To be honest I LOVE divine purpose when there's lots of aoe damage going out and I'm smashing heals all over people. I picked eternal flame as well, and as you said IT. IS. BITCHIN'! It's great getting like 5 procs and being able to throw eternal flames all over the place. Like you said some times it procs when I don't need it to. If that happens I go ahead and throw one on myself since the HoT gets doubled on me, that means my beacon gets a full strength HoT on them. The only reason I didn't keep holy avenger is that when I pop it, I spam heal and boost my healing massively, then it wears off and I've got nothing left. That never happens with divine purpose
Thanks for making this guide. Things change so much and with LFR feeling like nothing but a heal spamming recount contest I found it harder to be efficient and feel like I'm actually contributing to healing rather than recount.
You dont get holy avenger b/c holy paladins already have 3 heal cds. You get divine purpose so that your light of dawn and eternal flame can get extra uses. Just a tip =] Great videos!
For 10man and especially in SoO with so much continuous movement required you may want to consider the following. Talents: Selfless Healer , Clemency, Divine Purpose, Hammer. Add to that Glyph of LoD to only 4 targets but 25 % more healing per target. You will be able to move all the time and still generate HP on every cd by using HS and judgement. Then use LoD, the proc of DP is really significant atm so you will often have free LoD to spam out also. I really enjoy that playstyle for 5.4.
Level 15 - Speed of Light no question Level 30 - The only time I've used repentance in SoO is the trash before Garrosh. Fist of Justice is an awesome go-to for raiding. Level 45 - Eternal Flame is way too good to pass up and will always be in your top 5 healing spells Your level 60 talents are pretty much always fight specific. Be prepared to switch these around when you need to. Ah.. level 75 talents. I've always wondered why other HPaladins go Divine Purpose. Holy Avenger is just way too good of a cooldown to pass up. With a 2 minute cooldown, you can get far more Eternal Flame/Light of Dawn casts off than you can with Divine Purpose (Unless you're crazy lucky...), but even then, it's all random. Time your Holy Avenger with boss abilities and you won't go wrong. Level 90 - Light's Hammer had it's time in lower tier content. I've tested both of them in SoO and Holy Prism pulls ahead by far for every fight. It's low mana cost and builds a mastery shield each time it hits a friendly target. It is a very good spell for the quick, non periodic boss abilities such as Calamity on Protectors. -Uthos (Azjol-Nerub)
I use holy prism in most cases. It's just great as part of my healing.. Sometimes on fights like say Norushen (25 man) I think light's hammer may be good, but I sometimes don't even bother then.. My mana pool is fine by the end and I always top the healing on that fight in LFR/flex and my guild's raids.. So I can't complain.
Nice guide, dont fully agree with glyph choise though, hand of sacrifice only gives a 100% dmg back to the caster, so in my case that would be 730k dmg over 12 seconds, with the glyph that gives you 20% self healing for every word of glory (eternal flame) it would mean that 1 heal would keep you alive and the 20% will always go to you on every cast you do. Adding that your not the only healer and that siege of orgrimmar is a huge AoE raid. Mana is at end game no issue unless you are actually using flash of light constantly, even so i would still go for the divine plea glyph as last spot, caus a lot of times you will not use your 2 minut cd becaus you gonne need it after that huge AoE so better save it, with a 1 min cd it is way easyer to use. Lights hammer, 25 men SoO, better then holy prism hands down, 10 men holy prism over hammer for most fights. About Holy Avenger, combined with divine purpose, wings, guardian. In a 25 men raid, HR, EF, HR, EF, HS, ET < you can cast a 3 stack eternal flame on 15 people with 20% more crit, 20% more healing, ticking for longer then your cd last, adding the guardian the burst of the heal will go double on the person you cast it on. (adding cap mastery shields on all of them) It makes for 1 of the strongest healing burst there is. I would pick it over a choise for a free cast on every fight. Mastery cap is 50% pretty hard to get without gemming mastery even with full BiS SoO HC gear. (Nicoeky - shadowsong - 576/578 ilvl holy paladin - 12/14 hc 25 mn SoO)
I actually rather use selfless healer, as it turned out to be a HUGE mana saver for me. I'm still on normal SoO, but there's not a single fight where I get under 150-170k mana, always pulling more than 100k hps. Well, it's just my opinion, off course. I also use Unbreakable Spirit, cause in some fights having a second chance to usa a lay on hands or a divine shield really helps.
