Hi Rissa. My name is Boston. I’ve done 4 NOBO thru hikes. You are making a wise decision by flipping. No one is going to say that your hike is not a valid thru-hike. The important thing is you are not quitting! I look forward to following the rest of your hike.
People do the AT multiple times? I don’t hike but I think if I did the AT I would like to do it multiple times for the changes in perspective ❤….it is so much territory!
You have become my favorite blogger this year. I never comment on you-tube videos but feel compelled to do so now. Take it from an old lady - you are wise beyond your years congrats on your decision. More importantly congrats on the realization of your growth and ability to be flexible. This will serve you so well the rest of your life. I am excited to watch the rest of your hike.
Risa I am glad you were able to make a decision that you feel is best for you! Making decisions is tough but now that you have you can move forward and enjoy the rest of your journey! I look forward to continuing to follow your adventures. Happy Trails!
You are so very wise. You will be coming through MY area at the end now. I live near High Point State Park in New Jersey. I was just thinking I was sad because I don't have many thru hikers to cheer for - so now, I will be here wildly cheering you.... hooray!!!
Found your videos around day 70 I think. Watched a few and then decided I should go back to your starting day and I've been playing catch up. When you said one of the guys walking behind you told you that your pace was normal it's just your steps that are shorter because of your height I had to chuckle. I'm 5' 5" and turned 50 last December and I still have to jog a bit to keep pace with my over 6" tall dad, even as he turned 80 he hasn't slowed :) I've been doing that my whole life. Looking forward to watching the rest of your videos and your adventures. I'm not a hiker; I was in an accident 30 years ago that broke my ankle in 3 places and left it arthritic. I do shorter walks, but that's ok. We all go at our own pace. Wishing you the best.
I think this makes perfect sense, and in fact this is probably what I would do if I attempted to do a thru hike. You won't "outrun" cooler weather, since it is honestly going to be cold enough in New York and Pennsylvania as you make your way down. But getting past the Whites before the snow and bitter cold hit could be crucial. And this way you won't have to worry about any kind of Baxter cut-off for climbing Katahdin. The terrain, though, is about to get real.
I think you made a good decision. It's you and you know you, better than anyone else. I think you'll be more at ease and enjoy the trail more, instead of struggling with it. Be blessed on your sobo trek. Don't really know you, but I'm proud of you, if that means anything to you. I've got several daughters and granddaughters that I watched grow up, and I know, sometimes things get tough. You're in control, and you got this.
I've been followng from the beginning and I was noticing the stress. I think you're absolutely doing the right thing. A lot of people flipped this year because of the heat, and you wouldn't say their hikd is any less valid. You've got this and I'm so glad to watch the rest of the journey!
I see a bit of sadness, but what really comes through is the renewed optimism, excitement and relief. More and bigger smiles than we've seen in a while. So happy for you! I think you put the naysayers in their place pretty well. No question you've got this. Happy moseying in the Whites!
Mosey, there are hikers that skip sections and then go back and make them up, so all is good! Taking care of yourself and getting it done safely is all that matters. 🥾🥾
I’m planning a flip next year. I don’t want to hike in the hot weather. I will still summit & do my biggest smile. That’s just a spot. The end is where you want it to be. You love the end wherever & whenever it is. It’s a thru hike if you finish in 12 months.
Nice job - you do you and hike your own hike. Keep on hammering out there !!! I did a northbound flip flop wrap around ....... 🙂 I started in my garage and finshed in my garage!!!
Rissa, I think you've made a wise decision to flip flop. You feel it's the journey more than the destination, and I believe it's the interactions with others, and the blue blazes, that you will remember for the rest of your life instead of which direction you were going. Also, no one has a right to be disappointed about any choice you make as to how you hike the trail. Unless they are a close family member or someone else who is heavily invested in your life. Continuing to cheer you on!
This is why I wish people would get in shape before they start. It gives you such a bigger advantage and you get to end your hike the way you intended, not because your body couldn't handle doing the miles.
I'm in complete agreement with you about not pushing miles..it saps all the joy out of the hike. You go and enjoy every step ❤...happy birthday cant wait to watch the rest of your epic journey 😊
Thanks for saying it out loud! In 2022 I wanted to just enjoy the trail slowly but sadly I stopped hiking my hike and concentrated on only the miles and got hurt and that ended my attempt. Lessons learned, I start over this November. Safe travels!
You rock! The strength to decide what is best for you and do it. Thanks for setting a great example. I have the same plans for next year. Heading nobo, but if I can't relish the experience, I will flip. It is the experience of a lifetime.
