Actually, no. They're white and cops, not going to lose they're jobs. Not going to be wrongful jailed. Not going to be shot. The know they followed their cover protocols. No problems.
@@Seagull780 to me this should not be a debate. The racial profiling should stop. American laws and system need to be the same for all Americans. Anyone who doesn't adhere should be cast out. The rights and obligations should be the same. Kkk needs to be outlawed as a terrorist group, so should the black panthers or any watchdog group th's not been vested as an extension to normal policing. Police officers should carry a camera that needs to be on everytime they are on the beat. Racism of any form should be outlawed and the prison stats should be looked at. Any judge found disproportionately condemning a kid from another race should be stripped of the coveted robe. Only then will we see an end to this madness
Police in states are so messed up. i can't believe it. For example..Police stopped her just cos she is an African American and did not black woman to own nice car with tinted window. C'mon.Whats kinda of logic is that.
You are a fool and easily amused, why would any of that catch your attention? First of all you are alluding to him having some trepidation, well they weren't worried about her in the slightest. Here are the facts she had Absolutely no authority there in any way, she knew it, the officers knew it, and now you know it. Next why would they have any worries? Here are the facts that traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period. Officially logged, authenticated, verified and a matter of public record. None of those things you think affect that stop are a truthful portrayal of anything except your worthless projection. I bet you've stuttered, cleared your throat, hesitated in a speaking idea, and more all of the is overtly meaningless period.
It’s kinda dark really to think about it. No traffic violation, tags not coming back is bull and she knows it. Impossible to disprove cause if they run it again and it does come back then they can just say it was a system glitch. I don’t believe the police are running tags all day randomly. Windows too dark. More bull. The second he realises who it is he wants to get out of there quick as he can knowing he was in the wrong. That’s really bad. If this is the common occurrence for people of colour in Florida that must put relations with the police at a complete low.
Anti - Ethnic Cleansing eh. well I’m not black so I’m not sure how I’d be the one with a victim complex in this scenario. You can’t make traffic stops for no reason. That’s what happened here. Very obvious from the police officers demeanour and his obvious discomfort when he realised he’d stopped someone who could spot his mistake and in theory have him reprimanded. Police have a very tough job and deserves tons of support but that doesn’t mean ignoring bad practice. If you want to go ahead and think that was a routine traffic stop then by all means please do so.
Chadillac you mean all black people steal cars ? I wasn’t aware that stealing cars was directly related to melanoma in your skin. How very curious. I tan pretty easily does this mean I’m at risk of stealing something a little slower like maybe a bicycle or a skateboard. I’ll have to be on the lookout for that next summer.
@@patrickrichardson1036 I’m not sure your point… Outside of having way too much time on your hands to keep up with the personal lives of strangers. I saw this video and passing. What are you doing with your spare time? On the Internet trying to one up strangers? #StalkerAlert Congratulations! 😐👏🏽
@@TheGreatCommission777 Why would how much time I have concern you in the slightest? Next her smile was meaningless as I corrected this poster, next I am keeping the record correct and have engaged at that not just here but also on other errant threads for years what does a YT post have to do with anyone's personal life, a post here is quite public as you well know! That help you out any?
@@patrickrichardson1036 you just walked into my point… I know your personal life must be dull and/or filled with chaos if you’re trying to passively aggressively escape misery by “correcting” strangers on the internet, like a dog on the side of the road, barking at traffic as it goes by! Congratulations on your accomplishments of infinite nothingness!!! Now what? Nothing… On to your next comment… 😐👉🏽
@@TheGreatCommission777 What a load of self proliferating manure and you know it. Your overtly stilted diatribe has nothing to do with that lawful traffic stop in Orlando.Walked into your point? How juvenile you take a lot on yourself and for the least pay back. Now to return to your folderol her smile was meaningless and nothing more than transient "face saving"" account for the body cameras and served her no good end period. She had no authority there she knew it, the officers knew it and now you know it!! As to your kindergarten kiddie drawings of fire, I can teach you how to use words and language as we grownups use to communicate and no those officers are still on the job happily making stops and doing their sworn duties. But I will update you as to reality, she having been dismissed of multiple duties and cases by the governor is long long gone from any state offices. So you get busy with words and language to make a civil and non retractable ''POINT''' of aquesiasece. Now as to the topic my friend, this traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail period.
@@aranbrico1005 If her windows were dark, how did he know she was black BEFORE he pulled her over? Not to mention, so many here act like a cop isn't supposed to pull someone if they are black. What's up with that?? Do you think they are special? Are they exempt fro the laws the rest of us have to abide by? Ooops. I forgot. It's racist now if someone mentions thing s like that. LMAO
Are cops in the U.S. really able to pull someone over like that? Where I live, a cop must have a legal reason to stop someone like that. Her windows weren't tinted to the point where it was illegal, so unless I am wrong about your legal system, he didn't have any right to stop her.
@@anonymouscommentor411 apparently the tag didn't come back "legit" with registration info, so they thought it was a fake, possible stolen vehicle. The responsible thing would be to investigate how that happened, bug in the system or operator error, that is of course if we truly cared about solving these incidents.
@@anonymouscommentor411 Yes they are really able to pull over someone just like that. All they have to do is make up a fake suspicion. It happened to me two weeks ago in Illinois. I was profiled because I had Colorado plates on my rental car and I stopped in at a rest area for only a minute just to check my map. By the time every thing was done, the car I was driving had been sniffed by a drug sniffing dog, a scent of drugs was found near the rear passenger wheel, and my car was searched along with my two bags of personal belongings. After nothing was found the alleged officers told me to have a nice day. I say alleged because the officers would not identify themselves or even what agency they work for. Want the kicker? These types of stops are perfectly legal if immoral. What the supreme court has done is to allow our law enforcement agencies a way to get around the fourth and fourteenth amendments which are supposed to guarantee our privacy privacy and unlawful search rights. So if you think we don't live in a communist country, think again. BTW. I'm in my 60's and have never had a serious infraction of any kind. Even my last speeding ticket was over forty years ago.
@@bobtony6036 But why did they check the tag in the first place? I don't believe they're just checking every car they're coming by. They saw a black woman in an expensive car and thought: Let's check it out. Maybe the car is stolen.
You couldnt be more wrong, incorrect, or inaccurate. What do you mean who he pulled over? As everyone knows she had no authority there, no state attorney has any authority with any law enforcment agency or enforcment action including this one. What was required of her was compliance and she complied not only nicely but politely at that. The officer required her I D which she submitted to him and once examined her document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. Here are the facts this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every detail period.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb Exactly. The reason they were “good” is because she had a government plate but it wasn’t registered properly so the tag came up non-existent. Once he realized she was legitimately a government official, it became pretty obvious that it was a mistake by her office and not a stolen car or plate. Everyone acting like she dunked on them is crazy, she admitted it was a legitimate stop after the fact
What do you mean? Her being a minor office holder had no effect on this traffic stop in any way. As everyone knows she had no authority there, a state attorney has no authority with ANY law enforcment agency or action including this one. What was expected of her was compliance and comply she did and politely at that. The officer required her I D which she submitted to him and after he examined the document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. Ending that lawful traffic stop then and there. This traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every single detail.
@@theinformationbomber7102 Mine is not opinion it is PATENTLY A FACT and here it is again!! This traffic stop was and is absolutely lawful in every single detail, officially logged, authenticated, verified and a matter of public record!! What OPINION?
@@ghost.protocol yes. That is exactly what it means. Just business cards. We are not obliged to hand then out but do so as a courtesy. Any time you are contacted by the police their name and badge number are on the citation or police report along with the other officers present. People often times ask them from us as an attempt at intimidation. The "now i know who you are" mentality but nothing is being hidden regardless
@@id1763 we have discretion to write or not write a ticket. We so not give tickets to everyone we stop for a traffic infraction, even if the person is a public employee. Additionally, once he found that her unregistered license plates belo ged to a government official and was allowed to have such plates, he had no grounds to cite her for anything.
@@id1763 Yeah you're very right. Police should always follow rules and not over step their authority by targeting indiduals who have broken no laws. They are to serve and protect citizenry not act above the law. 👍🏽
@@jacksoxman9000 It's so ridiculous to see how copsuckers like you just do everything you can to defend cops. Being a police officer isn't the most dangerous job in America.... It isn't even on the top ten most dangerous. The most dangerous is a logger, followed by a fisherman. Since those jobs don't involve massive Police Unions, I guess most of the public gleams over these facts, right?
Police instinctively abuse their authority. They do not identify with the concept ‘Protect and Serve’. Did anyone else notice the arrogance with which they engaged the Attorney?
Doug Davis yes Doug AMEN. Right? I don’t give the police any reason to even put their hand near their gun. I’ve never ever had a problem with the police.
This cop literally shit his pants when he realized that not only was he not going to be able to play stupid cop games but he was actually going to get played himself
You couldn't be more wrong, incorrect, and inaccurate, what would lead you to believe that load of false manure you posted here? First of all as everyone knows she had no authority there whatsoever. State attorneys have no administrative or personal function with any law enforcement agency in any way. What was expected of her was compliance and that is just what she did and politely at that. After the officer examined her agency document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. This traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period officially logged, authenticated verified and a matter of public record.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbwow! The dumbest comment I’ve seen today! Lmao no, that cop did indeed shit himself because he just pulled over someone who, not only knows the law much better than he does, but also is his superior by many tiers. You can hear in his tone of voice the nervousness & the urge to backpedal.
As far as I'm concerned she's a scumbag just like the pigs, remember she prosecutes innocent people that the same pigs pull over on a faily basis. They are on the same team.
That was after he tried to respond with a reason for the stop and it sounded like BS, both the reasons and particularly the way he delivered the response.
You couldnt be more wrong, incorrect, and inaccurate. Why would he be ""Nervous""? She was certainly no threat there to him in any way. As everyone knows she had no authority there, as everyone knows state attorneys have no authority with ANY law enforcment agencies or law enforcment actions, including this one. No he was not nervous, those officers are still on the job happily making stops and enforcing the law. This traffic stop was positivly lawful in every detail.
@@AllenHanPR You idiots never quit do you? They were no such thing! They are still on the job making stops enforcing the law and doing their sworn duties. She however was dismissed of multiple cases by the governor and is long gone from any state offices. There couldn't possibly be any reason to fire them for anything from this traffic stop in that this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every single detail, officially logged, authenticated verified and a matter of public record!
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbYou obviously don't understand the projection of emotion through speech. He sounded very nervous, as if his reasons of stopping her weren't for rightous or practical reasons more of a power trip. Doesn't matter if she decided not to go for a re-election. The officer was nervous because the former state attorney of Florida questioned their decision to stop her. That's all.
@@ZipporahRian44 There is NO logical reason for any nervousness whatsoever first of all as everyone knows she had no authority there. Next there is provable no lack of any foolish righteousness in that this traffic stop was absolutly lawfull in every single capacity, thus why would any officer doing a 100 percent job have the slightest trepidation---he did not! It is illogical.