Hi Preach. Thanks for this guide and your work at first. I would liked that you would have mentioned in your guide the gear and the raidsetup. For your gear and a 10 Mann raid i would agree to your guide but with 550 gs and a capable 25 man raid i would add the following. (personal opinion) - Go Spirit just to your personal level, 12k seems legit to not going oom. - In 25 man LoD is definaltely superior to EF (indirectly over massive absorbrates)
Glyphs - Divinity is great for mana regeneration. Usually, you will only use Lay on Hands once during a fight anyway. Flash of Light is a very useful glyph for emergency healing and goes great with the legendary meta. Last one, I would go with Sacrifice or Divine Plea.
Holy prism is really in 10 man on bosses with large hit boxes (such as Tortos). In like all other cases I used Lights Hammer, I played 25 mostly though.
i like divine purpose for 75 because at worst you can use the light of dawn and get a small absorb on the whole raid, or you can put eternal flame on multiple targets so that the beacon target gets additional healing
ET doesnt even come close to the output of SS now for holy paladins, especially after the nerf to it not adding our absorb with the HoT. In a 25m setting in mastery build *not including if you went haste) you can have 6-8 Sacred shields going at a givin time giving anywhere from 50-70k shield in about 540 Ilvl. It can only go up from there.
Preach had to pull it to edit out some footage that he didn't get permission to use. He asked the creator but the guy hadn't touched his account in months so Preach didn't expect a response and so just used the clip, but the creator came back and asked it to be pulled. It will be re-posted soon.
Mike been subscribed for 2 years (about) and im not requesting but im asking if you can do a amrs guide? my singel target dps is about 60-90k and 400k aoe but i really need to get my singel target up. my ilvl is 515 could you show us how to play the class? :) Regards Henke from Sweden! :D
Tips and Tricks for Holy Pallys with mana problem. Doesn't work well at Proving Grounds or Raids!!! Supposed for: 2v2 3v3 5v5 Ok, so your (or mine atleast) key abilities are: Holy Shock, Holy Prism, Eternal Flame and Holy Light. Why Holy Prism? Because it's really great healing compared to cd and mana cost... Use Holy Shock and Holy Prism on cds. Then use Eternal Flame with every 3 holy powers. And you should use Sanctificied Wrath, and you don't have to waste your mana to Holy radiance. Use Flash of Light for fake cast, and when you get free Divine Light or Holy Light (Don't remember effect name) use Holy Light. But at emergency use Divine Light. If you get low on mana (75% is low to me) use Divine Plea. If you and your healing target is getting attacked, bubble (Divine shield) and heal your target, or If you are not getting damage but you are on "low" use Guardian of Ancient Kings on yourself and heal target up. This is how i can keep up my target and me topped + little absorb all time, with 100% mana. You should use Turn Evil to opponents healer (with talent only) or use Fist of Justice with talent. I suppose Turn Evil because with it you can use Hammer of Justice (without talent) and Turn Evil. It works absolutely well on 2v2:s. - Zark
I think Glyph of Flash of Light is rather strong, rather than Beacon. With the proc from Courageous Primal Diamond you get 4 seconds of free casting heals at a rather frequent basis. If you can track it properly, I am able to get off two Flash of Lights back to back for free. Using Glyph of Flash of Light with that just boosts your healing considerably.
10% increased healing on the next spell is rarely worth it as most healing is passive or from proccs which will eat the effect. (Such as EF healing) and you would have to sacrifice things such as Hand of Sac not returning damage to you, more mana regen through LoH or more passive healing on yourself/more burst on LoD/Beacon not having a GCD.
They are meant to be 'basic' guides =) I would say that the majority of the player-base doesn't care why or how an ability works, but simply that it does. Tough luck for them, but I think he has to keep that in mind when creating these guides!