Hello Mosey, It is good to see your big smile. You made the right decision for you and you are doing a thru hike. You will enjoy not being stressed and enjoy the trail the way you want to. I hope you have had good weather for your 30th. You have also gotten out of the heat that effects you. Jay
Happy Birthday! At the end of the day it’s your hike and you have to do what is best for you. I’m looking forward to your SOBO videos. Stay safe and happy trails!
I think you have made a great decision. I have been watching people do this for two years so one day I can make the journey. One thing I have noticed is the northeast has a shorter season without snow and it sometimes closes the park early due to this. I’m actually almost convinced to do a sobo hike when I get to do it.
(And you got out of the Mid-Atlantic during that awful heat wave in the first part of July - that was such a smart decision for your health - you’re intuition was spot on).
I am so proud of you! I have come to enjoy your videos more and more each day. I suspected that you would flip and I think it is a great choice. I hope next year when I am on my thru hike that I have the courage to make the tough decisions when the time comes. I think we all dream of finishing the great adventure on the top of Momma K, but what is really the dream. I love your attitude about the hike . You continue to "Mosey" along the trail and enjoy your great adventure. You hike your hike and enjoy every moment. If you were my daughter, I would be so proud of you and your choices. Stay true to yourself and can't wait to see your upcoming post. Happy belated trip around the Sun. Stay safe!!!!
I'm just so excited for you!! Love seeing your plan play out, and that you have chosen to remove yourself from months of self-flagellation. I am fighting my nature and actually watching because I love seeing your journey. Mine is sadly over for now. But I just started reading a great book about the AT as a pilgrimage, rather academic and philosophical, but I am excited. - Tacocat 🤗 and I think you have my number for when you get to Hanover, looking forward to hearing your Maine and Whites advenutres
Good decision. Ride the wave, darlin! I started my AT journey in '17 in which I only made it as far as Damascus and then to Dalton, Mass in '20. I'm hoping to get on trail next month and do the 100 mile wilderness first then head south to make up a few short miles here and there to complete the trail and start again next year from Springer to hopefully pull off a full thru. You're doing great!
I am here to follow YOUR journey, and I am happy you are flexible and willing to make tough decisions that work for you and your hike! I'm looking forward to your southbound videos!
I live in Hamburg PA and have been planning a thru Hike in 2027 this is exactly the type of hike I'm trying to do Nobo and then Leapfrog trying to average 12 miles a week low an slow and enjoy the journey. I'M Excited to watch your Sobo Journey you Got this 👍
Marissa, you've made a great choice to continue the journey in the way you want to ENJOY the journey. I am probably one of the slowest hikers on the face of the planet, and I'm okay with that, because I enjoy the hike, which is high priority. Not the highest - the highest priority is always to ensure my dog is okay with the hike, so I stop often, view or not, and just enjoy the time on trail, moving or not. I live on a dirt road halfway between Mt Mist & Mt Cube in NH - and would love to help you as you come through here in any way I can - a night or zero at my house, laundry, a shuttle to Walmart/Market Basket/Hannaford, just a quick stop for dinner - whatever you need/want. Please do reach out!
Good for you for doing what's best for you!!! You've been so much fun to watch thus far and I can only imagine it'll be even more enjoyable to watch you in a more relaxed state taking it all in at a pace that works best for you. May each step of this next phase of your journey be blessed even more mightily. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable and taking us all with you on the AT.🥾🏕🎒🌳
Hey Rissa, look forward to ur videos every morning with my coffee … thx for this adventure … u go girl! Flip is what is best for u! Obviously was a big decision … I wish u well … u got this! Can’t wait to see ur journey (don’t stop believin’)
You make decisions that are best for you, nobody gets to tell you how you should enjoy your life. I followed Elise, a Canadian woman, last year who got injured, came back and fliipped up to the Appalachian Trail train station in NY and walked north, summited Mama K and then flipped back down and walked south from there. She finished in Virginia on December 22 in the snow. She was incredibly happy to finish and you will be too. You got this Mosey and I would argue that even though you flew to get there you're still going to walk to each of the states. Pretty cool if you ask me.
Girl 🤗 I am singing the Mary Tyler Moore song in my head! Great decision and one I don’t think you’ll ever regret. This is your hike; don’t let anything steal the joy of it all ❤ your joy is contagious! GO AFTER IT!
Yay!!!! I am so excited for your decision. It sounds well-reasoned for you and your hike. WELL DONE. And of course a flip flop is a real thru hike! Plus you are creating an epic vlog and there are not too many AT flip flop vlogs out there. I will be cheering you on all the way to the completion of your thru hike wherever the hike ends! 🎉👏🏻🙌🏻
You a Rock sister!! You will be a top MaMa K . Not so important when or how you get there. I think a sobo will be loads of fun. Miles are miles, you go girl!! Love your videos.
