Giorgio Agamben

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • in occasione della pubblicazione dell’edizione integrale di
    "Homo sacer" Quodlibet
    Giorgio Agamben dialoga con Carlo Galli e Geminello Preterossi
    introduce Massimiliano Marotta
    coordina Paolo Vinci
    Palazzo Serra di Cassano - 29 novembre 2018


  • @glennbranca
    @glennbranca 2 роки тому +9

    bisognerebbe creare un gruppo fatto soltanto di frasi di persone fulminate che commentano i più complessi video di filosofia su youtube

  • @didimochierico6004
    @didimochierico6004 3 роки тому +12

    Galli conosce il pensiero di Agamben meglio di Agamben

  • @mongia20003
    @mongia20003 5 років тому +4

    Grazie per tutti gli partecipanti ma anche più per Agamben

  • @johannesborgen599
    @johannesborgen599 3 роки тому +4

    1:40:22 --> la nozione di "inoperosità".
    1:46:39 --> "Karman" e la critica al concetto di 'azione': il "gesto".

  • @VincenzoLIGUORI-panopticoncept
    @VincenzoLIGUORI-panopticoncept 5 років тому +35

    Incredibile, più di due ore di filmato e Agamben comincia a parlare soltanto a 1:26:50.
    Invitano un filosofo del suo calibro, che manca da Napoli dal 1996 (ventidue anni!), e che fanno? Parlano loro per più di un'ora tenendolo là ad ascoltare. Bah!

    • @wakkuzzolo17
      @wakkuzzolo17 5 років тому +12

      Della serie mi lamento ergo sum. Agamben “là ad ascoltare" non penso abbia sofferto le pene dell'inferno; e "parlano loro" non ha molto senso, perché anche il Prof.Galli sarà stato invitato, dato che insegna a Bologna.

    • @cristianocant9264
      @cristianocant9264 5 років тому +2

      Sono d'accordo, cappelli lunghissimi, spesso compiaciuti e noiosi. Ma teniamoci lo stesso questo Agamben preziosissimo.

    • @zoramhar7006
      @zoramhar7006 3 роки тому +1

      per me può parlare chi vuole, sperando che non si trasformino in una tortura quale è stata per me l'intervento di Preterossi.

    • @sebastianomaturi5936
      @sebastianomaturi5936 2 роки тому +2

      A Napoli sopravviviamo degnamente anche senza Agamben

    • @flavioballarin4912
      @flavioballarin4912 2 роки тому

      Io credo che non sia un pensatore da lunghi discorsi o da conferenze. Comunque mi sono sembrati molto interessanti anche gli altri due interventi