What a fool you are she was no worry to him. That window tint was not the official reason for the stop and was meaningless, he needed no luminometer (tint measure) those officers are still on the job, she having been dismissed of duties and cases by the governor however, is long long gone from any state offices.
Scared of what? A state attorney. LMAO! They're just as dumb as anyone. They did nothing wrong and she even admits they did nothing wrong. So she asks for their cards. You know how many times an officer gets asked for his name and badge number? It makes the subject feel like they are in control of something. Which amounts to shit!!!
You couldnt be more WRONG, INACCURATE AND INCORRECT how did he F*ked up you have no idea what you are talking about first of all, asking for those cards was meaningless, as everyone knows she had no authority there a state attorney has no authority with ANY law enforcement agency. Next this traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail period. Those officers are still happily on the job making stops and enforcing the law and she is long long gone from any state offices.
@@theone9224 Wrong the traffic stop was totally lawful the stop was made when her tag did not return from the radio data link, that was noted officially logged authenticated verified and a matter of public record and you just stay wrong you have no idea about any white supremacy that is nothing but a trash assumption, again this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every detail and provably so!!
She better not state attorney or not she is still a so called black woman in America and she seems to understand that. There is a pecking order no matter what your position is. Don’t ever forget your place in the hierarchy.
@@Barak144 your so called "hierarchy" literally mean racism. Regardless, in that moment, she holds a higher position than those police officers, that is where change will come from.
razz P seemed to me like she smiled because the dark windows thing sounded like he made it up on the spot and was grabbing for straws. And just like all citizens, citizens are not required to sit and act like they buy whatever the cop is selling.
razz P She is privileged, she knew she was illegally pulled over but she also knew he couldn't justify it bc of who she was. If she wasn't who she was, it could have been way different.
You couldnt be more wrong, inaccurate, or incorrect, there isn't the slightest hint of any profiling here, and that insipid smile of hers was meaningless, and she knew it, it served her no good end. Here are the facts the window tint had absolutly nothing official to do with this traffic stop. This traffic stop was for vehicle registration irregularities and that alone. This traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period and those are (the bulk) of the facts.
@@pilzner1118 its actually impressive how dead set he is on defending some cops who are clearly in the wrong who he doesn't know and who will never even know him.
She is just a regular person. Just because shes black doesnt really make her different. Just because she holds a public position doesnt make her and better or worse either.
@Zack Scheffer ...& everyone doesn't get pulled over for it. You think the state attorney was asking for their cards with a smirk for recreation? People who lie spout unconvincing statements, ie "Uh..this isn't my car.".
@Zack Scheffer which is an invasion of privacy.The car was not reported stolen and had not committed any traffic violation. There's no reason to run a about dictatorship! Creepy. Her "crime" was Driving a nice car, while being black" .
No!! You have no idea of what you are talking about, the tag violation didn't come back because she was driving a conditional crp tag. It was a field cleared violation and quickly. This traffic stop was Absolutely lawful in every detail period. Officially logged, authenticated verified and a matter of public record!!
This is old but he clearly knew she was with an 'agency' which was above his pay grade because his first question was..'What agency are you with' which her driver's license presumably doesn't show. He went so far as to give his own personal ID despite that car not being his.
@@MrBlack-vg8rv Actually...hyenas DONT NOT kill lions all the time, dont YOU watch animal docs? Hyenas try to and bully lionesses all the time, but run fuck for their lives from adult male lions. Quit gonna make me think that you are changing reality cos the attorney in the car was "DIFFERENT"...
Fucking unreal this cops response, good for her! Get these biased ass cops off the streets! I hope she seriously makes sure these pricks were reprimanded.
We don't need people spreading more hatred towards the cops you obviously do not like police officers or you would have kept your stupid opinion to yourself...
MrWolfSnack no, not really, maybe you have a different definition of sounding scared but nothing the cop said sounded scared whatsoever. The judge seems kind of ignorant on how cops patrol and run plates.
MrWolfSnack how did his “excuse” fail? He said I ran your plate and no name came up which he hadn’t seen before. I think black people want to paint the police as bad, even when there is nothing to be mad about. You also take the time to be happy when a black judge “scares” the police, which didn’t happen.
ShadowⓋ I see. Okay, so I see you not only failed to answer the question but chose to slander all of those who protect you and enforce the law and assume their motives but also chose to assume mine. I’ll take that as him wetting his pants from this situation was simply a fantasy of yours and you know it didn’t actually happen and that there are no indications he was scared what so ever.
Wow so what part do you like the most watching her comply with the officers or when he examined her documents and found her to be lawful and then freed her to depart!
+Austin Peters The tint in backdoors and backwindow can be as dark as you like, it only the frontdoors there is a degree on, and you never see any tint on the frontdoors because both her windows are down, so it can be all legal, it just the cop coming up with some "bullshit" on the spot, do to finding a legal reason to have stop the car, where State Attorney is behind the wheel...
In the state of florida there is a limit on the back windows of a car. The back windows must allow more than 15% of light in
+Caesar Vespasian ok.... so when did you see her get "sassy" with lip smacking, finger snapping? She is the State Attorney, which means you have to actually sit for the Bar Examination, actually TAKE the test (and they ID you, strict rules about no "In and Out", etc) AND Pass it to become a Lawyer. Methinks you're just butt hurt because an Intelligent Black Woman GOT ELECTED to serve. Nothing rigged about that. If you're going to say voting is rigged, then lets talk about that fucktard orange abomination in OUR white house, because he's lowering our Property Values every damn day he is left there to run amok- like the lowlife animal he is.
She seems to be so calm and intelligent women. I'd like to be there with her to learn things. That's why I love calm people. They have so much in store ☺️
I'm not saying she is a "God" but being a state attorney holds a respectful and a powerful status, and although the windows were dark, you could see through. Not a good enough reason to pull someone over, but I don't live there so I don't know the law tbh.
I never understood that. Is it a hierarchy thing? A reasonable person, who I’m assuming the state attorney is, could not and would not affect a simple police officer’s career over a routine stop. Am I right to say that?
@@Alhamdulillah.e.rabil.alameen oh come on! The windows were dark! They literally said it was illegal in the video. Get off your high horse and shut up.
@@anwarabdulrahman2506 You're right to say that, but you're wrong about which way it is Police in the US regularly make up shit and abuse their power. If they ever do that to a state attorney, they're *fucked*
We know how they behave normally. There are 10 million arrests made a year in the US. Virtually all of them are handled without any police malfeasance. People seem to be content to look through a keyhole and think they’re seeing the whole picture.
What makes you think that? You are a fool she is nothing more than a minor county lawyer, she had absolutely no authority there whatsoever, she knew it, the officer knew it and now you know it. This traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period. The officers are still on the job making stops and enforcing the law, she on the other hand having been dismissed of state attorney duties by the governor is long gone from any state office period.
I almost wish she wouldn't have identified herself as a state attorney. Just getting a dumb ticket and slapping them with the "UNO Reverse" card in court would've been a nice wake-up call to these morons. That "your tags came back with nothing on it" sounds like some bullshit, to me. Why not write her a ticket for having an invalid tag? #ALieDontCareWhoTellIt
cops just legit run random tags... when I was a teenager I actually had cops follow me across town following dangerously close at night and I was to a point where I was going to make formal complaints. I don't agree with it but they do fish in that respect has little to do with her race and moreso that they will fish to get anybody on something.
Morons huh? So what if someone murdered your Mom and they were on the loose. Cop pulls over someone with bad tags and blacked out windows and catches the murderer? Think that's never happened before? Think again
What fools you misfits are, and perennially ill educated aren't you? Why would he have the slightest difficulty with his throat. Here are the facts. She is merely a minor county lawyer, who hasn't the slightest authority there whatsoever. Next this traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period, officially logged, authenticated , verified and a matter of public record.
You couldnt be more wrong, incorrect nd inaccurate, the lawful traffic stop was for registration irregularities and that alone, that officer F'd up nothing!! This traffic stop was positivly lawful in every detail
@user-J_Nj-777jjk WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, This traffics stop was absolutly lawful in every detail period. She herself in multiple press interviews and personal comments states and I quote her here""This stop appears to be consistent with Florida law"" says she. So if there was the slightest hint of any profiling she could not state that. Next the law in the U S is plain law enforcment may (and does) registration inquiries (run tags) randomly, Law enforcment may run tags anywhere, any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all just for officer information, that is the law and has been for decades, and supported by the supreme court thus they needed no reason whatsoever to inquire of her plates and likely they were run by an ALPR and electronic scanner used in the U S and foreign country's to make registration inquiries. hundreds of plates at a time automatically. The window tint remark at this stop was nothing more than conversational observation, if he"d have believed the tint was in violation he'd have detained her further and summoned a luminometer from the supervisor for a measurement-----HE DID NOT!! No measurement equals no violation! This traffic stop was for registration violation and that alone!! Once again this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every single detail officially logged, verified, authenticated and a matter of public record. That is the was it stands, and has for half a dozen years!!
He clocked the tint , which could have been illegally tinted, and ran the plates which came back non-existent. If the plate was good they may have just ignored it.
@@davidbleeker784 Correct you are it is absolutly lawful in every detail, as a matter of fact in many jurisdictions, there is an electronic scanner known as an ALPR automatic license plate reader that scans reports the numbers to the data link and returns the information to the patrol officers in the car who many times never even see the vehicle until after the action!
I love how she starts smiling as soon as he tries to bullshit his way out of it with the "I don't have a tint measurer but your windows are really dark" line.
@@AydinTiras I can’t tell if this is a joke or not... if it’s so bad here then why do you live here? Should we just get rid of all of the police, since they cause more trouble than they help.
@@Jahlen.johnson Well, one of the main issues is there was no reason to pull her over. The officer claimed that they scanned her plates and it came back "blank", but that isn't an offence of the driver, rather it's a malfunction of their own police system and should not be a reasonable cause to pull someone over. The underlying reason may be that the officers are using racial profiling and acting on stereotypes when they see a black woman driving a nice car, and that deem it to be "suspicious" because she shouldn't be able to afford that car legally. It can also be said that the officers were on their best behavior (i.e. acting nice), because she is a state attorney, which is usually consider one of the top lawyers of the state and needless to say, someone that holds a lot of power.
I see a lot of people in the comments saying that she had a "smug attitude" and asking why did she ask the reason for the stop. 1) She did NOT have a smug attitude, she remained calm and respectful. 2) She did NOT throw in his face that she was the State Attorney, she was asked what agency she was with. 3) Anyone who is stopped by the police wants to know WHY they are being pulled, why should SHE be any different...? Just my thoughts on the situation.
Allen Iverson The way I see it is people think shes being smug by asking why sahe was stopped and then being told the reason which of you look at it makes no sense...she then asks for their cards because she felt it was not a reasonable stop. They werent even going to tell her why she was pulled UNTIL she asked... I may be wrong but that's just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.....
edwin08041975 I don't know what I did to you to be called a bitch. All I did was state my opinion which isn't right or wrong it's just how I feel but if there is something in my comment that offends you personally I truly apologize. I guess I'll be that bitch for having my own opinion...but I want you to have a blessed day.
