you even mean? Hahaha
I know, you finished with ammo to take two bomber more lol But i can imagine the kid thinking "hehehe, he isn't going to get the kill... WAIT!, HE DOESN'T CARE?!, WHAT KIND OF AN ALIEN HE IS" PS: love your videos :D
I don’t know why people take bombers out anymore. They contribute nothing to the team except occupy potential fighter slots on your team. At this point in the game they are for novelty not practicality.
@@AdamTheEnginerd exactly, novelty not practicality. Great upload I'm new to your channel and I am interested in your manual controls. Do you think they significantly help you in game? Also I noticed you use kilometers for your true airspeed instead of knots?
Welcome! Yeah MEC helps a decent amount once you're decent at the game. It can increase our speed and climb by a fair amount when used right. Metric system ftw!
Yeah, I hope they get EC back but permanently (as a new permanent game mode). It has none of the issues of classic Air RB (like bombers being useless).
Aaah, to think that when this vid was uploaded you could survive flak to this level 3:20 ... now in 2019 you'd be on fire and definitely leaking everything.
Well done. It's a shame that bomber pilots can't seem to figure out that Air RB is PvP first and foremost. You go into that mode, people are gonna shoot you. Either shoot back, or accept that you WILL be shot down. I will say that as the event has died down, I've actually noticed a decrease in bomber spam on Allied teams, and an increase in the quality of fighter pilots. They're climbing and sticking together, now! That's probably the best side-effect of the cannon buff-bomber pilots seem to be fleeing Air RB.
I think the decrease in Allied bombers is due to the fact that Allied bombers can't unload their bombs anymore, and so only the good fighter pilots continue to fly Allies, propping up the Allied war effort.
11:05 Savage lol :D That noob in the b29 made me lmao throughout the whole second half of the video. "talk to me" and then when you talk to him he says "shut up" I mean that dude's got some serious problems xD Good one as always, and you might have just persuaded me to get the Ki-83, I usually don't like heavy fighters but the good climb rate and armament is all I need to hear :) Also, does 100% radiators affect climb rate ? Or in other words, does it affect it so much that it's better to climb with them at 30% or something like that?
Hahaha lowkey insult. Yeah he was saying some contradictory stuff. Ki83 is fun for a heavy fighter, due to climb mostly. Radiator does affect climb for sure. But, for example if it affects top speed by 10%, it affects climb by around 2%. You are better off WEPing with 100% rads than 100% throttle with 0% rads.
What do you mean??? Bomber pilots don't have it easy anyone can say chill out and be calm when your flying and interceptor with heavy armanwnt going against a bomber. You guys make it seem he's a criminal
I can understand their point though, bomber guns dont work well nowadays the spread is worse than a stock mig 17 gun. And at that it barely does any damage. People trying to get their tasks done must do it in Sim or arcade bombers are piss easy to kill in realistic
"The spread is worse than a Stock mig 17", "Barely doesn any damage"... Yeah... I've been diving on B-29s With the Ar-234 C3, ends up being pilot sniped from more than 3km...
@@AdamTheEnginerd ye thats exaclty my last sentence, but you still need it for the tasks, fly it in arcade where its easy to kill others/bomb freely or Sim which is about the same.
most bomber pilots are doing it wrong too. Going straight for the target invites unprotected interception. Gotta let the fighters mix it up first. They're all rodeo clowns anyway
>if you fly the b29, you take the risk of paying repairs that's why you don't fly the b29 in the first place. >blame wg This may come as a surprise to you, but War Thunder is made by Gaijin Entertainment, not Wargaming
The B-29 had automated firing solutions calculated by its onboard computers for all of its remotely-controlled turrets. For all intents and purposes, it should be one of the hardest planes to shoot down. Unfortunately, WG doesn't seem to have done proper research on its capabilities.
These days hans can "hit" the plane just by looking at it as long as it's under 3.5km above him, of course he hits the cooling and engines so you're usually out of the fight because of him.
@@Tacticaviator7 Exactly, somehow always hits the vital components of the plane, i mean hitting my wing would make me mad but setting me on fire or outright killing the rad is just insane
Oh damn you're missing out on some of what WT offers! It's part of Manual Engine Controls (MEC). By default the game handles MEC, but you can take control of the engine yourself for a bit of extra performance if you know what you're doing. A supercharger spins to compress the air before feeding it to the engine in order to burn more fuel to produce more power. As the altitude increases, pressure (air density) reduces and the supercharger doesn't spin fast enough to fully compress the air, so on most aircraft you can switch supercharger gears to increase the supercharger speed to compress the air more at a higher altitude. The game handles this by default if you don't enable MEC.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Oh by the way, since I'm a German Tech Tree Player and I'm on the FW 190 A4 which is the highest fighter I have right now, which fighters will I see with Superchargers?
There's a bunch of other MEC settings other than supercharger gears, you need to learn all of them to be able to use MEC effectively. You can see me mess with prop pitch and radiators in this match. German aircraft automatically handle the supercharger system even when on MEC, so you wouldn't be able to manually switch gears on them. They still do have superchargers though. If you're asking which aircraft you'll face that have superchargers, answer is all of them except P47s, P38s, and F82 (they have turbochargers). There are tutorials on UA-cam that explain how to set up MEC. But, it's a distraction unless you are already a good player.
