I think dave only aged three times in his life. 1. When he got out of puberty ca. 1988 lol 2. At the turn of the century (Ca.2000) 3. In 2013 (where he rapidly aged 20 years)
@@InfamousB9why you oughta pick up an English language class on proper spellings pal. Seriously, you’ll benefit yourself from ignorance and hopefully 🙏🏻 find out how to write ✍️? Sincerely, DJP ex Anal Cunt; PostMortem and Kilslug Sony;Earache 🇬🇧 Columbia and TAANG!! Records @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Boston Massachusetts Amerikkka of course
Holy Wars (0:06) Reckoning Day (06:53) Return To Hangar (11:25) Use The Man (15:12) A Tout Le Monde (19:37) Trust (24:15) Sweating Bullets (30:12) Hangar 18 (34:43) Symphony Of Destruction (39:40) Peace Sells (43:28)
Damn!!! Dave is so fuckin perfect in this show!Terrific vocals,playing and super awesome good looking! This version of Sweating bullets is one of the best ever,his singing is so impressive!! Megadeth for life! \m/
It’s called editing hun lol; Sincerely, DJP ex Anal Cunt; PostMortem and Kilslug Sony;Earache 🇬🇧 Columbia and TAANG!! Records @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Boston Massachusetts Amerikkka of course 😮
Don´t think the same, dudes, take in count that Dave´s singing in standard tunning (1/2 step higher) songs like Rockoning Day of Youthanasia... simple fab!
Not because of this particular video, but I really wish Dave got some singing lessons to preserve his voice. Lately, he just growls (more than usual) and occasionally gets in tune. He's like the Bob Dylan of metal in a way haha.
KrisJM1234 I miss the way his voice used to be too..80s/90s pretty much - and I’m very curious to see what will be of it now that he’s completed his cancer treatments....🎤😯
Yo los escuché a los 13 (cuando leí la historia de metallica en Wikipedia, mencionaban a un guitarrista que fue expulsado) y descubri una super banda, la primera canción que escuche fue A Secret Place versión en vivo del DVD woodstock 99 y el resto es historia, tienen un catalago de canciones fenomenal.
Hola qué bueno que haya nuevas personas deleitándose de la música de Megadeth! Me pasaron el Countdown en el 93; casi dejé de escuchar Metallica, hasta el st anger me gustó. Megadeth es otra cosa, mejores temas, arreglos, bateros; en fin mejor música y mejores discos. Los vì en el 95 con Menza y Friedman, y a decir verdad, creo que todas las formaciones de Megadeth han sido muy buenas, disco con MD 45. Los discos que me partieron la cabeza son RIP, Crypting, The worrld needs a Hero, So far... Y the system has failed (ahí grabó Vinnie Colaiuta!!!). Banda de metal que ha sabido seguir sacando buenos discon como pocas!!!!! Un abrazo desde Argentina
Well I’m sure you’ll correct that now. Right lol? Sincerely, DJP ex Anal Cunt; PostMortem and Kilslug Sony;Earache 🇬🇧 Columbia and TAANG! Records @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Greetings 🖖 from Boston Massachusetts Amerikkka of course!
Drewitall54 yes you are the only. Many people think he was good because he improvised most of the solos. The truth is he wasn't able to play the Original solos
I don't know why people are hating on Pitrelli and De Grasso so much - I think they do a killer job! unfortunately it will always be compared to the classic line up (Friedman and Menza). Regardless it's still amazing nonetheless!
@@BuckDat Pitrelli is great, but a bit strange in Megadeth. I really like DeGrasso's power, but like Dave says it's hard to see someone as a band member when he's spent his life being a hired gun.
@@WilfordMays It's really just a personal preference for me with DeGrasso. I get why fans wouldn't think he fit well, especially if you're more into metal and the "sound" of metal. I'm more of a Melvins and Helmet guy as far drums go and more into noisy post-punk. But my fav MegaDeth record is still Rust in Peace by a mile and Menza's drum sound/playing on that is killer. Don't really have much of an opinion on Pitrelli.
@@BuckDat Al is an incredible guitarist actually. He has some impressive credits to his resume and is as knowledgeable in theory and technically skilled as one could want, for a band that isn't a thrash metal band that is. He's no Friedman or Poland.