I believe that you made the right decision. So many pros versus cons. It will be much more enjoyable and less stressful for you. A flip is the same as walking the whole trail. Good for you! We are still rooting and supporting you. Oh! The weather will be much better as well. 😉
Princess dropped a hint on her blog today. Honestly, not a bad decision. I would have done the same, and I like how your intention is to not rush. So, good for you! And Happy Birthday!
Who cares how you get there. It’s about the journey and completion. Life is full of choices and decisions and that leads to growth. Enjoy your journey and we are cheering you on. God bless
The measure of a trail hike is not about how fast, what order, or even how complete. The measure of the hike is how well the hiker filled every minute with worthy and joyful experiences.
Best decision!!! You nailed it, “the most important thing is to finish”….and to those who think a flip-flop isn’t a thru-hike, they are just wrong! Cannot wait to see your smiling face at that sign. Happy Birthday!!! Rooting mightily!!!!🎉🎉🎉
I was so happy to see you flipped! I know you didn’t want to but I bet you’re going to love it anyway! Great for a learning experience on flexibility and not having control over everything. Definitely less stress on pushing miles. White knuckling isn’t so helpful. Now you can enjoy the awesome journey without the stress of miles. Fun to run into your NOBO’s. You’re still a thru hiker. Not too many can say that. I hope you get to bump into Stick the Eagle. Katahdin summit on your 3O th birthday will be spectacular.😊❤
You don’t owe anyone an explanation about your decision for your hike! Do it your way and enjoy every minute. Be careful in ME and NH, they’re beautiful but tough…be well.
Now that the weight of making the decision has lifted, I hope you feel the joy of going at whatever pace makes you happy! A flip flop is CERTAINLY a thru hike and don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise. This is YOUR journey, May it be full of fun!
Smart move. Flipping is definitely on trend amongst the thru- hike culture. A flip-flop schedule, or even a leap frog, fits the personal schedules and physical abilities of many hikers. This will lower your personal stress level and will allow to better enjoy the journey. This may give you more rewards and pleasure everyday.
Good decision to flip. Pushing yourself to stay NOBO turns the hike into an unpleasant experience. You have a better chance to finish with the flip. Don’t get in your head about the decision. It is right for you. Hike on Mosey.
Hi! I've met a lot of flip floppers in VT (I'm on the long trail), and that's not unusual or shameful; there's tons of lashers up here too. We're all part of the trail community. - Wikipedia
I think you are making a good decision!! It is all about being flexible and being truly ok with it?!! You really should feel proud of yourself for what you are doing. Keep going and listen to your body and mind as to what is best for you!!! ♥️🥾
If anyone says that your thru hike isn't valid because of the flip is guaranteed never completed-or most probably never even attempted- an actual thru hike. Don't listen to a single negative word about this decision, Mosey! You're out here to enjoy the trail, grow mentally, physically and spiritually, and do cool shit. That is exactly what you're doing! I'm sorry you won't get the ending you were dreaming of, I can understand that frustration and disappointment. As someone living on the east coast maritime provinces,I can tell you that the hurricanes are going to be coming hard, and it's going to be a bad year. It wouldn't surprise me if certain parts of the trail become impassable for hikers by the first week of September, potentially sooner with flooding, rain, trail damage and sporadic park closures. This decision may be hard, but it's the decision that gives you the most likely outcome of finishing the trail. You absolutely got this Mosey, you're doing unbelievably well. Enjoy every step , and breathe in every view you can! Happy 30th birthday!! ❤
👏👏👏 Congrats to you. You made the best decision for YOU. You will now enjoy the trail, the views and the experiences. I'm so excited for you. Anyone that says otherwise, we'll, that's on them. That's their views being forced on you, so don't listen to the naysayers, shrug it off and get out there. You're going to see so many people along the way. Have a blast, totally enjoy. Ad a flipper you are bringing so much experience and knowledge and trail legs with you, you'll do amazing. I'm so proud of you for doing what's best for you. Now, go get on trail. 🎉🪅🎊👏👏👏👏⛰️
God is just testing you. No need to stress yourself out. Hang in there I personally am proud of you and im here till the end. ❤ hang in there let the haters hate the rest of us will be here till the end❤
Premature decision - Mamma K pulls NOBO's - she only waves a brief goodbye to SOBO's. You have just extinguished a major motivational feature labeled as "stress"...but keepin' it real, hunch is you don't want your hike to end because, well, you know, but have not decided to share. HYOM - Hike Your Own Memories.