Wow I miss so much all those flaks. They were inacurrate and very immersive in some point. Now they have some accuracy and not fun at all, at least for me :(
I have 377 bombers shot down with Japanese planes. You need 500 bombers killed for that special victory decals. As you can imagine, I am using the spam of bombers at this time to reach the 500 kill mark.
100% prop pitch in a steep dive like that in your video, in a real plane, would cause the RPMs to soar, and thus, your engine to blow up. I always drop my prop pitch right back to 40% in a steep dive. In IL2 Sturmovik, I have actually had engines blow up in a steep dive with 100% prop pitch. But I guess Gaijin isn't all that worried about reality only cheating for their friends.
Sound plan! Logically your engine would only overrev if you are going much faster than your max straight line speed. The RPMs never reach high enough to do damage as long as you're on 0% throttle, except on Fw190s and Ta152s.
Adam, do u think u could make a vid to explain ur manual controls and what they will do if used? I was flying Sim really often, but that was years ago as it was called frb. Lots changed since then and I'm rusty now :P
Salty because they can't take that their precious bombers (which they fly because they're shit at fighters) get owned by (one of) the best UA-camr(s) in this game
Precious because of the high SL repair probably haha. They fly bombers because they are low on SL, but end up paying loads on repair cost. Vicious cycle.
I am good with fighters and have enough lions but also like flying bombers just because I like them (before the canon buff at least). but otherwise I can understand that saltyness because u have no chances with bombers these days (besides Russian bias tu4 lol)
Air Raid The fact that you have no chances with bombers is no excuse for being a douchebag though. And that is if they had no chances. They actually do, especially planes like the Tu-4 and of course the B-29, their chances may not be high, but they can hurt you if you don't do things right, and even if you do there's that slim chance that you can get set on fire or some shit, as is proven at the end of Adam's video when he was approaching that bomber from 10 o'clock and above which is an excellent angle with very little chances to get hit, yet he still suffered heavy damage.
Deus Vult The sad thing is that bomber got more income as gunships instead of bombing since bombing income is absymally low. When I pick Tu4, playing battleships against enemy bombers is awesome.
@@vietnamabc2290 can you still play gunship eith bombers these days? I spammed bombers in arcade (climb to space and reload in the air =" fun") and none of my bombers topk more than 2 hits of anything bigger than 13mm. A B17 battleship fight ended in 10s when we both went down in flames. Bombers are at an all time low right now. I actually would like to see at least a survivability buff to those poor things. They will cost a lot but I want my battleship fights back! And if buffing is too much for the game balance then they could just lower the altitude ceiling for bombers. Having sucess in a bomber would be still impossible then.
I know you hate flying bombers, but have you tried the tu-4 against sabres? the gunners on that thing are fucking ASMR and it feels like most jet players forgot how to approach a bomber
This still happens. The 'grinders' that a) climb to space in 264s or b29s and b) sit on the deck and let others do all the work need their own game mode i think. A PvE mode where they can just sit and click on stationary targets all day without inconveniencing everyone else. that "REPORTED" at the end...hope a moderator read the chat log and threw the book at him but i doubt it greatly
I realized real quick that doing the tasks in RB in anything but a jet bomber was totally impractical. I did the tasks doing 7.0-7.3 Arcade games in a Lancaster. The games were low populated enough so that the chance of someone going high to intercept was reduced (still got shot down a ton of times though), and the refilling bombs along with hyper-durable bases was essential for getting the tonnage needed to fulfill the task (relatively) quickly.
Hah yes. I used to say that two years ago before i got perma banned from chat. Now i returned but idk how to get unbanned from chat even after ive been gone over a year.
Jesus people complain about bomber pilots in this gamw when they don't have it easy. "Why is he playing an expensive bomber" I don't know maybe he wants to enjoy his plane. Its easy to call any bomber pilot salty when your flying a Japanese interceptor.
I'm impressed by the level of salty from this players... I mean is already well know that if 2 of the bombers are not a B-29 then bombers cant win the match... Because lets be honest 4 B-29's are needed (with 40*500lb loadout) to destroy all 3 bases and the airfield... Don't have this in a match? Then they are useless players... Remember people the only bombers that worth the effort are the the B-29 and the Tu-4... The others are useless bombers
2 B29s + 2 Lancs can end the game too I think. They got very close here with 2 B29s, 1 Linc and 1 B24. But yeah if they can't end the match by bombing the af, they are useless.
You can't put all of the blame on bomber pilots seeing that gaijin made them utterly useless on 50% of air rb maps. Some people just want to fly bombers and be able to contribute to their team but i dont think that could ever be possible
I put the blame on them for flying useless aircraft. I blame Gaijin for making bombing useless. I can blame more than 1 person when there's more than 1 issue ;).
@@AdamTheEnginerd have you tried the j5n1? It can out dogfight most stuff, but struggles with things that lose speed quicker like p47s and f8fs, it can either high speed reverse or low speed stall fight
why tf did he say “rly -49k” as if it was your fault? He clearly knew he was in the b29 which has a high rep. Cost so why does he say that as if he was expecting you to just not kill him lmao
First off, if you don't use Manual Engine Controls (MEC), it handles everything for you. Manually changing the supercharger gears instead doesn't yield any performance advantages. Superchargers are used to compress the air, allowing more fuel to be burnt to produce more power. But, compressing the air requires power, so it's a tradeoff. As you climb, eventually it becomes worth it to switch supercharger gears which means compressing even more air to burn fuel to compensate for the loss of atmospheric pressure as you climb.