This is the best lineup since Rust in Piece ! Saw them on this tour , and then saw Megadeth later with the Drover's in the band . No comparison .. Jimmy and Al are so much better players not even close
Really? For me that was his best vocal show... Very clean voice. Not one note out of pitch (maybe just one during Tornado), but he sang like a professional singer that night. The Coming Home thing sounds INSANELY good for example.
David Ellefson's Vocals are actually pretty good! I wish they played "Reckoning Day" when they were on their Rust In Piece Anniversary tour, that would have been sweet! Great concert though!
He sounded much better in 2004-2008 than in 2001-2002. Remember that the show on Rude awakening was the very last show of that tour which lasted maybe the whole year. Must having tour fatigue at that point. I dont know what they did with the mix for Rude awakening cd/dvd, but his voice sounded like a robot. Its like there's another layer that isnt his actual voice. I remember listening to it the first expecting his voice would be as good as in Woodstock 99 or Live trax 1997, but turns out its terrible.
@@vicrattlehead6386 True, his best vocal was from 1990-2000, then in 2004-2008. The Download 2007 for intense, he could still sing Mechanix with ease in standard tuning. Its too bad about the neck surgery and throat cancer. I know he recovered physically , but not his voice.
YO! I remember you in the Megadeth boards a long ass time ago, back when pick pusher won the DV8 for guessing The System Has Failed album title. In fact, I think you had a radio station I always listened to. Good to see you're still around, Droogie!
Thanks for putting it on the tube. Was one of my top 10 shows for sure. Waiting to hear the latest on Dave's cancer. We need you to come back to Utah Dave!
If you use this concert as an example, especially in Reckoning Day, Dave is using his upper vocal register to hit the high notes. In most of the performances after the concert in BA he's trying to hit the higher notes with his middle register which is a gigantic no no unless you can hit higher notes with that register.
To this day I still can't understand why someone thought a package tour featuring megadeth and motley crue was a good idea. Aside from the fact that they appeal to completely different audiences motley crue was mere months away from breaking up again as tommy lee had walked out on the band and his fill in randy castilo had been diagnosed with cancer and had to abruptly quit the band mid tour forcing them to bring in Hole's drummer for the rest of the tour.
I was wandering the same, i think it is because the two songs together haven't been established by that time yet, since this show is from July 5, 2000 and The World Needs a Hero wans't released until May 15, 2001
Okay. Which solo would that be? He plays more than one, you know. Great that you love Megadeth but which solo am I supposed to be listening to? I have to admit it is unusual seeing Dave out playing his second guitarist. Almost every other Megadeth guitarist in the band's history has been better than him, except for Al Pitrelli and maybe Jeff Young. And it's quite possible that Al is actually much better than Dave technically, just not better at playing Megadeth songs
Ira van den Heuvel Any solo work Dave does......is mind boggling art. Very Very Fast drilling! Energetic as all hell. I think Broderick was a level 10. You cant get any better. (Can you?🤔). Yes....Dave becomes just as good as the players he employs. Always advancing! Another thing to thing about: Dave wrote the majority of KILL EM ALL. And some Ride the Lightning stuff...... the dude is badass👍
TheIzzyGuns are you really surprised? I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say this turned out to be Mustaine’s least favorite album I mean to wind up firing the producer even...
During Symphony of Destruction which I loved btw.....I clearly felt and heard something missing!! ‘‘Tis gotta be Marty’s method and contribution vs this guy :/ It’s ok though, love you Daves, RIP Nick...forever MEGADETH!! 🤘🏽🤘🏽💋
Every single guitar player in Megadeth's history (but Jeff Young) is a genious. There is no better or worse, at the level they play it's just a matter of personal taste. Al Pitrelli is a damn good guitar player and if you look at his playing you can take lots of good stuff, and also he is the best player in the matter of feeling Megadeth or any Metal band ever had, the guy simply makes love with the guitar and he doesn't have to make fake movements or anything to prove it.
Devastator G1 Easily. Rude Awakening was kinda disappointing vocal wise. But this right here shows that Dave's vocals are amazing for someone that was originally going to be a lead guitarist.