That smirk was meaningless and no the officer wasn't reaching for a thing. The window tint was no an official reason for the stop. She was stopped and detained for vehicle registration irregularities and that alone. This traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every single detail.
She is on his side but because of this she ain't. The fact he don't know who she is but yet will need her when he does something stupid shows the issue here. Police are just regular people and should be treated as such.
You couldn't be more wrong, incorrect, and in accurate, first of all she had absolutely no authority there in anyway she knew it, the officers knew it and now you know it, his anatomy was fully in tact when after examining her documents he freed her to depart. That traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail period.
@@danielgloverpiano7693 Oh sorry Danny ole buddy, its UA-cam not a term paper, so for you a detail period can and may be a couple of things, a female biological cycle that is not fraught with cramps, or in this case one in which all protocols are in place and no consternation. Happy now professor?
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbHappy now, professor. That’s what you should have said. Yes, indeed, I’ve served on the faculties of four universities from New York to California. My favorite joke of the day: A woman is pulled over by a traffic cop. Here’s their conversation: Cop: “Ma’am can you tell me why I’m standing here?” Woman: “Because you got all Cs in high school?” Hahahahahahaha
@@danielgloverpiano7693 There is a more serious side to mocking humor when being attacked in a darkened ally, that it is likely one may be thankful for a "C" student while the recipient of strikes and blows from a "D" or "F" student and realizing that credentials often avail you naught.
Exactly, when police windows are darker than everyone else's. THEY are the public servant, not us. What if they're abusing or raping someone inside the car and nobody can see it.
@TADionysus TAD, you have a case of arrogant ignorance. 1. You're the one who doesn't have a clue about my point. Hmm, so dark tint keeps it cooler inside for police dogs, okay. So do you think police dog lives are more important than citizen dogs lives? Or should they have equal rights?? And how about actual human beings inside the car? Babies, children? How about when the car A/C goes out in a state like FL? If the government can do it, then you and I can do it. That's called equal rights. It's what the founding fathers believed in, it's private property rights, it's common sense. Police claim to care about kids being left in hot cars and such at stores right, so if they actually cared then, by your own logic, they'd support all of us having the darkest tint to keep it cooler inside the car, and they wouldn't enforce tint laws. The police are hypocrites whenever they harass someone over window tint, plain and simple. Nice try, though.
Dude, yes the police get special priviledges. They're the police. And really, "what if they are raping" this is nonsense man. Our society has zero respect for authority anymore. But whatever, lets just let people do whatever they want, freedom of rights and all that...
@@carolcrowley3040 Thank you Carol, that's exactly what i'm talking about, but some people still don't get it. The way it is now is backwards. The reason cops are so brazen as to do such things is because they know the system is tilted in their favor and they have too much power and privilege. The way it should be is that citizens should be free to have fully tinted windows on our private property, and public servant cops should be forced to have clear windows. They are the ones who voluntarily chose to be a cop, so how can we hold them accountable when they're doing their job in secret. If they have nothing to hide they should have no problem with it.
Lol.....that one cops voice got all nervous and squiky when he realised who he had pulled over. He even says your good before she gives him her licence. Lol
@@Cabledeluz1977 right because half the people have been murdered for good reason right? Counterfeit $20 bill yep let's make sure he never does this again. Lol Trump supporters are the most criminally insane fucks I've ever met.
What handles? What was expected of her was compliance and she not only complied properly, but politely as well. She was stopped, detained and questioned all within protocol. The policeman required her I D which she submitted to him, and after he examined her document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart ending the lawful traffic stop then and there. This traffic stop was and is absolutely lawful in every single detail.
@@ChrisGWGreen That is understood so what then did she handle well, applying the brakes and stopping the vehicle because this was a traffic stop with police, so I referenced them for you!
@@Patrichardson-i9f again interesting question. Honestly I’d love to debate it. Could be a good UA-cam channel? Fancy setting one up? How did she handle it well… (caveat… in my opinion) she’s a black woman in a position of authority being pulled over for a routine check. She had ample opportunity to over step her ground, escalate the Sven because of race reasons, but she politely asked for id from the officers and spoke the chief about trying to find unity between departments. And yes she put on the brakes which doesn’t always happen 🤓
Not even a remotely funny attempt at humor and why would he worry about her? She had positively no power or authority there whatsoever. This traffic stop was absolutley lawful in every detail, logged, authenticated and verified.
@Billy Cole II Getting a ticket is getting off easy. If a cop really wants to be a dick, they can send you to the DMV for an equipment inspection. There goes your day.
She was no boss of anyone on the police department, she is merely an attorney paid by the state to litigate cases brought to her by the law enforcement agencies. That traffic stop was absolutley lawful in every detail period and verifiable so. She had absolutley no authority there.
You might be right she isn't their boss! However, she is the Elected District Attorney. In the full video, the officer said another reason why he pulled over her state issue while was because of window tint. Mind you, it's a state-issued car with tags. The whole thing screams of profiling. So you're wrong
@@aaronlewis2501he is not wrong, I read up on the case and also live in Florida, Florida departments have a policy stating they lawfully read all plates with ALPR readers, and have a system that detects Lo-Jack vehicle, which as the officer in the video stated “is to determine if a vehicle is reported stolen or not”. If your plate does not come back, that in itself is a lawful reason to conduct a lawful traffic stop. As for the window tint, that is a secondary offense, therein another valid ticket considering he had a primary infraction that warranted said stop. You’re just another “pick me it’s profiling shut up” keyboard warrior. You look stupid.. stop.
@@patrickrichardson1036 Don't be stupid and naive. As the state attorney, she has the power to destroy those cops's lives. She has friends in high places after all.
Her reactions and body language speak volumes more than this doofus ever will If I was in her position, I wouldn’t even tell them anything except “see you in court” and light ‘em up like there’s no tomorrow
You have no Idea what you are talking about, she was not about to see anyone in court owing to the fact that there was not a hint of any case to be tried, she knew that, the officer knew that and now you know it. Here are the facts this traffic stop was positivly lawful in every detail period, officially logged, authenticated, verified and a matter of public record.
@@jimmyrustles9911 No such thing occurring with me you may be referring to your mother or other family members. Never the less good to hear from you, and as always this traffic stop remains positivly lawful in every detail.
@Bonnie Parker lol what?? she gave him a look and handed him her ID without saying anything. She clearly was not happy she got pulled over. I would've been like "hello officer how's it going" or something to try and defuse the awkwardness but maybe that's just me
@@CharloBingu I'm a white woman who has been pulled over a few times in my 58 years and always kiss ass. Most times I got a warning and no ticket. I recieved a ticket for too dark of windows and the cop immediately told me that was why he pulled me over. This cop was running plates on black people imo to see what came up, he didn't pull her over for the windows initially, imo. My brother is a recently retired cop and admits he targeted Mexicans, he did it because he suspected they were illegals and he would give them tickets, impound their cars that weren't registered and drop them off at local gas stations. He admits now that he was a jerk about it but was pissed because when illegals get in car accidents they never have insurance and it's on the innocent victim. Off topic I know but my point is cops have alot of power and discretion on what they do.
@@CharloBingu actually she is unhappy because she knows what happens when her plates get run. So she is unhappy that these two are completely out of line and that is a random sample of patrol officers. She knows the numbers and facts, the state attorney realizes this out of control police department needs a radical ground up change. Further this state attorney knows change in such institutions must come from the ground, and these two representatives show how very bad a situation it is.
Are you losers done yet? No matter what, as soon as she said who she was, she wasn’t get a ticket. And take a look, her windows are darkly tinted. But you won’t see that through your sad eyes. Goofs
@@myfriendscallmeron6174, yea man. Her rear windows were tinted very dark. Just like every single passenger vehicle after 2015 does as a child safety feature. The front windows are rolled down so you can't see them, however I bet they are the factory standard which is why she smirked and asked for their cards. She knew they made that nonsense up as a reason to pull her over. But you probably won't see that through your sad eyes, goof.
@thegyuanenonli Arrogant? You have to be joking right? She couldnt be arrogant in the slightest, she was being officially stopped and detained. As everyone knows she had no authority there. What was expected of her was her compliance and she complied not only properly but politely as well. The policeman required her I D which she submitted to him and after he examined her document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart, ending this lawful traffic stop then and there. This trafic stop and detainment was and is absolutely lawful in every single detail!
Cops have the ability to run anyone's license plate, but the most significant issue is the recurring problem reminiscent of the same issues of "stop and frisk," which has been supported by data from various locations across the United States.
Again, I guarantee you're also black and are only defending her position because she's black..if she was white and the cops were black, you and every other inner city black would be against her and praising the black cops!
If you were stopped for a statute violation and it was in fact chargeable and the officer did not, he'd have to answer to the log entry if it was a suspect stop than your experience was normal and a regular occurrence..
I'm only half "white" and please elaborate on why I'm a "POS"? Technically you didn't make sense since I called her a moron and you called me a "POS" so Im confused on your logic. Looks like you're a moron as well.@@swuf5962
@@PhiberOptik1979 And that's where you fail to know your rights. They had no reason to pull her over. She didn't ask for their cards to send them a thank you note.
Chi Chi's World i don’t know how the rules work in usa but you can sue a cop for pulling you over? What if it was a mistake or just check up to see if you have a license and registration papers
@@justsomeguy6474 Bahahaha. Attributing USSR's and the allies' bloody and painful victory against Nazi Germany to Antifas? Oh yeah, sure a bunch of privileged middle class wusses were responsible for stopping the fascist plague...pathetic. Oh my lord.
What a juvenile and childish entry, and nothing further from the truth, as everyone knows she had no authority there. After her dismissal by the governor of cases and duties, she is likely serving at Ihop. Those officers are still happily on the job making stops and enforcing the law, she however is long long gone from any state offices.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbthe implication here is that the officers couldn’t get out of there fast enough after realizing they pulled over someone up the chain. I don’t know what kind of political views you have nor do I care. All I see here is an interaction that went awkward pretty quick. Using terms such as “Childish” and “Juvenile” while picking a fight with a random stranger on the internet is kind of hypocritical don’t you think?
@@hussamtahir915 Here are the facts: Up what chain? As everyone knows she had no authority there. Also it is very well known that a state attorney has no authority with ANY law enforcment agency or action including this one. They were in no more of a hurry than they would be for anyone other than someone with a conditional tag. What the officer required from her was compliance and she not only compiled properly but politely as well. They required her I D which she submitted to them and after the officer examined and viewed her agency I D and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. She was operating a crp registration and her I D supported that. They were in no trepidation in an way that would be illogical owing to the fact that his traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every single detail.
Princess Gamboa I don’t know how to explain it but when she asked for the cards, she was not asking for them but demanding them because she’s an attorney and therefore higher ranks than the officers that pulled her over. And asking for cards usually mean she’s asking for identification which she can use to report the officers because she thinks that the stop was illegal.