K/D doesn't correlate with behavior. You could have the super casual guy who gets 0.1 kills a match and still laughs it up and has fun, talks nice with his team. Or you could have the dude who gets a double ace every game but does nothing but flame their teammates for 'sucking'. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What a machine, it takes a lot of time to get used to and its quite hard to stall people and get enough time to turn around into him over 5000m but oh man so satisfying to use, had a match recently made the entire enemy team stay below my team and then a 1v1 with a p47m that started at 9000m and ended like 10 minutes late with him dieing to a 1.5km clap while he was trying to suicide at around 2500m alt. Not to mention when one match I was above 2 spitfires and said "JAPAN" they both dived straight into the ground from 7000m, this is exactly the plane I wanted "I fear no man but that thing". This and cw-21 very nice planes.
You shoot down the bombers like nothing. Really good approach. I think that the main issue is that bombers need the escort fighters but the most of WT players dont do that. I always escort my bombers and its very good games at that.
Thanks! What does escorting do? Bombers can't really win the match for you, so why go out of your way to protect them? In fact, they are most useful if they actually die to enemy fire, since they waste ammo and alt and time to kill essentially useless planes.
@@AdamTheEnginerd hehehe in fact. But bombers work like easy prey (theoretically). So its easy to shoot down fighters who try the easy price going to attack bombers. In the most of cases they are caught by surprise when the escort fighters come. In best scenario a bombers formation could wipe out the bases and the enemy airbase. I already saw that happen. In this case, is a win by bombers. Its a very good game to team work but the most of players work in lone wolf strategy.
It's more like bad pilots consumed by greed that go for bombers first. Those types of pilots aren't the ones you should be worried about. It happens, but it's extremely rare.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Yeah you are right. But its fun play escort. Very immersive for me the need to protect. But you are right. Playing for the fuck objective, bombers are useless. Just for Fun.
I can see where they were coming from I have being using the tu-4 like the cancer I am lol to do the event but damn that's a whole new level of salt coming from these guys
I was playing a match and I shot down low flying beaufighter. He later PM’d me and had a go at me for shooting him down ‘I was just a low, slow, unmanoeuvreable interceptor’ I was just like *if you didn’t want to be shot down, don’t fly low, or slow, or as a beaufighter*
Epic word-fight. Adam calls bombers useless even after they destroyed 90% of field and get ready for their last winning run... but then he kicks them out of game. That's like closing the ice cream truck just before late fat kids get to it. Well, have not seen more fun in WT.
There is a way, you need to play WT in windowed mode and use a program to overlay part of yiur browser over the game, but I've never done it. What I do is I record it on my laptop next to me at the same time as WT, and combine during editing.
The great irony is, unlike most heavy bombers in this game, B-29 isn't exactly defenceless: it has speed and climbing performance to make things hard. But most 4-enginged bombers are so broken players simply don't consider any counterplay as an option.
Space climb is only part of the equation. Defensive manoeuvring is very interesting in itself, but... but B-24 or B-17 simply can't counteract against something like Ta-152. Too slow, too clumsy yet in the end - not armed enough.
They shouldn't indeed! But there is a difference between disadvantage and being a goat. A-26 can't win against, say, Fw-190D, but it can successfully defend itself. Same can be said about, say, He-177A. Most heavy bombers are at the mercy of any fighter they can meet, and are almost devoid of chance to positively affect the outcome. Simply put, B-17s,24s and most British 4-engined heavy bombers are far(literally more than 1.0) beyond their reasonable BRs.
"-49k SL" Well, if he dont want to lose money why is he playing the most expensive aircraft in the game...
Top 10 questions science still can't answer.
What if he didn’t j out
What if he went and just at camped
-80k now kek
>I am grinding
>Loses the match and gets less rp
Nice grinding efficiency
Lmao haven't done the calcs on that, but in a close game you are probably better off tilting the match to your side lol.
Or perhaps they saw me and thought "in Adam514 we trust".
Maybe here and there it nets more, but going for the win is still better in the long run.
Or rather "let adam to the work I am too lazy"
They were in 262 those planes can't climb well(at least they wouldn't have out climbed Adam)
So they IMO thought ,,meh what's the point of going for a bomber at 7k when there is a high alt interceptor after it,, so they went for ground for RP
@@AdamTheEnginerd hhahahaha
I understand that I'm on high alt duty for sure, but the rest of the bombers were low and they should have taken care of them instead of ground pounding.
Imagine this conversation being held in 1944 in the pacific lol
Omae wa mo shinderiu.
*gunners open up *
All you hear on the telegraphs are “BEEP BEEEP BEEEEP BEEP BEEEEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!”
"Reported" lol
Gaijin: "For what?"
Him: "He said "average" after I said "fuck you"".
G: *incoming ban*
Reported for kicking his ass :)
Reported for virtually spanking spoiled brats :P
Um Gaijin?
I want to report this other player guy.
He was like kicking our asses and stuff and we feel bad about that.
слушай сука
Trukibouge this is normally me, but not to the enemy because there was a solid 8 games where I just got shot by my team before I had even engaged enemy. My salt is stopped though
“Is it necessary” like uhh yeah very necessary your bombing my airfield, it’s me vs you, I wanna win. My plane was designed to support and intercept. What do you even mean? Hahaha
Yeah it's like we're playing a different game...