Very smart decision. You don't want to be rushing and have that deadline looming over you. That's no way to end your hike. You're Mosey, not Speedy. You're going to get to continue to do the trail how you want to do it. Keep at it, hiking sister!😂
Right move I think. I’ve hiked the Presidentials in October and you don’t want to be up there then if you can do them in August. Washington is hard any time of year but after August it’s treacherous
You're on the trail for a reason, and it's not to do big miles every day and meet some arbitrary deadline. Stay true to your purpose. We'll follow along!
I'm guessing by now your birthday has already occurred? So, Happy Belated Birthday! In regards to your flipping, I want to say I'm "agnostic", but that's not exactly the right word. In some respects, I'm disappointed for you, certainly not by you, and I hope you understand the difference because it' a huge difference. On the other hand, I want to see the joy of you finishing your hike on your terms the way you want to do it and I will continue watching and supporting you as you go along your way. I think the purpose of a hike, whether for a day-hike, a thru-hike, or any kind of hike in between the two is to enjoy the experience. So, you do you Mosey, it's your hike and I'm certainly not here to tell you how it ought to be done; "Hike your own hike". Ya, know? At the ripe age of 30, you're probably young enough that at some point in your remaining life there may be a time you decide to hike the trail again and start late February-early March where you'll be able to both complete the hike in one direction, and take a bit of time along the way. I mean, here I am 63-years-old and only considering the hike for the first time. Who knows what life has in store for us in our futures? Sometime the ball bounces in odd directions. Enjoy your hike, Mosey!
It wasn't worth it. I had held my tongue on comments the past couple of days after seeing the radar. There's nothing fun about being in the wild in thunderstorms and flash floods either. Alot of the trailheads are still inaccessible by vehicle from last year where you were headed. Some of the trail is shut down completely. I don't blame you. I can tell that you were fightin tears. I mean a hiker died in a flash flood this time last year from random weather not far from where you were. You did the right thing. Shake it off and have a Happy Birthday 😊 Best Wishes 😊
Mosey, I think you are being needlessly hard on your self about your decision. Sure most dream about finishing the hike at the Katahdin sign, but there is no shame in celebrating it as mid point. IMO you are a "thru hiker"! In the end you will have walked every foot of the AT from top to bottom in a year. That's what you will be proud about when you look back.
Good on ya for doing what you need. WAAAAAYYYYYY too many hikers put themselves in an "other's opinion" box. Hiking should be about the experience and not the opinion of others or their specific terms. Anyone who does/did it just for the labels and not their enjoyment completely missed the point.
Hi Rissa. My name is Boston. I’ve done 4 NOBO thru hikes. You are making a wise decision by flipping. No one is going to say that your hike is not a valid thru-hike. The important thing is you are not quitting! I look forward to following the rest of your hike.
People do the AT multiple times? I don’t hike but I think if I did the AT I would like to do it multiple times for the changes in perspective ❤….it is so much territory!
You have become my favorite blogger this year. I never comment on you-tube videos but feel compelled to do so now. Take it from an old lady - you are wise beyond your years congrats on your decision. More importantly congrats on the realization of your growth and ability to be flexible. This will serve you so well the rest of your life. I am excited to watch the rest of your hike.
Congrats on making the choice, looking forward to watching the rest of the journey.
Risa I am glad you were able to make a decision that you feel is best for you! Making decisions is tough but now that you have you can move forward and enjoy the rest of your journey! I look forward to continuing to follow your adventures. Happy Trails!
You are so very wise. You will be coming through MY area at the end now. I live near High Point State Park in New Jersey. I was just thinking I was sad because I don't have many thru hikers to cheer for - so now, I will be here wildly cheering you.... hooray!!!
Good for you. Knowing yourself is vital and enjoying the hike is what it’s all about. I’m rooting for you and wish you nothing but best. Mosey on…
Found your videos around day 70 I think. Watched a few and then decided I should go back to your starting day and I've been playing catch up. When you said one of the guys walking behind you told you that your pace was normal it's just your steps that are shorter because of your height I had to chuckle. I'm 5' 5" and turned 50 last December and I still have to jog a bit to keep pace with my over 6" tall dad, even as he turned 80 he hasn't slowed :) I've been doing that my whole life. Looking forward to watching the rest of your videos and your adventures. I'm not a hiker; I was in an accident 30 years ago that broke my ankle in 3 places and left it arthritic. I do shorter walks, but that's ok. We all go at our own pace. Wishing you the best.