@@Megadeth1983Fan Whoever did the mixing on Rude awakening vocal needs to be slapped. The performance itself was great but Dave sounded like a cyborg on that DVD due to the mixing.
and screw all those people who said Dave can't sing. He just blew his voice from constant concerts. The dude can scream, and no one can imitate him totally.
He can't sing. So fuck you too. He does vocals, he doesn't sing and never has. Words actually have meanings you know. Just like all the nitwits who hear a song on the radio and ask who sings this, not who plays it. That aside, what do you think Dave needs you to fucking stick up for him and his vocals? Why does everything online have to have a fucking comment section? It's giving a voice to billions of morons who think what they have to say has any value
I saw this tour in San Antonio with Motley Crue. The played at the Freeman Coliseum. There were maybe 1500 in attendance. And for San Antonio that was surprising as SA is the best / biggest metal city in the USA. I remember the place was empty. It was on Motley's New Tattoo tour. Megadeth opened.
Man, knowing how much value Dave places to the faithfulness to the live sound... I bet his ears bled after the Rude Awakening thing and especially after this. Pitrelli isn't hitting much of anything here. Don't get me wrong, Pitrelli isn't a bad guitarist. On the contrary. It's just that something important is missing from the songs when the important solo lick isn't there.
Weakest lineup in their history, hands down. I don't know why everybody thinks that the two Dave's plus two session musicians filling the shoes of greats makes a great lineup.
Alejandro Enmanuel Cabrera Contreras la realidad detrás de esas improvisaciónes que hace es que el no tiene la técnica para hacer la mayoría de solos. Todos los sweeps los descarta.
What the fuck are you even talking about? They didn't hate each other. Not even remotely. I'd love to know where people get these stupid fucking ideas in their head. They should vomit them out at home all by themselves, not online so that we have to smell it too
I think dave only aged three times in his life.
1. When he got out of puberty ca. 1988 lol
2. At the turn of the century
3. In 2013 (where he rapidly aged 20 years)
It's sad how true the last one is.
This is sooooo true.... 2010 he aged appearance wise like 10 yrs in 1 yr. and started with the micky mouse voice.
So true
@@Dethkingvjackson Well he got neck/throat surgery that screwed up his vocal cords.
shaggy from scooby doo on bass
Jason Hall : In The Bass IS YOUR FATHER !!!!! fuckyou bitch !!!!
@@MASTERFORALLS lol chill the fk out dude
Why you don't have million likes
@@InfamousB9 cause this ain’t a Metallica concert sadly
@@InfamousB9why you oughta pick up an English language class on proper spellings pal. Seriously, you’ll benefit yourself from ignorance and hopefully 🙏🏻 find out how to write ✍️? Sincerely, DJP ex Anal Cunt; PostMortem and Kilslug Sony;Earache 🇬🇧 Columbia and TAANG!! Records @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Boston Massachusetts Amerikkka of course
Holy Wars (0:06)
Reckoning Day (06:53)
Return To Hangar (11:25)
Use The Man (15:12)
A Tout Le Monde (19:37)
Trust (24:15)
Sweating Bullets (30:12)
Hangar 18 (34:43)
Symphony Of Destruction (39:40)
Peace Sells (43:28)
I will never understand why not to play return to hangar right after hangar 18
Thanks dude
Damn!!! Dave is so fuckin perfect in this show!Terrific vocals,playing and super awesome good looking! This version of Sweating bullets is one of the best ever,his singing is so impressive!! Megadeth for life! \m/
It’s called editing hun lol; Sincerely, DJP ex Anal Cunt; PostMortem and Kilslug Sony;Earache 🇬🇧 Columbia and TAANG!! Records @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Boston Massachusetts Amerikkka of course 😮
Reckoning Day is one of my favourite Megadeth songs
What about ELYSIAN FIELDS is also very nice.
Dave's voice was in it's prime here! :D
No it fùcking wasnt
@@neonknight-1522 yes it was
@@DarkSide.666 Yep.
Don´t think the same, dudes, take in count that Dave´s singing in standard tunning (1/2 step higher) songs like Rockoning Day of Youthanasia... simple fab!