I couldn't have put it better myself.
"Don't blame him blame WarGaming"
Hol up
"Don't blame him blame WarGaming"
Haha pretty sure, it's a typo.
I find this to be a very relaxing video. Calming gun sounds, beautiful visuals of bombers getting destroyed in one pass, amusing chat.
Haha thanks!
-"Talk with me"
*writes something in the chat*
-"Shut up"
Hahaha top 10 questions science still can't answer.
@@AdamTheEnginerd lmao
"saves me ammo"
I really was ambivalent to whether he Jout or not. Didn't really care about the ammo part though, I have good aim.
I know, you finished with ammo to take two bomber more lol
But i can imagine the kid thinking "hehehe, he isn't going to get the kill... WAIT!, HE DOESN'T CARE?!, WHAT KIND OF AN ALIEN HE IS"
PS: love your videos :D
Haha thanks mate!
>Poor turn
Ye a Japanese exception.
I don’t know why people take bombers out anymore. They contribute nothing to the team except occupy potential fighter slots on your team. At this point in the game they are for novelty not practicality.
They are in the game for marketing reasons. Can't have a combat flight game without bombers.
@@AdamTheEnginerd exactly, novelty not practicality. Great upload I'm new to your channel and I am interested in your manual controls. Do you think they significantly help you in game? Also I noticed you use kilometers for your true airspeed instead of knots?
Yeah MEC helps a decent amount once you're decent at the game. It can increase our speed and climb by a fair amount when used right.
Metric system ftw!
Well, marketing or not, B-24D on 6.0 is a joke. In no way it matches the capability of fighters it meets.
Yeah, I hope they get EC back but permanently (as a new permanent game mode). It has none of the issues of classic Air RB (like bombers being useless).
Aaah, to think that when this vid was uploaded you could survive flak to this level 3:20 ... now in 2019 you'd be on fire and definitely leaking everything.
Nah back then AA was a bit better than now because of the pilot damage mechanic.
"Talk with me"
*insert Spongebob X-minutes later*
"Shut up"
Yeah that was pretty funny haha.
@@AdamTheEnginerd he was the real coward for just staying in space with a giant fortress
Where are the bully hunters when they're needed 😥
Why are they needed?
ha. we all know Adam514 is a purple haired, "problem"-glasses wearing gamer grrl/bullyhunter keeping the skies clear of toxic masculinity
Well done. It's a shame that bomber pilots can't seem to figure out that Air RB is PvP first and foremost. You go into that mode, people are gonna shoot you. Either shoot back, or accept that you WILL be shot down. I will say that as the event has died down, I've actually noticed a decrease in bomber spam on Allied teams, and an increase in the quality of fighter pilots. They're climbing and sticking together, now! That's probably the best side-effect of the cannon buff-bomber pilots seem to be fleeing Air RB.
I think the decrease in Allied bombers is due to the fact that Allied bombers can't unload their bombs anymore, and so only the good fighter pilots continue to fly Allies, propping up the Allied war effort.
Survival of the fittest at its finest, lol
I love this plane. Sadly the fire issue is weird this plane should have self sealing fuel tanks. Or maybe it was like that in real life idk.
It's unfortunate when 1 50 cal has a decent chance of lighting you on fire, and lots of 50s are shot at you at once.
The X-ray in the hangar says this aircraft does have self-sealing fuel tanks.
late war Japanese planes had self sealing fuel tanks, you would be surprised on the amount of self sealing fuel tanks on planes that they have.
they're for sealing leaks not putting out fires.
@@anthonyelmore146 but theu do help sometimes for not catching fire if they don't leak then most of the tome less chance of fire.
11:05 Savage lol :D That noob in the b29 made me lmao throughout the whole second half of the video. "talk to me" and then when you talk to him he says "shut up" I mean that dude's got some serious problems xD Good one as always, and you might have just persuaded me to get the Ki-83, I usually don't like heavy fighters but the good climb rate and armament is all I need to hear :) Also, does 100% radiators affect climb rate ? Or in other words, does it affect it so much that it's better to climb with them at 30% or something like that?
Hahaha lowkey insult. Yeah he was saying some contradictory stuff.
Ki83 is fun for a heavy fighter, due to climb mostly.
Radiator does affect climb for sure. But, for example if it affects top speed by 10%, it affects climb by around 2%. You are better off WEPing with 100% rads than 100% throttle with 0% rads.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Thx for the info man, will we ever hear your voice again ? 😂
2 videos weren't enough??
Perhaps for my 5k special...
@@AdamTheEnginerd :(
The B-29 is me ._.
"Subscribe for more" absolutely cracked me up.
Coward, says the guy threatening to J out before the enemy even started their attack run
Always interesting to come across people like that ;).
The real question though were u banned from warthunder for killing those innocent bombers.))))
Haha not yet!
Now go to a RU server and talk shit about Russia then you'll be chat banned for a few days lol
Dam some people in this game really need to chill out. Good handling of them adam :)
Keep calm and subscribe for more ;).
What do you mean??? Bomber pilots don't have it easy anyone can say chill out and be calm when your flying and interceptor with heavy armanwnt going against a bomber. You guys make it seem he's a criminal
@@omarb10legends99 if you fly useless planes that have a high repair cost, you have no one but yourself to blame.