I think this makes perfect sense, and in fact this is probably what I would do if I attempted to do a thru hike. You won't "outrun" cooler weather, since it is honestly going to be cold enough in New York and Pennsylvania as you make your way down. But getting past the Whites before the snow and bitter cold hit could be crucial. And this way you won't have to worry about any kind of Baxter cut-off for climbing Katahdin. The terrain, though, is about to get real.
I think you made a good decision. It's you and you know you, better than anyone else. I think you'll be more at ease and enjoy the trail more, instead of struggling with it. Be blessed on your sobo trek. Don't really know you, but I'm proud of you, if that means anything to you. I've got several daughters and granddaughters that I watched grow up, and I know, sometimes things get tough. You're in control, and you got this.
I've been followng from the beginning and I was noticing the stress. I think you're absolutely doing the right thing. A lot of people flipped this year because of the heat, and you wouldn't say their hikd is any less valid. You've got this and I'm so glad to watch the rest of the journey!
I see a bit of sadness, but what really comes through is the renewed optimism, excitement and relief. More and bigger smiles than we've seen in a while. So happy for you! I think you put the naysayers in their place pretty well. No question you've got this. Happy moseying in the Whites!
Flipping sounds like the best idea for you. I’m glad you are doing this.
Mosey, there are hikers that skip sections and then go back and make them up, so all is good! Taking care of yourself and getting it done safely is all that matters. 🥾🥾
Good luck & happy hiking! Thanks for sharing a bit about your adventures.
Well well well,.. look who shows up. 😂
@@schmitzcj yep! Now watching from the comforts of home.
I’m planning a flip next year. I don’t want to hike in the hot weather. I will still summit & do my biggest smile. That’s just a spot. The end is where you want it to be. You love the end wherever & whenever it is. It’s a thru hike if you finish in 12 months.
Nice job - you do you and hike your own hike. Keep on hammering out there !!! I did a northbound flip flop wrap around ....... 🙂 I started in my garage and finshed in my garage!!!
Good call!!! Enjoy the SOBO experience 😊
This is a smart move, and definitely fun! Enjoy the ride… 🤓
Rissa, I think you've made a wise decision to flip flop. You feel it's the journey more than the destination, and I believe it's the interactions with others, and the blue blazes, that you will remember for the rest of your life instead of which direction you were going. Also, no one has a right to be disappointed about any choice you make as to how you hike the trail. Unless they are a close family member or someone else who is heavily invested in your life. Continuing to cheer you on!
This is why I wish people would get in shape before they start. It gives you such a bigger advantage and you get to end your hike the way you intended, not because your body couldn't handle doing the miles.
Kelly had to flip a couple years ago also, as long as you complete the trail, it’s all good.
I'm in complete agreement with you about not pushing miles..it saps all the joy out of the hike. You go and enjoy every step ❤...happy birthday cant wait to watch the rest of your epic journey 😊
Thanks for saying it out loud! In 2022 I wanted to just enjoy the trail slowly but sadly I stopped hiking my hike and concentrated on only the miles and got hurt and that ended my attempt. Lessons learned, I start over this November. Safe travels!
You rock! The strength to decide what is best for you and do it. Thanks for setting a great example. I have the same plans for next year. Heading nobo, but if I can't relish the experience, I will flip. It is the experience of a lifetime.
Better to flip up than to flip out. Happy 30th Birthday! 🎂🥳
Hello Mosey,
It is good to see your big smile. You made the right decision for you and you are doing a thru hike. You will enjoy not being stressed and enjoy the trail the way you want to. I hope you have had good weather for your 30th. You have also gotten out of the heat that effects you.
Happy Birthday! At the end of the day it’s your hike and you have to do what is best for you. I’m looking forward to your SOBO videos. Stay safe and happy trails!
I think you have made a great decision. I have been watching people do this for two years so one day I can make the journey. One thing I have noticed is the northeast has a shorter season without snow and it sometimes closes the park early due to this. I’m actually almost convinced to do a sobo hike when I get to do it.
Happy for you! The trail should not be just stress. You do you! Happy early birthday wishes! What a beautiful way to spend at Katahdin!
Girl, you do you! Now Mosey ur way back down south. You got this!!
Hello, hear you on completion...keep going. SOBO through Maine and The Whites makes sense...godspeed and find your tempo again
Good for you 💗 I’m so proud of you for making a decision that is going to my your journey less stressful and for being flexible!
(And you got out of the Mid-Atlantic during that awful heat wave in the first part of July - that was such a smart decision for your health - you’re intuition was spot on).