@@ExtremeWays4Bourne are you acting obtuse? She is the STATE ATTORNEY best believe a mere low level office can't measure or compete. That is judge level shit.
Aramis: im a state attorney
Officer: I have the right to remain silent anything I say will be used against me in a court of law.
Actually, no. They're white and cops, not going to lose they're jobs. Not going to be wrongful jailed. Not going to be shot.
The know they followed their cover protocols. No problems.
@@Seagull780 if it's equal, how is it disproportionate? Sometimes people come up with outlandish quotes to try and justify the unjustifiable
@@Seagull780 to me this should not be a debate. The racial profiling should stop. American laws and system need to be the same for all Americans. Anyone who doesn't adhere should be cast out. The rights and obligations should be the same. Kkk needs to be outlawed as a terrorist group, so should the black panthers or any watchdog group th's not been vested as an extension to normal policing. Police officers should carry a camera that needs to be on everytime they are on the beat. Racism of any form should be outlawed and the prison stats should be looked at. Any judge found disproportionately condemning a kid from another race should be stripped of the coveted robe. Only then will we see an end to this madness
Police in states are so messed up. i can't believe it. For example..Police stopped her just cos she is an African American and did not black woman to own nice car with tinted window. C'mon.Whats kinda of logic is that.
"The police pulled me over today...I let them off with a warning..."
benjianubis lmao I know I wish. IRL they put 3 warning shots in my back right... 😂
Mari Ban in your dreams bitch
Best freaking comment!!😂😂
Akshay Bhavsar : golden comment XD
good one lol
“Im State Attorney “
carllito1234 😂😂
Drop in voice level, stuttering, throat clearing, hesitation, all rolled into this...pure treat to watch.
You are a fool and easily amused, why would any of that catch your attention? First of all you are alluding to him having some trepidation, well they weren't worried about her in the slightest. Here are the facts she had Absolutely no authority there in any way, she knew it, the officers knew it, and now you know it. Next why would they have any worries? Here are the facts that traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period. Officially logged, authenticated, verified and a matter of public record. None of those things you think affect that stop are a truthful portrayal of anything except your worthless projection. I bet you've stuttered, cleared your throat, hesitated in a speaking idea, and more all of the is overtly meaningless period.
What foolishness she had no authority there whatsoever and everyone knows that, this traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period.
@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb you forgot the /s
The cop obviously did, thus the stammering and change of attitude. He was scared witless! 😅😅@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb her colour annoys you, eat shit dickhead
Cop: We just want to make sure it's your car and it's not stolen
Also Cop: Actually this isn't my car
hahahahahahahahaha LeL
*nervously writes name on notepad*
Contradicting at its finest.
Sorry Ma'am I thought you was just an ordinary black person with an ordinary job.
It’s kinda dark really to think about it. No traffic violation, tags not coming back is bull and she knows it. Impossible to disprove cause if they run it again and it does come back then they can just say it was a system glitch. I don’t believe the police are running tags all day randomly. Windows too dark. More bull. The second he realises who it is he wants to get out of there quick as he can knowing he was in the wrong. That’s really bad. If this is the common occurrence for people of colour in Florida that must put relations with the police at a complete low.
Onesufi johhnybgood yea it’s not my car. I’ll just write my name on a piece of paper.
David O Donohoe
That's quite some mental gymnastics you got there for that victim complex you’re spewing.
Anti - Ethnic Cleansing eh. well I’m not black so I’m not sure how I’d be the one with a victim complex in this scenario. You can’t make traffic stops for no reason. That’s what happened here. Very obvious from the police officers demeanour and his obvious discomfort when he realised he’d stopped someone who could spot his mistake and in theory have him reprimanded. Police have a very tough job and deserves tons of support but that doesn’t mean ignoring bad practice. If you want to go ahead and think that was a routine traffic stop then by all means please do so.
Chadillac you mean all black people steal cars ? I wasn’t aware that stealing cars was directly related to melanoma in your skin. How very curious. I tan pretty easily does this mean I’m at risk of stealing something a little slower like maybe a bicycle or a skateboard. I’ll have to be on the lookout for that next summer.
What agency are you in?
"I'm the state attorney"..
Aright mam you have a nice day !
Thanks, I missed that
Tony TonyTony f*** you b****
CornRow Kenny ma'am *
Had them shook. They were like "get away from me bitch" after that
When she smiled!!!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
I already knew what was about to happen next!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@@patrickrichardson1036 I’m not sure your point… Outside of having way too much time on your hands to keep up with the personal lives of strangers. I saw this video and passing. What are you doing with your spare time? On the Internet trying to one up strangers? #StalkerAlert
Congratulations! 😐👏🏽
@@TheGreatCommission777 Why would how much time I have concern you in the slightest? Next her smile was meaningless as I corrected this poster, next I am keeping the record correct and have engaged at that not just here but also on other errant threads for years what does a YT post have to do with anyone's personal life, a post here is quite public as you well know! That help you out any?
@@patrickrichardson1036 you just walked into my point… I know your personal life must be dull and/or filled with chaos if you’re trying to passively aggressively escape misery by “correcting” strangers on the internet, like a dog on the side of the road, barking at traffic as it goes by!
Congratulations on your accomplishments of infinite nothingness!!! Now what? Nothing…
On to your next comment… 😐👉🏽
@@TheGreatCommission777 What a load of self proliferating manure and you know it. Your overtly stilted diatribe has nothing to do with that lawful traffic stop in Orlando.Walked into your point? How juvenile you take a lot on yourself and for the least pay back. Now to return to your folderol her smile was meaningless and nothing more than transient "face saving"" account for the body cameras and served her no good end period. She had no authority there she knew it, the officers knew it and now you know it!! As to your kindergarten kiddie drawings of fire, I can teach you how to use words and language as we grownups use to communicate and no those officers are still on the job happily making stops and doing their sworn duties. But I will update you as to reality, she having been dismissed of multiple duties and cases by the governor is long long gone from any state offices. So you get busy with words and language to make a civil and non retractable ''POINT''' of aquesiasece. Now as to the topic my friend, this traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail period.
@@patrickrichardson1036not for this stop
She didn't give him her license, she gave him the UNO reverse card
Lol well stated
🤣🤣🤣 this comment right here.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Policeman: „the windows are really dark“
Her thoughts: „yea the windows...right“
@Xye Leyx what the fuck is wrong with you? Fuck off you worthless piece of shit
@Xye Leyx stop it go get some help...
What they really meant was her skin color is dark...
@@aranbrico1005 If her windows were dark, how did he know she was black BEFORE he pulled her over? Not to mention, so many here act like a cop isn't supposed to pull someone if they are black. What's up with that?? Do you think they are special? Are they exempt fro the laws the rest of us have to abide by?
Ooops. I forgot. It's racist now if someone mentions thing s like that.
@@barryparrish1585 true dat
What agency are you with? “Well, I’m your boss’s, boss’s, boss’s, boss’s, boss’s boss 😂
Are cops in the U.S. really able to pull someone over like that? Where I live, a cop must have a legal reason to stop someone like that. Her windows weren't tinted to the point where it was illegal, so unless I am wrong about your legal system, he didn't have any right to stop her.
@@anonymouscommentor411 apparently the tag didn't come back "legit" with registration info, so they thought it was a fake, possible stolen vehicle. The responsible thing would be to investigate how that happened, bug in the system or operator error, that is of course if we truly cared about solving these incidents.
Thanks boss.
@@anonymouscommentor411 Yes they are really able to pull over someone just like that. All they have to do is make up a fake suspicion. It happened to me two weeks ago in Illinois. I was profiled because I had Colorado plates on my rental car and I stopped in at a rest area for only a minute just to check my map. By the time every thing was done, the car I was driving had been sniffed by a drug sniffing dog, a scent of drugs was found near the rear passenger wheel, and my car was searched along with my two bags of personal belongings. After nothing was found the alleged officers told me to have a nice day. I say alleged because the officers would not identify themselves or even what agency they work for. Want the kicker? These types of stops are perfectly legal if immoral. What the supreme court has done is to allow our law enforcement agencies a way to get around the fourth and fourteenth amendments which are supposed to guarantee our privacy privacy and unlawful search rights. So if you think we don't live in a communist country, think again. BTW. I'm in my 60's and have never had a serious infraction of any kind. Even my last speeding ticket was over forty years ago.
@@bobtony6036 But why did they check the tag in the first place? I don't believe they're just checking every car they're coming by. They saw a black woman in an expensive car and thought: Let's check it out. Maybe the car is stolen.
He said "thank you, we're good now" as soon as he realized who he pulled over 😂
You couldnt be more wrong, incorrect, or inaccurate. What do you mean who he pulled over? As everyone knows she had no authority there, no state attorney has any authority with any law enforcment agency or enforcment action including this one. What was required of her was compliance and she complied not only nicely but politely at that. The officer required her I D which she submitted to him and once examined her document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. Here are the facts this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every detail period.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb Exactly. The reason they were “good” is because she had a government plate but it wasn’t registered properly so the tag came up non-existent. Once he realized she was legitimately a government official, it became pretty obvious that it was a mistake by her office and not a stolen car or plate. Everyone acting like she dunked on them is crazy, she admitted it was a legitimate stop after the fact
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbWtf are you smokin dude?! Ha! You are delusional, man.
This comment apparently went right over your head...
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbhow is that Boot tasting? Like Ur a 🐈?
She's not all that important.
State attorney: "I'm the state attorney."
Cop: "I can't feel my balls."
The smirk on her face when he says the windows were dark, and the finger rub when she ask them for their cards gets me every time! Lmao
Yup. She was fine as hell.
Yes. Boi she was letting them unravel.
Me too. And once she said she was the State Attorney. He had to keep clearing his throat because that’s when Johnny knew. He f*cked up.
Yep, I’ve seen this video before but couldn’t resist watching again to enjoy that 🍫sweet 🍭sweet 🍬cop cringe 😙
Soooo good 😋
I know, right?
It's like she gave him a ticket 😂
Lissie Cat 96 right!?! Love it.
police doing their job=power trip=wrong. government employee on a power trip=right. that logic
MEGIDIOT oh shut the fuck up
Lissie Cat 96 hahahahaha Yass
And THIS IS how an elected official HANDLES a traffic stop!
What do you mean? Her being a minor office holder had no effect on this traffic stop in any way. As everyone knows she had no authority there, a state attorney has no authority with ANY law enforcment agency or action including this one. What was expected of her was compliance and comply she did and politely at that. The officer required her I D which she submitted to him and after he examined the document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. Ending that lawful traffic stop then and there. This traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every single detail.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb Whites always gonna defend their brethren
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb your opinion ?
yeah it's nonsense anyway
@@theinformationbomber7102 Mine is not opinion it is PATENTLY A FACT and here it is again!! This traffic stop was and is absolutely lawful in every single detail, officially logged, authenticated, verified and a matter of public record!! What OPINION?
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb nope you are just a nonsense peddler and nothing else
probably a covert white supremacist
Laughing at the massive shift in power the instant she asked for their cards lol
That shit happens every single shift.. this entire thing is like "so what?" This is about as routine as it gets.