@@thelonious2213 useless and vulnerable planes
I can understand their point though, bomber guns dont work well nowadays the spread is worse than a stock mig 17 gun. And at that it barely does any damage. People trying to get their tasks done must do it in Sim or arcade bombers are piss easy to kill in realistic
What is their point though? If any aircraft is bad, don't fly it. If you do fly it, don't complain to other players.
"The spread is worse than a Stock mig 17", "Barely doesn any damage"...
Yeah... I've been diving on B-29s With the Ar-234 C3, ends up being pilot sniped from more than 3km...
@@AdamTheEnginerd ye thats exaclty my last sentence, but you still need it for the tasks, fly it in arcade where its easy to kill others/bomb freely or Sim which is about the same.
most bomber pilots are doing it wrong too. Going straight for the target invites unprotected interception. Gotta let the fighters mix it up first. They're all rodeo clowns anyway
@@___axg96___63 I do this in my Halifax since it has a great climb rate and most of the fighters are usually at low alt and its an easy 3 bases
>if you fly the b29, you take the risk of paying repairs
that's why you don't fly the b29 in the first place.
>blame wg
This may come as a surprise to you, but War Thunder is made by Gaijin Entertainment, not Wargaming
Yup, it's not like they are forced to fly it.
Possibly a typo, g and t are close together
I miss your War Thunder videos mate and most of all I miss you getting around 6 kills and showing this ground pounders how this game should be played
"Subscribe for more". That was actually a great response
Hahaha thanks! That's how I respond to haters ;).
Got to love somebody raging in a non-native tongue.
"Talk with me"
"It is fucking necessary?"
"Junk people"
That is some quality stuff.
Lmao I think so too.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Make a T-shirt with burning B-29 and written "Junk people" :D :D It would be awesome :D
Damn those stealth gunners scared me... I'm used to the tracer spray from the BV 238
They can't load stealth belts, so that's even more scary ;).
Can't really be salty when that was literally the design purpose of the vehicle, to intercept the B-29s.
Yup lol, quite confusing.
The B-29 had automated firing solutions calculated by its onboard computers for all of its remotely-controlled turrets. For all intents and purposes, it should be one of the hardest planes to shoot down. Unfortunately, WG doesn't seem to have done proper research on its capabilities.
B29 is one of the best bombers since it has one of the highest kill ratio, I think it's accurate in that regard.
WG? Don't they run World of Tanks? You mean Gaijin?
Even with computer asissted aiming, there still runs the risk of missing
I think for the b29 they should give it a lead indicator for the computer, especially since gaijin enterpainment decided it would be at 7.0
4:10 Oh boy I miss when AA was cinematic and hans88 wasn't shitting on my fighter 24/7
These days hans can "hit" the plane just by looking at it as long as it's under 3.5km above him, of course he hits the cooling and engines so you're usually out of the fight because of him.
@@Tacticaviator7 Exactly, somehow always hits the vital components of the plane, i mean hitting my wing would make me mad but setting me on fire or outright killing the rad is just insane
b29 pilots get extra salty when they see an r2y2. think i have 500+ kills in it and half are b29s.
Yeah haha honestly it's pretty funny.
"subscribe for more" haha I laughed my ass off. Good going Adam
Hahaha thanks!
Love this plane. Best climbing prop in the game, great guns, decent mid speed high alt turn
It's fun for a heavy fighter indeed.
Love how the Ki-83 has some dude tucked away in the back of the plane who can admire your take downs.
Not anymore haha, he was removed.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Ahh man really? Dam that's upsetting.
oh, alright
Nah it's just the trigger the shake the salt dispenser ;).
If you turn down the video quality due to limited fucking internet,
the plane looks like a very bad ass jet
Lmao I suppose.
What does Supercharger Gear mean? this is the first time ever seeing this in game.
Oh damn you're missing out on some of what WT offers! It's part of Manual Engine Controls (MEC). By default the game handles MEC, but you can take control of the engine yourself for a bit of extra performance if you know what you're doing.
A supercharger spins to compress the air before feeding it to the engine in order to burn more fuel to produce more power. As the altitude increases, pressure (air density) reduces and the supercharger doesn't spin fast enough to fully compress the air, so on most aircraft you can switch supercharger gears to increase the supercharger speed to compress the air more at a higher altitude. The game handles this by default if you don't enable MEC.
@@AdamTheEnginerd I never knew this existed in my 2 years of playing war thunder... Does the FW-190/A-4 have this? I would like to try this out.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Oh by the way, since I'm a German Tech Tree Player and I'm on the FW 190 A4 which is the highest fighter I have right now, which fighters will I see with Superchargers?
There's a bunch of other MEC settings other than supercharger gears, you need to learn all of them to be able to use MEC effectively. You can see me mess with prop pitch and radiators in this match.
German aircraft automatically handle the supercharger system even when on MEC, so you wouldn't be able to manually switch gears on them. They still do have superchargers though.
If you're asking which aircraft you'll face that have superchargers, answer is all of them except P47s, P38s, and F82 (they have turbochargers).
There are tutorials on UA-cam that explain how to set up MEC. But, it's a distraction unless you are already a good player.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Ok, thank you so much, ill have to check this out.
Bomber: F**k You!
Adam: Subscribe for more.
LMAO, this guy deserves so much more subs and views.
Wow I miss so much all those flaks. They were inacurrate and very immersive in some point. Now they have some accuracy and not fun at all, at least for me :(
Hmm I think the af AA in this video is roughly the same level as it is now.