I'm a top end 25 Man Raider and tbh spirit becomes less of an issue if you have Restro Shamans in the Raid. Illuminated Healing is still you top heal on 90% of fight so for me being 578 IL Just stack this hell out of mastery and intel mastery of the socket is 180 intel. If you are a 10 man Raider Spirit may play more of a roll but I still think its not needed top end.
Did you do a shadowpriest guide lately? think i saw it a while ago! Is it updated enough to take something from it? Love all of your content, keep it up :D!
Stats priority in this guide is misleading. Use mastery gems (or even any other secondary you want, they're all viable depending on comp) in yellow slots, and then int-mastery in reds and mastery-spirit in blues. Also, make sure that it's worth doing that. For example, a 60 spirit bonus for a blue slot is not worth it. Just use a 320 mastery gem.
When you say that Holy Paladins struggles with mana, then I would disagree abit, it really depends on your Spirit (I have about 14k) and how you manage your abilities compared to your healer setup. I rarely go Oom unless my partner is Oom, who is a resto druid. Usually he is highest on healing done, while I am highest in Hps
good guild as usual :) i'd like your opinion though, have an alt playing as holy paladin. with beacon glyph, i'm using a macro whenever i cast flash heal or divine light it;ll put a beacon on the target aswell, this case i generate a holy power everytime i heal with either one of them in a fight. and depending on who need more healing, tank or raid i use divine light to generate holy powers instead of holy radiance. unless the raid is taking/is gonna take damage in the next so many seconds.
11 років тому
for a start in pvp and arenas you take evil is a point of view because you can cc feral druids with using your stun ! beasts can be feared better than a repentance also it does not dr with a hunters trap that means a full 14 to 15 seconds cc that's not including your other cds also holy prism is the best spell in pvp if some one is at low hp its an instant cast with a long range heals like a truck and can heal several targets. 2k rating holy paladin speaking here.
5 years late, but he doesn't know a lot about a lot of things he makes videos on. Slightly better than average on most things, but that beats a lot of the playerbase so people think it's the gospel. No hate just an observation. I enjoy his content, but his guides I take with a grain of salt, to say the least.
Revengge I've never tried that but I imagine you're correct. I play for thrills so I stacked haste and your way would outheal me by 10%+ by total healing done but I like to think I had more fun. To me, high haste's extra GCDs practically begged for Selfless Healer, and Selfless Healer made Divine Purpose surprisingly profitable.
That's an impossible question to answer. Fun is subjective and it varies between individuals. I've played both and each one has a certain fun factor. Mistweaver is a different type of healer to me. I've healed on my Paladin since Wrath and the Mistweaver feels completely different. The paladin feels more like a powerhouse healer, I feel like it is a little easier to develop a good feel or rotation for healing groups. In nearly every situation you will pretty much know which heal to throw up. Mistweaver imo can be harder to get use to. You might find some difficulty choosing which skill to cast, at what time, etc. For me I find the Mistweaver more fun but the Paladin feels like a better healer overall (for me not necessarily true in real numbers). Of course this is all my opinion which is subjective as well. I suggest watching a lot of videos of each and seeing which type of heal style you prefer as their playstyles are very different from each other.
I am 550 ilvl top guild holy pally in a 10man, and I use the glyph for light of dawn which breaks down healing 6 people into 3 and creating a stronger heal. I spam holy radiance for absorbs and holy power, cast holy shock on cooldown and yes spam light of dawn. I do use eternal flame obviously if there isn't much aoe going on, but ya that's how I roll. Also I have 42% mastery with 4 piece procs…
In matter of stats i preffer stacking haste until i get to 20% and then pure mastery! Currently in 391 ilvl ive got 22% haste and 29% mastery with 13k spirit and i am double healling tot with ease
Using 100% intel gems and 100% spirit gems on Hpaly is simply bad! Your heals are already enough powerfull you don't need to max spell power with intel gems, also, the glyph of divine plea is so usefull you dont need to over stack spirit anymore. The only gems you should be using on your entire gear set are purified imperial amethyst for intel+spirit (on red socket) and zen wild jade for spirit+mastery (on blue and yellow socket).
I like selfless healer. Everything into int and mastery, reforge away all spirit. 2 heal Siege normal with 9.8k spirit and no Siegecrafter trinket, never run out of mana. Es gud.