  • @IKnowNeonLights
    @IKnowNeonLights 2 роки тому +1

    I have enjoyed your lectures immensely and wanted to say something in relation to (la volonta).
    I will not try and define what (volonta) is, not because it is impossible to do as it is stated, but because in reality of being, (technically) anyone cannot define anything, especially and above all in language.
    Instead I will describe it, I will describe what (volonta) is, so it can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, tasted and thought.
    (Volonta) the will, is to be involved, to be fully immersed, to fly in, and completely be part off, anything, including anyone, (your very own self) that is in being you, and for the same existence of being you, should not be that, as there cannot be a duality, there cannot be two of you, two of anyone, two of anything, with the same intensity of being one, anyone, anything.
    (La volonta) the will comes into existence, (into being), in order to preserve one form of being, however complex and simple in being might be, without the duality form as being another, while maintaining the ability of different forms of being in existence, intact.
    Which it is not a definition (in case anyone would be clever to think so), as all forms of being would converge into the all existence of being as one.
    Best understood by the birth of Athena in ancient mythology!!!
    Athena is birthed into being through the head of Zeus, after the full immersion, the full involvement, the complete being part off, the full flying in, (the complete consumption), by Zeus, of what Athena is, of all what Athena is (through wisdom ((Metis))).
    Then and only then, Athena comes into existence of being, through the head of Zeus, (as the daughter from a father), but as a complete one goddess, also.
    (La volonta) the will in this instance, is in being in order to make Athena and Zeus one form of being, and a father and daughter another form of being.
    If this does not exist in being, such as (la volonta) or the will to do so, then the existence of Zeus and Athena or the existence of a father and daughter cannot be also, by the default of duality, and it's very confusing form of existence, that of giving the illusion of two or more forms of being, simultaneously existing in one form of being, without this form being having to change
    If the ancient myths are understood and explained at their basic core of being, then equality between men and women, would not be such a confusing subject.
    To take any form of being that is weaker the anyone (including the very own self), ask them to give up whatever power they might have to anyone, (including to yourself), in order to go and give that power, together with anyone's own power, to anyone that is stronger than both, is not a wise, clever method, action or strategy, and reason and logic of any importance cannot be attributed to it.
    Feminism, whatever that is, and has turned out to be, is involved into this very counter productive method of duality.
    If ancient myths are understood and explained at their basic core, that of existence of being, then anyone could understand that any powerful Zeus cannot beat the most powerful Kronos.
    A very weak, underestimated Zeus on the other hand can, a Zeus which in turn will birth a Athena from its very own head.
    A Athena which in turn will guide men and women (including the god's) into the right ways of any possible form's of being, for any situation.
    That is where equality, whatever that is, can be easily found in being.
    And that is a description of (la volonta) the will to be/do also.
    The disappearance of this form understanding, (of the old mythology), combined together with an intentional and confusing, almost always the wrong understanding and teachings of the same myths, has brought about into existence of being, the precise form of being in duality, that is the cause of what is presented to anyone as (the inequality of the sexes of men and women), whatever that is, and has well turned out to be.
    To what I am referring to, is a possible calculated fact in a percentage form, that would show in numbers, that in all the marriages including relationships that have ever happened throughout humanity, past ninety percent of them, are in existence of being through two forms of being, even worst the very often overlapping of such forms of being in duality. Bringing into existence of being the very clear inequality between sexes, of men and women.
    The two forms I am referring to are, (that of a father and daughter) and (an owner and a slave), with the worst of the overall percentage, the overlapping duality of such forms of being.
    All because anyone is not able to recognise in being, all the forms of a Zeus, Hades, Poseidon Apollo, or a Metis, Hera, Keres, Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, instead anyone confuses all or combinations of such forms (represented in ancient mythology stories) in the duality form of being.
    How would anyone understand such ancient myths, anyone very angry and upset, by this point, would ask!!!
    The same as always, in the form of being that the understanding is, and in which the answer would be also.
    And a violent if not a silent (What?) by this point has come into existence.
    And this violent (What?), has an answer to.
    When any possible existence in being is very simple (as simple as it gets), then that simplicity of being, in order to be also, has to be in the most complex forms of such simplicity of being. (Known as beautiful or more general then that, life, with its chemical, biological and geometric structure.)
    When any possible existence in being is very complex, extremely complex, (as complex as it gets), then that complexity of being, in order to be also, has to be in the most simple, simplest forms of such complexity of being. (Known as everything, nothing, the universe, God.)
    Such a method is very visible in design, especially fashion. Often with the best designers, complexity will be presented in its most simplest form, and simplicity in its most complex form, always when beautiful is achieved in being.
    And this is the meaning of the story known as the justice of Antigone. Known also as the universal (none existent) justice, one that is alive in every human being before, during and after life.
    The story that leads to Antigone is as complex as it gets, (and anyone can make use even more complex stories) and it is that complexity that Creon wants to hide, (to be as distant from it, through judging it is wrong or right) by adding more complexity under the guise of the well thought, reasoned and logiced city laws.
    While Antigone requests for its simplest form of being, that of life and death to fallow their universal recognised by all human beings journey. Bringing understanding in the process, for the whole city. Fulfilling universal justice in its simplest form, from all the complex parts that might exist.
    By doing so, Creon wants to turn the lights off, and keep the people in the dark, while Antigone wants to keep the lights on, and take the people out of the dark.
    Because in the case of the mythology and that of reality, a burial and a none burial, (in all possible that it involves in being) have completely different forms of being, by themselves, with anyone involved, even by hearing about it, but most importantly in the thinking, the understanding of thinking, the development of thinking, and as a consequence the universal justice, the freedom of being.
    The story has also a particular form of being, that of showing how to counteract, divide and conquer.
    Because divide and conquer works in the same exact way, as the understanding of all, is in being, with the trick of reversing the reality of being.
    If being is complex in form, (divide and conquer) does so by forcing it into a simple being in form. If being is simple in form, (divide and conquer) does so by forcing it into a complex being in form.
    Known also as game theory, (consciously or unconsciously) take a very reasonable and logical simple law that states (do not steal). Which in any group of human beings that are in being, together (from a relationship, family, village, town, city, or country) in a form of cooperation, is stating the obvious.
    And by doing so, (stating the obvious in a form of law, command, or order) the possibility of stealing becomes existent even where it was not before, (through game theory) because what was simple became complex, just by being stated in a well thought reasoned and logiced just law.
    This is the way, (all) is understood in anyway possible field of being, if not, then it is not a form of being, but an illusionary form of being, which by being so, always has an owner by the default of being an illusion.
    The ability to be in such a process of being, from simple to complex, and from complex to simple, is where any form of being known as freedom is also. Because it is universal justice, is a being form from God.
    Whatever impedes this process, even if it is through very well reasoned law's and logic, is what controls, and wants to control the freedom of anyone. (Consciously or unconsciously, including your very own self).
    I wanted to post this comment on the lecture of (la voce), but there in that lecture, there are duality in form of being myths, intertwined with not duality in form of being myths!!!
    And by doing so, I would have given such myths importance, that they should have not, in being from me anymore.