I am not from the US. What does a card of a cop mean ? Like their business card ?
@@ghost.protocol yes. That is exactly what it means. Just business cards. We are not obliged to hand then out but do so as a courtesy. Any time you are contacted by the police their name and badge number are on the citation or police report along with the other officers present. People often times ask them from us as an attempt at intimidation. The "now i know who you are" mentality but nothing is being hidden regardless
@@id1763 we have discretion to write or not write a ticket. We so not give tickets to everyone we stop for a traffic infraction, even if the person is a public employee. Additionally, once he found that her unregistered license plates belo ged to a government official and was allowed to have such plates, he had no grounds to cite her for anything.
Yeah you're very right. Police should always follow rules and not over step their authority by targeting indiduals who have broken no laws. They are to serve and protect citizenry not act above the law. 👍🏽
It's nice to see that the officer is sweating bullets, not firing them.
And why would this officer be shooting fool?
You do know the fact that more police officers get shot every year, then suspects?
@@jacksoxman9000 It's so ridiculous to see how copsuckers like you just do everything you can to defend cops.
Being a police officer isn't the most dangerous job in America.... It isn't even on the top ten most dangerous. The most dangerous is a logger, followed by a fisherman. Since those jobs don't involve massive Police Unions, I guess most of the public gleams over these facts, right?
Police instinctively abuse their authority. They do not identify with the concept ‘Protect and Serve’. Did anyone else notice the arrogance with which they engaged the Attorney?
Doug Davis yes Doug AMEN. Right? I don’t give the police any reason to even put their hand near their gun. I’ve never ever had a problem with the police.
This cop literally shit his pants when he realized that not only was he not going to be able to play stupid cop games but he was actually going to get played himself
You couldn't be more wrong, incorrect, and inaccurate, what would lead you to believe that load of false manure you posted here? First of all as everyone knows she had no authority there whatsoever. State attorneys have no administrative or personal function with any law enforcement agency in any way. What was expected of her was compliance and that is just what she did and politely at that. After the officer examined her agency document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. This traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period officially logged, authenticated verified and a matter of public record.
But why would an officer be running tags randomly. So every cop drives around running tags on every car they see? Lol. Fuck off
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbwhat is your problem ? You write in every comment: Are you an idiot?
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbwow! The dumbest comment I’ve seen today! Lmao no, that cop did indeed shit himself because he just pulled over someone who, not only knows the law much better than he does, but also is his superior by many tiers.
You can hear in his tone of voice the nervousness & the urge to backpedal.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbYou licking boots full-time these days?
woman: "Im the State Attorney."
cop: (gulps in 12yr old voice)
I like how calm and to the point she can tell she defiantly was a person of power
Elisha Shut the FUCK up.
@Elisha she is being arrogant.
Amyn Guy I don’t see it. She clearly knew her rights. She was just confident they wasn’t gonna try her.
I don't care ! I DON'T CARE It’s arrogant and narcissistic when black women know their rights, didn’t you hear?
As far as I'm concerned she's a scumbag just like the pigs, remember she prosecutes innocent people that the same pigs pull over on a faily basis. They are on the same team.
That sarcastic smile at 0:48 shows she knows why they stopped her.
@gordon mathew STFU. This was racial profiling. Happens all the time. I've dealt with it.
Brian Laurence - ZZzz
That was after he tried to respond with a reason for the stop and it sounded like BS, both the reasons and particularly the way he delivered the response.
Solid Water aww are you okay?
@Solid Water you are fckn vile
Dude you can hear the nervousness in his voice when she said she was the state attorney
You couldnt be more wrong, incorrect, and inaccurate. Why would he be ""Nervous""? She was certainly no threat there to him in any way. As everyone knows she had no authority there, as everyone knows state attorneys have no authority with ANY law enforcment agencies or law enforcment actions, including this one. No he was not nervous, those officers are still on the job happily making stops and enforcing the law. This traffic stop was positivly lawful in every detail.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbthey were fired.
@@AllenHanPR You idiots never quit do you? They were no such thing! They are still on the job making stops enforcing the law and doing their sworn duties. She however was dismissed of multiple cases by the governor and is long gone from any state offices. There couldn't possibly be any reason to fire them for anything from this traffic stop in that this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every single detail, officially logged, authenticated verified and a matter of public record!
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbYou obviously don't understand the projection of emotion through speech. He sounded very nervous, as if his reasons of stopping her weren't for rightous or practical reasons more of a power trip. Doesn't matter if she decided not to go for a re-election. The officer was nervous because the former state attorney of Florida questioned their decision to stop her. That's all.
@@ZipporahRian44 There is NO logical reason for any nervousness whatsoever first of all as everyone knows she had no authority there. Next there is provable no lack of any foolish righteousness in that this traffic stop was absolutly lawfull in every single capacity, thus why would any officer doing a 100 percent job have the slightest trepidation---he did not! It is illogical.
You could hear the bass disappear out of his voice right after, "state attorney"
Immediately repeats “state attorney” he’s in such shock of his luck hahaha
And the bass appears in her voice; State Attorney power
Lmao yeah Hi pass filter suddenly
It was at that moment he knew he fucked up
you stupid fuck , how did he fuck up? lawyer admitted the pullover was legal, trooper was doing a fine job, noobs😒
Not really. She even confirmed the stop was legal.
Marques Smith well tinted windows at a certain point are illegal
Legal, yes. Necessary, probably not. Prejudice.
"Ma'am, do you know how black you were back there?"
Now that was funny
id on't think it shouldn't really matter whatever job she got? she is a person on the road and they stopped her what's the big deal
IAmaPersion have you ever heard of a white state attorney being pulled over by police??
IAmaPersion You’re the ignorant one if you fail to believe that race plays a major role here.
IAmaPersion Race doesn’t play a role in everything but it is obviously playing a role here. You’re just plain naive if you can’t notice that.
"I don't have a tint measure, also this car ain't mine but I can write my name down."
writes down a different name. He don't want no smoke.
What a fool you are she was no worry to him. That window tint was not the official reason for the stop and was meaningless, he needed no luminometer (tint measure) those officers are still on the job, she having been dismissed of duties and cases by the governor however, is long long gone from any state offices.
You could tell just by how the cop was talking that he was scared shitless 😂😂😂
Scared of what? A state attorney. LMAO! They're just as dumb as anyone. They did nothing wrong and she even admits they did nothing wrong. So she asks for their cards. You know how many times an officer gets asked for his name and badge number? It makes the subject feel like they are in control of something. Which amounts to shit!!!
@@harry-qm8oh if he wasn't scared, why did he bitch up? LOL
Dude, most cops are nice like that. And besides how the hell did he sound scared.
harry Yeah because you’re smarter than them.
@@harry-qm8oh Because your obviously smarter than a state attorney
"I'm a state attorney"
Yep. It's called extending professional courtesy.
black people watch this video and dont be fooled by all the other fake "cops are victims" videos.
american cops were guilty during slavery also.
He seem like he was chill tho
She said I'm THE state attorney 🤣
@@tishtash321 who has no authority over him .. he works for the police chief who reports to the city commission NOT the SAO
Officer: Lisence and registration please
Unknown XoXo lmao 😂
🤣🤣🤣 Excellent Analogy!!!!!
Now dats funny
Lol. You should change your screen name to Unable To Spell.
@@Leatherneck-ib8fp stfu she probably made a mistake in a word
"All right, do you guys have cards on you?" was the very moment he knew they fked up.
You couldnt be more WRONG, INACCURATE AND INCORRECT how did he F*ked up you have no idea what you are talking about first of all, asking for those cards was meaningless, as everyone knows she had no authority there a state attorney has no authority with ANY law enforcement agency. Next this traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail period. Those officers are still happily on the job making stops and enforcing the law and she is long long gone from any state offices.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb They had no reason to stop her in the first place. But keep on typing WHITE SUPREMACY in caps, boie.
@@theone9224 Wrong the traffic stop was totally lawful the stop was made when her tag did not return from the radio data link, that was noted officially logged authenticated verified and a matter of public record and you just stay wrong you have no idea about any white supremacy that is nothing but a trash assumption, again this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every detail and provably so!!
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wblol u mad
@@akaButtons No nothing of the kind, I keep the record correct and accurate
She didn’t say much but everything she said was so intimidating I love it
My sister atty always 🤐 protect urself
@@agnesi8690 sad people have to
She better not state attorney or not she is still a so called black woman in America and she seems to understand that. There is a pecking order no matter what your position is. Don’t ever forget your place in the hierarchy.
@@Barak144 your so called "hierarchy" literally mean racism. Regardless, in that moment, she holds a higher position than those police officers, that is where change will come from.
@@Barak144 so called black women in America?, wth is that supposed to mean
Holy crap the power of "I'm state attorney"
They basically work for her. Since she helps them put people in jail.
but she has no more "power" over the law more than a normal citizen right ?
Yeah she does. Do you know what a state attorney is?? she is apart of the #bluelivematter crew.
i would think the law is much more stricter on her being in that role.shot for the clarification thou :-)
snaps fingers, "show me your cards" Badass
The way she smiled when he told her the "windows were too dark", she knows he knows he fucked up.
why? That smile makes me think shes on some power trip. Is she a citizen like anyone else? Seems privileged.
razz P seemed to me like she smiled because the dark windows thing sounded like he made it up on the spot and was grabbing for straws. And just like all citizens, citizens are not required to sit and act like they buy whatever the cop is selling.
Whatever it was, it was a classic bitch move. Trust me.
razz P She is privileged, she knew she was illegally pulled over but she also knew he couldn't justify it bc of who she was. If she wasn't who she was, it could have been way different.
Either way, lots of cops are assholes, and she is a bitch on a power trip. Welcome to modern society.
I loved the sly smile when the cop said her window tint was too dark.The cop "go to" when they profile.
You couldnt be more wrong, inaccurate, or incorrect, there isn't the slightest hint of any profiling here, and that insipid smile of hers was meaningless, and she knew it, it served her no good end. Here are the facts the window tint had absolutly nothing official to do with this traffic stop. This traffic stop was for vehicle registration irregularities and that alone. This traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period and those are (the bulk) of the facts.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbdang you’re showing your room temperature iq on everyone’s comments, I’ve never seen someone so obsessively wrong before
@@pilzner1118 its actually impressive how dead set he is on defending some cops who are clearly in the wrong who he doesn't know and who will never even know him.
Attorney: can i have your cards?
Cop: I don't have my cards but i can write it for you.
Cop: *writes his colleague's name on it
you witty shit. 🤣🤣
Hilarious 😆
"That's what you get for fucking my wife, Jim."
“Oh sorry ma’am. I thought you where just a regular black person.”
LOL exactly my thoughts!
lol xD
She is just a regular person. Just because shes black doesnt really make her different. Just because she holds a public position doesnt make her and better or worse either.
You gotta be state attorney to be “driving while black” and get off with a... “have a good day” I’m sorry but I gotta laugh or else I will cry.
yeah, so true. Even you can see the change of attitude from being so cut and dry to saying that fake "have a good day" because they were sweating it.