Sanctified wrath is excellent as well- the virtually guaranteed crits are good for healing, wings lasts 10 seconds longer, and you get largely reduced Divine Light and Holy Radiance CDs as well. Definitely my personal preference.
I find your commentary very great.. Just I wish you could discuss what your abilities actually do.. You name a lot of abilities without saying what they mechanicly do..
DP all the way for hpal in both pve and pvp. in almost all situations..i only use holy avenger for a very short , situational , and scripted event that would call for all out burst on demand healing. a situation would be the adds before aniumus in a less skilled group...any other time tho... is DP all the way.. and holy prism for any fight where aoe is mild yet somwhat consistant.. hammer for fights that have huge aoe moments in timed waves. where hammer can really shine
***** I cancelled my account so I cant see the leader boards but last time I looked shamans and druids where as high was 3k and the highest rated hpally was 2400.
ater sol there is too much u need this instead of thinking about what to do all you have to do is look at an addon telling you to move makes it easy and boring
No they tell you when there is shit on the floor to move away by flashing screen red (or what colour) or when a boss is about to cast a powerfull spell and to get ready for massive damage, before u had to have skill for that stuff, they make it too easy
"when im looking at an encounter I like to break it down mechanically." mike l2hpal. if you are speaking of encounters in regards to pve then nm the statement. l2hpal pvp. bye!
sometimes good for AOE heals but more common i see Prot paladins use this talent, as a holy paladin im usually using my Holy Prism - does a shit ton of AOE healing
It's good on fights like thok, but on others I don't like constant healing but I prefer just being able to heal ppl from 70-100% with one heal (holy prism). I like that it has a short(er) cooldown since I can use it more often, and if people move it's not wasted.
To be honest I LOVE divine purpose when there's lots of aoe damage going out and I'm smashing heals all over people. I picked eternal flame as well, and as you said IT. IS. BITCHIN'! It's great getting like 5 procs and being able to throw eternal flames all over the place. Like you said some times it procs when I don't need it to. If that happens I go ahead and throw one on myself since the HoT gets doubled on me, that means my beacon gets a full strength HoT on them. The only reason I didn't keep holy avenger is that when I pop it, I spam heal and boost my healing massively, then it wears off and I've got nothing left. That never happens with divine purpose
I'd love to see a gameplay video of this in action!
I use divine Pupose on my Hpal, and yes its very random, but when it procs for real, its HUUGE heals with LOD 5 procs in a row is simply fantastic.
Thanks for making this guide. Things change so much and with LFR feeling like nothing but a heal spamming recount contest I found it harder to be efficient and feel like I'm actually contributing to healing rather than recount.
You dont get holy avenger b/c holy paladins already have 3 heal cds. You get divine purpose so that your light of dawn and eternal flame can get extra uses. Just a tip =] Great videos!
Thanks! Been wondering where homie's been.
Thanks for this. Just switched to Holy as my off-spec, and it was pretty daunting until I saw this. I haven't been holy since Burning Crusade.
For 10man and especially in SoO with so much continuous movement required you may want to consider the following. Talents: Selfless Healer , Clemency, Divine Purpose, Hammer. Add to that Glyph of LoD to only 4 targets but 25 % more healing per target. You will be able to move all the time and still generate HP on every cd by using HS and judgement. Then use LoD, the proc of DP is really significant atm so you will often have free LoD to spam out also. I really enjoy that playstyle for 5.4.
Level 15 - Speed of Light no question
Level 30 - The only time I've used repentance in SoO is the trash before Garrosh. Fist of Justice is an awesome go-to for raiding.
Level 45 - Eternal Flame is way too good to pass up and will always be in your top 5 healing spells
Your level 60 talents are pretty much always fight specific. Be prepared to switch these around when you need to.
Ah.. level 75 talents. I've always wondered why other HPaladins go Divine Purpose. Holy Avenger is just way too good of a cooldown to pass up. With a 2 minute cooldown, you can get far more Eternal Flame/Light of Dawn casts off than you can with Divine Purpose (Unless you're crazy lucky...), but even then, it's all random. Time your Holy Avenger with boss abilities and you won't go wrong.