He was incredibly good back in the days. No one sung like him in the genre.
Dave looked incredibly hot during that concert. This black shirt suits him!
47:06 Pitrelli shoves in the Dread and Fugitive lick into Peace Sells
Nice catch.
This live performance happened 2 days before I was born. Oh how I wish I could’ve witnessed them in there prime. Love megadeth!
Not because of this particular video, but I really wish Dave got some singing lessons to preserve his voice. Lately, he just growls (more than usual) and occasionally gets in tune. He's like the Bob Dylan of metal in a way haha.
KrisJM1234 I miss the way his voice used to be too..80s/90s pretty much - and I’m very curious to see what will be of it now that he’s completed his cancer treatments....🎤😯
I would put Vince Neil in that category before Dave.
Megadeth - Live In Salt Lake City 2000 [Full Concert]
Holy Wars (0:06/06:45)
Reckoning Day (07:02/11:12)
Return To Hangar (11:27/15:09)
Use The Man (15:14/19:33)
A Tout Le Monde (19:38/24:13)
Trust (24:15/29:20)
Sweating Bullets (30:13/34:30)
Hangar 18 (34:53/39:40)
Symphony Of Destruction (39:41/43:26)
Peace Sells (44:04/48:40)
No puedo creer que recien a los 22 estoy descubriendo Megadeth
Estoy re boludo, no puedo dejar de escucharlos
Yo los escuché a los 13 (cuando leí la historia de metallica en Wikipedia, mencionaban a un guitarrista que fue expulsado) y descubri una super banda, la primera canción que escuche fue A Secret Place versión en vivo del DVD woodstock 99 y el resto es historia, tienen un catalago de canciones fenomenal.
Nunca es muy tarde Amigó y saldrá un nuevo disco Pronto lml
Hola qué bueno que haya nuevas personas deleitándose de la música de Megadeth! Me pasaron el Countdown en el 93; casi dejé de escuchar Metallica, hasta el st anger me gustó. Megadeth es otra cosa, mejores temas, arreglos, bateros; en fin mejor música y mejores discos. Los vì en el 95 con Menza y Friedman, y a decir verdad, creo que todas las formaciones de Megadeth han sido muy buenas, disco con MD 45. Los discos que me partieron la cabeza son RIP, Crypting, The worrld needs a Hero, So far... Y the system has failed (ahí grabó Vinnie Colaiuta!!!). Banda de metal que ha sabido seguir sacando buenos discon como pocas!!!!! Un abrazo desde Argentina
Well I’m sure you’ll correct that now. Right lol? Sincerely, DJP ex Anal Cunt; PostMortem and Kilslug Sony;Earache 🇬🇧 Columbia and TAANG! Records @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Greetings 🖖 from Boston Massachusetts Amerikkka of course!
Am I the only one who thinks pitrelli do a good job?
There's a significant difference between good and great. Pitrelli was good.
Drewitall54 i like Al Pitrelli as well i have other albums where he plays on with Dee Snider in the band The Widowmaker
Drewitall54 yes you are the only.
Many people think he was good because he improvised most of the solos. The truth is he wasn't able to play the Original solos
And you know the truth because you are him? He could play the solos, you think mustaine hires a guitar player who can't play the solos
Thanks for posting. This was my first MegadetH show. I was 12 years old at the time.
I don't know why people are hating on Pitrelli and De Grasso so much - I think they do a killer job! unfortunately it will always be compared to the classic line up (Friedman and Menza). Regardless it's still amazing nonetheless!
I love Nick on the records, especially Rust. But DeGrasso is my favorite live. I love the swing and heaviness he adds to the songs.
@@BuckDat Pitrelli is great, but a bit strange in Megadeth. I really like DeGrasso's power, but like Dave says it's hard to see someone as a band member when he's spent his life being a hired gun.
@@WilfordMays It's really just a personal preference for me with DeGrasso. I get why fans wouldn't think he fit well, especially if you're more into metal and the "sound" of metal. I'm more of a Melvins and Helmet guy as far drums go and more into noisy post-punk.
But my fav MegaDeth record is still Rust in Peace by a mile and Menza's drum sound/playing on that is killer. Don't really have much of an opinion on Pitrelli.