BrandNew Concern,
You are totally right.
@Zack Scheffer ...& everyone doesn't get pulled over for it. You think the state attorney was asking for their cards with a smirk for recreation? People who lie spout unconvincing statements, ie "Uh..this isn't my car.".
@Zack Scheffer which is an invasion of privacy.The car was not reported stolen and had not committed any traffic violation. There's no reason to run a about dictatorship! Creepy. Her "crime" was Driving a nice car, while being black" .
"Your tags didn't come back I've never seen that before"
In other words...."I pulled u over for no reason"
No!! You have no idea of what you are talking about, the tag violation didn't come back because she was driving a conditional crp tag. It was a field cleared violation and quickly. This traffic stop was Absolutely lawful in every detail period. Officially logged, authenticated verified and a matter of public record!!
As soon as he realized he had pulled over someone of authority, he couldn't end the stop fast enough.
This is old but he clearly knew she was with an 'agency' which was above his pay grade because his first question was..'What agency are you with' which her driver's license presumably doesn't show. He went so far as to give his own personal ID despite that car not being his.
@@natejames3299he saw the ID
@@natejames3299its on her id bro.
Which is pathetic. You speed, you get a ticket. Who gives a “$@$$$& who you think you are
He was worried that the tint on her skin was a little too dark.
Really bro
jordan kay Yep really.
@@study7794 Probably. Police are fascists, which allows racists to be who they are as long as they keep a facade.
Travis Major but he wouldn't have seen her skin, due to illegal window tints 🤔 ...sometimes facts are so inconvenient.
Its like watching a couple of hyenas bump into a lion. Cute
Seriously, I'd still give her a ticket let the lion figure out her shit lol waist her time too
I feel like it was with good intentions, but there's definitely an injustice against certain races in our society.
Hyenas actually kill lions all the time and are pretty vicious.dont you watch discovery channel duuhhh
@@MrBlack-vg8rv Actually...hyenas DONT NOT kill lions all the time, dont YOU watch animal docs? Hyenas try to and bully lionesses all the time, but run fuck for their lives from adult male lions. Quit gonna make me think that you are changing reality cos the attorney in the car was "DIFFERENT"...
Grimescene City yessssssssss👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥😎😎😎😎
She was a state attorney with the ninth judicial court, she was not the attorney general of florida so she was not the boss just a lawyer.
"That's how we check for stolen cars"
"Okay, do you have your cards on you?"
"Yeah, one second... oh wait this isnt my car" LOLOLOLOL
Fucking unreal this cops response, good for her! Get these biased ass cops off the streets! I hope she seriously makes sure these pricks were reprimanded.
More like *routinely runs tags, on black drivers* fucking b.s.
The tint was so dark he couldn’t see who was driving
We don't need people spreading more hatred towards the cops you obviously do not like police officers or you would have kept your stupid opinion to yourself...
@@NativeRevolutionist and with that, you are obviously a racist
I love how scared they got the minute she asked for their cards and turned the tables on them.
*plays reverse card* literally
They didn’t seem that scared though, honestly.
MrWolfSnack no, not really, maybe you have a different definition of sounding scared but nothing the cop said sounded scared whatsoever. The judge seems kind of ignorant on how cops patrol and run plates.
MrWolfSnack how did his “excuse” fail? He said I ran your plate and no name came up which he hadn’t seen before. I think black people want to paint the police as bad, even when there is nothing to be mad about. You also take the time to be happy when a black judge “scares” the police, which didn’t happen.
Jorge Robledo “I think Black people want to...”
You have no idea what ethnicity Safiye is. Stop making a fool of yourself.
Oh crap, she's the state attorney!!! L.O.L he almost wet his pants.
Seven Pointed Star based on what?
Seven Pointed Star He explained what he stopped her for and she in the quote, if you bothered to read it, said she acknowledged the stop was legal.
There ya go, kneel before your government overlords, sucker..
ShadowⓋ I see. Okay, so I see you not only failed to answer the question but chose to slander all of those who protect you and enforce the law and assume their motives but also chose to assume mine.
I’ll take that as him wetting his pants from this situation was simply a fantasy of yours and you know it didn’t actually happen and that there are no indications he was scared what so ever.
@Jordan Lewis
Uhhh.. dude, I wasn't talking to you.
I never get tired of watching this ‼️
You enjoy watching an absolutley lawful traffic stop?
Wow so what part do you like the most watching her comply with the officers or when he examined her documents and found her to be lawful and then freed her to depart!
@@patrickrichardson1036 The left keep saying “no one is above the law…” but there it is
Cop: "What agency are you with?"
Woman: "I'm the State Attorney."
It's almost like you watched the same video as me!
Yeah man, those were the exact words spoken in the video, without any additional input, good shit.
Why tf is everyone getting so salty XD
Yeah,we saw the same video
Jack Nguyen they're apart of the thin blue line
"Also the tint was kinda dark...."
Digging that hole deeper, bud...
Exactly cars tint. I dont remeber the degree. But it cant ve like limozone dark like hers. That's actually a good reason for the stop.
+Austin Peters
The tint in backdoors and backwindow can be as dark as you like, it only the frontdoors there is a degree on, and you never see any tint on the frontdoors because both her windows are down, so it can be all legal, it just the cop coming up with some "bullshit" on the spot, do to finding a legal reason to have stop the car, where State Attorney is behind the wheel...
sixstanger00 it's a law
In the state of florida there is a limit on the back windows of a car. The back windows must allow more than 15% of light in
the best thing here is how she was smiling like, _who you tryin to fool_
I can’t see her smile once
0:47, when he starts to comment about the "tint" being too dark.
+Caesar Vespasian ok.... so when did you see her get "sassy" with lip smacking, finger snapping? She is the State Attorney, which means you have to actually sit for the Bar Examination, actually TAKE the test (and they ID you, strict rules about no "In and Out", etc) AND Pass it to become a Lawyer. Methinks you're just butt hurt because an Intelligent Black Woman GOT ELECTED to serve. Nothing rigged about that. If you're going to say voting is rigged, then lets talk about that fucktard orange abomination in OUR white house, because he's lowering our Property Values every damn day he is left there to run amok- like the lowlife animal he is.
Caesar Vespasian- an extra chromosome and zero Cord Functions.
Heather, yes the tint being too dark is a primary offense that you can be pulled over for.
She seems to be so calm and intelligent women. I'd like to be there with her to learn things. That's why I love calm people. They have so much in store ☺️
Much easier to stay calm with police when you’re the DA.
@@danzigvssartrein fact it might be the only time you can be calm with these people
State Attorney > District Attorney. @@danzigvssartre
@@VirgoCatleesi State attorney = DA. It's just a titular difference for a county prosecutor.
Look at her smiling when he said the windows were really dark. He knew he fucked up right there. 0:44
Mohammed Sedeeq but they were really dark who the fuck made her God she is a citizen like the rest of us
I'm not saying she is a "God" but being a state attorney holds a respectful and a powerful status, and although the windows were dark, you could see through. Not a good enough reason to pull someone over, but I don't live there so I don't know the law tbh.
Mohammed Sedeeq of he wanted to he could have given her a ticket.
malazkm 2010 Exactly and didn't because he had no reason to! Period! and he also was shitting his pants!
NYC 42 no was not scared. trust.
Dude started speaking with a singing voice as soon as he heard "state attorney" lol
No, I think dude was pretty respectful from the beginning
@@peanutbar8882 Just a racist at the same time though for having no legitimate reason to pulling over a black person driving an expensive car.
I never understood that. Is it a hierarchy thing? A reasonable person, who I’m assuming the state attorney is, could not and would not affect a simple police officer’s career over a routine stop. Am I right to say that?
@@Alhamdulillah.e.rabil.alameen oh come on! The windows were dark! They literally said it was illegal in the video. Get off your high horse and shut up.
@@anwarabdulrahman2506 You're right to say that, but you're wrong about which way it is
Police in the US regularly make up shit and abuse their power. If they ever do that to a state attorney, they're *fucked*
It seemed fine. But I wish she hadn't told them she was the state attorney just to see how they behave normally.
He asked what agency are you with because the plates were governent
Behaved?? What??
All we know for sure is if they behaved properly, then CNN wouldn't air it!
We know how they behave normally. There are 10 million arrests made a year in the US. Virtually all of them are handled without any police malfeasance. People seem to be content to look through a keyhole and think they’re seeing the whole picture.
Yes yes.. the story end so soon😂
Cops never fair well vs Lawyers.
But she’s not just a lawyer she’s The Lawyer .
Yea because lawyers are criminals
What makes you think that? You are a fool she is nothing more than a minor county lawyer, she had absolutely no authority there whatsoever, she knew it, the officer knew it and now you know it. This traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period. The officers are still on the job making stops and enforcing the law, she on the other hand having been dismissed of state attorney duties by the governor is long gone from any state office period.
“Ma’am do you know how black you were going?”
He saw a black woman in a nice car and ran her tag. Fool didn't know she's on another level way beyond him.
I almost wish she wouldn't have identified herself as a state attorney. Just getting a dumb ticket and slapping them with the "UNO Reverse" card in court would've been a nice wake-up call to these morons.
That "your tags came back with nothing on it" sounds like some bullshit, to me. Why not write her a ticket for having an invalid tag? #ALieDontCareWhoTellIt
cops just legit run random tags... when I was a teenager I actually had cops follow me across town following dangerously close at night and I was to a point where I was going to make formal complaints. I don't agree with it but they do fish in that respect has little to do with her race and moreso that they will fish to get anybody on something.
Cops run tags, it's part of the job.
Morons huh? So what if someone murdered your Mom and they were on the loose. Cop pulls over someone with bad tags and blacked out windows and catches the murderer? Think that's never happened before? Think again
@@codemiesterbeats How the fuck does this sounds like policing? That shit ain't normal!
Legend has it he is still clearing his throat to this day.
You are wrong...he is still pissing his pants.
and still shitting his pants to this day
😂😂😂 can’t stop 🛑 laughing 😂
You stole it🤣😂😂
What fools you misfits are, and perennially ill educated aren't you? Why would he have the slightest difficulty with his throat. Here are the facts. She is merely a minor county lawyer, who hasn't the slightest authority there whatsoever. Next this traffic stop was positively lawful in every detail period, officially logged, authenticated , verified and a matter of public record.
He knew he f up.. trying to say your car window is too dark 😂😂😂
You couldnt be more wrong, incorrect nd inaccurate, the lawful traffic stop was for registration irregularities and that alone, that officer F'd up nothing!! This traffic stop was positivly lawful in every detail
@user-J_Nj-777jjk WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, This traffics stop was absolutly lawful in every detail period. She herself in multiple press interviews and personal comments states and I quote her here""This stop appears to be consistent with Florida law"" says she. So if there was the slightest hint of any profiling she could not state that. Next the law in the U S is plain law enforcment may (and does) registration inquiries (run tags) randomly, Law enforcment may run tags anywhere, any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all just for officer information, that is the law and has been for decades, and supported by the supreme court thus they needed no reason whatsoever to inquire of her plates and likely they were run by an ALPR and electronic scanner used in the U S and foreign country's to make registration inquiries. hundreds of plates at a time automatically. The window tint remark at this stop was nothing more than conversational observation, if he"d have believed the tint was in violation he'd have detained her further and summoned a luminometer from the supervisor for a measurement-----HE DID NOT!! No measurement equals no violation! This traffic stop was for registration violation and that alone!! Once again this traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every single detail officially logged, verified, authenticated and a matter of public record. That is the was it stands, and has for half a dozen years!!