I have 377 bombers shot down with Japanese planes. You need 500 bombers killed for that special victory decals. As you can imagine, I am using the spam of bombers at this time to reach the 500 kill mark.
100% prop pitch in a steep dive like that in your video, in a real plane, would cause the RPMs to soar, and thus, your engine to blow up. I always drop my prop pitch right back to 40% in a steep dive. In IL2 Sturmovik, I have actually had engines blow up in a steep dive with 100% prop pitch. But I guess Gaijin isn't all that worried about reality only cheating for their friends.
Sound plan!
Logically your engine would only overrev if you are going much faster than your max straight line speed. The RPMs never reach high enough to do damage as long as you're on 0% throttle, except on Fw190s and Ta152s.
Ah yes, the "Ballistic Missile" Ki-83, if only the 152's had that climb rate. And that bomber salt though.
They certainly wouldn't need an airspawn lmao.
Ta 152 H-1 only has the advantage of an air-spawn. I prefer using a spaded Bf 109 K-4 to climb and destroy bombers
M.C. Schock With gunpods?
@@Leon_der_Luftige probably using 30mm
Adam, do u think u could make a vid to explain ur manual controls and what they will do if used? I was flying Sim really often, but that was years ago as it was called frb. Lots changed since then and I'm rusty now :P
Yeah I'll do a video on MEC eventually.
Salty because they can't take that their precious bombers (which they fly because they're shit at fighters) get owned by (one of) the best UA-camr(s) in this game
Precious because of the high SL repair probably haha. They fly bombers because they are low on SL, but end up paying loads on repair cost. Vicious cycle.
I am good with fighters and have enough lions but also like flying bombers just because I like them (before the canon buff at least). but otherwise I can understand that saltyness because u have no chances with bombers these days (besides Russian bias tu4 lol)
Air Raid The fact that you have no chances with bombers is no excuse for being a douchebag though. And that is if they had no chances. They actually do, especially planes like the Tu-4 and of course the B-29, their chances may not be high, but they can hurt you if you don't do things right, and even if you do there's that slim chance that you can get set on fire or some shit, as is proven at the end of Adam's video when he was approaching that bomber from 10 o'clock and above which is an excellent angle with very little chances to get hit, yet he still suffered heavy damage.
Deus Vult The sad thing is that bomber got more income as gunships instead of bombing since bombing income is absymally low. When I pick Tu4, playing battleships against enemy bombers is awesome.
@@vietnamabc2290 can you still play gunship eith bombers these days? I spammed bombers in arcade (climb to space and reload in the air =" fun") and none of my bombers topk more than 2 hits of anything bigger than 13mm. A B17 battleship fight ended in 10s when we both went down in flames. Bombers are at an all time low right now. I actually would like to see at least a survivability buff to those poor things. They will cost a lot but I want my battleship fights back! And if buffing is too much for the game balance then they could just lower the altitude ceiling for bombers. Having sucess in a bomber would be still impossible then.
What did he expect? If you’re flying a B29 you should be prepared for the loss of lions
Yup, don't know either.
Did you go to the sea?
Theres a lot of salt right there.
I have in the past.
Nothing beats a good ol' salty chat in a gameplay, I'd love to see more
Haha I agree!
@@AdamTheEnginerd (petition to see more salt chat uploads ahem*)
Had a couple of people who were salty in the comment section of my latest video haha, you should check that out.
@@AdamTheEnginerd oh boy! I sure am!
I know you hate flying bombers, but have you tried the tu-4 against sabres? the gunners on that thing are fucking ASMR and it feels like most jet players forgot how to approach a bomber
Lol never flown the Tu4, I don't have it yet.
Yeah but if a sabre's .50cals get anywhere within a 2 mile radius of you you go up like a paper ball
it goes to shit if anything aim for the wings but center of mass is pretty much immune to anything that isnt a 30mm
Yeah, just keep them off your wings and you're good lol
Love that reply to the B29, "Subscribe for more" Bahahah
Hahaha where else would I get my haters??
8:06 best time to plug a UA-cam channel lol
Some would say any time is the best time ;).
"Fuck you"
"Subscribe for more"
Holy shit that is top kek.
Hahaha I'll take that as a compliment!
I have been waiting for this thanks.
My pleasure mate!
This still happens. The 'grinders' that a) climb to space in 264s or b29s and b) sit on the deck and let others do all the work need their own game mode i think. A PvE mode where they can just sit and click on stationary targets all day without inconveniencing everyone else.
that "REPORTED" at the end...hope a moderator read the chat log and threw the book at him but i doubt it greatly
Yup, there are solutions but they won't be implemented.
My enemies usually praising me like “wow such a good aim” when I win against them. Ur enemies are a little saltie :D
The vast majority aren't like this.
I realized real quick that doing the tasks in RB in anything but a jet bomber was totally impractical. I did the tasks doing 7.0-7.3 Arcade games in a Lancaster. The games were low populated enough so that the chance of someone going high to intercept was reduced (still got shot down a ton of times though), and the refilling bombs along with hyper-durable bases was essential for getting the tonnage needed to fulfill the task (relatively) quickly.
That must be why the Arado was spammed lol.
Oh and could you fly the Yak 3p next?
I have a video on it already. Perhaps it will be revisited in the future, preferably after the FM or BR changes.
Adam514 Oh yeah, forgot. Could you do the Yak 23 then?
