I’ve been screwed over a couple times by lending friends money…I may start an envelope for exactly that and it would be considered a gift where I don’t expect it back. If they pay it back, great…if not it won’t hit so hard because I budgeted for it
@Twinmamabudgets I love the advise that is a really good idea, he can't help having a big heart. Lol we are for sure opposites I always joke that I am the mean one I'm like if your not my mom well you should budget I can't help thinking that way just like he can't help but feel for others I think we balance out. 😂
I hear you-it’s not an easy process to budget with your partner. When I started, I had a very similar experience. It took some time for both of us to get on the same page mentally about our budget and truly understand its importance. Great job reallocating your money ❤
@gannbudgets thank you so much for your comment it really made me feel a little better sometimes it isn't easy but hopefully the sacrifice will be worth it
Hello! Here watching while cooking dinner!
@@angbudgetanddebt awesome thank you for your support
New to the channel❤ great video
@@K3ISHAMONE thank you soon much
Great video… it’s hard trying to save with your partner
I’ve been screwed over a couple times by lending friends money…I may start an envelope for exactly that and it would be considered a gift where I don’t expect it back. If they pay it back, great…if not it won’t hit so hard because I budgeted for it
@Twinmamabudgets I love the advise that is a really good idea, he can't help having a big heart. Lol we are for sure opposites I always joke that I am the mean one I'm like if your not my mom well you should budget I can't help thinking that way just like he can't help but feel for others I think we balance out. 😂
I hear you-it’s not an easy process to budget with your partner. When I started, I had a very similar experience. It took some time for both of us to get on the same page mentally about our budget and truly understand its importance. Great job reallocating your money ❤
@gannbudgets thank you so much for your comment it really made me feel a little better sometimes it isn't easy but hopefully the sacrifice will be worth it