He clocked the tint , which could have been illegally tinted, and ran the plates which came back non-existent. If the plate was good they may have just ignored it.
It’s not illegal for cops to run tags.
@@davidbleeker784 Correct you are it is absolutly lawful in every detail, as a matter of fact in many jurisdictions, there is an electronic scanner known as an ALPR automatic license plate reader that scans reports the numbers to the data link and returns the information to the patrol officers in the car who many times never even see the vehicle until after the action!
I love how she starts smiling as soon as he tries to bullshit his way out of it with the "I don't have a tint measurer but your windows are really dark" line.
if you don't have a measure, don't mention it lol
Dude. Yes. I just got the well I can also cite you for having a bike rack 🙄 imagine if that was a real thing why would they sell bike racks.
They are doing their job. They catch plenty of shitheads, trust me.
Adding, please feel free to go back to one of those other countries you feel more comfortable at.
@@AydinTiras I can’t tell if this is a joke or not... if it’s so bad here then why do you live here? Should we just get rid of all of the police, since they cause more trouble than they help.
3 years later, still one of my favorite videos on YT.
I don’t understand why this is even a thing. They pulled her over and were nice. What is the issue?
@@Jahlen.johnson Well, one of the main issues is there was no reason to pull her over. The officer claimed that they scanned her plates and it came back "blank", but that isn't an offence of the driver, rather it's a malfunction of their own police system and should not be a reasonable cause to pull someone over. The underlying reason may be that the officers are using racial profiling and acting on stereotypes when they see a black woman driving a nice car, and that deem it to be "suspicious" because she shouldn't be able to afford that car legally. It can also be said that the officers were on their best behavior (i.e. acting nice), because she is a state attorney, which is usually consider one of the top lawyers of the state and needless to say, someone that holds a lot of power.
I think this was more of a planned stop and commercial. The article says it was normal and she acknowledged it.
Your sick and drink too much koolaid!
@@dwilliams3863 I totally agree with you, great comment and observation 👍
The way she asked for their
cards 😂 instantly switched roles
Uno reverse card
FBI➊ 💯😂😂😂
FBI➊ hahahahaha
The police officers didn't do anything wrong though.
Blame her for tinted windows in Florida ? What's next ... Blame a motorist for having a heater in his car in North Dakota ?
Well stated and correct, however her county leased vehicle was within the 28% insertion loss enumerated by statute.
It might have been a commie heater made in Ruskieland.
I see a lot of people in the comments saying that she had a "smug attitude" and asking why did she ask the reason for the stop. 1) She did NOT have a smug attitude, she remained calm and respectful. 2) She did NOT throw in his face that she was the State Attorney, she was asked what agency she was with. 3) Anyone who is stopped by the police wants to know WHY they are being pulled, why should SHE be any different...? Just my thoughts on the situation.
Spot on!
Monique Lavonne : TRUE
Nah she was pretty smug about it with the questions and wanting there names. They were doing there job and most importantly being nice about it.
Allen Iverson The way I see it is people think shes being smug by asking why sahe was stopped and then being told the reason which of you look at it makes no sense...she then asks for their cards because she felt it was not a reasonable stop. They werent even going to tell her why she was pulled UNTIL she asked... I may be wrong but that's just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.....
edwin08041975 I don't know what I did to you to be called a bitch. All I did was state my opinion which isn't right or wrong it's just how I feel but if there is something in my comment that offends you personally I truly apologize. I guess I'll be that bitch for having my own opinion...but I want you to have a blessed day.
I bet on his way back to his car he was like: f..k! f..k! f..k!
That blue dude was doing a Ralph Cranden on the Honeymooners....
Hum-i-na, .Hum-i-na, .Hum-i-na, .
Studdering like a lil b****
Yep! Kissed his job good bye!! LOL
I agree 👍
Why making it a big deal nowadays when it comes to black people being stop?
"Thank you. Your tag came Black... I'm mean didn't come BACK when we ran it..."
ItsVeloxiity it’s a joke my guy
Why this isnt the top comment? 😂
😂😂😂😂 gold
That smirk on her face when he says the "windows are really dark" 0:43 ... officer, you reaching and thats all you could come up with
That smirk was meaningless and no the officer wasn't reaching for a thing. The window tint was no an official reason for the stop. She was stopped and detained for vehicle registration irregularities and that alone. This traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every single detail.
officer was about to say, "ok i'll arrest me, no worry!" 😂
John Moh Blaxta no he wasn't...nice try
"And your windows were to dark" LMAOOOOO😂😂
She smiled too.
So was her skin colour
Your spelling sucks.
That’s not what he said and how is it funny?
Yoshi how is this funny? I believe that having your front windows being tinted is illegal but dont count me on that
She's not black, she's the state attorney. Apparently there's a big difference.
We run shit too. It hurts don’t it.
She is on his side but because of this she ain't. The fact he don't know who she is but yet will need her when he does something stupid shows the issue here. Police are just regular people and should be treated as such.
There wasn't a difference until she pulled out a card. Before that she was a Black woman (N) in a nice car that she obviously didn't deserve.
feels bad on how dumb you are LMAO
State attorney: "I'm the state attorney."
Cop balls and ego shrink to an atom. LOL
You couldn't be more wrong, incorrect, and in accurate, first of all she had absolutely no authority there in anyway she knew it, the officers knew it and now you know it, his anatomy was fully in tact when after examining her documents he freed her to depart. That traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail period.
@@patrickrichardson1036 what’s a “detail period?”
@@danielgloverpiano7693 Oh sorry Danny ole buddy, its UA-cam not a term paper, so for you a detail period can and may be a couple of things, a female biological cycle that is not fraught with cramps, or in this case one in which all protocols are in place and no consternation. Happy now professor?
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbHappy now, professor. That’s what you should have said. Yes, indeed, I’ve served on the faculties of four universities from New York to California.
My favorite joke of the day:
A woman is pulled over by a traffic cop. Here’s their conversation:
Cop: “Ma’am can you tell me why I’m standing here?”
Woman: “Because you got all Cs in high school?”
@@danielgloverpiano7693 There is a more serious side to mocking humor when being attacked in a darkened ally, that it is likely one may be thankful for a "C" student while the recipient of strikes and blows from a "D" or "F" student and realizing that credentials often avail you naught.
“What agency you with?”
“I’m the state attorney “
Flawless victory
Bring the ass here boy
The smirk she makes as soon as he tries to explain about the tint measure 😏 lmao
Exactly, when police windows are darker than everyone else's. THEY are the public servant, not us. What if they're abusing or raping someone inside the car and nobody can see it.
@TADionysus TAD, you have a case of arrogant ignorance. 1. You're the one who doesn't have a clue about my point. Hmm, so dark tint keeps it cooler inside for police dogs, okay. So do you think police dog lives are more important than citizen dogs lives? Or should they have equal rights?? And how about actual human beings inside the car? Babies, children? How about when the car A/C goes out in a state like FL? If the government can do it, then you and I can do it. That's called equal rights. It's what the founding fathers believed in, it's private property rights, it's common sense. Police claim to care about kids being left in hot cars and such at stores right, so if they actually cared then, by your own logic, they'd support all of us having the darkest tint to keep it cooler inside the car, and they wouldn't enforce tint laws. The police are hypocrites whenever they harass someone over window tint, plain and simple. Nice try, though.
Dude, yes the police get special priviledges. They're the police. And really, "what if they are raping" this is nonsense man. Our society has zero respect for authority anymore. But whatever, lets just let people do whatever they want, freedom of rights and all that...
@@carolcrowley3040 Thank you Carol, that's exactly what i'm talking about, but some people still don't get it. The way it is now is backwards. The reason cops are so brazen as to do such things is because they know the system is tilted in their favor and they have too much power and privilege. The way it should be is that citizens should be free to have fully tinted windows on our private property, and public servant cops should be forced to have clear windows. They are the ones who voluntarily chose to be a cop, so how can we hold them accountable when they're doing their job in secret. If they have nothing to hide they should have no problem with it.
@@timjthru They get additional privileges because they have to deal with shit like this:
She knows why they stopped her.
It was all because the windows are really dark. He sounded so sure that was the reason.
Look at his account. The coward doesn't have any content. Typical troll account.
Cool lol
So do you have any proof????
She's a horrible driver?
This is kind of sad. That a black person have to be the state attorney to be afforded this level of respect.
The traffic stop was possibly lawful in every detail period, she herself states that.
What’s a “detail period?”
Lol.....that one cops voice got all nervous and squiky when he realised who he had pulled over. He even says your good before she gives him her licence. Lol
Javier Estrada. Police are to protect and serve. Not to knitpick .
i feel like he said that cuz she was waiting for his go to extend her arm to him (to give him her id) but that's just my guess
Javier Estrada he even gave his name and all, in any other case they would not be nothing like this.
"they would not be nothing like this"....
Caesar Vespasian ...What?
You can pinpoint the exact point in his voice where his soul left his body lmao
really, blackham. his soul left his body? has that ever happened to you?
Volt.. clearly you’ve never been to Singapore
Lmao he got 👻😱 real quick!!! Lmaooo was like we good ✌🏳doing the moonwalk back to his car!! She was like naa bro!!!! Lmaooo😅🤣😂 Shammeeeee
She shouldn’t have mentioned she was the state’s attorney, and see what his next move was .
Why, do you think they were gonna pull her out of the car and put a slug to the back of her head? This isn’t Russia or North Korea
@@Cabledeluz1977 yeah it's worse, it's america
They definitely would have given her a harder time smh
Nah she did right
Use ur privilege
@@Cabledeluz1977 right because half the people have been murdered for good reason right?
Counterfeit $20 bill yep let's make sure he never does this again.
Trump supporters are the most criminally insane fucks I've ever met.
She handles the situation so well!
What handles? What was expected of her was compliance and she not only complied properly, but politely as well. She was stopped, detained and questioned all within protocol. The policeman required her I D which she submitted to him, and after he examined her document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart ending the lawful traffic stop then and there. This traffic stop was and is absolutely lawful in every single detail.
@@Patrichardson-i9f I’m not entirely sure how to reply. I in no way alluded to this being unlawful. I think the lady did a great job. Simply put.
To further my point, I might add I said nothing about the police officers.
@@ChrisGWGreen That is understood so what then did she handle well, applying the brakes and stopping the vehicle because this was a traffic stop with police, so I referenced them for you!
@@Patrichardson-i9f again interesting question. Honestly I’d love to debate it. Could be a good UA-cam channel? Fancy setting one up?