Level 90 - Light's Hammer had it's time in lower tier content. I've tested both of them in SoO and Holy Prism pulls ahead by far for every fight. It's low mana cost and builds a mastery shield each time it hits a friendly target. It is a very good spell for the quick, non periodic boss abilities such as Calamity on Protectors.
-Uthos (Azjol-Nerub)
I use holy prism in most cases. It's just great as part of my healing.. Sometimes on fights like say Norushen (25 man) I think light's hammer may be good, but I sometimes don't even bother then.. My mana pool is fine by the end and I always top the healing on that fight in LFR/flex and my guild's raids.. So I can't complain.
Nice guide, dont fully agree with glyph choise though, hand of sacrifice only gives a 100% dmg back to the caster, so in my case that would be 730k dmg over 12 seconds, with the glyph that gives you 20% self healing for every word of glory (eternal flame) it would mean that 1 heal would keep you alive and the 20% will always go to you on every cast you do. Adding that your not the only healer and that siege of orgrimmar is a huge AoE raid.
Mana is at end game no issue unless you are actually using flash of light constantly, even so i would still go for the divine plea glyph as last spot, caus a lot of times you will not use your 2 minut cd becaus you gonne need it after that huge AoE so better save it, with a 1 min cd it is way easyer to use.
Lights hammer, 25 men SoO, better then holy prism hands down, 10 men holy prism over hammer for most fights.
About Holy Avenger, combined with divine purpose, wings, guardian. In a 25 men raid, HR, EF, HR, EF, HS, ET < you can cast a 3 stack eternal flame on 15 people with 20% more crit, 20% more healing, ticking for longer then your cd last, adding the guardian the burst of the heal will go double on the person you cast it on. (adding cap mastery shields on all of them) It makes for 1 of the strongest healing burst there is. I would pick it over a choise for a free cast on every fight.
Mastery cap is 50% pretty hard to get without gemming mastery even with full BiS SoO HC gear.
(Nicoeky - shadowsong - 576/578 ilvl holy paladin - 12/14 hc 25 mn SoO)
I actually rather use selfless healer, as it turned out to be a HUGE mana saver for me. I'm still on normal SoO, but there's not a single fight where I get under 150-170k mana, always pulling more than 100k hps. Well, it's just my opinion, off course. I also use Unbreakable Spirit, cause in some fights having a second chance to usa a lay on hands or a divine shield really helps.
Hi Preach. Thanks for this guide and your work at first. I would liked that you would have mentioned in your guide the gear and the raidsetup. For your gear and a 10 Mann raid i would agree to your guide but with 550 gs and a capable 25 man raid i would add the following. (personal opinion)
- Go Spirit just to your personal level, 12k seems legit to not going oom.
- In 25 man LoD is definaltely superior to EF (indirectly over massive absorbrates)
Can you do a guide for 6.0.3? c:
Glyphs - Divinity is great for mana regeneration. Usually, you will only use Lay on Hands once during a fight anyway. Flash of Light is a very useful glyph for emergency healing and goes great with the legendary meta. Last one, I would go with Sacrifice or Divine Plea.
Holy prism is really in 10 man on bosses with large hit boxes (such as Tortos). In like all other cases I used Lights Hammer, I played 25 mostly though.
Why would you use lights hammer and not holy prism on your spec tree. It does more healing to basically the same amount of people. Or?
i like divine purpose for 75 because at worst you can use the light of dawn and get a small absorb on the whole raid, or you can put eternal flame on multiple targets so that the beacon target gets additional healing
what is the music from this video?
ET doesnt even come close to the output of SS now for holy paladins, especially after the nerf to it not adding our absorb with the HoT. In a 25m setting in mastery build *not including if you went haste) you can have 6-8 Sacred shields going at a givin time giving anywhere from 50-70k shield in about 540 Ilvl. It can only go up from there.
Preach had to pull it to edit out some footage that he didn't get permission to use. He asked the creator but the guy hadn't touched his account in months so Preach didn't expect a response and so just used the clip, but the creator came back and asked it to be pulled. It will be re-posted soon.
What addon are you using to make Eternal flame show up on your grid like that?