I am so proud of you! I have come to enjoy your videos more and more each day. I suspected that you would flip and I think it is a great choice. I hope next year when I am on my thru hike that I have the courage to make the tough decisions when the time comes. I think we all dream of finishing the great adventure on the top of Momma K, but what is really the dream. I love your attitude about the hike . You continue to "Mosey" along the trail and enjoy your great adventure. You hike your hike and enjoy every moment. If you were my daughter, I would be so proud of you and your choices. Stay true to yourself and can't wait to see your upcoming post. Happy belated trip around the Sun. Stay safe!!!!
I am very proud of my girl who always does what she wants to do and takes risks.
@@ginalou1960 And you should be!!! Can't wait to see the adventure continue.
You are soooo smart. Great move for you. We will love you every which way you go. Have an amazing Happy Birthday!
I'm just so excited for you!! Love seeing your plan play out, and that you have chosen to remove yourself from months of self-flagellation. I am fighting my nature and actually watching because I love seeing your journey. Mine is sadly over for now. But I just started reading a great book about the AT as a pilgrimage, rather academic and philosophical, but I am excited. - Tacocat 🤗 and I think you have my number for when you get to Hanover, looking forward to hearing your Maine and Whites advenutres
who says a flip flop is not valid? BS!
“ Semper Gumby” ALWAYS FLEXIBLE . Good move. You need to enjoy this journey.
Good decision. Ride the wave, darlin! I started my AT journey in '17 in which I only made it as far as Damascus and then to Dalton, Mass in '20. I'm hoping to get on trail next month and do the 100 mile wilderness first then head south to make up a few short miles here and there to complete the trail and start again next year from Springer to hopefully pull off a full thru. You're doing great!
I hope you will have the BEST time going south completing the whole trail! Love that we get to join you for the birthday and Maine next
I am here to follow YOUR journey, and I am happy you are flexible and willing to make tough decisions that work for you and your hike! I'm looking forward to your southbound videos!
Great choice!!! Smart and practical. Also gets you out of the dangerous heat of the mid-Atlantic states!
SOBOs rule! And Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont are so beautiful. I know you are going to enjoy them. Happy hiking on your beautiful journey!
I live in Hamburg PA and have been planning a thru Hike in 2027 this is exactly the type of hike I'm trying to do Nobo and then Leapfrog trying to average 12 miles a week low an slow and enjoy the journey. I'M Excited to watch your Sobo Journey you Got this 👍
Happy Birthday !!!!!🎉
Marissa, you've made a great choice to continue the journey in the way you want to ENJOY the journey. I am probably one of the slowest hikers on the face of the planet, and I'm okay with that, because I enjoy the hike, which is high priority. Not the highest - the highest priority is always to ensure my dog is okay with the hike, so I stop often, view or not, and just enjoy the time on trail, moving or not. I live on a dirt road halfway between Mt Mist & Mt Cube in NH - and would love to help you as you come through here in any way I can - a night or zero at my house, laundry, a shuttle to Walmart/Market Basket/Hannaford, just a quick stop for dinner - whatever you need/want. Please do reach out!
Best decision for you. Don’t look back, looking forward to the rest of your journey.
I'm with you Rissa. Happy trails.
Good for you for doing what's best for you!!! You've been so much fun to watch thus far and I can only imagine it'll be even more enjoyable to watch you in a more relaxed state taking it all in at a pace that works best for you. May each step of this next phase of your journey be blessed even more mightily. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable and taking us all with you on the AT.🥾🏕🎒🌳
Hey Rissa, look forward to ur videos every morning with my coffee … thx for this adventure … u go girl! Flip is what is best for u! Obviously was a big decision … I wish u well … u got this! Can’t wait to see ur journey (don’t stop believin’)
You make decisions that are best for you, nobody gets to tell you how you should enjoy your life. I followed Elise, a Canadian woman, last year who got injured, came back and fliipped up to the Appalachian Trail train station in NY and walked north, summited Mama K and then flipped back down and walked south from there. She finished in Virginia on December 22 in the snow. She was incredibly happy to finish and you will be too. You got this Mosey and I would argue that even though you flew to get there you're still going to walk to each of the states. Pretty cool if you ask me.
It’s a great decision. Good luck!
Girl 🤗 I am singing the Mary Tyler Moore song in my head! Great decision and one I don’t think you’ll ever regret. This is your hike; don’t let anything steal the joy of it all ❤ your joy is contagious! GO AFTER IT!