@@BuckDat Al is an incredible guitarist actually. He has some impressive credits to his resume and is as knowledgeable in theory and technically skilled as one could want, for a band that isn't a thrash metal band that is. He's no Friedman or Poland.
This is the best lineup since Rust in Piece ! Saw them on this tour , and then saw Megadeth later with the Drover's in the band . No comparison .. Jimmy and Al are so much better players not even close
i like the sound pitrelli have actually.
more than i like the sound of broderick
really? i´ve tried and tried, and can´t hear pitrelli´s guitar...sometimes i think he´s unplugged... XD
Vlad Drac hell any past Guitarist is better than the new Kiko whatever his last name is i hate Angra therefor i don´t like Kiko
pkj77 ill wait. its the riff of the rhytm guitar from mustaine that actually made the song such a killer song
Im ridiculously smitten with this beautiful man. Ive loved Megadeth for decades!!
Return to Hanger sounds so good live on this one!
Pitrelli made Megadeth sound like a Rock band, not just a metal band. Pure soul.
What does that even mean?
@@neonknight-1522 lol exactly
Thats the fucking problem
What is that supposed to be a compliment? I prefer Marty definitely more than Pitrelli.
First 4 tracks are really thrashing mad.
My favourite band. Megadeth i Love your sound
Really? For me that was his best vocal show... Very clean voice. Not one note out of pitch (maybe just one during Tornado), but he sang like a professional singer that night. The Coming Home thing sounds INSANELY good for example.
Dave sounds great!!
This Holy Wars vocal performance is insane
Mustaine’s solo at the end of Holy Wars is worth the price of admission alone.
David Ellefson's Vocals are actually pretty good! I wish they played "Reckoning Day" when they were on their Rust In Piece Anniversary tour, that would have been sweet! Great concert though!
Dave wouldn’t have been able to sing it. He could barely sing the rust in peace songs
I wish I heard this brilliant performance live 🤩 such an underrated lineup
Dave’s vocals are 5 times better here compared to the rude awakening 2002 live concert. It changed so much within those 2 years.
He sounded much better in 2004-2008 than in 2001-2002. Remember that the show on Rude awakening was the very last show of that tour which lasted maybe the whole year. Must having tour fatigue at that point.
I dont know what they did with the mix for Rude awakening cd/dvd, but his voice sounded like a robot. Its like there's another layer that isnt his actual voice. I remember listening to it the first expecting his voice would be as good as in Woodstock 99 or Live trax 1997, but turns out its terrible.
@@vicrattlehead6386 True, his best vocal was from 1990-2000, then in 2004-2008. The Download 2007 for intense, he could still sing Mechanix with ease in standard tuning. Its too bad about the neck surgery and throat cancer. I know he recovered physically , but not his voice.
Dave’s voice is amazing here. I think he sounds better than on the official releases!! The man!!
YO! I remember you in the Megadeth boards a long ass time ago, back when pick pusher won the DV8 for guessing The System Has Failed album title. In fact, I think you had a radio station I always listened to. Good to see you're still around, Droogie!
Ah the good old days...
Thanks for putting it on the tube. Was one of my top 10 shows for sure. Waiting to hear the latest on Dave's cancer. We need you to come back to Utah Dave!
Damn! Dave sounds phenomenal when he exploded into Holy Wars!
Jimmy and Pitrelli fucking rocks !!
no he does not
Awesome set list
All MEGADETH albums are great , Criptic Writings. I can never get enough , my favorite😬😀😈...
I was at this show!!!! Seen these guys 7 times in my life. Such a great show.
If you use this concert as an example, especially in Reckoning Day, Dave is using his upper vocal register to hit the high notes. In most of the performances after the concert in BA he's trying to hit the higher notes with his middle register which is a gigantic no no unless you can hit higher notes with that register.
This was Dave’s best Holy Wars right here. His solo was mind blowing.
After Marty and Nick, this my second fave line up.
I saw Petrilli's first gig with them.
To this day I still can't understand why someone thought a package tour featuring megadeth and motley crue was a good idea.