He just set grid to do it on its own in the options menu for grid
Mike been subscribed for 2 years (about) and im not requesting but im asking if you can do a amrs guide? my singel target dps is about 60-90k and 400k aoe but i really need to get my singel target up. my ilvl is 515 could you show us how to play the class? :) Regards Henke from Sweden! :D
Well done, you are very observant. Have a sticky gold star.
Tips and Tricks for Holy Pallys with mana problem. Doesn't work well at Proving Grounds or Raids!!!
Supposed for:
Ok, so your (or mine atleast) key abilities are: Holy Shock, Holy Prism, Eternal Flame and Holy Light.
Why Holy Prism? Because it's really great healing compared to cd and mana cost...
Use Holy Shock and Holy Prism on cds. Then use Eternal Flame with every 3 holy powers. And you should use Sanctificied Wrath, and you don't have to waste your mana to Holy radiance. Use Flash of Light for fake cast, and when you get free Divine Light or Holy Light (Don't remember effect name) use Holy Light. But at emergency use Divine Light. If you get low on mana (75% is low to me) use Divine Plea. If you and your healing target is getting attacked, bubble (Divine shield) and heal your target, or If you are not getting damage but you are on "low" use Guardian of Ancient Kings on yourself and heal target up. This is how i can keep up my target and me topped + little absorb all time, with 100% mana. You should use Turn Evil to opponents healer (with talent only) or use Fist of Justice with talent. I suppose Turn Evil because with it you can use Hammer of Justice (without talent) and Turn Evil. It works absolutely well on 2v2:s.
- Zark
I think Glyph of Flash of Light is rather strong, rather than Beacon. With the proc from Courageous Primal Diamond you get 4 seconds of free casting heals at a rather frequent basis. If you can track it properly, I am able to get off two Flash of Lights back to back for free. Using Glyph of Flash of Light with that just boosts your healing considerably.
10% increased healing on the next spell is rarely worth it as most healing is passive or from proccs which will eat the effect. (Such as EF healing) and you would have to sacrifice things such as Hand of Sac not returning damage to you, more mana regen through LoH or more passive healing on yourself/more burst on LoD/Beacon not having a GCD.
rogue assas and combat! And pls keep in mind to say which spec ist the overall best :) good day
Hey there, Great guide. I wanted to know what addons you were using?
They are meant to be 'basic' guides =) I would say that the majority of the player-base doesn't care why or how an ability works, but simply that it does. Tough luck for them, but I think he has to keep that in mind when creating these guides!
is it just me or did the music start to get WAYYY LOUDER at just after 16 minutes?
I'm a top end 25 Man Raider and tbh spirit becomes less of an issue if you have Restro Shamans in the Raid. Illuminated Healing is still you top heal on 90% of fight so for me being 578 IL Just stack this hell out of mastery and intel mastery of the socket is 180 intel. If you are a 10 man Raider Spirit may play more of a roll but I still think its not needed top end.
Thx again preach
how did u do this interface ım playing in eu its different
what addons do u use Preach?
Man ... Do I miss this variant of Hpal... :'(
Did you do a shadowpriest guide lately? think i saw it a while ago! Is it updated enough to take something from it?
Love all of your content, keep it up :D!
what addons are you using in this video
Hi! Which Addon do you recommend tracking Eternal Flame?
Grid is amazing for tracking stuff
hey for your next guide will you please do... whatever the hell you feel like doing! you're awesome!
Stats priority in this guide is misleading. Use mastery gems (or even any other secondary you want, they're all viable depending on comp) in yellow slots, and then int-mastery in reds and mastery-spirit in blues. Also, make sure that it's worth doing that. For example, a 60 spirit bonus for a blue slot is not worth it. Just use a 320 mastery gem.
what happened to lagacy of the paladinb
When you say that Holy Paladins struggles with mana, then I would disagree abit, it really depends on your Spirit (I have about 14k) and how you manage your abilities compared to your healer setup.
