Thank you for watching, Alan. Yeah, the unhappy things we are capable of ... the simple reason for this is a periodic and unavoidable amnesia of who we are (The Eternal) that we go through collectively each time we expand into a higher order of scale of being us. While we are in this forgetfulness we become afraid ... quite understandably ... and become capable of unhappy things. But just as this periodic amnesia is guaranteed ... so too is our emergence from it guaranteed. You could check out my video: 'I Am Jesus' (here on my channel) for an unscripted explanation ... or The Proof Trilogy (on my website) for a more detailed explanation (it's several hours long). Coming to understand WHY we are capable of unhappy things naturally leads us to our SOLUTION to this xxx
Seeing what humans can be capable of, sometimes I lament that there is something rather than nothing.
Thank you for watching, Alan. Yeah, the unhappy things we are capable of ... the simple reason for this is a periodic and unavoidable amnesia of who we are (The Eternal) that we go through collectively each time we expand into a higher order of scale of being us. While we are in this forgetfulness we become afraid ... quite understandably ... and become capable of unhappy things. But just as this periodic amnesia is guaranteed ... so too is our emergence from it guaranteed. You could check out my video: 'I Am Jesus' (here on my channel) for an unscripted explanation ... or The Proof Trilogy (on my website) for a more detailed explanation (it's several hours long). Coming to understand WHY we are capable of unhappy things naturally leads us to our SOLUTION to this xxx
The two concepts that have intrigued me the most are Dimensions, and Consciousness.
Thank you very much. ❤
Ever so welcome xxx