You have made the right choice!! Keeping your mental health and body first is most important..the journey is what you're after!!! Good for you!!❤
Yay!!!! I am so excited for your decision. It sounds well-reasoned for you and your hike. WELL DONE. And of course a flip flop is a real thru hike! Plus you are creating an epic vlog and there are not too many AT flip flop vlogs out there. I will be cheering you on all the way to the completion of your thru hike wherever the hike ends! 🎉👏🏻🙌🏻
You a Rock sister!! You will be a top MaMa K . Not so important when or how you get there. I think a sobo will be loads of fun. Miles are miles, you go girl!! Love your videos.
You are doing amazing! Hoping you run into my friend Mountain Goat! She wears a hat the says Love > Fear ! Look out for her! She is heading NOBO
All that matters is that you are happy with your decision to flip. It is your AT journey no one else's. We enjoy your videos. Be safe. Happy trails!
I believe that you made the right decision. So many pros versus cons. It will be much more enjoyable and less stressful for you. A flip is the same as walking the whole trail. Good for you! We are still rooting and supporting you. Oh! The weather will be much better as well. 😉
Princess dropped a hint on her blog today. Honestly, not a bad decision. I would have done the same, and I like how your intention is to not rush. So, good for you! And Happy Birthday!
Who cares how you get there. It’s about the journey and completion. Life is full of choices and decisions and that leads to growth. Enjoy your journey and we are cheering you on. God bless
The measure of a trail hike is not about how fast, what order, or even how complete. The measure of the hike is how well the hiker filled every minute with worthy and joyful experiences.
Best decision!!! You nailed it, “the most important thing is to finish”….and to those who think a flip-flop isn’t a thru-hike, they are just wrong! Cannot wait to see your smiling face at that sign. Happy Birthday!!! Rooting mightily!!!!🎉🎉🎉
I think it's a great idea for all the reasons you mentioned. Enjoy.
Don't worry what other people say it is your hike. When I go hiking in New Zealand it's about the scenery not miles. Enjoy it
I was so happy to see you flipped! I know you didn’t want to but I bet you’re going to love it anyway! Great for a learning experience on flexibility and not having control over everything. Definitely less stress on pushing miles. White knuckling isn’t so helpful. Now you can enjoy the awesome journey without the stress of miles. Fun to run into your NOBO’s. You’re still a thru hiker. Not too many can say that. I hope you get to bump into Stick the Eagle. Katahdin summit on your 3O th birthday will be spectacular.😊❤
You don’t owe anyone an explanation about your decision for your hike! Do it your way and enjoy every minute. Be careful in ME and NH, they’re beautiful but tough…be well.
Now that the weight of making the decision has lifted, I hope you feel the joy of going at whatever pace makes you happy! A flip flop is CERTAINLY a thru hike and don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise. This is YOUR journey, May it be full of fun!
Smart move. Flipping is definitely on trend amongst the thru- hike culture. A flip-flop schedule, or even a leap frog, fits the personal schedules and physical abilities of many hikers. This will lower your personal stress level and will allow to better enjoy the journey. This may give you more rewards and pleasure everyday.
Good decision to flip. Pushing yourself to stay NOBO turns the hike into an unpleasant experience. You have a better chance to finish with the flip. Don’t get in your head about the decision. It is right for you. Hike on Mosey.
This is my favorite 2024 AT channel.
Hi! I've met a lot of flip floppers in VT (I'm on the long trail), and that's not unusual or shameful; there's tons of lashers up here too. We're all part of the trail community. - Wikipedia
I think you are making a good decision!! It is all about being flexible and being truly ok with it?!! You really should feel proud of yourself for what you are doing. Keep going and listen to your body and mind as to what is best for you!!! ♥️🥾
It is also a brave move. And ... When you enjoy your followers also enjoy. 🙂
This a good move for so many reasons! - Peace and Sparkling Trails
You enjoy your hike. Safe travels.
If anyone says that your thru hike isn't valid because of the flip is guaranteed never completed-or most probably never even attempted- an actual thru hike. Don't listen to a single negative word about this decision, Mosey! You're out here to enjoy the trail, grow mentally, physically and spiritually, and do cool shit. That is exactly what you're doing!