I rarely go Oom unless my partner is Oom, who is a resto druid. Usually he is highest on healing done, while I am highest in Hps
Do I need to always use Eternal Flame when I have 3 holy power, or is it okay to use it with less than 3?
do you think that holy pallys will be wanted for wod
good guild as usual :) i'd like your opinion though, have an alt playing as holy paladin. with beacon glyph, i'm using a macro whenever i cast flash heal or divine light it;ll put a beacon on the target aswell, this case i generate a holy power everytime i heal with either one of them in a fight. and depending on who need more healing, tank or raid i use divine light to generate holy powers instead of holy radiance. unless the raid is taking/is gonna take damage in the next so many seconds.
for a start in pvp and arenas you take evil is a point of view because you can cc feral druids with using your stun ! beasts can be feared better than a repentance also it does not dr with a hunters trap that means a full 14 to 15 seconds cc that's not including your other cds also holy prism is the best spell in pvp if some one is at low hp its an instant cast with a long range heals like a truck and can heal several targets. 2k rating holy paladin speaking here.
not sure if mike knows much about hpalas tbh
5 years late, but he doesn't know a lot about a lot of things he makes videos on. Slightly better than average on most things, but that beats a lot of the playerbase so people think it's the gospel.
No hate just an observation. I enjoy his content, but his guides I take with a grain of salt, to say the least.
plz do a mistweaver monk, they have changed quite a lot
I understand this glyph wouldn't really work for 25mans and that is what I understand preach usually rolls with
What are the Add-on's you are using?
podrias hacer una versión en español porfavor?...
yes, here take my like :D I wish he listen and put something in the titles of hes guides.
What's the name of the Holy Power addon?
Sprit cap at 14k
Haste cap 30%
Crit 20%
Mastery 38%
GG walk away...
I still think a crit/mastery build is op as hell
Revengge I've never tried that but I imagine you're correct. I play for thrills so I stacked haste and your way would outheal me by 10%+ by total healing done but I like to think I had more fun. To me, high haste's extra GCDs practically begged for Selfless Healer, and Selfless Healer made Divine Purpose surprisingly profitable.
Hunters next?
Can't choose between holy paladin or mistweaver help plzzz. What has the most fun gameplay and wich one is better and why.
That's an impossible question to answer. Fun is subjective and it varies between individuals. I've played both and each one has a certain fun factor. Mistweaver is a different type of healer to me. I've healed on my Paladin since Wrath and the Mistweaver feels completely different. The paladin feels more like a powerhouse healer, I feel like it is a little easier to develop a good feel or rotation for healing groups. In nearly every situation you will pretty much know which heal to throw up. Mistweaver imo can be harder to get use to. You might find some difficulty choosing which skill to cast, at what time, etc.
For me I find the Mistweaver more fun but the Paladin feels like a better healer overall (for me not necessarily true in real numbers).
Of course this is all my opinion which is subjective as well. I suggest watching a lot of videos of each and seeing which type of heal style you prefer as their playstyles are very different from each other.
Mistweaver is tons of fun!
It's always been like that.
whats the add-ons you are using bro?
***** Thank you bro :D
I am 550 ilvl top guild holy pally in a 10man, and I use the glyph for light of dawn which breaks down healing 6 people into 3 and creating a stronger heal. I spam holy radiance for absorbs and holy power, cast holy shock on cooldown and yes spam light of dawn. I do use eternal flame obviously if there isn't much aoe going on, but ya that's how I roll. Also I have 42% mastery with 4 piece procs…
any money when the baby came out he yelled "HOLLA BALLER AND A BROFIST TO YOU"
should eternal flame only be cast with 3 holy power?
Use when needed if at 2 use at 2 but you should be using it at 3 normally if your not in a OH S###T situation.
1. 483i average characters (alts).
2. SoO normals.
Choose one and only one.
In matter of stats i preffer stacking haste until i get to 20% and then pure mastery! Currently in 391 ilvl ive got 22% haste and 29% mastery with 13k spirit and i am double healling tot with ease
Hey Preach man Thanks bro for this vid helped out my holy pally so fucking much! TYSVM
lol what are you talking about? we got a 30% nerf to revival and mana tea is consumed faster if you have the normal unglyphed version.. that's it.