Yep the Ki-83 is the best twin engined Japanese fighter. The rest of the planes in that tech tree are unremarkable, at best.
The rest of the twin engined fighters right?
Yeah. I wouldn't fly the rest of the Japanese twin fighters in a dogfight. I do own a Ki-96 (premium) too, but even that one doesn't work for me.
Had success with the Ki45 (very low tier), but that's probably due to enemies not really knowing how to fly.
Sea Meteor
Sea Jesus?
Adam514 I remember when it was the sea Jesus :) our saviour from the 163 clubbing
Hah yes. I used to say that two years ago before i got perma banned from chat. Now i returned but idk how to get unbanned from chat even after ive been gone over a year.
Perma banned? Jesus.
Yes please fly it
Jesus people complain about bomber pilots in this gamw when they don't have it easy. "Why is he playing an expensive bomber" I don't know maybe he wants to enjoy his plane. Its easy to call any bomber pilot salty when your flying a Japanese interceptor.
Remember, they chose to fly it.
I'm impressed by the level of salty from this players... I mean is already well know that if 2 of the bombers are not a B-29 then bombers cant win the match... Because lets be honest 4 B-29's are needed (with 40*500lb loadout) to destroy all 3 bases and the airfield... Don't have this in a match? Then they are useless players...
Remember people the only bombers that worth the effort are the the B-29 and the Tu-4... The others are useless bombers
2 B29s + 2 Lancs can end the game too I think. They got very close here with 2 B29s, 1 Linc and 1 B24. But yeah if they can't end the match by bombing the af, they are useless.
*Ahem* Pe-8
I find that piss poor coordination happens to be the elephant in the room
Can you do one video with the j2m5 with 30mm? I really want to see how many kills will you do
It's on my list!
You can't put all of the blame on bomber pilots seeing that gaijin made them utterly useless on 50% of air rb maps. Some people just want to fly bombers and be able to contribute to their team but i dont think that could ever be possible
I put the blame on them for flying useless aircraft. I blame Gaijin for making bombing useless. I can blame more than 1 person when there's more than 1 issue ;).
I recently completed the Ki83 1/48 model. It's quite impressive, Japan's Tigercat.
I think it looks good for a heavy fighter.
@@AdamTheEnginerd have you tried the j5n1? It can out dogfight most stuff, but struggles with things that lose speed quicker like p47s and f8fs, it can either high speed reverse or low speed stall fight
why tf did he say “rly -49k” as if it was your fault? He clearly knew he was in the b29 which has a high rep. Cost so why does he say that as if he was expecting you to just not kill him lmao
Yup, confusion.
i fully understand his frustration. i went in negative SL after playing the b29 for a day
But who's fault is it that he chose to fly a B29?
we want seafire 47 and f7f adam sama :D
Haha no stop the torture!!
Adam would you explain to me what is supercharger and how I use it
First off, if you don't use Manual Engine Controls (MEC), it handles everything for you. Manually changing the supercharger gears instead doesn't yield any performance advantages.
Superchargers are used to compress the air, allowing more fuel to be burnt to produce more power. But, compressing the air requires power, so it's a tradeoff. As you climb, eventually it becomes worth it to switch supercharger gears which means compressing even more air to burn fuel to compensate for the loss of atmospheric pressure as you climb.
we want a7m2 ufo then :D
That's more like it!
Every time I watch this video I laugh at the B-29 pilots rage
People with K/D ratio less than 0.5 should be denied the ability to chat in this game...
Meh, chat is often amusing.
K/D doesn't correlate with behavior. You could have the super casual guy who gets 0.1 kills a match and still laughs it up and has fun, talks nice with his team. Or you could have the dude who gets a double ace every game but does nothing but flame their teammates for 'sucking'. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That thing climbs like a homesick angel. XD
An apt comparison!
Can it outclimb 109s and spitfires?
Yeah by a decent amount.
Can you do a video on your controls?
It's on my list!
The Ki 83 is a bit of a glass cannon. But if you don't get hit...doesn't matter if you are made of glass.
As long as the fuel tanks aren't hit it's fine, but fires happen often.
your surprise from being hit by liberators front gunner = priceless 😃
Haha the shots were invisible!
Man, that guy believes his precious B-29A is an endangered specimen. Probably a kid.
Probably not a kid though.
@@AdamTheEnginerd You are probably right, sadly.
Anyone know if there is there a guide for the mixture, supercharger, and radiator settings?
Yeah there must be some on the WT forums. The description of my videos shows what I use.
"subscribe for more" is probably the best reply in a war thunder chat
Man, must be so challenging to fly a bomber, you point your mouse towards the target, then go afk and spam the spacebar
What a machine, it takes a lot of time to get used to and its quite hard to stall people and get enough time to turn around into him over 5000m but oh man so satisfying to use, had a match recently made the entire enemy team stay below my team and then a 1v1 with a p47m that started at 9000m and ended like 10 minutes late with him dieing to a 1.5km clap while he was trying to suicide at around 2500m alt.
Not to mention when one match I was above 2 spitfires and said "JAPAN" they both dived straight into the ground from 7000m, this is exactly the plane I wanted "I fear no man but that thing". This and cw-21 very nice planes.
Not my kind of plane, but yeah I can see why people like it.
Does this aircraft (the Ki-83) also suffer from "heavy fighters can't dogfight" syndrome?