  • @eidonveda
    @eidonveda 3 роки тому

    Grazie di aver condiviso questa conferenza. Peccato per i problemi tecnici dell'audio!

  • @giorgiocialone6376
    @giorgiocialone6376 3 роки тому +1

    il cappello gli permette di mantenere caldi i pensieri nella sua testa

  • @flavioballarin4912
    @flavioballarin4912 2 роки тому

    Chissà se Agamben ha mai ascoltato Carmelo Bene

  • @lucafrancescodelucca738
    @lucafrancescodelucca738 3 роки тому

    Cmq la domanda del ragazzo sulla disputa dei due rabbini sulla lef non impronunciabile ma udibile era interessante ma il prof. non ci sentiva proprio. Peccato (mancato).

    • @Be82Ro
      @Be82Ro 3 роки тому

      se ho ben capito la aveva ricordata Agamben nel suo libro.

  • @aguilapulpo
    @aguilapulpo Рік тому

    inoperatividad - cotemplación - 1:40:22
    1:51:44 violensia - B
    de H 2:04:00
    2:07:50 - gesto

  • @angeloraffaelegiannini3225
    @angeloraffaelegiannini3225 3 роки тому +6

    Oggi 24 luglio 2021Oltre cento piazze delle principali città italiane hanno detto No al regime Pandemico bio politico!

    • @glennbranca
      @glennbranca 2 роки тому +3

      ma chiavt a paccr

    • @michelemorrone8614
      @michelemorrone8614 2 роки тому

      Homo sacer è colui che viene ammazzato nello stato di eccezione, come nel covid, gli omicidi sono stati assai e non finirano per ora. Tutto scritto da Agamben😉

    • @sebastianomaturi5936
      @sebastianomaturi5936 2 роки тому +1

      Fatevi vedere da uno bravo

    • @angeloraffaelegiannini3225
      @angeloraffaelegiannini3225 2 роки тому +1

      Stanno creando una nuova generazione di ipocondriaci immunodepressi cronici sociopatici paranoici schizofrenici attraverso la tecnologia biomedica genica oggi a disposizione, chiamala se vuoi nuova umanita' o transumanesimo!

    • @sebastianomaturi5936
      @sebastianomaturi5936 2 роки тому

      @@angeloraffaelegiannini3225 ma tu sei il primo

  • @math11235
    @math11235 3 роки тому

    volevo fare una piccola correzione: i giovani sono perduti fin dalle elementari, perché la scuola è stata massacrata in ogni ordine e grado.