Aside from the fact that they appeal to completely different audiences motley crue was mere months away from breaking up again as tommy lee had walked out on the band and his fill in randy castilo had been diagnosed with cancer and had to abruptly quit the band mid tour forcing them to bring in Hole's drummer for the rest of the tour.
why was return to hangar BEFORE hangar 18?
I was wandering the same, i think it is because the two songs together haven't been established by that time yet, since this show is from July 5, 2000 and The World Needs a Hero wans't released until May 15, 2001
Well, if you look at the audience recordings of that Rust In Peace Live show in L.A. you can see he actually DID have a great vocal night.
Performance of Use The Man...just amazing.
Megadeth, la más hermosa música. La mejor banda de toda la puta historia y punto.
I love M E G A D E T H!!!! Listen to Dave on that damn guitar solo.....!!
Okay. Which solo would that be? He plays more than one, you know. Great that you love Megadeth but which solo am I supposed to be listening to? I have to admit it is unusual seeing Dave out playing his second guitarist. Almost every other Megadeth guitarist in the band's history has been better than him, except for Al Pitrelli and maybe Jeff Young. And it's quite possible that Al is actually much better than Dave technically, just not better at playing Megadeth songs
Ira van den Heuvel
Any solo work Dave does......is mind boggling art. Very Very Fast drilling! Energetic as all hell. I think Broderick was a level 10. You cant get any better. (Can you?🤔). Yes....Dave becomes just as good as the players he employs. Always advancing! Another thing to thing about: Dave wrote the majority of KILL EM ALL. And some Ride the Lightning stuff...... the dude is badass👍
Thanks Dave
2000 and nothing from Risk? Easy come easy go
The logo in the background
I was gonna murder the retard who replied with “will you let me go” luckily noone said it
Will you let me go
@@Ae0liann LMAO
TheIzzyGuns are you really surprised? I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say this turned out to be Mustaine’s least favorite album I mean to wind up firing the producer even...
Brilliant drumming
Love this whole line up. Everyone who ever played in Megadeth was great. Dave only hires all-stars, to use a baseball reference
The Most beautiful man alive
Mustaine looks really cool and his singing is excellent. Great show, but it would have been even better with Marty in the band.
winberg4ever By the time, Marty was bored and he used to sound sloppy and change the solos so he wasn't that 1990s Marty
Marty is irreplaceable
Band sounds fucking great - what I wouldn't give to see Dave sing like this again...
Al Pitrelli & Jimmy DeGrasso 👍👍🎸🤘🤘
I love how Dave jumped at the end. I've never seen that before from him.
Tight as fuck here. I saw them open for Motley Crue in Toronto on this tour and they couldn't wait to get the hell off the stage.
Al pitrelli intro a tout le monde best sound clean guitar👍
Original audio :thumbsup:
During Symphony of Destruction which I loved btw.....I clearly felt and heard something missing!! ‘‘Tis gotta be Marty’s method and contribution vs this guy :/
It’s ok though, love you Daves, RIP Nick...forever MEGADETH!! 🤘🏽🤘🏽💋
Pitrelli and Jimmy are great!!!!!
Jimmy DeGrasso was with them during this era.
Every single guitar player in Megadeth's history (but Jeff Young) is a genious. There is no better or worse, at the level they play it's just a matter of personal taste.
Al Pitrelli is a damn good guitar player and if you look at his playing you can take lots of good stuff, and also he is the best player in the matter of feeling Megadeth or any Metal band ever had, the guy simply makes love with the guitar and he doesn't have to make fake movements or anything to prove it.
Lucas Kuhn Jeff Young had some great solos, especially the last one on “Set the World Afire”
Lucas Kuhn idk man, during symphony of destruction I felt the absence of what/how Marty contributed
great performance
Vocal sounds way better on this show than Rude awakening.
Devastator G1 Easily. Rude Awakening was kinda disappointing vocal wise. But this right here shows that Dave's vocals are amazing for someone that was originally going to be a lead guitarist.
@@Megadeth1983Fan Whoever did the mixing on Rude awakening vocal needs to be slapped. The performance itself was great but Dave sounded like a cyborg on that DVD due to the mixing.
That's got to be the first time a Megadeth stage has seen a Les Paul, Stratocaster and an Explorer
So. Much. Energy. That's the difference a drummer like Jimmy or Nick makes.
