The Owl House Season 3: A Beautifully Imperfect Finale

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @threadsofsaffron
    @threadsofsaffron Рік тому +1

    great analysis!!!!! very insightful and very well thought out critiques, i would expect nothing less from you. "discount irala" made me giggle

  • @TheDarkLordoftheSiff
    @TheDarkLordoftheSiff Рік тому +1

    I like this analysis it covers a lot and so here is my full thoughts on my issues with season 3 of TOH and how I would have fixed them (warning this will be a massive rant)
    Thanks to Them is for me the second best episode of season 3 the character focus was very good for Hunter Luz and her Mom, I still had problems with it like for one Jacob should have had a little more screen time like have him in the intro to where he has kidnapped Gus to try and prove his point only for the others to come and let him have it, second Gus should have tried to hide his spell circle a bit better during the festival but that is really a minor nitpick, third when Masha said when the Wittabanes entered Gravesfeild it was before Britain even colonised the U,S, and my final complaint with TTT was Hunter should have had a much bigger reaction to his first friends death like have him find out from his friends which results in Willow desprate to help saying they will help make Belos pay for this which would add to Willows drama in FTF as she got Hunter all amped up for revenge and as for your issue with Belos not addressing the Humans change in pace I agree he should have gotten a throwaway line where he admits Luz was right about times changing but he sees how flawed humans have become and saying something that implies he possessed a human and learned about all the shit humans have done while he was gone, and that is it all my issues with TTT
    For the Future was to me the weakest of season 3 for me it started out fine even giving me hope we would get more lore on the Owl Beasts past but besides the intro we get nothing about that poor Owl Beast which I was willing to let it slide if WaD addressed it but it didn't, but that is a WaD fault and in FTF the fact there was not at least a throwaway from Lilith or maybe even Hooty asking if the Owl Beast fit into this would have worked but no, as for my other problems well for starters when Amity reunited with Em and Ed the fact she doesn't ask about her dad pissed me off like I was one of the people who thought Alador died in Kings Tide, second and this is one of my 3 biggest issues Boscha her role was ranging from ok to just bad for me, like she could of had a better role, ok the third is Kikifloora her being FTF's main villain was a bad choice like if I was writing FTF I would of said after all that happened she went to Hexside and and ends up working her ass off to keep the per-schoolers under control and safe while helping any one else she and the only reason she does this is because the students are super kind and respectful giving her the praze she was so desperate for in season 2, four the lack of Bill Tarak and the Titan Trappers was painful for me I am just going to say it now I would have made them the main villains FTF they have a perfect reason to be here they know King is the last Titan and where he lives that's all the real reason they need, and if they were here it could have helped with Boscha as it could of been said they somehow had her moms as leverage on her, (I won't say more about this or this would cover 15 google doc pages worth
    Watching and Dreaming the finally of TOH as a whole my current biggest issue is the nightmare scene should have been way longer as it could have been used as a way to seen more lore like for Luz she could have been trapped in Belos past and she watches as his past unfolds to her like how he found out about the Collector more on Calab etc for Eda we could have seen more on her past like how she met Hooty but mostly on the Owl Beasts past like how it felt in it's scroll form to used on Eda where it came from how the Archivists found it etc, and so much more and for King we could have seen more on the Titan's war with the Collectors even showing us a glimpes of the Archivists, but that is a pure Disney fault for shortening the show, as for everything else Belos possessing Raine breaking down the puppet spell I am just bearly willing to let slide but a Light glyph near your face fixing it, no that is too easy it should at least have to be shoved into that crescent moon to burn it out, and speaking of which how was Amity able to draw a light glyph into a what is problebly a stone floor when no one else has been able to move at all this might piss everyone who reads this off but I would have said Odalia freed Amity and co in the sense she knew if they were all here besides the human this role she has is about to end and she wants leverage of any kind so her offspring and ex don't tear her to shreds as something that at least makes a little more sense then what we got hate me for thinking this is better if you want I don't care, ok moving on my next issue is Belo death for me it wasn't dramatic enough like if Luz stomped the Palisman magic out of him turning him back and then his soul would have worked, but as is his death just happens and the Music is just there, comparing this to Bills death in Gravity Falls Belos death was far weaker, and my final problem with WaD is when Luz uses her Titan powers the visuals for it should have been fresh new glyph combos not just glyphs as that's not how it should work and this is one of the few things I will hold the team itself on and if they really couldn't make the new designs they could have made it into a fan contest and that's it
    all my problems with season 3 of TOH to me the best episode will always be Hollow Mind and while these weren't on that level they were still very good sorry for this becoming such a massive rant but whatever I do have others things I cut out due to how long this was getting
    If you have any counter points please reply I want to hear them

  • @yotamdelayahu93
    @yotamdelayahu93 Рік тому +3

    now that i think about it they really should have made odalia the minor villain in for the future. have her take over hexide, so instead of in ruins they find it pristine and more well run than it was before, but everyone is behaving and listening to odalia because shes the only adult available. basically make odalia live out her dream of controlling children and act as a parallel to camila, a sort of final "This is what i was doing to luz", as well as her relizing that maybe the school is clean and less boiling isles like but everyone is miserable. you can still have the mattholomule rebelion, the heart to heart between Camila and luz as well as give amity some more stuff to do. also i wanted to see odalia get slapped with la chancla once camila relizes just how bad amity was treated.

    • @PosiDoesMore
      @PosiDoesMore  Рік тому +1

      That's actually a really wonderful idea and I would've greatly preferred that to what we got

  • @sizar9003
    @sizar9003 Рік тому

    Absence of Caleb was a big issue with Belos death. I don’t really like the stomping part of his death

  • @TheKillerMoth
    @TheKillerMoth Рік тому +1

    I personally think the final episode of Season 3 was the worst episode of the season.
    (And a pretty mediocre episode overall )

    • @PosiDoesMore
      @PosiDoesMore  Рік тому +1

      What do you think was the best one of the season?

    • @TheDarkLordoftheSiff
      @TheDarkLordoftheSiff Рік тому +1

      @@PosiDoesMore I would say WaD

    • @PosiDoesMore
      @PosiDoesMore  Рік тому

      That's the one the original commenter said was the weakest lol. I was asking them but no worries, thanks for sharing your opinion! My favourite of the season was probably Thanks to Them

  • @victorhale
    @victorhale Рік тому +2

    Belos/Philip is hunter’s father, darius is his papa bear. May God protect this family…except belos/Philip

    • @PosiDoesMore
      @PosiDoesMore  Рік тому +2

      Technically Belos is Hunter’s “uncle”, but that’s not exactly accurate either

    • @victorhale
      @victorhale Рік тому +1

      @@PosiDoesMorefair point

    • @victorhale
      @victorhale Рік тому +2

      @@PosiDoesMoreprotect Caleb and Hunter Clawthorne!

  • @hoothootdoor2790
    @hoothootdoor2790 Рік тому +3

    6/10 finale 10/10 review

  • @Dog_named_Cinnamon
    @Dog_named_Cinnamon Рік тому +1

    You finally watched it huh Posi