  • @XXISecolo
    @XXISecolo 2 роки тому

    Ma che han detto, c'è qualcuno che sia in grado di fare una sintesi sui concetti espressi?
    Diventire, essere, destini, essenza etc etc, questi non sono discorsi ma omeopatia, parole svuotate di ogni significato per esprimere un grande nulla. Ma siccome so che qualcuno si indignerà, prego, ditemi cosa è stato espresso in concreto, fatemi una sintesi di cosa avete capito sia stato epresso... attendo fiducioso sapendo che non avrò risposte!

  • @Ferran-Linux
    @Ferran-Linux 4 місяці тому

    Una hora y 26 min. per escoltar al profesor Agamben. Per què no fer-ho a la inversa per acabar en un coloqui a 4 bandas ?.

  • @angeloraffaelegiannini3225
    @angeloraffaelegiannini3225 3 роки тому +4

    La cultura dovrebbe aiutare a capire che questa è una dittatura sto parlando del governo Pandemico

    • @dragoshflorea6841
      @dragoshflorea6841 3 роки тому +1

      2 anni fa ne parlava ... Ma c'era già la pandemia ?

    • @angeloraffaelegiannini3225
      @angeloraffaelegiannini3225 3 роки тому

      @@dragoshflorea6841 già si sapeva dove si voleva andare a parare!

    • @angeloraffaelegiannini3225
      @angeloraffaelegiannini3225 3 роки тому

      @@dragoshflorea6841 c'è chi ha deciso di farsi bulluzzare di questo Governo e chi no

    • @dragoshflorea6841
      @dragoshflorea6841 3 роки тому +1

      @@angeloraffaelegiannini3225 grande agamben ... Meno male ....

    • @angeloraffaelegiannini3225
      @angeloraffaelegiannini3225 3 роки тому

      Il Proconsole in pectore di Berlino Bruxelles e Francoforte, non eletto da nessuno, ha deciso, con il pugno di ferro, di imporre un regime autoritario tecnocratico finanziarista dispotico biopolitico sanitario senza se e senza ma!

  • @danilofabbroni3067
    @danilofabbroni3067 10 місяців тому

    Tatulogie di tatulogie

  • @lucafrancescodelucca738
    @lucafrancescodelucca738 3 роки тому

    Il gesto è tipico del dandysmo.

  • @sebastianomaturi5936
    @sebastianomaturi5936 2 роки тому

    Intollerabile Abamben

  • @resnais82
    @resnais82 5 років тому +1

    Grandissimo Nello, purtroppo non ha potuto criticare fino in fondo il "pensiero" delirante e fortemente reazionario di Agamben, visto il contesto celebrativo. Quanto ci manca Domenico Losurdo...

    • @alicianoemifarinati56
      @alicianoemifarinati56 5 років тому +1

      Si Losurdo CI manca

    • @micheletataranni8306
      @micheletataranni8306 4 роки тому

      Scienza parola assente nella articolazione delle presentazioni al lavoro di Agamben.
      Mi ascolto lui adesso con curiosità.

    • @luigifilippini3173
      @luigifilippini3173 3 роки тому

      Losurdo frammentino del misteryum iniquitatis se ne è andato all'inferno Grande!

    • @resnais82
      @resnais82 3 роки тому

      @@luigifilippini3173 beato te che ci credi all'inferno !

    • @luigifilippini3173
      @luigifilippini3173 3 роки тому

      Studio metafisica e teologia da 30 l'unico dato costante in tutte le tradizioni è proprio l inferno modulato magari in modo diverso ma è la COSTAnte quasi unanime Ciao

  • @Cavalcamonti
    @Cavalcamonti 2 місяці тому

    Alcuni commenti sono davvero esilaranti.

  • @gayMboygirl
    @gayMboygirl 4 роки тому +1


    • @inoperoscio
      @inoperoscio 4 роки тому +2

      automatic translation...