It can't 1vs1 stuff, it requires the energy advantage to be effective. So I would say yes.
I loved doing it in Me-262 with 50mm gun from 1.5-1.8 km distance below the bomber
Never had much success with that technique.
I really enjoy the tips you put up on your videos. Nice flying!
Thanks mate!
You shoot down the bombers like nothing. Really good approach.
I think that the main issue is that bombers need the escort fighters but the most of WT players dont do that.
I always escort my bombers and its very good games at that.
What does escorting do? Bombers can't really win the match for you, so why go out of your way to protect them? In fact, they are most useful if they actually die to enemy fire, since they waste ammo and alt and time to kill essentially useless planes.
@@AdamTheEnginerd hehehe in fact. But bombers work like easy prey (theoretically). So its easy to shoot down fighters who try the easy price going to attack bombers. In the most of cases they are caught by surprise when the escort fighters come.
In best scenario a bombers formation could wipe out the bases and the enemy airbase. I already saw that happen. In this case, is a win by bombers.
Its a very good game to team work but the most of players work in lone wolf strategy.
It's more like bad pilots consumed by greed that go for bombers first. Those types of pilots aren't the ones you should be worried about.
It happens, but it's extremely rare.
@@AdamTheEnginerd Yeah you are right. But its fun play escort. Very immersive for me the need to protect. But you are right. Playing for the fuck objective, bombers are useless. Just for Fun.
Hmm I suppose.
"subscribe for more" I chuckled.
Lmao I doubt he did ;).
Man this thing climbs
For sure!
I wonder what climbs better, 109k4, ki-83 or ki-84?
I can see where they were coming from I have being using the tu-4 like the cancer I am lol to do the event but damn that's a whole new level of salt coming from these guys
Remember, they are the ones choosing what they fly. That should reduce their complaints to a minimum.
@@AdamTheEnginerd agreed
Amazing video as always, you just got yourself a fan ! keep up the good work!
Thanks mate! You chose the best video to come aboard ;).
I was playing a match and I shot down low flying beaufighter. He later PM’d me and had a go at me for shooting him down ‘I was just a low, slow, unmanoeuvreable interceptor’ I was just like *if you didn’t want to be shot down, don’t fly low, or slow, or as a beaufighter*
Yeah it's like we're playing a different game...
I don't get why the Ki-83 don't have an AirSpawn if is a Heavy Fighter like the F7F and the Hornet...
I guess because it climbs well lol.
Well but you can say that about the Hornet as well from where I know XD
Maybe I might think about getting the ki83 instead of the j7w1...
Hmm pros and cons to both! J7W1 will be better suited for carrying I think. Haven't spaded it yet.
Epic word-fight. Adam calls bombers useless even after they destroyed 90% of field and get ready for their last winning run... but then he kicks them out of game. That's like closing the ice cream truck just before late fat kids get to it. Well, have not seen more fun in WT.
Lmao accurate!
I don't understand why the B-29 was salty. Does ejecting save repair costs? He said he'd eject but then turned and ran anyway
Ejecting might save a bit since the crew is saved, but the reason people eject is to take the kill away from the enemy to spite them.
Your videos are always very satisfying. Thank you, your channel is equally funny and useful!
Thanks mate, means a lot!
How do you have the local host over lay on your game. I can only seem to have mine on a separate window.
There is a way, you need to play WT in windowed mode and use a program to overlay part of yiur browser over the game, but I've never done it.
What I do is I record it on my laptop next to me at the same time as WT, and combine during editing.
Can I request you do any Italian fighter above rank 2 and below rank 3?
Above 2 and below 3 leaves no rank!
@@AdamTheEnginerd meant to say rank 2 lol
I have C205 serie 3 on my list.
Will you ever make videos like these but in simulator mode instead?
Unlikely to become my main target.
The great irony is, unlike most heavy bombers in this game, B-29 isn't exactly defenceless: it has speed and climbing performance to make things hard. But most 4-enginged bombers are so broken players simply don't consider any counterplay as an option.
It's bring when it's used to its strengths (space climbing).
Space climb is only part of the equation. Defensive manoeuvring is very interesting in itself, but... but B-24 or B-17 simply can't counteract against something like Ta-152. Too slow, too clumsy yet in the end - not armed enough.
Nor should they imo, bombers shouldn't have the combat advantage over fighters it can face.
They shouldn't indeed!
But there is a difference between disadvantage and being a goat.
A-26 can't win against, say, Fw-190D, but it can successfully defend itself. Same can be said about, say, He-177A.
Most heavy bombers are at the mercy of any fighter they can meet, and are almost devoid of chance to positively affect the outcome.
Simply put, B-17s,24s and most British 4-engined heavy bombers are far(literally more than 1.0) beyond their reasonable BRs.
UK bombers yeah.
How Can you control the two thrust levers seperately on a twin engine fighter?
You need to activate Manual Engine Controls (MEC).
@@AdamTheEnginerd thank you very much! Your gameplay is awesome by the way:)
Thanks man!
It’s fun to get called a coward by bomber pilots
Lmao often ironic!
the more kills you got, the saltier he got
Linearly or exponentially?
@@AdamTheEnginerd I'm not good at math so I'm gonna say yes to both
Can you make video on the F4U-7?
Eventually I will, when I progress enough in the French tree haha.
@@AdamTheEnginerd awesome! Looking forward to it. Lol