Great as always
its 2015 in the 801 (UT) biggest fan here and watching this !!
It's Feb 2020 in the 801 DITTO.....!!! Was at this show . Thanks for putting it on the tube!!
Owen Wilson at? 5:32
Lmao BAWHAHAHA LOL fuckin funny bro. Hahahahaha
It's also very weird seeing a Fender strat on stage at a Megadeth show.
Marty used to play A start before this, but only for A song or two.
jimmys great
and screw all those people who said Dave can't sing. He just blew his voice from constant concerts.
The dude can scream, and no one can imitate him totally.
He can't sing. So fuck you too. He does vocals, he doesn't sing and never has. Words actually have meanings you know. Just like all the nitwits who hear a song on the radio and ask who sings this, not who plays it. That aside, what do you think Dave needs you to fucking stick up for him and his vocals? Why does everything online have to have a fucking comment section? It's giving a voice to billions of morons who think what they have to say has any value
@@imvandenh stfu and leave if you hate Megadeth what you doing here hating on his voice?
Sounds weird with all the improvised solos by Pitrelli
Classics live forever Sweating Bullets , I wake from my night terror's. It's OK. I'D RATHER BE ME THAN ANYONE ELSE...
I saw this tour in San Antonio with Motley Crue. The played at the Freeman Coliseum. There were maybe 1500 in attendance. And for San Antonio that was surprising as SA is the best / biggest metal city in the USA. I remember the place was empty. It was on Motley's New Tattoo tour. Megadeth opened.
Conciertazo!! 🤘🏽
Malditos genios! Simplemente los amo. Megaeverdeth!
Man, knowing how much value Dave places to the faithfulness to the live sound... I bet his ears bled after the Rude Awakening thing and especially after this. Pitrelli isn't hitting much of anything here.
Don't get me wrong, Pitrelli isn't a bad guitarist. On the contrary. It's just that something important is missing from the songs when the important solo lick isn't there.
jerryteacup finally someone who agrees with my ears....I really felt it during symphony of destruction....the absence of Marty’s contributions
Exactly. I think the Night in Buenos Ares dvd was the first sign that his live voice wasn't holding up anymore.
This was a class line up,
Best singer/guitarist 4ever
Pulsing power permeates , now you can all live... Take it to the Higher , never stop desire , sorry I lived to long . but I like it...
I'll look for it and send :)
With Al Pitrelli! My fav guitar just after Friedman for MEGADETH.
On Use The Man, Dave reminds me of the late great Johhny Cash with black acoustic guitar, just The Man In Black.
ellefson is thrilled here,, me like
This black flying V is so bad ass!
2000 ? That was before “The World need a hero” and we still have “Return to Hangar”
It was already written before world needs a hero, they just played it before the official release
25:23 big chug
increible tu trabajo por mostrarnos estas cosas inconseguibles aca en bs as. gracias , salud!
Ojala Alguien que pueda remasterizar este concierto y la imagen a full hd
yes great lineup
Weakest lineup in their history, hands down. I don't know why everybody thinks that the two Dave's plus two session musicians filling the shoes of greats makes a great lineup.
at 7:47 Dave turns into an middle aged black choir lady
2 15 sec ads in the first song good job youtube... I still will never pay you lol!
I believe he is playing a Modulus Flea bass....at least that's what it looks like to me by the pickguard design and control knobs placement.
Glad to see David let his hair grow longer for the 2000 season.
Creo que al pitrelli toca los solos a su manera le da su toque y eso es mas interesante que broderick tocandolo como en el disco..
Alejandro Enmanuel Cabrera Contreras la realidad detrás de esas improvisaciónes que hace es que el no tiene la técnica para hacer la mayoría de solos.
Todos los sweeps los descarta.
Even though they hated each other, this incarnation of Megadeth was great.
What the fuck are you even talking about? They didn't hate each other. Not even remotely. I'd love to know where people get these stupid fucking ideas in their head. They should vomit them out at home all by themselves, not online so that we have to smell it too
Hermoso :')
Dave Mustaines V has a head stock with 3 on each side and a wammy bar ...not usual for him