How did she handle it well… (caveat… in my opinion) she’s a black woman in a position of authority being pulled over for a routine check. She had ample opportunity to over step her ground, escalate the Sven because of race reasons, but she politely asked for id from the officers and spoke the chief about trying to find unity between departments. And yes she put on the brakes which doesn’t always happen 🤓
If you listen close you hear his sphincter get so tight it actually tears a hole in the space-time-continium
Not even a remotely funny attempt at humor and why would he worry about her? She had positively no power or authority there whatsoever. This traffic stop was absolutley lawful in every detail, logged, authenticated and verified.
0:48 that smirk when the cop said the Windows are really dark. 😂
Haha. Best part.
you spelled skin wrong
Need an update
@@jdanon203 ......Amazing comment
@Billy Cole II Getting a ticket is getting off easy. If a cop really wants to be a dick, they can send you to the DMV for an equipment inspection. There goes your day.
Imagine pulling over your "Bosses bosses bosses boss" lmao
She was no boss of anyone on the police department, she is merely an attorney paid by the state to litigate cases brought to her by the law enforcement agencies. That traffic stop was absolutley lawful in every detail period and verifiable so. She had absolutley no authority there.
You might be right she isn't their boss! However, she is the Elected District Attorney. In the full video, the officer said another reason why he pulled over her state issue while was because of window tint. Mind you, it's a state-issued car with tags. The whole thing screams of profiling. So you're wrong
@@aaronlewis2501he is not wrong, I read up on the case and also live in Florida, Florida departments have a policy stating they lawfully read all plates with ALPR readers, and have a system that detects Lo-Jack vehicle, which as the officer in the video stated “is to determine if a vehicle is reported stolen or not”. If your plate does not come back, that in itself is a lawful reason to conduct a lawful traffic stop. As for the window tint, that is a secondary offense, therein another valid ticket considering he had a primary infraction that warranted said stop. You’re just another “pick me it’s profiling shut up” keyboard warrior. You look stupid.. stop.
watch the video of a South Carolina state trooper pulling over the governor of that state
@@patrickrichardson1036 Don't be stupid and naive. As the state attorney, she has the power to destroy those cops's lives. She has friends in high places after all.
Her reactions and body language speak volumes more than this doofus ever will
If I was in her position, I wouldn’t even tell them anything except “see you in court” and light ‘em up like there’s no tomorrow
You have no Idea what you are talking about, she was not about to see anyone in court owing to the fact that there was not a hint of any case to be tried, she knew that, the officer knew that and now you know it. Here are the facts this traffic stop was positivly lawful in every detail period, officially logged, authenticated, verified and a matter of public record.
@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb how's the aspergers treating you?
@@jimmyrustles9911 No such thing occurring with me you may be referring to your mother or other family members. Never the less good to hear from you, and as always this traffic stop remains positivly lawful in every detail.
She’s part of the same gang, a prosecutor would never take action against the police because they rely on them to make their cases
That’s why you aren’t in her position.
she just handed that card right on over, and was waiting to hear some bs...I love this
Too bad none of us can get away with giving cops attitude right off the bat lol. I’m all “yes sir, no sir” bc I don’t want a ticket
@@CharloBingu She didn't give attitude.
@Bonnie Parker lol what?? she gave him a look and handed him her ID without saying anything. She clearly was not happy she got pulled over.
I would've been like "hello officer how's it going" or something to try and defuse the awkwardness but maybe that's just me
@@CharloBingu I'm a white woman who has been pulled over a few times in my 58 years and always kiss ass. Most times I got a warning and no ticket. I recieved a ticket for too dark of windows and the cop immediately told me that was why he pulled me over. This cop was running plates on black people imo to see what came up, he didn't pull her over for the windows initially, imo. My brother is a recently retired cop and admits he targeted Mexicans, he did it because he suspected they were illegals and he would give them tickets, impound their cars that weren't registered and drop them off at local gas stations. He admits now that he was a jerk about it but was pissed because when illegals get in car accidents they never have insurance and it's on the innocent victim. Off topic I know but my point is cops have alot of power and discretion on what they do.
@@CharloBingu actually she is unhappy because she knows what happens when her plates get run. So she is unhappy that these two are completely out of line and that is a random sample of patrol officers. She knows the numbers and facts, the state attorney realizes this out of control police department needs a radical ground up change. Further this state attorney knows change in such institutions must come from the ground, and these two representatives show how very bad a situation it is.
"I'm the state attorney."
The panic was palpable in his "Thank you, have a nice day." 😅
Are you losers done yet? No matter what, as soon as she said who she was, she wasn’t get a ticket. And take a look, her windows are darkly tinted. But you won’t see that through your sad eyes. Goofs
@@myfriendscallmeron6174, yea man. Her rear windows were tinted very dark. Just like every single passenger vehicle after 2015 does as a child safety feature.
The front windows are rolled down so you can't see them, however I bet they are the factory standard which is why she smirked and asked for their cards. She knew they made that nonsense up as a reason to pull her over.
But you probably won't see that through your sad eyes, goof.
the shift in his voice in that "thank you" and that little stumble in his words was so satisfying
What I love is that she wasn’t arrogant about it, just you know, no nonsense either
@thegyuanenonli Arrogant? You have to be joking right? She couldnt be arrogant in the slightest, she was being officially stopped and detained. As everyone knows she had no authority there. What was expected of her was her compliance and she complied not only properly but politely as well. The policeman required her I D which she submitted to him and after he examined her document and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart, ending this lawful traffic stop then and there. This trafic stop and detainment was and is absolutely lawful in every single detail!
She is a true Boss ! His voice turned to puberty !
Hahaha brah
The way shes like "alright do you guys have cards on you?" lmfao
i liked the hand gesture she did too, she just had that situation under control, it was so satisfying to watch
Agnostic Realist...So says the troglodyte
@Agnostic Realist you are fucking stupid
There are tint restrictins and If a car's tint is to dark you can be fine for it js.
Sad part is not just a state attorney shouldn't be treated like this - EVERYONE should be treated like this
And they are 99.9% of the time white , black or purple!
Cops have the ability to run anyone's license plate, but the most significant issue is the recurring problem reminiscent of the same issues of "stop and frisk," which has been supported by data from various locations across the United States.
It was her black female privilege that saved her
@@SoggySlopster keep watching fox like a good lil sheep
Cop: Anything you have in the vehicle I should know about?
Me: No, just the stuff you shouldn't know about
“i’m the state attorney” that was so satisfying to hear lol
how is it a bad thing... i dont understand that well
If the state attorney was white and the officers were black you wouldn''t be defending the state attorney...idiot!
Move out The way
Again, I guarantee you're also black and are only defending her position because she's black..if she was white and the cops were black, you and every other inner city black would be against her and praising the black cops!
Fuck the police!
So I can use that excuse, too, next time I'm pulled over: "Um...actually... this isn't my car...but I can write my name down if you like."
sooo funny. This is the best video I've seen all day. Do we have to make all black people State Attorneys to protect them?
So you are asserting that he didn't want to give her his card and he was writing down a fake information to give to her? LOL
The little smile before the “You guys got cards on you” was just gold
Im a doctor and i faced this.the moment i showed my health ministry ID...the situation changes
If you were stopped for a statute violation and it was in fact chargeable and the officer did not, he'd have to answer to the log entry if it was a suspect stop than your experience was normal and a regular occurrence..
What agency are you with?
I‘m the state attorney.
Eagle Production busted for what? Black people don’t get their cars insured. That’s why “genius.”
Oh Behave man shut yo stupid ass up!!! Y’all fools love talking shit on the internet but wouldn’t dare say 99% of that to our face
@@brandibennett4200 And how did you get this 99% number? Wait don't even answer cause I already know you're a moron LMAO
I'm only half "white" and please elaborate on why I'm a "POS"? Technically you didn't make sense since I called her a moron and you called me a "POS" so Im confused on your logic. Looks like you're a moron as well.@@swuf5962
@@brandibennett4200 exactly. They feel empowered as fuck in the comments but they're actually just cucks in a basement.
If you listen carefully, after she said "I'm the state attorney" you can clearly hear diarrhea splashing on the ground.
For what? He didn't do anything wrong.
@@PhiberOptik1979 And that's where you fail to know your rights. They had no reason to pull her over. She didn't ask for their cards to send them a thank you note.
black people watch this video and dont be fooled by all the other fake "cops are victims" videos.
american cops were guilty during slavery also.
Chi Chi's World i don’t know how the rules work in usa but you can sue a cop for pulling you over? What if it was a mistake or just check up to see if you have a license and registration papers
When he said the tinting was too dark...he wasn't talking about the window.
@Venezia If ANTIFA didn't exist you would be speaking German you Numpty. Think then comment.
makes everything about race lmao
@@justsomeguy6474 Bahahaha. Attributing USSR's and the allies' bloody and painful victory against Nazi Germany to Antifas? Oh yeah, sure a bunch of privileged middle class wusses were responsible for stopping the fascist plague...pathetic. Oh my lord.
“I’m the state attorney”
“Well thank you very much, would like a side of dessert and coffee to go with this stop? On the house of course!”
What a juvenile and childish entry, and nothing further from the truth, as everyone knows she had no authority there. After her dismissal by the governor of cases and duties, she is likely serving at Ihop. Those officers are still happily on the job making stops and enforcing the law, she however is long long gone from any state offices.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wbthe implication here is that the officers couldn’t get out of there fast enough after realizing they pulled over someone up the chain.
I don’t know what kind of political views you have nor do I care. All I see here is an interaction that went awkward pretty quick.
Using terms such as “Childish” and “Juvenile” while picking a fight with a random stranger on the internet is kind of hypocritical don’t you think?
@@hussamtahir915 Here are the facts: Up what chain? As everyone knows she had no authority there. Also it is very well known that a state attorney has no authority with ANY law enforcment agency or action including this one. They were in no more of a hurry than they would be for anyone other than someone with a conditional tag. What the officer required from her was compliance and she not only compiled properly but politely as well. They required her I D which she submitted to them and after the officer examined and viewed her agency I D and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. She was operating a crp registration and her I D supported that. They were in no trepidation in an way that would be illogical owing to the fact that his traffic stop was absolutly lawful in every single detail.
@@PatrickRichardson-gj3wb right... Well hope you have a good day man
@@hussamtahir915 I usually do, and you likewise!
That moment when she asked for the cards 😭😭 Authority level switch REAL quick
Sorry. Kinda loss. But what does it mean if she asked for the cards?
Princess Gamboa I don’t know how to explain it but when she asked for the cards, she was not asking for them but demanding them because she’s an attorney and therefore higher ranks than the officers that pulled her over. And asking for cards usually mean she’s asking for identification which she can use to report the officers because she thinks that the stop was illegal.
@@nikolol4257 By how much does she outrank him? Not familiar with the powers of a state attorney.
@@ExtremeWays4Bourne are you acting obtuse? She is the STATE ATTORNEY best believe a mere low level office can't measure or compete. That is judge level shit.