I'm sorry you won't get the ending you were dreaming of, I can understand that frustration and disappointment. As someone living on the east coast maritime provinces,I can tell you that the hurricanes are going to be coming hard, and it's going to be a bad year. It wouldn't surprise me if certain parts of the trail become impassable for hikers by the first week of September, potentially sooner with flooding, rain, trail damage and sporadic park closures. This decision may be hard, but it's the decision that gives you the most likely outcome of finishing the trail. You absolutely got this Mosey, you're doing unbelievably well. Enjoy every step , and breathe in every view you can! Happy 30th birthday!! ❤
👏👏👏 Congrats to you. You made the best decision for YOU. You will now enjoy the trail, the views and the experiences. I'm so excited for you. Anyone that says otherwise, we'll, that's on them. That's their views being forced on you, so don't listen to the naysayers, shrug it off and get out there. You're going to see so many people along the way. Have a blast, totally enjoy. Ad a flipper you are bringing so much experience and knowledge and trail legs with you, you'll do amazing. I'm so proud of you for doing what's best for you. Now, go get on trail. 🎉🪅🎊👏👏👏👏⛰️
God is just testing you. No need to stress yourself out. Hang in there I personally am proud of you and im here till the end. ❤ hang in there let the haters hate the rest of us will be here till the end❤
That’s a fine decision - enjoying the journey is important. 👍
Premature decision - Mamma K pulls NOBO's - she only waves a brief goodbye to SOBO's. You have just extinguished a major motivational feature labeled as "stress"...but keepin' it real, hunch is you don't want your hike to end because, well, you know, but have not decided to share. HYOM - Hike Your Own Memories.
I'm a trail angel in Maine. I hope to meet you out there!!!
I’m glad you made the decision to flip. I was worried you’d hurt yourself trying to make in time.
Great decision.
Wise move. I can dig it. Carry on.
Very smart decision. You don't want to be rushing and have that deadline looming over you. That's no way to end your hike. You're Mosey, not Speedy. You're going to get to continue to do the trail how you want to do it.
Keep at it, hiking sister!😂
Right move I think. I’ve hiked the Presidentials in October and you don’t want to be up there then if you can do them in August. Washington is hard any time of year but after August it’s treacherous
It is a thru hike if u flip ,it's about hiking the whole trail not the direction u go.i would flip also so as not to have a deadline to meet .
Good Choice
Great decision, Rissa! Very smart on your part. HYOH, right?
Happy 30th Birthday 🎉🎂 🎉
Smart Move doing a Flip Flop. Trying to get there in time to summit, WOULD be stressful for you. And it's your hike!! Do it your way.
You're on the trail for a reason, and it's not to do big miles every day and meet some arbitrary deadline. Stay true to your purpose. We'll follow along!
I'm guessing by now your birthday has already occurred? So, Happy Belated Birthday! In regards to your flipping, I want to say I'm "agnostic", but that's not exactly the right word. In some respects, I'm disappointed for you, certainly not by you, and I hope you understand the difference because it' a huge difference. On the other hand, I want to see the joy of you finishing your hike on your terms the way you want to do it and I will continue watching and supporting you as you go along your way. I think the purpose of a hike, whether for a day-hike, a thru-hike, or any kind of hike in between the two is to enjoy the experience. So, you do you Mosey, it's your hike and I'm certainly not here to tell you how it ought to be done; "Hike your own hike".
Ya, know? At the ripe age of 30, you're probably young enough that at some point in your remaining life there may be a time you decide to hike the trail again and start late February-early March where you'll be able to both complete the hike in one direction, and take a bit of time along the way. I mean, here I am 63-years-old and only considering the hike for the first time. Who knows what life has in store for us in our futures? Sometime the ball bounces in odd directions.
Enjoy your hike, Mosey!
U R A 🪨 ⭐️! Hugs to u!
It wasn't worth it. I had held my tongue on comments the past couple of days after seeing the radar. There's nothing fun about being in the wild in thunderstorms and flash floods either. Alot of the trailheads are still inaccessible by vehicle from last year where you were headed. Some of the trail is shut down completely. I don't blame you. I can tell that you were fightin tears. I mean a hiker died in a flash flood this time last year from random weather not far from where you were. You did the right thing. Shake it off and have a Happy Birthday 😊 Best Wishes 😊
Mosey, I think you are being needlessly hard on your self about your decision. Sure most dream about finishing the hike at the Katahdin sign, but there is no shame in celebrating it as mid point. IMO you are a "thru hiker"! In the end you will have walked every foot of the AT from top to bottom in a year. That's what you will be proud about when you look back.
Good on ya for doing what you need. WAAAAAYYYYYY too many hikers put themselves in an "other's opinion" box. Hiking should be about the experience and not the opinion of others or their specific terms. Anyone who does/did it just for the labels and not their enjoyment completely missed the point.
Probably a good choice !! HYOH !!!
Going southbound you will pass all the hikers that you met going north that may have been faster and you thought you would never see again.
You are still walking to the states, just a different direction.
Good call