Using 100% intel gems and 100% spirit gems on Hpaly is simply bad! Your heals are already enough powerfull you don't need to max spell power with intel gems, also, the glyph of divine plea is so usefull you dont need to over stack spirit anymore. The only gems you should be using on your entire gear set are purified imperial amethyst for intel+spirit (on red socket) and zen wild jade for spirit+mastery (on blue and yellow socket).
I like selfless healer. Everything into int and mastery, reforge away all spirit. 2 heal Siege normal with 9.8k spirit and no Siegecrafter trinket, never run out of mana. Es gud.
Sanctified wrath is excellent as well- the virtually guaranteed crits are good for healing, wings lasts 10 seconds longer, and you get largely reduced Divine Light and Holy Radiance CDs as well. Definitely my personal preference.
Please do hunters next
War arms or fury next please:D
maybe druids next? would be awesome
Holy paladin
resto shaman next.....PLZ
The heck is this in my feed
pls make Hunter guides next :)
I find your commentary very great.. Just I wish you could discuss what your abilities actually do.. You name a lot of abilities without saying what they mechanicly do..
Update for everyone not following Preach on the good book! Baby baller has been born!
With 391 ilvl? I doubt it.
I assume you made a typo :D
''testing out different SoO bosses'' Does this mean youre testing this in LFR, Flex or are you back for normals?
Preach, why you have to make everything look fun.
Something tells me Mike thinks the Paladin is an all around sexy class haha
What are you talking about?!?!?! In my opinion they are one of the strongest healers! Im always top of the charts whenever i play :)
DP all the way for hpal in both pve and pvp. in almost all situations..i only use holy avenger for a very short , situational , and scripted event that would call for all out burst on demand healing. a situation would be the adds before aniumus in a less skilled group...any other time tho... is DP all the way.. and holy prism for any fight where aoe is mild yet somwhat consistant.. hammer for fights that have huge aoe moments in timed waves. where hammer can really shine
Shadowpriest? :D
Great Vid Preach ;-)
Priest or Rogue next! :D
warlocks next plz :]
please do 5.4 mutilate rogue
best advice about holy pallies is don't play them roll a disc priest.
Have you ever attempted the proving grounds with a disc priest? Utterly useless. A pally is the easiest class to finish it in 1 or 2 attempts.
Wrong priests can go die in a hole with the rest of the clothies,
cloth sucks, plate ftw =]
Rudy Cooper If they tame any damage they can negage 15% stacking up to 2 times for a total of 30% still not plate but it's nice
***** I cancelled my account so I cant see the leader boards but last time I looked shamans and druids where as high was 3k and the highest rated hpally was 2400.
PVE or pvp? i am not sure wtf are u doing? :D
he is doing pve since he is often referring trash and boss fights through out the video.
that's why he isnt uploading much!
PREACHER- music selection in the gameplay section sir, dat drum and whatnot - next time some classical or guitar based things ta
Bacon of Light biaaaaatch erry day, all day, till the cows come home, then bacon of light them cows....
i hate that addons are a must nowadays
what's wrong with addons
ater sol there is too much u need this instead of thinking about what to do all you have to do is look at an addon telling you to move makes it easy and boring
Connor yeomans
addons are tools, they give you information and you make decisions based on that information.
No they tell you when there is shit on the floor to move away by flashing screen red (or what colour) or when a boss is about to cast a powerfull spell and to get ready for massive damage, before u had to have skill for that stuff, they make it too easy
you don't need addons like that and you would be surprised how many don't have those
depends really but a good priest player will win against a pally aldo the difference is very small.
"when im looking at an encounter I like to break it down mechanically." mike l2hpal. if you are speaking of encounters in regards to pve then nm the statement. l2hpal pvp.
Warriors Next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guardian Druids Preach get it done!
light's hammer sux =(
sometimes good for AOE heals but more common i see Prot paladins use this talent, as a holy paladin im usually using my Holy Prism - does a shit ton of AOE healing
Ye its so good seeing all those hp bars just jumping up
It's good on fights like thok, but on others I don't like constant healing but I prefer just being able to heal ppl from 70-100% with one heal (holy prism). I like that it has a short(er) cooldown since I can use it more often, and if people move it's not wasted.
Kicking ass & taking names*